Chapter 19
Chapter 19
Chapter 19
I. Atmospheric pressure
A. Force exerted by the weight of the air above
B. Weight of the air at sea level
1. 14.7 pounds per square inch
2. 1 kilogram per square centimeter
C. Decreases with increasing altitude
D. Units of measurement
1. Millibar (mb) – standard sea level pressure is 1013.2 mb
2. Inches of mercury – standard sea level pressure is 29.92 inches of mercury
E. Instruments for measuring
1. Barometer
a. Mercury barometer
1. Invented by Torricelli in 1643
2. Uses a glass tube filled with mercury
b. Aneroid barometer
1. "Without liquid"
2. Uses an expanding chamber
II. Wind
A. Horizontal movement of air
1. Out of areas of high pressure
2. Into areas of low pressure
B. Controls of wind
1. Pressure gradient force
a. Isobars – lines of equal air pressure
b. Pressure gradient – pressure change over distance
2. Coriolis effect
a. Apparent deflection in the wind direction due to Earth's rotation
b. Deflection is
1. To the right in the Northern Hemisphere
2. To left in the Southern Hemisphere
3. Friction
a. Only important near the surface
b. Acts to slow the air's movement
C. Upper air winds
1. Generally blow parallel to isobars – called geostrophic winds
2. Jet stream
a. "River" of air
b. High altitude
c. High velocity (120-240 kilometers per hour