Undertaking Gfiw707816323490
Undertaking Gfiw707816323490
Undertaking Gfiw707816323490
1. X NEW
RENEWAL Certificate No. Application Date 16 May 2024
4. First Name 5. Middle Name 6. Last Name 7. Suffix (e.g. Jr,Sr, I, II)
8. Date of Birth 9. Civil Status 10. Sex 11. Are you a recognized
Year Month Day Legally Separated Male Refugee? Yes X No
X Single X Female Stateless? Yes X No
1998 November 08 12. Citizenship
X Filipino
F. PROPOSED BUSINESS NAME – Please provide at least three (3) proposed Business Name options by priority
Dominant portion Descriptor
22. Region 23. Phone No. (Area Code) 24. Mobile No.
31. Phone No. (Area Code) 32. Mobile No. 33. Email Address
09676652727 [email protected]
________________________________ ____________________
By applying for business name (BN) registration, I hereby agree and consent to the processing of my business and
personal information for the purpose of BN registration with the DTI. I understand that my business and personal and/or
sensitive personal information may be shared among government agencies for purposes of performing their duties and
mandates and may also be disclosed to private organizations and individuals for whatever legal purpose it may serve in
accordance with the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the BN Law; the use of which shall be governed
by the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its IRR, and related circulars. I promise to notify the DTI should there be any amendment
in my business and personal information.
________________________________ _________________________
Owner’s Signature Over Printed Name Date
Owner’s ID Presented:________________________ ID No.:________________
I hereby authorize Mr./Ms. ___________________________________________ to file my application for business name registration with the DTI.
Accomplish the application form and fill out completely and clearly all the mandatory fields.
Do not abbreviate the information, in business name, business and owner’s address and name of owner as it will appear
in the Certificate of Business Name Registration.
Only the owner of the business name is authorized to sign the application form.
Present one (1) valid government-issued ID together with the application form to any DTI Regional/ Provincial/ Satellite/
Field Offices/Negosyo Center
A. Type of Registration
1. DTI Registration Type. Tick the appropriate box for your business.
New – Registration Type to be selected if applicant wishes to register a New BN.
Renewal - Registration Type to be selected if applicant wishes to renew an expiring/expired BN.
B. Tax identification Number (TIN)
2. TIN. This is required information to be able to transact with any government office per E.O.98.
C. Philippine Identification (PhilID)
3. PhilSys Card Number (PCN). 16-Digit number series located in front of the PhilID and ePhilID.
D. Owner’s Information
4. First Name; 5. Middle Name; 6. Last Name; 7. Suffix (if applicable). Indicate correct name as these would appear
in the Certificate of BN Registration.
8. Date of Birth. Owner must be of majority age (at least 18 years old) unless otherwise indicated
9. Civil Status. Tick the appropriate box. 10. Sex. Tick the appropriate box.
11. Refugee/Stateless Person. Tick the appropriate box of your answer whether you are a refugee or a stateless
12. Citizenship. Indicate your citizenship.
E. Business Name Territorial Scope
13. Territorial Scope of Business Name. Tick the appropriate box of the scope of your proposed business. Business
scope refers to the registrability of a BN within a specific territory without prejudice to engaging in business
elsewhere or to the geographical limit within which the business may locate using the registered BN.
F. Proposed Business Name
14. -16. Proposed Business Name. Business Name (BN) must be comprised of the dominant portion (word, group of
words or a combination of letters and numerals) and a descriptor (word or group of words describing the nature of
business). E.g. Alberto’s Garment Manufacturing, Marita’s Carinderia. Use of dominant or generic business
names are not allowed (e.g. Automotive Enterprise).
G. Business Details
17. House/Building No. Includes building name and floor number, Lot, Block and Phase numbers, and Subdivision
name, among others
18. Street; 19. Barangay; 20. City/Municipality; 21. Province; and 22. Region. Exact business address.
23. Phone No. 24. Mobile No. Both landline and mobile numbers with area code are required.
H. Owner Details
25. House/Building No. This information includes building name and floor number, Lot, Phase and Block numbers,
and Subdivision, among others.
26. Street; 27. Barangay; 28. City/Municipality; 29. Province; and 30. Region. Exact residence address.
31. & 32. Phone and Mobile Nos. Either landline or mobile numbers with area code is required.
33. E-mail Address. This is where e-mail notifications regarding your registration will be sent.