MSC Zoology
MSC Zoology
MSC Zoology
M.Sc. ANIMAL BIOLOGY 2019-2021
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Total 12L+4T+12P 22
Total 12L+4T+12P 22
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Reproduction and
BIO M 502 3-1-0 4
Developmental Biology
Total 112L+4T+12P 22
Research or Industrial
BIO AB 504 - 14
Total 6L+ 2T 22
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Unit 1:
· Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
· General methods in cell biology
· Ultrastructure of plasma membrane
· Plant cell membrane-structure and function
· Cytoskeletal elements
Unit 2:
· Mitochondria- structure, biogenesis and evolution
· Mitochondria and male sterility
· Chloroplast –structure, organization, Function, Protein Import, Biogenesis, Genome and
genetic manipulation
· Chloroplast mitochondrial interaction
Unit 3:
· Lysosomes- biogenesis, pathophysiology
· Peroxisomes, glyoxysomes
· Plant vacuoles
· Plant cell wall, Plasmodesmata
· Cell growth and division (mitosis, meiosis and cell differentiation)
Unit 4:
· Biosynthetic process in ER and Golgi Apparatus
· Vesicular Traffic from ER through Golgi Apparatus
· Trans Golgi Network, endocytosis and exocytosis
· Programmed Cell Death
Text Books:
1. 1.De Robertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. 2006. Cell and Molecular Biology. 8th
edition.Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Reference Books:
1. Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, and Watson J.D. “Molecular Biology of the
Cell”. Garland Science
2. Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. 2009. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 5th edition.
ASMPress& Sunderland, Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates, MA
3. Latest review articles from Peer reviewed journals
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Unit 1:
Mendelian Genetics and analysis: Extension of Mendelian analysis. Chromosomal basis of
Inheritance. Chromosome characteristics: Chromosome structure, Euchromatin and
heterochromatin, Coding and Non-coding sequences, transposons
Unit 2:
Genetic Recombination in Eukaryotes. Linkage and Crossing Over, Chromosome mapping,
Tetrad analysis and Gene Conversion. Mutations and mutagenesis. Detection, Molecular
basis and Applications. Chromosomal Changes: Number variation – Euploidy (auto and allo
polyploidy), aneuploidy. Structural variations – Deficiences, duplications, Inversions,
translocations. Interaction of Genotype and Environment, Twin studies, genetic
environment, non-genetic environment, phenocopies, penetrance and expressivity
Unit 3:
Gene expression regulation during differentiation and growth
Heterochromatization in human beings and other mammals, dosage compensation,
mechanism, sex chromatin, position effect
Unit 4:
Quantitative inheritance
Continuous traits – multigenic variability, dominance – additivity, norms of reaction
Non-Mendelian Inheritance; Plastid mutations – nature and mode of transmission
Mitochondrial traits – nature and mode of transmission; Applications
Unit 5:
Population Genetics: Genotype and allelic frequencies, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,
non-random mating, consequences of homozygosity, factors affecting gene frequencies,
heterosis, mutation – effect on allele frequencies, migration and genetic drift
Developmental Genetics: Model system Drosophila, Genetic screen, Pattern formation,
Maternal effect, Homoetic transformations.
Reference Books:
1. Griffiths, A. J. F., Miller, J. H., Suzuki, D. T., Lewontin, R. C., Gelbart, W. M. An
“Introduction to Genetic Analysis”, W. H. Freeman & Company, New York.
2. Strickberger, M. W. “Genetics”, latest Edition, Macmillan Publishing co., New York.
3. Gardner, E. J., Simmons, M. J. and Snustad, D. P. “Principles of Genetics”, 8th Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4. “An Introduction to genetic analysis”. Anthony A. J. F. Griffiths; Susan R. Wessler; Sean
B. Carroll; John Deebly. 11th Edition
5. “Genetics: A Conceptual approach”. Benjamin A. Pierce. latest Edition
6. “Genetics: analysis of genes and genomes”. Daniel L Hartl; Maryellen Ruvolo. latest
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Unit 1: Introduction
The molecular logic of life: The chemical unity of diverse living organisms, Miller and Urey
experiments on origin of life, composition of living matter. Macromolecules and their
monomeric subunits. Evolutionary aspects of stereo specificity and structural interplay
between biomolecules (RNA, DNA, Amino acids and sugars). Methods for the determination
of macromolecular structure.
Unit 2: Proteins
Classification, structure and properties of amino acids, zwitter ion, rare amino acids, D-
amino acids. Classification and properties of proteins, – Peptide synthesis: reactive ester
method and Merrifield synthesis, sequencing of proteins,
Primary structure: Peptide conformation, N- and C- terminal, peptide cleavage
Secondary structure: α-helix, β-sheet, random coil, Ramachandran plot
Tertiary structure: Forces stabilizing, unfolding/ refolding experimentation.
Quaternary structures: Structure and function of hemoglobin.
Structure, coagulation and denaturation of proteins. Concepts of iso electric point and
salting in and salting out. Structural and functional significance of Prions and viroids.
Biologically active peptides, Oligomer formations -role in neurodegenerative diseases e.g., β
-Amyloid etc.
Unit 3: Carbohydrates
Occurrence, classification, basic chemical structure, monosaccharides, aldoses, and
ketoses, cyclic structure of monosaccharides, steroisomerism, anomers and epimers.
general properties and functions of polysaccharides and complex carbohydrates; amino
sugars, proteoglycans and glycoproteins. Mucopolysaccharides, deoxy sugars, amino
sugars, and sugar acids.
Unit 4: Lipids
Structure, distribution and biological importance of fats and fatty acids- essential (⍵-3 and
⍵-6) and derived essential fatty acids- eicosanoids-prostaglandins, leukotrienes and
lipoxins. Chemical properties and characterization of fats. Different dietary types of fatty
acids, requirements, utilization and functions. Waxes, cerebrosides, gangliosides,
phospholipids and proteolipids. Steroids and bile salts. Circulating lipids, Lipoproteins,
chylomicrons, LDL, HDL, and VLDL. Pathological changes in lipid levels. Formation of
micelles, monolayers, bilayer, liposomes and emulsions. Vitamins.
Unit 5: Nucleic acids
Nucleic acids as genetic information carriers, experimental evidence e.g., genetic
transformation, Hershey-Chase experiments, action spectrum, etc. Structure and function
of nucleotides. Primary, secondary and tertiary structure of nucleic acids, DNA forms and
conformations, Denaturation of DNA. Unusual nucleic acid structures, Melting curves. Role
of contemporary RNA enzymes: Ribozyme. Types of Synthesis methods of RNA and DNA.
Sequencing methods. Diversity in RNAs-coding and non-coding RNAs, micro RNA etc
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Suggested Books:
1. “Principles of Biochemistry”, Lehninger C Recent Edition.
2. “Biochemistry”, L. Stryer, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco.
3. Schaum’s “Outline Series of Theory and Problems of Biochemistry”, Philip W. Kuchel
and G.B. Ralston. Int. Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co.
4. “Problem Approaches in Biochemistry”. Wood and Hood
5. “DNA: The Secret of Life” by James D. Watson, Andrew Berry
6. “Review of Physiological Chemistry” by Harold A Harper, Lange Medical Publications
Latest Edition.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
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Unit 1:
Basic concepts of ecology and environment. Introduction to ecology - Ecosystems and allied
concepts. The abiotic environment: Water, temperature, radiation, nutrient cycles. The
biotic environment: producers, consumers and decomposers.
Unit 2:
Adaptations to the environment – Ecological niche and adaptation to variations and stress.
Community and Population ecology. Biomes of the world. Natural resources – degradation
and conservation. Human impacts on Natural Resources. Tools for natural resource
degradation assessment and monitoring. Conservation- concepts and measures. Climate
Unit 3:
Origin of Life on Earth. Experiments of Miller. Chemical Evolution. What is Life?
Biodiversity-definition and Measurement. Evolutionary ideas of Cuvier, Lamarck and
Darwin. Contribution of RA Fisher, Haldane, Sewall Wright, Ernst Mayr. Modern synthesis.
Evolution as an Emergent property. Concept of population, gene pool, gene frequency-
conservation, allele frequency (Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium), Change in gene frequencies.
Genetic drift, gene flow, genetic load. Adaptations and extinction. Osmotic regulation and
excretion of nitrogenous waste, protective coloration, mimicry. Periodic and mass scale
extinctions- possible causes.
Unit 4:
A brief and consensus account of Organic evolution of major groups of plants and animals
on Earth. Geological eras and fossil evidence for Darwinian evolution. Human Evolution.
Theory of Organic Evolution by Natural Selection. Adaptive significance of variations.
Operative details of Natural Selection.. Concept of Species and Speciation. Isolation
mechanisms, modes of speciation (allopatric, sympatric, peripatric),
anagenesis&cladogenesis, levels of evolutionary change (micro & macroevolution). A brief
account of Mendelian Genetics, Mutations, Statistical analysis of Genotype and Gene (allele)
frequency in Populations. Sex selection and Kin selection. Morphological and Biochemical
Adaptation- selected examples. Homology, Analogy and Homoplasy. Divergent and
Convergent evolution. Comparative physiology of any one function.
Unit 5:
Basic ideas structure of bio macromolecules. Self-replicating molecules. RNA world.
Cellular form of life. Prokaryote, Eukaryote and evolution of multi-cellular organisms.
Comparison of primary structure of nucleic acids and proteins across members of a
population, across species, genera, families, orders and classes. Dendrograms and
Phylogenetic trees. Principles of construction. Concept of Molecular Clock. Evolution of
enzymes and metabolic pathways towards functional efficacy or adaptation.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Suggested Readings:
1. Odum, “Fundamentals of Ecology” (WB Saunders)
2. Ricklefy, “Fundamentals of Ecology” (WH Freeman)
3. Turk and Turk, “Environmental Science” (WB Saunders)
4. Clegg, CJ and DG Mackean (2000) “Advanced Biology-Principles and Applications”, 2nd
Edition, Hodder Education, UK
5. Mark Ridley (2004) “Evolution”, 3rd Edition, Blackwell Publishing, UK Fritz of Capra and
PL Luisi (2015) “The Systems View of Life- A Unifying Vision”, Cambridge University
Press, Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
1. Preparation of Various buffers 0.1 M Nacl, NaOH, Tris-HCL Phosphate and EDTA
2. Determination of pKa of amino Acids (Glycine)
3. Separation of Sugars (Glucose/Fructose/Starch/Cyclodextrin) by TLC
4. Quantitative estimation of protein by spectroscopic/Barford/BCA
5. To verify and validate Beer’s Law and determine the molar extinction coefficient of
NADH or Protein (Pure)
6. Determination of PI of amino acids by titration method
7. Isolation of Chloroplast by Sucrose gradient method from Spinach leaf
8. Study of Karyotyping in human normal/abnormal
9. Study of mitosis by using onion root tip
10. Problem on a) law of segregation, b) Independent assortment, c) Sex linked
inheritance, d) population genetics
11. Working with Microscope and preparation of Slide.
12. Staining of nucleus and mitochondria and observation under microscope.
13. Blood Smear Preparation and identifying different cell types
14. Cell Counting
15. Buccal smear – Identification of Barr Body
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
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Unit 1:
Historical developments: Discovery of microorganisms, Evolution of microbiology as a
discipline Spontaneous Generation- Controversy, Germ theory of fermentation, Germ
theory of disease. Whittaker’s five-kingdom concept. Three-domain concept of Carl Woese,
Microbiological techniques, Pure culture techniques, Enrichment, Anaerobic culturing
Discovery of microorganisms: Bacterial and fungal diversity, Culture techniques, Bacterial
Unit 2:
Different groups of Microorganisms and their general characteristics, Prokaryotic vs.
Eukaryotic Organisation.
Characters used in microbial taxonomy (morphological, physiological, ecological, genetics
protein content, nucleic acid sequence and base composition).
Unit 3:
Nutritional requirements of microorganisms: Nutritional types, Requirements, Uptake of
nutrients, Design and types of nutrient media
Cell wall of bacteria and fungi, Gram+ve cell wall, Gram-ve cell wall, Cell wall of fungi and
Unit 4:
Micrbial Ecology, Denitrification, Phosphate solubilization, Free-living nitrogen fixation,
Plant-microbe interactions, Symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Mycorrhizae and Plant pathogens
Importance of microorganisms in medicine, agriculture, environment and industry
Unit 5:
General properties of viruses, viral structure, taxonomy of virus, viral replication,
cultivation and identification of viruses; sub-viral particles – viroids and prions, satellite
Reference Books:
1. Microbiology Ed. Prescott.
2. Microbiology Ed. Torfora.
3. Microbiology Ed. Peltzar.
4. Microbiology Ed. Stanier.
5. Biology of Microorganisms Ed. M.T. Medican, J.M. Martiniko and J. Parker.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO 407 Molecular Biology (L-T-P-C: 3-1-0-4)
Suggested Readings:
1. Lewin B. “Genes”. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
2. Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, and Watson J.D. “Molecular Biology of the
Cell”. Garland Science.
3. Watson J.D, Baker T.A, Bell S.P, Gann A, Levine M and LosickR.”Molecular Biology of
the Gene”. . Benjamin-Cummins Publishing Co.,
4. Freifelder D. “Molecular Biology”.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO 408 Enzymology (L-T-P-C: 3-1-0-4)
Unit 1: Enzymes
General characteristics of enzymes, role of co-factors, nomenclature, IUB enzyme
classification (specific examples), The story of James B. Sumner and Urease; active sites and
induced fit theory, measurement and expression of enzyme activity, enzyme assay.
Definitions of IU, Katal, enzyme turnover and specific activity. Criteria for purity of
enzymes. Correlation between the rates of enzyme turnover and structure and function of
enzymes. Effect of pH, Temperature on Enzyme structure and function.
Unit 2: Kinetics of Enzyme Action
Concept of ES complex, active site, specificity, derivation of Michaelis-Menten equation for
uni- substrate reactions. Different plots for the determination of Km & Vmax and their
physiological significances. Importance of Kcat/Km. Kinetics of zero & first order reactions.
Significance and evaluation of energy of activation. Collision & transition state theories.
Michaelis – pH functions & their significance. Reversible and irreversible inhibition.
Competitive, non-competitive, uncompetitive, linear-mixed type inhibitions and their
kinetics. Suicide inhibitors, enzyme activators.
Unit 3: Mechanism of Enzyme Action
Acid-base catalysis, covalent catalysis, proximity, orientation effect. Strain & distortion
theory. Chemical modification of active site groups. Site directed mutagenesis of enzymes.
Mechanism of action of chymotrypsin, lysozyme, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
dehydrogenase, aldolase, carboxypeptidase, triose phosphate isomerase and alcohol
dehydrogenase. Multienzyme system – Occurrence, isolation & their properties:
Mechanism of action and regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase & fatty acid synthase
complexes. Enzyme-enzyme interaction, multiple forms of enzymes with special reference
to lactate dehydrogenase.
Unit 4: Enzyme Regulation
General mechanisms of enzyme regulation, product inhibition. Reversible (glutamine
synthase & phosphorylase) and irreversible (proteases) covalent modifications of enzymes.
Mono cyclic and multi cyclic cascade systems with specific examples. Feedback inhibition
and feed forward stimulation. Allosteric enzymes, qualitative description of “concerted” &
“sequential” models for allosteric enzymes. Half site reactivity, Flipflop mechanism,
positive and negative co-operativity with examples like aspartate transcarbamoylase&
phosphofructokinase. Protein-ligand binding measurement, analysis of binding isotherms,
Hill and Scatchard plots.
Unit 5: Enzyme Technology
Introduction to enzyme engineering, Large scale production of enzymes, enzyme reactors,
immobilization of enzymes by chemical and physical methods. Effect of partition on
kinetics and on changes in pH and hydrophobicity. Enzymatic reactions in organic solvents.
Industrial applications of immobilized enzymes: other applications in synthetic organic
chemistry, industry, food technology, medicines. Synzymes
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Suggested Readings:
1. “Fundamentals of Enzymology” by Price and Stevens
2. “Enzymology” by Dixon and Webb
3. “Enzymes” by Palmer
4. “Textbook of Medical Physiology” by Guyton. A.C., H. Sanders
5. “Physiological chemistry” by HA Harper.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO 409 Metabolic Pathways (L-T-P-C: 3-1-0-4)
Unit 1:
Metabolism as a defining property of living state. Thermodynamic principles and steady-
state condition of ‘living’. Methods of metabolic investigations. Metabolic pathways-linear
and cyclic. Catabolism and anabolism. Phases I, II and III of catabolism.
Unit 2:
Major pathways of carbohydrate, amino acid, lipid and nucleotide metabolism.
Biosynthesis of monosaccharides, fatty acids, amino acids and nucleotides. Secondary
metabolites-biosynthesis and degradation. Role of metabolism in biomass production and
energy homeostasis.
Unit 3:
Metabolic profile of adipose, neural, hepatic, skeletal muscle, and steroidogenic tissues.
Unit 4:
Integration and regulation of metabolic pathways in relation to cellular and organ
functions. Evolution of metabolic pathways and adaptive significance, if any. Metabolic
engineering for specific product production. Metabolic regulation during embryogenesis
and development.
Suggested Readings:
1. Garrett and Grisham, “Biochemistry”, 5th Ed. BRROKS/COLE Cengage Learning. 2013.
2. RL Foster, “Nature of Enzymology”
3. “Annual Review of Biochemistry”
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO 410 Analytical Tools and Techniques (Lab) (L-T-P-C: 0-0-12-6)
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
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IU M 000 Basic Communication and Soft Skills (L-T-P-C: 1-0-0-0)
Importance of Communication
Importance of Interpersonal Communication
Process of Communication
Flows and Types of Communication
Unit 2: Barriers to Communication
Types of Barriers
Unit 3: Listening
Hearing & Listening
Types of Listening
Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Listening
Unit 4: Effective Presentation
Patterns & Methods of Presentation, Oral Presentation
How to prepare presentation
Effective ways to deliver the presentation
How to prepare multi-media presentation
Difference between C.V & Resume, types of resume
Unit 5: Corporate Etiquettes
Non-verbal Communication
E-mail etiquette, telephone etiquette, dining etiquette
Office meeting etiquettes, dress etiquette
Text Books:
1. Soft Skills for Everyone by Jeff Butterfield, Cengage publication
2. Technical Communication; Principles and Practice” by Meenakshi Raman & Sangita
Sharma (Oxford University Press)
3. “Communication Skills” by Dr. Sanjay Kumar and Dr. Pushp Lata, Oxford University
Reference Books:
1. Personality Development and Soft Skills by Barun K Mitra
2. Business Correspondence and Report writing”- R C Sharma and Krishna Mohan, Tata
McGraw Hill, 8th Ed.2015
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(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
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Adaptations of animals living in extremely cold and warm environments; torpor;
Hibernation; Aestivation.
Unit 4: Experimental Physiology
Experimental Physiology:Study of apparatus. Examination of fresh blood. Hemocytometry,
Hematocrit, TLC, DLC, ESR, Viscosity of blood, Osmotic fragility of RBCs. Breath holding
time, Spirometry, Pulmonary function test. Electrocardiography 2hrs. Exercise Tolerance
Test, Color vision, Tuning fork tests of hearing, Electroencephalography, Pregnancy
diagnosis tests. Oral Glucose tolerance test. Twitch, Tetanus, Fatigue.
Seminars and assignments and quiz.
Text Books:
1. D. Randall, Warren W. Burggren, K. French, R. Eckert, (2002) “Animal
Physiology”, Illustrated Ed., W H Freeman & Co.
2. William S. Hoar, (2008) “General and Comparative Physiology”, 3rd Ed., Phi
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Arthur J. Vander, James H. Sherman, Dorothy S. Luciano, (2000) “Human
Physiology”, 8th Ed., Me Graw Hill.
4. Knut Schmidt-Nielsen, (1997) “Animal Physiology: Adaptation and
Environment”, 5th Ed., Cambridge University Press.
5. CL Ghai (2013) “A Text Book of Practical Physiology”, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Unit 1:
Molecular components of immune system-antibodies, complement, T-cell receptors,
MHC/HLA complex antigens etc. Structure, function and generation of antibodies,
regulation of immune response, signal transduction, autoimmunity, and immune tolerance.
Unit 2:
The effector mechanisms of innate immune system, pattern recognition, complement
system, antimicrobial peptides, and cytokine products in response to viral, bacterial and
parasitic pathogens. Antigen processing and presentation.
Unit 3:
Adaptive immune response-antigen recognition, lymphocyte activation, humoral and cell
mediated immunity, immunological memory, and physiological and pathological aspects of
Unit 4:
Immune dysfunctions-autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, different types of
hypersensitivity, alloantigen and transplantation rejections.
Unit 5:
Applications of antibodies-antigen-antibody interactions in vitro and in vivo, RIAs and
ELISAs, complement based assays, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, and FvSc
antibodies, Abzymes, Immunocytochemistry, enzyme-Ab & drug-Ab conjugates, Immuno-
affinity chromatography, immunoprecipitations and interactome studies. Immuno
therapies-Potential and prospects in cancer therapy.
Suggested Readings:
1. Goldsby “Immunology”, 7thedn, WH Freeman & company.
2. Janeway, “Immunobiology”, 8thedn, Garland Publishing.
3. Ramesh, SR. “Immunology”, McGraw Hill Education (India), New Delhi.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO M 502 Reproduction and Developmental Biology (L-T-P-C: 3-1-0-4)
Unit 1: Structure and Function Reproductive System
1) Testis: Leydig and Sertoli cells, Epididymis and accessory reproductive glands,
hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis, biochemistry of semen,
Y- 15 specific probes, Assessment of sperm functions, inhibin and androgen binding
proteins, capacitation of spermatozoa. Structure of Spermatozoa.
2) Ovary, influence of hormones on development of ovarian follicles and oogenesis,
reproductive cycles: estrous and menstrual cycles; oocyte maturation, structure of
ovum. ovulation, atresia and corpus luteum formation, pregnancy and lactation,
implantation and placentation.
3) Hormonal and chemical regulation, recent advances in contraception research,
immunological methods in contraception
Unit 2: Sex Determination and Artificial Fertilization
1) Genetic sex- gonadal sex-somatic sex, Sex determination and differentiation, germ cell
development and differentiation, Hormonal regulation of reproduction and puberty
through differential gene expression.
2) Estrus synchronization; super ovulation, semen collection, evaluation, storage:
cryopreservation, assisted reproductive technology, in vitro fertilization, Intra-
cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and Intra-cytoplasmic morphologically selected
sperm injection (imsi), gamete intra fallopian transfer (gift), zygote intra fallopian
transfer (ZIFT), Tubal embryo transfer (TET), preservation of endangered species by
biotechnological methods.
Unit 3: Fertilization and Basic Concepts of Developmen
1) Basics of Fertilization. Acrosome reaction, fast and slow block to polyspermy, zygote
formation. Potency, commitment, specification (autonomous, regulative and syncytial),
induction, competence, determination and differentiation, morphogenetic gradients,
cell fate and cell lineages, genomic equivalence and the cytoplasmic determinants,
imprinting. Patterns and molecular mechanism of cleavage
Unit 4: Early Embryonic Development
1) Blastula formation, gastrulation patterns, concept and functions of primary organizer,
neural induction, differential gene expression during formation of germ layers.
Formation and differentiation of neural tube, differentiation of neurons, specification
and regionalization of neural crest cells and their derivatives.
2) Axes and pattern formation in Drosophila, amphibia and chick, derivatives of ectoderm,
mesoderm and endoderm. Organogenesis- vulva formation in Caenorhabditis elegans;
eye lens formation, formation of somite, limb development.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
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Suggested Readings:
1. Wilson J.D. “Text Book of Endocrinology”. Saunders Publishers.
2. Schatten H and Constanitinescu G.M. “Comparative Reproductive Biology”. Blackwell
Publishers, UK
3. Joy K.P, Krishna A, Haldar C. “Comparative Endocrinology and Reproduction”. Narosa
Publishers, Delhi. 4. Stephen Nussey and Saffron Whitehead. “Endocinology-An
Integrated Approach”, Oxford: BIOS Scientific Publishers. 5. Kenneth S. Polonsky, P.
Reed Larsen, Henry M. Kronenberg. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, Elsevier.
6. R. G. Edwards, “Human Reproduction”, Oxford Univ. Press 7. G. Litwack, Biochemical
actions of Hormones, Academic press
7. Gilbert S.F. “Developmental Biology”, 10th Edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers
Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA.
8. Slack J. M. W. “Essential Developmental Biology”, Wiley-Blackwell.
9. T. Subramonium (2013) “Molecular Developmental Biology”,
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO M 503 Genetic Engineering (L-T-P-C: 3-1-0-4)
Unit 1:
Overview of genetic engineering, Generation of DNA fragments: Mechanical shearing,
restriction endonucleases (REs), use of REs in molecular cloning, PCR technology and its
application in recombinant DNA technology, cDNA synthesis – strategies for isolation of full
length cDNAs, chemical synthesis of a DNA fragment.
Unit 2:
Vectors used in molecular cloning. a) Plasmids – general concepts, eg.pUC, pBlueScript,
pGEM vectors; Expression vectors; pMal, GST-based, pET vectors; b) Bacteriophage λ
vectors – λgt10, λgt11, λ ZAP and replacement vectors - EMBL c) Phagemids - M13-derived
vectors, d) cosmids - Artificial chromosome vectors (YACs; BACs); d) Other viral vectors:
SV-40, Vaccinia, Baculovirus & retroviral vectors.
Unit 3:
Cloning strategies & Introduction of recombinant DNA into hosts: a) Other enzymes used in
cloning - DNA ligase, Klenow enzyme, T4 DNA polymerase, Polynucleotide kinase, Alkaline
phosphatase b) cloning strategies – basic concepts of cohesive and blunt end ligation;
directional cloning, use of linkers and adaptors; c) Homopolymer tailing, d) T-vectors and
cloning of PCR products, e) Introduction of recombinant DNA into suitable hosts -
transformation, conjugation, transduction, transfection, particle bombardment techniques,
f) Ti plasmids and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
Unit 4:
Construction and screening of genomic libraries: a) Construction of genomic and cDNA
libraries using for eg. λgt11, λ ZAP vectors, b) Screening: DNA probe based screening -
molecular hybridization techniques: Preparation of nucleic acid probes by nick translation,
random primer labeling and end labeling, hybridization techniques for identification of
clones with gene of interest, c) Screening by antibody-based methods: induction of protein
expression, immunodetection, radioactive and chemiluminescent methods of detection.
Characterization of cloned genes: a) Sequencing of DNA- Sanger’s enzymatic method and
Gilbert’s chemical sequencing method; automated DNA sequencing; next generation
sequencing b) Identification of promoters and regulatory elements – promoter reporter
fusions c) Site directed mutagenesis.
Unit 5:
Expression of recombinant proteins. a) Protein expression in E. coli as a host - Factors
influencing the expression of recombinant proteins. Purification of recombinant proteins -
His-tag, GST-tag, MBP-tag etc.; commercially available E. coli hosts for expression of
recombinant proteins, b) examples of alternate expression systems – yeast, Baculovirus,
mammalian systems and plants. Genome editing, Zinc fingers, TALEN’s, CRISPR/Cas9.
Ethics and patentability.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Suggested Readings:
4. Primrose, Twymand and Old. “Principles of Gene Manipulation”. Blackwell Science.
5. Sambrook J and Russell D. “Molecular Cloning: A laboratory Manual”. Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory Press.
6. Lewin B. “Genes”. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
7. Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, and Watson J.D. “Molecular Biology of the
Cell”. Garland Science.
8. Watson J.D, Baker T.A, Bell S.P, Gann A, Levine M and Losick R. “Molecular Biology of
the Gene”. . Benjamin-Cummins Publishing Co.,
9. Freifelder D. “Molecular Biology”. Narosa Publishing House.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO M 504 Bioinformatics (Lab) (L-T-P-C: 0-0-8-4)
Suggested Readings:
1. Mount, D. W. (2001). Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis. Cold Spring
Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
2. Baxevanis, A. D., & Ouellette, B. F. (2001). Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the
Analysis of Genes and Proteins. New York: Wiley-Interscience.
3. Pevsner, J. (2009). Bioinformatics & Functional Genomics. Wiley- Blackwell, New
4. Janus, M. Bujnicki. (2004). Practical Bioinformatics. Springer.
5. Durbin, R., Eddy .S.R, Krough A and Mitchison, G. (2004). Biological Sequence Analysis.
Cambridge University Press.
6. Sharma. K.V.S. (2010). Statistics Made Simple: Do it yourself on PC, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi.
7. Darren George and Paul Mallery, (2007), SPSS for Windows Step by Step – A Simple
Guide and Reference, Pearson Education in South Asia.
8. SYSTAT/SPSS User’s Guide and User’s Manual.
9. SAS/ IRRISTAT User’s Guide and User’s Manual.
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO AB 502 Biology Laboratory Techniques (Lab) (L-T-P-C: 0-0-8-4)
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
Suggested Readings:
1. Lanza R, Gaerhart J, Hogan B, Melton R, Thomas D, Thomas J, and Wilmut S. “Essentials
of Stem Cell Biology”. Elsevier Inc.
2. Stillman B, Stewart D and Grodzicker T, “Control and Regulation of Stem Cells”.
3. Tursen Kursad, “Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine”, Humana Press
(Established by an Act under the Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009)
A Life Sciences University
Sustained Excellence with Relevance
BIO AB 503 Neuro-endocrinology (L-T-P-C: 3-1-0-4)
Unit 1: Introduction
To cellular and molecular basis of nervous system and its uniqueness. Neural Development:
a. Turning embryonic stem cells into neurons b. Glial guided neuronal migration, path
finding, and axon guidance. The Macroscopic Organization of the Brain: a. Functional
anatomy of the brain b. Cellular heterogeneity of nervous system c. Blood Brain Barrier and
its disorders. Synaptic Transmission: Electrical and Chemical transmission.
Neurotransmitters (synthesis, storage and function) Disorders of synaptic transmission.
Unit 2: Cognitive Neuroscience
a. Role of limbic system in cognition, b. Cellular and molecular basis for learning and
memory c. Synaptic plasticity. Special aspects of brain metabolism: a. Brain specific genes,
DNA, RNA and protein synthesis b. Amino acid transport. Molecular aspects of neurological
dysfunction and neuro degeneration: a. Mechanism of apoptosis and special aspects of
neuro degeneration b. Neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s
Disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Epilepsy,
Schizophrenia. c. Cerebrovascular Diseases: Stroke, Arteriosclerosis, Arterio Venous
Malformations (AVMs), Aneurysms
Unit 3: Endocrinology - I
Structure of Endocrine – the glands: Macroscopic and histological. Nature and attributes of
hormones; A brief study of the role of hormones and regulation of the hypothalamus,
pineal, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, supra-renal and pancreatic glands, Endocrine Testis
and Ovary and Prostate gland.
Unit 4: Endocrinology - II
Disorders caused due to the hypo and hyper secretions of the endocrine glands. Feedback
control of the hormone production and its release. The mechanism of action of lipid soluble
and water soluble hormones. The concept of “Second Messenger” and its role in hormone
function. Menstural cycle, Ovulation, Menopause, Infertility, Fertility control, Mammary
glands and lactation. Biological rhythms and its management.
Reference Books:
1. Endocrinology An integrated approach – Stephen Nussey and Saffron Whitehead BIOS
Scientific Publishers Ltd.
2. Wilson J.D. “Text Book of Endocrinology”. Saunders Publishers.
3. An introduction to neuro-endocrinology Michael Wilkinson and Richard E.
Brown Cambridge university press.
4. Hand book of Neuro endocrinology - George fink, Donald Pfaff, Jon Levine Elsevier.