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Optical Design and Integration of Polymeric EO Modulator With Laser Diode

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Optical Design and Integration of Polymeric EO Modulator with Laser Diode

Pamidighantam. V. Ramana1, K. Sudharsanam1, S. Pethkar1, Xie Ling1 and S. Mhaisalkar2

1 Institute of Microelectronics, 11 Science park road, Singapore 117685
2Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Phone: +65 67705921 Fax: +65 67745747, email: [email protected]

temperature differential without using expensive thermo

electric coolers (TEC).
Optical communications networks utilize directly
modulated semiconductor lasers at low and medium data 1. Introduction
speeds upto 2.5 Gbps. As the transmission data rate Fiber optic communication has been around for the past
increases to and beyond 10Gbps, these networks employ two decades in the long haul and core networks while the
external modulators coupled to semiconductor lasers technology is being introduced in metro networks. Optical
through discrete optical isolators to prevent back reflections. transceivers are the modules which integrate the optical
A number of solutions have been proposed to integrate transmit and receive sections with high speed electronics in
lasers with modulators to achieve optical integration. optical communications (ref 1). The present work is part of a
Optical integration offers advantages in terms of 10Gbps transceiver development project. The transceiver
performance improvement, reduction in size and packaging uses a Distributed Feed-Back (DFB) laser diode (LD) source
cost. Although active elements such as lasers and in continuous wave (CW) mode. Optical modulation is
modulators could be integrated on a single substrate, such a achieved by developing a Mach-Zehnder interferometer
system is prone to high frequency chirp and relaxation polymer optical modulator on a silicon wafer. Functional
oscillations caused by external optical reflections reaching integration is achieved by incorporating electrical devices
laser. Thus, the designer need to analyze the reflections like 4:1 multiplexer, CW LD driver, modulator driver, trans-
coupled back into the laser causing the chirp and the impedance amplifier, clock and data recovery circuit and 1:4
forward propagation through simultaneous simulation. de-multiplexer within the transceiver housing. Thus, the
Semiconductor lasers also exhibit large temperature package format is chosen as Xenpak. The module consists
coefficient of wavelength of the order of 0.1nm/°C. Since, of these devices in bare chip form on a BT substrate while
the external quantum efficiency is quite low, these devices the optical elements are assembled on a planar silicon
generate large amount of heat and efficient thermal solutions optical bench. This enables less number of external
are needed to maintain the junction temperature and components in the network implementation. The transceiver
wavelength. design includes a method of coupling light efficiently from
In the present paper, we propose functional integration the source to the waveguide. Semiconductor laser diodes
of laser and modulator on a single substrate without exhibit asymmetric emission profile and coupling this light
intermediate optical interconnects such as an isolator, fiber into an optical fiber or waveguide can be a challenging task.
or a waveguide. Modulation is achieved using a polymer The 10 Gbps transceiver layout is shown schematically in
optical modulator. Different designs composed of strip figure 1.
waveguide supporting single mode were studied for the
Gaussian elliptical beam propagation and optical
performance of the transceiver. The modulator design was
carried out as part of the development of a 10Gbps
integrated transceiver design. The transceiver design is
based on a Xenpak compliant module.
The optical coupling design consists of direct coupling
of laser diode emission to a Mach-Zehnder optical
modulator with an air gap separation determined by the laser
emission divergence and the mode field diameter of the
waveguide. The laser and the modulator are assembled on a
planar silicon optical bench. Simulation studies were
conducted for reflections at air/modulator interface reaching Fig 1: Schematic of the 10Gbps Transceiver Module
the laser using ray trace methods with coherent Gaussian
source. The results obtained for elliptical Gaussian beam The velocity of light in a dielectric material is a function
indicated that the reflected energy could be weak and does of refractive index. The electronic charge distribution of
not have a significant impact on laser operation. This some materials can be configured using applied electrical
suggested that the laser beam can be directly coupled into voltage leading to change in refractive index and change of
the modulator without an intermediate optical isolator. velocity of light. When an optical interferometer is
Thermal simulations are conducted to estimate the amount constructed with such material and light is allowed to
of junction heating and solutions are proposed to reduce the advance in one arm and retard in the other at a defined rate,

0-7803-8205-6/03/$17.00 ©2003 IEEE 652 2003 Electronics Packaging Technology Conference

the output of the interferometer can be modulated. Optical
modulators existing in the market are Mach-Zehnder
interferometers made of Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3)
material. These modulators operate up to 10GHz with drive
voltages of 6V to 8V pp depending on the length and cross-
section. The insertion loss is low (about 3-5dB). The
modulator needs to be long as the electro-optic coefficient is
not so high requiring higher driving voltages. However,
polymer electro-optical materials are being developed due to
the lower cost, lower driving voltage and possibility to drive
at higher speeds. The attention towards polymer optical
modulators is mainly due to their high electro optic
coefficients, lower dielectric constant, good thermal stability Figure 3. EO modulator results
and reasonable material absorption loss. In the polymer
interferometer modulator, the electric field amplitude is
modulated using the electro optic property of polymer using
the polarization rotation of aligned molecules with applied
2. Polymer optical modulator and optical coupler
Light emitted from the continuous mode Laser Diode is
coupled to the fiber through an electro optical modulator
and a polymer 3 dB Y branch. The junction of the Y is
coupled to the fiber and laser diode and photo diode are
placed at the other end. Fig. 4 shows the schematic structure Figure 4. Y branch power coupler layout
for the symmetric Y-branch for combining the transmit and 3. Optical coupling design
the receive sections. The Y-branch consists of an input A realistic edge emitting semiconductor laser diode with
waveguide, a tapered waveguide section and two branching a Gaussian half angles of 30 x 45 degrees is considered as
waveguides. The effective refractive indices for the guiding the source. A lens compensates for the different numerical
region and the surrounding region are the same as the aperture of the laser and waveguide and provides
polymer optical modulator. The branching waveguides have compatibility between the two mode fields. The coupling is
the shape of cosine arc to keep a small propagation angle. optimum when the mode field diameters of the LD and the
The width of the branch and the placement of laser diode waveguide are matched. For the transceiver being
and photo diode are optimized to ensure passive alignment developed, direct coupling of laser light to the polymer
and matched to the pad layout of electronic devices. The optical modulator was considered to reduce the number of
distance between the Y branch to the laser diode is components and assembly process. The placement distances
optimized for matching the mode field diameter. . were optimized for efficient power coupling. From
The Y junction also forms the fundamental element in simulation, the source to waveguide optical coupling
Mach–Zehnder interferometers as power splitter and achieved is about 55% (-2.6dB) under ideal alignment
combiner. The cross-section of the waveguide for the conditions (ref 2).
modulator is 5um x 7um. The waveguide branching angle is To compute the retro-reflection into the laser from the
~0.6°. The active branch length is 20000um (2cm) waveguide surface, the laser diode emission is considered to
compared to 6-8cm for Lithium Niobate modulators. Thus, be asymmetric as above with a divergence of 30 x 45
the total length of the modulator is 26.2mm which can be degrees. The waveguide is placed at a distance of 20um
integrated inside a transceiver package. The polymer from the laser diode giving an illuminated elliptical area of
modulator is fabricated on a silicon substrate. Passive 10.7 x 16.6um diameter at the waveguide facet. The
polymers are used for upper and lower claddings while the waveguide surface reflection is computed as 4.6 % from the
active EO polymer is used as the core layer. The refractive Fresnel surface reflection formulae and the reflections are
index and geometric profile of the EO modulator is reasonably considered to be specular. The light reflected
described in figure 2. Figure 3 shows the optical simulation back from the waveguide is incident on the laser front facet.
results for the modulator. It can be seen that the propagation The laser diode front facet is assumed to have a transmission
transmission within the waveguide is uniform and the of 30% (70% reflection). The illumination spot at the laser
propagation losses are low. The propagation loss within the front facet has a 21x33um diameter while the laser diode
modulator is around 4dB. facet emission point
dimensions are considered
as 4umx2um. Thus, the
100um amount of reflected light
3000 µm
coupled back into the laser
60 um
diode can be computed to
3000 µm 100 µm
20000 um details (sketch not to scale)
Figure 2. Polymer EO modulator with dimensional

653 2003 Electronics Packaging Technology Conference

be 0.197uW giving a coupling efficiency of -37 dB. With a the thermal resistance, θjt, reduces from 263°C/w to 95°C,
maximum laser power of 5mW (7dBm), the maximum which is a significant improvement. The motivation for
reflection from the waveguide is -30dBm which is low developing j-down LD assembly is to have low cost thermal
enough to avoid laser wavelength chirping. solution for LD packages without using expensive Thermo
Electric Cooler (TEC). The objective of these thermal
4. Laser diode assembly
simulations is to keep the junction temperature at specified
The performance and reliability of semiconductor laser
working temperature corresponding to the wavelength of
diode affects the functionality of the whole package. Since
the wavelength and power output are a function of junction
temperature, thermal solutions for maintaining the desirable LD
temperature is necessary for optical transmission
components. Simulation results showed that most of the
heat dissipated from LD junction will transfer through the Junction
laser diode carrier or submount by conduction (ref 3). In
conventional transmitter packages, the p-n junction of laser
diode is near the top side of LD. The structure is so-called
junction-up (j-up) configuration. Junction is the active
region and the heat source. The semiconductor laser diode is Sub mount
mounted on a carrier chip for optical axis alignment and
ease of die level testing. Figure 5 shows the conventional Figure 6. J-down LD assembly structure and thermal path
laser diode assembly structure. In any optical assembly the most challenging task is to
align and retain the alignment of optical axis of various
LD optical devices/components. In this study we attempted
passive alignment techniques. There are various
designs/techniques for passive alignment such as V-grooves,
Junction U grooves made in the SiOB. These types of features
typically involve more than ten processes and hence results
in reduced dimensional accuracies and increased cost. U-
Carrier grooves for passive alignment of components also have
issues in assembly like pick and place. Hence, in the present
Sub mount study, the SiOB has been designed and fabricated as a flat
structure to passively align and maintain all the components
along the optical axis.
Figure 5.Typical optical package structure (j-up assembly)
4. Conclusions
The thermal resistance θjt, is the sum of thermal This paper presented the design and development of
resistance through LD, θld, thermal resistance of polymer optical modulators for 10Gb optical transceivers
interconnect, θint, thermal resistance through carrier, θca and and planar integration of laser and modulator on the same
thermal resistance of sub mount, θsub. Because of the poor substrate to achieve functional integration. Polymer based
thermal conductivity of semiconductor material, the thermal waveguide design and simulation results are provided.
resistance between junction and LD case is considerable. It Results of optical coupling design between laser diode and
covers more than 90% of overall resistance. polymer waveguide and back reflection studies are included.
The concept of junction-down (j-down) LD assembly, The application of novel methods of cost reduction for
where the LD is assembled up-side down is shown in figure optical transceivers like uncooled laser operation through J-
6. The thermal resistance of j-down LD is much less than j- down assembly for DWDM transceivers is also discussed
up LD (Ref 4) since the thermal path from junction to base and thermal simulation results are presented. This solution
of j-down LD is much shorter. For j-down LD assembly, as gives a better thermal performance without compromising
shown in figure 6, anode is wire bonded and cathode faces on optical performance and reduces the cost of optical
to carrier. So the difficulty is LD stands on carrier by only a modules.
small cathode.
Although the thermal resistance θld in LD is reduced 1. Larry Dalton et al., Journal of Material Chemistry, Sep
from junction to bottom, the conductive area of interconnect 1999, pp 1905-1920.
between LD and carrier is as small as cathode size. So the
2. Pamidighantam V Ramana, et al., SPIE Vol 4906, Nov
thermal resistance of interconnect θint is extremely high, 2002.
which neutralize the thermal benefit from θld of junction
3. Ling Xie, et al., 4th IEEE Electronics Packaging
down LD. We conducted simulations on LD assemblies with
Technology Conference, Singapore, Dec 2002.
different interconnect areas. The results showed that large
4. Olivier J. F. Martin, et al, IEEE Journal of Quantum
interconnect helps reduce thermal resistance of j-down
Electronics, Vol. 28, No. 11(1992), pp.2582-2588.
assembly. As interconnect area increases from 2% to 100%,

654 2003 Electronics Packaging Technology Conference

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