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Ajacks RFP

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Request for Proposal (RFP)

February 1st
To Whom It May Concern:
AJACKS Information Services Company is seeking proposals from contractors with relevant
experience to conduct a market survey of the technical information needs of manufacturing
firms nationwide.
The objectives of this project are:
1. To determine the technical information needs of manufacturing firms nationwide, and
2. To recommend approaches to promote the purchase and utilization of AJACKS Information
Services by such firms.
This project must provide adequate information for AJACKS Information Services Company to
• Future information products or services, and
• The best methods for delivering these products or services to its customers.
The contents of this request for proposal (RFP) are to be considered confidential information.
1. Statement of Work
The contractor will perform the following tasks:
Task 1: Identify Technical Information Needs of Manufacturing Firms
Conduct a survey of manufacturing firms nationwide to determine their specific needs for
external (to their firms) technical information. The assessment should determine the various
specific types of technical information needed and the frequency with which each type of
information is needed.
Task 2: Determine the Best Approaches to Promote the Purchase and Utilization of AJACKS
Information Services by Businesses
The survey should include an identification of the firms’ perceptions of the most effective direct
and indirect marketing approaches that influence the firms’ decisions to both purchase and
utilize specific services or products, in particular, information services.
2. Requirements
The survey should determine the various specific types of technical information needed and the
frequency with which each type of information is needed.
The survey should identify the current sources for the various types of technical information
that are used by manufacturing firms, their frequency of use, and the firms’ perception of the
value (benefit, cost, accuracy, timeliness) of each source. It should determine the various
methods the firms currently use to access these sources of information. The survey should
determine the average and range of funds (both internal to the firm and external fees) that
firms currently expend for
obtaining the various types of technical information.
The assessment must provide sufficient detail to permit demand-driven product planning by
AJACKS Information Services Company. Therefore, it must include:
(1) the information content most frequently needed by firms;
(2) the applications for which the firms use the information;
(3) the persons (title, skill level) responsible for both accessing and utilizing the information; and
(4) the channels that firms use to access the various types of information. AJACKS Information
Services Company is interested in developing and delivering products and services that are
valued by the users (manufacturing firms).
With these interests in mind, the contractor must generate information about which firms (as
distinguished by size, sector, location, or other important factors) may benefit most from
information products and services or represent the most appropriate markets for such products
and services.
The contractor should determine the size of the market for the various types of technical
information and determine market sensitivity to price, timeliness, accuracy, and delivery
mechanisms for such information. The survey methodology should include both focus groups
and mail surveys.
The focus groups should be categorized by major manufacturing sectors and by multisector firm
size (large, medium, small).
Based on the results from the focus groups, a draft mail survey questionnaire should be
developed and pretested on representative firms. This survey instrument should be finalized
after sufficient pretesting.
The contractor should provide a sampling design for the mail survey that is stratified by sector
and firm size, is representative of the entire population of manufacturing firms, and is
sufficiently large to present the survey results for each stratum at the 90% confidence level.
3. Deliverables
a. A detailed report of the results of Task 1 must be prepared that identifies and analyzes the
results for all respondents and also provides detailed analyses (1) for each sector and (2) by firm
size. The contractor must provide an electronic copy and 20 hardcopies of the report. The
database of the survey responses used in the analysis must be delivered in a format suitable for
further analysis by AJACKS Information Services Company.
b. Based on the analyses of Tasks 1 and 2, provide a detailed report of recommendations of the
most effective approaches, and associated costs, to promoting technical information services to
manufacturing firms with the objective of getting such firms to purchase and use such services.
Discuss any differences in approaches based on sector or size of business. The contractor must
provide an electronic copy and 20 hardcopies of the report.
c. Status reports on project progress must be e-mailed to AJACKS Information Services Company
on the 15th and 30th of each month. Reports should be brief and focus on progress compared
to the contractor’s original plan and schedule. These reports should cover activities, milestones
achieved, plans for the next month, obstacles encountered or anticipated, and hours and dollars
expended. For any work items where progress is behind schedule, a plan must be proposed to
complete the project within the original schedule and budget.
4. Acceptance Criteria
Reports identified in items A and B of section 3, Deliverables, must contain all the information
mentioned in section 2, Requirements, in order to be accepted by AJACKS Information Services
Company. Final payment as stated in section 10, Payment Terms, will not be made until AJACKS
is satisfied that reports in items A and B of section 3 are inclusive of all the required information
and supporting data and in a format suitable to AJACKS.
5. Items Supplied by AJACKS Information Services Company AJACKS will provide the contractor
with detailed information about its current information services and products, as well as
statistical information regarding its current customer base.
6. Approvals Required
The contractor must obtain the approval of AJACKS for the final version of the survey instrument
before it is implemented.
7. Type of Contract
The contract will be for a fixed price for all of the work the contractor proposes to meet all the
requirements of this RFP.
8. Due Date
The contractor must submit an electronic copy and five hardcopies of the proposal to AJACKS
Information Services Company on or before February 28.
9. Schedule
AJACKS Information Services Company expects to select a contractor by March 30. The required
period of performance of this project is six months, from May 1 to October 30. Report identified
in item A of section 3, Deliverables must be provided to AJACKS by September 30, and the
report identified in item B of section 3, Deliverables, must be provided to AJACKS by October 15.
10. Payment Terms
AJACKS Information Services Company will make payments to the contractor according to the
following schedule:
• 20% of total amount upon approval by AJACKS of the final survey instrument
• 35% of the total amount when report identified in item A of section 3, Deliverables, is
accepted by AJACKS
• 35% of total amount when report identified in item B of section 3, Deliverables, is accepted by
• 10% of total amount when AJACKS Information Services Company is satisfied that the project
is 100% complete and that the contractor has fulfilled all contractual obligations
11. Proposal Contents
As a minimum, the contractor’s proposal must include the following:
a. Approach. A discussion that indicates the contractor clearly understands the RFP and what is
expected. Also, a detailed discussion of the contractor’s approach to conducting the project and
a detailed description of each task and how it will be accomplished.
b. Deliverables. A description of each deliverable the contractor will provide.
c. Schedule. A bar chart or network diagram showing the weekly schedule of the detailed tasks
to be performed in order to complete the project by the required project finish date.
d. Experience. A discussion of recent similar projects the contractor has performed, including
customer names, addresses, and phone numbers.
e. Staffing. The names and detailed resumes of the specific individuals who will be assigned to
work on the project and highlights of their experience on similar projects.
f. Costs. The total fixed price must be stated and supported by a detailed breakdown of hours
and an hourly cost rate for each person who will be assigned to the project. Additionally, an
itemized list of all direct expenses must be included.
12. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
AJACKS Information Services Company will evaluate all contractor proposals according to the
following criteria:
a. Approach (30%). The approach and methodology the contractor proposes to conduct the
survey and analyze the results.
b. Experience (30%). The experience of the contractor and the staff assigned to the project in
performing similar projects.
c. Price (30%). The fixed price of the contractor’s proposal.
d. Schedule (10%). The detail and overall duration of the contractor’s proposed schedule to
complete the project on or before the required project finish date.

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