Math 9 DLL October

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Pitogo, Pres. Carlos P. Garcia, 6346 Bohol, Philippines

Members: Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP)
Bohol Association of Catholic Schools (BACS)

S.Y. 2023 – 2024


Grade/ Year: 9-St. Lorenzo Prepared by: Mr. Glenn A. Rosales

Date: October 02-31, 2023 Checked by: Sr. Ma. Lanilyn Nadela, DST

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.

The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations, formulate real life problems involving quadratic equations,
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.


Lesson: Firm up: Deepen: Transfer: Assessment:

Solving Problems Review Discussion Present a series of word Administer a quiz or test that
Involving Quadratic Review the concept of problems involving quadratic assesses their knowledge of
Discuss the discriminant (D = equations from various fields solving quadratic equations,
Equations factoring quadratic equations b² - 4ac) and its significance (e.g., business, science, factoring, using the quadratic
and solving them by in determining the nature of
Objectives: engineering). formula, and interpreting
factoring. roots. discriminants.
The learners will be able to… Encourage students to
Discussion Explore how the value of the translate the word problems Solve the following problem.
Introduce the quadratic discriminant relates to the into quadratic equations and
*Analyze and solve a variety formula (x = (-b ± √(b² - types of solutions (real, 1.If an amount of money P in
solve them.
of word problems in rational 4ac)) / (2a)) and explain complex, or repeated) of a pesos is invested at r percent
algebraic equations when to use it. quadratic equation. Discussion compounded annually, it will
grow to an amount A= P (l +
Work through examples of
*Appreciate the importance Work on exercises involving Discuss the importance of r)2 in two years. Suppose Vice
solving quadratic equations Ganda wants his money
of solving problem with different discriminant setting up equations correctly
using both factoring and the amounting to Php200,000 to
rational algebraic equation in to model real-world
real-life situation quadratic formula. scenarios. situations. grow to Php228, 980 in two
years. At what rate must he
* Realize the role of Homework Assignment: Homework Assignment: Homework Assignment: invested his money?
systematic planning in
solving problems Practice solving quadratic Assignment:
equations using both Solve a set of quadratic Solve additional word Make a research about
Activities: factoring and the quadratic equations and classify their problems involving quadratic quadratic inequalities.
Begin with a real-life problem formula. roots based on the equations.
involving a quadratic discriminant. Resources:
equation (e.g., projectile
motion or finding the area of My Distance Learning Buddy:
a rectangle). A Modular Textbook for the
21ST Century Learner
Discuss the characteristics of
(Mathematics 9, Sibs
quadratic equations (ax^2 + Learning Module) / Online
bx + c = 0) and identify the Resources
coefficients (a, b, c).
Show examples of quadratic
equations in various contexts
(e.g., physics, engineering,

Homework Assignment:
Have students find one real-
life example of a quadratic
equation and write a short
paragraph explaining its
Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks:
Lesson: Exploration Deepen: Transfer: Assessment:
Quadratic Inequalities Provide basic definitions and Deepen students' Solve the following
examples of quadratic understanding of quadratic Apply the knowledge of inequalities. Sketch the
inequalities. inequalities and their quadratic inequalities to real- graphs of each inequalities
Discuss how to graph solutions. world scenarios. on a number line.
The learners will be able to…
quadratic inequalities on the Real-World Applications 1. x² + 3x + 2 ≥ 2
a. State and illustrate the coordinate plane. Present practical problems
representation of quadratic 2. x² + 3x + 2 < 2
basic theorems utilized in Problem Solving that require the use of
quadratic inequalities inequalities. quadratic inequalities to 3. x² + 3x + 2 ≤ 2
b. Identify and describe Discussion Present more challenging solve.
quadratic inequalities using Facilitate a class discussion quadratic inequality 4. x² + 3x + 2 > 2
practical situations and on the graphical problems for students to Group Activity
solve. Assignment:
mathematical expressions
Have students work in groups
c. Demonstrate Extend their learning with a
WEEK 2 to solve these real-world
understanding in illustrating challenging assignment.
quadratic inequalities Firm up: Discussion
Procedure: Discussion Assign a set of advanced
EXPLORE: Review Discuss different strategies quadratic inequality
Review Start with a brief review of for solving quadratic Discuss the solutions and problems that require critical
Solving quadratic equation by the previous day's material. inequalities. methods used by different thinking and creativity to
factoring. groups. solve.
Assignment (Homework)
Discussion Practice
Resources:My Distance
Show and explain the steps in Work through a set of Assign a set of complex Learning Buddy: A Modular
solving quadratic inequalities quadratic inequality quadratic inequality Textbook for the 21ST
and give them an example on problems as a class. problems. Century Learner
how to solve. Assignment (Homework)
(Mathematics 9, Sibs
Give the students an activity Assign additional problems
Learning Module) / Online
in four groups. for independent practice.

Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks:

Lesson: Procedure: Firm up: Deepen: Assessment:

*Quadratic Functions Explore: Review the concepts of Introduce the effects of Administer a quiz or test that
Begin with a discussion on domain, range, vertex, and changing 'a,' 'b,' and 'c' in the assesses their knowledge of
*Graphs of quadratic real-life scenarios where axis of symmetry for standard form equation on quadratic functions,
functions. graphing, solving equations,
quadratic functions are quadratic functions. the graph.
and applying them to real-
relevant (e.g., projectile world situations.
Objectives: Practice graphing quadratic Discussion
motion, parabolic shapes).
Show graphs of quadratic functions in standard form.
The learners will be able to… Discuss how 'a' affects the The graph of
functions and identify key Discussion shape (stretch/compress), 'b' y=x 2 −4 x+6 is drawn ,
features (vertex, axis of affects the horizontal shift,
a. Discuss the procedure in symmetry, roots). Discuss how to find the and 'c' affects the vertical
transforming a quadratic Discussion vertex, axis of symmetry, and shift.
function from the general Discuss the standard form of roots of quadratic functions
form y=ax² + bx + c into the a quadratic function: f(x) = algebraically. Practice graphing functions
standard form y=a(x-h)² +k ax^2 + bx + c. with various 'a,' 'b,' and 'c'
WEEK 3 (using solution 1: By values.
completing the square) Homework Assignment: Homework Assignment: Group Activity:
b. Derive the standard form
Have students find examples Practice graphing quadratic Four groups 1.Identify the following:
from the general form of the
of parabolic shapes in their functions and finding their a. Vertex
quadratic function b. domain
daily lives and take pictures key features. Create a set of quadratic
functions with different 'a,' c. Range
or sketch them.
d. opening of
'b,' and 'c' values and graph
the graph
them to observe the changes. e. equation of
the axis of

Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks:

Lesson: Procedure:

Determining the equation of Explore:

a quadratic function Activities:

Objectives: Discussion:

The learners will be able to… Begin with a discussion about

what quadratic equations are
and where they are
a.Find the roots of a commonly used (e.g., physics, 1st Periodical 1st Periodical Rosary Month
quadratic function engineering, economics).
Examination Examination Culmination
b.Determine the equation of Present real-world scenarios
a quadratic function given its and challenges where the
WEEK 4 zeros equation of a quadratic
equation is needed.
c.Value accumulated
knowledge as means of new Introduce the standard form
understanding. of a quadratic equation: ax^2
+ bx + c = 0 and discuss the
meaning of the coefficients.

Homework Assignment:

Have students research and

find an example of a real-
world situation where the
equation of a quadratic
equation is essential.

Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks: Remarks:

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