Nephronophthisis and Its Impact On Human Body: A Review

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Nephronophthisis and its Impact on Human Body: A Review

Article · December 2021

DOI: 10.33745/ijzi.2021.v07i02.080

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2 authors:

Ashok Kamalanathan Babu Muthu

BHARATH INISTIUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Bharath institute of higher education and research


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International Journal of Zoological Investigations Vol. 7, No. 2, 898-901 (2021)

International Journal of Zoological

ISSN: 2454-3055
Contents available at Journals Home Page:

Nephronophthisis and its Impact on Human Body: A Review

Ashok K.1*, Babu M.1 and Pugazharasan P.2

1Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, School of Basic Sciences, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and
Research (BIHER), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
2Department of General Surgery, Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and

Research (BIHER), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding Author

Received: 9th November, 2021; Accepted: 8th December, 2021; Published online: 14th December, 2021
Abstract: Nephronophthisis (NPHP) is an autosomal cystic kidney disease which is the most common hereditary
disease. It is caused by mutations in 11 genes, known as nephrocystins (NPHP1-11, NPHP1L). With the
identification of an increasing number of these genes, our knowledge of nephronophthisis changes and improves
our comprehension of the pathomechanisms of NPHP. Ciliary expression of nephrocystins with other cystoproteins,
such as polycystins 1 and 2, and fibrocystins have been documented in recent studies. These findings have directed
our emphasis towards a pathomechanism with ciliary (ciliopathy) and planar cell polarity abnormalities (PCP).
Furthermore, novel nephrocystin genes have been found to cause considerably larger than predicted illness
spectrum of NPHP. In the same NPHP gene, various mutations might cause varied severity of the illness. In this
study, we discuss about NPHP pathomechanisms and highlight the clinical heterogeneity of the illness. With the
potential of oligogenicity in NPHP, the clinical range has grown even more complicated.
Keywords: Nephronophthisis, Renal disease, Kidney problems, Anaemia
Citation: Ashok K., Babu M. and Pugazharasan P.: Nephronophthisis and its impact on human body: A review. Intern.
J. Zool. Invest. 7 (2): 898-901, 2021.

The nephronophthisis is a kidney disease. characteristic of nephronophthisis (Haider et al.,
Inflammation and scaring (fibrosis) affects the 1998). Nephronophthisis eventually leads to a
function of the kidney (Steele et al., 1980). These renal disease at the end of stage (ESRD), a life-
disorders lead to increased urine output threatening kidney failure that happens when the
(polyuria) and an excess of thirst (polydipsia) kidneys can no longer filter fluids and bodily
(fatigue) (Zollinger et al., 1980; Waldherr et al., waste (Omran et al., 2000). The approximate age
1982; Hildebrandt et al., 1992, 1997; Blowey et al., at which ESRD starts can be described as -- around
1996). Moreover, fluid-filled cysts are formed in 1 age (baby), around 13 age (young) and about 19
the kidneys, generally in a location known as the age (adolescent). About 85% of nephronophthisis
corticomedullary zone. A decrease in Red Blood patients are solitary thus they do not have any
Cells, a disease known as anaemia, is another other indications or symptoms (Hildebrandt and
Omran, 2001). There are further characteristics of Nephronophthisis genetic mutations are
some persons with nephronophthisis, including considered to affect the form or function of cilia,
liver fibroses, heart defects, or reverse image of which will probably interfere with major chemical
the location of one or more organs within the body signals throughout development. While the
(situs inversus) (Mollet et al., 2002). scientists think that faulty cilia leads to
Nephronophthisis may be part of other nephronophthisis, the system remains uncertain.
syndromes, generally referred to as It is not understood why some patients with gene-
nephronophtheses-associated ciliopathies, which associated mutations just have renal issues
have an effect on other parts of your body (Olbrich whereas others acquire other symptoms and
et al., 2003). For example, a combination of indications (Hoff et al., 2013).
nephronographthisis and a breakdown of light-
sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retinal
degeneration), is characteristic of the Senior- This disease inherits a recessive autosomal
Løken syndrome; a Joubert syndrome affects pattern that implies both copies of the gene which
several body parts, causing neurological issues contain mutations in each cell (Srivastava and
and other characteristics which may include Sayer, 2014). The parents of a person with
nephronophthisis (Parisi et al., 2004). autosomal recession each have one copy of the
defective gene, although they generally have no
signs and symptoms (Wolf, 2015).
In worldwide populations, nephronophthisis is
present (Saunier et al., 2005). It is estimated in
Canada as 1 in 50,000 births, in Finland at 1 in No cure for NPHP and its associated ciliopathies is
100,000, and in the United States at 1 in 922,000. currently available. Clinicians must concentrate on
Its effects are unknown in other populations. In optimising the treatment of renal substitution,
children and young adults, nephronophthisis is the ideally when possible with renal transplantation
most prevalent hereditary cause of ESRD (Stokman et al., 2016). However, the future is
(Hildebrandt and Zhou, 2007). more optimistic with a better knowledge of
NPHP's pathophysiology (Konig et al., 2017).
Various medicines have demonstrated in recent
There are numerous hereditary origins of years to be efficacious in decreasing renal cysts in
nephronophthisis which are used to divide the animal models of NPHP and ADPkD including the
disorder into different kinds (Salomon et al., vasopressin receptor antagonists, mTOR
2009). Kind 1 nephronophthisis, the most (mammalic rapamycin target), triptolid and
frequent type and cause of juvenile roscovitine (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor)
nephronophthisis, arises from the NPHP1 gene (Luo and Tao, 2018). Many of these medicines
alterations (O’Toole et al., 2010). NPHP-1 proteins have been used recently in adult clinical trials.
and the other nephronophthisis-induced genes are Furthermore, in zebrafish models of ciliopathy,
known or suspected of playing functions in cell several chemicals that may be possible treatments
structures known as cilia (Wolf and Hildebrandt, are tested (Larrue et al., 2020).
2011). Cilia are finger-like, tiny projections
sticking out from the cell surface and involving the
chemical signalling process. The structure and In the past several years there has been
functional function of numerous cell and tissues, considerable progress in the understanding of
including cells in the kidney, liver, brain and the molecular genetics of NPHP. The heterogeneity,
luminous tissue behind the eye, is crucial for cilia pleiotropic character of mutations and
(the retina) (Benzing and Schermer, 2012). oligogenicity are rapidly becoming apparent to us

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cohorts that lack current molecular diagnostics. König J, Kranz B, König S, Schlingmann KP, Titieni A,
Tönshoff B, Habbig S, Pape L, Häffner K, Hansen M,
Recognition of the unknown genetic cause in 70%
Büscher A, Bald M, Billing H, Schild R, Walden U,
of cases of NPHP, combined with an awareness of Hampel T, Staude H, Riedl M, Gretz N, Lablans M,
a recent identification of an NPHP-like phenotype Bergmann C, Hildebrandt F, Omran H and Konrad M.
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