Salep Orhidee
Salep Orhidee
Salep Orhidee
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3 authors:
Cüneyt Çirak
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi
All content following this page was uploaded by Dursun Kurt on 09 March 2021.
Effective production of tuberous orchids (sahlep orchids) from Orchideceae family has not yet been achieved. For that
reason, all the species of this family are placed under protection worldwide with national and international treaties. In the
present study, it was aimed to describe a sustainable production method for Serapias orientalis and plants were forced to
produce two tubers in the same growing season. For this purpose, 100 plants were cultivated and their fresh tubers were
harvested at the beginning of flowering (first harvest). The plants whose fresh tubers were removed were re-planted, thus
they completed their growing season. It was observed that the re-planted plants produced new tubers in one month period.
Some of them produced more than one tubers and a total of 110 new tubers were produced (second harvest). Finally,
100+110=210 tubers were obtained from 100 plants in one growing season. Productivity of all the tubers was tested in the
next growing season and positive results were observed. In conclusion, the present results indicate that Serapias orientalis
has the ability of producing tubers twice in the same growing season and it is possible to cultivate this plant via the tubers
sustainably. The method, described here for the first time, was termed as “dismantle and re-plant”.
adaptation ability and it is prevalent under temperate described here. The plants were dismantled in June 12,
zone, especially in Greece, Portugal, Spain, Western 2017 when aerial parts of the plants dried out and the new
France, Algeria and Tunisia (Hertel & Kreutz, 2010; tubers plants reproduced were photographed.
Wilson, 1986). This species is widespread around Suitability of the new tubers, produced by the re-
coastline in Turkey where approximately 120 species of planted plants to be used as propagation material was
tuberous orchids have been used to produce sahlep (Sezik, tested. For this purpose, these tubers were left in cool
1984; 2002; Kreutz & Çolak, 2009; Arslankaya, 2012). and shade place during three months and planted into
Literature reviews regarding production of sahlep planting trays (small growing medium) in September 01,
orchids revealed some promising results. Sevgi et al., 2017 (Fig. 2).
(2012b) collected wild Serapias bergonii E.G. Camus
individuals and moved them to laboratory after removing Results and Discussion
their tubers for morphological observations. Interestingly,
they observed that the individuals re-produced new small The S. orientalis tubers sprouting in September 5-10,
tubers after tarriance in laboratory. Kreutz & Colak, 2016 continued to develop routinely until May 10, 2017
(2009) observed that tuberous orchids whose fresh tubers and then flowered. 100 new tubers, produced by 100
were removed could produce seed and additional tubers tested plants were described as first harvest tuber and
when they were re-planted in their original places. Tutar stored after dismantled. The re-planted plants without
et al., (2012) observed the re-growth of Orchis sancta and fresh tubers completed their life cycle in June 12, 2017
Serapias vomeracea individuals producing new small when the aerial parts were dried. Then, the experiment
tubers after removing their tubers. was ended and it was observed that the 100 plants whose
The results lead us to believe that a new vegetative new tubers were removed exhibited five different
production method can be developed for sahlep orchids.
reactions in response to re-planting (Table 1).
Thus, it is the first time we have described a new and
As shown in Table 1, the re-planted plants produced
effective propagation method for the sahlep orchid S.
110 new tubers within last month of their growing season
orientalis in the present study.
and a total of 210 tubers were produced together with first
Materials and Methods harvest tubers in one growing season. The new 110 tubers
were stored under normal storage conditions and planted
Tubers of the sahlep orchid S. orientalis which is into planting trays to test their vigor and suitability as
prevalent in Turkey and temperate zones of the word was propagation material in September, 2017. It was observed
used as plant material. 100 S. orientalis tubers were that all the tubers sprouted in healthy way and could be
collected from the populations growing wild in used as propagation material. The reaction manners of re-
uncultivated fields of coastal line of Samsun province, planted plants in Table 1 were detailed below.
Turkey. Official permissions were provided from the
General Directorate of Natural Reserves and National 1. Main tuber decayed and three new tubers were
Parks of the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs produced (7x3=21 new tubers): 7 of 100 tested
before the tuber collection works. individuals produced three new tubers after removing
S. orientalis tubers have sprouted in September their fresh tuber in response to re-planting. The new
under ecological conditions of Middle Black Sea region tubers had different sizes and the smallest one was 5 mm
of Turkey and spent the winter as seedling. The plants in length and 3 mm in width. It was observed in October
growing during winter season have produced the new 15, 2017 that all the three tubers continued to develop
tuber from which they will reproduce in the next year in routinely (Fig. 3a, b).
March-April and flowered in the first half of May.
Flowering has followed a manner from down to up and 2. Main tuber decayed and two new tubers were
lasted 4-6 weeks with intervals of 2-3 days. Each plant produced (12x2=24 new tubers): 12 of 100 re-planted
has produced 8-10 flowers. Flowering and seed plants produced two new tubers (Fig. 4a). Development
formation have lasted during May. Growing season is status of the vigorous new tubers in October 15, 2017 is
ended in the first half of June. Thus, seeds have shown in Fig. 4b.
maturated at the end of 30-40 days between beginning of
flowering and drying of plants. 3. Main tuber decayed and one new tuber was
Each plant has produced one new tuber within its produced (28x1=28 new tubers): 28 of 100 re-planted
growing season and this new tuber has reached its plants produced one new tuber (Fig. 5a) and it was
maximum size at flowering. The main tuber has decayed observed that the new tubers were vigorous as shown in
towards the end of growing season. The new tuber from Fig. 5b.
which the plant will reproduce in the next year is dormant
until beginning of September. Typical lifecycle of sahlep 4. Main tuber was plump and one new small tuber
orchids is shown in Fig. 1. was produced (36x1=36 new tubers): 36 of 100 re-
New tubers were harvested at the beginning of planted plants produced one new tuber smaller than that
flowering in May 10, 2017; the plants without new tubers of plants exhibiting number three reaction in response to
were re-planted into the same place and routine re-planting (Fig. 6a). It is interesting to note that main
agricultural practices were applied until growing season tubers appeared like vigorous in this group of re-planted
ended in compliance with the new production method we plants. Generally main tubers have shriveled up during
plant ontogenesis and decayed entirely at the end of propagated neither generatively nor vegetatively.
growing season. Exceptionally, main tubers of the 36 Actually, dismantling the tuber from which plant will
plants could retain their vigorous appearances leading us reproduce in the next year has stressed sahlep orchids
to suppose that they were alive. However, these main out and triggered some physiological mechanisms which
tubers shriveled during experiment when stored in resulted in induction of emergency shoot as reported by
summer season and it was revealed that they were not Kreutz & Colak (2009). In this period, plants were
alive. The new smaller tuber, however, grew in healthy forced to produce new tubers to survive by removing
way (Fig. 6b). their fresh tuber. Likewise, in the present study, 100
fresh tubers were provided by 100 experimental S.
5. Main tuber was plump or decayed and no new orientalis plants in first harvest and then 7, 12 and 64
tuber: 18 of 100 re-planted plants did not produce new ones of tested 100 plants produced 3, 2 and 1 new
tuber and they completed the growing season with their additional tuber, respectively when re-planted after their
plump or decayed main tubers. As mentioned above, the fresh tuber was removed. Thus, we managed to produce
live-appearing main tubers shriveled entirely when stored a total of 210 tubers in the same growing season in the
in summer season during experiment and these 18 plants sahlep orchid S. orientalis. The results are the first in
exhibited no development after re-planted. worldwide and can lead up effective production of
There are many national and international treaties sahlep orchids. Likewise, the new production method we
regarding threatened species, the most comprehensive of described here makes possible to get 210/100=2.1 tubers
which is CITES, signed by 183 countries. All the sahlep per plant in the same growing season while sahlep
orchids are put under protection in accordance with the orchids produced only one tuber under normal
treaty of CITES due to the fact that these species can be circumstances.
Fig. 2. Illustrated form of the new production method for S. orientalis, described in the present study.
Table 1. Reactions of the S. orientalis plants whose new tubers were removed in response to re-planting.
Number of the plant exhibiting this Number of tubers in
S.No. Reaction manners
response in the second harvest the second harvest
1. Main tuber decayed and three new tubers were produced 7 7 x 3 = 21
2. Main tuber decayed and two new tubers were produced 12 12 x 2 = 24
3. Main tuber decayed and one new tuber was produced 28 28 x 1 = 28
4. Main tuber was plump and one new small tuber was produced 36 36 x 1 = 36
5. Main tuber was plump or decayed and no new tuber 18 0
Total 100 110
Fig. 3a. The re-planted individual whose main tuber decayed and Fig. 3b. Development of three new tubers after re-planting.
producing three new tubers.
Fig. 4a. The re-planted individual whose main tuber decayed and Fig. 4b. Development of two new tubers after re-planting.
producing two new tubers.
Fig. 5a. The re-planted individual whose main tuber decayed and Fig. 5b. Development of the new tuber after re-planting.
producing one new tuber.
Fig. 6a. The re-planted individual whose main tuber looks well and Fig. 6b. Development of the new smaller tuber after re-planting
producing one new smaller tuber