2016 Ccc-bmg-24 Phlan 2-3 The Royal We
2016 Ccc-bmg-24 Phlan 2-3 The Royal We
2016 Ccc-bmg-24 Phlan 2-3 The Royal We
Adventure Designer
Adventure Code: BMG-CCC-PHLAN02-03
With the Banite coup recently foiled, election day in Phlan has finally arrived.
But the Lord of Darkness needs a new representative. Jhessail Greycastle,
with her grand plans for the future of Phlan, requires additional vetting and
may need your assistance.
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Welcome to Sovereignty: The Royal We, a D&D Adventurers
League™ adventure from Baldman Games, part of the
official D&D Adventurers League™ organized play system.
This adventure is designed for three to seven 11th-16th level characters, and is optimized for five characters
with an average party level (APL) of 15. Characters outside this level range cannot participate in this
adventure. The adventure takes place in the city of Phlan in the Moonsea region of the Forgotten Realms.
2 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : I N T R O D U C T I O N
the Adventurers League, however; they should be surround all parts of the city. Finally, Jhessail
consistent in this regard. Greycastle championed a cause, with the help of
Challenge Your Players. Gauge the experience adventurers she hired, that correctly discovered
level of your players (not the characters), try to and prevented an outbreak of disease that would
feel out (or ask) what they like in a game, and have wiped out Phlan’s population.
attempt to deliver the experience they’re after. Amid these events stood a fourth candidate, a
Everyone should have the opportunity to shine. simple priest of Bane, who seemed to stand little
Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game chance against such strong claims to the throne.
starts to get bogged down, feel free to provide Like any good follower of the god of tyranny, he
hints and clues to your players so they can attempt decided to move on the city and simply take it
to solve puzzles, engage in combat, and roleplay with Banite clergy from Mulmaster, summoned
interactions without getting too frustrated over devils, and Zhentarim mercenaries. His attempt
a lack of information. This gives players “little was defeated, but some now fear repercussions
victories” for figuring out good choices from clues. from neighboring Mulmaster, the capital of Banite
Watch for stalling—play loses momentum when worship in the Moonsea, or worse, from the Black
this happens. At the same time, make sure that the Lord himself.
players don’t finish too early; provide them with a Nevertheless, the city pushes forth with its
full play experience. election plans, requesting the factions provide
some oversight of the election to ensure a smooth
resolution to the outcome. They have provided this
Nothing for Phlan has come easy. And so it is with The Election
the most unprecedented event in its history, the
election of the next ruler of the Cinnabar Throne. Three candidates have emerged as front-runners in
Jhessail Greycastle, the highest-ranking Phlan’s upcoming election.
member of the Black Fists and the current de facto
ruler of Phlan, has called for a popular democratic Barrett Sokol
election, something that has never happened in The youngest scion of House Sokol has gained
the entire history of the Moonsea. She has also popularity among the labor guilds. He pledges to:
declared herself a candidate for First Minister. • Reinstate the mercantile Council of Ten and
Barrett Sokol of House Sokol and Colvin Doverson stand as High Councilor.
oppose her with their own candidacies. Barrett
seeks to be named High Councilor and bring back • Create jobs reconstructing Phlan and raising
the noble Council of Ten, while Colvin Doverson the old city walls.
claims a tenuous lineage to the original Cinnabar
Throne and the Lord Protector. Colvin Doverson
Recent news and events, which are a direct Lord Doverson claims ancestry with the Royal
result of the election and candidate actions, House of Daoran. If legitimized, this would make
include the cleansing of Valhingen graveyard and him heir to the Cinnabar Throne. He pledges to:
the resulting evidence of Colvin Doverson’s blood • Reinstate the monarchy and crown himself
ties to the throne of the original Lord Protector of Lord Protector.
Phlan, Cvaal Daoren himself. In addition, Barrett • Renegotiate trade deals with other Moonsea
Sokol has spent a large sum of his personal ports for the benefit of Phlan’s merchants.
resources to fund an expansion of Phlan’s defenses
by beginning the construction of a wall that will
3 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : I N T R O D U C T I O N
Jhessail Greycastle to make stronger decisions as a leader, learning
Knight Commander Greycastle is a hero, but her from the past? Or will they simply let him make a
loyalty to the Black Fists makes her vulnerable. She decision on his own?
pledges to: As the story takes place in Phlan’s past, there
• Establish a parliament of elected peers to are many names referenced that have more
govern Phlan, and serve as First Minister. detail outlined about them than specific events.
No article, book, adventure guide, or adventure
• Reform the Black Fists and weed out
has previously detailed the exact origins of the
corruption in its ranks.
Shadowbane War or which Prince of Shade Cvaal
killed that started it. Cvaal himself was originally
The State of Phlan introduced in Lords of Darkness (D&D 3e), but
most of the details from this time period for Phlan
Phlan is an anchorage on the north coast of
specifically have been filled in using the Forgotten
the Moonsea. Its inhabitants are celebrating
Realms Campaign Setting (D&D 3e) and Forgotten
the death of Vorgansharax: a green dragon
Realms Campaign Guide (D&D 4e).
who laid claim to the town for many months.
The Princes of Shade is a name given to the
Knight Commander Greycastle led the
family Tanthul that ruled Thultanthar (a floating
alliance of heroes who slew the dragon (as
city) aka the Shade Enclave. Shadovar is the name
told in DDEP4 Reclamation of Phlan). In
given to the mortal inhabitants of that city, who
doing so, she leaned on the neighboring
are humans of Netherese descent. They are not all
city states of Mulmaster and Hillsfar.
Shades; only a few citizens of the city beyond the
Masquerading as friends, these rival powers
ruling Tanthul family were made into Shades by
circle hungrily, eager to steer Phlan’s future
merging the Shadovar humans with shadowstuff.
to their own ends.
There are 17 previously named Tanthul family
Yet the townsfolk grow weary of tyranny. members including High Prince Telamont Tanthul,
Veterans of the resistance demand a stake in but none of them were killed by Cvaal. Thus,
the town’s future, merchants wish for fewer the unnamed ‘square-chinned one’ became the
regulations, and loyalists call for the return one that Cvaal will eventually kill, here named
of the monarchy. With the militia too weak Ramaten Tanthul.
to impose order, Greycastle has conceded to
an election. For the first time, Phlan’s citizens
have a say in their own destiny. Adventure Overview
The adventurers are nursing a very easy job that
4 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : I N T R O D U C T I O N
demiplanes of their own minds, where Bane has Adventure Hook
given them great power. The adventurers will
be unwilling participants, as they must try to
Because of the nature of this adventure, all
convince each candidate that they are under the
adventurers share the same adventure hook. In
influence of the Black Lord himself.
the service of their faction or the city of Phlan,
In this adventure, the players have opted to the adventurers have been asked to oversee the
free Jhessail Greycastle. Bane holds them in a election proceedings in Phlan and make sure
dreamstate to tempt and test her into following they run smoothly. If any adventurers do not
the tenets of Bane. In this dream, Greycastle have a faction affiliation, they still enjoy a very
must defend Phlan from the besieging forces that easy assignment that pays well simply because
seek to tear it down. She leads the defense from of their friendship with faction members in their
Valjevo Castle. adventuring party.
The adventurers are given command of
the siege forces and directed to attack the city.
Using mass combat rules, they lead the assault Important. Characters not in Phlan at
on Phlan and capture important locations the request of a faction are assumed to
throughout the city. be acting in a mercenary capacity for the
duration of this adventure trilogy. As a
Once the adventurers have subdued Phlan,
result, they receive 500 gp of mercenary
all that remains is Valjevo Castle. On the castle
pay after they complete all three
grounds, Tyr has intruded on Bane’s creation to
adventures in the series.
leave a puzzle for the adventures. If they are able
to solve it, they receive a clue on how to save
Jhessail Greycastle and are given a magical item to
assist them.
The adventurers finally face Greycastle in
the throne room of Valjevo Castle. They must
overcome the chains that Bane has laid upon the
paladin and break his hold over her to release
both themselves and Greycastle from the Black
Lord’s demiplane.
5 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : I N T R O D U C T I O N
Expected Duration: 30 minutes
A young herald leads you while saying
“urgent and official business”. The crowd
6 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P R O L O G U E
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Religion) check reveals Bane, the god of tyranny, war, and fear.
that it exudes evil energy. There is no correct door. The first door opened
leads to the next section for this adventure. The
You’ve Just Crossed Over other doors are sealed and no amount of effort
opens them. If the adventurers attempt to open all
three doors at once, simply select one door that
Approaching the structure, you see an opens and the others do not. The selected door
opening filled with darkness. It draws you in. always leads to the correct room for this adventure.
7 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P R O L O G U E
they resemble Jhessail Greycastle, Barret • Why have you taken the candidates?
Sokol, and Colvin Doverson. If attacked, he “I will test the three petitioners. Since Graben
does not retaliate, and he cannot physically Samulkin proved incapable, it seems prudent.
interact with them. He exists in an etheric If they can pass my test, I shall help them
form and is incorporeal. He welcomes along to be the leader they never knew they
the adventurers and explains himself as could be. Unfortunately, that may mean your
detailed below. sacrifice. If you can defeat them and prove to
me they are unworthy to lead, I will release
Recent Events in Phlan them from my hold.”
Until very recently, there were actually four • Where will the test take place? “Right here.
candidates. Graben Samulkin was a priest of Let me know when you are ready.”
Bane who sought to be named Ruinlord and
• Where are the other candidates? “They are
make Phlan a theocracy once again.
in the other two rooms. All in good time.”
Despite all his efforts, it became
clear that Samulkin was not going to win, • Are they safe? “They are for now, but their
and like any good follower of the god of future depends on you.”
Tyranny, he decided to move on the city • What do you expect us to do? “You must
and simply take it. Using Banite clergy remove them from power, or convince them
from Mulmaster, he summoned devils and their rule is not legitimate. I warn you though,
Zhentarim mercenaries and took the city. they enjoy their current position in which
He imprisoned Jhessail Greycastle and I have empowered them. Force will most
Colvin Doverson in Stojanow Gate prison. certainly be required.”
It was only with the help of valiant heroes
loyal to the factions that his attempted • Will we or the candidates die if we are
coup was foiled. defeated? “No, this is simply a test. The effects
will be very real, however.”
• Why are you doing this? “I confess my
First Time Adventurer fondness for the city of Phlan. I believe it is the
resiliency to which I’m attracted. Phlan has
If this is the first adventure of the trilogy to be
been under my influence, and it shall continue
played by an adventurer, read the following.
to be.” He pauses to look up with an angry
expression at the adventures, “And yes, yours
“Ah yes, the very people I wish to see. Do
come in so we may discuss matters. I know too!”
you have many questions, and we must • Who are you talking to? “Oh, let’s just say
get them answered so that we can get on
with things.
it is a professional relationship. He is always
concerned with what is fair. When is anything
fair, I ask you?” If pressed he will give Tyr’s
The following are typical questions that cover name, sarcastically proclaiming “The Just God”.
the information that Bane wants them to know.
• Why should we help? “Are you not duty
Certainly, there will be questions that cannot be
bound to protect the candidates? Know that
anticipated. Keep in mind that Bane is completely
if they pass my test, I will dominate their rule
in command of this situation, and it is at his leisure
and use them as puppets to do my bidding.
to answer any questions or not. If adventurers have
Such is the benefit of servitude. I see this as
already completed one of the other adventures in
great reward for them and the city of Phlan.
the trilogy, they may not have many questions. Use
I’m sure you disagree, but if you do agree,
the following information as needed:
then you would want to assist in culling
8 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P R O L O G U E
any unworthy petitioners.” Your Next Stop
• I won’t participate in your evil plan. “Oh,
you mortals are always so preoccupied with If the discussion takes too long, Bane tires of talking
duality. There is no such thing as good or evil, to them and simply decides it is time to begin the
only that which must be. A moth struggles ordeal. When the time comes, read the following.
horribly to exit the cocoon and suffers great
pain. The ‘good’ person would cut the opening The old man sits back down, leaning
to ease the struggle. Only to have him emerge slightly to the side as he clutches his staff
with shriveled and useless wings. Who then and stares through you… “What glorious
plans he has for Phlan, this Colvin fellow.
is good or evil? Every force has a purpose. I Or is it pronounced Cuhl-vaan? Maybe it
have mine, and you too, it seems, have a role to was, once. Anyway, walk on – the shadow
play. And play it you will, for even a choice of he stands and will only grow with the
inaction has effect.” hour.” His eyes drift down to the floor and
he exhales as if preparing for something
• Why don’t you just put who you want on difficult at his age. With a tap of the staff
the throne? “A leader must be tested. I have against the stone, tendrils of shadow begin
placed each of them in a state of great power. A swirling around him. It thickens and fills the
room so completely that the light fails, and
position that grants them a taste of what true
finally… black…
command is like. I think they will enjoy it. Let
us see how hard they are willing to fight for it.”
• Why are you wounded? “My form is that of Bane-ishment
Phlan itself. Though wounded and scarred, it The bulk of this adventure takes place
stands resilient, capable, and willing to fight for in a demiplane created by Bane for the
its survival.” purpose of testing each candidate. It
• What will you do if we save all three exists in the subconscious mind of the
candidates? “You mean if all three candidates candidate and is a temporary reality
fail? I will, at least for the time being, leave the constructed from the candidate’s thoughts
city in the hands of its newly elected ruler, who and feelings. Their actions, the actions
will then surely fail.” of any NPCs, and the environment itself,
are manifestations of the candidate’s
Bane’s avatar won’t answer anything specific about
subconscious mind as it reacts to Bane’s
the tests. Manage the time spent talking to Bane
temptations of power. The adventurers
wisely. Depending on the group, this encounter
attempt to thwart those temptations.
could easily drag out. When you think it’s time,
move to the next section, Your Next Stop. (continued next page...)
9 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P R O L O G U E
Bane-ishment (continued)
This demiplane is isolated from all other
planes, including the Material Plane. No
spell allows one to escape Bane-ishment.
Any spells cast for the purpose of leaving the
demiplane simply fail, as do spells such as
banishment. These restrictions also apply to
magic items with similar properties. Powers
that allow movement to the Border Ethereal
function, but they pull the individual back
into Bane-ishment upon leaving that plane.
Bane-ishment is considered its own plane
for the purposes of effects that travel across,
or are blocked by, planar boundaries.
Summons and magic that involves
extradimensional space function normally.
Any communication with deities or
otherworldly patrons, as well as spells for
communicating with creatures from other
planes, function normally.
Death and Dying while Bane-ished.
If one or all characters die while in Bane’s
test, they are ejected to the Shadow and
Substance section of the Prologue where
they must wait for their companions.
They earn minimum experience for the
adventure, but they are not actually dead.
They do not earn the blessing reward for the
adventure, but they are still eligible to play
any remaining PHLAN2 trilogy adventures.
10 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P R O L O G U E
Expected Duration: 30 minutes Greycastle. He and Colvin Doverson have collected
a large force from throughout the Moonsea. He
honestly believes that only the adventurers are
After Bane summons the darkness, the adventurers
capable of leading the army to victory, and that
are cast into Jhessail Greycastle’s mind, where
any assault without them is doomed to failure.
Bane tests her to see if she is worthy of becoming
his chosen ruler of Phlan. For this test, Bane has Barrett Sokol and any of the members of the
constructed a siege of Phlan, and Jhessail must army do not believe they are in a dream. They
defend the city from its many foes. This siege will believe they are in Faerûn and everything is
use the Mass Combat Rules found as an appendix to completely normal. They reject any argument or
this adventure. evidence otherwise.
If the adventurers ask about Jhessail, either
Barrett or other members of the army will
Arrival in the Siege Camp regale them with stories of the Tyrant of Phlan.
They explain that she drafted anyone capable
of holding a weapon and gathered the largest
The darkness clears to reveal a familiar army ever seen in the Moonsea under her banner.
sight – the Valhingen Graveyard on the
outskirts of Phlan. Once the domain of the
She used her army to strike at every possible
dead, the graveyard now serves another enemy. Jhessail Greycastle, they say, is a threat
purpose – war. A military camp has been to the entire region. She won’t be satisfied until
set up between the crypts and around everyone is under her heel.
the tombstones. The army seems to be
composed of all manner of races and If the party agrees to take command, proceed
peoples who dwell around the Moonsea. to Battle Preparations below. If the party
declines any involvement in the siege of Phlan,
continue to the Bypassing the Siege section.
The adventurers have a few minutes to look
about. They see all sorts of preparations for war
happening. Before they get can get too distracted, Roleplaying “Barrett Sokol”
they see Barrett Sokol striding toward them. This is not actually Barrett Sokol, but
Jhessail Greycastle’s impression of him.
“Ah, you’ve arrived!” a voice calls out He is a smiling charmer who doesn’t
to you. You turn to see Barrett Sokol like to get his hands dirty. His armor
approaching you. He is dressed in
beautifully crafted armor that has never
is pristine because he will not engage
seen a dent. “You’ve come just in time. in battle. He is extremely wealthy and
Our armies have fully invested Phlan. Now spends money without thought. He
it’s time to assault the walls. We need you, promises the adventurers any amount of
our greatest heroes, to take command money they want, providing they agree to
and lead the assault!”
lead the siege.
11 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 1
Battle Preparations Defending Forces
Barrett’s scouts have learned about some of
If the adventurers agree to lead the siege, Barrett the defending forces: hobgoblin warlords and
reviews the forces at their disposal. devastators from Thar, Zhentarim veterans who
don’t honor the alliance with other factions, and
Besieging Forces the elite blackguard of the Black Fists.
The forces were gathered from throughout the Map of Phlan
Moonsea to put an end to the threat posed by
Jhessail. Gladiators from the arenas of Hillsfar, Barrett also apprises the adventurers of the state
archers from Elventree, mages representing the of the city. His cartographers have prepared a
Cloaks of Mulmaster, and dwarven champions map for the party to use. It shows the major
from the Hammersfell Clan. They are utterly loyal locations in Phlan, as well as the location of
to the cause and will follow the adventurers’ known defending forces. Give the players
commands. Player Handout 2: Siege Map of Phlan.
12 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 1
streets. Run this encounter as you see fit, using
generic terrain and city features.
The adventurers may wish to sneak directly to
the castle, but when they complete this encounter,
they find the forces defending Phlan significantly
diminished, and the path to Stojanow Gate clear.
Proceed to Part 3. Stojanow Gate to continue the
13 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 1
Expected Duration: 70 minutes Defending Forces and Tactics
The plaza is an open square with no obstacles,
For this encounter, the adventurers act as but many of the surrounding buildings have been
commanders during the siege on Podol Plaza. Use burned to rubble and impose difficult terrain.
the Mass Combat Rules found in the appendix to run Gate Towers. The veterans in the towers have
this encounter. advantage on targets below. A unit may enter a
tower from the protection of the barbican (the four
towers of the gate). The barbican can hold two units.
The Battlefield It provides cover from the forces in the plaza, but
not from the veterans in the towers. The battering
ram can be moved out into the plaza and provides
Efforts have been underway to repair the bridge in cover for one unit. While in the towers, units occupy
order to allow a battering ram access to the gate. the same square. The gate towers hold a maximum
Barrett is confident the ram will quickly breach the of three units.
gate and serve as cover for the attackers once inside. Central Tower. A central tower holds the
The gate is a four-towered barbican that surrounds devastators, who attack at range with advantage
a central courtyard. against any targets below. While in the tower, units
occupy the same square. The central tower holds a
Podol Plaza was one of the mercantile hubs of maximum of two units.
Phlan. It is now a mustering point for the defense of
Ground Forces. Flanking the central devastator
the city. With the approach of the besieging forces, tower are two walls that provide cover for one unit
many of the city’s defenders have gathered here each. The hobgoblin warlords and blackguards are
to repulse the invaders, although some have been at these locations. They advance when able and
dispatched to the docks, where Colvin Doverson attack in the same round. Until then, they take the
plans to attack as a distraction from the Moonsea. As Guard action.
the battle draws near, dark clouds gather overhead, Additional units. If there are more than four
casting the entire plaza in dim light. players, the DM must add additional units. The
additional units hide behind the buildings on either
Starting the Siege side and attempt to flank the advancing ground
Determine initiative order. Attacking units begin forces as they move into the square. Units can move
on the bridge outside the gate. Any battle unit can between the buildings at half speed.
use the battering ram and go first. When the gate
is breeched, begin initiative. The attackers take fire Mass Combat Rules in
from the plaza (with cover) and from the veterans in
Adventurers League
the tower.
These rules are provided as an advanced
The Walls and Gate release of Unearthed Arcana and approved for
The gate is a four-towered barbican that surrounds DDAL use in this adventure. For ease of play
a central courtyard. The walls are 30 feet tall, in a timed public play setting, and because we
are trying to focus on the siege rules, they are
while the towers are 40 feet tall. The walls are 25
slightly adapted. The following apply:
feet wide. While in the barbican, units have cover
from the plaza, but they are subject to attacks with (continued next page...)
advantage from the veterans in the gate towers.
14 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 2
• Adventurers with the Soldier background, Battlewise
Battlemaster archetype, Purple Knight A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight or Survival)
archetype, or War divine domain gain check reveals the defending forces relative strength
a +1 Morale bonus to any battle units and how they match up against the attacking forces,
they command. as detailed in the fourth entry under the Preparing
• For the Podol Plaza siege only, the the Troops portion of the Battle Preparations
adventurers act as the commanders and section on page 9. Characters with the Soldier
do not use their individual abilities, which background, Battlemaster archetype, Purple
are factored into their unit’s Battle Rating. Knight archetype, or War divine domain know this
Adventurers add a +10 BR modifier to the information automatically.
unit’s BR total. This is already calculated on After the Siege
the Battle Unit Record sheets.
Once Podol Plaza has been secured, Barrett Sokol
• If an adventurer’s battle unit is defeated, strides in and praises the adventurers, proclaiming
they join the nearest friendly unit. Add a victory. Any celebrations are brief, for Barrett
+10 BR bonus to that unit. An adventurer immediately receives a report that the forces
may only join another unit if their unit approaching Stojanow Gate are being destroyed.
is defeated. The adventurers are needed to handle the situation
• If the siege looks like it is going to be a at the gate personally. There are reports of undead
loss for the attackers, at the DMs discretion, and one trembling survivor who claims, “The Gate
adventurers can break away from command walks!” Proceed to Part 3: Stojanow Gate to continue
and use their individual powers to ensure the adventure.
victory. The goal of the encounter is simply
to give the adventurers a taste of mass Expanded Siege Options
combat and express the importance Bane
places on war. A defeat in the siege does The Podol Plaza siege encounter is
not end the adventure, but it may require designed as an introduction to the mass
some improvisation on the DM’s part as the combat mechanics, and as such, it is
adventurers attempt to recover and make simplified. However, with familiarity
their way to Stojanow Gate. and additional time, the encounter
can be expanded. Larger battle units
• Because of the size of the battle units, and siege weapons can be employed.
map area, and scale of combat, the unit Adventurers can be allowed to fight
of scale has been reduced from one as solo combatants, using their own
square = 100 feet, to one square = 25 feet. abilities. Also, inserting critical events
Consequently, rounds last 15 seconds and important opposing NPCs, as detailed
instead of one minute. This does not affect in the last section of the rules, will
the battle mechanics. allow the adventurers a way to shine
in the encounter.
15 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 2
Expected Duration: 20 minutes The gate animates to form two iron golems.
Four flame skulls spin up into the air from the
spikes on the walls overlooking the gate plaza.
The Stojanow gate is very near the plaza and
requires only 5-10 minutes to reach.
Adjusting the Encounter
The great Stojanow Gate towers above you, Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
guarding the approach to Valjevo Castle. encounter. These are not cumulative.
Jhessail has massacred the citizens of Phlan
who refused to bow to her will, and now you • Very weak: Replace both iron golems
stand among their hundreds of corpses that with stone golems
lay before the gates. Severed heads impaled
• Weak party: Replace one iron golem with
on spikes look down upon you.
a stone golem
• Strong party: Add two flameskulls
The corpses are all the innocents in Phlan who
• Very strong party: Add one stone golem
would not fight for Jhessail. She gathered and
massacred them here as part of her final defense
of Valjevo Castle. The corpses include pacifists,
children, the elderly, and the crippled – any deemed Tactics
weak in the eyes of Bane. This is readily apparent to The iron golems use their Poison Breath to target as
anyone who looks at the moldering pile. many adventurers as they can at once. Otherwise,
they brutally attack the adventurers head on.
An oversized image of Jhessail Greycastle The flameskulls cast flame sphere and target
flickers into existence before the gate. She the iron golems, allowing them to heal themselves
stares down at you with madness in her
eyes. “WE see your challenge. You come
with their Fire Absorption trait. The iron golems
to impose your will upon US, but you will find waive their saving throws and take 7 points of fire
nothing but defeat.” damage from each flaming sphere. On subsequent
She stretches out her hands to the gate, turns, the flameskulls cast fireball. They attempt
“STOJANOW! Hear OUR call and obey!” to catch the iron golems and as many enemies
A creaking sound, small at first, grows as possible in its radius. Again, the iron golems
thunderous, as the metal and stone of the willingly fail their saves and regain hit points equal
gate twists and transforms into giant hulking
to the amount of fire damage dealt by using their
masses of iron and rock that break free and
roar at you. Fire Absorption trait.
Jhessail turns back to you. “You will When the golems are defeated, all other
kneel before US or be knelt.” Her image then combatants fall lifeless to the ground.
fades away.
16 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 3
Roleplaying the Flameskulls
While the iron golems and zombies are
unintelligible, the flameskulls chatter
and mock the adventurers throughout
the combat
• “Yes, yes, YES! Show us your
devotion to strife!”
• “All of Faerûn is Lord Bane’s crucible!”
• “The weak die; the strong survive!”
• “Weed out the unworthy. Prove
yourself before the Black Lord!”
17 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 3
Expected Duration: 20 minutes Barrier of Strife
The sphere of energy that protects Valjevo Castle
The siege of Phlan has been successful! Stojanow is a creation of Bane to prevent the adventurers
Gate has been taken, and the path to Valjevo Castle is from interfering with his temptation of Jhessail.
now open. One last test awaits the party before they The sphere is made from magical force. The party
can confront Jhessail. This test is not left by Bane, cannot move through it, teleport through it, or use
but by Tyr. any magic to bypass it. Only the will of a god can
penetrate the barrier. Fortunately, the party has a
Valjevo Castle god with the will.
18 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 4
When the characters investigate the pools, read the Appendix: Memory Token Chart is an aid
following. provided to help calculate the token weights in the
two pans.
Eleven small pools dot the grounds before The players can find out the metaphysical
Valjevo Castle. Each of them is about five
weight of the memory tokens through
feet across and filled with water that glows
with a golden radiance. The water is very experimentation and analyzing the importance of
clear, and you can see the bottom easily. the visions. They can also determine the point value
of the memory tokens by weighing them against
each other on the scale.
The pools are each about 2 feet deep. Except for the The metaphysical weight of the tokens has nothing
radiance, the water is normal and harmless. The to do with their real mass, so the players can’t make
bottom can be seen quite clearly. any determinations by seeing how physically heavy
Each of the pools holds an object. In four of the the tokens are.
pools are the pieces to make the scale. In the rest are The object is to balance the scale with Jhessail’s
tokens that represents a choice made by Jhessail in decisions that are more just against those that
her past. The objects listed below can be retrieved are more tyrannical. Also, the just actions have a
by any conventional means: component of individualism, while the tyrannical
• Pool A: Scale base actions are plural and feature a loss of identity. The
• Pool B: Scale balancing beam point value of each side will equal 14.
• Pool C: Scale pan The solution is as follows:
• Pool D: Scale pan
• Pool E: Bundle of arrows (1 points)
Pan 1: Tokens of Justice
• Bundle of Arrows (1). Symbolizes working
• Pool F: Dirty clothing (2 points)
together for a common good.
• Pool G: Visored helm (3 points)
• Dirty Clothing (2). Symbolizes the need for
• Pool H: Brass ring (4 points) friends and allies to overcome great challenges.
• Pool I: Broken gauntlet (5 points)
• Broken Gauntlet (5). Symbolizes questioning
• Pool J: Laurel crown (6 points) and searching for answers.
• Pool K: Tear-shaped emerald (7 points) • Laurel Crown (6). Symbolizes giving others
Once the four pieces of the scale have been power over their own lives.
retrieved, it is a simple matter to assemble the scale.
The scale is already calibrated and ready for the Pan 2: Tokens of Tyranny
party to use. It simply needs to be placed on a flat • Visored Helm (3). Symbolizes that the strong
surface. should make decisions for others.
When removed from the pool, a memory token
• Brass Ring (4). Symbolizes fealty to an order
triggers a vision of a memory from Jhessail’s past.
built on domination over others.
All the adventurers see the vision at once. The
visions are included in Player Handout 7: Memory • Tear-Shaped Emerald (7). Symbolizes the
Tokens. Cut up the page and distribute the visions betrayal of promises and exploitation of others.
to the players as they remove them from the pool.
19 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 4
Bane’s voice rumbles across the courtyard. A large hammering sound echoes across
“The weight of these memories is a lot for the grounds. The noise is almost deafening.
Jhessail to handle. Perhaps you’d like to You can see large dents appearing in the
share her pain?” energy sphere, created by an unseen force.
With a final slam, a section of the sphere
gives way, revealing a hole large enough for
The Barrier of Strife then emits an arc of force you to pass through.
energy that strikes the person placing the memory The gravelly male voice comes from
tokens into a scale pan. That individual takes 18 the hammer. “Know that this place is within
a mortal’s mind. Your actions here may
(4d8) points of force damage or half that amount have great consequences for her. If you
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. answer Bane’s challenge with strife, you will
The force energy attack re-occurs every time be victorious, but you may chain her for all
eternity. To free her, seek to answer his words
tokens are added to a pan. If an adventurer adds
with words.”
multiple tokens to a pan all at once, there is only
The hammer then sinks into the earth.
one attack. If tokens are added one by one, then the
attack happens every time. The pans are figured
separately, so tokens added to different pans at the
Continuing the Adventure
same time prompt two different attacks.
When the adventurers enter the castle, proceed to
Part 5: A Court of Chains.
Helping Stuck Players
If you feel the players need a bit of help
with this encounter, have each adventurer
make a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) or other
appropriate skill check. Give players who
succeed some hints. Hints can include:
• You must use all the tokens.
• You can balance the tokens against
each other.
• The memories are somehow tied to the
spheres of tyranny and justice.
• Look at the sense of us versus them.
20 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 4
Expected Duration: 60 minutes
Adjusting the Encounter
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this
After climbing through the broken spot in the
encounter. These are not cumulative.
sphere, the adventurers can walk directly through
the main doors, which are standing open. When • Very weak: Remove the erinyes
they pass through the doors, read the following. • Weak party: Replace the erinyes with a
chain devil
The hall from the main doors leads straight • Strong Party: Add a chain devil
back to a large throne room at the heart • Very strong party: Add an erinyes
of the castle. The far wall is dominated by
a throne bearing the symbol of Bane – the
clenched fist. No one sits on this oversized
throne. It is for Bane alone. Tactics
Four great statues of Bane line the walls The chain devils use their Animate Chains action
- two on each side. Scores of chains dangle
to control the chains that dangle from the ceilings.
from the 40-foot-tall ceiling and line the walls.
Wide gaps in the floor reveal pools of acid. The chains can reach all way to the floor. The devils
Their vapor steams upward, giving the room also use chains to carry themselves over the acid
a caustic odor and sharp taste. pits as needed and to make additional attacks
Kneeling before the throne is Jhessail against enemies within reach. If they grapple a
Greycastle. She appears to be praying. An target, they also attempt to move it into the acid pits
erinyes hovers over her while two chain devils (see Moving a Grappled Creature on page 195 of
oversee. It is difficult to tell whether they are
her protectors or her jailors. the Player’s Handbook). They use their Unnerving
Gaze reaction to appear as Barret Sokol or Colvin
Doverson. Finally, they attempt to stay within 30
When a character enters the room (regardless of feet of Jhessail.
whether they are using stealth or invisibility) a loud The erinyes keep to the air as much as possible,
gong sounds. Because of this, Jhessail is impossible using longbow attacks. They will land and engage
to surprise. Read the text below. in melee combat if this strategy proves ineffective.
They too attempt to stay within 30 feet of Jhessail.
When you enter the room, a loud gong Jhessail prefers to engage foes with her
sounds, and Bane’s disembodied voice
greatsword. She also attempts to shove targets into
booms, “Enemies approach. Your judgment
is at hand.” the acid pits (see Shoving a Creature on page 195 of
Jhessail stands and draws her sword.
the Player’s Handbook). She makes liberal use of her
“I will prove myself worthy in the eyes of Command Ally legendary action, preferring to grant
the Great Tyrant!” she cries and advances the erinyes extra attacks. Since its target ally must
your way. be within 30 feet, she tries her best to remain at the
center of the fight.
Jhessail is a warlord. She is aided by three chain
devils and one erinyes.
Note. Remember that these creatures cannot be
banished from the demiplane.
21 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 5
• Bane automatically dispels any one magical
Roleplaying Jhessail Greycastle
effect in the room.
Jhessail is in the thrall of Bane during this • Bane casts Bigby’s Hand and uses the
encounter. She only speaks in the royal Forceful Hand option to push one of the
“we”, as she parrots the liturgy of the adventurers into an acid pit. Bane can see
Black Lord. She engages the adventurers anyone in the throne room, regardless of
in conversation as she commands her stealth or invisibility.
diabolical guardians. Below are some
ideas of things that she can say. Feel free Pits of Acid
to make up more comments based on the
dogma of the Whispering Idols below. The pits are 10 feet deep and contain very powerful
acid that comes up to 5 feet below the level of the
Adventurers who make a successful pit. Anyone who falls into the acid immediately
DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check determine takes 50 (10d10) points of acid damage. Creatures
that Jhessail does not actually believe that begin their turn in the acid take an additional
what she is saying. 27 (5d10) points of acid damage and another
• “Yes! Let US do battle! Bloody conflict 27 (5d10) points of acid damage the round after
in the service of the Lord of Strife!” emerging from the acid. Climbing out of a pit
• “WE shall strike you down. Any who requires a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. Due to
oppose US will fall. Your doom is the pit’s slippery sides and the noxious fumes from
coming at OUR hand!” the acid, the check is made at disadvantage.
• “Run from US, little creatures. Let your If Jhessail is pushed into the acid, a chain devil
weak heart reveal its true nature. You uses an animated chain to lift her out.
are cowards. Flee from OUR might!”
• “WE shall rule this city in OUR image. Chains of the Thrall
WE shall rise stronger and greater When Jhessail is successfully hit and takes damage
and more terrible than anything of any type, read the following.
you can imagine!”
Insubstantial chains made of red energy
flicker into being around Jhessail. The chains
connect her to the four idols along the walls.
Throne of Bane One of the chains pulses, as the force of your
blow is absorbed and transferred to one of
The throne of Bane looms over the chamber from the idols.
the far side of the room. If an adventurer sits on the
throne, Bane teleports the offending character to
the bottom of one of the pits of acid. Acid damage The damage is passed from Jhessail to the idol with
immediately ensues. the highest hit points (determine randomly if there
Additionally, on initiative count 20 (losing is a tie). The chains then vanish from sight. The
initiative ties), Bane can take a lair action to cause chains cannot be targeted by attacks or spells, but
one of the following magical effects. Bane can’t use the idols can.
the same effect two rounds in a row.
• Bane gates in a chain devil to appear
somewhere in the room. It joins combat on the
round it is summoned.
22 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 5
The Whispering Idols allow the check to automatically succeed. If the
When an adventurer gets close to an idol, read check is successful, the statue breaks and crumbles
the following. into rubble. This destroys one of the chains that
protects Jhessail.
Set in small chapels on the sides of the throne If the players do not understand how to use
room are four large statues. Each of them Tyr’s advice, allow their characters to make a DC 15
resembles a heavily armored man whose Wisdom or Intelligence check as a bonus action on
face is hidden by a helm, and the right hand their turn. If successful, tell them they can make the
of each bears a jeweled metal gauntlet. checks above, but do not let them know the DC.
When you get closer, you can hear them
whispering words in an endless litany. If an idol is broken, either through damage or
dissertation, the chain that connects the idol to
Jhessail becomes visible one last time as it shatters.
The throne room holds four large stone idols Jhessail shakes her head as if clearing it, but remains
of Bane. Each one whispers dark seductions on under Bane’s thrall.
why brutal power is necessary. They are fixed to
the floor and cannot be moved. Each idol has an Ending the Fight
AC of 17, 142 hit points, and immunity to poison To free Jhessail, the adventurers must break each of
and psychic damage. If reduced to 0 hit points, an the chains that tie her to the idols of Bane. When the
idol is destroyed and no longer absorbs damage last chain shatters, all of the enemies in the room
for Jhessail. disappear, and only Jhessail remains.
Each of the idols is tied to one of the dictates If during the fight at least one of the chains was
of Bane. It whispers the creed over and over, which broken by refuting the Whispering Idols, read the
can be heard by anyone within 5 feet of the idol. The following, and then proceed to the Epilogue.
whispers tied to each idol are listed below.
• Idol 1: “The strong rule; the weak obey. Impose The last chain that binds Jhessail to the idols
your will on others, or they will impose their of Bane shatters. She staggers and sinks to
will on you. Stand or be knelt.” her knees. Her sword clatters to the ground
as she grabs her head with her hands.
• Idol 2: “Punish those who defy you. They
“We are strong,” she stumbles through
must rue crossing you. Every slight must
the words. “We will triumph. We . . . we . . .”
be answered a thousand-fold. No challenge She lets out a scream. “No! Not we! I! Only I!”
can go unanswered.” Bane’s voice booms through
• Idol 3: “Strike terror into your foes. Make the chamber, cold and merciless.
others fear your wrath, for fear is weakness. “You are unworthy.”
Make your opponents weak.” Jhessail looks up at the empty throne
with a defiant glare. “Perhaps, but I will
• Idol 4: “Strife is opportunity. Encourage remain me.”
conflict for it allows the strong to rise and the A silver ambient light brightens around
weak to fail.” you to the point of losing vision and
finally consciousness.
Adventurers who listen to an idol’s whispers
instantly remember Tyr stating that they must
answer Bane word for word, and they can argue If all of the chains were broken by damage, and none
against the idol. If an adventurer spends an action by refuting the Whispering Idols, read the following,
to argue against the idol, the player can make a DC and then proceed to the Epilogue.
16 Charisma (Persuasion), Intelligence (Religion),
or Wisdom (Insight) check. If the player roleplays (continued next page...)
the theological debate, grant advantage on the roll.
If you believe the argument is particularly good,
23 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 5
The last chain that binds Jhessail to the idols
of Bane shatters. She stumbles and sinks
to her knees, her sword clattering to the
ground. “No, this cannot be! We are strong!”
she protests.
Bane’s voice booms through the
chamber, cold and merciless. “You are
unworthy to rule, but you will still serve.”
Jhessail looks up at the empty throne.
“As you wish, my master.”
A silver ambient light brightens around
you to the point of losing vision and
finally consciousness.
24 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : PA RT 5
Expected Duration: 5 minutes Trilogy Conclusion
Refer to the following to resolve the conclusion:
Above each of you, a silver shower of
• For characters that have not completed all energy falls. It manifests as intense feelings
the adventures in the trilogy, continue to the of centering and gratitude, bestowed upon
next section, Adventure Conclusion. you for duties fulfilled.
As objects begin to come back into
• For characters that conclude the trilogy view, you find yourselves in the main hall
with this adventure, skip to the section of the Lyceum as you remember it before
Trilogy Conclusion. the pyramid appeared. Standing next to
you are all three candidates who, though
somewhat stunned, are unharmed. As you
Adventure Conclusion look back outside the main door, based
on what you remember from when you first
entered, you’re not sure how much time,
if any, has passed. The candidates look at
Above each of you, a silver shower of you, and there is a wide-eyed, unspoken
energy falls. It manifests as intense feelings confirmation on their faces that their
of centering and gratitude, bestowed upon experiences were shared. Before you can
you for duties fulfilled. gain your composure, supporters for each
As objects begin to come back into candidate rush to surround them. Once it
view, you find yourselves in a square room. is confirmed that the candidates are safe
Behind you is simply a solid black stone and unharmed, you are each thanked and
wall. On the other walls are three heavy praised. The city breathes a collective sigh
iron doors, each one displaying a different of relief, but clearly everyone has one thing
relief of the same warrior in different battle on their mind… It’s time to vote!
scenes. Armed with a spear, shield, and
ornately plumed helm, each scene glorifies
the warrior’s victory in battle. No face can The silver shower is a blessing from Tyr. The
be seen behind the visor, only blazing red blessing is listed under Rewards and requires an
eyes, magically illuminated, and set in a attunement slot to receive. If desired, a character
deep blackness.
may refuse the blessing.
If an adventurer completes the trilogy with the
The silver shower is a blessing from Tyr. The conclusion of this adventure, they are recognized in
blessing is listed under Rewards and requires an a public ceremony. Each adventurer is awarded the
attunement slot to receive. If desired, a character Phlan Hero’s reward of 5,000 gp, and a Guardian
may refuse the blessing. Medal (see Rewards for more information).
25 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : E P I L O G U E
Rewards The minimum total award for each character
participating in this adventure is 8,625
experience points.
Make sure players note their rewards on their
adventure logsheets. Give your name and DCI The maximum total award for each character
number (if applicable) so players can record who participating in this adventure is 11,500
ran the session. experience points.
Total up all combat experience earned for the Treasure
defeated foes and divide by the number of The characters receive the following treasure, divided up
characters present in the combat. For non-combat amongst the party. Characters should attempt to divide
experience, the rewards are listed per character. treasure evenly whenever possible. Gold piece values
Give all characters in the party non-combat listed for sellable gear are calculated at their selling price,
experience awards unless otherwise noted. not their purchase price.
Consumable magic items should be divided
Combat Awards up however the group sees fit. If more than one
character is interested in a specific consumable
Name of Foe XP per Foe magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
Blackguard* 3,900 randomly should the group be unable to decide.
Hobgoblin Warlord* 2,300 Permanent magic items are divided according to
Hobgoblin Devastator* 1,100 a system. See the sidebar if the adventure awards
Veteran* 700 permanent magic items.
Chain Devil 3,900
Erinyes 8,400 Treasure Awards
Flameskull 1,100 Item Name GP value
Iron Golem 15,000
Phlan Hero’s reward 5,000*
Stone Golem 5,900
Guardian Medal 1,000**
Warlord (Jhessail) 8,400
Mercenary pay 500***
*Listed only for bypassing the siege encounter. Do not award
* These rewards are per character and are only given upon
XP for these foes if the siege combat was run. completion of all three adventures. If an adventurer opts to
not complete the trilogy, then no gold reward is given.
** The Guardian Medal is bestowed to each character.
Non-Combat Awards The medal has a value of 1000 gp, but is worth more by
displaying it in Phlan. It garners significant influence within
Task or Accomplishment XP per Char the city, and to a lesser degree in other Moonsea cities.
Fought the siege in Podol Plaza 1000 Adventurers wearing a Guardian Medal gain advantage on all
Charisma based ability checks within the Phlan.
Solved the puzzle without hints 1000
Destroyed an idol of Bane 500 per idol *** This reward is for characters without a faction that
complete all three adventures in the trilogy.
26 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : R E WA R D S
Permanent Magic Item Distribution Renown
D&D Adventurers League has a system in place to All faction members earn one renown point for
determine who is awarded permanent magic items participating in this adventure.
at the end of a session. Each character’s logsheet
contains a column to record permanent magic items
for ease of reference.
Story Awards
If all the players at the table agree on one Characters have the opportunity to earn the
character taking possession of a permanent magic following story awards during this adventure.
item, that character gets the item. In Service to the Iron General. This is an
optional reward. You may choose to forgo applying
If one or more characters indicate an interest in
the experience of this adventure if doing so would
possessing a permanent magic item, the character
advance you to 17th level. You may only defer the
that possesses the fewest permanent magic items
awards in order to complete the other adventures
gets the item. If there is a tie in the total number
in the PHLAN2 trilogy, or PHLAN2-S, in subsequent
of permanent magic items owned by contesting
sessions. You must apply all deferred experience
characters, the item’s owner is determined
before playing any other adventures not part of the
randomly by the DM.
PHLAN2 Sovereignty Trilogy.
27 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : R E WA R D S
DM Appendix: NPC Summary Actions
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
The following NPCs are featured prominently in one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
this adventure. Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
Barrett Sokol (BARE-eht SO-kul). Scion
of House Sokol. Seeks to reinstate the
Council of Ten Dreadful Aspect (Recharges after a Short or Long
Rest). The blackguard exudes magical menace.
Jhessail Greycastle (JESS-ale). Fallen Each enemy within 30 feet of the blackguard must
paladin of Bane and liberator of Phlan. succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be
Seeks democratic rule. frightened for 1 minute. If a frightened target
ends its turn more than 30 feet away from the
Colvin Doverson (COL-vin DO-ver-sun).
blackguard, the target can repeat the saving throw,
Claims lineage to Royal House of Daoran.
ending the effect on itself on a success.
Seeks the return of a monarchy.
Bane (BAIN). The Black Lord. Greater deity
of fear, hatred and tyranny. Chain Devil
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
Appendix: Monster Statistics Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 85 (10d8+40)
Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Armor Class 18 (plate)
Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +5
Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 72)
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
Speed 30 ft.
and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t
18 (+4) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +S Condition Immunities poisoned
Skills Athletics +7, Deception +5, Intimidation +5 Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.
Languages Common Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede
Spellcasting. The blackguard is a 10 -level
th the devil’s darkvision.
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage
(spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It on saving throws against spells and other
has the following paladin spells prepared: magical effects.
1st level (4 slots): command, protection from evil
and good, thunderous smite
2nd level (3 slots): branding smite, find steed Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks with its
3rd level (2 slots): blinding smite, dispel magic
Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
28 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : N P C S U M M A RY / M O N S T E R S TAT S
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage. The Erinyes
target is grappled (escape DC 14) if the devil isn’t Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
already grappling a creature. Until the grapple ends,
Armor Class 18 (plate)
the target is restrained and takes 7 (2d6) piercing
damage at the start of each of its turns. Hit Points 153 (18d8+72)
Animate Chains (Recharges after a Short or Long Speed 30 ft.
Rest). Up to four chains the devil can see within 60 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
feet of it magically sprout razor-edged barbs and 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
animate under the devil’s control, provided that the
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +8, Wis +6, Cha +8
chains aren’t being worn or carried.
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
Each animated chain is an object with AC 20,
and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t
20 hit points, resistance to piercing damage, and
immunity to psychic and thunder damage. When
the devil uses Multiattack on its turn, it can use Damage Immunities fire, poison
each animate chain to make one additional chain Condition Immunities poisoned
attack. An animated chain can grapple one creature Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 12
of its own but can’t make attacks while grappling. Languages Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.
An animated chain reverts to its inanimate state if
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
reduced to 0 hit points or if the devil is incapacitated
or dies.
Hellish Weapons. The erinye’s weapon attacks are
Reactions magical and deal an extra 13 (3d8) poison damage
Unnerving Mask. When a creature the devil can see on a hit (included in the attacks).
starts its turn within 30 feet of the devil, the devil Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage
can create the illusion that it looks like one of the on saving throws against spells and other
creatures departed loved ones or bitter enemies. If magical effects.
the creature can see the devil, it must succeed on a
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until Actions
the end of its turn. Multiattack. The devil makes three attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage
or 9 (1d10+4) slashing damage if used with two
hands, plus 13 (3d8) poison damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing
damage plus 13 (3d8) poison damage, and the
target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw or be poisoned. The poison lasts
until is it removed by the lesser restoration spell
or similar magic.
Parry. The erinyes adds 4 to its AC against one
melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the
erinyes must see the attack and be wielding a
melee weapon.
29 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M O N S T E R S TAT S
Flameskull Hobgoblin Warlord
Tiny undead, neutral evil Medium humanoid (goblinoid), lawful evil
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)
Hit Points 40 (9d4 + 18) Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.
1 (−5) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
Skills Arcana +5, Perception +2 Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +3
Damage Resistances lightning, necrotic, piercing Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison Languages Common, Goblin
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Martial Advantage. Once per turn, the hobgoblin
Languages Common can deal an extra 10 (3d6) damage to a creature
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) it hits with a weapon attack if that creature
is within 5 feet of an ally of the hobgoblin
that isn’t incapacitated.
Illumination. The flameskull sheds either dim
light in a 15-foot radius, or bright light in a 15-foot Actions
radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. It can Multiattack. The hobgoblin makes three melee
switch between the options as an action. attacks. Alternatively, it can make two ranged
Magic Resistance. The flameskull has advantage attacks with its javelins.
on saving throws against spells and other magical Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
effects. ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8
Rejuvenation. If the flameskull is destroyed, it (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands.
regains all its hit points in 1 hour unless holy water Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
is sprinkled on its remains or a dispel magic or ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
remove curse spell is cast on them. If the target is Large or smaller, it must succeed on a
Spellcasting. The flameskull is a 5th-level DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to
(spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target.
requires no somatic or material components to Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
cast its spells. The flameskull has the following
wizard spells prepared: Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long
Rest). For 1 minute, the hobgoblin can utter a
Cantrip (at will): mage hand special command or warning whenever a nonhostile
1st level (3 slots): magic missile, shield creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an
2nd level (2 slots): blur, flaming sphere attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add
3rd level (1 slot): fireball a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand
the hobgoblin. A creature can benefit from only
Actions one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the
Multiattack. The flameskull uses Fire Ray twice. hobgoblin is incapacitated.
Fire Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., (continued next page...)
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage.
30 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M O N S T E R S TAT S
Reactions Actions
Parry. The hobgoblin adds 3 to its AC against Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning
knight must see the attacker and be wielding a damage, or 5 (1d8+1) bludgeoning damage if used
melee weapon. with two hands.
31 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M O N S T E R S TAT S
poisonous gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in Veteran
that area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage on a failed
Armor Class 17 (splint)
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Stone Golem Speed 30 ft.
Large construct, unaligned STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85) Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
Speed 30 ft. Senses passive Perception 12
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Languages Common
22 (+6) 9 (−1) 20 (+5) 3 (−4) 11 (+0) 1 (−5 Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic, bludgeoning, Actions
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Multiattack. The veteran makes two longsword
that aren’t adamantine.
attacks. If it has a shortsword drawn, it can also
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, make a shortsword attack.
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8
Languages understands the languages of its creator (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands.
but can’t speak Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1)
spell or effect that would alter its form. piercing damage.
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects. Warlord
Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
magical. Armor Class 18 (plate)
Actions Hit Points 229 (27d8 + 108)
Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Slow (Recharge 5-6). The golem targets one or Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +7, Con +8
more creatures it can see within 10 feet of it. Each Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Perception +5,
target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw Persuasion +8
against this magic. On a failed save, a target can’t Senses passive Perception 15
use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can’t make Languages Common and any one language
more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the
target can take either an action or a bonus action on Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
its turn, not both. These effects last for 1 minute. A
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Indomitable (3/Day). The warlord can reroll a
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. saving throw it fails. It must use the new roll.
32 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M O N S T E R S TAT S
Survivor. The warlord regains 10 hit points at the Appendix:
start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point but fewer
hit points than half its hit point maximum. Mass Combat Rules
Multiattack. The warlord makes two A Note Regarding Mass Combat Rules
weapon attacks. These rules represent the entirety of
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to the siege rules released as Unearthed
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) Arcana. For ease of play in a timed
slashing damage. public play setting, this adventure does
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, not employ all options, and others are
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slightly adapted. Please see the Battle
piercing damage. Unit Record sheets for a summary of
the rules and the sidebar on page 11 for
Legendary Actions more details of adaptations as they apply
The warlord can take 3 legendary actions, to this adventure.
choosing from the options below. Only one
legendary action option can be used at a time and
The mass combat rules are designed to allow you
only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
to determine the outcome of battles involving
warlord regains spent legendary actions at the
hundreds of combatants with a few die rolls. It also
start of its turn.
zooms down into the action with enough fine detail
Weapon Attack. The warlord makes a weapon to allow the player characters the chance to affect
attack. the outcome of a battle.
Command Ally. The warlord targets one ally it The system works by giving each creature a
can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see Battle Rating (BR) based on its Challenge Rating.
and hear the warlord, the target can make one BR is an abstract measure of a creature’s combat
weapon attack as a reaction and gains advantage effectiveness.
on the attack roll.
To make managing hundreds or even
Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). The warlord thousands of creatures at a time easier, creatures in
targets one enemy it can see within 30 feet of it. the mass combat system are organized into units. A
If the target can see and hear it, the target must unit might include hundreds of individuals.
succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be
Each unit involved in a battle also has a morale
frightened until the end of warlord’s next turn.
rating. Morale measures the unit’s motivation to
engage in battle. Units with high morale are willing
to fight to the death, while ones with low morale
are likely to fall apart in the face of adversity.
Commanders play a key role in resolving
battles. Each unit has a commander, whose
Charisma modifiers applies to initiative
and morale.
Battle Rating
The mass combat rules rely on a creature’s Battle
Rating (BR) to summarize its effectiveness in
combat. A creature’s BR is based on its Challenge
Rating (CR).
33 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M O N S T E R S TAT S / M A S S C O M B AT RU L E S
BR is represented by a modifier. Note that a For example, a unit could include 50 Large
creature of a CR 1 or lower is too weak to provide creatures and 200 Medium ones. The total space
a BR bonus on its own. The table shows that such taken up is 400, 200 for the Large creatures and
creatures provide a +1 bonus when they gather 200 for the Medium ones.
in large enough groups. For instance, five CR 1/2 Each unit must also have a commander. The
creatures provide a +1 bonus to BR. Smaller groups commander needs to be one of the creatures
of CR 1/2 creatures provide no bonus. included in the unit but does not count toward
BR encompasses a creature’s attacks, hit determining the unit’s maximum size. Note the
points, AC, and special abilities by relying on commander’s Charisma modifier.
Challenge Rating as a summary of its power. Once you have created a unit, total up the
BR values of its component parts, including its
Battle Rating By Challenge Rating commander. This is the unit’s overall BR.
For creatures that are mounted, such as knights
riding a horse, add the BR for the mounts based on
1/8 +1 per 20 10 +12
their CR just as you would for any other creatures.
1/4 +1 per 10 11 +16
1/2 +1 per 5 12 +18 A unit takes up a space that measures
1 +1 per 2 13 +22 100 feet on each side regardless of how many
2 +1 14 +26 creatures are in it. The unit’s size is an abstraction
3 +2 15 +30 to make tracking units on the battlefield easier
4 +3 16 +34 and simpler in play.
5 +4 17 +38 Ranged Attacks. A unit can make ranged
6 +5 18 +42 attacks if all of its members, other than its
7 +6 19 +46 commander, can make an attack with a range of at
8 +8 20 +50 least 100 feet on an at-will basis. If this is the case,
9+ +10 note the shortest maximum range of its members’
ranged attacks. This is the unit’s maximum range.
Creating Units
Unit Design
A unit is a single, cohesive group of soldiers that
As a rule of thumb, it’s best to organize
is organized to fight together. A unit can have a
similar or identical creatures into unit.
number of creatures in it based on the creature’s
The rules aim to remain simple by
size. Units that are larger than that are too difficult
reducing a unit’s abilities to the lowest
to manage and command effectively.
common denominator.
A unit can fit up to 400 Tiny, Small, or Medium
creatures. Larger creatures take up more space
when counting toward that limit. (continued next page...)
34 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M A S S C O M B AT RU L E S
Morale Factors Affecting Morale
Morale is a rating similar to an ability score
Some of the factors that can reduce a
modifier. It ranges from –10 to +10.
unit’s morale include poor treatment
by a commander or allies, animosity
Morale Ratings toward an allied unit, lack of pay, lack of a
Morale Description personal stake in the battle, incompetent
–10 Openly rebellious or obviously ill-prepared commanders,
–8 Mutinous a daunting, overwhelming foe, and poor
–4 Disgruntled equipment.
–2 Shaky The reverse of any of those factors
0 The typical unit can improve morale.
+2 Motivated
+4 Stalwart
+8 Fanatic Running Battles
+10 Unbreakable The mass combat rules use the same structure as
the standard rules for combat from the Player’s
Handbook. The biggest change centers on resolving
The DM selects a morale rating for each unit attacks, which uses BR rather than attacks, AC, and
involved in a battle. Assign morale based on damage.
how the unit has been treated by its allies and
commanders, the stakes of the battle, the unit’s Scale
personal tie to the outcome, and any other factors The mass battle rules use a different scale for
that you think should play a role. time, with one round representing one minute of
As a good rule of thumb, start a unit’s morale action. This accounts for the time and complexity
at 0 on the Morale Ratings table. For each factor needed to maneuver hundreds or even thousands
that decreases the unit’s morale, shift one row up of warriors. It also plays into the more abstract
the table. For each factor that improves it, shift one nature of combat.
row down. When you’re done with this exercise, To reflect the change in scale, multiply a unit’s
you have a good idea of the unit’s morale. speed by 10 to determine how far it can move in
Of course, you can always simply assign a one round.
morale value based on your judgment. Miniatures. It helps to use miniatures to track
Finally, you alter morale based on the unit battles of this size. In this case, use a grid with
commander’s Charisma. Add the commander’s each square measuring 100 feet on a side and one
Charisma modifier to the unit’s morale, to reflect miniature per unit. When moving, a unit can move
the commander’s ability to motivate and lead. into a square if it has at least half the movement
needed to enter it available.
You do not roll initiative for units. Instead, each
unit has a fixed initiative.
Initiative = 10 + unit Morale rating +
commander’s Charisma modifier
Units act in order of initiative, from highest to
lowest as normal. In the event of a tie, randomly
determine the order in which the tied units act.
Determine this once, and then use that order for
35 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M A S S C O M B AT RU L E S
the rest of the battle. speed. During this move, it does not need to stop if
it moves adjacent to an enemy unit.
On a unit’s turn, it can move and take an action. A Combat
unit can use some or all of its movement before Combat in the mass battle rules uses opposed
taking its action, and can then use the rest of its Battle Rating checks to determine which side has
movement after acting. the upper hand.
A unit’s speed equals the lowest movement A unit can attack an adjacent enemy unit if any
of its component creatures. It can use movement creature in the unit is within 5 feet of the target. It
modes, such as flight, only if every member of can make an attack at range if all of its component
the unit can use it. Do not count the speed of creatures can make ranged attacks that reach the
mounted creatures when determining the unit’s target.
speed and movement types. They obviously use When a unit attacks a target, the attacking unit
their mounts to move. rolls d20 + its BR, as does the defender. You then
A unit cannot move if it is adjacent to an enemy compare the results to determine the result of the
unit unless it uses the disengage action. fight.
A unit must stop moving if it moves adjacent to Tie. If the results are identical, the fight is a
a hostile unit. stalemate. Nothing happens.
Otherwise, use the rules for movement from Defender Wins. If the defender’s result is
the Player’s Handbook to resolve how far a unit higher, the attack has no effect.
can move. Attacker Wins by 10 or Less. The attacker
A unit can use its actions to attack, dash, scores casualties, but not enough to break the
defend, guard, or retreat. However, these actions enemy unit. The target unit reduces its BR by 2.
work a bit differently than in the standard combat Attacker Wins by more than 10. The
rules. attacker scores heavy casualties on the defender.
Attack. An attack is an opposed check between The defender’s BR is reduced by 5 and it must
a unit’s BR and its target’s BR. A unit can attack at immediately make a DC 10 morale check. If the
any range that all of its component members can check fails, the unit flees the battle. Remove it
make attacks at. Full details on resolving combat from play.
are given below, under “Combat”. Note that as the result of combat, a unit’s BR
Dash. A unit that dashes increases its speed for can be reduced to 0 or a negative number.
its turn. This increases equals the unit’s speed. The attacker can gain advantage or suffer
Defend. A unit that defends focuses on building disadvantage on its checks based on a number
a shield wall or otherwise making itself harder to of factors. These are summarized in Combat
hurt. Until the end of its next turn, units that attack Advantage table. Remember that advantage and
it suffer disadvantage on their BR checks. disadvantage cancel each other out.
Guard. A unit that guards prepares to attack Attacker Combat Advantage
any enemy that draws close to it. The next time
an enemy unit moves adjacent to this unit, it Situation
immediately makes an attack against it. The attacker is on higher ground, such as
Retreat. A unit that is adjacent to a hostile uphill from the defender
unit normally cannot move. If the unit takes the The defender is adjacent to at least one hostile
disengage action, it has the chance to move away. unit other than the attacker
The unit must immediately make a DC 10 morale
check. If it fails, it loses its action and does not
move. If it succeeds, it can move up to half its
36 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M A S S C O M B AT RU L E S
Attacker Combat Disadvantage When PCs take part in a battle, your view zooms
Situation down to take in the action on a narrower, more
detailed basis.
The defender is behind a wall or similar cover
When characters battle units, use the standard
The defender is adjacent to at least two combat rules augments with the guidelines for
friendly units resolving mob attacks (Dungeon Master’s Guide,
page 250) to keep things moving, you can decide
that all or part of a unit stops to battle the PCs.
Abstraction and Battle Rating
Resolve the fight until you are satisfied that
Remember that the mass battle rules are you have reached an end point, with either side
designed to make running big, important defeated or driven off. Recalculate the unit’s BR to
battles fast and easy. It uses CR to take into account its losses, if any of its members
summarize a creature’s spells, special survive.
abilities, and so on. There are no special
rules for resistance or spell casting Character Abilities
because the rules assume that CR has In general, resolve a character’s abilities and spells
already accounted for them. using the standard rules for combat. For example,
a wall of ice can block a 100-foot long line. If a unit
moves next to it, use the individual members’ stats
to make their saving throws and apply damage. If
Morale Checks
members of a unit are killed, recalculate the unit’s
In addition to the morale checks caused by combat, BR after removing the individual casualties.
a unit must also make a morale check if certain
Adjudicating these effects requires DM
conditions occur during the battle.
judgment. Consider the nature of the situation,
Casualties. If a unit is reduced to half or less how the unit interacts with a spell or effect, and
of its starting BR, it must immediately make a DC apply the effects as you see fit.
15 morale check. If it fails, it is eliminated from the
Going back to wall of ice, you might judge that
30 creatures from a unit attempt to smash it down.
Friendly Casualties. If a friendly unit within Those creatures suffer the wall’s effects, but they
500 feet of the unit is eliminated, the unit must also have the chance to damage it. Use the rules
immediately make a DC 10 morale check. If it fails, for handling mobs on page 250 of the Dungeon
the unit loses its next turn. Master’s Guide to speed things up.
Characters and Mass Battles Characters and Units
The real fun of running a mass battle is giving The characters can join a unit, but don’t include
the characters a chance to affect the outcome. them in the unit’s size or BR calculation. Instead,
You might be tempted to simply integrate the when the unit attacks, allow the characters to make
characters into units. You can do this fairly easily. their own, separate attacks, cast spells, and so on
Use the rules for determining CR from the Dungeon against the enemy unit using the guidelines given
Master’s Guide and apply them to the characters. above. Allow them to pick out which elements
However, mass battles are more fun for players of the unit they want to target, in case the unit is
when they have a chance to engage in heroics that composed of several types of soldiers or monsters.
alter the course of the fight. Characters attacking in this manner can only
target creatures included in determining the
Character-Scale Combat
target unit’s BR.
You can think of the mass battle rules as looking
Each character has one turn to make attacks,
at a battle from a very high altitude. You lose a lot
cast spells, and so on. Resolve the characters’
of detail, but can see and manage the big picture.
37 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M A S S C O M B AT RU L E S
attacks and spells and determine how many targets When creating critical events, think about
they eliminate. Determine how the loss of those the consequences for success and failure. What
creatures reduces the unit’s BR, then resolve the happens if the PCs manage to destroy a bridge the
unit fight as normal. enemy needs to cross a river? If the PCs don’t raise
If a spell or effect leaves a creature unable to the castle gates by dawn, what happens next?
move or take actions, count it as eliminated for the In some cases, you can simply use the mass
rest of the battle. combat system as normal, with the situation at the
If the characters’ unit comes under attack, start of the clash dictated by the PCs’ success or
resolve the fight as normal. The results don’t apply failure. An enemy unit might start out in a strong
to the characters. If their unit is destroyed, they position, lurking in a village with cover. The evil
remain on the battlefield and can continue to act. wizard’s castle gate is destroyed, rendering his
fortification useless.
Critical Events
In addition to allowing characters to take part NPCs, PCs, and Battle Rating
in fights between units, think of critical events You can always calculate a character’s BR
that might take place during the battle and give and simply include it in a unit, though the
characters a chance to take part in them. Critical level of abstraction in the rules removes
events can include the following: individual actions from a player’s control.
• Prevent enemy scouts from seizing a bridge This approach is best for NPCs who are
or other position. commanders or who are background
• Assassinate an enemy commander or NPC. players in the battle.
Treat critical NPCs, such as important
• Hold attackers away from a gate while
friendly soldiers repair it. villains and rivals, in the same way
you would manage PCs. Let the players
• Sneak into an enemy stronghold to sabotage seek them out, as the clash between
its defenses.
them is undoubtedly a critical event in
• Destroy an approaching siege engine. determining how the battle unfolds.
• Steal the enemy’s battle plans.
These critical events play out just like short
adventures. You need to map the area, determine
the opposition, and prepare any NPCs as needed.
38 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M A S S C O M B AT RU L E S
Appendix: Mass Combat Unit Summary
Use this page to track siege combat. Complete the empty underlined cells for the battle units under the
adventurer’s command. Track each unit’s BR in the outlined column at the right.
Defending Forces
Unit Current
Base Morale Cmd. Cha
Unit Name Size BR Mod. Ranged Morale Initiative
Modifier BR BR
Hobgob. WL 12 5 -- 1 2 3 13 60
Veterans 25 2 150/400, 0 1 0 1 11 50
Devastators 17 3 150 3 2 5 15 51
Blackguards 8 8 -- 3 4 7 17 64
Note: The Unit BR is calculated by multiplying the size (number of creatures) by the BR
modifier. The BR modifier is based on the Challenge Rating of the creature, (see Battle
Rating by Challenge rating table in the Appendix Mass Combat Rules).
39 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : M A S S C O M B AT RU L E S
Appendix: Siege Map of Podol Plaza
40 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : A P P E N D I X
Appendix: Map of Stojanow Gate
41 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : A P P E N D I X
Appendix: Map of the Pools
42 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : A P P E N D I X
Appendix: Memory Token Chart
Use this chart to help keep track of the weight of the memory tokens in each of the pans.
Bundle of Arrows 1
Dirty Clothing 2
Visored Helm 3
Brass Ring 4
Broken Gauntlet 5
Laurel Crown 6
Tear-Shaped Emerald 7
43 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : A P P E N D I X
Appendix: Map of the Throne Room
44 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : A P P E N D I X
Player Handout 1: Map of Phlan
45 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P L AY E R H A N D O U T S
Player Handout 2: Siege Map of Podol Plaza
46 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P L AY E R H A N D O U T S
Player Handout 3: Battle Unit Record - Hillsfar Gladiators
Unit Creature: Gladiator Battle Unit Size: 13 Creatures
Commander: ____________________________________________ BR Modifier: +4
Commander Morale Modifier: _______________________ Base Morale: 3
Combat Actions
Starting BR
Attack. An attack is an opposed check
Contest using a d20 + BR, by both attacker
and defender. between a unit’s BR and its target’s BR. A unit
can attack at any range.
Dash. A unit that dashes increases its
Tie. results are identical. Stalemate. speed for its turn. This increases equals the
Current BR Nothing happens. unit’s speed.
Defender Wins. Attack has no effect. Defend. Until the end of its next turn, units
that attack it suffer disadvantage on their
Attacker Wins by 10 or Less. Target unit
BR checks.
reduces its BR by 2.
Guard. The next time an enemy unit moves
Initiative Attacker Wins by 11+. The defender’s BR is adjacent to this unit, it immediately makes an
reduced by 5 and it must make a DC 10 morale attack against it.
check. If the check fails, the unit flees the battle. Retreat. A unit that is adjacent to a hostile
Remove it from play. unit normally cannot move. If the unit takes
Note that as the result of combat, a unit’s the disengage action, it has the chance to
move away. The unit must immediately make
Morale BR can be reduced to 0 or a negative number. a DC 10 morale check. If it fails, it loses its
Morale Checks action and does not move. If it succeeds, it can
move up to half its speed. During this move, it
Morale checks are made when: does not need to stop if it moves adjacent to
Casualties. If a unit is reduced to half or an enemy unit.
Range Attack less of its starting BR, it must immediately Attacker Combat Advantage
make a DC 15 morale check. If it fails, it is
• The attacker is on higher ground, such as
eliminated from the battle. Each time they uphill from the defender
take damage when below half BR, they must
make another check. • The defender is adjacent to at least one hostile
unit other than the attacker
Move Friendly Casualties. If a friendly unit
within 500 feet of the unit is eliminated, the Attacker Combat Disadvantage
unit must immediately make a DC 10 morale • The defender is behind a wall or similar cover
check. If it fails, the unit loses its next turn. • The defender is adjacent to at least two
friendly units
Field Explanations
• Commander: Adventurer’s name.
• Commander Morale Modifier: Adventurer’s Charisma modifier.
• Battle Unit Size: The number of creatures in the battle unit.
• Starting BR: (Battle unit size) x (BR modifier) + (10 BR bonus for PC commander)
• BR Modifier: Based on Challenge Rating of creature and used to calculate Unit BR. (Not used in combat.)
• Base Morale: Assigned by the adventure or the DM based on the conditions of the adventure.
• Starting BR: BR of the unit at full strength.
• Current BR: Changes during battle (workspace). Use when attacking or defending.
• Initiative: Equal to 10 + Base Morale + Commander’s Morale modifier.
• Morale: Used in Morale checks. (Base Morale) + (commander’s Morale modifier). Characters with the Soldier background,
Battlemaster archetype, Purple Knight archetype, or War divine domain gain an additional +1 Morale bonus. (Does not stack.)
• Range Attack: The range of the battle unit’s ranged attack. All creatures must have ranged attack.
• Movement: Shown in squares. For this combat, 1square = 25 feet.
Note: If an attacking unit is defeated, the adventurer commanding the unit joins the nearest friendly unit, boosting their BR by 10.
47 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P L AY E R H A N D O U T S
Player Handout 4: Battle Unit Record - Elventree Archers
Unit Creature: Archer Battle Unit Size: 20 Creatures
Commander: ____________________________________________ BR Modifier: +2
Commander Morale Modifier: _______________________ Base Morale: 1
Combat Actions
Starting BR
Attack. An attack is an opposed check
Contest using a d20 + BR, by both attacker
and defender. between a unit’s BR and its target’s BR. A unit
can attack at any range.
Dash. A unit that dashes increases its
Tie. results are identical. Stalemate. speed for its turn. This increases equals the
Current BR Nothing happens. unit’s speed.
Defender Wins. Attack has no effect. Defend. Until the end of its next turn, units
that attack it suffer disadvantage on their
Attacker Wins by 10 or Less. Target unit
BR checks.
reduces its BR by 2.
Guard. The next time an enemy unit moves
Initiative Attacker Wins by 11+. The defender’s BR is adjacent to this unit, it immediately makes an
reduced by 5 and it must make a DC 10 morale attack against it.
check. If the check fails, the unit flees the battle. Retreat. A unit that is adjacent to a hostile
Remove it from play. unit normally cannot move. If the unit takes
Note that as the result of combat, a unit’s the disengage action, it has the chance to
move away. The unit must immediately make
Morale BR can be reduced to 0 or a negative number. a DC 10 morale check. If it fails, it loses its
Morale Checks action and does not move. If it succeeds, it can
move up to half its speed. During this move, it
Morale checks are made when: does not need to stop if it moves adjacent to
Casualties. If a unit is reduced to half or an enemy unit.
Range Attack less of its starting BR, it must immediately Attacker Combat Advantage
make a DC 15 morale check. If it fails, it is
• The attacker is on higher ground, such as
150/600 eliminated from the battle. Each time they
take damage when below half BR, they must
uphill from the defender
make another check. • The defender is adjacent to at least one hostile
unit other than the attacker
Move Friendly Casualties. If a friendly unit
within 500 feet of the unit is eliminated, the Attacker Combat Disadvantage
unit must immediately make a DC 10 morale • The defender is behind a wall or similar cover
check. If it fails, the unit loses its next turn. • The defender is adjacent to at least two
friendly units
Field Explanations
• Commander: Adventurer’s name.
• Commander Morale Modifier: Adventurer’s Charisma modifier.
• Battle Unit Size: The number of creatures in the battle unit.
• Starting BR: (Battle unit size) x (BR modifier) + (10 BR bonus for PC commander)
• BR Modifier: Based on Challenge Rating of creature and used to calculate Unit BR. (Not used in combat.)
• Base Morale: Assigned by the adventure or the DM based on the conditions of the adventure.
• Starting BR: BR of the unit at full strength.
• Current BR: Changes during battle (workspace). Use when attacking or defending.
• Initiative: Equal to 10 + Base Morale + Commander’s Morale modifier.
• Morale: Used in Morale checks. (Base Morale) + (commander’s Morale modifier). Characters with the Soldier background,
Battlemaster archetype, Purple Knight archetype, or War divine domain gain an additional +1 Morale bonus. (Does not stack.)
• Range Attack: The range of the battle unit’s ranged attack. All creatures must have ranged attack.
• Movement: Shown in squares. For this combat, 1square = 25 feet.
Note: If an attacking unit is defeated, the adventurer commanding the unit joins the nearest friendly unit, boosting their BR by 10.
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Player Handout 5: Battle Unit Record - Cloak Mages
Unit Creature: Mage Battle Unit Size: 8 Creatures
Commander: ____________________________________________ BR Modifier: +5
Commander Morale Modifier: _______________________ Base Morale: 2
Combat Actions
Starting BR
Attack. An attack is an opposed check
Contest using a d20 + BR, by both attacker
and defender. between a unit’s BR and its target’s BR. A unit
can attack at any range.
Dash. A unit that dashes increases its
Tie. results are identical. Stalemate. speed for its turn. This increases equals the
Current BR Nothing happens. unit’s speed.
Defender Wins. Attack has no effect. Defend. Until the end of its next turn, units
that attack it suffer disadvantage on their
Attacker Wins by 10 or Less. Target unit
BR checks.
reduces its BR by 2.
Guard. The next time an enemy unit moves
Initiative Attacker Wins by 11+. The defender’s BR is adjacent to this unit, it immediately makes an
reduced by 5 and it must make a DC 10 morale attack against it.
check. If the check fails, the unit flees the battle. Retreat. A unit that is adjacent to a hostile
Remove it from play. unit normally cannot move. If the unit takes
Note that as the result of combat, a unit’s the disengage action, it has the chance to
Morale move away. The unit must immediately make
BR can be reduced to 0 or a negative number. a DC 10 morale check. If it fails, it loses its
Morale Checks action and does not move. If it succeeds, it can
move up to half its speed. During this move, it
Morale checks are made when: does not need to stop if it moves adjacent to
Casualties. If a unit is reduced to half or an enemy unit.
Range Attack less of its starting BR, it must immediately Attacker Combat Advantage
make a DC 15 morale check. If it fails, it is
• The attacker is on higher ground, such as
eliminated from the battle. Each time they uphill from the defender
take damage when below half BR, they must
make another check. • The defender is adjacent to at least one hostile
unit other than the attacker
Move Friendly Casualties. If a friendly unit
within 500 feet of the unit is eliminated, the Attacker Combat Disadvantage
unit must immediately make a DC 10 morale • The defender is behind a wall or similar cover
check. If it fails, the unit loses its next turn. • The defender is adjacent to at least two
friendly units
Field Explanations
• Commander: Adventurer’s name.
• Commander Morale Modifier: Adventurer’s Charisma modifier.
• Battle Unit Size: The number of creatures in the battle unit.
• Starting BR: (Battle unit size) x (BR modifier) + (10 BR bonus for PC commander)
• BR Modifier: Based on Challenge Rating of creature and used to calculate Unit BR. (Not used in combat.)
• Base Morale: Assigned by the adventure or the DM based on the conditions of the adventure.
• Starting BR: BR of the unit at full strength.
• Current BR: Changes during battle (workspace). Use when attacking or defending.
• Initiative: Equal to 10 + Base Morale + Commander’s Morale modifier.
• Morale: Used in Morale checks. (Base Morale) + (commander’s Morale modifier). Characters with the Soldier background,
Battlemaster archetype, Purple Knight archetype, or War divine domain gain an additional +1 Morale bonus. (Does not stack.)
• Range Attack: The range of the battle unit’s ranged attack. All creatures must have ranged attack.
• Movement: Shown in squares. For this combat, 1square = 25 feet.
Note: If an attacking unit is defeated, the adventurer commanding the unit joins the nearest friendly unit, boosting their BR by 10.
49 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P L AY E R H A N D O U T S
Player Handout 6: Battle Unit Record - Dwarven Champions
Unit Creature: Champion Battle Unit Size: 5 Creatures
Commander: ____________________________________________ BR Modifier: +10
Commander Morale Modifier: _______________________ Base Morale: 4
Contest using a d20 + BR, by both attacker Attack. An attack is an opposed check
and defender. between a unit’s BR and its target’s BR. A unit
can attack at any range.
Dash. A unit that dashes increases its
Tie. results are identical. Stalemate. speed for its turn. This increases equals the
Current BR Nothing happens. unit’s speed.
Defender Wins. Attack has no effect. Defend. Until the end of its next turn, units
that attack it suffer disadvantage on their
Attacker Wins by 10 or Less. Target unit
BR checks.
reduces its BR by 2.
Guard. The next time an enemy unit moves
Initiative Attacker Wins by 11+. The defender’s BR is adjacent to this unit, it immediately makes an
reduced by 5 and it must make a DC 10 morale attack against it.
check. If the check fails, the unit flees the battle. Retreat. A unit that is adjacent to a hostile
Remove it from play. unit normally cannot move. If the unit takes
Note that as the result of combat, a unit’s the disengage action, it has the chance to
move away. The unit must immediately make
Morale BR can be reduced to 0 or a negative number. a DC 10 morale check. If it fails, it loses its
Morale Checks action and does not move. If it succeeds, it can
move up to half its speed. During this move, it
Morale checks are made when: does not need to stop if it moves adjacent to
Casualties. If a unit is reduced to half or an enemy unit.
Range Attack less of its starting BR, it must immediately Attacker Combat Advantage
make a DC 15 morale check. If it fails, it is
• The attacker is on higher ground, such as
eliminated from the battle. Each time they uphill from the defender
take damage when below half BR, they must
make another check. • The defender is adjacent to at least one hostile
unit other than the attacker
Move Friendly Casualties. If a friendly unit
within 500 feet of the unit is eliminated, the Attacker Combat Disadvantage
unit must immediately make a DC 10 morale • The defender is behind a wall or similar cover
check. If it fails, the unit loses its next turn. • The defender is adjacent to at least two
friendly units
Field Explanations
• Commander: Adventurer’s name.
• Commander Morale Modifier: Adventurer’s Charisma modifier.
• Battle Unit Size: The number of creatures in the battle unit.
• Starting BR: (Battle unit size) x (BR modifier) + (10 BR bonus for PC commander)
• BR Modifier: Based on Challenge Rating of creature and used to calculate Unit BR. (Not used in combat.)
• Base Morale: Assigned by the adventure or the DM based on the conditions of the adventure.
• Starting BR: BR of the unit at full strength.
• Current BR: Changes during battle (workspace). Use when attacking or defending.
• Initiative: Equal to 10 + Base Morale + Commander’s Morale modifier.
• Morale: Used in Morale checks. (Base Morale) + (commander’s Morale modifier). Characters with the Soldier background,
Battlemaster archetype, Purple Knight archetype, or War divine domain gain an additional +1 Morale bonus. (Does not stack.)
• Range Attack: The range of the battle unit’s ranged attack. All creatures must have ranged attack.
• Movement: Shown in squares. For this combat, 1square = 25 feet.
Note: If an attacking unit is defeated, the adventurer commanding the unit joins the nearest friendly unit, boosting their BR by 10.
50 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P L AY E R H A N D O U T S
Player Handout 7: Memory Tokens
51 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P L AY E R H A N D O U T S
Player Handout 8: Rewards
Treasure Award
Important: Any character that does
The Guardian Medal is bestowed to each character. NOT accept the In Service to the
The medal has a value of 1000 gp, but is worth more by Iron General story reward, and
displaying it in Phlan. It garners significant influence then exceeds the level restriction, is
within the city, and to a lesser degree in other Moonsea ejected from the pyramid by Bane and
cities. Adventurers wearing a guardian medal gain declared ill-suited for his test.
advantage on all Charisma based ability checks
within the Phlan.
Magic Award
Adventurers who finish the event by either convincing
or defeating the candidate, earn the following blessing
from Tyr.
Story Award
Characters have the opportunity to earn the following
story awards during this adventure.
In Service to the Iron General. This is an
optional reward. You may choose to forgo applying
the experience of this adventure if doing so would
advance you to 17th level. You may only defer the
awards in order to complete the other adventures
in the PHLAN2 trilogy, or PHLAN2-S, in subsequent
sessions. You must apply all deferred experience
before playing any other adventures not part of the
PHLAN2 Sovereignty Trilogy.
52 P H L A N 2 - 3 / T H E ROYA L W E : P L AY E R H A N D O U T S
l o m e
Wo t he u n gle
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