Time 1960-02-22

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Here's the compact car that threw the book away!

The key to this small of room íor everyone, corncring and driving you. And with t.hem
miracle is America's both in front and on ice, mud or snow. you gel economy anrl
first and only rear• rear, including the And with independent practicality that would
mounted aluminum passengers in the suspension at ali four ne\·er have been
engine-a lightweight middle. lt means that wheels-an advance possible if Chevrolet
air-<:ooled6-so you get. the kind justas significant engineers had been
revolutionary it can o( six•passenger as the independent coment to makc the
be packaged with the comfort you'll find on suspcnsionof front Corvair merclya
Lransmissionand drive no other American wheels on full•sized sawccl•offversion of
gears as one compact compact car. Shiíting cars years ago-you a big car. Your dealer
unit. \\'ith power engine weight to thc gei a poised, unrufflcd is t.he man t.o see
cornponents t.ucked rcar also rnakes for ridc that. rivals evcn for ali of t.he short
away in the rear, smoother, easier thc most expensive and sweet details.
thc Corvair's floor is compact car handling makes. These are all Chevrolet Division of
praclically flat. And ancl gives glued-to• Lhings no fronl-engine Gene111\l\lotors,
that. means plcnty the-road uncLion for compact. car can give Detroit 2, Michigan.

~,,._u,rmv,ngoompactcu *
cor"a1r by Chevrofel
,. JUSl (NOAO(D 01 JU$t MAHlfln Thoe..-'t no bl-u.., 11""' lo ••• ,, Mo,,·. ·Anu.o,·, , ~•~n,..J 10
c.•u 1'''" .,..-... nt l,íoe 1n,11ra11N"
-do .. 10 t...t., nottl thang,n¡ ........... no .. 1011I" •h•o~h 1.re.

Thr lM-1trr "ªY to nu·t·t )Uur,,·l"r•rhanf.:i"J! lift in,-ur• ad,anla~ of \IO'\,·•• fomou di•eount. F'uturl" !a\Ínga
anee m·t'\k , ou bu~- • 1111lin·lo fil ,·our n,r,I~ today ar<' ¡oohil,le, too. hN-ao-.(' \10\ r•1 ha'-Íl" ¡K!hl'J ran he
•.. 111(1)'0U 'ADD-O'\' íor cptti:il nf-rJ• anJ ehan~in¡; adJu~1t'"dto hrlp )º" m«I rl,a11~i11,1: n{'f'(l.5bJ 1111din,:
!ituntiou. lt', rnorr ro11H·11i1·111.and tan ~:i,e you 1n,.,ni~t ridt·r~. Juhj<'c-t, of eounir. tu evitlrnrr of
monry, too! Wh..-11)OU hu) a MO\l ¡t0lit) you tale Ul~urubilil\ ami rrrtain olhtr rl'Honablr <111alilical101u.
Ju$1 lool at thc "ª)' )uU cau u,s,clhe the louch of a lmt1011. Sc,eral diffcr- be uUfore,l to )Ollr firm·• exact ueeds
Call Direc1or1elcphoneloincre11Qe ent conferem;c ¡t:ruup~ can he ar- 11mlirn11ro,·eits11rofit 1,kturr.Justcall
o¡,craliugelíicicncy and profill .. ranged. i\"o ntttl to r~nc mttlin11: )OUr llrll Tdcphone business ollici:.
• YOu can tall 1,ith others in )OUr rooms. i\o lo~t lime in corritlon and ami a Bell represenlali.(" ,.;11 hring
oflice,~tureorplant b) mcrd) pu•h• ele.ato~. ,uu gel do1, n to bu~ineu you the 1,holc story. No ohliga1io11.
fast b) phonc, ri¡;ht at )"Our ,le,;l.
inga hunon or 1lialing a numher. r---------------------·---,
lf )'OU gel II hui) signnl. a ~1=ial • ,ou can ha,eas many 11~29outc,.itle,
.. carnp-on" ícature automalically e.~kn~ion or i11tcrcurn lines at your
conncclll you whcn the line is free. fingerti¡)!!all theli111e. You gct more
done. beca1.ue )OU don't ha,·e to
' •. ,..,,,.._c.,,, •
• 'lou can 11tl1Ianullicr inside penor1

loan outsidecall 11111! h11,ea thrtt• le11H!)OUToffice110often.
waycomcr~tion. ,ousa,·ethelilllf'
ami hother invohed in tron!!Íerring Neve, before c:ould o business
calls back a11d forth. phone serve you so effectivelyl
Thi••i••button t•i.p-•lso<>flen :
• You can sel up a telephone confer• l-c11rn how thc newCaJl Dirt~tor tele• _ •••n1eotfle•,bi.!nltrcomfeatu,..._ _JI
cnce,.ithasmnll)'O.ssfrpcople-at phone with Bell S)~lcrn in1crcom can


YomRCAVíctorrecord dealer's secondsmash stereo sale!


Shown bclow arcjust a fcw of thc more than 450 11CAVíctor Li,·ing Stcrco
alburns-thc world's largcsl slcrco catalog. starring thc world's grcalcst
arlists. Every record fcatures new, exclusirn "Miracle Surface:' Gel Lhe
complete catalog al your RCAViclor record dcalcr. Limitcd time. Act today!
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- RCA~Ví C[Q~@


-~·~. ....,c... •. ~
!> r

__J " . >

~ ,...,.,,.,... . •• 1 •
A world-famous barber gives you hü
Charles De Zcmler, thc rcnownw Ncw York blir~r who has "lt'tstill thc bcs1 sh,,V1:around formy money, "says De Zcmltt
sha,·cd many ofthc "''orld's mos1 fasudious mcn, says "Most "A ¡ood lathcr crcam lite Yardley has natunl oils in it, not
,.. rrw:n ruin a shavc, ,,.¡,h too m!K'Chfoam! Thc bcst shavc is thc synthc!ics, so it'J len dryin¡. Softcns your skin and bcard
1,e1 shav<. You nccd a lot of ,.,ucr and u /i11/c foam." He bcttcr. Rut don't o~r-squccic that tubc! ¼oían ioch of
rccommcnJs you showcr first, as stcarn condi1ions your skin YardlcyShav,n¡ Cre.:r.m¡ivcsyou thc li¡ht, wct lathcryou
and bcard. Thcn -..ash, rinscfa«and neck thoroughlytorc• nttd." De Zcmler rocommcnds sho"-crin¡ flrst 10 stc.:r.myour
mo,·e all p,:ri;p1ra1Lon.Leave skm -..-~,.Apply about a tcaspoonful of slnn and bcard. Lcave skin wn. Moincn bnHh with warm, no, ho1,
Yardky Shn1n1 Fo.m. Yardlcy Foam is u1ra rich anda teaspoon- ,,.,.ter, Rrush upa thin, wct lathcr. lnsidc 1/p; hold yow razor under
íul is all you nttd 10 set lhc p,:ñ«t, li&hl. WCIlalhcr. ln1/tk 1/p hot ,..,.ter for a aood minute beforc shavina. lleat tcmpc,rs steel;
1f your nttl Í$ senSl11\'C,shavc, it first .. hile 1t's WCUCSI.R•mc w,th makcs Jt mold to your skin bettcr. R1nsc. You don'1 ~ Afln-
warm. not ho1, water. And .. ,th ""J' foam uK Ancr-Shavm1 Lotion. Shavin¡ lotion wilh a lather crcam shavc--b,11 ,t's pleas.ant.
secrets on how to get a better shave

~ ~ :E"~:~~~~~~if:r:;~f
for c~amplc, cond11tonsyour bcard thc way soap and water
good conditioningoils. Or, ifyou shavcoficn, or with clcctric
_ _ cc.mdi1iorai1 forthes1raigh1 razor. Eliminatcspcrspiration razors. brushlcsscrcamoracrosol foam,yo.,ncedil more
clog-ups, 100 .. a probll'm wich clcclric ra:wrs! J>rc-flcctric is onc !han tl>c man who shavc,s with a brush and natural soo.p lathcrs.
product I say uu a /01 of' Thc more you Uk, thc cl~r and more llow to use: it? Splash j¡ on. Enjoy ,t. Tip to men witlr lr,-p~r-u1ui1_i•e
comforiablc che shavc! And shavc befort it's complctcly absorbed skin: for you tl>crc ita spccial ~w Yardky Tender Skm Shav,ng
Add more if nccdcd." De Zcmlcr also slrongly rccommcnds Aficr- Lotion thatsoothcscven 11\emosisc:nsiti,·eskin. Sting-frcc, sticky•
Shavctoclcctric-razor-~rs."Kccpyourskinincondilion!"hcurgcs free, it's almost as grcat as not having 10 sha,l: at all. YARDLEY
i> l~~trr:".~~~::t:~•¡' i:\;!
11 1 1
'[~~~,;o a~f1i1~
Guni Coded or D01in91 ,•~w._and tht hop,, tha1 h will hrlp foc:us to •d-Hb in embarra..,.in.- 1ituatioM. 1 am
attcnnon on .omr nl'Jl:lt.:ttd hut important rtm"ndtd of a d"nncr a frw .·ra,,ai:olM:rt
Your ,tor} "Tht Comin1 M~le Gap" il
1hr most co.,..· , comprrl'lfni· . '·, and
)lnms LIOl[RMAS
~!:;n~~:•h;:,s ~:r<II:..~~ th:1 •~~•
m·nutt campa:R"n·n¡t I, act'n,: a, cmc<'f. ·o
troducnl thc $f1Utor and rcnurktd aboUI
~':f~~s.:':~~~·:! ,t~r~a~!
Sttn \'ou cul throuKh ali 1hr confu,in~ con.
hi1 bel: of puncuu.lit¡·. llumphtt,· ro!-t an<I
1ta1cd "I would rathtr 11,t llubtrt Hum
llict of rttrnt 1r>llmon~ in a wa)' lhat 11hrr) bttthan thlatellol,.rt llumph"'''"
l""rlorms a rtal 1>ublic .cn·icr Sir Üf.RXARD 51NGU!
S>1Mt:U.S. SntATTON M¡ linc IFth_ ~J ahnut ftdin¡, u Edi~n M,nncapoli,
Committtf on ,\rmcd Srrdcf'S ~ould l,3,·r \f lhf)' ha,I rcj.,ctl'd tht tltctric
llml'ltOÍ Rtprtscntatiw•
!fit~ ".~a f;~;- ¡~'.:ta~~~ ",~~t s~~mi¡;Í,BiblaClou
1 ,. •.., not tht '"°'"" mndfrator lor ••)lttt
inl of .\lintl,M 'll(' nfftrnl mr _¡o min111r, Sir
t~"hur in tht "N'k lo b,.,,.dn•l 11K: \\r "fre much intr~ltd in tht rrpnrt
Tl)IE :MIP •• l CAP rvn I ru. , 1 l'<OK"An; .._mtnl I rr;tcl<'d tht olírr ·Rr·wluion and Eduution"' JFtb. ti. tr•
),111.1.IO _ or AJ.tUll( '' 11 "~,- "'U la1ini to thr n,nttnnialof Whcaton Collrn
...nu llnlhwood STF\"E ALU.N 1 1 8 1
. l"OLITl(',U•tl,
•.P 01·••·1· .,("<>('Q,Js
1>[('1S10 . "L
TJU. '" ~k:1 :n~•~o ::::, c~! '~hn~ u;::¡:~,¡'o~:C~i
PR, lt"TA8J.[ -~ dlA U..O.M. l>Oll' ·n· M .. lj Tt.\1~ nen•r had such a lau¡.:h, Son. hl~h~r lrarnin~ 11hich major in llihlic.! ,tud.
-Eu. in, and carr,· the name Hihlc in thcir litk:,
surh ns Colombia Hfülr Collr11:r.SC
\\'hr:uon has 1h,·a" IM-rn• nand:ard lih-
BollotBoa tr.11-lrO col!t11c in thr fulh acccptNl Mn..,
Sir ofth3\ .,.·ord.andi.•anrr<littdb¡· 1hc-,1an,t
'-ir Your ro,·cr •tor\· on llubtrt llumphrt)' ard a~cncic;;. Wr ,to l>rlir.-r tlK: Hihlr 10 hr
Xo"' thJI ..., h1•r • mi»ilt "~ap.~ ma\ lhb 1]1,ro,·cs1ha1.if_.-ou"--.nttobt.,·ou
K't p,,..u_ that thr natmn ,,:ill rN<>rt lo ltt n,p.11,1,- ol be-in~ fair-min,lc-<I u-en "'htrt r~~/n<I
~::,~~,:;~ :~ ~h~.J-,t¡~nM~ that may
•IOl)ll'apmn,ure<l bhcnls art wn,;,nnc,,I lf lOU krrp it up, \' R. EnllAX
ANTIIO:-.-\' l.. P,\1,,\7-lOLO ynu ma_1110011ui1r I f¡•" of ui. n·ho quit Prc,ident
l.ku1cn.1n1 Commamkr, L'S:"< )"OU Ion~ l¡!O. llack intu lh ful<t
;,.'e" 1>0rt :-.e"~- \·a \rtU.IAM 11. F1;;11~1t
!~is \'t¡:u. X . .\lt•
Unwise to Lump Sir MotterofChoic:e
Sir llum1>hn,,· is ob\'iou,k thr thinkinR man·, !!ir
1 ,.-oukl likt 10 commrnt hridly on 1hr ';!;~-1:~~k~ut uníortu1Utch not lht n,ting Thl• H•llt>t,5'>aptrman wu unhapp, to
rn·i,,.- oí m, l,ook, TAr ,.,MU.rr oJ PMbl,c findhi.snrltt191•,ll,s <IN,cnbN!asponlv
Fd11t•1ioN 1 ~cb I I "lñt bool: <l)"CiÍ,c,1,II) jOCA .\JCfARLAXE and loadd in,ult 10 injur) that hi.s ycan
ilatu (contrary to thr "nterprcta1· n 'n 1hr Brown l'nin,.ity of co,·trin11 couru and 1ioH« btau han now
rr,·irw) that it hu littn unwiw, lo lump all f'ro\'idrnu madr h·m ·n10 an amateur, accnrd'nh lo
ttachtr,; to11dhtr, rtJ1udlrs.s of 11r:1dt lr.-d lOUr,tury on ro,·eraKtUf lhc Hnch munlrr
or subj.-ct tau11bt. lntn ont ,·ast or11ani,ation Sir 1ml l~rb. •I
ft is nol m,· rrckonin~ th~t •·u.s . .1ehool! Crrtain!r SeMlor llum11hrr,· talk• a lut Plu<c-,dear T1>1t,cwn ifyou must dele;;!
will im¡¡ro,·r onl¡ whrn thr trachcu takt llr bn ..,mttbin~ to tall: abnul Ht is tht u, "ho havr docrttd you íor thc m,wic<.
charJlt."' Ttachrn han thc major rr,pon,i- bt,!t•informnl man in Go,·trnmtnt toda, and ""tn ií tht rr1nrds of our full lift
bilil) lor impro,in~ nlua.tion, but aa)in1 RA\ CutSIIOL.\l ma~t u, loot portl) In }'OUr f)'r-1, do not
thatnluca.tion .,.,11 impro.-ronl)· iftrachrn Minnnpolis •1·~m•t-zt Ul .u amattun
'"tal:r char«" ll'.M:I bt)·ond ,.h,11 1 mnnt. if Aun:n ZVGS:,JlTII
nol whH 1 "'rott Sir Uni,·rnal City, Calif
t"lnally, 1 don't be-lit•·• th.at educational \'our rrpon that llubtrt llumphrtl'S fa.
polic)·-,.,ilhout an¡ qualification whaUo- thtr ,,,as con,·trtrd to 1hr Drmocratk f'arty
r,•cr---can or ~oul<l 1,. tht solr prcro1tali.-t
of thr uachrn. t':dutatlona! oruni,ations :!:r":~•Í:
~i 11
AJ a local offidal uf the D,·mocntic Party
Thr ,.,ittr in attcndancc at thc Finch
murdrr trial may be Mu (/ IVa, a TrrN-
havc bttn indfttth·t in de.-rlopin~ broad A¡;, l>wMf) Shulman, Atnold (.1 /folr ;,.
~lucational polic)·. Th¡·>houldnut t.c-a law ln PbMniir, Arii. mwny )'t.,, ago. my fathcr 1•rlfrud)Schulm1n,orotn pot.Sihly lrving
unto thrmStl,·n in this •<11ard. Ri1tht now htd to 5¡><'nd an rntirrday listrninR to
thr problrm i.s not whrthrr tht)' can dnmi- Hr)·an's ontory. A ftw months bttr 1K: (Tt:_:.
1\atr tducauonal policy hui "'"htthtrthty btcame r •·n Rrpublkan. and hu rrmainnl ROGt:R Pt:RRV
ca" ll\Hurna it al ali on imporu.nt poinu
Hnin1t unburdtlltd my..,ll, ma)
uprtst m) dcrp appr«iuinn
I also
for lhr ••- Wllfflin¡:1011
J011NW.\\'1Lu:s °'"'"'

\'our articlr c:oncernln~ thr cut ol D,
s..i.....,..,.11o,.,t,.!1.•nd('onada.1y .. ,17.00 -.W.1C.,,--oh<)l11dbtodd,e_.J10 Abd Uader anti thc mtdicat soc:ic1y ( t"tb , J
F.uroi,,. c~boi. >.~,i,o. l'•nano•. P"'"º ltl,o Tuu, T•- I< L!fe Bu!ldl"I. ~ lto,lcMltr 1•1...,. is intcr~tin~ Dr. Ludcr, incidtntllllr, ,s.
ca .... 1 Zoa,. \"i,tln lolando. ;.,..m •nd J•P<ll• ¡,;;,,_\'o,l~.N.\•. pouStd a uu:1<: thal b h>· no muns dtmo•
lynr 110.00. \lloillttcouuft.lna,.lll.!-0 T1><11-.c.aloo 1,..t,1;>M>l-ou ..,,..,.,., !,..,,,. craticand rtu0nablr, for im.1,:inr th<»r pro-
~-:J.1Wwanll(ift•.=l-M1r ICLl"STUUO. AIIC1uo•e1•••c ..,. .. ,. onct plr "'ho han confKlentt 1nd "'"º ,:kptnd
lfailaibon-1p1io,,ordtto . ...,tt~andln. 110<"11<lo: 11°"'"· Cban•H Mou.,... T. M_,.., rmolion.ally on thtlr prnonal ph)·sician and
otn•<tiomlorcNn.,.oladdttNto 1•,...,;&nt.lt<>)'E.l.ou""'·-• .. ·•\·.,.1•,.,1. who .. -m bt told in ll>f !Ulllrt thai tht)'
tl,nto. 11.,,...,d lllack. Cha,l<o 1-. ~hllm'-" a.nnol havt tbtir 1,racticin~ physidan"i """
Tr><M- ,_,.,.fLJ Sunu Adm,ni,uati,~ \'i« 1•,,.¡ct.nt• D. W. 11,.,,. inthrhospitalbut mu,tac:ccpta"uni,·n1i1y
J4CIN. Mkh!1anAv,0"" oritnltd,""carttr-t¡pc"doctor Dotsn't it
Ctilcuoll,!lllnolo occur toanybody 1ha1 tht ~litnt ha• c:er-
;~;~~:dt):~;:IM:•:~r:••~="·::I:• :d
lain righu too?

1 J~ l.onaconinJ,.\ld

1 tal:e issuc..,ith your prtml!t that mrdi-

alsoc:~lits'offi«n m.1y wifkf P"""troflift
Portrait of a First Family in Scotch

The more you know about the prefcrcnce for Ballantine's
Scotch, the more you will undcrstand why this superb
hospitality hallmark in homes and bars forover a century.
More lavish, although dcsigncd for the same purpose, is
whisky is offcrcd in such an array-thc first Scotch to be thc bountiful Quart.
availablc as a family of seven sizcs.• Thc noble Half-gallon and Callon-sizcd Ballantine's
The wishcs oí our on-the-move friends are mct in thc have livcned sorne of the world's great parties and reccp.
compact Ballantinc's Miniature, Half-pint and Tcnth. tions. So choosc your favoritc mcasure o( this illustrious
Thc famous book-squaro Fifth has bcen a brand.

The more you know about Scotch, the more you like Ballantine's.
tal! and trcat rhem thcrt
m~í,.,~t~~l ~ieJ!ff;~~ffio!~;,kTI~1~'::i
oprn to ali practicini phy,idans, The m«li-
~a~c~°.°~;n':i~t~c~l~y •~~effm~n~~~\c~t~
~:'~~~! ;~:y 1
~:1i,i,:a~,;¡r::~t:m:;l~·t~~th ~~~
,urin~ him. Who succtedtd in uch1ding lht
p:,tirnl'.< 1>e™>nal ph)·•iti.tn lrom trcating
him in th~ Jeffc™>n Da,·i• Ho1pital?

In "Troublt in .\liltown"" fftb. SJ, you
!Ult that Miltown 'ºM'lls lo druAAi•U for
.t ..l(andrctafüforaboutadimt."lnreality,
Miltown co•u lhc pharmacist $3.as per bot-
tle of 50 t.>hlcu. which is 6.Sf' p,,r ublM
~:::~~;. at 1« a tabltl, the prict is qui1c
Htgistcrtd Pharmacisl

Ton;'s Jan 18 i1'iUCquolcd my rdcrcncc
10 tht ste,,I 11rih and its scttltmcnL u a
'ºn.otional cataslrophc·•,..¡thout 11.mplif1c:;¡1ion.
Thu un~ phraM' alo~ mi,:hl lead tht rtadtr
tobclic,·c that thc ",;atulrophc" meant wu
tht toonomic dama~t done 10 thc coonomy
Tite rtalcatastrophc"·u not loO much !he
millions of doMan' w<>rthof damagc done tn
thc ~onumr •• it wu thc failurc of thc
poliucal 1,artics and thdr lcadcrship lo fa«
thc ba1k uusn o! lhr stt-el im¡nsst. Our
ciple of monopoly. are in conílict with anti-
trust la"'!,prcmiM'donthcprincipleofcom-
petition. They havt permittNI thc nistenct
of oppo,;in¡,: J>OWtr-ccnters. bi¡,:-lahor on one
hand and b~ husinc...son lht othH, with \he
dan¡,:er of furthcr nl~n.,ion of alreadr n-
cessivc f!dcral IIO"'"tr to ••~uluc both. In
a Sluat"o.. . nn no lon~n affo ~

Thank.< for anuthn adroit job of rc1>0rt-
ln~inyour hb.1 artidc,"'Bible Disnt)·L1nd."
Do lº" sup~ .'lle,sr5_ \\"inN:ufl. llakv
A, Cu. have consi<frred 1he ¡>rofitablc po••'·
bili1irs uf a Drhr-lhf-Moncy-Chan~crs-Oul-
of-1hc-Tcmplt G~Utr¡· (lr the happy pros
~I of a lit. Cal.-ui . ~ltr~y•Go• Hound

the Faloon looluJ ...

how easi]y it hnndles ... how ('1'11F Rn·.) R.A. LAL'll
·~ff~-~~? ~:n:inut!
l~:~~cp;;~~ tr1\~~~;¡/:Jt~u1>al Church

;;}~Jr::~r ~~~~
roo:oDMSK>N.$"Y,{,/c/'6'.•,>f!any, back to tht Christian, TO.\! Ll\T


Good l.urd al>0vt h1vc m~rcl on \U all
D,wm ~l. ,rrn1a:
........... ,........
•e.,..i ..... ••••oc••••<""•
., ""'
Stanford l'.nh•cr,¡ity
Stanford, Calif
fer space-age figurework
■ Efficiency, savings ... these vital objectives in today's figurework depend on speed. And
the time-saving, automatic features of Marchant calculators can help you process figures faster
than ever before. ■ On the Marchant Oeci-Magic, far example, touching one key just once sets
all decimals automatically-for the entire problem and in the answer. ■ ~n the new Marchant
Transflo, illustrated, a unique back transfer key flows figures from dial to dial, ends stop-and-go
manual re-entriesin multi-step problems. ■ And on Marchantcalculators,whenyou touch the
automatic "push-button" multiplier keys, you get irnmediate answers-with no waiting. ■ More
speed, more ease, more output. That's why.. modern management counts on Marchant.

u .. UM CM.UO • UU
,uaao••••• .... •••• ...........
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.. LUU ••••n••H
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,.., ... ,,,.,, MARCHANT
... .,.,. ...... , ........ ucu••o•'ICI,
U WOIU, O• ..... nat•UO LUtUMUO, Fine celcufstors snd sdding machines
............ w,, .......... .
of sdvanced design

22, 1960
The Company that stands by you ®

TroUbIe St r·1keS. ■
How liberly Mutual's quick action
helped a distraught policyholder
A Llberty Mutual pollcyholder hed Llberty Mutual alWll)S stands ready
thl• to aay ■ bout our cl ■ lm,
~, "ish to express m)' apprt'tialiC111to
Lihcrty ~lutual Í<K the <111iclc
~ai~:e ar~u:~tlt~
Uberty ~lutuars eipert service is avail- llomeln1ur1nce
Get Uberty'•

oí my automobile acci<lcnt ... A beau• able <lay aod night in e,·ery state.
liful repair _iob was done (lfl my t:nr. Becau$e we Jland by people in
"'This w.u my lirst accident in all the trouble, thous:mds of our currt'lil policy-
holders hn,·e come to us on the recom- A ,mglc. h.m1~,owncr"1 pack-
~f"1~,:::~h~ f~~t_'md I sin- mendations of SKt1sfie1l claimnnts ~~,fZ~~ n~~~,~~J~ !ltr·;ªJ
M ::~~:1t:: ihf::;.~f;'v:~,e~is™:~.
::.v:, t
1 Libcrty's quality covcrage is thrifty, too.
Easy paymcnl pl:1ns are avaifabk. To
insurcwith Liberty,call theofficenear•
~..,,. roge,
personal lia-
est you (there nre 146 of tl,cm). E,·n1 ::.ir~1/ 1~,;f¡cy~~b~:g;,i!~
20'.l, of what it wuuld ~~.,., yoo
~~'.::!f>o.~j'tlieª:!~~fi~I ~lºLii>!~,•~/~~J(
ªS!'G~d~ t1':c~:•~oc:it1~
:,rr;.r \~~ ~!:ª!.jJ;,:j
ings :md the bill w:u paid by Liberty. louch witl1 you al the proper time.
Avinp of 15'.l, in dMdcnds
wcre p.iid to Lilxcn) homr•
UW:TY IIITU.\I..JIISUWIC(COW~~TY IIIT..::1.ll[•NSOIAIICl cmu•NT • 11(■(. oma: II0:510!!
owner policyhokk'ff l:ut ye.ar.

l!oo'?""'-C"•~· -·""'


A letter from the


JI' ... , ..

T HE card that appears as pages 103 and 104

of this issue is one of the ne\\' series on
,· ... <,·--.A '.._.., •. M ·....,u,,.•b~
·•newsmakers'' of thc past. Ha.sed on TIMI' CO\'er
portraits and stories, each oí thcse canb is a
rcminder oí how few years it takes to turn the TI ME
week's news into history. Tweke new~maker
c.ards. each featuring a diíferenl personality, ha\"C
bttn in~rted (onc to a copy) into the 2,500,000
copie5 oí this 1,,ttk's T1:,.1v..This will be rc-1,eated
twelve times durin¡;i tht ycar. \'our next-door
neighbor may ha1·e a differént car<I from yours
but you may get it 11ext time. Since the odds
~ r.:-~:...<c;.i::.
J ,-.. -- ...=.~
·~ .. against your collectini:c 11lltwelve in your ow11
copies of T1ME are 18,614 to 1, it will be fu11
to kno"· when anrone getll :a full set.

,,.,;::'·l:':• l\q-1!.\::: o1:r'7"""'::o1,

Cover Story 16
Art ... 66 letters 6 People.. 45
_, ....,,0,111~• Books ...... 106 Medicine 62 Press.,, . . 59
01-,, ... ,-, .. n,...,._,_. Business . . . . 90 Milestones 102 Rehgion ,,, 52
Cinema 82 Miscellany ..... 68 Show Business 74
Education . . . 48 Music . . 79 Sport 73
E.":'"!"':,;=:',!•.....,J '·r.:;.~;;~~--.: Foreign News ,, 22 National Affairs .13 Theater . 100
Hemisphere . 38 Time listings 112
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\'ol. LXX\" No. 8 TIME February 22, 1960

THE NATION mand to anign el.ch nation to thfo de•
,·clopmcnt of particular nuclear weapons
ain {a fourlh "ill beopcraiional by ncl!
July1. armcd wllh 15 Thors npiece. For
Ouestion from the Sahara that fit each role in the ol'erall XATO thc fir~t time the heJrt of European Ru5-
Tremors cchO<'d in Washington this defcnse pictur-.g .• France mighl ~pe- sia wa.i within ran,:e-q minutes aw:iy
"'ecL:. from nn atomic Ulllo,ion atop n cializc in tactical airl>omc nuclear weaµ- -()f Thor·s lcthal stin¡i
stcd-13t1ice towcr in 1hc íara"~Y !:ialura ons. \\"est Gcrmany in field weapons. Feltwe!l, a tidy. rcd•brick nirbase set in
De:,<,rt. France became the fourth Mtion And if nuclenr di.umiamcnt were e,·er the green len~ oí E.1~1 An1tlia,has rattlcd
in history toel¡>lodea nucleardc,ice achicvcd. NATO control "ould maL:.edb· to the thunderdap of Briti•h bomhcr~
(set Foiu:u;, ;\'twsJ. France would not, armamcnt that much cuier to brin¡¡ nnd fi¡¡hter plnncs in two world wars; in
forsomereautorome,achiel'ca militar- about ln<t "cek·s simulatcd launchinll it seemcd
ily ,.iJ!nif,cant nuclear capabilitr without The question is ns tous¡h n nut a< has a ,tranl(cl)' ~ilent world to the cluster of
L'.S. help. but her detcrmination to be a ~n pul !)Cfore the L:.S. in the hi•tory ,·ctcran R..\.F. omcers "ho stood in a sog-
nuclear p,owcr at whatc,·cr cott r:1.i11ed. or of the nnti-Communist a!liance. But it gy ,nowfall "ith6ol'.S .. BritishandCom-
complic.ued. ;;orne touchr problcms for is :,, qucstion tlut cannot for Ion¡¡ he monwealth corre•pondenu and watchcd
L'.!:i.policy. Forcmo ...t amon~ trn':m• Wrn':n pul off. as France•s Gener:it de Gaulle the fi,·e•HDllCcountdown. But in juuover
.tnd hc,w-if ll all-1hould the C.S. arm has made de.ar "'ith a hlng . :o minu\CS-<O·-'<> timin,¡-thrtt white
its ;\'ATO allicJ "i1h nuclear "'C.tpons, Thor• "'ith thc R.A.F."1 rcd-"hite-.and-
l're,idcnt Ei.cnhowcr brous:ht up the DEFENSE bluebull -eye•tenciledon thcirsidcs were
subjcn at his press confcrence fortnight pointcdstr:1.ightupintothegrcro,·cru,1
.tgo whcn he went beyond hb 1afr< ad- 17 Minutes to Red Square lt "ª• an all-Briti<h <ho.,,·. ,.-i1h btuc-
•·ice to .td,·ocate a clunt;c in the Atomic The highlr suc:ccs;ful Thor intcrmedi:i1e- suited R..\.r. teams tickins¡ oli the cate-
Encra}' Act oí 19H, "hich forbid) lr.tns- r,1nge DJ.llbtic mi:;síle i~ one of the "on• chi,moícountllo"'n"h1le1 L'.S... a.uthcnti-
fer of nudcu ,.,,a¡JOn:1to any ally in ders oí tM L'.S. Air Force·~ Cr:J.$hmi•~ilc ntion officer • ,tood ~H•conuiously by .. -\
¡JCacetime. L'.S. alliC$.Yid he. •hould be program. Only four )'CJ.T!I in de.-elopmcnt cadreof6; L'.~.. \ir Forceofficcn:indair-
tre:ned •·u putner$, .. and notas "¡unior and pro,·ed in 83 launchin¡¡~ "ith only men and 5<H>dd Doug!J.5 ,\ircraft tcch-
memffr, of a firm "ho are to be Sttn :md four out-and-out failure.. Thor <Jikr it, nidans 1tre all that remain oí the oriJ!in:il
not heard. So 1 "ould thinlr. tlut it woutd ,\rmy-madc running mate Jupitcr l W3.! dc- lll•k force oí 1.-foo\":inb "hofirq "ent
be bettcr for the L'.S. to malr.e our la"· •i~cd foruseby l".S. ;illics. has a 1.700- to Feh"ell. Sincc the Anglo-.\merican
more liberal.'" Tbe L'.S. is not liL:.el) to mile r:inu "ith 1hcm1onuclcar "arhead :ttrcement oí l'ebru3ry 1958, sorne t,6oo
¡:ct:iclungcintheln" inaneltttion Lut wcek ceremonies at thc reac1i,·ated lund-picked R.A.F. officel"$and enfüted
ycnr. will do it! be,t to mcet thc rcalitie; air 00.se oí Felrnell near Entland·~ b!cJk mcn ha,·c bcen 1r:1.inedin the L".S. and
ofallie,," deíemedemand-. (su Deícn:;c) :,iorth Sea coo•t offici.tlly inJuirumtcd at BritishDJ.se,.Tbeylu.-elaunchede!C\··
h)' ~tretching the legal intcrpret:ition oi thrcc newly completed Thor DJ.sesin Brit- cnThor<intospaceíromCalifomi:i',\'an-
cu,tody to mere clenronic control o.-cr
mi.-ilcí1ring. But.utheSnharauplo<ion
m:idc clear. thi~ expedient dO<'~noL mea~-
urc up to thc hi¡i foct of 1he nex1 era oí
nuclear forces if thc L'.S. doe5 Ml ~how
a w:iy to a,·oid necdlh~ dup!ication oí
One suue,ted an,"cr i, to gfre ;\'.\TO
al!ies··nuclearw,·crci11:n1y··¡_,._ 10tru•t
them with íull control of atomic ""ªP·
on,.. The case for nuclear -o,•creignty
re:m lar,:ely on the argumcnL tlut if
the L'.S.S.R. carne to doubt that ;\'ATO
\\Ould re,¡JOnd to .tn auack upon a 5inJ!IC
member. tN.' nuclear po"er oí thc indi•
,idu:tl mcmber "ould prol'ide an inde-
pcndcnt deterrcnt-Jillin,: in the gapof
unccrtaimr. One ob,·iou~ d.tns¡er the in•
dependent armed nudur ally might fire
in,·oke the world in atomic war.
A ~trong altemativc. re~L nuclear -'O\"•
the NATO comm:ind. This "ould 5Dtisiy
the!trongn:ition.al prtmm togct dc-
fcnse1 out írom undcr dircct control of lI.S.-Bt·1LT THOR 1, Posntos 11, URITAIN
the U.S. lt "·ould cnable thc ;\'ATO com- Simply o mott•r of foilh on both sid•s.
denberg Air Force Ba5C (nine faunchings Pole, whcre the sub poked up its conning weapnns tests bcneath thesurface of the
weresucceuful) tnwer.severalcrewmenscrambledoutand earth. To gct around disagrecmenu on
Technically, thc U.S. retains full cus• proudly planted the red-white-and-blue- how to measure undcr¡:round bL,sts. the
tody o\·cr thc nuclear warhcads for Thor striptdstate!lagofbalmy Hawaii t:.S. proposcd to check al! those above a
in Britain (the U.S. pays for missiles and 4.;5 rating• on the standard seismograph-
warhcads. Britain pa.ys for sites and Silently tumbling in anear-Polar nrbit ic ·'carthquake scalc." The U.S. also pro-
crews), and final permission to firc must last "cek was a mysterious objcct de- poscd a program of joint research to im•
beílashedovcraspecialrcdtclephone scribcd as a spook s.atellite. Spotted by prove the detection of small bombs un-
with a dircct line to Strategic Air Com- ~avy radio space scanners. it is 19 ft. by derground. and e\'entually bring all tcsts
mand headquarters inOmaha. There islit 5 ft., and rangcs in iLs orhit from an understrict international control.
1le doubt. though. that the British.based apogcenf 1.074mi!e,1oaperigeeof 134 "Unaeeeptable, ofCourse." Admitted-
Thorsalrcadyha\·etheirnuclearwarheads milu. The So\·iets declared it was not one ly. the plan lcft sorne arcas open. But lt
scrcwed on firmly, since the R.A.F. made of theirs. U.S. spacemcn S3id it was not wcnt as far as present techniques could
it qulteclearthatsomeare''operational'' oneoí1heirs. Wasit anenemy's"seeing- go. and it would do ali that any agree-
--capable of being bunched at any time eye"'spacestation fas retiredArmr Licut ment could do to relieve the Communist-
within 15 minutes.Another bi1 o[,\·indow GcneraljamesGavindarkl}·suggested).or fanned fear of rising radioactivity from
dressing. dei;igned 10 allay the p,irochtal acuriousvisitnríromoutcrspace? Xoone the fallout of surface blasts. Yet for ali
fears ofpolitidans in both nations: Amer- knew forsurc. llest guess: it was a harm- thegood it did. the t:.S.might h.ive$3ved
ican and British "authentication officers" leu picce of space ·'garbage"-puhaJM a its breath. The Soviet Union's immediate
atea.chbaseareequipped"·ithspecialkcys, spcnt final stage frnm sorne pasL s.atellite reactinn: a llat "rejected.'' Cricd Soviet
whichmust beinsertcd 5eparately in the --ond it will stay up therc 10 tantalize De!cgate &mynn K. Tsar:ipkin: "A con•
centralcontrolbo.ard,tocompletetheelec• scientists for severa] months more. spiracy.ltisunacce1)table.ofcourse.''
trical system and permit the countdown. Moscow·s reaction should have sur-
Saysnnc llritishofficial: "When rou get prised noone. :\fonth aftermonth West•
rightdowntoit.the"·holethingissimply crndiplomatsha\·efloatedintoGenevaon
amattcroí faithonhoth sides." ~ood~ of ho~ on!y to be dashed against
míle:uble Soviet demands. President Ei-
Neither Lopped nor Gopped senhower's cardinal rule is that a han on
High in the skyand deepunder the sea, 1es1sisnohana1allunlessitispoliced
the U.S. provcd again 1Mt week that it is byan inspectionsy~tcm. Yet the Russians
far from bcing lapped or gapped in the are unwilling to ginthe necessaryguar-
militaryrace.ltems an1ees, insist on a simple. all-0r-nothing
tJ Hoping to prO\'C to Congrcss ~nd the moratorium withnut adequate enforce•
budgetmakers that it is possible to de\~SC mcnt. The boss of the control post in
a defense against missiles. the Army dis- Russla must be a Russian; the cnmmis-
closed that one oí its operational Hawk sinn mayinvC!itigate onlyasmall numbcr
antiaircraft missiles lmocked down a su• of s~picio:sdseismographic disturbarices
personic Hnnest Jnhn o\·er \\'hite Sands,
N. :\!ex. fas\ mnnth. In the first kno"·n The leod & the Need. In Washington
kill of a ballistic miuile. the two birds last weck there was growing concern that
cotlided 1} miles up ata combined speed the Gcneva talks would drag on and on to
oí 2.000 m.p.h. Thnugh a far cry from no conclu~ion. During thepast 15 month5,
the Army·s goal of perfecting a nuclear- the Ll.S. has halted ali nuclear tests. YcL
tlpped :,;ike-Zeus missile sy~tem cap.a.ble the Communists may well be .se(rctly
of intcrccpting 16,000 m.p.h. ICH:\h at testing."hile the U.S. sitsp,Uicntlyat 1hc
100-mile altitudes, thc Hawk tests dis- conference table. Thc U.S. still has a
¡:,elleddoubtthat··ahulletcou!dhitahul- 11rohab!e lead in nuclear weapnns tech•
let," gave new ammunition to the Army notogy.butthenation·snuclcararsenal
initscampaigntopryloosc$13;millinn v~•• Oob•a·•.,_f<l.,,-, can stand plentr of impro\·cmcnt. par-
in ~ike-Zeus funding now being with- WAl>SWORTIIATGtSE\'A ticularly in thearcaofdeancrbombsand
hc!d by thc Budget Bureau Founderin~ forflooters. small tactical wcapnns. lmportant pro-
(J Proving that the lJ.S.S.R. has many a gramsarenecdedinthefieldofminiatur-
missilc woe of its nwn. U.S. intelligence THE ATOM i,;ation to develop warheads for Lhe Nike-
rcported that the Soviets failed in t1·0 Zeus anti.missile. for the Navy·$ l'nlaris
attem1)ts 10 launch key missiles during The Formulo As Before and the Air Force·s Minuteman ICB:\ls-
thcirrccenttestseries (inwhichtheyalso For the t;oth lime in 15 months. L'.S. all oF which means nuclear testing.
succe5-5fullylobheda pairof ICB:\h onto Ambassador James J. Wadsworth retraced Though the tem¡XJrary moratorium 011
abull's-cyeinthemid-l'acific). U.S.mon- his worn rou1e into a Gene\·a conference nuclear tests ended Dec. 31. l'resident Ei-
iton in 1hc Middlc EaH picked u¡i Ule room last wcck to makconcmorcp¡iticnt senhowcr has made no decision on 11he1h-
countdowns between Jan. 15 and Fel,. 1 1ry atan effettive East-\\'est han on thc er to resume the shots. The Lemptation is
but could not tell whcthcr the two birds tcsting oí nuclear weapons. Wlth him. to wait for the summit mcetings in :\lay,
blewuporthetestsfailed forothcreau.es. \\'ads"·orth broughL a brand-ncw U.S. ap• just as thc t.:.S. waited hoptfu!ly for
(J Proving that L:.S. submarines can s.ail proach to the prohlem and, as alw·ays. Khru1hchev's assurances on nuclear test-
at any time of year to the top of the hope. ing at Camp David last summcr. llut
world,withineasy Polarisrangcof Russia Well aw·arc thJt France was about to againsta backdropof 15monthsof frus•
thenuclearsubSargaslippcdhundredsof e:1plode an :uomic bomh. the U.S. pro• tration. the great hopes of Gencva are
miles under thc fierce Arctic ice pack to poseda treaty that it belie\'edcould lead fading fast. The danger is that thc real
the North Pole. The fourth U.S. subma- tuquiekest practicalagrcement1ndser\'e Soviet ohjectiveat Gene\·a is to halt U.S.
rine voyage to 1he Pole. it was the first until East and West could arrivc at 100% weaJ)Onsprogress, whilc giving nothlng in
madcin thedeadoí winter. Sargo chnse control. Specifically, the L".S. proposed to return. thus in effcct disarming the U.S.
the tougher western route 1mnre than end .. forthwith under assured controls" by talk. An.d that, as lke has insisted so
4,2oonauticalmiles from Hawaii through 1) ali nuclear weapons tests in thc earth's many times. is precisely what the U.S
1he Bering Strait to the Pole¡, bucked the aLmosphere; 2) ali tesu in the oceans; mustguardagainst.
worst ice of the year (average thickness 3)allnuclearte5t!linthosercgionsof
6 ft.), sailed under the pack for almost space wherecflective controlsare current-
15 days, ,urfaced seven times. At the lypossiblc; and .¡) all control!able nuclear
THE PRESIDENCY menl!. about the nttd~ oí the lJnitcd AGRICULTURE
StatB. and I uy to pul necdal>1wepre1-
Croufire surc-grou11 inducement. before local ar- Solutions, Anyone?
In thc mid.st oí thc defcn.se b3ttlc. gument. 1 don't belie·ve in punin1t luiury A \\'hite Ho\lSC limousine spcd up
011.ight [i.senho.,·cr b!l "'cd: stood undcr andutr.1\-aganceahe:adoínttd. Hut tu,·- l'ennsyh·ania A,·enuc to Lhe Capital one
Mime of thc sh:i.r¡Kot cro .. f1rc of per..on;il ingutisficdthenttd. l beliC\"t"·eshould day fortnif:ht •110. carrying two presi-
anack smcc he stcpped into thc prc,- go ahe.:id l''ith such policics and program5 denti.al 1ide1 to a sccret meeting in the
idcnc)'. Congrcssional 1nvcsti.rators prod• that the i.;.s. belie,·es will be hel11ful.,nd officeof :><orthDako1a·, Republican Scna-
d«I gcncr:ib and admirals in10 admittin~ 11 the ume 1imege1 this ñ!ll;:31 bu,foess tor ,_lilton R. \'oun¡r. Gathered for the
th.lt thcy ,.·antedmoremoncy th:i.n lkc"s into sucb control tlu.l we can ha,·e pro;o- mtttin¡r"ereG.O.r ... -heat-•lateScnators.
S..1 billion milit.11.rybu~ct ,110...-•. Dtm- perity in the future:· all of thcm unluppy abou1 tbe íam, mes-
ocrau accused thc l'resldent of ¡t:amblinl[ On Hi$ Role: "I hope that I am help- sage th..,t PresidentEiscnho"·cr10·uschcd
"iththcnation'ss«urity; :\lis'IOurrsScn- ing to establish a pauem forsoh·ingthcsc ulcd to scnd to Congre5!1that ,·e11· !by.
ator ::;tuJrt Symington. a presidf'ntial problems in thl- manncr of reasonable The Senators had found in the ad\'ancc
hopeful, c,·cn lhreatcncd to publish lOll- men. nC\·er ¡:l\;ng awny to the so-ulkd tul a linitcrin,: echo of A1triculture Secre-
s«ret U.S. intclligencc cstimJtCJ if thc ultr:a-liberal that has noo1hl-rpurJI05C 1111·E'.zra Taft Benson's crusading spirit.
Administration dcnics that So,·ict might than to gi\'e your money away for sorne andtheyfclttlut.considerin¡rBcn$0n·s
has "incrc:ued considcrably," (Grumped pet theory of bis own and. on the other unpo¡1ulari1y in the farm belt. a gcntler
Ikc to bis uaff: "Wc may hJ\'C to takc Lone "'ª5 indicated in an elertion year.
anothcr look at what wc gh·e thc.se peo- Whcn the Presiden! finally sent hi~
11lc.·••Columnist Jou11h Al.<,0¡1callcdthc farm message to Congress lnst wcek. !h·e
Ei~cnhowcr dctcrminltion to 11rC$Cr,·c ÍI!· daysbehind thcori1tinalschcdule. itsmild
cal rcspon,ibility in c:o"ernmcnt an ·'ob• tone bu1tre$SCdrumors Lhat thc tC:fl had
scssion" anda --mirnia," l'undit Walter bcen drutically re10·ri11enat the rcque1;t
Li1111mann. himSl'lf p:u1 70, likencd lke to oí G.0.1'. members oí Congren. backf'd
''a Lircd old man who hu losl touch "'ith up by \'ice l'ruident Niaon. At the i'resi-
lhes1lring11oíourna1ionalvitalily:· dent '1 l)Te5!1conference, a newsman askcd
lmperturbably at midweek the Prcsi- about ··1he \'ice l'rcsident's role in re-
dent llewto Florid,. fara tour oí theCipe shaping thc f•rm mtiSDKt.'' Rcplied lke
Cana,·enl missile•trSl center. For J¼ •·Well, this is thcñrst time l lu."eheard
hourshe1u.5lcdthrough1; forutoígan- about him reshaping it.•·
triesfortheliquid-íuelcdAtlnandTit,n, $1,000 o Minute. The farm mess.a~
the solid-íuelcd Pobris and Pershing. He had not bttn rediapcd. but it had bttn
pr:ai5ed the b.ase"J '"mínimum of utra,·a- rcstyled to m•lte it soíter. The Prcsidcnt
s;ince and nu..11imumof tfficiency,"' -'31id, made only t"'º ~peciñc rccommcndations
"1 came b.ack "·ith a much better fttling ,, c,:p,ms.ion of thc lon11-tcrm soil bank
than l lu.d before l 10.entdo"'n there." --conscn·ation rcscr,:e" to6omillion acres
~ut iby.athi• 1!oth¡¡.r~conference írom the 11resent :8 million. and :1 a
Ei..enhower. his blue eyes sn3pping. ñrcd n,,.. "hcat pro,:ram that ,.-ould combine
back 11 1he snipe~. In his ans,.·ers hi~ repeal of 111 ••heaL produnion controb
r~ could 6.nd m.tll)' oí the thin111 for with , ]ol'er support price. ba5ed on
,.-hichtheyjeerllte spra,.·lingsyntaxes marketpricesrathcrth..,nontheoutibtcd
and turbulent tenses. :md a tendency to ..p;iritr" formula. A new l"he:ll program
statc his d«i~ion~ a, ¡ror.pel"1thout citing "'ª5 "im¡>eratively n«dcd, .. yid lkc-thc
the ru~on1 behind them. Hut hi§ friends prescm program is costin,: the Federal
could also easily dct«t Eiscnho,.er·1 Go,·ernment $1,000 a minute. $1.5 mil-
sense oí 11uqJOseand unlb(t!ling conccm lion a day.
for 1hc nation'1wcll-being. ltem1 Butthcl'residcntdidnotin•istonhis
On His Decition1: "] ha,•c l.11:enin own wheat program. lle would. he !.3id,
the milit.ary Sl'rvicc a long time. I am EdwotdClotl-l,11 "Dppro,·canyconstructivesolutionthaL
ob,·iously running for nothing. I "·ant ElSESHOWi:a AT CASA\'F.llAL the Congre" "'bhcs 10 dcvclop,.. whcLhcr
onlymycountrytobes1rong.tobes;ifc, Snop for snipers. leadin1tto"greatcrfrcedomormorcregi-
andtoha,•ea fcelingofconñdcnceamong men1a1ion."andwhcthcr ba5edon markct
it1pco11lcso thcy cangoabout thcir hand.torepudfate reaction Jikeyou would 11rku or p:irity-a wide dep:irture írom
busincss.lnthedtti1ionstha1Ilu.,·eto the Dcvil and bis "'or!G" Secretarylien!On'solddo,.·n-w1th-controls.
make, 1 ha,·c hcard all the argumenu. lntheechoofthel'residen1'1"·ords, parily-must-go war crics.
l>rOandcon.andlluvedonethebest congressional lnmocratswerecranking u11 $6 SiHion in 7 Yeor1. With its unwar•
1 can. and I am domg it "'ith one idea a~"- drive to boo,L thl- 1961 defen..e likeinvitation to come forv,ardwith ..an)
in mind only-Ameriu ... budget írom S,¡1 billion to $.por c,·c11 constructi,·c solution," Ikc's meuage-thc
On His Critiei: ..1 am trying to kecp ~4 billion. To do th:it l''ith impunity,
my >tatements oulJide the i:,a.rtiun ñeld. they would first havc to be sure of a ~•~~m,ot•~~!t~ h!~~~e~~)~~:i~
1 think "e should be big enough not to mandate from the people. They do not lay a dbappointing record. Ezra Bcnson
5ttkhcadlines.lthinlt11·e1houldbcbig 5eem Loha,·e it. To many Americans. no"' tooko,·eruAgricuhure Secreta!')' in 19jJ
enoughtoputnurhead.!toretherand5tt enjoringtbelihcraldi\'idend!lofahalf- with h1gh hope5 oí cuttin,; baclt surpluscs
ifwecangl'I a real solution." trillion-OOllar cconomy. 1he \'llguies of and trimming thc costs of 1am, i:>rogr:am_s.
On Hi$ Su~g•t Policy: :·xow if any- the deíense debateseem remate and the but the total of federal fundi tied up m
one. by any kmd oí hystencal u1tument danger of a So\'let attack e,'tn more re- stored fam, surpluscs '"·ellcd from SJ
... can prove that you can continue to mole. L.:ut "~Jt the lf'11UStrett J111UrtaJ billionin 1953toS9billiontoda)',and
go dttper and dttper and dttper into buttonbolcd300 peopleacroutbe land, Agriculture Department eapenditures
debt"'ithoutfinallypaying,,·erygrcat reponed that mo!il tnmcd the military soarcd from $1.9 billion in 1953 to $6.5
costin1hcnation's&«urity,l'd!iketo judgment of o ..·ight Eiscnbo,,,-er, mis- billion in 1959 (1g6o estímate: 5.; bil-
sec how thcy pro,•e their cue. Xo"' tlut trustcd hisge~ralsas incur:able pleaden lionl. WiLhthat recordon thc boob. it
does not mean thatanybudget l'vee,·er lor more for their own sen·ices. Well- "'as small "·omkr that the President heed-
putuphasbeenputtogttheronthebub undentood by most oí the tu-prei.>td ed the ad1·ice oí farm-sta.te Rcpublica11s:
oí ju~t achieving a b.ilanccd budget. 1 300: lke's plain-spoken doctrine oí old- ~et rid of the hot potato by tossin11it to
h.s,·e tricd to calculate and form judg- f:uhioncd fiscal responsibility. the Democratic Congreu.
TIME. fEUUAU 22, 1%0
for power and procedure. has no p.1ralle\
in the U.S. lt is the Federal 1hiation
Agcncy. and thc man who rules it is a
temp,:ramcntal. mail-ftsted, blunt-talking
ex-ftghter p1lot named Elwood Ricardo
Gonzalo Quesada.
"Pete" Quesada's 34.000-man FAA
saíety standards for evcrything dealing
witb civil air in the nation (and at 414
U.S.-controlltd stations abroad). Its au-
thority reaches fromdesignandconstruc-
tionofaircraítand com1>0ncnts-down to
the seat5, lap be!ts and ashtrays-to
ground maintenancc. strai~ht through to
P.ilot and crew compe.Lency,ai~craí~ op~ra-
t,on, and the whole 1n1crlock1ngc1rcu,try
Fellow with o fu5e. No other federal
agcncy chief wields as much J)Ower as
Quesada (orcausesasmuch íuror).Evcry
mominghe bargesout of bis rcnlcd town
house on California Street in northwest
Washingloncarrying 1helastnlghl'sbun-
dle of homework. hops into thc rear 5eal
of a chauffeured.telephone-equipped Gov•
ernment Lincoln and heads down the a\"•
enuc. ln hischerry-plywood•p.1.ncledoffice,
he ¡,ulb off bis jacket and gOC$10 work
standing up. Pacin¡t the Aoor. he rattks
hi.~points o,·er thc phone (Prl'Sidcnt Ei-
senhower is "Sir.'' everybody clse ·'Fe].
low""), dictates a blistering letter, or offi•
Whcn he lunchcs at hisdesk. hiswife,
I .. Mo,M Kate Da"is Pulitztr Putnam ( widow of a
Post•Dispalch's Editor-Publishcr Joscph
AYIATION Cleor Spoca. Theenormouscocoon oí
safety with which the U.S. has wrnpped
Pulit~r Jr.),sends his foodo,·erhymes-
senger. His easy smile. bis compact, 183.
The Bird Wotcher the Air Age is as complcx u the problcms lb. írame and close-cropped. curly hair
(SeeCoverl of /light itself. Hunched o,·er green- hclp him when he wanu 10 be charming-
To jly without feother, jj ,iot tosy. glowing radarscopes in 35 stations acros.s and his short-fused tempcr is almost lcg-
-Plautus(254?-184 B.C.) thc nation stand ARTC (Air Route Traf. endary. "Pet~ wants to hear a dear and
f1c Control) men, who follow and guidc specific answcr, or 'Yes.' •~o,' or 'Ah)·•
lnhise:.ultedaoaringintoLheunforgiv- airplancs r1ying through heavy weather or be.'" saysone stalfcr. "'God helpanybody
ing air. man in his bird has re:1¡>edali the at sky-sneaking altitudl's on lnstrument who starts to answer Quesada with a
richeshee,·erdrcamtdoF-thepoetryof f'light Rules. l\loving thcir transparent speech in cxplanation for having goofed
flightitse!fand thc,•ktoryo,·crtimeand markers ("shrimp boa1s"') alongside liule off. His bawlings-ou1 are ftcrcc. He's no
space. But in theswift tumb!e ofprogrcss blips, they warn oí ncarby traffic, gh·e brillianL guy, but what he does ha"e is a
callcd the Air Agc, be has wrought more directions,orderchange!iinheadingsand
hard truth than poetry. Thc truth: the altitudes. lf a pbnc is a 550-m.p.h. jet, TRA'.'.SPORTS LOAD IN DAD WEATHEJl
skics 0\'er the U.S.-busiest of ali air- 1hc controller gi\·es the pilot 100 miles'
bome nations-are roaring with an aston- clear ~pace ahcad, 100 bebind: prop-
ishing complcx of fcathcrlcss birds. Not dri\"en planes gct 35 miles. Through con-
counting n,ooo mili1:1ry aircraft, thcre trollersand towers, milesofTelctype wire
are operating in the U.S. no fowu tban anda host oíelectronicmachines,sched-
71,000 planes, ranging from lightweight, ulesare juggkd. ílights shiíttd, witb split,
single-l'nginedpriv.1teeraft1029s,ooo-lb., seconddetision andnevtr-endingatten-
jct-driven. kerosene-guzzling monsters. A tiontodetail.
doun plancstakeolfand land e\'erymin- In the cockpits are more of the wrap-
ute al the 56¡ U.S. airporu that thc air- pings of tbe cocoon: rigorouslytrained
lincs serve; and these airlines a!one carry ptlou with comµutcrs for brains and stcel
152.300 p:issl'ngl'T!lmore than 1,100,000 for ner.·es, "hose proftciency is checked
milesaday by the dock and "hose mistake!i-evcn
Theairtheyinhabitisabulgingbundle mffior ones-are costly. The planes they
of ncrvcs, a webwork of highways that llyaremachines ofinfiniteprecision, built
crisscross for 120.000 miles in ali di- and maintaincd and double-checked con-
rections, induding e,:er-higher altitudes. stantly to assure mastery of the laws
:\loreo,·er,thedawnofthecommercialjet ofphysics.
age--with 9~ jet transports alrcady in Power. The only measure of succc~:5in
U.S. airline servicc, and about 150 more the air. forpeop!eand forairbornc indus•
due by year's cnd-with its nea.r sonic try, is Lhe qua.lity oí th;tt wondrously
spttds and bigger !oads, has compounded complicated envclo¡>e oí safcty. and 1hc
ali of the vast problems of the Air Age first rcsponsibility for that a.if~ty resl!I
with unparallelcd Force. in the hands oí an organi;ga\mn th:iL
16 TIME. fURUARY 22, 1960
hcl!u\·a senseofdutyand principie in pub-
lic servke.''
"Fidel" with a Philosophy. In the 14
months since he took o,·er thc newly i
neated FAA. Pete Qucsacb's impassioncd,
inlleJtible sense of duty has tumed the
Air Agc inside out. \\'ith a Ílll:"htcrpi-
lot's life-and-death instinct. he cut
through political niceties. step1ied on
time-honorcd short cuis. and cnforced a
light discipline with a dctermined single-
mindedntss that ineviLab!y rais,ett howls
cverywhere, eJtcept from the public. Air-
line pilots. who o,·er thc years became
poweríul in both the industry and in
Washington and grew a little comp13cent
in the proceu. yclled ''Gcstapo! .. and
called Quesada "Fidcl" when he cracked
down. The airlines' hosses thems.el,·cs
ha"c bccn stomped on íor iníroctiOll5 of
rules. Only troublc, says Vnitcd Air l,inc~
President W. A. Pa1tc11on, comes from
FAA men, w·ho han• a ··ccrtain Jack of
diplomaq•." But, adds Pa11erson. "1 ha\'e
alwars found General Quesacb read)' to
correct any complaints brought 10 him."
Most airline chicfa a¡iree 11ith Trans QUESAD,\ IN KC-IJ5 COCKPIT
World Airlines· Charles Thomas. ~metimc
(19H·s;) Secrdary of the Navy: "Que• tosetthestandards forwor!da,·iation- chairmanoftheSenate,\"iationSuhcom-
uda is terrific." but the ¡)roblerns of aviation grew futcr minee. Mike Monroney nin the report
Thc plain foct is that onl)· a man like than they could be soked. Oí the nine through hiscommittee and got legislation
Pete Quesada, with a wcll-trained respecl CAAdministrators who paradcd like no, moving. Withsingle-mindeddisregard for
for the uncomprombing qualitíes of an mads 1a,·crage tcnure: :4 months) political pitfalls and bureaucratic bear
airplane,candothejobthatneedsdoing through theagency, n-0tonecould muster lraps.i\lonroneythrashcdhiswarthrou¡¡:h
and makc it stick. ·•Toe whole philosophy eithcr enough Administration backing or the congrcssional jungle wilh CJ:¡iert lead-
of Government regulation." s;i.ys he, "is personalforceandconvictiontobridge ership. One membcr oí his safari: Pete
toprotect1hepublic'slnterest.Buthís- the widenlni chasm bctwcen the forward• Ques;i.cb,whose good World War JI íriend
1ory (mds that the public is silent: the leapingAirAgeandthehoarybureaucracy and commander. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
public sits there and just hopes that the of the Commercc DeJ)artmcnl had just named him Specia! Assistant
agency that it set up will take carc oí By 1he mid-'5os, the ,\ir Age was near íor Aviation
their intcrcst. 1 11ant FAA to do enctly chaos. :Slilitary jets whisked throu¡,:h civil Even as :\lonroney and Quesacb laborcd
11hat all GovernmenL re¡,:ulatory agencies air lanc;¡ like shuttles on a !oom. :-;either with airlinl'!;' experts. scicntisls and other
are to do: pur,ue the public's intercst. civil nor military pilots had much of an technicians. the win¡:s of tragedy were
Nomads & Chcios. In the care of U.S. idea who was going wherc. for CAA and f!appingnoisilyaround them: an Air Force
bureaucracy, thnt concern wcnt abcgging militar}' traflk.control opemtions 11cre F-1oaF collided over ~evada wi1h a L:nit-
íor ycars. Thc old Civil Acronautics Ad- twoentities,withoutcoordinationorcom- cd Air Lines DC-7 in April 19~8. killini:
ministration, created in 1940, lumcd out 49: ncxt month an Air :-;ational Guard
10 be ahout as effective as a dime-store As Lhedoor began opcning on Lhc com- T-JJ jet traincr rammcd into a Capital
lock. A multitudc of civil air re¡:ulations mercial jet cpoch. \\'hite House concem Airlincs \'iscount ovcr i\laryland. killim;
11ere wrincn-and thcy wcre ¡,:oodenough mountcd. Presidcnt Eisenhower frankly tweh-e. \\'ith renewcd urgency, Monroney
"·ondercd whcther thc U.S. was indeed and his stafl analyud the obsolescent
ready for jet transport. "Somebod)•." he aviation laws. scrap¡ied them al! and bc-
s;i.idinthespringof 1955,"hasgotto gan ovcr again. lly the end oí the 1958
take a look." Therc followed a nine- congrcssion1I session. the ne11 FAA act
momh commiuce survey. "'hich rcported was written into law and signed by thc
appal!ing conditions. A few mon1hs later.
lke called in :Slajor General Edward Cur-
tís. Army airman in World \\'ars I and
~~~:' ~~~a~ra::~!~/~~ti;~~
from the Air Force as a lieutcnanl ¡:en-
11 (Chief of St.afl, Stratcgic ,\ir Force cral. rcsigned his Air Force commission.
Euro1Je), and thcn (as "º"'fa vke presi- cuL dean away from the military. and
dent of Eastman Kod.lk Co.. told him to o¡iened the FAA for busincs,¡ on Jan. ,
get goingon an analysisof the prob!ems 1959. "lt wasthehardest thing I evcrdid.
and to bring back the answcr:1. By May resigning from the Air Force:· says Que-
195;. º'Ted" Curtís' report was in. Recom- sada. "but thc law [requiring a civilian
mendation: absorption of thc old CAA headl was clear as hell." Thelaw, by im-
into a new. independem Federal A"iation plication,alsocalledforastrong.uperi-
Agency, with combine<! militar)· and ci"il enced admininrator. and Qucsada's whole
trafficcon1rolinthehandsofonecivili11n \ifeandperoonalityfitthelawlikeamadc-
bo~. to-order lock nut.
Beor Traps & Wing Flap,. While the The Boot Will Rock. The 5-00 of a Span-
report made thetllliual roundsof 70-odd ish father anda mother of lrish extranion.
Capitol committccs and agencies, it wu Pete Quesada 11·as horn in Washington.
Oklahoma·s Democratk Senator A. S. D.C. 55 years ago. His fathcr's family
~· (íor 1\lmer StillweUJ ")like" Monroney, bavelongbcenprivatebankersin:Sfadrid,
amongallhiscolleagues.whomostclearly :111dPcte's father himself was an expcrt
sensed the challenge and grabbed it. As oncum,ncyengra"ingforthe U.S. Trcas-
ury Depa.rtment. Despite thc family's con• crankhisengineforatakeoff.thcinertial runway.upanembankment.acrossabusy
nectionslnhighfin:mce.youngQuesadahad 5tarter clutch foiled. "There I w;u,'' he hi1.:hway,through a s1eel fence, stopped at
no dreams oí bccoming a doll3rscion. He says,'"driftingtoHonolulu.I crankedmy. las1on thepolofieldofthe ;\lcadowbrook
íliued írom school 10 school-Wyoming sclf to exhaustion ... After lon¡r: minutes Cluh.gotoutandasked: "Whereare the
Seminary C\lcthodist) in Kingston, Pa.. of Ílngerdrumming. Quesada suddcnly re- hor5Cs?"
the l,ni\'ersity oí Maryland, Georgetown callffi an old a,·iator's superstition. He He scrved for close to thrce years u
l,;niversity-played topffight tennis and went back and urinatcd on the tail. Nat- commander of thc Tactical Air Command,
sorne football,and did littleelse. He 501d urally, the en¡tinc startcd up with the and in 1949-51 was top military com-
Crnckcrjack at Griffith Stadium. s1>ent nentumofthecrank mander of the crucial Operation Green-
many a summer as a liieguard in the Notwi1hstandinghisbrashinde¡,endencc, house, in which thc U.S. explodffi the
Tidal Basln Pond near the Washington Quesada ably fulfilled his jobs in the dc- first hydrogenhombat Eniwetok. In 1951,
Monumcnt. manding ycars that followed. He was at age 4;. Lieut. General Quesada re-
One day in 1914, as he drifted in his commanding general, Twelfth FighterCom- tired. He worked for a while at Cali-
liíeguard·s rowboat, a playful swimmer mand in A frica, deputy commandcr Nor1h- fomia'sLockheedAircraftCorp.(viceprcs-
reachedupandbeganr(Kkingtheboat wtst African Co:utal Air Fora. and before ident of 1he mi,;i;i]e-sy;tems division), bm
Quesada's r~ponse wu strikingly similar D-day took o,,er the Nin1b Fighter Com- quitina row o,·er policy. When lke
tohistechniqucse,·entoday:heraiscd mand. 0n D-dar plus one. Quesada landcd called him 10 Washington, Quesada was
an oar and whacked the swimmu on the his º"'" P-38 fighter planc on the Nor- dabbling successfully in invcstments with
hands. The ,·ictim was an :\ir Scn·ice space•agc in,·entors
pilot. The two made friends quickly. and Regulating the Regulotion,. His no-
soon thereafter thc pilot took Quesada up nonscnse attitudc about the job was Joud-
for an airplane ridc. That did it: the day ly e\'idcnt from the start of Que.sada's
after his fim ride, Pete Quesada joined service with FA,\. Right off. he tolda
the Air Sen·ice. went off to training u a bl3ck-tie dinner al the ;\ational Aviation
ffyingca'!;let. Heb«amealirst•classpilot. Clubin\\'ashingtonabouthisplansforthe
DaY5 of Adventure. Sccond Lieut. Que· AirAgeand hisa"·arencss of the dangers.
s.ada wua rlying fool.Afterthc hot-pilot There is a lot to learn in Washington
fuhionof1heday.hcbarrcledundermost about cannibal1." he informed a big audi-
of the bridges bctwcen Washington and ence packed with Congrcssmen. Sena10111
New York. He never miss«! a chance at andblue-rihbonaviation-induslryexecu-
extra !l)·ingduty.andhequicklyamassed ti\'CS.'"but I don't intendtoberhewed ...
a reputation forbcingbrash,undiplomatic I don't intend 1ogelca%~1t in \\'a~hington
and \'ain (there are many oldtime com- !ike thcgirl with thcG!eem in hereye:·•
rades"hoha\'efound noreasontochange Pele Quesada mo"ed too fast to gel
thatjudgmentf. caught. The bi11i,:es1barrier to positive
Thosewere thedays,1ehenaviatorswcre federal control of aviation. he found. ,1eas
known by the ad,·entures they logged burcJucratic inertia, in which "the rcgu-
\\'hen the German pi.me Hr,:me" cra5h- lator was regulatin11to meet thc ncedsof
landcd off Labrador after its historie east- the rcgulated. and without due re¡r:ard to
west Atlantic crossing in 1916, Quesada the needs of the puh!ic.·• He soh·cd that
and a young captain named Ira Eaker "ith a pcrsonnel shakedown and then
ilew north 10 help sa"e thc crew. ,\tone bcgan his massi,·e attack. In quirk time,
point during that mission, Quesada got Quesada:
lost llying abo,·e thc clouds. He bcgan 4JArrangcd for a coordinatcd military-
1hinking ··how marvelous it would be if ch·ilian air-traffic-control sctup "ith thc
thcrc were some way to do airborne rc- O10.MIO).!A'S$E!'l,\TOII ;\IOSJIOS[V help of military·s Si billion radar ne1-
fueling on a continuou! b.asis." Quesada With tragedy flapping noisily oround work. within a few months established
la1crgot E.akertopush hlsidca withhigh complete ground radar control on ali ma-
Air Corps brass. The re5u!t wu thc famous mandy buch ('';\ly first step was not on jor hi¡r:h-altitudc routes in thc U.S.
Questio'I ,\far/,; !light oí 19z9, in which European soil-it wa5on a dead German" J, q Got an agreemcnt from Air Force \'ice
Quesada and futurc b.annerline Air Force Right Aonk Morch. A month later, he Chid oí Slaff Curt Le:\la)' that permiu
Generals Carl (··Tooey") Spaau and Ira put Suprcme A!lied Commander Dwight F,\A civilian !light in~pectors to take the
Eaker participated. Rcfueled by a second Eiscnhower piggyback in Lhe cockpit of a StrategicAir FoT(e·sbig-pbne jet training
p!anc. Q11estio11.\lark, an Army Fokker P-51 and took him on a <)O-minuteride at Caslle AFB in California. Result: 14
monoplane. stayed aloft for a record• along the bcachhcad ('·Eiscnhower was ha,·e become qualif1ed, a dozen more are
brcaking 6} days. and it madc avia- ,·ery pleased, but wc both caught hell from in training. (Quesada himself has becn
tion history: in-tlight refueling has long the Joint Chiefs of Staff"). During the chcckcd out in the ,\ir Force's KC-135,
been an esscntial tcchnique of the U.S. great armored-tank drive across Europe, military vcrsion of the ;o;; on busine~s
Air Force. Ques.1da's Nimh Tactical Air Command. J\ights,how·e,·er,heusuallypilotsoneof
How to Stort an Engine. As captain. rather than troops. becamc Lieut. General FAA's T-33 jets or borrows a fightcr from
Quesada had bcenon assignment asadvis- George l'atton's "right flank": he had put theAirForceortheNavy.)
er to the Argentinc Air J,'orce for close to a fighter pilat in each oí Pa11on's lead IJWanglffi thousands oí miles of ,;rc-
threeyear! whenhewasordercdback to tanks "so that "·ewould ha,·equick com- stricted" airspa.re from thc military 10
the States in late 1940. On his own, he munications with fighter pilou. 1 wanted providemoreroomforcommcrcialtraffic.
took off in an old Grumman amphibian somebodr in those tanks who cou!d talk q Set upa reorganiud National Aviation
that the U.S. Navy w:m1ed returncd to fighterpilotlingo.·• Facilities Erperimental Center (;\AFEC)
thecountry.Ladenwithfive5-gal.gascans, Quesadachalkedup9ocomhatmissions in Atlantic City, N.J., whcrc FAA scien-
a pa.ir of pliers, a tire casing and sorne beforc war's end. went home with the tists dc,·elop and test new control and
safety wire, Quesada chugged along hu·- Distinguished Service ;\lcdal. Air ;\leda] safety sy5tcms.
ing himsclfa fine time. He fished in the with two Silver Oak Leaf Clu~tcrs. Dis- ,\ppropriated, after a bittcr dispute-
lakeregionof Argentina, thrcaded through tinguished FlyingCross,ctc .. andadrawer- which l're5ident Eiscnhower himself se1-
theAndcs ("with the Christ of the Andes ful of assorted foreign decorations. He tled in Ques.ada's favor~five radio fre-
above my head''l. Onc day he set thc also went home with his facility for the quencies from the Air Forceand induslry,
plane down in thc ocean about 50 milcJ ilippant Mili intact. Once he landed hi:1
off 1he coast oí Ecuador ("! got very B-16 onto an icy ai111tripat Long hland's • WJ,.o WH brmhin~ l>,t tttib ,..¡¡h Gl... m •·hcn
thirsty''). But whcn he tried to hand- Mitchcl Ficld, skiddcd the lcngth of the •~ wu 1,U,VriiN,
a• 1t ••~. lrom b<hind.
íor use in new navigational systcms now on rules and procedures, and airlinc-main. Quc"<ada's ¡¡rowlll!l' ~lring oí ,\ir Route
being designed at ~AFEC. tenance libraries run :dong yards of shelf Traffic Control Centers. pi!ots have an
Going like bO. With all this welcome sp11ce: therenre C\'en mnnuals on how to additional s.1fcty premium.
overhaulforthesafetycocoon.theair- readothermanual•. Researchuperts. for ~omebody Up There. As good as this
linesandpilotsstilllindplcnlylo~uawk e:umple, 1estwindshieldsbyshooting4•lh. seemg-e>·e system is. Pete Quesada and
ahout. Pilots ch.1rge that FAA inspcctors deadchickensatthecockpit(hirdsintlight FAA researchersareout tomakc it bettcr.
areharas.singthem. lndeed.theinspectors. areabiganddnngcrousnuisan(t),chttk Airead)' in the works is an automated
backed heartily by Quesada. seem toma- jetcnginesfordurabilitybylobbinggolf electronlc-brain srstem into whkh ali
terialize in cock¡1i1.slike eager gremlins. ballsintothcintakes. I.F.R. fli¡¡ht plans will he fed. Geared
ready to slap a fine on a pilot for the For the modem pilot. the strcsses are throu¡:ha memoryphase.allightplanf1led
sllghtcst infraction of the rule book. With ju~t ugreat. llcmust abM>rhhundredsoí in New York would instantly tum up ali
each infractíon. Ques.1da gcts toughcr. rulesand procedu~s. studygrnphs.maps otherílightplansaroundthenationthat
After a Pan American Hoeing ;o¡ started andreports.e,·enoccasionallytakcoffhis contain conílictingdata in lime and J)lace.
into ll. ncnr fatnl di,·e while its pi!ot was jet on downwind runways bf,cause airport XAFEC in Atlantic City is also working
lmk chinning with the p.:mengers. Que, operatorsweferhim toílyo,·eropcnareas on bf,uer run1•1aylighting and approach
sada enforced a long-dis~garded regula- 11ndavoid householdcn'complaintsal.iout systems (pilots claim that the dark-hlue
lion requiring nll 11ilots to stay in 1heir noise. ,\ pilot has to beabletomakc as taxiway lights dcpress them). a weathcr-
cockpits ucepl for good and sufficient manyu 100\··sual"flxes"perm·nuteon reportlng scheme measured on thc nmways

Quesada has alM>bcen hotly accused of

ing toconsult ""ith the industry bcfore he
gavels out his dicta. Recently. he ordered
airlines to install weather radnr in a!I
planes. had to back down and make an
lines raised a ruckus. The Air I,ine Pi!ots
Associntion. thc uclusive A.F.L.-C.1.O.
union (membership: 1.;.000) led by Mili-
lanl l'ilot Clarence Sayen. is Quesada's
most ,·oóferous critic. ,\.L.P.A."s lates!
compfaint: Que.!,Sda'sncw ruling rcquiring
mandatory retirement of a!l transpon pi-
lots at 6o. The union is bringin¡: court
,ctionagainsl Ques.1da for th.1t.
Command Deeision. Anothcr recent in-
cident thal btew upa storm occurrcd las!
month. when a :-latíonal Alrlines pilot was
rolling his ¡07 do""" a Miami runway.
Suddenly one engine Hamed out. Though
the plane was "ithin thrce or four knots
1/linly lead to a crackup. Making hisde- Wol .. ,h,oeu
cision in an instan\, the Natio11;1Ipilot QUESADA& FAMII.Y (FRO)! LEFT: PntR, HOPE. MRs. QUESADA, Tl!O}IAS & KAn:)
l:eptgoing,liftedthcplaneofftheground. With o fighter pilot'$ i11stinctond o civilion's public responsibility.
cirded aroundandlandedsafely. Stil!.an
accompanying FAA f!ight inspector liled a his instrument panel during his busiest (amust forcriticallyloadedjets), hetter
com11llint against the pilot for rule-book momcnts-the landing approach. He must communicat1onss)'Stcms.
infringement. Though A.L.P.A. Boss Say- takeextraprecautions1okee¡1hishealth Explains one FA,\ oflicial: "We do not
en hammcrcd awa)' at F1\A's rl!(id judg- duringnlongilight: pilotsandcopilots want to control ali llying. We want the
ment, Quesada had the la.st word: in,·es• takc their mcals at altcmatc times; Amer- capability of complete survcillance so we
ti¡¡ation showed thnt the pilot had failed ican Airlines forbids crews to cal seafood can see cverything in the skles and spot
to safety-catch a fuel-flow lever: it had because of its perishability. potential traffic dangc~:• Ahhough there
slip¡>edoutofpositiontocutoffthcíuel By tl,e Numbers. For the jet pilot. is a prospect tha1 the actual numher oí
to one engine on takeoff. The FAA rules moreo,·cr, the art of tlyíng has bf,come a big plant"s will diminlsh inyearsaheul-
on iuel-ilo"' leve~ "ere tightened sócnce, he ílics not by feel but hy his military aviation will be reduced by mis-
In apite oí the noisy complaints by un- instruments and the standard procedure, siles.thecommercialílcctpcrhapsbybig-
ion brass. airline pilots. splcndidly skilled I..ooking into cloudless skies at high nlti• Rer. íaster. quick-turn-around jets-the
andincessantlytrainedintheirtrade.real- tudt"s. his C}"Cll focos only 31 ft. awny; he probl~ms of air traffic and 11afety will be-
ireandaccept thc neces.,;ity for top!l.1fety cannot tell whethcr his engincs att run- come e'"en more complex. The numher of
standards and sharp enforcement. \\'hite ning or whcthcr his win¡¡ti])Satt ílat with prívate planes-;o.ooo in the U.S. alone
theyarehelplesstopreventdemented pas- thehoriwn-unlesshelooksatthehugc -isincreasingsteadily,andonceFAA has
scngcrs from lugging erplosfres aboard instrument panel. The jet transport is the higher altitudes undcr complete con-
their planes. they rcmembcr too wcll the ilown,!1.1ysone ;o¡ pilot. "by thenumbers trol. it will have to do something about
score of near misses in the a.ir and the -the instrument numbers." The captain thosedosertotheground.
b.llloonin¡¡ numbf,r of fatal cra~hcs. Thc needs two additional qunlilied pilol.5 in As fortoda)•,the¡:reatacbievementsof
airline~ canied ;So million pas;;.cngers in the cockpit to hclp him. and the air FAA 's hoss are proof enough that matters
the¡).ls\tenyears,andkilledonly,.300. crew's com1lutations in a ,·ast assortment are well mannged,after yearsof slow de-
But the U.S. death 1011alone ,ince Janu- ofcrlticalareasmust beasunfailingasa terioration in thcgo,·ernment-civilian tly-
ary 1958 isan alarming 3;8. hcartheat. inga¡;encie~.Gbndngsky"ardatthefeath-
Chiáens & Golf Balls. In the face uf Fortunatcly,all t.:.S. airlincshaveamu- erless c~atures that flcck the douds, the
all the ha1.ards. FAA. o,·eratl, is doing a tualagrccmcnttokccptheirplancsonln- l:.S.publicscnse,anewconlidcnce: som,-
f11·st-rate job. Mechanical!y. the job is strument Flight Rules. And since ali J.F.R. !Jody. ílying around up there, likes them.
o,-erwhelming. FAA alone has 41 volumes flightsareautomaticallycontrolledby Pete llisnarncis Pete Quesada.
TIME, FEBRUARY 22, 1960 19
THE SOUTH LABOR ThoU,1?hbothop¡:o~scgrega1ion. \leany
and Randolph h.we becn scrappin!f over
Complicated Hospitality Color Bar thc i,,ue íor month.s. )loderatc )leany
Thc cgalitarian rc,·olulion in thc Sou1h lnto theredand grcerfconferencc room h:i~ $\tadily but quietly pressured unions
50mctimcs mo\'es likca ~1irinl(llood.sce11• of Greater :\1iami Beach"s Americana Ho- todroptheircolorhus; inhi, zoyear,:;
ing o,·cr and around thc barricr~. running tel stepped pink and !frey l'rHidentGeor¡:e oí lcat!cr;hip thc number nf all "hile
ahudoí the~luggish channcl~ drc<hml by )leany for the annual mid,.inter hu(ldle ,\.F.L. union~ h,1,1dropf)ed from 16 to
thc]a.,.,,Oncaftemoonlast lortni¡i:h1.such ofhisA.F.L.-C.J.O.cxttutil'e couuril last on!y one-the 9¡,000-mcmbcr Brothcr•
aspringírc>hctbubbledupinthetextile week-and he forthwith hoomed out a hood oí Loco1noth·e Firemen and En~lne-
city oí Greensboro. X.C. (pop. 1i5,ooo) judgment th:it may haunt him for months. mcn. EH:n so. there nre Jim Cro" locab
"hcn four young collcgtstudcnts-fresh- Wh:it.uked a rteporter,did Meany think aplcnty. and Randolph publicly criticiud
mcn from thc :,;cgro Al{ricuhur:il 11.nd about the likelihood that Harlem Demo- )leanyat the union·, con,·cntion 1&51!ali
Tcchnical Collcge--walkrd intothc F.W. crnt Ad;im Claytoo Po1,elljr ... illbecome for not l)UrRini: them. :\leanr ble" up.
\\'ool..-orth store on South Elm St~t chainnan oí the l-louse Education and ro.:ned at Randolph. '"\\"ho the hell ap-
andquietly!ioatdo .. natthclunchcount- Labor Committee nut ye.ar, pointed }"OUH!fll.lrdianofall N~roes in
cr. Thc "hite patrons cyed thcm "'aril)', "Terrible."· 5aid forthright George AmeTicai··
and the white ,rnitrcs!ICS ignorrd thcir )fcany. ··He h:is abad votin11 and ab- Since thcn. Randolph has been working
~ludiously politc req~st~ for scn·icc. Thc scntee record. lle U$1:S hiJ l)O!ition to stir round the clock 10 sho"· him "ho. He
~tudcnts continued to ~it until dosing is hu;;ily "hippi11i: togethcr the ··Nccro
time. l\'.cxt momin¡i: thcy rnp1~:ircd, ~- American LalMJrCnuncil." "hich aims to
inforccd by is fellow studcnts. lly lai;l embrace1he1.500.ooo ::-.•cgromember$oÍ
wttk thcir uniquc sitdown h:id sprcad the A.F.L.-C.1.0. \\'ith such numbers
1hrou11h 14 citics in fwe Southern 1tatcs Randolph could 11re111 to crack open thc
in a far-ranging attack on the Jim Crow a!l-,.hi1elocal5 Onthebuildingtrades.
custom that Negron m.ty he scrYcd whilc among ¡i,apc:rmakcn. boilerlll.lken. ct,.I.
standing at do•nitown lunch countcrs but i:et ;"<egroc, into apprentice trainin_¡: pro-
may not he 11ernd ií thcy sit down grams no1,• dosed to them. and lift '\"e-
Unscrewed Seah. In Northem cxecu- ¡:rontoloítierpo-ition,inthe,\.r.1,.-
tive suites. the dircctors of ch:iin llores C.I.O. command. Chapten of Randolph"s
wrunl[ their hand~ in anguish. dcdded all-Ne¡i;ro ~roup are abuilding from Ne1,•
to do nothin¡t. (Ncgrocs 1ccount íor at York 10 the l'acific Coast. Despite
leul on.-íourth ofall businesl tr.msact- )leany·,011110$itiontosuch raci.tllyba!.l'd
edin1he300SouthembranchcsofWool- splinLer¡troupi:.thefoundingconvention
1,·orth"s1lone.) Loe.ti nrnnagcn 50[vcd the i~ set for lletroit this May. Aud )leany"s
¡Jrohlems in diffcrcnt ways: in Charlotte, "hittling oí Congrc•.sman Powell cannot
theproprietorofthelocal:\lcl.cllanStore hel11shar¡¡cningthe1plinters.
unscrewed theseat~ from thelunch count-
er. Sorne KrtM. \\"algr«n and l.iggett POLITICS
storH ro~ off the ~eat, so that ever)'•
body h:id to stand. or cl~d the lunch Poetry & Pohhots
countersalto¡:ether. lt ...-u a "·cek to gbdden the hardt"St-
lne\'itably. thc sitdo,.·ns ...-a~hcd up hearted politician; from cout to roo.si
sorne familiar llowm: the duck-tailed. the trombones bbsted out. the buntin~
sidcbumed w.-aggerers. the rcdnecked rippled. the political <pe.tkers roared.
lutemongers. the Ku Klu:a: "-lan. Stores Thousand) of chickens made the supreme
in Durham. Greensboro and Rock llill. HAau.,.·sJ'owuL 5acrifice, 1umed upas pattics and cro-
S.C. ,,.-eredo!.l'd after !{etting 1nonymous " ... o mon He thot os chairman•· qucttcs on thousands oí tables at Lincoln
telephoncdbomhthreats.Ju,t u inevita- Da)" dinnen and Dcmocrotic rallies. In
hly. thc national pressure 11rou~ arrived upracial hatred. lt"s terrible rothink Washington.at•"·ingdingspon50rcdby
onthesc:eneandhel¡,edorganizethesit- th.:it wc ,.;11 h.we a man like that as the D.C. Lugue of Republican \\'ornen
downs inother Southern citics. Fiveday1 chairman.·· Voten. Dick and Pat ;,/i:a:onlistentdwith-
aíter the Green~boro sitdown he!fan. a ManyunionistsshareMeany"sopinions out a wince to a chorus oí col!egc girls
representatÍ\"e of the Congrcss oí Racial oí Powell, pastor ol Harlem·s Aby!!inian ,.-ho shrilly screnaded lhem with a nc1,·
Eqll.llity turned up in Grecnsboro 1nd Jlaptist Churcb, husband oí Entertainer song. to the tune of Cle"'e"line·
Durham. announced 1ha1 CORE ...-u tak- Huel Scott and congressional eight•
0111 of ("o,/if., lo o/d D.C.
ing O\'tr. 1nd ad,•ised the 1itters to con- tenner.• They also fear that Po,.·tll, by
centrate on justonechain-\\"oolworth's. Yo11didto,,,to,lld111dtyo11,...arlr,
usinghisoldtechniqueoftackingbope- Astlie l'.P. o/11,eU.S
But thestuclent ltaden proteste<! that the leu ch·il riRhl! ride" on to f1,·orable
spont•nwus demonMrations were '"entire- l'1n14111't100"JO"'ll")'lttarl1.
labor bilis. will effectively block the bilis.
lylocal."deniedanyconnec1ionv,ithna- Despite this sound suipicion, Meany·s The Democrau 1,•hoo¡-iedi1 up in like
1ion1/groups. public blast 1gainst Po1,•ell backfired. fashion. Ne1, York Democrats, at a big
Ord•rly Solution. With the mrrHt oí brought to the suríace sorne old inter- dinner at the W1ldorf, "'ere treated to
'IJ young Negro,:s, for trt"Spauin¡t on 1 union dispulcs that thrcaten to split the the spectacle oí Tammany Bou Carmine
11rivately owned sadewalk in front of a A.J--.L.-C.1.0. In particular. i1 rekindlcd a De Sapio solemnly reading a "Ni~on
Ralcigh five-11nd-dime. the short-order smoldering ícudbctween Meanyandable nomination-acceptancts1)ttch."'pa11erned
dcmonstrations scemcd hcaded toward an aging (;ol Asa Philip Randolph. head ol after 'T11,'/Jsthe Niiltt Be/ore Cltristm,u:
orderly solution in the courts. lluL the the Slceping Car l'orters union and con- l'/1 Wtilt 11 <11m{>lli¡11
1/tat'1 ltard 1111d
rt"Solute young Ncgroes wcre prep.ared to spkuously thc only Negro in the A.F.L.-
sit itout until • solution ...-u reached-
and there 1,•as only one reuon1ble solu-
C.1.0. high command. Honest ,\. Philip
Randolpb is no neady supportcr of crafty
'º"'"· Did
As º"'Y ,\"i.r011tll" re111/y ftl
tion. S.tid the Raleigh N~s 011dObscn- Congrcssman Po,rell. but he fell obhged 'º"'"·
rll sm<11rand sl<mdu, t.·i/i/y, allod,
tr: '"lntffttt.hcítheNegro] "·ascordial- todefend Powellandrebuke Meany. For of JIIIJ 11Nd 1p1rit 1111rt liat.~ no
ly in,·ited 10 1he house but defimtdy not lucir ..
complicated hospitali1y. You ean"t ha,·e Amid the poetry and raumatau, thtre
yourchocolatecakea.ndeatit,100."' weresomediKordant, íamiliarold nol~.
Massachusetts' John l'itzgera!d Kennt'<ly science,enjoyourprosperitywhen 3,000,-
and Minnesota's 1-iubert Horatio Hum- 000 to 4.000,000 oí our fellow humln
phrey. the Democrat5' two out-in-the- beings walk the streets lool.:ingfor work.''
open candicbtes. heg11nto jab the Repub- In \\'isconsin. with thc crucial state
licans-and uch other-a Jiule harder. In primary jusi SC\'en weeks away, 1he Hum-
Santa Ana, Calif .. hard by Nixon·s home phreyitcs and Kennedymen wcre after
town. Humphrey s:iid the \'ice Presiden! each othcr tooth, nail and quill. Crics of
would he a "negative. no-go. go-~low, not- "windbag" and ",·otestealcr" were hurled
now. ,·eto type oí executke.'' Ata rally at Humphrcy; Kennedy was labcled "soft
of the amateur-po!itico California Dl'mo- on McCarthyism" and '·tough a:id amor-
cratic Counci!in Fresno. Kennedywamed al." Bro1herRobcrt Kennedy,campalllning
that the party "would be committing a hardforjackin\\'isconsin,dropped!!Ome
¡i:ra,·e error if it e,·er tried 10 out-Nixon unsubtlehintsthathl5(andJack·s1arch-
i\"ixon."* XonNheleu. at the s:ime rally. enemy, tough Teamster Jimmy Hoffa. wu
the names oí Xixon and of Texas· Lyn- backing Humphrcy. Angrily, llumpbrcy Wa,J,,•g!ooStot
don Baines Johnson. Democratic leader retorted that ''l ha,·e not sought Hoffa's ALL THF.IREccs IS TIIE S,un: BASl.'.U
oíthel:.S.Scnatc,wercboocdandhis~ support, and he has not offered it. The
(California Go,·crnor Pat Brown later only time he carne in10 my statc recently
a¡,ologizcd. $3.id thc dele~ates werc just wastosaysomcunkindthingsaboutme.''
•·..ery enthu,iastic"). And ,\dlai Ste,·cn- Humpbrey wntinued 10 play his poor-
son. in '.\ll'Xico. far írom thc political boy candidacy forall it wu worth,attrib-
noiscmaking, received the most appbu;;e. uted Kennedy·s política] success to "a
Later, in Manhattan, attacking the Ad- rich father. Lct's face it.'' But. he added
ministration. Jack Kennedy looked O\'Cr brin·ely. "f'm not complaining. The~e are
the land. o,·erlooked prosperity, and the facts oí lile," ln Manhattan, Jack
seemed to see a U.S. shnmk even from the cracked back: •·¡gota wire from my
Khrushchcv ,·ision f'a limpini: horse"- father that said. 'Dear Jack. Don't buy
seel.-0RE1cs XEws).'·Scvcnmillion have one \'Ole more 1han necenary. 1'11 be
:m incomc of leso than Si,ooo." he pro- damned ii I'llpayfora bnd1lidc.'''Thcn
claimed to the ~cw York políticos. "Thcre he swiped at one of thc candidatcs who
are 15 million on a substandard dict; 17 had decided to sidestep Lhe primaries:
million are not co,·cred even by the $1 '·Senator {Stuart] Symington Mid he
mínimum wage. We havc more than hoped Wisconsin would hea good, clean
3.000.000 unemploycd workers with job- light-with no survivors,"
lcss bencfiu avcraging leSll than $31 a As the campaign moved on, thc signs
wcek." In Fresno. Humphrey took u¡¡ the were unmis1abble that it would get
s:ime theme: "\\'e cannot, in good con- rougher-all the way to Novembcr-while
the voters heard from '.\fülionairc Ken-
• Un lor1ni(ht 1he ..-ord luked out thot nedy and Stout Proletarian Humphrey
CN>rie Jl.,lknop, tht DemocraticSuional Com- thatthcyhadseldom haditworse.Pas.sing
m'ue • d·rector ol.1er an11~••· h.ad -,.,...¡ a through Carson City, Ne,•, Lut week,
_,., ¡,arty ...unin~ •••in>t "recUr,u ochem!e>
,..hicb could mak, Ni~on • márlyr and our Humphrer summed it up succinctly:
\.lmpai~o I Jmear .. A frontal 1tt.M:kon '"Democrat.s don't win l\'hen lhey go
~~°:~~.:.~•&eler •• ..-ould a!most «rt.aíolr around playing ticktacktoe. They win
when theyslug.''
FRANGE in1;:··a"cpinthedirectionofdctonatlnga
Atomie Member No. 4 A communiq~ of the Gaullist L'.;\.R.
For the first time in 16 monllu. a nu- l'artyappcarcdtoapeak forall of France:
clear cloud columncd up and spread it• .. In the world of toniorrow, the rc.-.1in-
cauliflowcr5hapeabovethccarth dcpcndence of a nation rcsts essentially
At 6:30 onc momin11:a robot control, oo thc ma5ury of atomic energr. Th.lnks
opcrated by perforated tape. wa.s set in to1hecxplosionat Rqgan .... ecanrejoice
rnotiontotriggcranuplo,;ionatopa300- that France is• grcat power in c,·ery
ft. laniced steel pylon in thc Xorth Afri- respec1,··
can dl'Sl'rt. The eyc-melting fla!h turned ltmighl btanoddi1yofthe 10th cen•
thc sky into brightcr-than-day, and a tury.butitisalsoafactthatanation"s
mountainrangeonthchoriz<:mwa.sillumi- statusismeasured in 5uch terms. Tothose
nnted likc a uagc Sl'tting. As thc shock who criticiied Fr:tnce iorM> cxpensi"c
wave ro\led outward, two mcn in Ham- and negDtivea wayol 11ursuingpower. De
moudia blockhouse ten miles ª""ªY wcrc Gaulle countered by !l.lying he could not
thro"·non1heirí1ces.Withthisnuclcar undem.and why Funcc $Muid be singled
bang.Sl'tofflan,.eckinthchtartofthc S.C.A. out for criticism, -..·hile threc other na-
Sabara. t"rance sbouldcred its ""Y into Fv...,cr"s CACUPLOWUCLOUD tionswerestockpiling thenucleucapacity
the world Atomk Club. u )lcmber Xo. 4. Others were not '° pleaied. todcstroylifconearth.,\taprcs5con-
Deod Calm. Thc usually resen·ed Prcs- ference last No,·embtr, he referred skep-
idcnt Charles dc Gaulle cried "Hurrah for crime!"'), the So\·ict 1,;nion mercly ex- tic,lll)' to the hiatoric licklcnc~ of ali alli-
Francc!" and cnblcd Kst:1tically· "Sincc pressedits"re¡:rc1··;n1ontllthatindicated ances. and added: ··Qnc can well ima,inc
thismomingsheisproudcrandstronger! .. moresorrowthanangcr.Ona.-isittolndia, on IDme terrible occuion \\'utem Euro¡"lC
l'roud French officials said lliat ,,,.cathcr Red Bo!!.SNikita Khrushchc,• took the bein¡: annihilatcd from ~I05Cowand Cen-
condition5 liad hcen almo5t ideal in the Sabara dctonation in stride. remarked tral Europc from \\"a•hin,1tton Lw·hilceach
red rock and ,1,11ndttllting aru of Re¡¡- casually1ha1hes1illbelie.-ed .. l-·ranceand oí the two gn:at antagonists dccide!J not
gan. sorne ; 50 milCllwuthwest of Al¡du-", Pre<,ident de Gnlle also "·aot a rcl.ua- to bunch its .,,·c.apons against its main
lyi~ ncar an ancient c;u;n';ln routc hc- tion in tensions.'" ad\"C1'5&r)'so u not to be thrc.-.tened
twecn thc Meditcrrannn Sea and the Rood to Glo-ry. To w·orld r.cienti,U the it~lí."' Thcrcfore. insisted Charles de
XigcrRiwr French bomb v.as !iimply lhe 19th to Gaullc. Francc ..is n:ndering a service to
ll was dcad calm at ¡:round levcl. but ha,·e bcen exploded in the p:ast 15 ycal"5. thehalanceoftheworld."" ..\ simi\ararJU·
ahovc 10.oooft.,6o-m.p.h.windscauseda anda small and fairly primiti,·c onc al mcnt can be expected from whoe,·cr he·
qulckdispersalofhi¡i:h-altituderadioac• that. But for Frenchmcn the cauliflo\\cr comes Atomic Pnwer No. 5.
tivity.Frcnchp,1trol,hadalread)•fanned cloud in the desert re1lrcsents another
outthrou¡i;h1herc¡i;ion.roundingupsome stridc forward on the Gaullist rw.d to Oefeat for the Right
JOO nomad tribcimcn. Bdorc the •hot. glory, which hJd latelr bctn callcd into In northem Franu'scathedral cit)'of
radarM:recnsswC'])tlandandair.w.itchin¡i: question by France·s incapacitytogovem Amicns onc aítcmoon las1 ...-eck. J3.000
for any movemcnt tliat mi¡i;ht índicate inAJ,¡¡eria.Offl(i;dsbo.lstofmoretesu to Fn:nch farmel"5 ragcd through the heart
end.1nJ<"Cred humans. Uecause ofthedirer• come. A pfant at Toulou11t for the pro- of 1own. smashing windows and stonini:
1ion ofthe windsat the time. the Fn:nch duction of he.av)' W&teris rcgarded u be- cops in a riot that ldt ¡o farmers and
said thcn: wu litllc chance oí fnllout 50 policc injured. Ü)' ¡:eneral agreement.
h(owin¡i; toward inh.1hited arca~. Francc·s farmcrr; had lc¡i;itimate cau.st: for
"AfriconButcher."OnlyFranccS('cmcd complaint: a!thou¡th the)· make up 15•-;
to ¡¡et plea~ure out nf it~ big ban¡i:. Japan of the population. they gct only 10'c or
and :'.\lorocco prc1).lred formal pro1es1,. 1hc national incomc.• De Gaulle"s abuli-
t·rom Xa5'1Cr"sUnited \rab Republic carne tion ofa ¡)3rit)'indcxhitching farmprices
the cry: ·"Thc ¡i:o,-emment which hu acted 10 market prices 11.\dhit them hard. But
ua butcher in Algeri:i is now· tryini: to the indignant farmcrs al Amiens (pop.
actas a butcher for ali Africa."' l'rime 100.oool ...-en: pushed into a rampagin¡:
Mrni,;tcr i;;wamc Nkrumah of the \\'est mood by right-..,·ing igitators who hroke
Mrican statc oí Gluna dramatic:tll)' or- u¡, thcir gathering with crics oí '·l'i1~
dered thc freciinit: oí Frcnch assets Ct.~li- ,lfouu .. and "Altldt Fran(aiJe!"" The
matcd al $14 millioni until ¡,ossiblc ef. head of thc larmcrs• 11roup was himself
fects of the cxpl05ion on the Ghanaian stoned to unconsciow¡nen as he trled to
population are known. Nigeria found it quellthca¡¡itators.
nece55,1ry to po t security guanb around Bchind the \iolence at Amiens lay a
1he Frcnch emba!~)'. dc<pcr.ate effort by F"rance·• right w·in1tto
The most curious official ruction carne suike back at Charles de Gaulle on the
from the C.S .. w·hich had pro\'ided no mainland. Tbey "·ere on thc nm in Al-
hel1landscntnoobse1Yers.TheU.S.$ta1e i:eria-thc ha5tion írom ...-hich thcy had
Departmcnt "'ªs unablc to bring itselí 10 dcficd thc prC\\IT Third Republic and
coni¡r:ttulatc an ally on its technical to1>1>lcdLhe Fourth. By lnst wcck De
achie,·ement. "ould s.:iy only in a one- Gaulle had
1 sentencestatementthatthee\'tntwasnot tJ Scra1)J)Cd the 100,000-man Algcrian
.. unCll"JICCted.'.
\\'ith whom this !queami!h Home Gu.:ud. .,,ho~ members manncd
reticencew·.:u suppost<] to .,.¡n favor ..-u most of thc b;,rricades in thc reccnt in•
notindicatcd.Gre.it Britainremainedoffi- ~urrection.
cially dumb a¡ "cll. ahh~h thc: oµposi-
tion Labor Party dcnounced the French • In rtsS farm lomit>ff.mad.up "'% ol 1h,
Unlike Red China ("a dcfiance oí ""orld :J ~~~ 1..,pulation. ~o• b.6'\,o/ lb• nation•I I~•
opioion .. J and Eut Germany ( ..an atomic

Abolished the ··riíth llurcau··-thc
1aie De Caulle"s Al~erian po!icie•.
!-lapptd 1hrtt ~h1-•·m1 icncrals onto
Replactd the 1ii: top officen of the Al-
,:icr1 policc force and rutorcd ali police
po•·ers to the ch·il ,i:ovcmmcnt.
lmpriJOntd mo,t of the leadiltf Algien
ploncrs-includ1n,: C-ount Alain de Sé-
n,l{ny. proprie1or of At11cri,1f mo•I inAu-
ential daily. l'Edo d'Alfrr.
Canul•d Cuis•. For \1,:c~·• Euro•
pean seulen. the most ominou mo,~ oí
tin,: a,:ainn 1he ~curity oí che Jta1c•·1
oí 48-year-old l'uhli,hcr ele Séri~ny. A
World War JI l'étaíni,1 "ho ~rcly
e~aped arrcs1 "hcn thc rrcc Frcnch
~rigny hu lon,i: btcn thc unconte.t«I
rc,pectablc ltadtr of \l,:1cr,· European
community. helpcd incice by his sa,·ue
cditoriab the sellltTJº IIH6 manh:andhng
of Premicr Cuy Mollct (Tno1t. Feb. 10
u,s61 and the 195!u1m•1n¡t th:111~11,1rkcd
De Caulle"1 rctum to po"cr.
~e,·er heíore prOKCut«I for his con• RIOT Po1.1n Cunc1¡,¡-c RIOTl'iC FAlMUI AT AMIUI
1pinciH. De~ril(llytric:d tollcc,\l¡per!I An echo of Algerio on the moinlaMl.
by 1bip. llut bs1 •cck. 11 poli~ h:auled
him off to Atiiicrs" Ebrbtrou...e Pri!oOnto he 1osct no opportunitr to ,·ilify Wt!it Mbthty in lbc Wect .. for their rc.idinc.s
jom 1.000 impriwned MDiltm rcbels. he Ccrmany. In thtcir btest ucbange oí •·10 Jha,ke tbc h:and th:at 1bppcd Cbrü1
muttrred1ohimselfo,·er1ndo,·cr~11in notes. Khrwhcbc,.. comparcd Adcnautr to in tbc bu:• But to rntle<s Cio,·11nni
'"A De ~ri~y in Buherouuc1 lt it im• Hitler in thr~ !ICJ)lnte paMa«<". aHuwd Cronchi . .,..ho hclie"cs in --•n opcnin,: to
po$51ble' lt is incomprehen•ible1· thc Wt:1t Cennan go,..cmment of cncour- the lcft •• the )loscow trip 5ttfflCd I prime
Time to Tolk. Said one At.crian ~los- 1gin(t 1n1i-Scmi1ism and plotting .. ar. íhancetopro,·ehism«liatin,11talentsand
Jem h:appily. '"Wh:att\"Cr 1~bad íor De Worst yct, Adcnaucr is dttply suspi• to m~ke ltaly somethin111more than ju;;t
~ri,:ny is good for us:• De (i11ulle"1ne" ciousthattheL".S.andBri1ainarernigned • junior¡).'lrtnerin theWestemalliance
us,crtionofaulborit)•o,·erAlgcriapo$("d toacccptingC\·cntu;alústC".crm:incontrol At MoKow Airpon th1ri,:1 11:otoff to a
a problem to the ludcr11 oí Ahteria ·• ll'·c• of thc 1:and routt"S to \\'t'St llcrlin. Fort- bumpy 1tar1. Tumin¡r: to lulian rorci,:'n
yeu-old r.LS. rcbrllion. ~l1ll10n1of un- ni11ht alt(I. acting "·ith Wcst Ucrlin's So. Mini•ter C:ilt5Cppt l'elb ... hom the Rus-
committ«I ~loslem~ might brcome lt'~.ll ci.11i!t ~layor Willy llnnd1 Adenauer &ian• rttud •~ ··~lts11ly"" 11ro-We•tem.
ea¡r:crtosu¡i,portthch:arshcrie1of1he pret"ntcd Western tiumm1t pbnncrs with Siklla Khru,hchc>· bc:,:an to t•·it him on
rcbcl leadenhip. From riclghborintt Tu- • memor11ndum dedarin11 th.at West Ber- the Alit11lia DC-611 in "·hlch thc Gronchi
ni\ia, rebcl lc11deu lcaked wordtlut they lín is lc,:ally a staie oí the \\'est Cerman J~Hty had arri\"cd. ~id Khru~hchc,·.
"ere about torcqucst 11tace talkson thc redernl Rcpublic. Thc implica1ion: W~t '"!:óince)·ou buyyour11irpfa11es abroad.
h.asis of De Caulle"1 Alitria-"·ide ~lf- Gcrmany h.as thc right 10.-etnany sum• )'UU1houldkno"·1ha1 our1,i:omuch fast-
dcterminJtiori oifer ol latt Scptemher. mit decision on Berlin that the Cermans H. Why don·t )'0U buy airplann th:it
For the fnst time. thc rehel1 C\'en 11ro- find unacccptable. But the Anglo-Ameri- are futer and 11trh.ip1 chcaper)" Tal.en
íe»cd ""ÍllinKJleMto accept De Caullc"s can ,'ie•· of Ber\in"1 •tatlH is th:11 their 1back. Pelb lltll.an to 111tue th:it Russian
1tipul11tion 1b3t nc¡r:oti.uion, m~t not o•·n ri,:htsas World \\"ar 11 .-kto" con• jeh UtU3lly CO•l more th:an the L".5.-
dtal •·ith Al¡r:eria'1 pol,tical future. in- Jtitute thc only Western legal cbim to madc DC-61:l f;an ohsole!lfent type on
1i;1ed th:at 11111hey,untcd to talk about m11intain,i:arrisons in Berlín. [.!-. airlinc-1. J.:hru•hche, di\mi•wd the
•1u 1he•·1cchnie11l.. ¡1roblt'msofen5urinc Willy Br11nd1is more tactful. but ju1t llOint w11h I pro,·crh ·\\'hen fi~h is
an h,one¡¡ sclf-detcrmination 1·ote. u insistent. in pressintt Wrtt Cerm.any·, chu1,. it'• 1.lw11y!rollen.""
daim. Says he; "The word •,·eto" o,·er- Th, TimekHper-5. The re11l troublc
WEST GERMANY ¡)iars the ,.hale thlll(I. Wnt Gcrmany i1
bcitan when Gronchi 1nd PellJ. m fash-
ioiublc ltali11n stylc. arri,·«I 15 minutes
Tough Too 1T1111
for thc WCMem po•ers not 10 mate lue for a bus1ntü 1CH1on •·itb J.:hru-
In W11~bingtoobst •ttk Sttrttary of a drci1ion 11bout I Gcnnan city ,.·ithou1 ,lw:M'· and Ru1,i:an Forci1111~hm,ter .\n•
St.ate CbristWI Hener •on hudhncs by thc l!)PC'0\"111oí lhe Gcrman go,·emment. drc1 Gromyko. found the Ru»111n, !IC0"1-
S,l)"lll( th:at Xikita Kht\l!.hcM'• ••as Ntd• lftheyd1dothcra·ise.1here.-ouldhe,·eT)· ut.t hcnily at thcir ,..1tchu. \\ñen Gron-
enin(t lus stand on Wnt Buhn. But ,o dcplor11bleconscqucn<.'.ts... ch1 •ugge•ted tlut 1he iummu mttting
too. though Hener flilcd to meotion it. should take u¡, rcuniñcahon of Cerm.any
•-a.1 Wcst Cermany"1 Ch:anccllor Konr11d through free cltctions. Khru~hche,· brokt
A1kn11uer. COMMUNISTS in to gru"l th.at hi• u1mo1t conce •ion ~n
A<lcnauer h:111b«omc incre11sin11lyre- In Oispraise of Macoroni Gcrm11ny "ould he to J!U3tanttt Berlm
'lentfulof,.-Ntheconsldeu L.!:ó.anclBrit• Jt:aly't Prcs.idcnt Cio, .. nni Cronchi. 7: as 1--frucity· once thc \\es! w,thdrew
1$h md1fference to ¡i,cni.,,tent So,,iet 11•
temJ)IJ to pcrs\lade tht •orld 1ba1 the
.,..u all aglow •·ith 11nticipa1ion. In llyillg
off to Mosc:ow. Christi.1n Ocmocr11tCron- ~-~~c~~~c:;.';
a 161h ccntury hu,t of ~larcu1 Aurclius.
Bcrhn question is 1he only obstacle to chi h:ad o,·erridden the protcsts of h15
Ea51-Wcst h:irmony. Bitterly. Adcnautr ministers. h:ad JO ,ued thc \'uican tlui! Th;itnen10111,tabiglt1li11ncmbauy
points out that. "·hile Khnuhchev pruebes ltaly"1 Alíredo CHdinal Otta.•iani h.ad rcce¡,tion. Khrushchev made ít cleu 1h.at
"'rclautionoftension1••c.·eT)"'hercelse, puh\iclydenounced"'men oíhigh rcspon- he lud abandoncd 111 ho¡JC oí capitaliv
mg on Gronchi"s \".11!"1W' 1·i~ioni o( .1 don"t show much tJgcme~~ to rt.lch an unitts tht !-ol"ict L"nion and Communist
more •·ftuihle"" l1.ali.1nforeiin policy. In agrttmem . China th.,n di,·idcs 1hem. But ,.-ha1 di-
.1 lonl!"men.1cin11:
toas!. Khru-hchtl•bhmt- Itali.1n ntwspaptnnen. scribblin11;furi- vidts thcm i~ bccoming more and more
ly wamed 1h.11 Ru~ia wou!d not rel:u1 ously. cahled home lonl!"r~ru of ··1his conspicuou~. A,:tlc~s national conflicts .:ire
it~ hold o,tr Communi5t E.1st Genn.1ny mortifying tpisodc:· and Khrushche'"·s alre.:idy pulling Rus~ia .:ind Chin.:i in dif-
('"The ..ituation creatcd by World Wu 11 "nude írankncss.'" Rcturnini: 10 Romt, fcrent dircctions. llnder the impact of
unnot be changcd without a war'"): he Gronchi was round!y cheered at the air• thcir cx11loding JIOpulation. the Chinese
wunotintercstedin \\'estGerman'"ino"S port. and praised lor his demunor by are mo,·ing wcstw.:ird and northward into
{'"Wecannotacccptconditions from men newspapen that had origin.1lly criticizcd thc bordcr lands oí l\lonitolia. SinkianJ
who were buten at Stalingrad""l. then bis ,•i5it. lt wu the tum of thc Itali.1n and l\lanchuria ('Ahcre population has
bunchedintoaserie1ofunfnorablecom- Communist prCM. which had trumpcted doublcdsince19:3).
p.1risons betwttn Italr and Ru,sia. his tour. to reafüe th,u tht tour had \\"ben Toronto's Geoph)'!icist J.Tuzo
""Our soldiers han! bccn in ltaly u badly misfired andan11crcd ltalian pride. \\"ibon rccrntly crosscd tbe border. hl'
allies." he said. ~vours tried to come 10 Khrushche1·. §:lid Rome's con5erv11i,·c /1 foundthat it 100k 61'e houn. Aíterthe
Ru~iJns had i11itchtd the tTllin 'Ahttls
at Otpor to lit China's nuro.,·er•gauge
tracks. he rcportcd; 'ºThe lrJ.in crept for-
11·ardin 1he dark 101,•ud the actual bordcr.
lt 11as britliantly floodlit. Soldicí$ 11·ith
Thc last Ruuian 1 ~11" wa5 gazinit up at
thc undersidc oí the cars witha floodlight
tomakesurenoone wu riding the rods
'1"hc trnin continued crttping forward
forwhat s«medan age. The chani¡e 11as
oomplctt. Thrtt mil~ back. CI-Cry pcr50n
in Rus;;i.1n. :--.ow cveryonc ..-u Oriental
bu1 Chinesc. Wc had entcrcd lht Oricnt
Hord Sorgoin,. \\'tsttm spccialisis no
longer dbmiu the differences bi:t11·ttn Pe-
king and )losco11 usomekindoFsubtlc
mancuvcr to confuse thc We5t. But thcy
belie1·e 1ha1 China's objrctions Lo Khru-
shchtv"s J10licy of cOCJ1istcncewith the
We~t are more t.:ictical th.,n strategic.
RuS!i.1w.1n1spcace to get on with its in•
C.,,tM,oo•o-llH dustrialii.,tion. China still nttds ou¡_,;ide
K11at:SIICIUV& GIIOSCIII(ll'ITK UEGU.SSES) IS Moscow hostilitytounitcarutlesspeople.
Think il over ond join the pcrly."' In ten yearstheRuuiamha\'clent tbe
Cbincsc the somt11hat unimprcssi1·c sum
our country as enemit!I.• That 11·ecan ,\frnauuabittcr1y.obl'iouslrlooksupon of5.f3omillion,indcalssignedonlyaftcr
nt'\'Cr ÍOrj!;e!."Cooling do•·n. Khrushchev ltal)'as";acountryoíbeggan;andsingen.'' months ofhanl bargaining. Currently tht
lalked oí ho"' in ~J yeau RuS!ia h.ts Perhap:s he does. But Khrushche,· also Chincse are shippmg the Ru,sians $250
l>ecome ""the lir.;t country in the world !!Ometimesrcscmhlts I garrulous all-night million worth oí goods a )'Car more than
oí culture. We ha,·t no poor, no uncm- di~k jockey who doe.s no\ Clf¡)CCt hil Cl'Cí)' they rectÍ\·t. Still. 11hcn the Chincse pro-
ploycd. In capitali~m. thc smart~t man word to be rcmcmbercd and hl'ld aiain5t claim loudtst nf ali that Communist
is the one 11·i1hthe most doll,1T$.llcrc hlm. When Foreign Miniucr Pttla re- strength now eicecds \\'tstcm strength,
hcisthtonewiththemost 1alcn1s.Think 11roochcdhimuftuward!forhi.,conduct, thestrtngththeyarchraggingaboutis
it 0l'er. )Ir. Prcsidcnt. and join thc Com• Khrushchev shrugged ")laybe )"ou·re primarily Ruuia"s-Sputniks and missiles.
munist l'arty.'º right. But that·s how I am.·• Taking hold To th, Resc::ue. Mao, after Stalin',
Money & the Moon. kily, Gronchi of Gronchi"s hand he uked. "\"ou wcrcn"t death. fancied himself 1he senior philO§-
retortcd. "I would likc toprt.5Cnt Premicr at allofftnded bywhat l &aid,w·tre you, .. opher oí Communism, a man 11·hoh.td
Khru,hche,· with a good wish. Maybe one madehiso11nre1·olutionins1eadofmerely
day,touchedb)'di\'Íncgracc.he'A·illentcr Creaking Axis inheriting it. At first Mao oftm inttr-
the Christian Democratic l'arty.'" 0n \'almtint"1 Day 1950. as Josq>h 1-ened l!"l'J.ndlyin Communist Europc-.1t
Klif'Nslidn• (angrily): \\"hich party Stalin and )l.10 Tsc•tung scalcd a treaty one point to back the Pole1 against Krem-
gi1·cs most to the people? Our flag hu of ••friendship. alliance and mutlló\l iiC• lin pressurcs. latcr to bel¡, Khrushchev
reachcd 1he moon.And you, What ha1·e curity,''Comradc:.taoprcdictcdthatthis whtnhis1uthoritytottcrcdaf1er1hellun-
youdone? union of ¡oo mlllion ¡,copie 11ould""int1·i- garian rtvolt, and finally to le.1d the 1958
Gronchi answued mildly that onty the tably influcnce the futureoíall mankind.'' outcry a,ain5t Tito"s de,·iation from the
richcanalfordsomethings. This wcek the tcnth anni1•cr,111.ry of lhat trucfaith. llututhcSino-Sovictp;iClbe•
Khru.shcl,ev (contemptuou~ly): \\'e do hisioric union wu observed 11•i1hde1er- rame ten ycars old, it w.1sJohnny-Comc-
not scllidcn. ldea5are not $3.IJmi. mined gaicty in Pcking with !tctures. va· Lately Nikit~ Khru5hchev 11ho had to go
Pdla (hrtakin~in¡: Anyway, 11edo not rades and folklore festival~. Sov1e1 Boss toChin,:i"s rescue. It had bttnadis.astrous
agrtt 11·ithyou on Berlín and Germany. Khrushchev 11."lstoo busy to t.:ikt part yearforChina: 1roublcsinthecommuncs,
Klirtt.slidc1:: Lifc is a great ttachl'r. pcnonally in thtsC" 10lemnities. China's 1he hloody rtprc~sion of Tibet, Peking"s
lf you come to tell methat ltalian maca• Xo. 1 ally •":IS. ironically enoU,1th.off in m.1bdroithandlingof lndia.itsantagoniv
roni i5 bettcr than RU5~ian haut you India building íriendshi11 •ith China in!! of IJunna and Indonesia. h now rc-
Xo. 1 rinl íor Asían ltadenh1¡1, quircs Khru,hchn"s hardc~t cfforts (be
8 T,11 halian di,·i,iont ÍOIIÚI •Pillll RH•la
..., 1t.. ta,~.,.,,...,in World \\'u 11 Uneo,y Neighbon. U LJ,t..: is one got1rnu1llcrhcllolutMtkinlndiathan
propositionon 11hichall the '\C$tem 1n- did EiS<'nho11cr I to try to rctrieve Com-
t A laindy (¡¡ of ,'l,) akoboli,;..,.l1drlnlr.. telligeoce cx¡)Crts agree, it 1• Out more munism·s ~Q:ing íortuncs in A3ia.

you an authenticcream
qfpotato soupfar only
about 129a bowl
m If it hadn't been for a
~ - !'.e~~r~;i~t}~~g Ai!~i~;
with Sir Francia Orake,
• the world might still be
When Drak!i~i~Je~~d':~~~iJ~
thrown overboard to light.en ahi1>in a
11torm, ooo of hie sailora pocketed a
few polatoes. Theee wcre the li.rat ever
planted in lreland. Soon potatoes
were everyday (are ali over Eumpe.
This wM the pot.ato'• role-a plain,
;~n~ ~1:~ºb~~
icate flavor in a fragTHnt cream aoup.
Here waa a dish 10 1uperb that it
found ita way onto fancy mCnW! every-
where (at fancy 1>rice8).
Continental Eating at Home e,_.., o{ pou,i,, S....p, • •peci,,lty or famo.,. Conlonent.al ,-tauranla,
Now, thanb to Campbelri, skill and now youra to enjoy anyllma LhanU to Catnpbell'■ fl'M~in1.
froozing, you can serve a cream oí
polato soup at home com1>nrablo to this might C011t$1 or more ... and be
~ir~~fd gct in a fine Continental rea- well worth it. But Campbell'e Cream
of Potato Soup CQl!t.11 you only about
12~ a bowl. Try some toda.y ... look
8el~i:r~::~•~:ae~t a:~tl~~\~¿~ in your gnx:er'e freezer for the red and
u~til tcndor. Thcn th~y add frcsh whitecan.
milk, cream, butter, omon, 11.ndl!ell•
:r;_ihf~;r!:':, 6
~~:e n~f~i~fi:e;h~fr
edue11ted lll8te8.
Thcn, quickcr th111,you can ,tcal a
whiff, the aoup 111rW1hed to the frocrer.
~c~l':~ t~~~1~f~thi;rw:Jur
At Aa º.~~~:.W.:!~::;:::.:•;ik,
O.••••• ~~í~lfi~~:~ '""N •• •-•• -•• ' No

~..1:~ ~~~r~:~;1ft1~=:t":::'.1::i~~.~;~=
;; ) CREAM
Old-F .. hlonod Ve1 ■ 1able whh Beef
Cr ■ am or l'olato • Cream or Shrlmp
Clam Chowder {New lsn11land Style)
Oreen Pe ■ whh 11am • Oy•t ■r Stew
FROZEN by ~ampld/.i.
TIME, fEUU"IY 22, 1960 25
RUSSIA and E!ijah. who "reportedly" ascended to La•t wctk. d~~sed in the firsl p.iir of
he;wen, mayhn,·ebeen sample earthlings pajamn he had cvcr had and wearin~ a
Enoch & Other Cosmonou+s taken b.ldt in the cosmonauts' spaceship. ne11·hearin!['.aid and s~ctacles that thc
The controlled newspapcrs and maga- Further, "lhc allention of modem man old folks" home had given him. Bally
zines oí the So\·iet Union ridiculed thc familiar "-Ílh the disco\'eries of nuclear told rerorters bis eerie itory. Back in
Westcmcrauforilyingsaucers.Butever physics must be scruck by thc Biblical 1910. Ba!ly. a 15-year-<Jld orphan. was
,ince the ilr;;t Sputnik, the Ru;;,ians hani description oi $odom and Gomorrah." shippcd off to Farmer Kolkman's place to
indulged in 1heir own kind oí science fic- The So\'iU co-authors ''transcribed" thc work for a bed in the attic and i.50 guil-
tion ahout possible visitou írom outcr Jlihlicalpassai:cintomodernlanguageand ders (65/J a weck. In tho;e days the
~pace. One Alek,andr Kauntsc,• theoTW:d dccided that the columns of smoke, thc guildcr went far. and young Bally ne,·er
that the great Tunguslr.a depression in fi~ and brimstone that destroyed the complained. By thc lime the first World
Siberia, actually cau~d by the foil oi a cities resulted from the bias\ "caused by War broke out. hti was too deaf to be
meteor in tl)OS.had real!y rcsulted from the cosmonauts. uho, before takc-oñ, ar- calledup.andsincehiseyesighthadalso
1he e~plosion of a nuclcar-powered Sl)J.CC· ranged toblow updumpsoiextranuclear bcgun to foil. he soon stoppcd kecpim;
ship attempting to land on cmh. Reputa• fucl afler first wami11g thc surroundim: track of the war news. He leamed alxiut
ble So,·iet meteor upcrts and utronomers inhabitanu'' 10 flee. Those who lookcd World \\"ar II only because Farmcr
ridlculed Kaza.nl.!!e,•stheory and accused back (e.,., Lot"s wifc) "wcrc b!inded and Kolkman docked him an extra 50 Dutch
cents for the higher price of tobacco
-and he karned about pcace uhen the
Still at his 1910 wagc of 65/ a wttk
Bally never ¡rota d;l.)"off, norwas he ever
allowcd to ¡:o into town six miles away.
\\"hen themaster"s retardedsongot mar-
riedand then hada baby, the familycle-
cided to rut down on Bally"s ration5 to
e1·en out the family budget. Occasiona!ly
a nei¡:hbor would s« Bally scroundm;
around in the prbai:c. Still. Bally had
onc ¡:real ¡¡lea•ure-his Bible, which he
could read 11hcncwr )!adame Kolkman.
asa markof spccial favor. allowed him 10
On 1he ni¡:ht he ran awa}', Farmer
Kolkman had decitled to puni•h Ually for
his impertincnce in front of the go\'crn-
ment man hy withholding :\!adame Kolk-
man"s ¡i:la«,e, indefinitely. After ,;o years,
thi~ was too much for Jlally to bcar.
\\"hen thc ncwsp:ipers ~pread Bally"s
story. Farmer Kolkman could not untler-
stand the fus~. "Hcndrik ne\"er asked lor
a rai<;t"."'
he said. "He had his Sunday ~uit.
and C\"CT)' morning wc ga,·e him an e¡:~.
DtsTllt"CTIOS 01' Sooo)! He didn"t want any more."'
Red version: lot's wife wos bltnoed by o nuclear eKplosion. As for llallr himself. now that he had
himofbeingacharlatanandachea¡lsen- peri~hed."' A lit1le nervou•!y. the Lircrary newspapers again. and could no1 tind
sationalist, but his theorics continued to G11:c11eµrefaced this r.aucer-cyed silliness much of inte~st in thcm. •·¡fs likc the
turn upin thclilua,yGa:rltc,the ¡¡ub- with the c,wea1 that it --~1ands on the old days," he said. '"They still quarrd."'
lication of thc So"ict \\'riters l,"nion. l..a,;t borderline oi darin¡i: scientific gul'sswork
weck the Gu:e1/c o~ned its pagcs to andscientificfonta,y."·
\"alentin Rich and :\likhail Chernenkov.
who made Kaz.antsev·s imag-lnation seem THE NETHERLANDS Breoking the Fast
earthbound indeed. Starting irom the Just as the Chriqian Lent produced
premisc that earth cannot possibly be the The Hired Man 1he custom of :\lardi ~ras. so the ~loslcm
onlyinhabitedplanetintheuni,·erse.1he In The Xetherlands, 11hich takes its fast of Ramndan. 11in1hand boliest month
co-authorssearched fore1idencetha1 the welfarc-state bmelits seriou,ly, a con• ofthclunarcalcndar.•haslon¡:ledto
world has been \"iSitcd in timc.5 past sdentious dvil urv~nt in the village of peculiaraccommodaLionsin hlamiccoun-
by "co~monauu"' irom outcr sp:i.ce. and Diepen1·een (pop. 4.0181 decided to go tries. for i9 or JO days every year, the
found mucho/ their '"proor· in thc :\lid• out and infom, a local farm hand named de,·out. who mu5t abstain from iood
die East and the llible. llendrik Ually in ~rson that thego\'ern- drlnk. tobacco and scx from dawn to
They conclucled Lhat the famed ""lfaal- mcnt. now 1ha1 he had tumed 63. would oundown.makcupíorit by0\'Crindulgin¡::
bek vcrandah"" in Lebanon-a va,1 and hl'ncefor1h p,1y hima pensionofS1 11;uil- and under•lecping during tbe hoursof
ancicnt platfonn of hui:c ,;tone ~!abs- ders 1521.311 a month. Uarkne». \\"hen Ramadan.on its F•YCar
may have bcen thelaunching-site forthe The cl\·il sen·ant found a man dre,,ecl mi¡::rationthrou¡¡hthe"-Olarcalendar. hap-
retum trip of cosmonauts from another in un~peakablc rn¡t'.5.and so thin that his p,ens to faH in summer. many a "eary
wor!d. Though di,counting the Biblc as a rihs secmed about to bur,t out of his :\lo,lcm gin-s up. sleeps the wholc fastin~
source of rcl"ealcd rcligion. \\"riters Rich skin. Hi5 boss. fariner Abraham 1-:olk- day through. Tem¡,crs grow short. and
and Chcmenko,· cagerly accept it as a man. ;i. curtly explained that Bally was politics and propaganda a littlc sharpcr.
hi,;Lorical document. References to angels nearlydeafandhlind.voluntccrcdto$ign Little work gets done in Ramadan.
descendin¡: to earth. they decided. may thepcnsion papc¡-;¡himself. Thcn sudden- Tunisia"smodern-minded l'resident Ha-
refer to tra\'dcrs írom outer space. "just ly Ballyspoke up tocontrndict bis master bib Uourguiba. a )lo~lcm himself, rcgards
1s sorne hundreds of ycars ago the first forthefirsttimein 5olongyears.'·1 can
Spaniard, wcrc taken for gods by tbe sign my namc,"" he said. "lt"s my money." • C<>mmem<>raiin.-\ll1b"1 •--·~lalion ol th< Ko-
lndians."' Such Jliblica! figures as Enoch And that vcry night he ran away. r>n 10 l'roph'1 )lobmmtd

Now tough, grassy weeds that can choke out entire cornfields never get a chance to
emerge from the soil. Monsanto's Randox,• sprayed on the fields at planting time,
kills the grassy weeds-yet com, itself a grass, comes through clean and healthy.
Another example of how Monsanto research is moving ahead on many fronts to
serve you. Monsanto Chemical Company, Corporate Division, SI. louis 66, Missouri.
THELwwoh ~

/f,rt i1 ,,., u111Huttfl• dt1li11rli,.- /r,ud, ¡,,,..,¡/ i11 ,,/1 mndds ,4,,a//,rr nr,mf>lr t,f llu Íu({tm/lllrablr /11\ur:,• of //u
of llir l.i11co/11
e,,,,¡¡,,,,,,,,/. '11,isrvfiüi,,.. ,:,lu.<J
rMr1,·i11dm11 ,11,,,-/;I' c,,,,,,..,1/bl,: n si11,:üroulrol qui,Hy fold, tM ,,,_
miJrJ or fm,u1 al f/11jlirl: o/ a JrnM1 la fmwidr 1rniq11tlJ /1rr lop u.urmbl_, u11Jrr a 111Plqr.J1l1't11 ffUf d«~ f1a,ul,
r,fruhi11tr, vrt1lifalir>11uftu:I, i, ,,r¡,.,,/1) dmfl-f,n ltavrntr,as11,ooll1,u11b,"N:,,./i11r
r«cÍ\C an imrncdiatc irnprcuion of grcat tions bcforc a Llncoln Co111inen1ali, relcao;c,dfor dcli,-
~wur!l1 "hcn )OU in:.pcct thc J..iucoln C.Untiucu• rry; that calls for haml-ctll luthcr and spcciall) loomed
laL f'or thill au1ornoliilc ri,-:.1, an,· in tl,c "·urld fabrics in its spacious imcrior!; tha1 ulls for timclcss
for its luxuriuusncS!i an<I cn.ft:.marohip. ·n1e Lind uf bcaut)' uf dc:,ign, ami a .,Jiisper-<¡uict ridc. (h, ner!>loip
cn.Íbman:.hip that l:lllls fur u,cr 8,000 factor) iu:,pcc- of this c-..irÍ:, a &uprcmcl) :i.ati~f)iug c.~pcricncc.

Lvncoh ~ /4;~ /9ÓO

Ll'ICOI.X CO/'>Tl,._t:~T,1.L l)l\'1510,'! • fORU MOTOR COMl'A'IV ti ,_,. ,,
'TAVERN' TIME ... warm feeling ... wann friendship
all{l the ,,,elcome tastc
of America 's very best
Prerniurn Bourhon

for ric:h, full-bodied goodness-
100 Proof Bottled-in-Bond TAVERN
same fine flavor as the Bood-
llghter, milder, 86 proof
....... """"6,o " - • ,,..,t
\0alsY1Ul,lllllUCl'f O IO$I
RamJcbn11<omurhru 1tuntuct m.,- 'º11 ..-itb 1J•yeu-old Princcs, 1-:li.u.bttb
;':ls«". lit> h.at alrt'ad) officialh- aholidwd 11.attbedo,·trtheiríri1:nd,hi11untilheYw
thc •Til in Tuni,ia and introdu«d t:uro- Philip b«(>ITlt ron!'On to thc Qutt,l.
pc,an notion1 of n'IIITÍ.11:tlml di,·urct in "Sod Blunder." l.a\t yur irreprcs,ible
place of hlamic b,.,._ in 1\-hich I\0ml'n l'nelt U1ckit ¡,m·,td)' pubfühtd .- book
lu1t liulc or nn rirht,. Thcn he 51:'t to on his family trtt cbimin11 thJ.t until tht
,,-ork on R1.m1dl.n a cu~tom "h,ch he Qucc:n l\'Cnt throu11h the forna! proce.;.,,
h~lit,·N hcl11!1hold l,13mic countriN m of adoptin,: tht namt nf \\"ind.or in A¡1ril
,tai:nation. 11rakflt'•~ and dccadenct."' oí 19s:. •ht hall rei1;ned t110 months a.
l.;i,t yo:-ar in Ram:ubn he impo-NI mid• a llountb.allcn. a1nd thcrrforc the Hou,;e
ni·!h1curft11·oncufie1:hoUK andother oí :',lountbatten hi•toriully "take5 iu
i'JOB ..-hcre l"t'nltr, con1:rnattd until pl.:ice amonl!'. thl' mpin1; Mil- oí tbt
ü11·n. l"nited Ki.n1:dom. I.J.l! l\'ttk . ..-h,:n Her
U,t l\ttk lloun:uih1. 11tnt 111 thc l\~Y \bje•ty announced her ·111111nd 11le.1~-
ll~fort a ¡'l(llllit.tl mtttinq in a Tuni, urt.-- the pri:... cuuld not ,h:lkt off tht
rno,ic h<)u~. he ulkd Ramadan. -..ith it unple:i~nt con\'ichon 1ha1 l"nclt- Dickie
nu-itivo:-tt'(!Ui1Trnrnt-1of1,rayrl"'!iindmcdi- l\llS behind it 1111. ''.\ ,ictory for Princc
1Jtion. a rcli,i:iuu,ly "htautiful cu~tom'" Phi!ip 1nd his unclt'" ,:rowltd the Da,ly
that in pn.ctkr too oftc-n i• a '"pl"t'tcxt lltrald. ",\ ,1-1,d blundcr· uid Ulrd Be-1,-
that p,,ralyzc, our activity." lle thockcd •·crbrook'1 Daif.v lüprtu. '"Tht deci.,inn
hi• hl'.H<'n hy uri:in1t them not tn fut will 1101 he a11pro,cd by the llriti~h pub-
durinl( N.1,mMd,1n. \\hich l1e1tin• Frh. 1Q, lic," s:iid l!ritain',big11c,itp,11>Cr.thl' tab•
\-1 a diuchinl['. ar¡:un,cnt. 1lour11uih,1rc- loid Daily M1rrar. From the l.ondon
ulkd 1h.11 t>vrn \luhammc-d. "hcn in- Times thtl"t' 11u an uncomfortahlt ~ilencc
con.,rnicntly 11,·crtahn bv Ramadan on But for ali tht,t rt-.c-n·atioM .1.bou1tht
hi\ much 10 Meco. coun~tltd hi, \Oldiers k..--,.,.._~ Qu«n·s dcc:i~1on.tht u11«ttd hirth v.-ith•
'IJrtak thc fut. 1nd you l\"ill br ~tron1;cr EA•L :',lon,ra ...ni:-.; or lh·uu in the ntn fc11d.t)·,of .tnothtr ro)~I htir
to coníront the ettem~·."' Tod1y"5 ettemy The Oueerú "wil1 ond oleosure." 11·11hound to l"t'mind ttcryonc .11:ainhOI\'
fnr Tuni-.i.1. uid Boun:uib.t. is the • hu- ba.!oÍuliy popul.:ir llrit11in·, Quttn is.
miliatin1:~d,:11u.-lconditionofourcoun- plitd Churcbíll. ·)-ou are ,.bt in )"OUr
tr:,.lt~.iintd1nhc<ttn11·hC'lherpro- dccision."" OKINAWA
1l'rt'"i'·,:.mindtd l're,idcnt lloun:uib.a. for In 1Q1; !;:ini: Gcon:t \ him.clf fclt
all hi5 political •trtn¡tth could break a obli~ to dbcard all 5u,ch ··Gmnan Dt- Home W os Ne ver Like This
cu!lomoícc-ntu~. ,:rtt. Stylt~. DignitiC"<.Titlcs. llonours Okiru111·• "-adcna \irha-e "'H bst
1nd \ppelbtioos to Ls" as thc Uuhs ,.cc:k provini; that lifc in a rrmutt l".S.
GREA T BRITAl N and Ouche~ses oí S-lxony .tnd thc l'rincti militar)' outµo,1 facmr Rtd C'hin.t un in-
.tnd Princt•- of Sn:c-Cobur,: .tnd Go1lu. dttd be btJutiful. Xot onl)' l\trc tbt
The Reflex \\'hile tht Kin¡t bccamc 11l1in Wind,or brusandhiJ:h-nntin11 non com1on Oki-
l"nthtnhblt ··ontl.ontlonnt11,p,1¡1er l'rince Uluis oí Uatunbrn: b«.imc- 11 ºª"ª ettjoyin,: tht 11ri,·ilc1;coí pri,·.ttc
t.1lltd il ..-htn therumorfint po\l,:,td Uj) ;\lountb:mcn {a litu:d traiubtion of his batbin1; bcuhc, and thtir 11·1:ll-.ippointtd
a montb a1;n. But bst wttk. onlr ■ fr11 ~rman namcl. l"ntil thecb)· hcdied in club,. enn pri\·~tl'• 1nd corpor.tl, could
(b}, htfore her third child ..-,1, up«u:d. 1,¡i1. be ntt·rr for¡rot bu humih.iuon. Xor ro to thcir 0I\~ 1k11•ure domes for tve-
Quttn EliulM"th 11 :innounc«I htr ••11i11 d1d hi5 ..ttond <on. Uickit. 11ho "ª' a ning rcbution. Each n·eninl. buslwds
anti plt.i,ur1•• to the l'ri1-r C-ouncil th.lt q•yc.n-oldna,.alcadC'ta1thctimroíh~ of pretty Okin.a..-~nhn,tt~ pull up to tbc
eert ■ inoíhn~•Cettdl.nt,.notinlinefor f.tt.htr"s foil. and vo,.-td to hc l'ir-.t Sc.t bluc-,1nd--..hitc•ilripedo·nin1:bcforttht
tht thront. ht pirrmi11NItobtar tht 0,1mc Lord 11ncd.ty him5,,:-lf.Aruund h1m cen- "-•dcn.1 Airmen's Club (fnr airmcn u¡, to
of htr hu,t»nd"<i hou-c-u 11cll a,of htr tcu motor tht fuss. corporal'~ r.1nkl. and the ,11ailycluttcrlnit
nwn. lly thc intricatc l"o,·i•ion• oí thl' The Man Who _ .. The ambi1iou~ ,11irls----cachof,.hom lu,¡),1,-.c'da phy,ical
royal dttluation. Briuin would not "l'l' yuung cade1 intime bec-1,mcthedtho111ir uam-hurryin•i1letodancc"ilhandcn-
a :\lou11tha1tcn-\\'indiorforthrl>cgencra- Right llonor.tble Loui Franci< ,\lhcrt tcrtain G.I.~. Thc chargc for an c,·enlng's
lio11~.hut that did not nrnkc the chan¡tc \"ictor ;>;icholas, fir~L Earl :',lountl1-1ttcn cou11~1nion!hip. 75(.
oí namt any ~\\tttcr. of llurm1. "-.G .. l'.C .. G.C.11.. G.C.S.I. Girlsarc not ali a G.I. ,11ct~.In the club
For many Uriton~. 1hc almo,t ln\tinc- c.c.1.1:: .. G.c.\·.o .. ¡,.,e.u .. o.s.o. lle foycr51and,¡41lot machin1:s1lut spillout
tiHhn,tilit)t0thcllou<eof:llounthat- \\J!a destroyer tlotill.t >kiP11>trin tht jackpotJ oí llll to $1,IOO- The ,lot m1-
ll·n 11:or,h;ack to tht anti-Guman frtlin¡t Mtd1terr:mean, bter lJrit1.in'< ,.ulime chin1:1 ar,: l\h.lt makt~ ,:,·,:rythinr tbt
of World \\'u 1 11hrn \\"■R"nC'r'I mu,ic ~uth E:tst .\~i.t comm.tndcr. and thtn 1)(1;,iblc. _Thcrr are hinico ¡i:amC"<11·i1~
"u b:mncd from the .\ll1ert lbll anti lo \'ictror of India durin1 India'• dilhcult S1.ooo l)fiz.c'< 1,lu~ frtt tnJ}' 10 lla.,.an
11.l,·t I Gcmun namt could me:m ~ttinl tnn•uion to inckpendencc. At lht. ,1.fttr 11ithiillu11tn'C'll~id. \tthcbar.cock-
tht >.1ck. \lo..t promincnt ,·ictim uf thc, ach1nm1; likchb fathcrhtfol"t' him, th<" tail~ and hi~hh1lb t~I 5( each. Stcak.
aoti-Gemun fttlin1; of the <by 11.n no r.mk of Fi,...t 5n Lord. he ilt'Camc Bnt \t'r,·td br dimplcd Okin.1-..~n •~itrc-.,ses
le» a ¡x-n,on:111:1: tlun 811u,in·s Gtnn:in- ain·~ nr•t C'hief oí thc !)den"' ~taft in come hi~hcr. 2.~t- Once a 11cc:t.piua pit~
hom Fir•t '-(-.- Lord. l'rinct Loui, Alu- '9~~- arc5,,:-n•cd frtt. oncc-amuntb. alldrink!
an<kr oílJattettheor. v.ho had bttn a To nght-11ing type~ in l::.n1L:ind.he rr- arconthebou.e.
llrlli,h ,uhj«t for ~6 yea ...... m11M ··1hc man 11·hn ga,c India ª"-l~ The Gimmich. Thc job oí thinkinlC up
"You Are Right .• .'" lit "ª' muriNI undtrthtdirectionol.\ttltt,!-oci.ah,t OCIOdeli¡tht~ for th,: 4,Hi club mrmbcrJ
toa11:randdn1¡;:httrofQuttn \"i.-toria.hut ,:o,cmment. To <ociety he Jnd hi, Ed- btlonr, to :',! ~,111. Jn•cph l'eter Kl.-u.u.r
neithcrhi,marri.11:cnorhi,di-tinJt"ui•hl'd 1\ina are- too íbmboyant ,1nd ¡,u,h)". f.(., ,p. A bttfy 11.1; 111<.I,)t,l,.aukcc:-hom
Royal '\.1,y record 11.:a,cnouxh to 1,H"l' tht)' d,,:._ thtir nulie ~taff in thc -.Jmt iormer mo\'ir-hou-.c' m.inanr. "-lau.u.r
h1m. lloondC'd by tht pr~• and \·ilifitd
h} 1hC'¡>Uhlic.he l.l•ttd onl)" 1110month•
.-rtcr the outhru.t of thc I\Ubtfort he
na,')· bluc uniiorm• .a, thc IJu,.kin,:lum
PJl.:ice ,uff. ::11~~ !,;~i:~:
00 1
Oi ali the earl's achitnmenh. non,: come tfl!.,-_ like ll\Íl'll ir« cham¡x1gnc
l'<"nnNIa •hort anti ...-d note to thc- Fir.1 nutched tht v.-1y hc pu,hed fon,ard Jnd 16-oun<e ,tea.k dmrn-r, to any G.I.
Lord oí thc: \dmir1l1y Wm,tonChunh- h1, luncbomt y0UOII'(;rttk nrµhc11. tht on hb hir1hd.ty. and ,1.,:1m-..hcn he com-
ill. offtnn~ to re<i1;n in thc- mttrtH• "of fair-h.lirtd but indigent l'rinct Philip plctt-. hi 1our of duty and must ~Y
tht~nat '-C'n·1cetol\hichlha\'tdc.-ottd oí !-chlcn,i,:-Hol,;tcin-~nderburg-Gluck~- "$<1yo11aro1"' to kmdly "-adcru. But onlr
my lifc." "In ali tht(ircum•tJ.nct<-,' rc- burg. lle -1,rn.ngtd hi,; nc11ht,.·1 fir,t mcc:t• a)bo10bi1cx11erthkc('Jub\lJn.t11tcr"-l.tu-
f1111f.,fHUA.ll 21, 1960
ur would have 1he daring to go shop¡1ing BELGIAN CONGO port, felt he would do hetter with a
forStaLesideacts like thc De Castro Sis- centralized rel(ime. In the end the Bel-
ters, Sammy Davis Jr. or Ray Anthony's Bedlam in Brussels gians worked out a compromise modcletl
band to pro,·idc a íloorshow for the tired For che ordcrly Bdgians, the Congo on thc U.S. sy~tcm with claborate as-
ainnan who has spent a hard day in thc conferencc in Brusseb had been a three- surancesof local and provincial authority.
hangaroroffice. wcck nightmare. Even as they were pre- The Belgians agreed to prnctiully all
Anothcr gimmick that has Lhe authcn• parin¡¡ to announce the Con¡t"o's immi- the Congolese JIOlitical demands in the
tlcKlauzartouchis1he'·:\1isterlligShot'' nent indepcndence. Joseph Kasavubu. 42. hope thaL independence will result in
contest. Al! members oí thc Airmcn's thc top Congolese leader. stomped ouL of happy economic cooperation. llut in thc
Club are ell¡dblc for a "cckly dra"1ng, thc conference and disappeared for two absenceof full assurance that a Congolcse
and the lucky winncrgets thc personal use weeks. Another delegatc. for ohscure rea- governmcnt wouldguarantec UelgianprOJ>-
foríourdaysofachauffeur-dri,·en.air• sons,packedu11andvanishedinthedi- crty, shares in co\onial corporations havc
conditioned Lincoln with gold-and-black rection of Communist Eut Berlín. Ncw dro¡¡ped 50% to 6o% in the Brussels
brocadc upholstcry. plus $50 for spend. dclegations arrived almost daily from the stock market during the past year
ing moncy so that he can lh'e up to it. Congoanddemanded placC!lat thc talk5,
M Sgt. Klau.zar 1actfullyofferedthef1rst by last week near!y 100 were seated
ride in the G.I.s' Lincoln to Okinawa's around thc table, and. transporting them SOUTH AFRICA
Air Force commander. tall (6 ft. 6 in.) by limousines having proved impossible, Delayed Reaction
Major Genernl Dale O. Smith. who wrolc thcy mo\'ed from hotels 10 susions in Llke some modern Moloch, South Af-
a thank-you note: "lt was a 1hrill to ride chartered strcctcars. ,\'lettings "'ere amad rica's mining industry has long com<- 10
insuchluxury.and I erwythose fortunate mélangeof inllammatory speeches, door- expcctitsregularsacrificeofhuman li\'es.
ainnen whn earn the Big Shot title. I slamming walkouts. rival press confer- And even though In good reara South Aí-
note<! with ¡1lea5ure thc increase in inter- encC!land angrycommuniqukas 6oCon- rica bas 15 times as many fotalities pcr
esl and activities so prcvalent in the Ka- golese p.,rties and innumerable tribal ton oí coal mincd as the U.S., the fact
clena Airmen·s Club. Such enthusiasm that mosl miners are black men has kept
lypificstheespritde wrp1ofthe United the subject from becoming too Importan!
StatesAir Force fightinii:man!" in South Africa. But threc wecksaftcr thc
The To1e. The Air Force likes to point Coalbrook rockfall entombcd ~•1 blacks
out too that the Kadena Club and the 49 ~ndsix whltcsin the worst minlngdisa.ster
other servicemen's clubs on thc island mthenatlon'shistory (Tun:. feb. 1), the
keepsoldiersonha.seandoutoíOkinawa's Union finally Wllllworking upa real case
OOrs and hrothels. Thcy abo like to talk oípub!icindignation.
of sideline good works. ,uch as having !'he slow bum bcgan when Johanncs-
G.l.s' wivesrun upbedshccu and curtains burg's GoJd.,,. Cily Pou, most rcspectcd
forOkinawan hos11ita!~.ílut thcmain fact of thc country·s African news1>ar,crs. rc-
isthatLheclubspaynotaxesonliquor 110rtcdLhattherehadbeenanearlier5e-
t!uties, anti are happily cxempt from thl' ,·erccave-inshortly bdore thebig bias\
local Okinawan faw that forbids ali ¡t"am- and rock.fall. Sorne 40 mincrs scrambled
bling. Thcy run up profits oí as high as for the i.lfety of thc lift cage. Ha!f were
$12,oooamonth. while chargin¡t"membl:-rs forccdbackat1hccageentrance.reported
onlyS1 a monthduei;. The revmue from the Post; 10 othcrs reached the surface
slot machines alone isan estimaLed $2• but found thcir way blocked by supcr-
500.oooannua!lyforthe5oserviceclubs visors who ordered them OOck into the
Sergcanl Klaw.,r feel, he must pay tunnel. Two nath-es who refused to go
1):lrticular attention to his So Okina\\an back 1,:ere clapped into the mine·s 0\\'11
hostesses.,\irmenarcnotallo"edtoboard jailonch.1rgcsofinsubordination,saidthc
!he buses that takc thc girls home at 11 l'ost fand after the disaster w·erc quietly
p.m. (1 a.m. on Saturdays1, but thcre is relcascd). Eightccn apparently persiste<!
noru\eagainst makingdatcsoffbascaitcr and found a ~ide uit. íorthe Go1•crnment
hours. Klauururgcshisgirlstorcadmag- Dc¡>-1rtmen1of Mines last weck announced
azines. Each day cach hostessmu,t namc that 18 nativC!l. previously listcd as dead.
one topic on which she fn:ls she can talk Ltall-'ll'UA 11.•ÜAS'OAGED \\'RISTS h.1dallturncdupali"e.:\1inisterof:\lines
The Tolkers. K!amar requircs gabbl- Eot before the others ond be burned Johanncs de Klerk promiscd a full im·es-
ness in his ¡r:irls because long cxpcricncc tigation of 1he l'os1•5 charges
hasl(i,·enhimanimagcofthct:.S.soldicr chieísjockeyedforpositloninthernccto As to thc big cave-in, Prime l\linistn
fordiflerent from that ofthc llip. brash. lead thc ,·ast new· nation-10-he. One dele- Hcndrik. Yerwocrd solemnly Lold Parlia-
nimble-wittcd G.l. projected by Holly- gatetried torcstrain theothersbyquoting ment Lhat aftcr li\'e attempLi to borc
wood, Confesses Klauzar ¡¡lumly: "The anold triOOIsaying: "Hewhotriestoeat through 500 ít. oiearth and limestone in
a,•era¡r:eAmerican is backwards wlthglrls. bcforc the othcrs burns himself.' search oí thc mcn. ''ali hope" had bcen
1 couldtakelh•eG.I.ifromanywhcreand Chicf rfral for the power of the mer- aOOndon~I. Ilut wi\•e5 of threc of thc
put the r,ve lovelicst girls in the world curial Kasa\'ubu is l'atrice Lumumba, white miners bcgged for onc more rc~cue
nc~t to them. Jí the girls didn't start a JJ, onetime postal clerk in Stanleyville aLtem1)t. A sdf-s!)'!ed seer. Petrus John•
conversation.LhcG.l.s11ou!djustsit1herc who served six month5 in jail in 1958 for nes Klcinhans. 19. had told thcm that he
looking at thcm. Thcy would bcaíraid to embcu!ing s~.400 in postal money. He had_a vbion in which he saw the precise
l.alk. Thegirlhastogl,·ethclcad· was arrested again after nationalist riots 1:,os1tmnoí sc,·en black and thrce white
lntheintcrcstQfmakinghisG.J.smore last Novcmber in which more than :o men. still alivc. \\.hen he pointed to the
at case with womcn. &rgeant Klauzar were killcd. Released from a Con¡¡:o jail place to dig. mine offidals. who had in-
last wcck was busy with a brand-new thrce wecks ago to lead his Congolesc si~t~ aH along that there was no hope,
gimmick: thebuildingofanoblonganncx National ,\lovement delegation at Brus- sa1d ,t was 1,100 ft. away from the near-
to be kno"n as the Key Club. E~plains sels, he arri"ed proudly showin11:wrists est !unncl. Seer Kleinhans thcn hada sec-
romance-minded Klauzar: "lfs to be for bandaged from wearing Light handculh. ond vision in which he saw ali ten dyin¡¡:
couplCllonly. It willbea placewherethey Kasavubu's Abako group campaigned for at cxactly 9:1,¡ Friday morning. Though
c.an ... um .. hold hands. Eachcouple a loose federal system in the new· Congo. rush rescue attempts had stop¡ied by that
will havc their º"'" kcy, and there "ill be sinceitsstrcngthismostlyconfinedtothe time. 1he mine operators expcct eventu-
a doorman checlcing mcmber:shipcards to l.eopold,~lle province. Lumumba, whose ally to gct out .tll of tht bodies. Reason:
bcsurc thatonlymcmbersget in.'' party group h.1.s wider gcogrnphical sup- Africans usually refuse to work in any
TIMf, fURUARY 22. 1960
MAKING NEWS IS OUR BUSINESS-r.lany thousands oí people in tite news 1.:uow
C.ontincntal Assurancc lrnow íirst-hand how Contiucntal protection mukes ncws. • Case in ¡mint: Brand-ncw,
pinl.: and precious lletsy Arrne. Continental Assurancc helped pay for her arrival. Cont.inental Assurance policics
will see her through collegc .. guaranttc thc fincst medica! care for her family should tl1ey necd it. . hclp her
dad retire • 1"0U should l.:now aliout Contiucutal Assurance and its man y imaginatÍ\'C insurance plans for groups
and incfü•iduals. Asl.: your own insurancc consultant, your fricnd, for the latesl news frorn ContinentalAssuraucc.

Over $6 8111/on
of life lm1ur11nc11in force
A member r,/ C-1inenw/.Nr,ti«,.,¡ c.....,p
mine where hodics h.wc lx.-en scaled off.

Happiest For So111h,\íricans onc awkward (l'$1

oí com1~usion s1ill rcmaincd. ,\ relicí
theSJoo.ooomark. In Southt\irica thcn-

Combination is no racial e,¡uality ('\'tn in death; com-

pensation la"·s gr;rnt a white miru::r's "ifc
n pe11sion for life of 1111 to ~JJ a mmnh.
llut a Bantu widow gets only a lump sum
J>aymcnt. which. if prudt,ntly in\'cslcd

to Europe "ould give a rNurn calculatcd at $<Ja

month. At wcek's end keepersof thc íund
werc trying to decide wheLher or not 10
app!y a simil:ir ratio.

The Man They left Behind
"lsn·t it heucr,'' said 1hc husky white
sctller from Kc11ya somewhat plaintiv,-!y
last week. "for us to lct the African 1ake
wait until he throws us out?'" For Íl\·e

A wholc ncw plcasurc world
await, you with S.--1Schis su,mncr
FirSt, you whisk ttansatlamic or
transpolartoEuropcon thconly
d:us and coonomy. Then, your
budgctsingsasyouvi,itupto 18 ycars ambitious :\lichacl Blundell. si,
cxtraciticsatnoextrafarc.Ah, hcad of thc moderate ;,;'ew Kenya Grou¡1,
happy happy vaeation combina- hasbeenurgin¡r:his65.ooofello""hitcs
tion! From S46 down wiih SAS toacce11ta multiracial¡:o,·emmcnt before
Pay Latcr. Scc}"OUTS.--ISagcnt. the colony's 6.000.000 hlacks take o,·cr
e\'erythin¡i: them~dves. l..a5t weck. as the
London coníercnceon thc fu1urcofKenya
was drawing to a clo;;e íTmr.. Feb. 1
el seq.). the one man "ho lookcd as
if he mip:hL miss the bus was :\lichael
lllundell himself.
wa$: Who would control Kenya's new
J.egislati,·e Council as the colony mo,·cd
whites of Kenya could not agrce among
themsel\'es. Britain's a•tute ne" Colonial
Secretary. lain l\laclcod.offered a plan of
-iN-WA# A.16lllll Sl'SFE« C.ty ____ ~
his own. lt called for an intricate set of
direct and indirccl elections, under which
6J8 J.,j¡¡ ,4..,....,,N& Y<1ria?,N. Y. ~ly$,l$Asen1;, ____ ~~
3¡ scats out of 65 in the ne" Lei;:islath·e
Council would be held by A.frican!. Twen-
TIME. HUUAU 22, 1960
TI,cre are, to be surc, rnany ways to learn thc story ofCadillac
craftsrnansliip. But the bcst of thcse-and certaiul)· the most crijopble
~ere ?ii;?a¡tnnand!Ú/J -is simply to inspect :rnd dri,e a 1960 Cadillac. E,er)' c~quisite
detail of its interior, fur instancc, rc,·cals a ~kill ami care in c,o:ecution
,¿;a?&J,eed/ that are uuique in motordom. E,·er)' graceful, tight-fitting uo<ly linc
e,·idcnces the rarc lle ..otion la,ishcd 011 its fi11alasscmbly.
An<l c,·cry sil<:nt, solill mile 011the highway spcaks cloquently of
Caditlac's great o,ernll soundncss of coustmc..flin. Wc suggest )ºº 1isit
your dealcr 50011-aml scc fur )'Oursdfhuw r.ue a mo1or car can Le
when crnftsrnausliip is the irrcnicahlccrce<lofitsmal:cr.
Airmounts that muffle 2,50 O tons of macbinery vibrations:

a revolutionary contribution from the six fields of Firestone
Controlling the floor-pounding pulse of busy machine, hall llC~vesAmerica's growirygecon_omy.Making the best today
long been a challenge to industry. Now, through Firestone, 1
m~ise and factory vibration a_re floated away-on air. r~1iui:r1nr .i~m=~;ai a~d Fdi;~rfiel ~~ªf~d!
rubber, met.als, p\ast1C11,synthet1cs,textilesandchemieals.
presses : . _.or ~hock.-i!lotat~delicate laboratory equipment
from bu1ldmg v1brat1ons. Atnnountends the need for costly
b~ilding reinforeement. It ~uces
ta1ls coe1:5of machinery
personnel íati_gue, cur-
ma1~tenance. Product1on soars
~;~~~ Iint~:~r;
d;\~:1~p~;~t:~~ 1
;;, c.,-,.;""'"º·
Tlu r; .. ..,,.. r.,, <t R....., C••""•r, A-, O~/o
ty seats wou!d be reserved to Europeans
(10), Asians (S) and Arabs (~). bol voted
on hr the cntire elcctoratc. Thi~. in di-
luted form. met man}· oí the ori~inal de-
mands of the ,\iricans· ,·i¡t:orous Labor
J.cadcr Tom :\!!,aya. ~9- lle halkcd a hit.
hui whcn )laclcod madc it clear that thi1
would bea !inaloffer. )!boya acccpted
To Blundell. howc,·er. the plan carne a~
hi~ white support hy tryin¡;: to reach a
compromi,c with :\!!>Ora. who tloes not
trust Blundell'! lihcrali,m and prefer; to
operate ai;:-ainstthe more extreme Euro-
pean winit:led by Group Captain Llewd-
lyn Bri¡;:Jl;'s,With the ultras. )[boya be-
lieves. Africans al least know l'-here they
~rnnd•. \\'hitr_utrcmi,t, have.,l•.ead.y he-
gun dcnounc,ni;:-fllunddl hack home as :i
dupe. :\'ow. far from rcward1n¡;:h1m íor
l his reasonableneq, )laclN>d coníronted
himw11hap!anthal •ttmeddt"'1medonly
:\lichael lllundcll, thc husscemcd airead}
mo,·in~ too f,1st
Your Firestone
To the Bench
"At las\ Doc Evatt ha~ done something
Tech-man has
for hi'I party," 11:rowled an Australian
LahoriLe :\!.P. In the raucou, and rowdy
warfarc oí ,\u,trnlian 1)0litics. ,p,1rle, are
ca!led h!oody ~ho,·cl~. and Dr. Herhert
\'ere E\'all i, sometimes called wor~
Last Wl~k. at 65. Doc E,·,111ended his ideas that pay off
ramhunctious political career by accept-
in¡: a¡Jµointmcnt by the Xew South \\·ates
Laborpremiera;chiefju,ticeofthestate for industry
.. ., ____ ..,¡ 1 ~~l~~:;i~t:~~~t.~~:i:::rro~~-r:~~~:~~b\~
Are shock. vibration, noise, suspen-
the l,'.S. a, the .\ustralian Forei¡:n :\lin sion,even(lctuolionproblemsimpair-
i~Ler"'ho took a leading 1¡,.1rtin launching
the t;.:\'. ami serw,d as prcsident of its
General ,\s~embl}'. In the lobbies of Can• f-lRESTONE AIRMOUNN ollers
ben-a and in e,·el)' µub from Penh to a low-cost, long-term solution that's
llrisbanc. he is common!y held to be the ready and waiting to go to work for
blankcty,blank who led the once-powerful you right now. This is the uni1¡uely
Austra!ian Labor Party to ruin. eHective air spring system already
Takin¡¡ over the lc:ider,hip in 1951 at uaed and proved in hundredsof indus-
the death of ex-Prime ;\lini~tcr llen Chif- trial applications-m1d 1ha!'8 merc/y a
!ey. E,·att was immediately cau~ht up in ber,i11ninr,. For these amazing Air-
a hiucr sectarian fi¡rht bctwcen Com- mounU! will handle nearly any shock-
munisLs and Catholic ,\ctionists insidc stopping assignment. And talented
the labor mo,·cment. \\'hen the So,·iet Firestone Tech-mcn will gladly show
Emba<,,y defcctor \'ladimir Pctruv named you how Airmount.s will solve your
two Evatt sccrctaries u accomplic~ in particular problem. Need expert help
e,pionage (theywerelatercleared1, E\'alt in solving other prO<!uction problems
appea~ as theirbwyer. thercbyalienat• -for produets, say. of rubher? Or
ing the immigrnnt \'otc {many are refu-
gees from Cummunism l. Tuming un 1he knowledgeable counscl in turning a
Catho!ic Actioni3ts. E,·an antagonized new chemical potential inlo sales
THE SIX FIELDS OF FIRESTONE many of the lrish Catholics who tradi- reality? A trained right hand to help
tionally \'Ole Labor. Conscn:ath·c Robert improve and refine produel.'I oí metals,

:\lcniie, has won a decisi,·e ,·ictory in the plastica, synthetica. textiles? Name
lastthreeelections. your field-and you'll find a Firestone
Xow L.ibor must rebuild in a prosrierouai Teeh-man, a specialist expressly
land that pbinly prefers )lcnzie,· ,table. \'Cl'SOOinil.'lcombinedskillsandlatc!lt
.tUHEI MH,llS ,1,--sr1cs free-enterprising Con~en·atism. Current- advanees. always on call. Naturally,

lr fa,·ored to be chosen party !eader no obligation. Jnquiriei, invited: write
Arthur Calwell. 63. a rieppery, tousle- Firestone Technic-aid, Dept. lA,
ht-aded Roman Catholic who as l.:ibor's Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron,
last Immlgration )lini,ter fathered thc Ohio.
program lhat has brought in 1,400,000
Europcan:sc11ler, tokeepAustralia's¡)()St-
·ar t-conor.., l,oom'n.ic.
TIME, FEUVARY 22, 1960 37
CANADA 20':'r of thc 1,900,000 1iosi11ar "ne"' Ca- horscshoc Sttms surc of cvcn more dc-
nsdians'' ha,·c scttlcd in thc horse~hocJ. vclopmenl. l..ut ycar Oslmwa í pop. 58,-
"An Ongoing Process" \\'hc11 he ldt ltaly ninc ycars a,:o, Car• 000) madc its lirst cfforts al locatin¡;: a
The l>ig uccess story ln Canad,1 this pentcr Alíon!O Frisina h.1d little money new factory or two, gol si:r. Says its In-
yc:ir is the tale of thc 120-milc rim of and les!! En¡r!ish. but he h.:irrcd ri¡iht into dustrial Dcvclopmcnt Commissioncr:"All
rolling landthathugsthewcstemshoreof thccontractin11 busiocu: thisyc.ir Frisina wc hlwc to do is lct companics know wc
LakeOntario from 0,;h.awa to Xia1ara !..alls. will pul up Hamilton·s fir~t !ky~rapcr, • ex.bt andget them intcrcstcd in taking a
One out of c,-ery ~·en Canadians "º"' n•5tory. $4.000.000 olf1cc building. To- look. F"rom there on it's u.sy."
li,·cs there. They produc-in 6.;oo ÍDC• ronto-born Harvcy Kcith. 55,1¡uit his job
as a supcrmarltct 1u1icn.·isor in 1950. bor• CUBA
rowtd $5.000 togo into real estate. g~
capacity of 140,000 cars a rear) to tailor• riit:ht on tM horscshoe's land boom, lut Clorified & Defined
ing shops in Toronto-more than U.; ycar gr05SCCI $33 million. Japancsc-Cana- "Thanlr. you, Señor :lfü:oyan." said thc
billion worth of ioods a yen. 29'1 of the dianArthurTucishi.40.whohc¡ranbuild- Havana ncwspa¡icr, Diario de la Mari,w.
nation's manufacturing output. They rn.ail ing phonographs in bis bascmcnt alter "Your ,,isit ha1 darilicd many things and
one of e,·ery fourletters in Canada, ¡).ly work hours, wcnt in10 husinc•s in l'MS, dcfined thc camps• on onc sidc thc Com-
onc,thirdofallfederalincomc1u~.They e:rpandcd1omcctthcnc"'dcmandforhi-f1, munisu and thcir knol'>ing and unkno11·-
proudly call Lhe arca ''tlle Golckn l-lor,c. last year gro!>SCd$3,000.000. ingaccomplicCJ: on thcothtrsidcCubans
shoe.'' fhefmancial andculturalcapitalof Lhc who want 10 continuc licing free mcn in a
Thehorseshoe~cmsto11:low·more¡cohl- horscshoe--and oí Canada-is sprawling, frccworld."Lcn,•ingCubaaltcrtcndays,
en e,·ery year. As its population h.a1 in- íast-growing Toronto (mc1ro1iolitan ))OIJ. Russia't Del}Ut)' Prcmicr Anastas Mikoyan
creased at lhe ra1e of nearly 5',- yc:arly 1,500,000. sccond only to Monlrcal't had Korcd high. winning a tradc trcaty
(from 1.;00,000 in 1950 to J.500,000 1,6oo,oool. Onc of thc contincnt'1 gcnu- and a IJTOmi.scof rcsumcd diplomatic rc-
no•·1,acolorfulspcctrumof ncwindu5uy inc boom to"'IIS, Toronto cncouragcs light lations. But thcrc ,.·ere many signs thal
h,usct up 1ohop: Wt ye.i.ralonc ,P í•c- industry: only a handful oí facloOC$ hirc lhc common Cuban íound tbc ne"'' ,,.-armth
tories mo\'cd in10 mctropolitan Toronto. mort than 500 mm. But more 11oodmoncy btt"'ttn Ha,·ana and Mosco111di!tastcful
Sa.)'5 William Nid:lc, Ont.uio's :llmiuer than good planning has ,:onc into the andc,·cndangerous.
oí Plannin,: and Dc,·clopmcnt "lt'1 •n horscshoc'scrratic growth. \\'hilcToronto F"idcl Cutro and Ana~tas :llikoyan
ongoing proccu-.u therc i5 more poµu];t. isa prctty.lcaíyci1y.mostoltheothus could hardly ha,·e hccn closcr. Thcy lle"'
lionthercismorcindus1ry,anduthcrcis are dcprusingl)' ugly, and Chairman F"rcd- around Cub., in II hu~c bluc-and-whitc
more industry therc is more population.'' crick Gardiner of thcToronto :llctropoli- Rw;sian-markcd hdicopttr. Castro showcd
Thc spcctacular individual succcss UO• tan Council wams th.it by 19;5 thc arca Mikoyan thc tobacco lands in the \\Cst,
rir, are nol :ihout cconomk giants but will tic a "wildcrncss," con~i~tinf{oí '·onc thelslcofl'inet,agovernmcntngriculturc
nbout~all firm3andenergcticmen. in- solid city frnm Osh.1wa to Niagar~ F"alls.'' cooperative.thci\loncadabarracksinSan-
cJuding Europiean immi,:rnnu {more tlmn \\'hctherwilderne•sorwondcrland,the tfago, whcrc C:istro's rc,•olution bcgan,
c,·cn thc foothillsofthcSicrra Maestra.
Kcne of Casuo·s insurrcction. :llikoyan
lr.cpt murmuring: "Thc 1,·ork of thc rC\'O·
lution is ,·cry icood." Onc day he took
time out tocaU on Err.cst Hcming ..-ay at
his country houM! ouuide Ha,'3.na, pre-
scntcd the writcr v,ith a sel of his books
printcd in Russia. In Mosco... Komsomol-
s.(,oyo Prai•do reponed that HcminJway
told :11ikoyan: "111mylongye:i.rsinCuba
1 havc not sccn a go,·cmmcnt ashoncst
tionary Jo,·crnmcnL"
Conceoled from Hodili+v. :llikoynn's
ftittingwualw notable forthc fact that
he ..-u conccalcd so carcíully from tht
peoplc he wu "isitin,;. Betwccn his first
fullday in llavana.v,h!'nbcprccipitatcd
a riot.and hisfinal day. whcn be madcno
appcaranccs in public. :llikoyan'5 "·hcrc-
abouts "ere• myncry. Rcason: brgc num-
bcrs of Cuhans did not hcsitatc to show
angcr and di.1.1ppro\·al. In mo,·lt hou.cs.
audienccs boocd ncw~rttls oí him. A mect-
inii: oí Lhc pro-C-a~tro Havana Uni,·crsity
F"cdcrntion oí IJnh·crsity Studcnts, callcd
to vote censure íoranti,Mikoyandcmon-
sLralOr,i, adjourned with studcnts shout•
in11: "Out with thc Rcds!" and "\\'hcn
do ..-e ha,·c clections?" \\'rote",\ Cuhan"
in thc11ua1 book al tht So,·ic1 scicntific
and cultural fair tht :llikoran carne to
Cuba to open. "Xo" thc Ru»ian upo-
sition is m Cub.a: soon Cub.a will be in
Thc C.a11ro-admiring magazine Bolicmia
rana 5tttion titlcd 'Wh:11 thc So,·ict E:r-

"My car is alwa~s
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One local call to HERTZ

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more cars than anyone el.se in the rent a car business.
And with my HERTZ AUTO-matic Charge Card•,
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Next time you need a car - here, there, anywkere - just
call your local Hertz office in advance to reserve a car.

HERTZ puts y:ou in the driver's

ºHena .... -.AJrTn ... , AaUTrii...i. HU10nc.n.e1 .... "-,"'-ic&n Ex-.ot ..... • Qui,, ....i otMr ..eNdlledd>-eNd ..

position Doe~ not Sho"." induded in it
"The J)O"erful military a¡1p:1ratus to op•
thé \IOJJUlarcla«cs. the crimc,; of Hun-
~ary.·· Thc old ,\uténtico Party.onceCuba"~
~trongcst. sen~ed an is~ue: in it~ fir,l
public dedarJtion of lhe Castro era. the
party rai.>ed what it callcd '"the anti-
Opened to Trode. l"n¡.,erturOCd b~
thesc di<;,ents. Castro plun¡i:cd ahead
and )likoyan ,i¡¡:ned a dl'tailffi trade
treaty. Rus~ia pron1i,ed Cuh.l a t"elvc-
year. S100 million. 1011-interest (:,5%)
credit_ for ··equipment. machincry anti
ma1er1als.""contracted to huy 1.000.000
ton~ of Cuban ,ui.:ar yc:1rly for thc nrxt Oaba, ...C,a,,~
fi,·eyeJrsat world market priccs. •·cu,u~ •• Jos1u:s PR~SIOtST FROSDIZI
,\ U.S. cmb.1ssy ~!atement promptly
pointcdout that thc t.'5-. buys three time~ ou1s1x:d the auackin¡i destroycrs. ami out
as much uf Cuba"s su¡r:ar a1 priccs 1( to went a call for 11lanes.A few houn later.
:( per lb. abo,·e thc world market. Jbd a Neptune anti-suh plane rcportcd spot.
the U.S. paid Cuba laq year accordin~ tn 1.in¡.:a ~uhmarinc: ~hips and planes al•
the Russi:m schedule. ··Cuba would ha'"e 1ackcd.Lu1thctar¡¡-c1di,aµpeared
receh-e<J ap¡.,ro.ximatcly $qo million !css Thc Navy dcclarcd Colfo ~uc,·o a war
for iu sales oí sugar to the l.s.-· ).lore- a rea. out of hounds to airliners and ~hips
o,·er. Cuba can spend its L".S. ,u~ar rc- andhlackedoutthc l'uertoMadrynhase
ceipts where,·cr it picases: il must spend ltsent intclli¡:cnccai:cnt;onhouse-to•
mo,t_ of the Ru~.>ian payments to bu}' housc st•:irchcs ashorc. pul thrce de~tr0}'·
Russ1an ,11:ood~. .'lhkoyan carne to Cuba to ers. 18 warplancs. and ~me helicoptcrs
open a fair; it may turn out that he a!so to patrollin!{ the ¡:ulf it,clí. and lincd up
opcned thc CuOO.ns·eres. fi,·e wafohip~ al thc scnn-mile cntrance
where the de11th is only 6o ft. For top
security.ship, communicated withonean,
ARGENTINA Olhcr in theGuar:mi lndian dialcct. s1>0•
The Ping in Golfo Nuevo kenhyl'araguayannal'alcadctsaboard
lnidentified forei¡:n ~ubmarines tcnd to thc,\r¡.:entine,·e,<;t'lsfortrainin,i:
<ho" u¡¡ in Ar,11:entinewaters about thc Fil'c days l:itcr. sonar 01x:rator, made
;ame tirn_e as na,·al a¡,propriation3 bilis thc sccond han! contart. but an attack
sho" up ,n Conpe<s. Two ycars :111:0. the only S('llt thc intrudcr hl .po ft .. weH
Ar{:entinc navy made brici contact witb bcrond1hcJoo•ft.rani-:-coí1hc,\r¡:entine
what it said ":u a sub in desolatc Golfo depth ch.u¡r:c,. On thc ci¡ihth day. radar
Xuew. 650 miles southwest of lluenos spotted a sub. or it\ inorkcl. aho\'e the
Aires.anda moruh !ater jl'0t to huyan surface. Tbc tar¡:.-1 dh·cd 10 540 ft .. hut
aircraft carrier: l:ist ycar it si,11:htedan- thepursuersheard:i~und likehammcr-
otherelusivcsubmarine.1101 enou¡:h mon- ing for thc nut two days. pos,ibly indi-
er from ConpcS!l to buy 11l11nc<.La•t catin¡¡-damageheingrcpaircd.
week. as Na,·y Secretary Rear Admira! U.S. Help. The Argcntinc :-.:a,·y ).lin-
Caston Clcment was (loin¡: fiscal h.,nle istry called in thet.'.S.Xal'alattMhé: he
with economy-minded Economiu ).linis- scnt his as,i~tant 10 the scene. llours aftcr
ter Ah-aro Alsof:aray. a mbmarine--or 1he a~,htant returncd. L'.5. Amb,1,,:ulor
somethin¡¡--"as again roilin¡¡ the watcrs \\'ill.1rd Beau!ac "ª~ clmeted with Pre,-
of Golfo Xue,·o. idcnt Front.lizi. lscxt day. \\"ashin1tton an-
Ne""f),'.lpers. induding Buenos Aires• nounccd that it had !'O!d lluenos Aires
Clar/,1, genially kiddcd the 11ovcrnment $15.000 worth of clcctronic equipment.
about tbe sub for a while. llut as more aircraf1 llares. depth ch.,r¡:es: ant.l 1wo
t~n JO planes anda dOU'n warships .. el!-loaded Globema,ters touk off for ,\r•
1la1ledColfo Xuevoto foam "ithshowers gcn1111a.
ofdcpththargcs.astroopsinfullbatlle •\t "eek·s end. 1he Ar~~ntine 113,·yofli-
drcu _mon~ up to the bleak l'ata~onian ciallyannounre<J1ha1a•·sernndunidenti-
shorclme. as thc Puerto ).ladryn a1r and fied submarinc'· had moved into Golfo
naval base at the ¡i:ulf"shcad "en\ on :i Xuc\'o '"wlth 1he 3Pll.1rent pur¡>0oc oi
war footinR".as L'.S. planes rushcd emcr- helping·· it5 trapped and crippled ;ister.
¡;:encyeq~ipment t~the,cenc. th_c,keptics Thcre was nnt a ,rintilla of hard t•\'Í·
stop¡-.cd III mid-~111rker. :\lost 1mportant dence to indi.atc "hat a ~ubmarinc would
of ali. l'resident Arturo Frondiii took it be doin~ prowlin~ around thc desolate
seriously, and flresumably the na\")' would l'atagoniancoa;;tortosugii:cstiBnation
1101dare tomisleadhim alit)', except tlull the L'.S. and Briti;h
Blodout. The intrudcr "8S tir,t ~ight• Ambas:;adors promptly disdaimed º"ner•
ed. at midmorning three "eeks ago. by a sh"p. Sonar can confuse nhmar'1._s .,··1h
sonar 01x:rator durini: a training-patrol "h.1lc3. o!d wrecks, e\"en undcrseuprom•
mission of three destroyen. The sonar·s incnces.).Jostofthe"orld•tillwaitcdfor
ping indicated :i soHd ohjcc\ mt1\"ing•low• 1he:\r¡r:entinena,·y1oproduceareal-life
ly 90 ít. below thc ~urface oí lht JO mi submari~e. Ii it doh. t_he ,e .. ard may
by40 mi. Colfo Xuc,·o. Thesonar targct be the b1~gc,t appropriauons yet.

'º TIME, HUUARY 22, 1960

ASSIGNMENT: 10 miles of freeway per day
Just four ycars ago this Junc 29 thc "ere undcrway. Thisisthc imprcssivc But thc job is nol thcirs alone lf it
nailon handt'J our rood buildcrs 1hc record of our nation·s road builders is 10 be scen through lo completion. it
biggcstconstruc1ionjobinhiMor)'· Build llut the biggcst part of thc job lics nccds your "holchcartcd support
41.000 miles of supcrhighwa)·-thc Na- ahcad. Tens of thou,;.,1nds of miles are For lhC)' are building to makc the
tiorw.l Systcm of lntcn1a1c and 0<-fcn'>l" yl.'tlObcstartedonthchreath-taking America of 1hc flllurc prospcrous and
High"ays-in 15 )Cars frl-eway Sys1cm which will cover e\·cry ~trong. And 1hal's a job for all of us
Are thcy up to it'! Thc unswcr is stute und connccl 011cr 'JO<¡!, of our Aftcr all. if we don·t do it .. "ho will?
thcir record. To <la1c 1hcy are righl on mujor citics. 11 i~ dcsigncd 10 hundle Caterpillar Tractor Co .. General
schclluk. Tht) havc hit fullstridc.com· !>:1Ícl)'andcfficicn1lythc IJ0million 11c- ornees. Pl'Ori:,. lllinois. U. S. A
pkting 10 mitt'S oí broad. safc frccwa) hicle,¡ prcdic1cd for J975.
cvcry working day The confidcncc thc nution showcd in
Thesc ycarshavc sccn astonishing its road buildcrs was wcll pl:1ccd. Thc CATE,R,PILLAR
rc~ults. From a s1:mding siart. con~truc- ingcnuity and skill of thcsc mcn ..
Ole,•lln■ lnu • ln<lou • Mo!ot C.tocl•ro
tion contract~ 011 10.023 miles hud becn thc cvcr-incrcasing work capacity of
lor!hmovln ■ 111.,lpm•nl
awardcd as 1959 drcw to a closc. Of 1hcirswift•mo11ingCa1crpillarcarth•
Lhis total. con1r:1cts on S.332 miks wcrc moving machines .. have faccd up MACHINES THAT BUILD
complc1cdamlcontrac1son4,691 miles 10 thc chaltengc. P'OR A GROWlNG AMERICA

Tho groalHI con1ltudion job in hi,tory i• •rounJ-tlic,-<:lock "·ork fo~ the m~n and ma~hin~~ 1h•t builrl our high,.·•y•
;,;e,.. hi¡1h•ay• are ouly onc oí tl,c 11.,.,..liwc, n,u~I tnHI hy 197.'l.

ii ::.~: ~:1::~:;:':1:.:;:;;

n~.. ho111es• >?O%uf our JJ•~'<'nl h,,o,-in,11n:,huilt , i!'i time• more

n:~1.. 1~,c~ '.'""il '.~m~nati,'.11 7J.IJ9.00(J~O::.Utm L,c,·~
"""' ,IK"" ~nd ,.,n,., m,lc, ol l~H.,.• ,loublc "'" vr,,,wrnl hru1,ital
iaPilili••• tri¡,I" ""' ,·l,·dri,
Olds is the car
that rockets
you out of the

When you take the wheel of a '60

Olds, you've- Jou11d some1hing
great ... and you know it!
You'vc found ncw beauty, new
grace ... a rockcling new pace that
makes you want to get up and go
places! And Olds for '60 is just the
car to takc you 1here ... silently,
smoothly and sccurcly.
Make your choice from Oldsmo-
bile's 1hree íamous series ... the
Dynamic 88, Super 88 and Ninety-
Eigh1 ... names that mean per-
formance, quality and valuc 10
Let yourself go for an Oldsmobile
.. al your local authorized Quality
Dcaler's 1oday!

How Connecticut General can help you hold your valued employees
Only Connecticut General offers your company group you can thus devolop among employces a new appre•
insurancc or pension programs with the exclusive tcch• ciationofyourslature asan emp1oyer. Resull:valued
nique of 8.E.U.-Better Employec Undcrstanding-the people aro cncouraged to stay with you.
proven servicc that hclpsyou keep valued employees B.E.U.can also help you to increase produclivity-and
e.E.u. is a step•hy•step program that enahles your can mako recruitingeasier. Oiscovcr theadvantagcsof
employecs to evaluate regularly the important group e.E.U., the exclusive technique offered by Conneclicut
benefits that you provide. Through !he e.E.u.technique, General Life lnsurance Company, Hartford.

CONNECTICUT GENERAL f-=;# Grou¡, J,.• .,ro11u 1 /'cm1io11 p¡,,,,~ 1 /fru/11, A«i,Jr,./ J,ife
Addre5.~in11a church club audit'ncc in city of Samark..:md. In his lool ramblinp.
homc-101n1 lndepcndcncc, ~lo .. Harry S. Lodge communed v.ith the a,ies in the
Trumon cx¡,laml'd why most lJ.S. Sena- hlue-domed ruins oí the Bibi-Khanum
torsarc cool tothc rccurrcnt idu ofhaving .\lo1<1uc.13}-acrcwonderbuilthyTomer-
eir-Prcsidcnts join their ranh (Tu.o:. Fch. lan1 in 1399-1404 in mcmory of hi5 fa-
15). Snortt",(Í lhrry ''Thc t:nitcd 5tate~ vorite "ife(oíei¡r:ht).
Scnator5-thc 96 whcn I wn thcrc, aod
thc 100 now-arc ali prima donnas. 1 wu The ne...-London play, .Yitltt J.ije of a
onc oí thcm. and I know what it mean!. l"iri/e l'otato, ...-a~ hooted. hut its •tar.
Evcr,•onc of the &nato..,; isa 101motch trm¡Jt$tuous Actrc>S Sorah Churchil, 45.
man in hi~ º"" <tate :i.nd i~ u>«! 10 the ,.-ho Md not trod the \\'~t End boar<k
limtli¡tht therc. He would likc to h;ivc for tweh-e ycan, ,iot 3 Jood h.:111d.The
the~mccon,idcrationinthe!'eru.tc.They pby sounded 11$ if it had heen dapped to-
ct,,m·1-.ttm to want M>mconc oí {prc~iclcn- ~thcr in ~ix wed:s on a borro"ed type-
1ial l ,taturc in the Scnuc "ilh thl-m." "ritcr (it wu1 by a \\OUld-be actre•s
turned playv.right {Gloria Ruuell. n I to
Alger Hiu, 55. rclea•cd in 1')54 JÍlcr M"ttle thc e.:irth-•ba.kin¡::m.:mer of ..,·hlt
a .¡.¡-month nrctch in a federal pen for happcns "ben a gynccologi~t im¡)re¡;:113te5
pcrjury, i~ intcrested in :i job more in his \\iíe and his mistre.~s nt rou,ihly the
kecpin~ 11ith hi~ not incon~iderable abili- <1:1tnl'time.ThebestnoticcforSarah,,.ho
lÍC§, In thc J).)S\ two yca~ he worked hi~
"ªY u11to a $10.000-m-rcar salar)' a, ad-
mir1i,1rati,'<'a~•isl1r1t to R. Andre ... Smith
a bdies" comb manuf3uu~r. lfüs di,cl~
last w«k thu he h:u quit. but kept mum
on hi~ ne" ,·enture. Ex-Emplorer Smith
had qualified prai"<e for hlm: "Ar1 ind1J- Scala Opera. lt "'ªJ thcir fir,t puhlic gct-
pcn..:ahle mar1,"' but not quite ·•a dedic•t• togethcr since their cdcbr.Htd uplosion
ed bu$inrssman. •-Obsen·ed Smith ,·a11uely DI La $cala almo,,t '"º ycar'\ ngo. when
".\Ir. Hi~~ ou,iht to worlt for a foundation .\l:aria madc onc of her familiar írothing
orn 11uhlic-5en•ke l)'J>eofthin¡r:" uits. No" tba.t thcy ~cm real fricndty
a,iain,prophctic ltalianmusic lo\"crs iorc-
ltmlr's u5ually rctiablc news ai¡cncy. 5ee .\laria's return 10 l...11Scala next ~eason
Co1ui11entale,conf,ded to ali that !-oviet -barringaninter,·cningruckus,ofcours;e.
l'remier Nikito Khru$hehev (ut Foutcs
NF."'s) ha~ in~!n!Cled his toral Kremlin Rear-running Prc~idcntial l'os~ibleAdlai
1idc1tonomin1tchim forther1cxtNobel Steven$onwini¡cdinto :\lr1:ic0Cit)'Onthc
l'eace Pri:ce. first le¡r:oí a two-month l.,·uin American
junket th:at "ill make him scuce in the
L'.S- durini; 11rimary election~ in st\'eral
>tates. At thc L:.S. cmh.usy. Ste,en;on
111·¡~ introduced to ,taffcn by L:.S. Amba.;;-
.!.!dor to Mcxico Robert C. Hill u ··one
Thcn Republican llill ba.d :i droll dter-
thoUjtht: ouch D wann welcome for Demo-
cr:at Ste,·en-.on '"mi1iht ,iet me in troublc
"ith thc Re11ublic.mNatinnal l"ommittce."
Quippcd ,\dlai: "Don'1 worr)', .\lr. Am-
Mss.:,.dor. Thc ncxt Administration ,.,¡11
playcd the µhilandcrcr'5 wifc, ume from t:ikc rood carc of you'"
thc London Daily Exprtss . ..,-hich found it
•·good to !Ce her ba.ck." The Trlrfrapl, Aiter 1ti\"ini;:a homily-packcd lecture
5Ummed u11the play• ..As poora pi«.- u sp,onsorcd by St. I'aul's l'ro1.-u.ant Epb-
h:a~~Jched any Londun &1a1eíor rears .. copal Church ir1Jack,on . .\lich .. Cracker-
Barrel Philo.0¡1her Horry ( 1-"or ;:( l'/a,N)
Lookin.a: bom for the rok. 1JÍO.I[ (66) Golden un\ciled for a local n,..,,hound
\rtor Edword G. Robinion triumphed the "Goldl.'n plan tocnd anti-Scmiti-m in
o,er Old ;\"ick (playcd by Oa\'id Waynel Americ:a." lts Wr)'i;l'Í>t ··,\I] "e Je"! h:ne
at "·cek'~ end ir1NBC-n'"~ '"el"'ion of s1.-- to do is t.:i.kea one-~hot :id in ali the big
11hcn\"incent Benk,; Tlr, Dtt•iJ and /J,m- papHs;¡:ayini;:that..,eherehy5en·cnoticc
i.-1 ll"rbslcr. As \\'cb!.tcr, Rohi11~n hJr- lhat the not time we h.-u of any anti-
,iaincd eloquently for thc 'iOul oí a Ncw SemilÍ!rn "e ..,¡11:ill become Chrbtians
En¡r:landfam1er who hadsoldout to S.11:an thc next d3y. Je11~. "ho ue rnostly mid-
for material w.-alth. Durin1: rchcars.:i.15 dle class. would join "h:at church' \\"hy.
Rumanian-hom Actor RobinMin allo..,cd the Epi-copa! Church of coum:! But not
"I wouldn't want telc,·ision u a steady thelo,.church: ...e,.ouldrointo1he
dict. lt"s back-brcakinr. work:' fancy onc, the hi111h church. The pro~pect
of Mvinr 5,000.000 Je"s joinini tb.-ir
Cozy and quicscent .:at :a mm ic prcmitre church a•ould ~nd Epi«op;alian, into a


Communing with the oges.

M,.;.,o -l•1t
in .\lilan. ,·olca:-ic Soprano Morio Collas
Jtill crcatcd a <tir by 1uend1n.1[thc c,•ent
with d1vii1y-drcnched Antonio Ghirin-
f~=Y- They "ould or!(an~ anti-dcfama-
tion lea!{U~. 3nd polict" anti-~mitisrn for
us'Justthinkofit' We,.·ouldh.wea.11
gh•lli, impres:ario oí .\lilan ·• famed La those Epi~copalians \\0rking for us Je,.·s!'"

Tlll\f, HUU,OY 22, 1960

Nen, ,ervice lo be fa,te,1, mo,t lu:curio,u ncro1111 <:,1111,da-

Prmn VancoHver to Torrmw in tmly four lwur, ''"rling t/1is April.
Now TCA's new /etlinu Suvice o0en, rou the spccd (111([ luxury of lravel
aboard new p1Jre-jtt DC.JJ's. T/1e.semm1 Cinnt Jcts 111ercb11ilt to TCA's
specificatUJnJ by Dougla.,, world', most ex1>erie11cednircraft b11iltlu, aml
are powued by dependabfe Ro/b,Royce jets-a matchleu combi11a1iono/
t/1e fine.st equipm,mt aooilable in jet traruportalion,
TCA DC-8 }etli,1er Service Ucgin1 ••• ~-• NtWUt0 n ~OUS-IGYCL TCA ~lloot
11o11.. 11...,..... ,,.a-1lle '•• !>,-~• --~••,.
April-Afontreat.Toronto-Voncouvtr l••ll••••W-w.- .. ,1,.,.p..,.;c1e-ttucl-
udool _ _.,,q•iet un,ol plat th ••- ia
J1111c-Montreal-Britain ond Voncout·er-Britain dqoaull.lw.litf,



TCI oc.. •• OHU 0.0·0•CAST$[.liTMC ..... ,,.,..m- AS,AC10USUIU.;(f01UlJ.UllU. t'ora

fot1, TCA'o o¡,od~u• aew L>C.S'o f•••ure ,.,,.,. "·n••<>foc..,,, ,1• 1heluu<" •."'Vor-
oLr.a>l .. Polo.(~'
"":"''"• ;n oh'.:tr 1 ,o1.c¡,
.. ••""•·r;,otO••.....,n•.e-whuey...,,.,1!<11-
;. 1 ,Uthe«>..,fortolelegant..,rround,np. •
EDUCATION ,¡uinincand rcocrpinc; l'hysicist h-an A.
Gctting, WorldWnll r:1darpionccrand
now a vice 11rc~identof Raythcon; Physi-
thenttdofit. Harvard-~main hopcisthat cist James B. Fi•k. prcsidcnt of Bel! Tcle-
Fine Fellows allmay~rm:mentlyenrichoncanothcr. phone L.:tbor3\0rics and thc Wcst's chief
llan'ard's crusty Prcsidcnt (1909-33) No outsidc angl'I $harcd 1.owcll's fer. cxpert on atom-tcst ~ns in the Gene\·a
Ahhott l.a"rcncc l.owcll was a l'h.D. who ""º' faith in thc ~chcmc. ''In a kind of ncgotiations "ith thc Rus..~ians.
dcn,lopc-dan rarlyavel"$ÍOn tothc l'h.D dc,peration." Lowcll lin:illy cndo.,.·cd the ld11ol School. Socicty Chroniclcr Brin-
facto'}' 5)'Stcm. In a famed pica th.1t 'IOCictyout of his own ¡)O(kct. ''althouirh ton i~ quick to concede that the 1-"cllo,.·s
uholal'll shoutd be jud¡i:ed by dced'i and it took ncarly ali I h:id." (lt took $1,500- might ha,·c done justas wcll without ¡t-o-
notbyckgrttS.hewmtc.'"\\'chavcdc,·el· 000.1 Ltslll'ttkthcimprc<•i\'crttumon ing to llan.-ard.and nobodycan hesurc if
opcd intoa mass production of mcdiocri- Lowcll's innistmcnt "ª~ tnttcd up in a thc ,,.·ice•wl-ckly lunchcsandoncc-,.·cckly
ty," A fcw ycars beíorc rctiring, Lo"'cll pmud repon by thc <o1;icty's ch:iinnan. dinncrs (prended by !ICholarlyshcrry) in
t>t,;an a,itatin, for a more crtati\'C p:ith History l'rofe!a~r Cranc llrinton. Eliot llou~ h:l\"C real!~• broadcl\M 1hc
mto tcachin¡i: ("to entice and fructify low11H's Return. Oí 1~-~ fonncr Fel· minds of alrtady brilliant meo. ""fr.mkly,
imagination .. l. lt tumed into Harvard"s Jo..-s (io are no"' at lbr..-ard¡, nll ha\·c thcsociN)'dOC!ón0ttumout RcnaiS5.lncc
frttwhcclingSocictyofFcllowJ-auniquc bccomctopseholauatJ6U.S.(1nd1hree po]ymath~:· say~ llrlnton. '"llut somcthin!{
cx1)('rimf'ntinl:.S.education. forcil(tl I cotlegcs and unh-cr~hic~- lh,.,.·ard rubs off from onc !'ello" on anothc,:·
Eachyc;u,atthcsocic1y'alir11 dinncr, ha.s thc lion's .sharc, "ith 4l nn its faculty Thc mi1inl( oí man)' di<ei11lincs a,·oids
tht frec-fnrm c1cc"5C~of Jauu-day aca-
demic hrain,torminl(, remains a mcmor11-
hlc Clllll'ricncc to mo~t formcr Fcllows.
.Say~onc J.F.. no" a Dcfensc Departmenl
¡,olilical anal)'~t • "Thc socicty as a body
v.ould 1~ an ideal •chool for thosc "ho are
toscn.·cthc country ,.·rll."
•\1 tht '<ame time. it is an ideal Khool
to dcal "ith lht ÍUrlÍ\'C ¡t]cams of thcir
own minds. Ttll'rc is a brn.th-taking charm
in a ~y~tem 1h11tallows a youn!{ mathc-
matician likc En¡¡:lish-bom Oa\·id ~lum-
ford. n. now 31 llan.·ard. to pursuc this
kind oí prívate pas~ion; "Al prcscnt 1
am "nrkin¡: nn rulcd ~uríaces. Thesc olfer
patholo~y of moduli of hi¡i:hcrdimcn~ional
varicti~-a.>ubjcct .. ho~dcl'clopmcntis
ROTC Under Fire
At IJ major t:.S. uni,crsities. from
Ne" Jcrl\Cy'~ Ru111cn to thc l'nh·crsity
of llawaii. studtnu are protestin,; com-
pulsory mcmbcrsh1p m thc RC$Cn.·cOffi-
ccrs Training Corps. P1cili<tgroups~m<-•
HAl\'AJD8 Jt'SIO~ Fr.LWWSAl ELIOT HotiSI: times cxploit thc protcst, as they did in
Som11thing rubs off from on11 on onoth11r. thc pre•Wo~ld W11rII days; but thc re~I
complaint 1s thc U.S. Army's archa,c
thc chairman risesand!IOlcmnly intoncs (induding thrcc dcans), followcd by (31- trninin¡i: course on campus. \\'hile wngs
"Your aim v.·illbe knowlcdgc and wisdom, ifornia "'ith 14. Among past J.F.s (rnng- deridc the jauy ncw forest-grecn uni-
not thc rcfk<ctcd glamour of famc. \'ou ing in agc from 26 to55) are two Chc\'a- form ("Robin Hood'1 Men''J, those who
v.ill-knotancar,butadinant,objcc- liers of lhc l-"rcnch ~ion of llonor, six ,.·car it rc~nt lon¡i: hours of pla)'in11
tívc. and you will not be satisficd with Fcllows of the Xational Acadcmy nf Sci- dou¡i:hboy with W~rld War 1 .m~chinc
"llat you ha,·c done. AII that )'Ou may cnces. nine Fcllo,.soíthcAmcrican Phys- guns. Last,.cckd1u1dcnu,.·crcsUrnngup
achicw ordiscovcr you ·•dll rc(!'.ard1511 ical Sodcty. :3 Fcllov.·, of thc American many a statc uni"crsity campus. Samplcs
fr:agmcntofalargcrp.1ttcm." Acadcmy of Aru and Scicnccs. (J :\lichi¡tan Statc Unh·ersity (enroll-
Scholor's Utopio. In 1; ycars, 175 ¡iít- They h3\·e poblishcd more than ,So mcnt. 19,000) in Eas1 Lansing, wherc thc
td gradu:itc.s oi 58 collcgcs uound thc hooks. írom Tlw Crlli,lar Sfi,,,t Jfol(U to faculty ,·otcd 400 to :48 to abolish ,om-
world ha\·t hcard thesc words bcforc hc- TI,,: American Businus Crrcd. and thcir ¡,ulsory ROTC._ Thc six-man board .ºr
ginninga drcam lifcat Harvard.Thcso- intcrcsu are u di\·cr~ 15 thcir ori1:ins truStee!I was ~plJt. postponed its decisi,·c
dcty"s ninc Senior Fcllows pkk thc Junior (from Lone Elm. J.i;ans. to Berlín). They ,·ott lor6oda)'S.
Fcllows b!-causc thcy (!'.h·cr:arc promiseof indudc Youngcr Pncu Donald Hall and Arizona State Univcrsity (10,000) near
original work; thc idea is to freethcm of John Hollander, Socinlo,:i~t William Phocni1. "hcrc four studcnt lcadcrs ri,-
thc usual clock-punching rcquiremcnts oí Foote \\'hytc (Strut Corner .\oáriy), and si¡tncd from a studcnt-facuhy committcc
graduatt study. Tumed loose for thrcc World Fedcralist FoundcrConl McycrJr studyin¡t thc issuc, charged facultymcm-
ycars, thc J.F.s can pursuc whatc\·cr Thc two Pulitzcr prizewinners Poct Rich- lll'rs "ith "pro-military"" bi.u. Othcrs col-
¡llcasa thcm, from poctry to physiu. ard \\'ilbur (Potwis. 11).IJ•jÓ)•nd llisto- lcctcd ¡50 signaturcs on an anti-ROTC
Thcynecdnotattcndanycou=orcam ri.in Arthur Schlcsingcr Jr. (Tllt Atto/ pctition, got anothcr 1,500 signaturcs at
anydc¡trct:$.Atthcirfulldisposalarcll.ar- Jacl,son). Tuuon"s Uni,·crsity of Arizona (11,;ool.
\"ard•s lihr:arics and labor.itorics; they gct Pcrhaps moM notable oí all art thc Ki- (J Univcrsity of California at Brrkeley
free room and board, plus$3,500 D ye.u cntists: Ph)'!licist John lbrdccn, ,..ho (20,000 l. whcrc 11udent lcadcrs 5-Ct up
(tu free) forb.achelors,andupto$5,500 sharcd a Nobel 11ri.ic for ¡ll'rfccting thc pctition-sign1ng l:MK,ths.predicted 5,000
formsrricdmcn.~tramoneycanbehad transistor; Anrnnomcr James G. Bakcr, signaturcs by this weekend. Bcrkeley's
for rescarch cquipmcnt and tr.ivcl; thcy in\·cntor of a ~tcllitc-trnckin,c camera; mo1•cmcn1 rcachcd I h1gh point Wt Oc-
can toddlc off to Timbuktu if thcy fttl Chcmist R. B. Woodward. 1ynthcsizcr oí tobcr ..-hcn Fre,;hman Frcdcrick Moorc


::rtlz rQUt

Sky diving is Amcrka's m·1,1•s1ami most cxcit- powcrf11Ithe brakCll- that you can han: your
inl!,sport. Bu1 for mcm oí u<i thc ihrill of drivinq thrill-and safc1y. 100.
a daring ncw De Soto is cxcitcmcnt cnom:~h. And you'II drivc in t:;rcatcrquict ancl com-
De-Soto's tcrrific ncw Ram Charc;c• cn~ine fon 1han you',c evcr known heíorc. Thc 1960
ghcs you thc kin<l of accckration th<Hscnds a De Soto's Unibody construction hasn't t:;ot a
piensan\ tim;k rit:;ht through you. Yct so posi- ranlc in it. F'or cnmfort. quality-and l'xcitr-
tivc is your control, so surc thc stt-ering, so rncm-scc thc ncw De Soto. -opi,-i

Nothing says quality like the '60 De Soto

\Vhcn thc sun gots down at 1e.1,
the world holds iu brcath a momcnt.
Your hcartquickensasyou watch thewatcn ignitc, thcn breitth•
lasly Stt thc 6cry color cxtinguish it.self,softly slipping your
world-at•sa into gentle darkncss.

To What WaJ your day lik.e, on your sh,p1

You kit th:u tircd old .self bccomc still more oí a strangcr.

Europe Never once did you 1hink of thc r:i.ggcdcares of your evcryday
world that onlyhours ago blockcd
your horizon so hugdy.

With You laughcd. You stretchcd.

You reached out and tricd al\ you
could, but ncver touched thc ,
Love bounds of your new horizon-to-
horizon world !
You rc\·elcd in the spacc that was ~
youn to lhc in. The size of your
ship. The vcry sizcof theair arnund )'OU, ringing with laughtcr
and fun as you've nc,·er lmown i1.
And your cvening, now, wi\1 he filled once again with the rich
pleasurcs oí a kingdom that belongs to you, generously shared
with thOIC who share your ship.
Soon, .soon, your ship will slip imo port.
But 1he bcginning oí }'OUrad\'tnturcs in Euro¡x will ha\'C
5tantd here. Al\ to be remember«I as one-the going and the
being there, the happiest trip oí your life-to Europe by ship
Ali to be recall«I. again and again, with lo\'e
Jr., paciliu son oían Air Force colontl ther (three girls. two boys, a sixth child
went on a 59-hour, anti-ROTC hunger on thc way). Li~tenin« to teacher.1 1alk
~trike, took an •·honorary ,.fl.hdrawl.l'' aboul thc problem~ of tcachin!f sciencc,
írom tht uni\·er.1ity. he decídf'd that hi¡.-:hschool~ fall do,.·n on
lí any bil( ~chool ¡ti\·es in. the prOtC!il trainin,:,:oodcollcgcstudentsbetauscthey
might ~pread like panty rl.ids. Xo fewer ,:et ill-preparcd prospect~ out of ¡:r1de
than 154 C.S. colle¡tr,s and uni\'c™ties -chool. Karplus" wlulion. •·A compulsory
require bacic .\nny ROTC for e.-.;•ryable- commoo currículum in thc clcmcnt1ry
hodird non,eteran in frt1hmanandsopho- school."
more cb'\Se-<. ( .-\no1her llo ,chools hase lntvifü,, Parception. 811.ckcdby the
small volunteer unít\.) Trainin¡: officcr.1 Bcrkeler public school~. the L:ni\'cr~ity oí
admit that Arrny·, lu.~k ROTC enroll- Califomia"s education dcfNHlmcnl anda
ment (national toud: 127.000 studcnls) $40.000 grant from the '\'ational Sdcnce
mi¡:ht fall toone-liíth of thc prCl-ent leve] l'oundation. Karplus set out 10 "i'IOfate a
in •orne •chool~ií compul,ioncnded. ~mall number of ideas thal undcrlic all
The Arrny ha, a "ar•tt.,tt"d foith in natural phenomena."' make thci,c under-
ROTC. 'IOurceoí 90r: oí comp;1.nygrade nanda.ble to children by '"direct intuiti\'C
olflcer, comm:.ndinl( trQOfl'I durin,: tbe pcrceplion.· Helil'l\ttuklrdthcconceµt.s
earlyday11 of World War 11. By puttin¡r: oí po~ition and direction. de\'elopcd a
5.8~0 new 'ltcond lieuttnantr, on acti1e cour-.c talled ··coordinate,." lle taught
dut)' thi~ year. ROTC "ill till <>qr; of thc lelchel'l\ to book lheir indu lin~ers 10·
i\rmy·s nttd for new ollicers. But is com• gcthcr and pull. Said he· •·That"• the he·
pul,ion nece,;s;iry? Tht :\'a\'y·~ ,-olunte.:r it:inninir of Xe,.ton·~ Third Law:·• lJ5.
During 32 Weeks in 1960, ROTC prOJi;'ramínclodc• a fiM-rate ,chol. in,: hi~ curriculum·s urcfut Cll¡>O>ition of
Round •Trip Rates Reduced 1n.hip ~chcme tlu,t produtcs tine ofl"ocers conlatt. licld and frictional forces
-,.i1h ft11er dropout~. The .\ir Force is 11. teachtl"J 1nd pupil< brOlJ!lht wood bloch
10% for "Thrift Season" ready tryin,11 lo end the m;uci\'C "]o~t ruhber banch. mapeu. Band-.\id boxcs
H) booling rou11d-t1ip )Oll 53_\C mOlion" of it~ ~mi-compul~r)- ROTC and button< to da... found 1hem sud-
"lu:thcr ~ou u~ thc.s.ime ship-1,ne prn¡r:ram (Tun:. D«, J~f. ~orne renta- dent.,· intcre.~lin,: u dt"mor15tratioru of
lx.oth W.l)), ora cuuibm.111011 ol lim.-s goo uperh estimale that lulf the Army's phy~icallawi.
college unil~ could loi,t their compulsory Fin.t-,:radcr.1couldgrn,ponlyqualitn•
~~~ )
1 •tntusby 19¡0,.ithoutcndangeringthc th•e idcu. hut Karplus' s«ond-lcvrl cur-
rículum l11tcnnd. third. fourth ,:radesl in-
Army·s,upplyoínc" oflicus.
~~~~•~ \r; ~ ::~;lC),:-¡:l'.:: ,:::!1,;I
1 ,\t wttk"s end thc Arrn)' 'itemed to be troducednumberedquantitiuthrou,:huse
~l:~~hc of ~uchde\·ices as ruhber-hand ,cales madc
rctreaun,: sidt"'i!>e. In I pre•s releasc
le.ad oí 111am traH:ku "ho go beforc titled ·L".!-. Arrny Ali,n~ "ith Educa- inclauhythcpupils. llytheii111h,:rade
or ahcr lhc summer rushl tor,; • .\rmy ~eeretary \\ ilber llrud:cr 1n. lhcchildrcn"ereinnocentlyte-<tinithein-
nounted the end of colle¡rr cla,-.t$ in tlucnce of orbit siu on centrifuiral force.
TO EUROPE FROM EUROPE machinc-run dry lirin,: 1nd ulher \·encr- ·You know_··mar\'clcd one tcachcr. thcy
Jan. 1. ... Apr.14 Jan. l. ... June2I ahle cxerci~es. turnrd thc time ovcr to 1ctu:illyaskyou formorchomrwork."
Aug. 23 .. Dec. 31 Nov. 1.... Dec. 31 normal academic ,uhjcct~. Defense Seere- PuraCurio,ity.Fimu¡1lorcrsofKar•
tary Thomas S. Gatc, 11~0 ~ttmed prc- plu.,'CoordinaLes l'orcecurriculawere572
Your Shlp 1, Mor• Than Tran,po,. p.ued to uy out loud thal no mihtary f1n.t-to-,i111h-gradcpupil~ in three Jlsy
requiremenl exi,ts for compulsory ROTC. \rea clcmcnt1r)' school~- Bv lhe time the
tatlon ... lt's • Vacatlon Resort t·n~r the circumHancn. many" coUea:e pupil§ ftni<htd thc tl'<t course thi~ l\ttk.
that T■ k•• You to Euro pe 1 l!U\ decide to makc ROTC \i>lunUr)', thrtt more clcmcnta.ry schools 11·crcrudy
to join thf" uperiment. ~aid Berkeley Su-
Comíor1able srntcroom :rnd aucmhe Elementary Particles ¡,crintendent C. H. \\'ennerl,cr,11 ·Jt's a
sen 1cc ... gourmet meah and in• pilot 11roj«1 which spcakl to schools
bctwccn snack~ ... wide dccls for In thevalentine--decoraled lirst-grade
room of \\'a!hinglon Elementary !-chool acro,,1 thc country." l'u<hin,: 011 Karplus
talkcd a pair of fcllow profc«ors, onc in

in Berkeley, Calií., Tcacher Jcannc Cib-

mciltdrd 111)OUr shlp ticlc1!
,on lul weck tc~ted her tots on somc
qucitions that would ~tump most pupils
into draítin¡r: and testingasimilar clcmen-
lDT)' Cour,oein physiolo¡:y. Main sourceoí
pupi11'"intuith·e pcrception'" in lhisuea
their º"n hodies. Comin,r iJo,.·er is I chcm-
:st~t!:::'i~~~romised currículum on
Scc \<JtJr h.i,d \gcm ;'1.owl \\"ha.t happen~:•a•kedTeachtr. ••ift"o
force~ are H¡ual?" Karplu~• crew was encouraged by re-
1Lstaysslill,'"1houtedt"oea,:erboys ports that othcr lopíli1tht scientist~. nola-
THE TRANS-ATLANTIC bly at Stanford, the Uni\'cr,ity of lllinoi~
"\\'hat if onc force i, ~trongcr?"
STEAMSHIP LINES "lt goes thc way that there's mot and \'ale. are lurning thcir 1alcnts lo sci-
"""•~ExportUnu•Canad,anP.c,llcSteam- force:· answerrd a lilllc ,:irl. en(C education in olher elemcntary ~chools
1,1>,ps • Cornp1nhlaColonialda N..,_ao , T~space-u:echildren1ret11king1n 1round lhecountry,All uelearnini¡: lh:it
Cuna,dUna•Donaldson Una •Eu,_c.,,1-da upcrimen1al science currículum dra-,.·n up thildren <how a purer form of Kientific
Una• frenchUna • fuman-Wu...,Una. by l"ni\'Cr<ityofCnlifornia rhy,iti,t Rob-- curiO!'itybeforethe\·becomeself-c;:on,cious
Gdyn,aAmaneaUna • GrNkUna • Gnmaldl• en K•rplus. Ji. "h'™' ~pcci.ilt)' is nol uen••ll(er,; tillrd witb impn'Ci,,e -,.·ordsand
~Unes• Hambtl'1AU1nt1c Une• Hotland, elementaryschool teachin,:butelemcnta.r)· afearofnumber.1.'"Thcy1reyoungadulh
Amanea Una • Homa Unu • ln,;res Una . in high 5ehool." 5:IYJ K~111lu~. '"Üul young-
ltal1anUna,Nation11 HallanlcAm1nc1nUna• panidN. (~smple Karplus re,,earch J);l• cr children will bum their hands in lirc
NorthGerm1nUoyd•NOfWatlllnArnffic1Un1• pcr. "~pectral Rcprcentations in Pertur-
hation Theory-The \'crtc:11 Function."I ,leponthínicc.andjumpoulthewindow
Or1~~,t~nas;.~~~ ~~;'~",.!!""
• A \'il'nna-born infant prodiiry who could to see "hat hap!J•Cn~. ••
mul1i11lyfour--diJtil numbcu in his hcad a To~,..,,,. action tbtiT ltalnn"""'--'•"
Enjoy your lr,'p, go by ship bdorc bt \\tnl to fmt l{l'llk. 1-tarnrd- or. lht lllataal ICOnft, llf
t<¡IIII ttlnillll· In •
trainrd f Ph.D .. 19~81 K1r¡1lu~gol to "or- bodiff-no<hOUIN•1Tal•ancc¡,,al.alldd1
T11alri1W. ,..:.~--~~::f~
TIMf, ftlltUAl'I' 71, 19'0
rymg 1boul schools afltr hc became Ira. ,eclNlto....,,ralJ'p&<~"

RELIGION church al Krasic. llut late l.tsl wttk. in
tacit reco~nition oí S1c¡1i11J1c'11ruc:status.
he ~a,·c permi>5ion for a funeral v.·itb
Tito ..-ould gbdly ha,·t bel'n rid of him. full honoT'i in 7..:igrebC1thcdral and buri-
The Silent Voice Through a l:.S. otv.·spapcrman he offcrNI al bcneuh the high altar.
The palc, thin man v.ho lay dyin¡,: 13~t bim bis frttdom if he would nree nn·er
v.ccl; bchind a police guard in his nati,·e again to pracli(e bis pricstbood in Yugo- Blood of !he Lamb
vitlagc oí Kr.t~ic had ncvcr wom his car- slavia. Rcplied Stl'pinac bluntly: "I am Trnlbloodtbatwasshcd intheTcmplc
dinal's red robe. But no lh•in¡r princc of complctely indiffcrcnL concemin,11 any Baptiit Church spread in a \\idcning stain
thc Roma.n Catholic Church hld a bcttcr thoui:hts oí my libc:ration. 1 know v.hy tbrough Leb.lnon, Tenn. la•t "·cclr.; no-
right to Íl than Alojzijc Cardinal S1ep- lsurfer. ltisíortbcri,11buofthcCatholic body $Cerned able to tallr. 1bout anythini
iru.c. 61. Roman Catholic Primate uf Church. 1 ;1m re;1dy to die each d.:iy elsc c,rccp¡ th.: Re:,·. Randy Pil:e'5 ~spe-
Yui;osla,·ia. for thc: church. The C;11holic (burch cial 5CT\Íct."
l'or ycars. be wasa silcnt but unforgot- cannot be, nor 1,¡l] it ever he. thc <la,·e llmry Rand.111Pilr.e. ::8, hclped found
ten symhol of thc war ht:t"ccn Commu- ofanyregimc ... tbe Tem11le Raptist Church in Lebanon
ni<m and Christianity, but he did not ln1951."hcnthearchhisho11·sheahh ípo1>. 9000) t..-o ycars ago. and built it
come qukkly 10 hl~ callin!(. Thc M,\'tnlh ~anto foil. Titorelusedhim írom jail uptoan1,·eragcSundayattc:ndanceof
oí clc,·cn childrtn bom to a farm family, hui confined him to thc ,·ilb~c: of Kra~ic about 140.Whcnlla111i,Ll'ilr.ehitonthe
he M"n·NI m the Au~tro-Hunguian army idea of his "speci.al !>eT\'Ítc," he cnli~tcd
in World War l.v.,ut,.iccd«-orated for sorne mcn from bis con¡i:regation to build
nlorbcforcbcingcapturtd hythc ltal- a ero• about lh·c fttt bigb and to buy
ian•. Aftcr the Armisticc, he ~tudicd a¡,:ri- a ncv.born lamb. His 5Crrnon ,.·as callcd
culture and cconomics. planning lo take "\\'atching Chri,l Die." and its texL v.as
o,·cr thc family form. 1ml in 19i..¡ he .lfo1t/1ew ::7:;6 ("'And ~itting dov.·n thcy
dcdded on thc prlc•lthood and wcnt to watchcd him thcrc:"). ,\!ter he had tin-
s1udy in Rornc. He ..-u ord:lincd a priest ishcd 11reachin~ tlut ni¡¡:ht. the lamb 11:11
in 1,¡30. Only four yens latcr he v.-:isone brought in and ..-ircd to the cross. Thcn
oí thr<:e candid:ltu for an uchbishopric thc lii:1h1~wcrc tumNI out. a man of 1he
subrniHed h)' Pope l'ius XI to Kini;: Alu- coni,:rei:ation>lit1helamb·s1broat.and
andcr of Yu!fosla,•ia. The King pused the li~hts were turned on ngain. About 40
ovcr the tv.o othcr distingui~hed clerftr· 1x'011lccameforward"torcdedicatethcm-
mcn to nukc Stepinac. 36, the younge<t .ch·C!landtoconf~Cbrist."
archbi•ho11 in thc church. Thrtt yrar1 ,\lmmt n·erybody in bis congretation
latn. he 1u.s .\rchbishop of /..:iJ¡nb. spir- thougbt it W.lli a ,.-ondcríul n:pcrience.
itual Judcr oí thc predornln:mtly Cath- s:irs Bal)list Pil:e. "I felt just lilr.e J ..-as
olicCroau. Al the Crucillirion:· s.aid Chkken Farmcr
Morty.- Complu7 In 1941, aftcr thc Jam" Jachon.32. llut otbcrs wantcd to
Germans took ovcr \'ugosla1•i:i, they cs- call in tbe A.S.P.C.A .. and sorne tbreat-
t3blished a puppet state of Crootia. ovcr encd l'ikc v.ith phy!ical \·iolencc:. 5Jid
v.hich they 1mt fan;itic Nationalist Dr. thc Rev. Othar O. Smith of Lcbanon·s
,\ntc l'ndic. Archbishop !--tcpinac an- FiT5t B:1¡1tiHChurch • .. 'RCJ)Llhi,·e·"-ould
nouncNl thc founding of the ne"· statc be•.-cl')·dc<crip1i1·e"ordforit:
from thc c;1thcdr.d and SCT\ed on it1 L!l<t,.'ttkPilr.estruclr.backinano¡,ren
countils. thercby camin~ thc enmity of lettcr to the Lebanon Vrmocrol: "The
the Orthodoir minority v.ho were J)('f5C• little lnrnb wme are so u11'>elabout cer-
cuted hr l'nclic. Sttpinac. howevcr. 01J- (AltDl)>ALSTEPl!-IAC tainly -.cr,·c:da bctter puq,ose of dyin,11on
¡)0$C(J thcnc=of 1he l'avelic regimc. Reody fo die eoch doy. th.:11cross tban by bcin11!hipped to tbl'
reíuscd to 1ccept it• forcible converts to slau~bterhou>t' and thcre m•dc into lamb
Cathohci~n1. <heitcred fugiti,·c Je,.·s. (pop. 450) "here he was bom. He 11·u chops for.omebod)··s o,•en ... lf.orne
When Tito nrne 10 power. Archbi~ho11 allov.·NI to s.ay '.\lass v.ithout a con~rcga- ofthe11tOplc:v.hoarcM1ualoustoa1·cni:e
Sttpin3c denounccd his antichurch ma- tion in thc local church. Pope I iu~ XII 1hn1 lamh ..-ere concerned 01·er their º"n
tcrialism and hii; political tyranny.drc" a rnackhim n cardinal in 11)53-and Stcpi- lives.andsin,andsoul,andthe llib!e
1¡-day jail stntencc in 1945, Curious nac refu,cd to go to Romc for his red lut truth that you saw nt Temple Bapii~t
;1bout such a stubborn prebte. Tito ~um- hecau,-ehev.ucertainthathe11ouldne"er Church of bo,.·Christ dicd, v.ecould h.ave
moned him and s-1..- at once "b:at he ..-as ~tluckintothecountry.&lidhc:":'11) a ¡¡:real rl'l'Í\'al in this (ÍI)' ... \\'e ~hall
upa¡:-ain<t.lletricdtoa,·oidashov.dov.·n 11laceitwith m)'people." h.11eanother•pccialM"T\·iceSund:lyniirh1,
v.ith thi~ o.altov.,unsrnilin![ m.:111.
••J do not In 1953 the cardinaldevclopcd arare Feb. 28, lit ;:30. J)on't rniu it."
v.·ant ~te1is takrn a![ain~l Stepina(:· he is blood di§Case. polycythcrnia. ch;nactcrizcd
re¡IOTlcd!<)h.wc s.aidafterward ... lle has h)' too rapid rnuhi1,liration of red cor- Ha/ocho & Science
a marl)'r compleir." But thc outspoken puulc~. Thi~ prompted one of h1s rarc Thc Jc..-ish rcligion i~ primaril)' a l(Uidc
:irchbi,hop "'ugetting to be too much of jokcs: "! am sulkring from an uces,; oí to action. 1/aluda. v.hich literally mcans
ahcro;pco11lehl'i:antoknCC"luhepuscd red~... Lut v.ttk Stepinac ,:rev. 11or!>t. ..the proper way" and is •n all-embracing
on his <laily v.·1lksthroui:b 7..agrcb. de,·elopcd conKe-;ted lungs. diNI of a pul• term for the Torah. plus 2,000 yeaT'i of
Tito itruclr. then. and the 11orld was mon.aryernbohrn. legal rabbinic1l commentarics on i1. co,·-
shockcd hy the C)'nical mockcry of S1c11i- BeneoththeAltor. l'opeJohnhaMtned c:rs e1·ery conccinble det1il of d.:iily lifc.
nac·s t1,elvr-d:ly 1rial forcollaboration tohonorthelirst cardinal-martyrof•·tbc from "·hat constitu1e,a fairinterest rate
"ith thc Xui puppet regimc during tbe silent church" witb a Solemn Requiem 10 ho" grain tlut falls inlo gophcr boles
war.Tbesentcnce: 16yc•r1at lurdlabor. :'llau in St. Pctc:rs-a cc:rcmony u,ually durin1t harvcsl time sbould be lcft for the
Too Mony Red1. Tito took good cuc rettrvNI for cardinalt "'ho havc dicd in poor. At ~bnh.iuan's Orthodoir Yeshi1·a
of his prisoner. In ![rim Lcpogla,·a Pri~on. Romc. And once •irain Tito backcd dov.·n l.:ni,·er'!>ity, 150 rabbinic alumni Ji.tened
Stepinac occupied a cell ..-i1h an adjoin- hcforethesilc:ntv.·itneuofCardinalStep- toa lccturcon liafa,"'1 and sciencc by
ing: chapcl, ,ot good foodandall the inac. 0n the ground that Su,pm:ac had Yes.hi,·a·1 Dr. '.\lo- D. Tcndler. a 3,1-
hooh he wantNI. t:nlikc llungary's Car- been strippcd of his archbisbo1>ric by the year-old rabbi and biolorist. Thc leclurc
dinal :'llindnerlly, Archbi~hop Stepinac su1c-S1epinac had always dcnicd that wu a good cumple of ho"· halMlo,i
b~u(.-dno pronouncements against tbe rc- thestatehadanyauthoritytodoto-- changcs"'Ílhthctime<.
,¡ime. He S31 siltnt. and in thc frtt world Tito firsl dccrccd tlui thc cardinal's fu- IJJc....-ish law forbids m:an to kill on !he
bissilenccwundedasacryofrtpro.tch. neral could 1ake ¡,face only in thc liule Sabbath---c,·en a tlea ora worm. But an
Railroads are looking up
down under in Australia

In Australia, the government

recognizes that ra.ilroads are the
keystone or the na.tion's trans-
portation system.
So encoura,2ement of the railroads is
official policy - and everyone benefits.

In ten years, freight tonnage on

Australian railroads went up 22%,
employment went up 8% 1md gross
revenue 146%.

In the Unlted States, by contrest,

public policie, tend to reftect indiffer-
ence toward the railroads, while they
encourage the railroads' competition.
Railroads are burdened with over-
regulation and excessive tu:ation -
while their competition uses highways,
waterways and airways built and
maintained by the government.

The ra.tlroads ask no specia.l

favors. Ali they ask is the equality of
treatment and opportunity funda-
mental to the Americen concept of
free enterprise. Granted this, the pub-
tic wou\d then be assured of the effi-
cient, low-cost rail service which a
dynamic economy 11.nd national de-
fense demand.


6, D. C.


TWINS? and mauots.. Why? Uecause,saythtan
cient commertaria, thcs.e are not rea
creatureii in the linc of lifc but the re~ul
Call man's sweat and thc mag!l"0l írom decay
ing mcal. Modero science, howevcr, do.:,
manpower· theremust he M1meo1her reason for tht
law's distinction. R.1.bbiTendlcr·,answcr
for thcdividin¡:: line is he1wccn thc or11ani•n
"i\"hichui5ts on livini: maucr (lhc wom
on ,·e«ctablemateri:il,thc ílea on blood
temporary and th.at "i\hich livesondcad anddccayin¡
matter (thc: ll'a¡zsot on rotting ílesh, th,
CJJewi5h dictary law forbidJ man to c:i
bccs. But tht Old Te,tament dcmon
pcrmi!.1ible. amt ibis is ,ur¡irising bccaus,
gcnerally thc product of any nonko,hc1
animal is forbiddcn. Why thc uc.-ption
for honey? Traditional Jmladla cxplaim
While we may not h::ive thi,on thtground that thehoMyncse,
your aecretary's twin on enters thc sy~Lem oí thc bcc but merel}
our stnlT, wc do specialize rcsts in the necrar 53.C. whcrc it b«omt•
in lending you trained, honcy. Science now knows that the bC't
l'fficient Mnnpov,·cr, Inc. $«rc\u :in eiuymc tlut chan¡:cs thc nect:u
employees who can step to honey. In rttcnt Orthodo:r opinion$. an
into your officc during peak eru;rme from a nonko,hcr animal (such a•
a btt) i1 forhiddcn to Jews; en,ymc•
9COIIOrul nnd emergencies
o.nd ndapt immediately to instance.must come fromkoshcranimal<.
your offioo prooodure. Queslion to he resolved. if a nonkoshc,
en,ymc i~ ¡ll'rmi1siblc in honcy, should
Can your local itnotali;oll1'¡1Cm1issihlc inchccsc,
1JThe law is ~encrally understood by Or•
manpower oflice ~or: thodo:r rabbi~ a~ forbidding contracepti,·c
devices. on the,:round that uscrscommit
Typists• Stenos the sin of Onan. who "spilled (bis sced]
on the ,:round." lh1t how about oral con•
OfficeMachineOperators tr1cep1ives in pill forml Rabbi Tendler's
an5"1\·er:oral contracepth-es are pcrmiJ•
FileClerks• Receptionists sible. Dut \he effect of sorne ol the pills
now U5Cd(in upcrimcnu in Puerto Rico
6eneralOfficeWorkers for instance) iJ 10 reduce the hormone
IC\·el in a "i\"Oman,which in turn may re•
sult in constant minor blttding from thc
We puy ali 1111laries,
laxes, and
insunmce - ke<!pali rccords.
You pay only íor hours
thercfore in1ucourse would be wrong in
wc actually work. the cue of a woman who lud taken an

The applkation of Jurish law in outer

sp,acc 1n1 rccently con1idtred by chap-
lains. theoll)f;ian1 and Kientisu at the
Haifa Officcu Club on lu11.el'slh. Carmel.
In l"i\"0conferenca, rcporu the JCU"'fSJ,
fCJt. tbese w-erc sorne of the ques1ions
1) 0n the moon. given an entirely dif•
íercnt calendar, how will Jewisb astro•
2) How will they pcrfonn the monthly
5-1nctifica1ion oí the New Moon, being
them.scl,·eson thc moon? 3) Wlut color
will they dye thc cnds of their praycr
1hawls--blue on urth. to denote the col•
or of the sky-when the lun:ir 1ky iJ
black? Ans"i\·en: Je"i\·s on the moon (or
anywherc) are earthlings, must a.et ■ e•
cording to terratrial time and custom.
fuception; ~nce one lunar day equ,ds 14
tcrrtstrial days, moon Jcws will ha,·e to
54 TIMf, fEUUAU 22, 1960

Oh•nce ineide the trunk ot a General whon you get your n<1xt one. be sure
Motora car and you'll ~ tallored tea- you get ali the built-in quality extras
tlmony to the Exclusive Extra ot 8 :!:,:-
B<>dy by Fleher. You'll see linings on
the aid- as well as the tloor-bag Panoromlc Wlndahiold • Satety Ple.te
and baggage room galore. Glas& Ali Around • Vault-Solid Doore
Contour-Molded Carpeta and Mata.
There'a nothlng llke a new car and
Jou'IIl,ave notl,ing l,ut lun witlr tire people you meet on a MafJOnIHorf Afloat !
hospitality 1hat malcspcoplcat home Wcclly sail1n1s to San Fcancisco or
This is a 1ypical Mat$0nsailin1day, "·ith Los An¡clu
1hcAlohaTowcr§Carcclyoutofs1¡htaml instan1ly.Andthcfood'Oehciousmc:als.
bn¡¡ht newfricndsh,ps alrcady .. cll undcr picnics,snacls thcfoodalonc,.·ouldbc Gin¡cr 11.o¡cr..lovclystaranddi,.c;crning
w;ay! 1-ricndship 1hrivcs on thcsc :ur- 1hcmalin¡ofthcvoyaac!Al101c1hcr.iúa 1ra,·clcr,is planmnahcr MatMln vacauon
cond1tioncd Rcsorts Afloat ... nh interior vacationdurin&"h1chall1cn,-,0Mvanish. aflo;u, Tale a cuc ~nd arransc yours. loo'
scttin¡s at once lu~uriou1 and in1ima1c, convcrsation ,parllcs. and no Hawaiian
comfortablc sta1croon1s, spa,cious dcd, holidayiscon1plc1c,.,1houti1
and m pool-an almosphcrc thal fairly lf you are shy or umc. a5l l'"" 1u,·cl
1littcrs,.i1hfonandeoo,Jfcllowsh1p 1 •~cnt about llyl"& owr. a,,d wh,.-n it\
But thc real sccrct is thc hos1. For 711 umc105,1y"Aloh1'""tothc lslanJs.saihn¡
ycar1Ma1sonhuprac1iccd1hc1cnial leis11rclyl>Q11wo"a\lahffl\fü-.ortAbt
THE PRESS Showdown in Portlond
Fromhou,;ctohouscin l'ortlandmovcd
bad s.taycd in thc clc:u for thc lasl JS union teams. uhortin¡; trnants to cancel
Bounced by Boycott yut'I. Thc manner in 11·hichthc storin thcir &ubs(-riptionsto Portland's t11·odaily
lntothccoml)(l!'ingroomof ll1rcclona'1 carne abot.tt •~ tvcn ,:ravc:r doubu u nc113¡),ll)tl'$,the morning Orc10",a" and
f.,,, \'a11,:wudia E,s~;,o1,. rushcd plump to thcir moral mcrit. La~t fall Princc l(J\'e the c•·cning Ortt°" Jo,mml. Asa substi-
Publishcr Luis de Galinwga. ordcring com- $500.000 to St. Louis' Washington Cni• tute, 1ubscribcr, had thc offcrof a nc111·
posi1on to r"1orc his ru.mc to the pal)C'r'1 ,'tr~ity. Althouth he auachcd no 11nn,:1 wttklytabloidpublishcdbythcl'ortland
masthe3d, Thc compo~itors rtfuscd. "Do as to thc gift. thc uni\'crsity pbnncd 10 lntcrunion Ncwspa.pcr Committtt in a
l say,"criedGalinsoga ... l'm stilldir«tor namca building afttr bim. lt wu 111hile dcspcntc:attcmptto'llinastrikttha111·a1
ofUJ l'a11iu.1,dia.''Rc1llicdthcchitfcom- gathcring biographical material on Phi, alrcady thrtt months old. Ourin(( thosc
positor. "Z,.otanymorcrouarcn't."' Llnthropist PTincc that the crimc-huntin¡t threc rnonths. thc di~putc: liad bccome a
Thus, la•t 11cek,Franco-appointcdLuis Post-Dis"'''" camt across 1hc: fac1, of ñnish tii:ht, cycd clo!Cl)' by prinlin¡:--crafl
de Galinsoga lcarncd that he had httn his distan\ p:m-and dcddcd to print umon rncn and ncw~papcr publishcrs all
tircdubo5.1ofSP3,in'1lca<lingnt"sp.11ier. thcm. o,·er thc U.S. At !lake: tht ca¡,.:ibility of
lt hadtakenadcci,ionofthc Franco Rcaction to thc Princc storie~ carne nc11<1).t11trs. u,in1t modcrn cquipmcnt. to
Cabinct 10 oust Gatinso,11a.That dccision 1v.·iftly. L'ni,'trsal Match market shart~ ¡ict along with fcwcr ofthe skillcd hands
carne almost ci11ht month~ :iftcr Galician fcll 15¾ points by wttk's end. Fr:mk of thc powerful, fcathcrbcd•pronc print-
Galinsogaanotd Francofricnd.hadshout- inl[•cnftunions.
ed insulting rcmMh ahout proud Catalo- Weekly lmprovement. Thc sLrike hc-
nia ahcrhcarini:Catalan spokcn in a llar- gJn last No,.embcr "he11 54 Ortronian and
ct'lona C:uholic Church ~rmon. In repris- /0Mrn<1/•tcrcoty¡l1'rs"·:1lkcdofltheirjoli,;
al. C;1talans had boycottcd f,1, l'aniuardio, inprothta¡pinst theOrtioniatt'splan5 to
cuttinll' its circulacion by s.omc 20r;- and huy. a hi¡¡hly. automatcd Gcnnan pl:i_tc•
cau,in¡t'advcrtiiingl~M"1thatreduccdthc rM,tmK marhmc. \\'hcn othcr 1mnung
p.1~r·1si~ from an1\·cr:1gc SS p.a¡tc.'5to craftarncn followc:d. Ortionum and Jour-
28. \\'hat most "'orricd thc FrancoC'abinct "111 huu joincd force•. moved into thc:
·ns th.at tht Catalan hoycon. in addition Ortt0>1,un'1 mcchankal dtp.a.rtmc:nt. be·
to bcint mnti-Gali111,o,11;.1.
-..;i\ hccomin¡r: in- f!Jlll1U1tin¡:ou_tapicd.b111stillrc,1dablt,
crca,ini;¡ly anliJl'O\'tmmtnt. Wichin thc comlm1cd cd,uon of thc Ortfl>"ia>1-Orr-
wttk aftcr Galinsotea ¡iot fircd, /.a Vo11. 'º" Jo,mwl (Ti.u>.. :Xov. JJ 1. A call for
t.Mo.rdio"'ª5 four P,,ICS fatccrand plainly mcchanical hclp -..·cnt out to n0<111nion
onthe mcnd. J)olp,r,r,1hrow:ho11tthc U.S.. and thc joint-
ly publi•hcdpaJ)('r soon 111"3.s limpin1t alon,;
"This Is Vicious" 111th;2 upcricnced hand~ recruitc:d from
llov.dccply.andforv.h.ucausc.should asf:lr1111ayasF\orida.Asthcmonths'llorc
thc prcu di¡i:in101 m.an's pan> In a frtt 0<1,thc importcd work forct '11'35 gradually
prcu thcrc can be no ha.rd and fut an• rcplactd by JSO unskillcd workmcn hired
i;v.·cr 10 such a qucstion. But lut 'll'ttk IO(allyandtraincdonthcjob.
thcrcSttmcdtobcaclcucascofagrcat M.1na,11;cmcnt's~ho11·down tffort was
newspapcr havin¡r: ,:one too far, and for c~tly. Ueforr thc sLrike. thc moming Ore•
thev.·ron,:rcas.ons. '""'ª"hada dailycircul.ttion of 14i,035,
PR,o,i. J. PRl.'IC~. lu1, t·,1,·nsAL thc p.rn. Jormtal. 188.6¡7. Ortronia11 Pub-
ll!ATCII 011·:..n, 1$ U,-CUJl.\1(.7',trumpctcd lisher ~hch:id J. F"y otimatcs that total
a ~l. Louis l'ost-Di1PfiUJr hcadhne o,·" a Hogo"1."10,po.-,c0<ISto, circula1ion h.u droppcd 70.000; thc: Port-
longstorycarryin,11;1heb)'lineoftough, Posr-D1sP,.Tc11·s Caow1.u land :-.ev.·spapcr Guild's Presiden! Robcrt
tirclcss Rc1Xtrtcr Ted Link. Tht story Stories thct 1pcke fer them1e!ve1. L. Shuhs has set thc lou at 16o.ooo.
1oldho11 Fr:ink l'rinct, 71,princi));llstock- Holf Pre-Strih Si1e. But thc unions
holder in St. Louiii' Univcrs.al Match Princc: ,.as. undcrstandably, pcr~onally 11cre cvcn hardcrslmken. Whc:n the pre~•-
Corp. and a complo of 1u1Hidiary ñmn, distres.scd."I ha1•cneveraskedan)'0nc men. among Lhe last of cle\'en unions tn
had, l~twcen 1908 and 19J5, scrvcd thrcc not to pubfüh anything about me." he ,11oou1.joincd1hcstercotypcrs.1hep,1pc:rs
prisontenn1,totalin¡:ncarly1cnycars. said. "But this is a vicious thing." Rich. fircd thcm; thc Nntionat Labor Relations
for íorgcry,¡r:randlarccny.and i!l5uing ard ,\mhc:rg. ¡1ublishcr of thc ri1•al St. Board u11heldthc dismissal. And ,·iolencc
fraudulcnt chccks. Two da)'I latcr the Louis Globc-Dcmocrat, accuscd 1he l'os/- brokc out a_sthc 1);11~r, appcared to be
J'.JJ, in ia icc-cold chari1y. followcd up J)ispauli of "the dirticst Goddamncd provmk thc,r point, that modcm. auto-
11ith anothcr Princt picce. repcating tht piecc:of joumalism J'vc: e,·crSttn in my m.atic print-shop machincr)' can run 0<1
s.amc facu and addin¡: a ft11· of c,·en leu lifc." At Washington !;niwrsity, Chan• unskillcdlabor'llithfarfe...-crhandsthan
app:1rent import. t.f .. orn! l'rince comp;my ccllor Elhan A. H. Shepl,y calmly U• unlon featherbedding dauses demand. In
makcs a cuncnc)'•ch.anging machinc ca- knowlcdgc:d that he knc11• ali about January. ten nc,.·sprint ddivery trucks
pablcofl~inguscdat racctnch. l'rincc:'s record, justas calmly said that wcrc dynamited; last 111tt.kfi•'t pc™>ll5
Thc/'ost-DisPfltclistoricswcrc factual- thcunh·cr.;itystillmcant tonameabuild. ...-ere indictcd in conncction 11ith thc
ly accuratt. Frank rrinccdid h.a,·ea pris• in¡taftu Princt. bombings, incl...ding I mcmbcr of thc
on record. Th.at rtcord ...-as kno11·n to Letter1 of Prolet;I. AL 11eck'1 tnd thc ucreotypcrs' ncgotia1ing board.
many if nOI ali of his fr,cnds and busi- l'ost-Di.fparcJr, undcr 1hc hcadin,: Dis• Ncither s.idc shows any indination to
ness USO(iatcs. lt ...-u knov.n to the Fed- scnttoaStory,"printcd;;evuallcttusof scnle. Thc papen. gcttin(( along with a
eral llur~u of lnvntigation. 'll'hicb had protcst. Eaamp~e: "lf :\Ir, l'rincehupaid mcchaiiieal st.aff lcss than half thc pre-
nonetheles. clcared Prmce for dcfen.sc his 'dcbt tosoc1tty.' v.·hy thcn hold up h1s strikc 1ut, ha,·c !Ct :\larchor April as t:ir•
contracu. lt hade,·enbcenmcntioncdin pul to public opprobriumr But beyond gct month lor rtturning 10 ~paratcly
Dun & llrad,trttt. lnd«d, among thosc tha.t, thc papcr was unmo,'Cd. "I really printcd. nonnally compc:titi,•c 11ubhcation.
closcst to l'rincc, two of thc fcv.· wbo did don't want to dlscussthcstory." 53.idEdi- Thc W1ion1l(rimly hold on. "This is onc
notkno11•ofhi1rttord11·crchis11·ifcand tor Joscpb Puliucr Jr. Said :\lana((ing strikc: wc cannot alford to lok'," 53.y1 a
i.i-year-oldson. Editor Raymond L. Crowlty: "I think rc¡1rCknta1i,·c:of thc intcmauonal stereo-
R1turn for o Gift. But 11-ne tht PoJ/. the !toricssimply 5peak for themsch-es." l}'¡)('íl union. In fae1. if the unions do
DísPfild, storics rdcvant 115 ncws? lly Jndccd thcydid-but not M> much about lo.sc,itcoul,Jmakcabigdiffc:rcncc:in thc
1he papcr's own accounting, Frank Princc Frank Princc as ahout thc Post-DiJpatc/,. 11ublishin,;busintssthroughoutthenation.
TIMf. f(HUA.RY 22. l~l>O
"There'sa way
todoit better
Edison spent much time
aboard early submarines
-borh studying their
necd for new equipment
... and lcarning how
rhey opcratcd in order
to devise gear for dc-
tecting them. Such fi.rsthand scrutiny
of all pliascs of a problem is also typical
of J\'1cGraw-Edison. Such thoroughness
is evidcnt in the bttttr ways to bcuer
living shown on these pagcs.
•Thi1 Edison mono is still :,. daily directive for
the H l\lcGr:,iw-EJison di"i,ions and subsid,-
3ries. For ¡¡ 6•,: 9' copper-tÍnlcd rcproduction,
write on your business lenerhead to l\'lcGraw-
Edison, 1200 St. Ch:i.rles Ro:id, Elgin, lllinois.

In pursuit of the better way:

FOR UTILITIES-Line ,\h1crial, Na1ion•l Ele..-
tric Cui1 •nd t't,nnoylv•11i•Tnro,forincr l'roduclo:
Swi1~h,tt,u Fuse Cu1ou<1 and Linh • Sirec1 •nd
Aiq,on LiihrinR • lnsub1or1 • l.igh1nin& Arrn1er1
• t'ibrc Condui, • Disnibu,ion •nJ PowcrTr•n•-
formers • Capaciwn • Powu SwfrchinR Equipn,cnt
• Subtra,ion t;,¡uipmtnt • Rciulaton • Con11ruc-
1ionMatcrialr • Rcck>tcr1 • Coill • WindinKS.:r~i<,,, FOUNDz a aafer hiding place for miuile lauochera. Tl1e Navy's
forRora1in1M•chines next nuclear submarine for underw:1.1ermissile launching will be christcned
FOR INOUSTRY-Alpinc, A,c1ie Ci,dc, lluH, U.S.S. ThomaJ A. Edi.ron. lt is an appropriate name. Many items of sub-
Contincnl•I. ThomH ,\, F.dison, lmpcri•I, l.cctro- marineequipmellt areoutgrowths of Edison inventions. Man y othcrs, from
dryrr, Lcc1romch, N•riun•I Elcclric Coil, l'cnn- fuses to nuclear power plant insrrumenrs, are McGraw-Edison products.
•YIHni•, Tuu1111•otcr •"d 1·,opieAirc-Coldmobilc
l'roduc, .. : Equipn,cnt forAircrof, Firc l)cu,crion •
Are Furnacc,, Pow..r ,nd Pipe WeldinR Tron1former1
• FulCI • Aircraft >nd lndustrül lnnrumentl • FOUND: a way to keep
Truck-Troiler Refriger•tion • lndunri•l B•nuic:1 • mechanical brains cob-
Rcíri,t<rarion • Armc-phcric. lndu,nial Ga1 Orycr1 web-free. Should a com-
• Minen' Safcty l.amps • Md,inR Furn•cc:1 • \'oic,-
,.,,i,cr Dic,uin¡ Equipm.,nt • Mcdical an,l lnJunrial puterdeve\op a faulrycircuit,
Gases • Commcrci•I CookinR and Laundry Eqmpmcn, it might go on cranl:ing out
• l.oad Ccn,er Unit Subnuionl • Hui Air Condi- wrong answers at top speed.
1ioncr1 • Central Air Conditioning EquipmMt • One solution: circuits fused
so the whole machine shuu
FOR THE HOME-Alpine, Arerie Cirele, lluu, down at any hidden trouble.
Con1inc,ual, Conlc,..,tor, Crudinc, Ediwn, !;okimo,
l~o11<>ri•,lmpcri•l, :\la11ninl{-llowm•n. t'o:rm•linc, Bussmann Division's new
l'uwcrhoutt, s,,..,..,., SpHd Ouun, Tou1ma,;1e,, "13uss HKA" fuseholder
T,.,,cl,\irc, TropieAi,c and Ze,o l'rod11cu: Fans masterminds this complex
• Touton • Stnm and Drf lrons • Fry Pan1 • job for ali typu of coorrol
W,ffle Bakcn • Pcrcobtorl , !),yen , Hoosthold
fllll,.. • Au1011u1icWuhen, HairOippers • Juvenile panels and swit~hb?ar~s,
Furniturc 0 w\irConJi1ionor1 • Evap0ra1ivtCoolin1 m:i.rksthefaultyc1rcwtw1th
Equipmcnt • Centnl Air ConJi,ionin¡t Eqoipmcnr • a light, then sounds an
Elttu..i.utic Air fihcn • fibrc l'ipc • Sp••• Hcat~rs •
Hurnidificn• DchumiJifieu • \'ibraton • PowcrTool1 alarm buzzer.
FOUND: a better way lo torture• FOUND: 11 better way IO lougher
lcsting,Nearlyone in every IO~kGraw• uccl. When a jctlmer lands, 180,(X)()
Edison employees is arrached to the pounds senlt orno the runway a1 dose
Thomu A. Edison Laboratories. In ad• to HOmph! Buildcrs need iough, hrigut-
di1ion 10 research, 1he labs run grueling resining alloyt for landing gears. To
proving tests. To check dinribu1ing produce 1htm, Lectromeh Division's
equipment, a new shon-circuit labora• vacuum are furnace provide1 sounder
tory-the world's larges1 -tests prod. ingo11 made of gas-free, low.alloy 11eel
ucu wi1hoverloads ran¡¡:ingup to 150,(X)() wi1h 30% grea1tr fatigue 1trtng1h than
arnpercsl 1h:11prcviou1ly u9ed

FOUND: a beller way IO tervice a city. A tnns- suhing rran1formcr-1hc largcst built by Pennsylvania
former•s si1.ecan be limi1ed by thc capaci1y of 1hc carrier -wu compact cnough to ride a IO\\-bed 11:ucar. 1t sicps
1ha1 delivcrs u. Penn1ylvania Tran1forn1cr D1vision f:.iccd up energy passing through ir to 230,(X)()volts, can handle
such re11ric1ions dcsigning a 315,000.kva unir. The re- lighting for half a million people.

Dependable electric products for utilities, for industry, for the home
MEDICINE costs (mainly far hospital service:s. up
34%). ~lost oí 1he boost is due, said thc
ilu. so mild. painkiltin!I:"dru!l:"swin rcady founda1ion.tothcfactthatmanyfamilics
Whot's Good foro Cold? ap1lroval. Trouhle is that the commone:st are usini: more--and more cxpcnsive---
All around 1hc N'orthem Hcmisphcrc oí theseareaspidn and rclated salicylates med'cal !.c:r,>ces.
this w~k. with 11inter's as:;:1ult of cold~ -.,nd thesc also dro¡l thc bodr tempu:t-
and influeni:.1 near its5'Casonal peak.mil- ture. Thereforen·en theymaydohannas X Rays to the Heart
lions of .•nifflinit. hackin,11customers went well a~ ¡:ood. Far ¡nlients whose hcarts ha\'e b,:cn
tothc(Ornerdru¡:storetoshopfor"hat The traditionally most po1e11t fcver dama~ed by a ,hutdown in a coronary ar-
thcy hopcd would be a cure. or at least a fi¡::htcr h; hcen quininc. Thank$ to it~ tery. a :\lanhaltan sun1con las1 week re-
palliative, for thcir su~erin¡::, \\'hethcr loni: and distinit:ui<hed history a5 the only portcd "cncouragin~ pro~rcss" with a new
thcy called their complamt a cold orca• dfec1ive weapon asi:ainst thc recurrent fc- and bloodless method of increa~ini: the
rarrh. die Grippe• or zlu. the answer was ,·er, of malaria. quinine is still his,:hly re- circulation. Dr. !van D. lfaronoísky.chieí
the same: for none of thesc illne<...es s,:arded in Europe and amon¡;i:many older sur¡i:eonat '.\lount Sinai Ho<pital.told the
cau:-ed br \'iruscs docs medicine havc a ,\mcric:tns (especially in the reccntly n13- ;\ew \'ork Heart As,ocia1,on th.11 bis
cure. Thebe<t that any ,·ictim can expect bri:tl Southl for treatinsi: íever«. L:ast techníque inl'ol\'es u,c of X rays to pro-
;, 1hereliefofsomeimmedia1e•ym¡1toms week, in :\lunkh", .lfrdi:i1úsclir ll'oclic11- vokc cnlargcment or multiplication of
ukrift. Dr. \\'olfi:an11:-Dietrich :\lilller
damned quinine with the results of a
study on thou,ands of paticnts in Hiele•
íeld. ,\mon¡: tho<.t: who took quininc pills
at thc first sniffle. Asi.'.ln tlu w3s fin to
ten times as common as among thos;: who
let nature do its he•t. Quinine. he ,u.:-
¡:ested. may actuallybe hannful hyhlock-
ine the l,ody's <lefense rc:,ctions. (111a11y
case.quininc'seffcct in malaria isarainsl
thc parasit~ themsekes. so it is ineflec-
ti,·eas,:ain,1 fevcNfromothercauses.•
Aspirin & Sophistieation. In thc t:.S ..
;uch old fa,·oritc, as llill"s Ca.•cara Qui-
nine (\\'hi1chall Pharmacal Co.1 and Bro-
mo Quinine (Grave L:aboratories, Jnc.)
retain a faithful but shrinkin)! fallowine
Thcyhne ~n cro"dedto the sideoí
drui;ieists" counters hy suppo;:edly more
sophi_<ticat~d producLs oí thc antihiotic.
antih1s;tammc ai;c. ¡\ currcnt Í.'.l\'orite is
Coricidin /Schering Corp.l. combinin¡::
APCwitha small enouit:hdoseof the antí-
outprescription. 'Jíthecu;;tomerdoesnot
know what he wants, many drugghts rec-
ommend this. Compt'titive runners-up hoMo,r;"
Dristan (Whitchall ¡ and Su¡:,er-Anahi~t 'IA-''IIATT.o-''SDN.BAMuJrsi.,
(Anahist Research L:aboratorles). Ascor- lrritotion mov be good
bic add (\'itamin C'I hasbecomepopu!ar.
andunimp,eded recovtT)' from theorigi11al thou¡:h iuvaluei:sl:tr¡:elyunpro,·ed. small.!ub,idiaryarteriesln the hcart wall
_.;ral infcction before a secondary bac- Cu~tomers often ask far antihiotic~. ln- sothat thcywillcarrymoreblood
teria! infection can cause comµlications. stead of cxplainin¡: that no antihiotic docs t\ltboughabouta millioni\merica11san-
(Bcst lmown and gravest: pncumonla.) any good against \'Írus inlectio11s. dru¡:- nuallyhaveafirs1 heartanack,which the>·
De~pite the fact that people swallow an ¡¡:ists usually tell them they nced a pre- survil'Cwith 1·aryi11gde¡i:reesoidiS.'.lbility
iufinitc variety oí Jlills. tablet~. capsules scription. (\'irtually thc only antibiotic doctorssofarhavebttnbaflledinefforts
3nd syrup5. medica! sdenli~l$ are still far preparations 1101on prescription are ub- to tind a safe and ¡t:enerally applicable
from 3.l(teedasto whichof them arehe!;t lets containini: small amounts. far ~re way oí helping thc body 10 rep:llr Lhe
--ore,·en "·hctheranytreatment íorun- thr?a_ts..1 They then gcncral!y recommcnd dan,agc.ltaliansurgconspionceredwith
complicated viral iníections is dcsirable. A a,pmn 1n one of thc proprictary \'crsions rcrouting one or rno small artcries from
runny nose is an uncomfortable and so- of APC"on which 1hereisa fat pricemark- thc uµper chcst to thc hcart wall. The op•
dally emharra~,ing symptom. but the in- up. Though themedica! benefitsof aspirin cration Í5 relath·ely minar and safe. but
crea~ed tluid ;,ecretion by the na,;:il mu- are not ea<ily measured. most doctors most C.S. cardlolo¡:i!t•doubt that it does
cosa i<, sorne uperts helicve, oneof the agreethat it doessomepiood, someho". much¡:ood. ifany.Clevelar.d·sor.Claude
bodr's deíenses again.1t ,•irnl invasion. S. Ueck (Trnr.~larch 15.195,!and '.\bn-
Oryin~ u¡, the muco11.1(usually with anti- The Price of Heolth h.1t1an·s Dr. ~amuel Thomp:;on 1TmE.
hi<1amincsl. thcy say. may ~imply pro- t:.S.familiesspcndana\'cragcofabout ;\ov. 13. 1930• rclied on a difkrent
Ion!! the ba11le. The rc,·er that results SJoo ayear 011 heahh CJre, and total principie. lf 1i...,ucs in and around rhe
from many ,·irus infcctions is abo widcly outlays have increased slmrply in recent heart are irritaltd. they del'clop un in•
rc~arded as a majar dl'fense mechanism, years. The Health lnformation Founda- creased b!ood supp!y. So these sur¡t:1.'0ns
mi¡i:htbes\ he allowed to run it~ course, lion reported this week that a11al)'Sisoí a openedthcheartsacandsuppliedanirri-
Noture Ooes lh 8est. ;\o physician 1957-58 study showed annual family ex- tant by du,tin¡: with tale or asbc~tos.
ha> }'l't hada good word to say far the penditures at S:94, a 4i"'~ increase in fi"e Good results ha1c been reponed. hui the
headachl'andmusclcp,1insofgrip¡1Cor years. l'hysician~· services made up 3.¡c; procedure is a majar 01,eration. far 11hich
of health-care co•t~; ho~pital~. ~.,~;, man>· hcart palient, art too weak.
• In f,a,..,., I• ,,;p~ ori•inail)' m.,,,n, 0<1ly dru![sandmedica1ions, 10C,:; dental r,cn·- Foeu1ed Beam. Dr. Baronoí~ky .. p,
'nA...,nt:1: S•rmar • 1·, e,·,,, cov, nfou1
H•lik~ illn.....-s; in th, l'.S .. ••uipfl"" 1• nh.•n ices, 15':é; miscellJnrous (,pectadts. oth- fi~ured out a way of u,in11 irritation, hut
u,....I fo,·• ·'on, 'nterm,d'at• ·,. ,·1¡ bc- er applLanccsand spc,cial nur,ingJ. 8',. without theknife. X ray,.in properl>·ad•
1,..,.-n 11M:c001moncold and ílu. Sorne, but surprbingly little. of the $87 justed doses cau,c tran,icnt irri1a1ion

mix "ith5mirnoff -if }ºll "llnl adritr Dr~ \larlini! For,mooth. Ha\\lt,gS.mirnuff \utlk11i~1hc1/rirJ1

oí all li,¡uun. \11d-just a1 \Ou might ex~t-it malC!I tlie "orld', ,ubtles1. JritJI \larlini cod,1ail.
\1.'.\l 1ime JOU tlu thc 111ixing.lfl u•in~ ~mirnoff in~lea1I uf gin. \our firsl ~ip ,.il[ tell )OU ..-h) 1lriJ
i\lurtinich1111¡;e<i1hedrinkingliubittofi\rnericaG. •

it lrm·e,y.-m brN1tMe,, mzrn

IO ~NO 100 ,.oor. DISTIUED fRQM CUIII su ,1uu SMIUOff fU
"' """" , , .. VODKA
without doing actual damagc. Test$ wiLh
JAGUAR hundreds of dogs showcd th.1t survival
rates jumpcd fourfold or beucr aftcr an
artificially simu!ated heart attack, if the
an·malt.re ·rrad'ated. Tbcn somi re ~--~
Dr. Uaronofsky M:lected p;itients who
wcre in no sha11e to withstand surgcry.
\\"orking with Surgeon EHiot Sendcroff
and Radiologist John Bo!and, he focused
= , l-,;:· ~, ·'

.111X-ray beam thmugh tbe chest walls ....
onto the hcart mu~clc itsclí, in threc or
more lrea1mcnt5 0\'er a two-week period
By now the group has treated i8 patients
dogs. sm:ill coronar)· braoche~ have in-
cre:ised and carried n higgcr load
Exduded Placebo. Caution personilied,
Dr. lfaronoísky would make oo precise
TIH: :,i"E\\' :IJ! l,l'Xl'RY claimsforbenef1tto1hesepatientsbecause
SPORTS f':.EO,\;\ nonchasbeenobst'rwdfor loni:crthan a
Out or 11n unl,rok"n rl'<'Or<I ot 11,•hiN·r- ycar. lt isimportant.henoted,toruleout
mrrot <'01111'!111 UC\\" ear from ,Ja¡::unr. the thc"placehoeffect"-manybeartpatienlS
3.8 liter Lu:<ury Sp,ort.s S('d,in. n lh·e- fe-el hetter ií 1hcy only think 1hat some-
pnSM'nger sednn with ull lh<' d11shof 11 thíng h.1s been done. Dr. Baronofsky has
lru,• sports,.,.,. Sirnplr in li,w, flui,I in de,·i.sed a mcthod. which he would nol dís-
rnollo11,hu:urious in ,l¡.,;i¡.:11, the 3.8 t;,m- elo~. !O gct around this difficuhy. lle is
hoclil'IIsparious l'Qmfort within n ~izrof also comparin¡: irradiated patients with
mod,..rn dim('nsion,. lt is hl'Outiful hut othcrs who ha\·e had heart surgery. Ha,,,,,Rodl
nol S<'lf-,·ons,·ious; el1•¡;:1111l, without How many heart 3\tack ,·ictims may \\o"ORKF.RS & FOROIAN AT B &K FACTOR\'
Alf,·dntion. lt~ 11ppoi11ln1t•ttl~ an> llnwl,'>11' be benefited if 1he radiation tcchnique Now they don't hove to lie
11.ll 1wrfornn110<·~ "·ill s111i~fr 1lw 1110!!\ fulfills its inventors' hopes cannot yet be
,Jr.ruorulin¡;:.Thr :1.8 sp,•111.:~ of its owrwr gue;sed, Most importan! is tbe fact th3l crulting their work force from formcr
nsoncwhohnsnotlo,,t his1•y('forll<'nuty if it works. ít can be done without anes- mental patients, and got them toge1hcr
ÍII n d1·11b ,iutomotive ngc. thesi3, and by any cxperienced radiologisl with Poinde:rtcrand StokC5.
X,,w ,..,;,.¡•wniu¡,- 11.d,·An«11 ofTer the3.8 in his oflicc. Bob Baron. 23. a chcmical en¡;inecríng
nw,wrtlu•n11.im11teinr=o1nfort 11mlS>1fet~· major (he h;is since 1¡uit school to gi\'C
Among thr <li~tiugui,lwtl f,·ntur,'!I: Help from Help Wonted fuH timctothebusincssl,and Ray Kcche-
• EITortl,'><11 ,-on1rol 11t nll s1w••ds \\"Ílh !ey, 22, majoring in business administra•
MUI-WOMUI. Fnetory po,¡itions
power-nssisted st~ri ng nn optional ,,,nrn open íor th~ who ~ave experi- tion. were won 0\'tr by Dr. Poindexter'$
cnced mcntalorcmot,onal illnes,s offer to screen applicants without a fee
• Dy1rnrnic• n1·r.-]rri11ion nnd au:1tt1ined Eventhcscheme'ssponsonwercsurprised
power ,,-ith lh f,uuoua XK en1:,'lne. Good starting ulary. No experience
necqsary. Scientifie evaluations to \Jythcapplic:mts'qua!ilications:íullyhalí
• l\'ew clnshbonrd ln~·oul; RPM Munter a,¡,¡1$t in proper placemcnt. had sorne college eduution. and about
u11d spet•domet.-r in front of dri,·er 20%hadco!lcgedegrecs. lntheircasehis-
• .\luxirnurn 6llfety with Dunlo¡1 four• \\'itbin 5~ hour5 after the ();¡k[aod toria; could be found the wbole gamut ol
wh('Cl Disr br11kr11,of pro,·••n ,,m,•ieney (Calií.i Tribuue hit the stands witb this emotional illncsses. Sorne wrrc still on
on world.,;deeornpdition o-fiuni•'>l- unusua! dassilied ad. it drew 31 replies active follow-up treatment; othcrs werc
·.Added visibility pro,•i?ed ',''ith ln~ Manyaformermentalpatientclíp¡1edtbc takingonlytranquilizen. Somewerer:itcd
"'llldS<'~U with v..ry ijl,111 ¡1111111'!! nud ad 3nd answered it later. and tbcre was a asfu!lyrehabilitatcd--e:rceptforinability
.,,rap-nrounclrrnr"··rulo"'• total oí 11oreplies. lndus1rial Psychiatrist to gel work. Average time out oí a job
• ~;Mier dri\'ing 11!1frout scnts ore nd- W. Ray l'oindexter Jr. found, aíter a 2i• since lcavinghospital was3½ yean,
ju~t,.\Jle to your ~-011,·euien<"!, hour screening scssion for each applicant. lncantivaforWork.Saidoncofthe
thar becould recommend morethan halí first women bired. a fonner researcb as•
• Greater eomfort with high out¡rnt forjobseitherin tbefactoryorathome. sistant in a highly specialiud field: "AS•
1,,.atn-deírosting sy~m. llaH oep11r11.te This weck cight womcn and one man so Sl'mbling toys isn't intellectually stimulat-
dud to re11rtompanment. selette..:I wereat work on the Berkd.-y as. ing,buttheprojectisstimulating,andtbis
• 8uilt-in flush-flt1ing o,-,•11Hion11l t11bles semhl}' line of B & K Enterpris.c$. making givesmcaniocc111i,·eforwork, lt'$aSOn
\\'hieh open into rear ,-omp,utment. 1oys. while eight women and three men oftberapy.too,tobcabletotalkfreely
TllE XK lf,0 SPOBTS CAR "·eredoingsimílarassemblyworkatbome. totheothen hcreand know thcy'IJ under-
,Jugu11ro1Ter111"·omodelsinth;-,~11owne.l HighCaliber.Findingajobaíterastint stand. But most important is the íact that
XK 150 ,wrii-,. The XK eonn.rtible and inamcntalhospitali$SOtou¡:bth;itmany you can gel tbe job honestly. You don't
h11rdtopeou11e,.-'l.\'11il11blewi1h3.8Engin~. p,,tients, discharged 3S rccovcred. bccome bave to lie on the a11¡.,lica1ion.In most
des1,ondeot and wind up in the hospital placl"S, if you answcr truthfully you just
'fllE .\IARK rx SED:\.N again. Dr. Poindexter wanted to do some- don't get thc job." &lid anotbcr, a \'ictim
_For the man who wanta the flrwst, there thing about this. So did \\'arrington ofanxictyncuroSi$: .. Here I feel th;it ií 1
,~ U,e :.lnrk IX Sedan. Su¡wrb styling, Stoke5,executivedirenoroítbeA!ameda didha\'eananrietyattack.they'dunder-
JH'rform11nr<• and appointr,u•nU mokethia County Mental Healtb Association. and stand.Soldon'th.wcone.''
thefinl'8l<'t1rofitael11811intheworld Stanley J. Radford, 38, a .!.!lesman who But thc B & K bosses say thcy are 1101
Weurgen,·i8ittoyourd,•nlertodri"e had s¡1ent si:r months in a VA hospital aft. running R rehabílitation center. Any work-
thcJNguATofyourinterc;¡t era brcakdo,.·n. lt was Radford who no• er wbo fails to pcrfonn adequatcly, they
ticetl th:it two University of California insi,t. 11illbeñred. Sofar,none hasbetn
J,\GUAR CARS INC. sludemswerebuilding u¡.,a toy•manufac- and indications are tha1 B & K's labor
32 E. 57th ST., l\EW YOHK 2'2, ~- Y turing business, sold thcrn Lhe idea oí re• tumo,.er will bebelowa\·eragc.

want Lo col'cct somcthing another person
ART has made. In a land where a man can be
ki!led by a glassof "·ater thrown in his
people have recently taken upa new art facc (it freezes in tli¡i:ht). and wherc thc
Land of the Bear form: prints. Ncxt weck the first e~hihi- main supply of food comes from the hu:it.
Tweh·e hundred miles north of the ü.S. tion of their new work will go on display the E;;kimo hu devcloped an uncanny
border,inalandofíro~ninletaandhowl• in :\lonuears ;lfuseumof FineArts. sense of observation. He can mimic a
ing winds. above the upµcr rcaches of Mermoids & Omens. Cape Dors~t is nrangeronsight,oítcnfoolssealsbyílap-
Hudson Hay, is Cape Dorset. Only a clus- one of the oldest settleme11ts in :-lorth ping his arms like ilippcrs until he i5 near
ter oí iramehouses.snow hutsand trans• America: Eskimo:; were li,·ing there nearly enoug~ to 1hrowa harpoon. In his art. he
lucent plastic igloo~ on the 00.rren M>uth- 3,000 ycars ago. Still untouchcd hy min- can catch the look oí the injured b~ar
em coast of llaffin Jsland,itisthetrading ing. largc-scale commcrceandddcnscin- the Lension of thc hunter standing ov~r a
station for sorne 310 Eskimos living in stallations. the Cape Dorsct peoplc retain sealhole,theheftandhunchofaseals
scallcred thrce- and four-family ~amµs a fiercc pridc in thcm~J,·e~ as Esklmos, body restini: on an ice !loe,
alongtheisland'sfrozencoast.ltisal.o ha"ckepttheirart uncontamin3ledbythc F'or the Eskimos, the barren snowfields
thecenterofthebestfolk.:irtthissideof whiteman·ssophisticNtion. are alive with spirits, and thcir art prints
Africa. Already famed as the most ski!led Eskimostakccrc;uivitrforgrantedand are fullof themytholo¡:ical as wcll as the
of thc E,kimo sculptors, the Cape Dorset find it hard to fothom why anyone would real (chicfofthem>·sticartisl!iisold
[¡z]. ncarly blind Tudlik. the wise ma'I
of the Cape Dorset peo11le). The je1.black
ravcn c·rcl'ng overhead ·., an ev'] omew
the sea is t.he home oí the mischie,·ou5
mermaid-like sea !L'0ddcssTalluliyuk, who
lures the seal away from the hunter. And
when theaurora borealis Hickcrsoverhead,
the Eskimos know that the lights come
from Lhe dead pla}·in~ with sea] skulh.
Bv Smoke & Feel. Canadian Eskimo
art went unnoticed until 19.¡8, when Jim
Houston, 38, a great-great-i:rcat-¡:rand-
nephew of Texan 5am llouston, went
north Lopaint. Houston was fascinated hy
1he statuettes the Eskimos had made for
made.had tossedne¡¡:ligent!yaside. llou,-
ton took 5amples south, where collectors
snappedthemup. In 1951 Houstonsettled
in Cape Dorset as the Canadian i:ovcrn•
menL's ci,·il adminis1rator and chief pa-
tron of the local artists. Once Houston

"~IAN HU'.\'Tl:-;G ,\T SE..\I. f!OLJ,'. l:-1 ICJ,'.," BY :,/1\'IAKSIAK

,:J\'IAKSl,\K'S "l'OLAR R~;AR A:,,'0 CUR IN ICJ,'."

Ju.d built cu,dng into a buJiMU tlu.t
rroua $150,000 ucb )'~r. be looktd for
•110thcr ut fonn into ...,·hicb to ~idc
Ca~m·, Eskimot. He rcmtmhtttd 1tt-
inl{ inciJCd d111...,·inr1
sorne EskimOI Ju.d
bccome printm•kers.
A ~ar aro. Houston flew to J•¡lllln to
lcarn tbc tccbni(IUCof printmaltinr. e.me
backand uuiht it tothcca¡cr C1¡1t Dor-
~t uti11,1n1.But thc Eskimo print method
is nm \'ery moch hiso•rn. llechipa thc
íace of thcstooeflat, thcn pamstakin1ly
6les 1t tmooth. :'l:ut he polishes tbc 1ur-
face by rubb1nii 1t •·nh seal oíl. Thcn,
leu 1ts tnturc and shapc tell him "'hit
dcai¡,:n is in it. As he •·ork1. he depcnd~
more on fed than sight to guide him,
hccaUJC tbc sea.l lamps make an igloo'1
interior too smoky to sce clcarly. Tite
lempcrature in the i~loo is at ben just
ah<.wc freuing, but he v,orh with his
A Smoll Thing. E\·en 11·ilh his new
fame, no Eskimo com;idcn his ut a1 scri-
ous ll'Ork. lt is just !IO!l\ethingto do •·ben
tbc "tathcr lr.eeps h1m from huntinr.
~:,·m tbc tenninol~ rell«u this ,tti-
tude. Tbe word for • tal"\in, i 11111,H•
'"""• (1 lrrU.JI thing:-you-m.1kel; a print
iJ 1,1oh1U1A (marb you rnake ..-ith your
scllsinaU lrl bistory.An Eslr.imo"hohai
journeyfll fordays to racb Cape Donet
'Aill tell Houuon "I brought I block for

~auto DKEA:\I >·o,o;wARSI.SC

B\' Tl'DLlh
C~udy. !\ear Olive llranch. Miss•.
hangmg helplessly from thc top of an oak
trce after po.rachuting out of a disabk'<I
Air Force plane. Airma11Third Clas, :\lax-
well S. Prothro pleaded with a staring
íarm "·ife to bring rescuers. was told
·•t'mbusy. I"mcookingbread.'"

C_lip Joint._ln ~lorcnce. lta!y, tired oí

findmg hairs m bis soup. Pasquale Mar•
toni ~heared his wife's flowing tresses
to scal11 level. protested wben halcd to
court for a~saulL "lt was only a mattcr

Decline & Fcill. In l:pton. Dorset

County. En¡iland. di~mayed by the shoddy
condition oí one of the town's roads
D. K. Cokman fin.."Uoff a letter to
ltaly. askcd thc Romansto come back to
üritai11 and repair the ro.ad they \Juill
aprintalong. lt'snogood.ofcourse. rm 1.6oo years a¡t:o.
ashamed of ii. t\s a mattcr oí fact. 1
thinkitíelloifthcsled.''\\'hileheispro• In for ~ Rociiting. In Detroit. Joseph
tell me by tcsting. hiswifel'lill goout. dig 1heblock
out from under sorne skins at thc bouom
J. \'rancs1chheld upa 11:rocerystore. was
iníomicd by the clerk that the meat slore
ncxt door had more money. thanked the
telegram! ;\o artisl5 Jive a more ha2:1.rdous lifc.
In the last year. two of Ca1ie DorSl't's
twelvc µrintmakcrs ha,·e me\ death on
clerk and "ent nc:n door \\here police
arre,ted him
lhe ice 1ields. Qnc oí the dcaths h.u ¡t:iven Countdow11. In Lo~ An~dCl!. l'atricia
thenewar1formitsftr:1tlegcnd.;\il'iak5i- Car¡>enter wo11a divorce from llusband
~~- /o'!;t~:>
1~:· Q/:ri
WESTERN UN ION Richartl afterdiscovering th.it she w:u his
se,·enth "ife, not hi~ ,econd as he had
portrnycd. lheonethat µreyedmost on hi~
mind was bears. Durin![ 1hc.last months daimed.
of his lifc. hcpondcred dec11lyon the soul
ofthe¡ire.1t.inscrutablepolarl.lcar. Pou,e Thot Refreshe5. In Cincinnati.
The Becir Hunt. Three months a¡io Ni- amongtheirne" contrae\ demands. mem•
viaksiak anda youni; companion "ere bers of Local ♦of the Jron Workers Union
tracking a bear . .Aftcr se,·eral hours thcy askcdforanutrahour"s1):lytocoverthc
finally caui.:ht siiiht of him. As thcy crept time it takes Lo cash tbeir po.ychecks.
and ¡iaud squarcly at thcm. ;\iviaksiak Fur Fliei. In Boulder. Colo .. when an
moved in. rnised his ritle 1011re, Lhcn fol· annulment was granted to )largare\ and
tcred and shriek ..-d: '"lt"s duk. 1·m fall- Kcnncth :\lundt. the court ¡t:ave the fam-
ing!'" Withoutfirin¡;.hecolla11SCdon the ily's r6 cats to Kenncth. but :\largare!
snow, dicd within minutes. was ordercd to pay S:5 a month toward.
The ncst day. whcn Niviaksiak·s com- their supporl
panion and others returned tobury him.
they found his hody unmauled; the bcu OutoftheCon.lnSt.Peter-sburg.Fla.,
had not even come near him. Among caughtbypoliceaftcrtryin¡:tocsca1)C
Cape Dorsct ¡ieople thcre was only onc from thc ~tate ro.ad prison camp. Prison
explanation: Xiviaksiak"$ art had 11robed Cook frcd ~layo told the judge: "1
too near. h.1d offcndt'<I the sµirit of the didn'tlikethefood'"
Today hllf of Cape 0orseL"s income Unhinged. In Gothenburg. Sweden,
derivesfromthes.1leofar1"orlu.Thisis during an cshibition oí ¡t:adgeu called
just thc way Jim Hous1011 intended it. ••stop the Thief.'" someone made o!i with
Xot C\"en Ca¡ie Dorset will rcmain io• livethiefproofloclu.
r;;:- ~~e=- -, ;;~~l;~c¡~~:eti;:n::;: ,~-~/1dl~-h~r;~:~
Quid. Bite. ln Phocnix. Ariz., while

$e:L..e:CT-C>NICS fük,mos ha,·e fared so ¡lOOrly.Says 1-lous• practicin~ a quick dra"' with his pisto!

1~ :~~:.
Sullinsshot himself in thelcg.

1 N- e;,,..,,•• B,-im,.,¡.w.., lbdK>. 1 ~~~~~~.~11 :;':,1;! b/;o~heh:~:i: a;~~~t Top Reference. In Sapporo. Japan,
1 1 1 dter stealing $8.J,I in a third-story bur-
:::~s, ______ , ~a'J111°! .1 r1!~eth:'.;, glary. Naokichi Kirifu was so paralyzcd
1 l ~ig~t~• [:.h~~s~~~~
learn to c?pc witb the1~ new ~-orl~. the1r byfe;iroíheightthatheyelledtopassers-
by: 'Tma thief.but I can'tcomedown.
~rf~ - - - ~ ~v:1:;'n~~· i~~lp~;~~.,'hat 11w1ll then Picase call the police.''

,. TIME, fURUARY 22, 1960

There will be other fine new jets in the next decacle, but none will take the 1>laceof the DC-8 jet
as far as you, the passenger, are <.-oncerned.The DC-8 is a J>roduclof United A.ir Lines' extra cm·e
in serving passenger nee<lsancl Douglas Aircraft Company's design and manufacturing skill. The
result is the best of the jets-the roomiest, quietest, most comfortable plane in the ait·. See for
yourself-soon. For resen·ations, cal\ United Ai1· Unes or your Tmvel Agem ~¿-=:,
3689 precision-engineeredparts
that ali pay off right here

... right whcre thc typc bar touches
thc papcr. That's whcrc this ncw
Royal ElccLric pays off.
h pay, you with writing so fine it
looks ckanly, clcarly dijfrrmt from
thc work of Olhcr ekctric typcwritcrs.
For thc brand ncw part'I oí this
machinc m;ikc po~~iblc: (1) a more
clcarly ctchcd km:r than C\"cr; (2) a
more uniform inkinl{ than cvcr; (3) a
more accuratc positioning oí words
and lcttcn than cvcr. Thc rcsult is
bc11cr writinq- than cvcr. And easier
writing, too. lk-causc thi~ typcwritcr
1akes 1hat ck-ctricity om of thc wirc
and makcs it do more to m;1kc thc
sccrctary's work casicr than any typc-
writcr evcr did bcfore. Hit;:,solid ft'd.
And yct thc liKht<:<;t, J"º"".t:rstaction
your fingen evcr fclt
Call your Royal RcprC!iCntati\'c.

..._ .............-~,..._,.,_
---,..___ ""'T-•nton


No matter what you put in them ...
you get more out of them!
When you want a truck that wn tnke the ¡mnishmcnt of moving top
-u,you·11 finditinthe ISTERSATlONALlinc!
Light 11ndm,,dium-duty models are huilt with stronger hnmes llrl(I
V-8 engines 11,atnndnrd-to gh·e you more 110werto rnove cargo,
from11 V-8engine
Heavy-duty modela are 111-::ialiwd componen! by

A11y l?>"TI:KN,\TIONAL mo<lel gh·cs you the 1110-'!I!
truck lor
your money, whether gasoline, di{'l¡('lor LPG power
1-'or proof, sue your lNTt:lt:-.ATIONAL Dealer or 13rnneh

ll,1edium,dmy mo:lels ,m: cnMim::ered

1ruck V-8 engiru,• uve on first
,.....1 ande.,.,,ymilethereafler

ID,,.,..,._, H..-.n'"'-••-•-•••"•~-,, ..... , • .__l_l•-••.,•l-l ... F.,_IT<0<'°"
Gossie's Last Stand fromonecitytoanotbC'ron thc •ho•··dotl
cirruit. :S-i,ht~. ~ pulled into I mo--
Thegrea1a1•bo•·docinhi,1oryt11J<I tcl. §C't up • 6-it. pcn. ;and tumed Gos-
µspinr mop of h;ur. In tM hol:. ,1uffy ~~ loosc for hu CJ:C'rci~. alter cuefully
qwnrr• unlk'r \bdi-on Sqiurr Guden choosi11j111MnoothMretchoíla,.-n,.·ithno
t~ l'd:ill,tt',C namtd Ch1k T":-óunoí C.1- l'lli¡t, or briaB that mi,:ht ~ hi• CNI.
•·t.r..h.lm 1ras far off the form thal had One Foult. BC'fon~ thc bnal•. Cbra
•on • record 1:6~tli•in-•ho.-. Coming ~rayedGos.1C"·1coat lirhtly,.ith 1'".IICT
up m •n hour 11·.u hi• b•t dunc, al tht 1--11 qui<"b thC' hair-thC'rc·• <o much
top pnu th.11 tud 1¡.,.,1y1 eludtd h1m rle("tricity in it"I. thcn urried him mto
bc•t-in-,hov.· in thc "º")' We,;tminitcr 1hc ring. With .lnxiou• quiuical C)'ct
li:mnel Club competition. Uu1 he looke-d Go'-3it l)ttrtd up,u th, judg, fcclini: for
hkea]o§eruhe11lr1"lcd1nhisu.11eand the whd. snong body that ha~ bttn 1
licked dC'1ultorilyat a 1•itte of iu.
Thentill)'(Jít .. 8qlh,.1/11ndlut'lua
Tl!QUir~C'nt of the breC'd ,incc it "'ª'
brou¡¡ht out oi China in 1S6o h)· the
Alford. SI. .. l!Tllto "ºrk º" ('hik r~un British. With Cbra huMhntt alon~•ide.
(shc call, him Go•~ic for !hortl. A µ.:iir Chik T"Sun glided acro•5 the Hoor wilh
oí round-cyed (."h1huJhua,, lcd by a 1hr a¡,prol"ed controllcd rol!. Aíter hesi-
t"cedy wom,n. minccd p:m on 1he uri11c- rnting ovcr :i broad-chc~tcd bulldo¡i; and
sp.1Ucrcd lloor. each hear1n11011it• b,1ck a a hisky Pcmhroke \\'elsh corgi. thc judirc
tinyknnpnck lo.ided "ith a 1~1rk<lfci11- 110mted h1s right h:ind al Go,,ic and dc-
arct1cs.matchuand1u11Jb••es. Bu1 noth- clared him hc;;t-in-;;ho'II.
Ílij!' distractcd llandlcr Alford. N¡uinting With this final honor. Goccic retircd
throlljfh the ,mokf of her \\'irhlOll .~he from the ~hO'II" ring. was camcd off to 11\c
tumedthei'ekeo,eronhi1t1.1ck1ndht-- \'cnabln" home in Atlanta. Thuc he .. m
,:;u1 to hru.•h the lonit hair on hi• ht-lly lead1 hfC"ofca5113.Je:1.5e_,1nd1le1·otehim-
'llith •trokC's th3t "(M)nlud him ,.htt~1n,: stlf to tht task of im¡wo1·ing hH brttd
in rC"bxed delisiht Otudftt$150J.llu,;in~•houldbcbri!k,
No Both$. \t • rtSptttful d,wncC' for Pekill!(<'-><'
fanciers are •ilhllJ to over•
ho,·C'fC'dthC' clumpiori'1 o•nu'I. Cturle look tbe ,;ingle fault of Westminsttr"I
,·~ble. an \tbnu \C'nd,n,-nuchinC' di,- rh1.mpion.Hemo~.
uibutor. and hi, blundt- ,.ife l7m•tinC'. tricd e,·er)· trifk in thC' book. They may
ThC"ybo112hl thC' En!(li.Ji-bred dn,: lor • Little Man, Whot Now? double-te•m him t onc man in front. one
reported $..~.500thlff )Uf\ n:<>and lu,·e Profc,.sional hliketball thb K•- is bch,nd1 'llith thc hope of hklcking off
scuc<"ly ~ him •incC': fe,. o•·n<'n •·ho dominated by a rookie. Wilt f""Ttw, ¡)IDC!,. WhC'n C'lu.mbcrbin ÓOC'J gN thc
a"l}Íre to blue rihborn tu,-<' 1he time' or 5tilt'"I C'bambcrbin. ccnter for tbc l'bil- ball. the dcfm..c: ,,.irl~ 1bout him likC"•
•kili 10 lu.ndl<"thC'ir o"n 00!(1. Cbn Al• adt-lpbia Wuriors.-f.be a,ile XC'!(ro¡ti.tnt ¡,ack of hound, circlin,c • hcar 11 bay.
ford a h:ilf-ChC"roktt proftu1orul handler <; ft. J in .. 15olbs.1 •-hocan ncarl)· rach l:ndt-r thC' hoop thcr bcat • tattoo on
from Catoou. Okb .. pul GO"•i<'on thc 1hc lud:ct by ni!iing •n ann. La•t "ttk him1'ithclbo,. 1ndhip. LastwttkCh:im-
sirict re11imm of • Pckc <ho" do,: r., .. Chambcrl;ain ,..u ,..<'11on hi~ "ªY 10 bcrlam lu.d totakct,,..og,1,mttolfforthc
no romllÍlljll ,.·1th othC"r dl)fl:, or childrm ima,hingC'\'Ct)' record on thcbook\. F:,·en cxtraction oí t'llo tttth j1mmed back br
Che mitht damacc an c~C'1. no b.tth~ 11i1h14 t:imts still to pby. he lu.d $Corrd an,lbo'II. Say1 \\'1rriorCoach Xcil John-
(hi1 h1ir mi,:ht mat l. ~he' itokC"d him more pomts and ~na~ more rd,ound1 11on. ·Thry·re,cemn,:a"a) "ith murdcr
on cho111)C'd11cakl:r.ud ,.ith "hca1 g<"rm than 1nr othC"rpl.ay<"rC'\C'rhad in a full 11ainstWilt.lt,.ouldhtlpif\\"ilt"ould
brushC'd hi1 llo"in¡,; rcddi!h h:iir írom two scason. Ar:iinst thc Detroit l'is1on1 he bclt a fcw, bu: hc'1 only fouJlhl l1.1ck a
to nme hour.i • dJy. For c!nen mon1h1 uored411X1inhtoraisehi•tv1al101,1H . cou11leof time, "ben llc¡tot m:id""
.'.I year. Gouie ~IIC'lll nluch oí hi1 IIITTC'in hrC':tk by 19 thc seawn record of ~t Whot About Five? llu1 ChamllC'rlain's
:i tra1•clin11ca1<' in thc back of Clar:i·1 Loui,· Bob l'euit f6 ft. 9 in.. 215 lbt.f. rccord-breakin¡,; ¡iC"rformancc r:,ic1Cs a
Oodgc station wagon ~1 ,he barrutormcd In thellamcgamchc pullcd down 16 rc- troublin¡c <¡ue~tiOn• h bukC'lb,111bccom-
bounibforntotalof 1.613.onemorcth.in ing the 11rivatc ¡¡reune of thC' good big
thcrecord.ctlastycarbylloston·,um nmn' Grumblu Dctroit"1 GuHd Gene
Ru~..cll f6 ft. 10 in .. .:zo lbs.l. Shue. "Thc big mrn make it look nsy.
Sur• Polm. The bC'~t-or ,.-or1t-i~ Thcy take the 1kill out oi b:uk<"tball."'
~till to come. At lJ. Clu.mbC'rl:iin is far l.1kcm011pr-01.Shucf6ft.1in.1cl:is,i-
from bis pc.1k. t'·en "'ith a .li•.l·IJOint liu•11mall1n)"Oneunder6ft.6 in.
,:amc a1·erare th:it ha~ hoiJtttl thc \\':ar- E,en thc ñnc•t 1null man in thc ,:ame
riorJ írom thc celltr of the KU.A:1 Ea•I• ¡,. bC'ginninl[to ,.·orry. Do.ton\ rtt:it liob
cm Di,·i:.ion in 1959 to • •ll'IHlll ~omJ Cou,y 16 ft. 1 in.. 1;6 lt,,.. 1 .«<1 littlc
place thi~ year. For mo'tl of thc, "Ca5<IO point in raum¡t thc ba,ket toofíset <httr
Chambi:-rltin"1 ía,·orite m.1neu,-.:r in thc hci¡thl ! • Wh~· penal U<'~m- ju.,,t bc-
1>i•-uthu bttn to 51ep 1,.•>· from thc, bu- nu,ic hC'"1; h. taJp··1. ¡,, mo~intett•tNi
ket. turn and jump for a rirhtlu.nckd in 1hr Pf'Ol1'0IIII10 zunc thc Hoor. onc
h;tnkcd•hot.~ntially.thisuthc,hot pomt for 1ucce ful bboB within 6 ft. oí
1 ~hon m.1n mirht lake to O\'CTCOIDC 1hr 1hr ba,kn t•·o ¡i,o,nu for ~hou irom 6
bei,11:htof hi, opponmt. h1.s tbc- scrioiu to J~ ft.; 1hrtt 1i,oin11for 1hou from
di~dnntare oí mo,·inr: Clu.mberbin íutlw,r out.
ª"•Y from thc rebound. '\"o• Clumbcr L nul Chambcrb1n camc 1lon11. it
b,n h bc¡t:in11in1to uµl,oit bis 1ize 1nd 'lllln·t too bad • 1-ayi C'ou,y. ·\\ñat
Httilll:lh by builin,: ~trail[ht for thc hoop 1bou1 thc da)· 'llhr-n you 6nd yourscli
111·crpo,,.-eringhi; man •itha le,1,pw hi,rh pl.:aym1 IUiMI f11•e(h:,mbC'rlain,> Thc
that he mettly let> thc ball rol! off hi1 .. ,y1hm,:11reiroin,i:. unlc-, !>OITIC'thing is
C11.CH11:T"Su, & IIA~DLt:a,\Lroao p;ilm fora sur<' h:iskc1. done". thcn- ju•t 'llon't be 111)'UIU!II m<"n
He looked li~e o lo1oer. To stop Cha.mhC'rlain, thc' pros lu.,·e in 11rofc.-,on1I baskctbaU.••

SHOW BUSINESS spirit oí tbing~ and paid $15 to win.
,\ New York /'oJt editorial promoted
Paartoalonelymavcrick fi.ghtingforthe
TELEVISION not let him clcar bis name by running Bill oí Rights. ,\nd thc :Xew York Jo11r-
the censored tape. The comers of Paar'~ N11l ,tmeriw,.'s T\' critic, Jack O'Brian
Af+er Appomattox mouth be!l:'an to tum down. !lis ,·oicc countercd Paar's argument that his studio
Xobody will e,·er know who really brokc. His eye, leaked. He had wre¡;tled audiencc had approved of the jokc. That.
slllrted it. lt may well 113se been an oh- with hi~ soul for 30 sleepless hours. be pontificated o·Brian, wa~ no moral judg-
scure vaude,·tllc comedian. after Appo- said through half-suµpresscd tcan. and he ment; after all. ··a nujoritykilledChrist ..
mallmr or after Yorkto11n. who !ir~t used had linally come to a lonely decision º'1 Am Free." Such bathctic ffü1hts
thc joke during a dcspcrate split weck in "Thcrc must be an easicr way to makc a asitle, it wa, plain that the Wayside
Manche,Ler or Dublin. The joke ir,voh·ed lil'ing. 1 am !e.winii; thc Toniikt show." Chapel wa;; not the bes! possible place for
someone·~ trying to rcnt a cotta¡;¡e with a Ahruptly he got up and did ju~t that. Paar to fight for the Bil! of Rights. lt
W.C. ("·aterclosctl andhein¡.mi;under- "No Guts." For almost a minute thc was cqually plain that XBC had rai,ed a
sLood by someone else who thou~ht that audience applauded ifl symµathy, Then fus~-perh.'.t1l• in a deliberatc anempt 10
by sorne tortured leap oí the jokem:1ker's sua"e Announcer HIJ8h Downs took over ¡i:et fr~whecling. írce-talking Paar into
ima,ination the lcttersstood for\\'ay,ide and nimbly walked a tightrope betwecn Une-o,·cr a ,tory far mildcr than many
Chapel. Thus, the \\'.C. was nine miles gentlcmanly critici~m oí '\'llC and gentle othcrthing,heJrdonprc,·iousPaarshow.s
from 1hc hou~c. could be vi,ited only or el~ewhere on TY. But XBC was in no
twice a week. etc.-endless pm.-ihilitie.,. mood to lo,,c a topriotch perfonner-and
Liulc cQuld the un~ung. unrememlll'red moncymakcr. ,\U weck loni: news¡)aper re-
heroforeseethathiscreationw·ouldone poners haunted Paar', ,uburban home in
day 11roduce a major crisis in the Ameri- Bronxville. rccordini: cvery ~b and sigh
un e11tenainmcnt world. comparable at According to l\,ar. cvcn :XBC Prcsident
thevcry least tothefirin¡thyArthur God- Robcrt Kintner and NBC Chairman Rob-
frey of Sinii;er Julius La Rm.a or the JJJ- ert Samoff had tried to reach him by
pearance of J. Fred :\1111{1¡~ more or !c<s phonc. ••They're not bad pcoµ!e a• net-
along,idc Quccn Elizabeth II on Dal'e work exccuti\'e, j!:O." ,;.1íd l'aar, but he
Garro\\·ay·~ ~how-and more. tha1 it would wouldnot talk Lothem.hopcdto lcavcon
become in sorne qu:mer,; an i<<ue of free a long 1•acation. Thcn he to!d another
sµ«ch, the soullessne~~of bi~ corporations, ~tory-this time abo111a poor mari who
thedcdlneof¡)11hlicmoralit}'andperh.1ps 011nedonlyonccupandbrokce,·cnthat
the íuture oí thc democratic systcm onc day. As it shattered, he said: ".\t last
On his \\'edne,day night show. Jack 1 am free." And tbat. added Paar por-
Paarconsideredusingthel'enerahlejoke tentously. "ishowl fccl."
det»ted with himself (u he bter re- NBC promptly sug~ested that it might
called1 about whethcr it wa~ lit for the air rep3irthe cup. A conciliatory letter from
,u\'e,i, won thcdebate. and procecded to Presidcnt Klntner rcmirided l'aar oí the
ttll the story. ,\t 10 p.m., the tapin¡t: of other pcople on his ~how who were af-
bis show com¡J!cted. l'aar went home to íC<:ted by hi,; walkoul. ··¡ hope rou will
Hron:i:ville. And that was the momcnt think of all of thcm. Jack, and decide to
,,.,·henhi~1orypointcdarc!entl~f111gerat come back to us," ,\1 the ~me time. NBC
Ernest Lec Jahnckc Jr .. a broadcastinl( was insisting that it would ho!d Paar to
,·cteran flor 15 yca~ ,·ice presidclll at hisli,·e-rcar.Sioo,ooo-a-ycarcontract.
ABCf who had becn hrouii;ht io XHC Auo<otodf•<1• T\' gossips inel'iiab!y whispered that
afterthcquiisundalstoscrveudircctor jACK PMR & \\'1rE :\lnu,01 the wholc affair had been a pbony from
oíthenetwork's Ch:partmentofStandards Can the Bill of Rights survive? 1hestart.nothingbutacarcf11lly¡1lanned
and Practices. publicitycam¡)aign. llwas an unconvinc-
Guardian Jahnckc ,·iewed thc Paar tape dis.1greemen1 "'ith l'aar. Comic Orson ing rumor for \'arious reasons. not the
and decided stanchly that tbe 4~-min. sc- Bcan carne on to denouncc thc ·•dcbu~ leastofthembeingthefactthatrionct•
quence mu,t come 0111. Aftcr a quick mani:i:cd" network that had neither••[oy- work tlaek has that much imagination.
ch«k with stt!l-unnamed XHC ,uperion, alty·· nor ·'guts." Comic Shelley Bennan
but without a word to Jack l'aar. Lhc tape chimed in with a call for Paar's fans to NIGHTCLUBS
cuuers st.atted sni¡)¡1ing. Whcn thc show march oo Radio City with ¡1i1chforks.
-.,ent on theair, the Wayside Chapel. the Later, Bean struggled to gct the thirig into Joey at the Summit
1o,ater clo~t and Narrator Paar wcre re- bener perspective. ·'Listen." he said. "the 0n evcry table in thc big nightclub at
placed by a news bro.1dcast. lluL whaL nctwork doesn·t stink as a nctwork. lt Las Vegas'SandsHotcl,acardannouncing
followcd made a!I other neWt-e\'Cn wine, stinksua human relationshipo11t61:· thenight'sentertainmentcarriedasaftcr-
,,.,·omcn,andcashfordiskjockcys,e,•en Soon thc human relations outlit h,1d to thoughl: ··Oh ye~ and )OC)' Bisbop."
the French atomic blast in the Sahara- make a public rc!ations decision: Should Jocy·s tbin, !;ad face glooms out of the
seem insignificant on Page One. the tape containing Paar's walkout and card'scomcras lfhc fclt thc same way.
"I Amleoving." Afteraday'srestraint ali thc criticism of XBC be put on tbe Thcorctically Joey ha! bottom hilling-
(he merely called .NBC's action "idiolic") air? lt should, dccided NBC. and to show fifth man after the show's four stars. But
Paarappearedforthetapingsessionofhis howhuman itcouldbe,itel'etlÍn\·itedthe happily. as soon as he starl.S talking,
nut show. For thelirst 15 minutes, thcre publicLobesuretoluncin. he is rccogriized a~ top banana in a ncwly
was0usincssasusual-bright.light,!augh• Thecountry took it big. l'ro-Paarcalls assembled comcdy act that is breaking
ing. Bul soon aftcr the show was dueto and wircs poured into N8C headquarters. up \legas. His fcllow performers: Frank
"go network" and spread from New York :\lickey Rooney, who had only reccntly Sinatra. Dcan Mattin. Sammy Da\'is Jr.
cross eour.try. Paar's smilc petered out. been involvcd in D liquid feud with Paar and Pe1er Lawford.
"AII right," be .ukcd. ''Are you ready?'' (TmF.:, Dcc. 14),oiferedJacka job in a ·'Who's starring toriight?" asks lhe
He was not questioning .NBC's right to Rooney-owncd tire factory. A po!itical- ~I.C. as be opcns 1hc fi,·c-cornered show.
c11Loutthestory,:iaidJack,althoughhc buLLon manufacturer put asidc his cam- Joey's volee is hcard answering quietly
considercditinoffensive.llutnoonehad paign slogans to produce a bpclomament from backstage: ·•1 dunno. Dcan Martín
even eonsulted him, and now his public that rcad '"Come 8ack Jack." At Bowie is drunk; SammyDavishaddago toda
would 1hinkthathehadcommitted"!i0me racetrack,a11in-and-011ternamed Randy- temple; Peter Lawford's out campaignlng
tcrriolcobscenity:'Stillthcnctworkwould paar, after Jack's daughter. got into the for bis brother-in-law." Hopefulty, thc
74 TIME,FEUUARY22, 1960
Taking the bite out of 75,000 amps
When a main circuit brcakcr opens in a power plant, has a long record of oulstanding contributions in
a 1hundcrbolt of h!ns of thousands of amperes leaps today's tcchnology.
bctwCfln thc opening contacts. The searing heat of
In the chnllenging fiekls of electronics, electro-
the nrc would l'aporize coppcr, and would quickly
chcmislry and 11011-fcrrousmctallurgy, our c.xperi•
chcw up C\'Cn the toughest of nature's metals. But a
ence and facilities have helped buil1l the present and
uni1¡ue kind ofman-madc material crcatcd by Mallory
are geare<I for tomorrow ... today.
wi1hs1ands 1his awesílme heat and stress in power
stations across thc country.
These Mallnry conlact materials are calletl Elkonilc.•
In thcm, the hcat resistancc of rcfractory malerials
is joined with tl1e high electrical r-onductil'ity of
copper or silver ... through 1he scicnce of powder
metallurgy, onc of the broad areag in which Mallory

E/ectronk, f/ectritol ond $pecio/ Melol Componen/¡ • Dry Botlery Sydems • Semitonductors • Timer Swildiei
:\!.C. asks: .. What's Frank doim:?" Joey's namcd Reisman and S1)Cctor (llishop wa5 sli:n as Ralph Waldo Emerson. Queen
answer is a wise: snicker. Then he makes the name of another íricnd "ho promi~ed Victoria and Walt Whitman:·
hisentrance. to dri,·e thcm to audi1ions). Throuf,:h the Scorpion1 Too Small. Holly"•ood",
Big Wheel. Among the newcr comics. late '30s. they played the Ea,tern bur- Ri¡:hter probahly owes his vncation to a
from sicknlks to social satirists. Joey lesque circuit. l'hiladclphia µhyskian who in 193; told
stands alone. His 1ny. deadp:in commcnts Aíter Lhc war. Jocy went hack to the him he had six months to live (Ri¡::htcr
mise e,·en the ob,·ious to the realm of small clubs until Sinatra caught him one r'IOll saysheh.1da •·hackailmcnt""). Then
high comcdy. 1\t the S.1nds, in the midst night in Grcenwich \'illa¡:e, ,\t Frank"s a pressaRelll for the l'hiladelphia Civic
ofchaosandpurecom-Sinatm bcatini: suggestion. he ""ª5 hooked into thc hi¡: Opera. he moved to llollywood. Rendin¡:
abassdrumthatadvertiscshisL.A.lx-an- time. Stints on Jack l'aar"5 T\' show and aboutthczodiac,hesoon!lllwlhatalthou!!:'h
ery.orDcanMartindrinkint,:Scotchfrom CBS"s frcewhecling lúrp Ta 1ki11g got him llroaduay plays were beini: scheduled by
an ice buckct-Joey can stilt be funny. national att~ntion and a chance to be a,trolo¡:icat adl'ice. and \\'al! Strcet mi~ht
When Sammy Davis swings intoSl,e'd lit·e thc kind of comedian bc lik~-a sad• be h.1lí ¡>ar.'ll)·zed"iLhoul rcadin¡¡s from
faced funnyman whose effortles, humor tbc stars. Hollywood could be Et Dorado
5ttm5 ,1xmtm1eous hut is thc productof asap!acetocasthoroscopes.
endless pre¡)aration. "rl'Oplc don·t f,:Uffaw Today.at 6o. Ri¡::hter has a staffof íoor
jusi looking al me ... S:J.}'S he. "I ha\·eto secretarics. onc mathematician. and two
compensate for that. 1 read obituary servants. produces a daily column syndi-
columns. 1 call hospi1als and ask how catedin i53l:.S.newsp:1pers.writC!lhooks
thlng, are in surgery. Little thinis that (.htrolo~yand l'ou). and al his \"ictorian
keep mesad. 1 sh)· away from people llollr"·ood home thro"s splash>• parties
who s:iy good momin11, What wc need i• th.11 seem 10 come from a more storied
not sick humor but healthy adversity." era11henonlythescrcen"assilent.Goud1-
bodied actrcsscs sight do"n 1heircigarette
HOLLYWOOD ho!dcrsat produccu: social climl,cr! pre-
tend fascinalion with semiliterate stars.
"Hi There, Sagittarius"
In the neon nii:ht ca1·es alon11 Ho!ly-
wood's Sunset S1rip. the ~moo1h-tnlkin1:
fellows with the glcamin11teetlt no longer
wink and say. '"Come upandsce myctch-
inp."' Last week. as the sun pic',ed up the
trine of Jupiter and l:ranu3. the new
line was '"Let's comp.ue horo,cop,es:· and
many a forthri¡:ht \lirf,:0 walked away en-
ch.antedly on thc arm of a leerinl!;"Lihra
Forthe religion of thcstars isthe stars'
religion. and astrology in llollywood Í3
compctlng "ith theJ}l'ychoanaly<t"s couch
G-oS;door "Psychiatrisu tradc on human anxie1y·•
BISII0P saysonehigh-prict-dchartistofthcskies.
Wil! Fronkie be on ombonodor? "¡\ ¡tood astrolo¡:-er relieves it.'" As usual
lut week. it wa.i Carroll Ri¡¡;htcr, llotly-
i11o Te11t,Joey "·orriedly Jlretend.i to de- wood'.~ :So. , self-styled "astro!o11ian."'
tectan Arahinlluence.announces: "Jewish whodid mosl oí 1he anxicty reliel"in!!:'-
pe:oplcdon'tliveintcnts.Wcdon·1e1·cn Proper ~iper. Rig_hler has ju~t about
smokc Camcls." When Senator Jack Ken- as much mllucnce m Holly"ood as a
ncdy cau¡:-httheshow last wttk. Joey told leadin¡¡;astrologcr has in Th.1ifand. whcre
him: .. lf you ¡tet in. Frank h:i.s to he no top politician makc, a mo,·c until the
Ambass.1dortoltalyandS.1mmytolsrncl heavens 3rl' right. Dou:ns oí ~tars will
1 don't want too much for my¡,clf-just make no mol'e {or movie) without callin¡:
don"t lct me !!:'CI draíted af,:ain." Turnin!!:' Righter. :\larlene Dietrich. whose: Tl'SJll'CI
tothcmedicalprofession.hemuses: "My fort&ma•tershot up "hen hccorrectl}
doctor is wondcrful. Once. in 1955. "hen predicted th.11 ,he wou!d break her ankle
lcouldn'taffordanoperation.hetoucbcd in a studio accidcnl. uses airpbnes only
uptheX rays.·• whcn hegi,·esthe nod. ,\rlcnc Dahl. Roh-
Jocy's quips are delil·crcd with a ert Cummin!!:'s, Rhonda Flcmin¡:, the Ga-
warmth that never wounds. Even the se:lf- bors. Hilde¡tarde ~eff. Adolphc :\lenjou .
.... otective Sinatra lo,·esthem. Thc "sum- Tab Hunter. Susan Hayward. Red Skel- RTCHTER & Ctlt:-.-T HAl'WARD
mit !ICSSÍon"at the Sands was m:tdc J)(I'· ton-all would rather pay Ril!;"htcr than Oid Marilvn know her sign?
siblc because all of its stars are in \"e11as thcpiper.Someu.sehimmoretbanothcrs.
for the filming of Frank"s new mol'il' Says Mr~. Van John!IOn: "I don"t ask WbcnTaurusisthcsif,:nofthctimc.there
Ouan'J 11. llut Lhc ni¡:htly ''mtttinf,:~-, Carroll whcn 1 ;hould ¡:oto lhe bathroom. isa !il"e bull on thc front lawn. 311dwhcn
says Frank in a masteríu!ly mixcd mcta- like somcof our íriendsdo.'' Leo rci!tnS. a full-i:rown lion. l'or Scorpio
phor. "could not ha1·c come oíl without Rightcr does not have ali the big-name !ast11ttk. 1hcrcwasacrocodi!easastand-
the Speaker of the House-Joey Bi~hop. clients: :\larilyn :\lonroe. Clifford Odets in for1hc re:1l 1hing. "Scorpions."uplains
thchubofthebiguhecl'" and SuYn Stmsberg. for instance. scek thehost. "aretoosmal!."
Another Nome. At 4i. Joey has bcen theirzodiacal ad1·iceeh;e"·hcrc. When he Drifting among his guests. Carroll
waitinga long time to ¡te\ to the centerof f1rsl met :\lonroe. Righter made a bid to Righlcr rernember.; C\-el)·thing hui their
things. Bom Joseph Abraham Gottlich. impresshcrandsaid:''lkno"·-you'rea names. •·11ctlo. Taurus."" he says. '·lli
he grew up in rhiladclphía. ":\!y folks Gemini. Did you know you werc bom thcre. Sagittarius.'' To the inner circlc.
were poor."' he remembers. ''hut I didn't under the sa.me si¡:-nas Rosalind Rus.;ell it"s '"Hcllo. March 8."" or ··January i;:·
mind poverty. They always 11layed¡:-ames. Judy Garland and Rose:mary Clooney~"' Once he met a woman and said. ··Hello
l'or iniaance. 1\hen l'd come home. thcy Maril)·n looked him strai¡:ht in the cye :\larch2¡.''1hcntorned1oafricndand
h.ad mo,·ed ... He qult hi11hschool, formcd and an,"ered '•I know nothinl!;" about "hispe:red. "\\'hat"s her name? .. He had
thc llishop Brothers Trio wiLh two ¡>a!s those¡:,eop!c. l wasborn under Lhe same forgollenadurableAries: Gloria Swanson

76 TIME. fEUUAR'f 22. 1960


=~~ ~=gf;Ca;
950 pl••lmr'• u,1 µrieo. Sdjul ~ounge. F.F.. fu ulra.

priccd for every business, the sturdy Elcctra 12 is fast os,~... .,.. "· ngOtt t• ..,.,,-

1 □ -._ ''" u,.

nn i-.,,.
'' ott
._ cf h <k•~ ~m,

hnlf thc prkc of othcr elcctrics. Scnd for free trinl now. j

SPECTATOAS'FAVOAITE AT WINT- ER Ol'l'MPICS. At thlS tiny comer ol the wo,ld In the whole wo1!d's gaze, thous,nds cheer
chemplon1 of thlrty natlon1. Thl sis the ireet adnnture. th• grand speetacle. cause for celeb,ation and, l1ttll'l8IY, Canade'1
lnternetlOl'lelly ll'§lHmed whisky ~ poured In toasts. 111 titlence 11 leul1le11. its sevor 1, uceptlonel, lts pleesu1e ti un,versel.

Seagr2,m's known by th•

imported Can2,d1an company it keeps
the ,c,t ol 1he "orld \\i1h rhoreo,:rnph}·
MUS IC 11ndst111tinrMm~timt'• l1<-lo"'the le\·el ol
'\'e" York'• Radio Ci1y illu,ic Hall. llut
troopofncellent \'.ilkyrin.hut he ,ui Chorco¡ir:ipher Lconidc :\la~•ine\ :ippc;iJ.
The Reluctont Heldenfenor 1>1ainlythc starof the cveninr. So¡mmo in,r "ork dfmoo,tratcd th.,t La Sc.il.a Í5
To fill thc- 1ti11:1.ntirmold of a \\'unc- Xilsson• ··t hope \'ickel'll ,..¡11be forme 1rpn,:h.,rdt0Clltchup.Theb3llctopentd
ri.an huo, a trnor ,hould 11 hnta •·oicc "'hat Mclchior .,..,s to Fbr~tad. • 1ra111,11backdro¡1ofbl.tck-alld-,.hi1eho.
bit tnOUlfh •nd ~nl enou«h lo :10.ar Tri1ton: Loter. \·ickeu has 0lhcr t"'I cxterio,.. n-ministent of Lud,.1,: Ucmel-
o•·cr the timp;uii-trmpntd \\ 11.ttltrUn or• idru. he doa not eo,·et the role of ma11~dra,.,in~: tbc ,tor)' thcn mo\·cd to
chf"tra. 11 bt robu~t rnouih to tup Hddr,i/rwor. ··I ha,·e no inuntion.-- ~•-• m,:htclub. courtroom and prison a.s it told
port \"oonin1 Wa,rncrbn J<>PnllllO'I. ami he. "of bttomin, a Warnu •11«i.ali,1. 1 of • ,:irt "ho i~ t1ootd h)' 1 p;:anir<ter.
J f prdcrably bt n.:untd Launta \lclchior. low Warner. but l •'.lnt 10 •illt for :; framcd in II p;:an,:bnd ,bootinc r.cn1enctd
At thl' .'.\fc1ropo\iu,n ()ii,rra la•l ,ottk a )Tlr!i,. IIOt IN\ rc::i~ 1 "'ª"l to kttp my
topnouh rt"i,-al of \\"arnt"r'• Dir 11'.,. ltalianrok<;_bttauselUIUincarC"<,t'ilhc
brrr fcondu<ttd h>· ls.11tl ~hm, of. ,·oice.,.hile ~rm.m cq>l,oit• it. \lorc•
fu-ed thc audicnrc a dnm,.tic tenor 'lllho o,·cr. \'icke~ rduse. to jump into thc role
ideallyfulfilltdtMfin.t t•or,equir~wh of Tri,,tan u hi~ public alld pre!!• h.,,e
and made thc third onr tttm unim1JOr- urji:td h..imto. Xo dnmatic unor. he rc;a-
1anl. Thc 1tn0r .H•}'1':lr.Old C"anadiJn- i.on1. rc::ill)· reache< ,·o,.al maturit•· until
OOm Jon \'ickt-r. IN-i~38or39.andfora1•rt.utuinr1•
Tenor \'ickcrs made an inau,picious Tn~1•11. il takn a few ,·cus bf•·Olld for
'.\11'1ddiut ruli<'r in tM rcar in P111liaui, ..,he .irtist 10 maturein the role.
latcr s<orcd a notnhlr triumph a\ Flores. Tmor \"icku,· "Oberly ¡Jrartiul atti•
tan in Fi,f(li11 (T1ur.. Feh. 81. 1111pcr- tudc 1011-ardhis •ucce,~ <lem~ from 1hc
formancc la•t v.cck in thc rok of Sic11- foct th.11 it 100k a lont tímccomint, \l
munU ¡1romptcd somc oí the loudc\t ami home in l'ri11ccAlbert. ~a•k .. \'icker~ o.an,r
lon!fCStcheers hr~nl ni 1he illt-t thi~ .-,,~. "in C\'CI')' church choir in to\\n." hut
5()n,Awlidlycunstructedrnnn (5ft.9in., 11lan11cd10 hecome a doctor. Whcn he
gradU.1ted from hi¡:h ,chool (hi< f•thcr
\\U a .-chool princi¡.1,1l).he found thc tul•
lcre« j:unmed with rNumint wt<"rJ.n~
turncd 1<1clerkin11:inSdc,.ay.ind \\'ool.
,.·orth otorc<. c•·cntually bN:ame a 1001
huycr forthcHudson lby Co.de1.1,1rtment
<turc. \\'hcn he •·a• appcarinr in an 11ma•
teur production of .Varttlilr ,ll,,rill/11, thc
Toron10 Cons.-n11tory IN-anl oí him. ran:
him a thrtt-ycar "Cholal"'hip. But \"icktl"'
"ho lud II horror of bN:omint ".tnotbcr
rull-oÍ•the•mill r.1dio ~inirrr. • dec:idcd 1Íl·
businc<,. The prc•.s al"';)}"' ~~ud. \Ir. P,,-,o•,
\'id,en 11:a•·rhis u<u:il ñne ¡wrfonnallCe r1MX·1 ,, ·Ga\,olfotu
and I knct1· I "'ª.Son tM "ªY do .. n. 1\11bul tfeol"nq t!,e 1t09e.
At S5: bile. Wlut chanrtd h,.n1ind
"ª' thc offrr of a Co,·cnt Gardrn con• todc;athhutlihcr1ttdb)'&IM'C\'ÍOUS]o,cr.
tracl. Hc bN:ame 1 :!iucu•.- i11 l.ofldoll Thc ,hurl 1>iece "ª' b,·,.hly co..tumtd-
"'on r&\'C" for hi,; Acnu.• in Berli0&' Tlir OO,l~1r in•carletmonkc)·•uih.rcd-robcd
Troji,,cs ITuu:. Junc 1;. HI~; l. ,.3, thc judi,:e,. ¡JOlircmm drc-.ed m dominoH-
~nsationoíthe Euro1>ean fe,1iulfirru1t and 11 1m11lydi,¡>laycd U.tllenn;i 1-·racci"1
indudin,i: 8.ayrcuth. He •iktlcd "ilh thc turd.ffi¡Etti.•uptrblycontrollcd,1)·1e.
Mct a yur a,:o ahcr rchutlim: •c•·cral car. \¡ onc IJOHII "'uririt 1 \\hite chiffon
her fttlcr;; from Gmcral :\lana,:cr Rudolf '""n ,he 1bnred an clalJOrnte couritcr•
llin,r1•·11oldhimtha1ulon,:35hefcl1i1 llOint to hcr ícm~lc accu,er with scn•uous
""nccc,;,ar>· formc 1oaudition forhim ª"urancc;a1nnother,hctluttercdhchind
1 kncw 1 "a•n't readr forthc Met"), priton l.1,1r~likc a fnlllive hird. In one of
\'ickc~. "ho still ycarns ~omctimc~ for thc hallet'~ dlmactir ~cene« ~he danccd a
the hu,inc<\ "orld. ha;¡ chartcd hi< mu,i• ,citr hluc, numhcr ¡)rovocati,-dy cl<>1h,·d
cal carccr \\Íth the c:irc oí ,111 dlkicnn in a lou-n1t .Rº""· ·'l'crha11~." ~aid Carla,
upcrt.:ó:ir~hc: "l alway, remcrnl><'r"'hat "hoi,<,0tlun1h,1thcrfan,callher"li11lc
CaruMi Yid: ·\\'ith a hcautilul ,·oicc it i~ ~pina1h. "tht• drt••• "'•,¡ nut cxactly adapl•
noth:irdtore.ichthetop.1Jutto1tay cd1om)'l)hni1¡uc,"
there. that i~ h;ud: 1 t1·ant to !lay therc llut at ballt't \ cnd fon• applaudcd
11;1l,. .. che<t-4;in.l.\'ickc"it111)11,. -but nol a lby ¡¡a,,t 5 ~.•• thruu111hnine curtain n.11•.echoin,:the
•ion.itc. COO\'lll{int aclor: h11 \'OÍCC ¡~ •uccn• •IN-ha• found ali o\·tr Europe in
hea,·y but :adrnirabj\ tlu1hle. np.ible oí Splcsh for "Little Spincch" thefourycn,,inct•htrmer~iroml.3
uritd 11nd •ulMM'•h.adin,:,. h "'' at ih Good lt.ihan b31lenna~ .ire 1bou1 1, ~n11·• balltt ,chool. Thc daily lt-11111;
mosl •p«Unllu ,.hf:,n n •Ullfrd unr thr <.earcc a, Ru~•ian boccir ho"'lt-ro. Jlut found thJI Carb ·1u, no" íull}· arriw:d &$
orche<tra in ..,~und·~ funoll'o uutlxmt1 audicncn H La Sab lut "ttk chcercd 11 a prima ballcrill.ll ~nd onc critk notin11:
but il "h al.o •ondcrfully n¡,rr<o.,i\'C in :3-ycar-oldlbnccr.<b1111:hterof11 :\lilln that,hci,relattdto\·crdi oh,.t:n·td. :\'o
the quit•trr •ntrr- of thc fn.,I :aci', 1tn• ~trttcur conductor. •ho "b all but ,tcal• "ondrr•hc·,..,,._..ld.•hcdri11k,humorn-
drrly lyrin1J 11,,.1rnl•""'"• •u•~•"""' ill(thc,ta,:efrom Britain'•famcd \l.1TJ:(>t 1q c•prcHo U\.lt flÍ I cup 1h.,1 once "'as
Wo111"""'olld. \"1ckrr• n-cr1,·NI •t1mrur: if h,ntcyn. Ocu;.ion: 1hc "·orld ¡irrmi~re oí \'erd1, ... ht1 a,rc..c11t"oulddi,putcthc
somc•d1,1t uM•·rn ,u11110rtfNm :,,.-.pnnn, F•,ita,yal Grolld llolrl, <t.arrin,: Uallerin.a r«cnt judrn:,cnt 01 thc I.ondo11 D,úly
A.se Xordmo 1.or,·hfrJ u ..,~hndc. ll1r• Cull rracci. 11.,,1 ,bc,.,illbeoneoí1hcirca1C"1
gil '\'11..on a, Brucnnhildc. anda "hole lbllct at La Sc.ab ...u for year. bebind bltlcn11.11,of our timc."

T~k:e ~ I.c>lt'llg I.c>c>k: ~-t.

yc>"UI.X- lt'lle"lll!ll" ~:r>c>lt'll-t. y~:r-d.

ll's ali yours-with a square footage mcasured in too many zcroes to count-where new diacoveries
are being made every day. At Mclpar, space is only one o/ many areas of exploration. Ncw clcctronic
frontiers are constanUy being establishcd by our engineers and scientists. Melpar is engaged in
ovcr 120 vital projccts destined for world-wide governmental, industrial and space application.

f"or Ula,U..,. ,,,_,.ve jol, op,-n,n¡p ¡,. ..,¡,.,..m«~111,/k, An Arsenal of Technol.ogy \@"""f
~"linh:ri"I tu-HI, .,.,..,d "" Dep•rtrnl':nt 1-7, ProíN·
•lona! En,ployrncnt
Blvd., F•II• Church.
County. 10 milM r..,m Wuhin¡ton,
3'02 Arllngton
in hi,,w,ic ~••irf,u:
D. C.
A Subaidiary o/ WtstinghoUH Air Brokc Com¡xm:,
1 ,Ne
MtL,Alt ,1tODUCTS: .n1..,nao • t•l•mM••lna: • radar •r•I•- • pot11n1 , .. IM• ffiallto,mul•lota • 1ilroet10flllncl•r5• •ldolon•vl\l•lkln • ff••
co,,t .i. "•m• • ordn•nc• eloet,.,.,lc• • mlc,ow•,... ,;om-n•• • couftletM41U"'H .,.1 ..... • comm .. nlut·Ofl• MIU•J>ffi*"I • eloet•onlc l••lnl.._
- • .., .... ancl 11· ,t•I computen• aulam•tlc 1.. 1.,. lo, •r••oma • ., ....... .,,lu!lon ol ""IU•0"-1 • acoullica. audio & ull,.....,lc: a,..l•m• •
,,...,lllcompon..,I nHmblJ unit• C•vtom•tlon) • p1!nted circuk•J • enc,os,.t,1ion t..:J,nl .. uM • Hta ~•ncllln& ... ulpn,ent C,ncludinl m .. ...ilc: •-~•sl
New Picture
Once More, With Feeling [Stcmley
Donen: Columbio]. '·Wouldn"t you like
to slip into wmcthing loose)•• \"ul Bryn-
ner purrs seducth·ely 10 his bride. '"\"e,··
Kay '-enda!I ,narls.'",\ taxi·
So bcgins one of thc most hilarious
weddin¡¡: nig-hts of recent film history.
\"ul is a terrible-tempcred conductor "ho
"'uses symphony orchestra~ thc ,rny ¡other
pcoplel use Kleenex:· Kay. his mim~
oF many ycars. is tired of it all. wants to
marry a nice, rcspectahlc colle¡:::epre~idenl
and li'"e like a human bcing. So shc has
mnried \"ul w she can !!;"Cla di'"orcc so
the colle¡!c president 11ill think he is ~et
tin¡¡:an honest \\On1an. llu1 \"ul. cail that
He tomcrs her in his den. cru<he_~her
in his arms. Suddcnly he ~tares ai::hast
removed.'" "Our mole?" '-ay brtaks free.
runs around thc room with a rose in her
teeth. \"ul seizcs heragain. She thrcatcns
to scream. He (masterfullyl: "Go on,
~cream.··she111eakeninJ!1: "!na minute"•
yourEsterbrook He leads her to"ard the bcdroom. "Oh~··
sbe ,asps. ""l kncw this would haµ¡,cn if
Kio:soALL& BRYNNEJt rn "ONCE Mou:''
With berser~ precision
wc ¡!Ot married." Shc blink.5 up at him match. Likc Lillie, Kay Kcndall wa.5 not

DESKSET ~byly. "'l'romise me you won·1 think le~5

of me~·- lle •mirks confultntly as shc
glides away. ¡:lide• back in :o fin~crtip
rcally so mucha comcdiennc as a clown.
and her lastpictureshould le.1,·c no doubt
in an)"bO<h··~mind tbat shc was a clown
for homeor office nightie. jusi in time to rccei,·c an un-
erpected \'isitor: thecollue¡¡re.sident.
11ith a touch of gcnius.

Too much of the rest oí the •how, Russion Without Troctors

Good loob! Dq,rndablc pcrformanro:t adaptcd by l'lay11ri1:h1 lfarry Kumitz lloy mcets tractor. Boy loses tractor
Sensible pricr! Makc tSTEIUIII.OOK from his Broadway farce (Tm1:. ~º''· J Boy gets tr:ictor. Such was thc drcary.
195Sl.isunfortunatclynot,·cryfunny. prof),'1:andistic p!ot of mo,1 mo"ies made
Dclk&ts,wu,sm:mbuy! i11Stalin"• Russia. Entcr Comradc Khru-
l'or one thin!I;".whcn Actor Brynner sets
A.Recorder• Boll Point 0Hk Sel outtoticklethefunnybone.hepractically shchev. iollo11ed by a babb!e of rumors
11',itn 6 mo,iths m uu,mal offia ust. De- breaks the s¡'ltctator's um. For anothtr. that tractors "ere out. humanity ,,·as i11.
p,,odablt. 100! Your choice ofink col- Kurnitz" <hock ~ai:s rt'<¡uire the phy,ical anda new gcneration of ¡:::eniuswJS about
presencc of thc acton; far thcir elTect. to rc~tore the 11restige enjoycd in the
ors, Finr o, mrdium point. Dclmcc
Butinthelilmwrsion thcacton;arc not ":os by the Communist cinema. Last
blad:, colorsS3.9C, Black '2.95 actuallytherc, thcshockoftcn failsto week. tbanks to the recent U.S.-So,·iet
B. 0Hkmoster• Fountoin Pen Ouk S.t come throusih. the lau¡;:hs often fail to f1lm--cxchan¡.:ca,rcemenL two oí thc ne"
Ammio'l fas/o/ ,rl/int dts~ s,I, A prrd- come off. S1ill. there are a re" bit~ of Russia11 films rould be scen in thc U.S.
mcmor:ihlyd:ifly backchat (Tru,tce·~son Genius was not in evidencc. but then
1ion fountain pcn in !us1rous poredain ··Mother has a heJd on her shoulders."" neither wcre thc tractors.
bas,,. Compac1. dhcirnt. Choice of 32 Agcnt 11ho knows thc old h:ittle-ax: '".-\b. Swon Lci~e (Co!umbicil. Lhc le,s rc-
¡x,n poinls. (i colon,, indudcs black. ,olutely! 1 h.we scen it"I. And thcrc is markahlc of the two. is a photo¡:::raphed
(Modd 11'.l) 13.7S Kay'-enda!l. pt,rFonnance of thc well-known ballet
011u .\/ore was completcd last Ju!y set to mu•ic by Com¡:,oscr Petcr ll)"ich
two months hefore .\ctress '-endall"s Tchaiko\'~ky. a< il is danced by thc mod-
Hold,IJ-mor,thrnksupply./',:ocva¡10ra1ion dcath. at JJ. oí leukemia. ~13ny of ber ero mastersofthc t<)tb centurytradition
ordu11. \\'rí11-.300wordsurmorccach scene.s wcrc shut wbilc <he bad 3 hi~h ~~ie:t:!.' df b,11/,·1oí ~l~ow's Bol~hoi
timeyouremovr¡,._.nfrumhase!\\'on't fe\"er. ~e,·erthcless. she gin:s in her la:;t
s¡,ill. Choice oí 32 ¡..-n point,. Black, picture "hat is possibly her funniest film The pfr1ure. though fi!mcd In F.astman
oolurs. {~1ockl-l.¡~) 14.50 perfonn:ince. At onc ¡:,oint. uhile ílrynner Color oí a l),1Tticular!y wmber and ro-
i~ cha<ini;:her around hi~ den, she peen ma11tic ridme>s. has the inevitable inad-
t l'urd101ing Agenh Estrrbrook is athim through thestrinuofa barp.and e<']uaci,·<oí photoJraphcd thcater. Thc
1hcworld's/ar~r,/manufactun·rofde1k- witb thc meres\ curl of 1he U[I\ICT li11COll• warmth oí the living illu,ion is lost in
\H·1·0¡; rqu"pmcm. L·s1 pr· , ,ho"n trives to ,uJ¡.,:cst that •he is a cai:cd ami cold cclluloid. and the creati,·e ¡.:esture oí
pcrsin1tl.-uni1.Chainandadhcsi\'rU:ue ferociouslione,s.At another.bcddcd"ilh tbe camera i, frustratcd. ,\, lhe camera
availal,lc. s.,,. supplicr for quotalions a b!ln¡:in¡.:hJngo,·er. she suddenly ¡.:et~ a wande~ uncertainly throui::h the theatcr.
mad glint in her eye. yanks ihe lid ofi oftentooclosetotheaction.oftcntoo
her ice ba~. dump;; Lhe cubes into a hii:h- far away. the spectator bcgins to fccl a;
ball. gulps it down. i:rins wickedly. The,-e ifhe is traip,i11gabo111in scarch of a •cat.
andadozcnotherhitsoihu•incssare The dancini:. Lhoui:h. is what mattcrs.
brou~ht ofi 11·ithdelicious wit anda ber- and it i, nrni:nif,cent. :\laya Plisctskaya.
•·¡ M Th<l.,.,,t,.,,.>1,. l',nl"..,~•"'· ,de,, I•. J serk prccision oí 1:e>torc that only Bca the puhlic fo\'uritc amon~ Rus.sia"syoung-
l'n<,. >l,~~•11
,o c.,..,..., Lillie among li,•ing comedicnncs rnn cr b!lllcrinas, dances the doublc role of

82 TJMf, FEIRUARY 22, 1960

\Vho said Americans don't like walking?
D 1
u~;;~~c Y~uu\\~~E;;,:r;
morning, arri.,ing :n Buckland-in-thc-
in Dc,·on. )Ou pokc rour nose down a
\írn lind yoursdf R·nlki11g.
ci1lcr's as cool as apples ami the wcl-
come's as warm as 10ast
\Vould p,u rcally likc this drcam to
i\loor ju,t in time for tea. Dcrnnshirc J\'.ut tht grim husiness uf knaps.,cks, comctruc! ltcanJonlmow-quitee:isi-
cream, strawherrr jam and sconcs. blisrtrs and dispiriting distanccs. llut ly. Jusi sec yúur ua,l'I agcnt ami plan
\\'hat tSyourplcasurc thislovcl) Spring rn.1t-01n-.houldcr, spring-in-p.1ur-f.-ct t<1 sec all of Britain 1his Spring. Scot-
cvcning/ -gcml)' kd on by surpriscs. You don't bnd, \Val<'sam! N"nhcrn lrdaml ha,·c
lncountryksscornpact-rou might knuwityct,hutthcrc'sa 161hCent11T)' Jonly Janes too. '1.1mc~n get thue rmd
ha1c turncd to )uur car again. Not so inn ju!>t :1rmmd 1hc corncr, whcrc thc /,nd: for undl'r $400 (from Ncw York)
For f,r, "H,/1;.,h Tro,·,I Kit," ,u ,·n11rtra,·rln~,,., ,,, ~·,i1, Hox /H, H,imh Traul ,'h<tximi,m
1,, Nrw Yo,k-680F,/1h ,1,·,.; /11Ln,A11gd,.-606Somh lf,IIS,.: /11Ch/cogo-39Sowh La!úJl/rSt.; /11C<1,utd<1-Y()AJrluidr Surn Wr.11,Turonto,

•• '"• <INIPNoll 1utl>lne pump obo•o-
dulgna<I Ud P<Oducod b1ttio ª''º"
• b<o•dhno

.,., .. .,1oe•ott1d1pto,b11h0Wo,n.,
Automot .. o o,.,o,on

~·níor ::~~.:.:·n1~·~~,:~•.

h11 any 1<oc10,,

11 5.40 ond 1000


A review of the roles which a

versatile corporation plays in helping
the farmer plant and harvest his crops

Thi, i, a Mec:hanitrd A1e down on thc farm-a time

ofautomaticrom-cribloadin1:,oftractonwith trc-
mmdous lu1t11,1ng
powCT, of deKrts-tumed-cotton fkldt
throu11,h irrigation. And Borg-Wamer has playrd no
small part in hclping the farmer ach1cvc hi1 J)l'"CKnt-
day cffü::icn,:y.
Ever sinc:e fir1t making di1<: bladcs for walking
plows in 188~. Bor1-Warncr has blucd a trail (and 11
namc for iuclf) in 11gricultural cquipmcnt-1uch aa
hydraulic pumps and valvcs, impact-rnistant plow
dise1, hi1r.h-1J)ttd chain drivn. You mi&lll say wc
pionc:ered our way into bttoming one of today'1 most
important P11Tl-1upplicn to makcn of traeton and
harrOWI and balcrs and harvcstcra.
At our lar1c and modcm Roy C. ln1enoll Rcsurch
Ccntcr in 0n Pla,nn, IUinois. ,,:c'rc activcly cnca&Nl
in thc "tomorrow." Thcrc, wc'rc devot,nc time and
Thc producu of Bor1•Warncr Corporation fall into
lleven catc1orin. Farm cquipmcnt is onc. Oil, sti:cl
andchcmicalsisanothcr. Industrial machincry, still
anothcr. Oí CO\lrllC,our namc is rcadily nssodatcd
with automotivc partl and home cquipment. Wc are,
in add1t1on, alcadcrin makingpart1íorthcaviation,
mi11ilcandrockctindustrinandfornatíonaldcícn11e. WHAT BORG•WARNER MEANS TO
Ali in ali. Bor1•Wamcr makcs hundrrds of productl
with thouund1 of ullCIfor thc ~ncñt of milhon1.

lt's a better product when Borg-Warner makes it
The name's the same .. the whisky's the same •

Promised on every label:

~14~ ,~~l'h~" .....


Odeue-Odile wi1h ;¡ mixture of faultless
predsion. Jyric grace and sheer anim:il
powcr; ~icolai Fadeyechcv as the Prince

and \'ladimir Le\'a~hev as 1he Evil Spirit
are virile. commanding perfonners. 0n

the other hand, the ballet iuelf is sim-
ply an arrantArcadian anachronism.and
Tchaiko,·sky's music. ucept for a fe..,.
eddiesoígloriousme!ody.fillsS¡ran V1.ke
with sugar water. But along with :ill its
are oromtn. Btta11u of lht ea,•, 11n11,11al mttltani.tal JtaJ11rt1and its prowu in
fauhs. the picture provides U.S. ballet• tomplliliml, mosl plOple /tnd lo lllilli: af /lit Soob a, a 1111111'1
uh kit. Yd, adual~
goeu ..,.ho minedthc llolshoi troupe dur-
ing bst year•s tour with a useful opportu- Ir, il a1N apptal., 1tro11glvlo lile ladin, a11da uu11t tr,rRr of 1()()() Olelltr• tclle
nity tosee thebestcompanyof classical 11.1rllf. MOII IOOffUIII !ih IM Soabfor thc,c reosa111:(J) lts i119t11io11.1
dancerll now at the barre ~ ltt. M(.011
loa.d 111w,hltl(lrt i11./aa Saab lha11)1(111
ca11in/o anv olhtr ,111all
udo11. (f) lt1 1or11hlllldli11g (ro11I-W'htd-drirt gll'ts tite car a wfe, 1olid and
The Granes Are Flying {Worner),
which won the top priu at the Cannes ,11rc-Joattdfuli11g
Film Festh•al of 1958, is a much more (t11t11011.,.o,i,a11dke)
excitinge:cpericnce. \\'ith theexceptionof ll'hkll trerr 1/'0lmlll
Sergei Eisenstein's fran the Terrible, it driur apprctialu.
is probably thc bcst Russian movic 1;een
in 1he U.S. since World War 11. (S) Ita ordic-/ypr
:\ladc by Mikhail Kalatorov.a middle- ho/,i:a/trhto.li11a
aged as.sociate of Eiscnstein's. Tke Crancs ran11111pf~ltra11d
Are Flyint tells the story oí 1wo young
tkfroetl rffieie11tl11.
students (Tatiana Samoilova and Aleici
llatalovl"hofalllnlo,·cjustbeforethe ,irw,booJ./rl,IITilltll
:\'aú in,·asion. He rushes off to thearmy, bvalf'O/IIOll,rfTI
leavin,:hcrale11eroíexpfanation.bu1 oll lhtFi11tPoi11tt
1hele11erismlslaid.andshethinksshe of lht Saab. Mar
has bttn jilted. \\'hen her ¡);lrents are
killedinanairraid,shegoestopieces 111.'eetlld)l(llllltOpJ/7--~-------"""-'
and lets herselí be seduced by a no-good
draft-dodgcr \\hO plays thc piano. Shc SAAB MOTORS INC., 405 Pi:uk Avenue, New York 22
.pend; the rest of thc picture in Siberia,
nursing wounded soldier:s and trying to
work hersJ)iritual passage home.
The story is u banal u it sounds,
but Director Kalatozo,• h:u told it "ith
smashing ,·en·c. He has ob,·iously made
thepkture he wantcd to make. relatively
of frcedom thrillsine\'Cry frame, Kalato•
ZO\' can seldom re~ist thc brilliant angle
~;t~r~~~J\I ;~:c:I:~~ •.Íx~•isc;f:ri:~::;:,~~
tacularly lnappropriate. But somchow the
vitalextravaganceof1he film cngages the
spectator and whirls him along in it3
whirling mood. This mood is personilicd
in Heroine Samoilo,·a. an astonishingly
imaginativeyoung actrcss who is the 1ype
of To!stoy's Xatasha-slcndcr. dark, u
pressfrc as a name.
Forall its,·arious vitalttics. TJ,e Crm,ts
Are Plying probably mauers less as :a.
modern Russian mood. 11 adds. for one
thing, to the mass of evidence that thc
is still inspired by the romantic idcals of
19th ccntury ··scr\'allls· litcr::tture." The
relax3lion oí the puritanical morality oí
the re,·olution: thc htroine errs. but b
a mild suggestion that people in Russia In America·a mo1t t.utefully furnished homtt, Heritage furniture
sometimes gct tired of the canncd ideas ia a living tradition. Hel'itage haa a geniua for interprcting the
cist beasts'') come in for sorne sly kid- 1ure recogni~e thía quality 11t a glanee. You will alw11y1 find
ding. So do thc professional women, ihe the Heritnge hallmark branded on lhe wood or wonn into thc
cmand¡xued amuons of Marli;,t society. upholstery. For booklet-living, dining, bedroom collediona-3end
But one C,a.,eJ does not makc a summer. fiftycentlltolleritage Furniture,lnc., Oept. T-2, High Point,N.C.

We help brighten a beautiful
Avon, world's largcst cosmetics producer, knows its
products hawt 10 be tops to intcrcst Milady at home.
That's why Avon dcnmnds quality throughout its plants
-why it switched to Sylvania Huorcsccnts. Only Sylvania offers this guarantee. Avon en,ioys it.
Ycars o( e:i:pcrience have proven Sylvania fluoresccn1s Doyou?
ofTer the lowest TCL, lowest T01al Cost of Light (which Sy/w111iP Ll11htlni Producu, a Oi,•I.Jion of S_v/,•gn/a El"'tric
mc:ms lamp cost plus power plus mitintenancc). Back- Prod11eu /ne .. Df'pt, Jlf. 60 Bruu,n St., Salf'm, MllSS. In
C'1J,w,JnSyfronia IJ«trk (CuMdaJ LIJ., P.O. Boi 1190,
ing up this economy is thc Sylvania Light lnsurance Sration "0,~Monirra/9.
Svt,s;d1a,yar GENERAL
STATE QF BUSINESS big ,·olumc whcn the markct st.:1gcsa rally record breakcr for Chcvrolct. We expttt
11 11 1 Che1•rolet dealcrs to 5Cll about 1,500,000
Frustrated Optimism ~:n c~ca~i~:~~gRtf m~':>'.
t~v~ ~t~ee~:! convcntional 11,11sscnger can, 300.000 Cor-
The uock markct w.1.J 11m:itter oí con- who thought that the markct "·ould read1 \·ain and 365.oootruck,. Suchanachievc-
cem lut v.ttk not only to lurritd in- its lo•n later in the ycar is now con\'inced mcnt would reprucnt an alltimc sales rec-
,·c•1or1 but to busine;iJmen 11orried about that the lows are about o,·er and that the ord forChcvrolct."
the im¡,:ict of its slide on C.S. business mukct will reach its 196o highs in the In thl-cloudymarkct µicturc.one thing
p,;rchology. In a ,,,cck oí wild pntioru. serond half. isclc.u thccompacuarestillscttlngthc
it plummcted u much H 11.1 l'°inu in a Dtspitc the m.:irket slump. inn•uors did sales pace. 1-·ord and Chry<ler are trim-
fe11,hours,bounctdb.1ckupagJin.roller- no1 he<it:11e to plunge in ,.,here tMy ming 11roductionschcduleson theirstand-
co:uted 1hrough the ,.-cck. Al 1nid:'5 cnd thoU3hl they .u.w ~methJnJ [tood. :\fter ud c:irs to stcp up production of comp.:icts.
the m:arket ,os do"1l to 6:1.:3 on the Paul \°. Shields. senior p;irtner in the andAmerican :\lotouaddeda third shift.
Do,..-Jones industrial avera¡i:e, the lownt .\lanhauan brokerage tinn of Shields is producing round the doclr.. Thc Wort-
point in fin: months & Co.. announced details of thc dcal to a11e oí comp.,cts is 110 ... ly beginning 10
Wall Strcct h.~d a Ion¡: face. but it "·u mcr!{c~AFI Corp. with Chris-Craít Corp case. but many dcalcr1 ue ,till cryin11;
not "ceping. lt wu not worricd about (Tn.n:. Fcb. 15). XAFI shot up 1oi for more comp.1cu. espccially on thc \\'~t
any downtum in thc cconomy; instcad points durin¡¡: thc .,,cck !O close at i9i, and Ent coosu. Rambler led the Jan-
it wassufforing from frustrattd optimism. !ead the exchan¡¡:c in tradin¡i:. Polaroid uary comp.1ct-s.alcs puade with 35.000
The Strcct and in\·~tors throoghout 1he ror.e more th.an 6 points durin!{ the week can. follo.. ed h)' Ford'1 Falcon (31,0001.
nation &cernedto havc forgottcn that thc and respcct.ablc gains wcre chalked up by Che\-'rolct's Cor,:air (19.0001. Studcbak-
decadc's ¡i:rowth would not be cvident im- Texas lru;trumcnts and Ampcx er·s L.ark (9,100) and Chry!lcr's \'a!iant
mcdiatcly. Said A . .\loyer Kulp. vice prui- ,\ bi¡i: pan oí the markct slump has (8.1001. In o\·erall s.ales. Che\•rolct pullcd
dcnt oí the \\'ellin¡non Fund, se<:ond big- bccn blamed on thl- withdrawal of thc aht-ad oí the í1c]d "'ith 1n,ooo can. v
gc•t l.'.~. mutU3l iund, ·"The markct ha,¡ institutions írom thc market sorne time Ford's 113.000. '.\lany fore~ can .,.-ere
bttn too im¡1,11ticnt.Mcn·s minds ju•t ¡i:ot a110. :\lany oí thcm tumed to bond•. alrcady feeling thc compctition. and im-
thingi !<Oaring100 ooon.'' Scldom in W1ll short-tenn ¡i:ovcmment securiti~. or cub. porb, tbougb still bit. 111crcdo111'II more
Street's history lud the tur1U1bout írom L.ut ..-ecl; there wcre signs that the msti- than 10<'¡ ~incc bst June
!iddy op,timism to pcs.;imi3m bcen so tutioru were comin¡t baclr. into the market. Thou,h Detroit is confuscd.itstill ex•
abrupt. Mauachusen.s lnveston Trust.biggnt U.S. pcc11thcspriniruptumtha1appcarcdlast
Xow 1h;1t thcy have come down to mutU31 íund, reponed that it 1ns fully yearafteranabsenccofthreeyears.Said
earth. Wall Strcctcrs cxpcct a yur of in\'C$ted in common 1tock1. Tlle Boston the :\lorgan Guaranty Trust Co. "Thc
stcady 11row1h inm:ad of 1oaring boom, Fund, which h1d IM,en making "1•cry dis-~11JX>lntmen1 in January may mean a
and a JX1$5iblerecenion in 1961. But lleavy" n!es of common stocks, s1opp1.-d somc .. hat slowcr p,icc of auemblles for
lhe)' do fur that tbe disappearancc of !!Clling.SaidJohn 1'.Cha11e,pre5identoía thefirstquarterthanluid11re1"iouslybccn
l)al)('r proí1U may havc made many in- Boston invesLmcnt counselin11 firm. who planncd. But it does not mean that the
•·htor1 turn cautious, .u lc.151temporaril)·. manages two mutual fund, and ad\•iscs automobilc muket has suddenly turncd
tlley are al.;o unhappy at tbe dccrus.e in othen with $,cioomillion in othcr ca¡lital

- ~=~.
soft. lt is uill bc11ertban it wu in Deccm-
~tock hu)'mll:. sincc thcy íccl that onl)' ..,\t the cnd of tbe year ,.-e .,.ere •tour bcr, and bettcr than i1 •';11 & year ago.''
~~¡e::;!~cd~:ei~:a~yilnng ~':cc!3:,'. GOVERNMENT
mon stocks for tbe lint time this year."
Echoes of Suez
Whither Autos 7 Whcn thc Justice Department's trust-
Asu,ualaLthistimeofyear.thekc>·to buuen J,:0t an iodictmcnt agamst 19 ma-
much of 196o's economic hulth lics hid- jor U.S. oil companies in 1958, char!{in11
den in a \·l1al <1ue5tion. llo\\ bi,11a ycar a criminal conspiracy to boost oíl pl'ices
"ill it be for aut01> Automen 1raditional- aíter the Sucz cri•is. llfCdictions wcre free
lymakcallfave tr)'al guessing thcanswcr that the trial would last six months or
ontllebasisofthelatestules.w·hichro«! more. But lait wcck in Tuls.a.Okla .. after
,o.;'1, inJanuaryovcrlastycar. Uut this atrialoíbarelytcncl.Jys.FcderalJudgc
ycar the si,11niñcancc of tbe fi11:uresha~ Royce H. S:ivage acquitted the compa-
bctn cloudcd by thecarryover cffecu oí tbe ni~. Said Judge Snage. ••J ha.vean ab-
stcclstrikeand thefim full model year solute con\·iction th.i lhe defcndanu are
for the com1>acu. l.:ut ..-cck Detroit cut not ¡i:uilty:·
batir. autoproducl>on, but that onl>•thick• The heart oí Justice's comp(aint "º
cned thc cloud1; automcn blamcd much th3.t Standard OiJCo. (X("fl·jcrscy)an1I
ofthecutba.ckon11,11ru1hortages . .,.·catht-r
and changCO\-'Cr~ in production. :!!o:~~~::'s :~,ri;¡C:rt:dsi::.'~i~~b~:
"\\'e·rejust iloating in asea of ñ11ures Oil & Rctinin¡i:Co .. ggc; owned by Jersey
thatwedon"tknowho\\ toinLupret."said Standard. srnrted the hall rol!ing and
atopFordcxecutive,"JfyoutakeJanuary most of tbc industry had quickly fallen
andseasonallyadjusti1,i1lookslikca intolinc.
6.300,000 rear, Lncluding imporu. llut if o,.,elHunt. Ordinaril)', such an in-
youñgurcth3.tpan oí January·s10111!isa dustry-widc case would have draggcd on
carryo\'f:r from l'.o\·emberand Dcccmbcr. interminably. Judge Sa,-agc would hal"e
itloolr.slikea6.100.ooo-caryeuno1100 noneofi1.L'1in11acivil-suitproccdurt.
differcnt from 1959," hcheldprc•trialmcctingstoM,ttleonthc
Chc\'TOlet Boss Ed Cole. M,llin~ out major poinu al issuc. Dcfcnsc attorneys.
"i1h a phalanx oí salesmen on a ,.,.·o-.,.cek for cumple, disa¡trccd on "·hat pcrccnt-
u,i tour 10 stir up dealcn, quickly made his age of tbe market theirclicntsheld. Judgc
lxPOu,:o CAH os XEw Jeun Doci,; choice. Said he; ''1Q6o promises to be one Savage notcd that a ptrccntq:c point
In o roce with the compach. oí the best sclling yean in history. and a citber "';l)' .,.-ould malr.e little dilfercnce.
90 TIMf, HIRUAlY 22, 1960
'·\\'e af{rMd on 65~.;• uld onc d~feMc THE ECONOMY nornic11t Huvard. il ishcldtogethcrby
attorney,"1ndv.entontothcnc:rt1tem." a 1in¡,:lctheme. thc V.S. corporation is a
At the tri.al. Lhc Co\-cmmcnt took only Judging the Giont ne.-and uni11uc S)'<tem thal has lcft bc-
!-C\'Cn days 10 prcsent it1 ca.e. argumf{ Thcl.'.S.corpon.tionisamodrmle\·ia• hind old-1tyle capitalia.rn 1nd M1Cb.lism
1hat1t•·uillcplforap11rentcornp,anyto Iban that has grc.iter im¡1,1ct upon the alikf'-f.nd 1uffercd sorne woni1<1megrow-
consult 11ith 1ub6idiarica on prices. Co,·- li\·e,;1nd íonuncsof Americans than In) in,: pains in thc 11roc:C"l~.
emmffll b"·)-CT1 contended that Hinct othtr force out.si& Co<►\'tmmtnt. The 500 Smíling Bureoucroh. Ahhou111h 1he cor-
llaker. thcn prc,ident of Humble Oil laT)l«t t:.S. corporations cmbncc nc.uly por1t1on <bits back to thc 14th ccnturr.
talked 11i1h Standard oí Jel).Cy l'residcnt 1.. ·0-thirdsofall non-1,11:ricultur1Icconom- it "'IJ thc L'.S. hu•ine~sman 11·ho dc,-cl-
'.\lonrocJ. Rathbonc 1bout a pricc hike in icacti,•ity.rmployonr:ine,~r)' sc,•ffl U.S. opcd it into thc mo~t cffidcnt machinc to
Louisiana in Deccmbcr IQ~6. that Rath• .-orkers. 11·icld mu..sfre economic llOWCr handle tht cnonnous compluities oí mas<
bonc reponed thc mattcr to Jcrsey·s cx- 0\'Cr thc •hole t:.S. econorny. !lo,.· are productlon11U1•s markctsandm:i«financ-
ecuti\c committtt. and that an iodu!lry- corpor.11ion.usin11:1h.l1po11·cr•Wtu1prob- in1[. In thc 1,roc:C1,..<.
thc corporation has
•idc boo,,t 1tarted MIOfl aftcr. The Co\·• lemshasit crcatcd' htcomc I llOlitical 1nd ,ocia! 5)"•lffll a!i
emmml qU5tioncd Llon Oil Co. \'ice In Tl,e CorJ,<Wolion i1. J/ofluw Slf,(ifl.Y •rll u 1n cconomic onc----11 sttte ,.ithin a
Presiden! Jobo E. llo.-dl about a H• IHan~rd l.ºni\-crsity Pre<,; $6.;~ 1. 1-4top- ~t.llt'. Imperial dccisions art r11tiiied in
Tlff of phone convenation~ •ith top oil- H111h1 cconomists. b11')-CT1 and pohtic1I Ki- thiJ •~.11 atmo,phcrc."' Y)"I Earl Latham
induqry uccutivcs. llo-..dl uplained cnli U takc a se:irchin1 and rom11rrhcn- proft!Wlrof political scicncr1t Amhr:r-.t
that the c1lls -..ere about I duck hunt in •i\'C look 11 thc corporate fiant. A. A. rolltl(e. "deci•ion~ to di\·idc up thc l.'.S ..
,\rkans.;a~-n()( crutk-oil prices. Thc CO\'• llcrlcJr .... hoscboohoncorporatcpo"cr dcvclop \"enezuc13. support 1n Arah oli-
ernment 1!1<1introduccd 1 11ire from Con- h.we bccomc dhsic~. calls thc book. in ifarchy. lenl(then nrssothat thry litno-
linenul Oil E:o:ecuth·e \"ice l'rc•ilknt his forc,rnrd. •·thc hc,;t body oí materi3.l body"11(ar1111cappro\·etrcati« 11ithother
C'harlu A. Perlita to C'onoco Prc,idtnt on thc American corporatc 1~·~temrct or- '-ltrapit"1ofeconomicpo11·cr1ndinHutnct.··
Lconard r. '.\lcCotlum in -..hicb he •rote fcrcd:· Edited and vrith an introduc1ion With thc chant:c in tht corporation·s
.iter much talk about crudc oil ·11.nc hy E<hrard S. .'.\lason. profc<,<,0rof ceo- 1u11urc.points out Eiqi:mc \'. R1Hto"'_!kan
not heard from Proctor u yc1:· Mr. Proc-
tor. indicated thc GoHrnmmt darkly,
v.u encutivc vice pre~idtnt of Culf Oíl
Cor¡► •. anothn of thc defcndants. Cono-
ro·1 answer: thc refcrcncr to Culf's l'roc-
lOT wu about fmnncinf{ for thc Trans- RUSSIAN WATCHES •re newnt CYRUS EATON STOCK DEAL
C'1n:id., pipeline. in -..hich alliliatcs of imporll. Called the Majak, they will to con1olid•te E1ton'1 Por11mouth

C'onoconndCulfeachhad ■ 1;,...<intercst. be aold by Chiugo•, lmport ANoci-
11u firm for ll8.!IS.
Righh of Porenh. Whcn it carne time
for the dcfenSC', the oilmcn did not e\-cn NONSTOP JET FLIGHTS to Rome
bothcr to prffeflt a fonnal dcfenSC".Said will be aurted from New York by (Tlfll, Jan. 19, 1959), will bt"COme
Jrr,cy Standard l..a,.)'er Hul(h C'oI Hum- TWA nnt May with Bocina: 7071. chairmanof Dttroit Stnl.
ble and JcrKy had indttd di5cuS5Cd Fli¡ht lime: Bhour,.
price~. '"Uut ,.hcrr's thc 1>rice li:<ill( in MONTHLY INVESTMENT PLAN
FAR EAST TOURIST BOOST will of New York Stock E11chan1e had i11
th:it> Jerst)' Standard isa holdil!J com- rnult from e•panded jet ,ervice in buty11rinl!IS!1.1dded46,0001tock-
pany ith.unopriccs. Nocourthuhcld 1!160. E1timated l?S,000 Americana. hold1rt, nurly 25 1 , oí 1h1 207.SOO
1h11 p,trcnu cant d1!oCUJ~ 1nd agrn: on 151 0 more than la11 ynr. wlll travel plana be¡un 1ince 1954. Plan mem-
priccs. A drcilion that thi, "ª' in ,·iola- beyond H1waii to Par Ent and South
Pacific. 1pcnd 1130 million v. 1111
b1r1 boul(hl UJ.415 1haru worth
tioon of the J.a., ,.ould affn:t hundred,
and pcrhap$ tbou~nds of linn1. A dn.Sli( million lut yur.
rcorgan~tion of the ,uucturc of busi- CHRYSLER CORP. LOSS in l!IS!I
COPPER-STRIKE pac:1 wa1 acreed •••IS,431.024 r.l33.124,S6Sln 1951.
nru ,.-ould resu1t.•·
Thc J.a,.·yers for thc 19 011 companirll
moved for acquit11I. Judl(e Sav11geuphcld
1 0
~i1~ ~~d
f;:: 1
or'íif,~2 c:.,•mi~n~
TOH 22•. 1012.6 hillion.
thcm. Said Socony .'.\lobll Chalnnan F"rcd ~'!'1t !~~- ~~~~;d,!1 ~:f11!m~ :t-d:fi
\\', BartJctt. UThc 1cqu,ua1'1 coming but ended the Urih, which lhut CONSTRUCTION BOOM totalina;
downso•• of1heindu1try.Th1thr11- 1670billionovcrth1nutunyeani1
•·1thout neccs;,1ty of prr»cnlll!J0Ur dc- y11r contract _providu 4.115 Anacon- foucati by Altaf1tsctu1U1. f'o1u111.
ítnsc!.imply pro,·u 111uit 11e hnc ¡¡id da workeu w1th hourly w11e boo1t1 Total will be more 1h1n wu 1pen1
1ll1long-tha11hecue111instus¡>ro\-cd from J5f 10351. durin1 pan JSyuu.
llMl, fEHUAIY 22. 1t60
of the Yalc La\\ School. lhe public ima11e
of it h.u drastically changed. Once, thc
corporation was symbolized by ';a grim
Builder of Skylines ing his stnli on 10 ncw· fcau of moncy-
makin11:• Tocl:ay it proudly bo.uts oí i\3
dcseT\ing students. sp;irks fund dri\-es.
ERWIN S. WOLFSON joinsincommunityalfairs.
Is 1hi1 ch.inge all to the good? ~ot at
all, uys Dean Ro~tow•,11hai put the cor-
There will be jusl a fewmorc hcrc, but llOTation in danger oí for11e1tin1tth.it its
itdO!'sn"tbotheru1." realhusine~sismakin¡tmoneyforitsstock-
Wolfson"sphilosophica!calm concnl1 holdcrs. \\'hile not swec11ingaway !cgili•
a¡;:cnuine,almostintcllectualucitement matcsocinlad,·ances.he¡ivesthcbnckof
about construction. Tlle wn oí a Cin- his hand to thc idea that a corporntion ha~
cinn.11i pant$makcr. he majorrd in phi- anyotherprime dutics,callsit'"bewildcr-
losophy and political Kience :n thc t.:ni- ing ba.ldcrduh. ·• For cumple. despite ali
\"Cr<ity of Cincinnati, wenl to Florid.i thecurrrnt calls for corporatestatcsman.
altergraduation in 1914 to cuh in on ship in price scning. he insiJU th.it price5
the Florida. land boom. lle anda put- should not bescton thebuisolpublic
ner bou~ht two lot1 for $7,000, pyra. orpolitic:ilpolicy,butonthcnccdsofthc
mided their investment into a tidy for- corpora1ion and what the markct will bear
Lune in a fcw ycarJ-then lost it ali -thehi¡herthe bettcr.Todootherwise.
when thc hubblc bunt. But thlt did he uy~. oftcn dOC3more harm th.:m good
THE :\lanhattan skytinc is :in cvu- not shatter Wolhon"s lo,·e affair ""ith '"The ncw· corpor31e moralily may rc,;ult
chan,ing ~norama thJt has btcn building. He wenl to Xew York. gol in prices and wagcs ,.-hich sabota,l'e the
picrccdby131nt,.·officebuildingssince 11·orkas assistant timck«per on a con- markct mechanism and 1ystcm11ically dis-
19.n in the world's biggcst building struction job. steadily •oorkcd his "·ay ton thcallocationofrcsources.'"
boom. Onc of the mtn ,.-ho lus done the UJ> in thc buildín.11'.business until he Shoreholden' Democrocy? This ncw·
most to dun¡rc tht skylinc j3 a quid, btcame an uecutivc in a Manhattan cor¡,orate morality is thc product of thc
5tudiou5 º"'lltr-builder named Erwin S. construction firm. In 1936 he and l profes.sional manai:cr, thc new type of cor-
(for Servicc) Wolíson. 1.:ist week \Volí- pnrtner(whodicdin 1951) formedDie- llOrate boss. "ho has takcn over from the
son. s;. w35 busy prep:1rin!I,'for thc big- sel Elcctric Co. to initall powcr plants old1ime ow·ncr-entrcpreneur. Such mcn,
¡re•t buildin!I,'joboí hs ldnd e,·cr undtr• inbuildings.in1937!wi1cht'<itoput- .1-.1y1\\'.Lloyd\\"arncr.profcssorofsocial
takcn in Nn.• York C'ity. a 59-story, ting up their own buildings. Wolhon resc.1rcha1Mich~anSt1tet'niversity.are
S100 million Grand Central City tlut admits 10 luck in !(Cttinl[ in on thc no1hin2likethepo11ulncaricatureofthe
will ri.e ju3t north of :\lanb.t11an'1 buildinl[ boom at the ri,:ht time. but Org1niution )lan. \\'h.it makcs a top u-
Gr1nd Central Terminal. he quicklyshoweda knack forthctradc ccuti\-e is that hchua highlyde,·eloped
Otherbuildcu,not.1.bly \\'ílliam Z«k- that pu,hed hi.! company ahead. ~nscofindependence,canmakegreuin-
tndorf. Ju,·cseen thedrcamofa Cmnd di\'iduJ! dcdsions that would drive lbs
Central CiLy vanish before thc hard re- Guso C..:su,11. C1rv complcted wi!I cap.,blc mcn into ncrvousbreakdowns
alitie1 of finance. but Wolhon ne:uly makc Wolbon Xew- York's No. 1 Wh.it bothers most oí the book"s con-
tumed thetrick. Hcalready hasall the offLcebuildcr. His ñrm has jusi finished tributors isthat therearcvinuallyno
upital needed to llart building: S15 :\lanhattan's ñrst midtown motel near pri,·3te ci1izcns lelt to question such de-
million from City Centre Proptni", the Hudson Ri>·er. w·ill JOOn start con• cisions. Ue.~pite the talk oí ""sh:archol~r~•
Ltd .. one of 8ritain's lal"Jl;'.~Ireal e~late 1tructionofanew·officebuildin1ton Puk dcmocnq•;· s:ir1 Abram Chaye.s. proírj-
ooi:aniutions. 0n May , . Wolhoo·s Die- ¡\\•enuc.De,.pitcathorolll{hkno"·lcdge lOr of la\\ i.t Har\"ard. stock is so \\idely
sel Comtnmion Co. will begin dcmol- of thc bui]dinit busineq, Wolbon con• scattered th:at sh.ireholdeu havc littlc s.:ir
i,hini: the six-story building that starub siderJ himsclf •·oo~ically a Ult'5man:· in how their moncy i~ 11•ed.Largc stock•
onthesite. Snyshe: '"Tenanudon"t jusi come. You holders, who might wield powcr, oftcn
The ma~si\"C,J}•acrc octagonal towcr have to go and gel them. Thc fact thal dodgcthcis.suc. lfdiuatisfied,theysimply
oí metal. m.1!1-0nry and i:la~1 ¡.,lanned by 1 also know construction 11ndrcnl ntate scll out and J>Utthcir moncy e[5ewhere
\\"olfsonhasalrcadystirredhcatcdcon- hrokcragc 11frcs mean added plus. hut The one man who is sti!l D 1hre:it to
tro,·er,y. enn thouit:h \\"olf!I-Oncnlbtcd ha•icallylscllspacc"' unbridledcorporatcpoweristhcraider.
the talenu oí famcd Architccu Pictro As a sali,.man. Wolhon i• unusual• he ThoUJ¡h be is nol\· considcred "almost il•
studiesRu,si3nhistoryatni11htat:\fan. 1
Bcllu,chi and WaltcrGropius tode•itn
the buildinlf. Ci1y planncrs complain ha!lan's Xcl\' School for Social Rcscarch ~'!~
u~-=~~ic~e:)~ g~~i°;~º11"'ri~'ord::1:ad
that i1s huge population (15.000 work- (oí which he is a tru~tecl. is interested managcmcnt. or C\'Cn by carrying on a
e~l \\ill strain stn·icc íadlities in the in adult education, has cmbfühed a light that frightens man.1gement into re•
arca. and architccu i:rumb!e that thc chair oí philosophy at Brandeis t'niver- form. One suggestion for restoring thc
1, !Juildins: will be too bit (1.400.000 sq. sity. Though ~cw York City hu made stockholders·,·oicc:tru5tecstovotetheir
ft.) to achic,·e architcctural distinction. hi;¡ fortunc-his holdin11sare worth al- ~h:ares.watch out for thcir intercst1.
most $100 million-hc docs not like it Violoting Volues. The popular idea that
1 COXSTRUCTIO_x of thc building uapbcetolivc. He h,·eswi1hhiswife union~ are gradually takin11o,·er man:igc-
1 v.·ill be inordmatcly complu. Dur- and 1...-0 tecn-a¡;:e childrrn on a br!(e mcnt. says Seil Cha.mberlain, a direc1or
in11:it. tr.úlic must Hov. on the railroad estate 11 Purchue. in Wcttche5tcr Coun- of thc Ford Foundaüon, is nonscnsc.
tracl:sbtneath.on themo1orramp.s ttut ly, where hc ridcs his own horses,plar l'nion1 ha,·e won !1-0meof managemtnt"s
nowcutin1othepresentbuilding. Much tennis. Sl'l"Ímsin bis pool. In 1931 Woll- ¡10werto !egi<latewages, boursand work-
oí the w·ork \\ill h3\'e to be done Dt son dedded to retire to •·h.i,·e sorne ing condilions, but the)' h3\"e done .1!1
night. nnd materfal; will ha,·e rn be fun," He quickly became hored. Sars their fighting on ground chosen by man-
haulcd undcrgroundhy llntcar.opera- he: "Youcnne,·en¡ettohateyour agement. U.S. unionism has none oí the
tions coordinatcd on a split-second horseif>·ouridehimC\·eryd.1y.''With- militancyof a "bbormo\'cmcnt."' usually
schedule with the movcment of trains in two monthJ he l\"3.5bnck DI work fightsforafe.,.·immediatebcnefil!lnthcr
intoandoutof1he1crmin31.5ayJ\\'olf- once more rcfühinr the heady thrill of th3nb31ic,longtermM>Cialclunges."Wh:it
··rroblcms are nomul on my job. ch.inging thc dty"s 1kyline. idealist can be challenged now by the
92 TIM~ fHIUAn l2, 1960
no hands!
Now. no other sma\l.11izc copying machine
mnkes copying so fast. easy, and econom-
ical! With Bnrning's great new Model 120,
you make copies in a single pll8s through
the machine. No manual separntion of
original and copy after exposure. No
reinsertion of copy for developmcnt. The
Model 120 automntically separntc11 copies
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get the copies in seconds for only lf
each for materials for letter size. See for
younielf how this one-and-only multi-
purpose copying machi ne can slash clerical
time and work, ssve you in co11ntles11ways
for general office copying. Use the coupon
below for fasL action.

Charles Bnming Co .. lnc. Oept. 2a

lMO Central Road, Mt. Proepect, Ill.
Office■ in Principal U.S. Cities
In Canada: 103 Church SL, Toronto I, Ontario
O Ple1111e~nd me infol'm11tion on your new Model 120.
O PIC!llae arrange ro,.a Bruniog M11n to contact me
~-----Title ___ _
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'plight' of workers strugglins.: lo secure
an incrcase in pay so 1hat they may
For ali its ¡:reat allll ¡:ood points, the
corporntion has set upa S)'Slem, !la)'S
Profcssor L:itham. "which violates thc
prevailing ,·a!ues oí thc American dcmoc-
racy." A single steel company can es-
tablish"administercdprices"' forthewhole
industry. Auto companies can decree 1he
insist the consumer wants-though Pr1r
fessor Latham points out that the con-
sumer is not comµ!e1ely helpless. lly re-
íorexample, he has forced the compact-
carrc,·olut'onon managcment.
Model for the World. The most im-
portan! fact about Tlu; Corporo.tion i11
Modern Soúety is that its au1hors criti-
ciiewithoutcondemning. Thcreisnocry-
ing voice for drastic relonn. hui rather
a well-reasoned belieí lhat thecorporation
would be hcalthier if it wcrc made more
rcsponsÍ\'etothedemocraticprocess.Most Tomm,w.be,
of the contributors do not want more Doucus· Doucu,s & Sun·s HtREIL
Government control, would like tosee the Low bow for a pretty penny
corporationand socict)'----SOclosclyidcnti-
lied with it-work out reforms logethcr. acoming. Hardly was 1hc ne ...-~ on the
The difficulty of such reíorms is evident tickers when thc Cara\"elle m:i.de its first
inthcfaetthattheeontributorsdonot bi¡i U.S. breakthrough. In Oenver. United
always agn.-e among thcmsclvt'.';! :100ut Airlines announced a $6o mil!ion order
what is good for the corporation. sorne• to Sud for 10 Caravelles (with an option
timcsprcsentcontradictingtheses. íor 10 more), thc firsL time that United
Throughout the book run5 a critica] has bought any1hing but U.S. planes. An-
rccognition that, despite its many faults. other C11ravellchas bccn sold in theU.S
the U.S. corµoration has, by ami lar¡tc to Jct-Eni:ine Builder General Electric
U5ed its awl'somc efficil'ncy wdl. has be- Co., which will use the µJane :is a llying
come a modcl for the world. ";\o one showroom for its new CJ-So5-13 aft-fan
doubUI the supcriority of American busi- engine. which dclivers more thrust for
ness managcmcnt," says Profcssor Mawn, lowcr fucl consumption than standard jet
'·Unwitting testimony, if testimony is engines. G.E. secs a brighl future for the
needed, is SUPllliedby lhe care with "'hich medium-range Frencb plane, and wants
Soviet planners. examine American man- itsengincto replace LheRolls-Royccpow-
agcmcnt practicC$." In its racc to catch cr plant now in Lhe plane
up with lhe U.S., Russia. e"en in its Right Plone, Right Time. The Cara-
''wdalist" world. is moving more and "elle's victory wasa dassic case oí a hus-
more toward entcrprises thatare bc¡¡:innin~ tlin¡: company"s building the righL plane
in many respccts to resemble the U.S attherighttimefortberightpricc.While
corµoration U.S. µlantmakcrs sewed up the market
íor big, long-range je~ Ci41 orders worth
$1.1 billion). no one wu producing a
AVIATION smallcr jet for mute$ of IC$Sthan 1,1)1)(1
Jet-Age OC-37 miles. Slarting in 1951, Sud gol to work
Douglas Aircraft Co.. íor decades a
of U.S. world 1upremacy in com-
mercial a\'iation, made a low bow to for-
apart. Pricc: bct.,.·ecn $1.500,1)1)(1and
ODOR·FREE ABLOODHOUND cign compelition Ja5t wcck, and by so
doing pul itsdf in llOSition to µick up
$J,l)l)(l,OOO--about half thc cos.t oí a
DC-8 or Boeing ¡07. The f,rst füghts oí
COULDN'T FINO HIM ! aprctt)·pcnny.Inl\fanhattan,Prcsidcnt
Donald Douglas Jr. announccd th:H it
thc ncw ¡1lane ,.,ith engincs placed near
the tail wcre so successful thmt cight air-
was joining with France·s Sud-A,·ia1ion to lines (amon¡: them: Air France. S,\S.
::::~~: :hs:encel:11:~:~::~! t~ sell Sud's up-to-Su-pas.senger. 300 m.p.h .. Alitalia, Sahena, Yari¡;) ha,·c ordcred 6o
\llanes. Thc nperts think that is justa
•:•TRIG checks odor up to 27 ~ twin-jet C11rave!leairliner in world mar-
kets. Douglas got exclusive sales righ1s starter. forcca•t a potential North Ameri-
hours, perspJratlon ali dayl in the U.S. and Latín America. plus ¡).lr\S can market oí 500 Caravellcs as rep!acc•
~• TRIG protectlon bullds for oí Asiaand Africa. ,\t first. ali ¡,lanes will ments íor aging piston-engincd cnft.
hours alter you rolllt on. be \Juilt in l'rance. but when Douglas The man who gets credit for the Cara-
orders get big cnough (more than 50). velle, and íor turning Sud-Al'iation into
That'e slaylng powerl
Douglas wi!I make the Carave!le in thc France·s big¡;est planemaker (n,1)1)(1 cm-
~TRIG""ii"iisacTiiañsmell ~ U.S. This mcans thaL Dou¡;Jas will prob- ployces). is GcorgC$ Hereil, 50, a bluff,
a neat roll-on applicator ably not bui!d its DC-9 medium-range breciy busines.sman who opcratcs bis na-
jet, hopes that in the Carave!le it h:i.sthe tionaliud comp:rny wilh a frce-enlerpris-
BY BRtSTOL.-MYi;;Rs, MAKi;;Rs OF jet-age equiva!cntof the DC-3. in~ Ha.ir. '"Pri,·atc or public company,"
BUFFEAIN•, VITAL.IS•, IPANA• Douglas ¡1ro<luction may not be long 53.ysHcreil,''l'vegot1hesamcphilosophy

94 TIME, fURUARY 22, 1960

iherc are a hundrcd printing jobs in
Which every officc. Any onc o( them can
turn into a major headachc if it
doesn·t go jusi right. And that's why
Paperwillcure Hammermill makcs so many diffcrcnt
kinds of papers. Sorne of our favori1c
"headache remedies"are shown here.

yourpetheadache? Your printer will be glad to use any

of thcm íor your work. Hammcrmill
Paper Company, Erie, Pennsylvania.

Annoyed when your travel folders Wam to put your bcst foot forwnrd? Ashamed to sign some of thc lcttcrs
don·1 look inviting? Far-away places Your annual report makes a bettcr you send out? You won't be with
beckon you on HarnmermilJ Op:ique. impression on Hammcrmill Offset. crisp, bright Hammermill Bond

!·lave to kecp menus mouth-water- Afraid someone will alter your Raising the roo! about dclays? Busi-
ing from breakfast to dinner? Use checks? They won·t if you insist on ness forms keep production moving
firm, smooth Hammcrmill Cover. Hammermill Safety for protection. Use Hammcrmill's Whippct Bond

Have to gct out 200 copies of a Tired of ledgcr shects gening dog- 22 different papers to hclp you prin1
memo- rush? Do the job fast on eared, hard toread? Switch to sturdy almos! eve.ryjob. Ask your printer
lin1-free Hammermill Mimco-Bond. Han1mermill Lcdger now and relax. to use thcse Hammcrmill papers.
-to makc moncy for oursharcholdcrs."
\\'hcn Hcrcil took ove, in 1946.heknew
liLtle about planes bcyond how to íastcn
liquidatorofailingcomp.:1nies, by World
ram:ing from a concert hall to bakcrics
The lirstwarning el!'rled posts all over tha Unltcd Sta+esandCanada.Un1dcntilicd andgrocerystores
Up frorn the Boies. At thc time. Sud
airborne cbjects seemed to be approaching a! supers.onic specds from many d1rect,ons. wasstrug¡tlingalong,making lceboJ<tsand
1Simultaneously In control centers throughout North Americe men and machines dea!\ gngeneratingcngincstostayalive.Hercil
,hook up dc~ign and production teams,
with \orrents ol da1a. Watching blips on radar scopes, crews made dec,s;ons whlch got thego\'cmmcnt'sO.K. to dcvclop the
ordcredwcaponslodcstroytheaUaders.lnterceptorpllots repor!edover loudspeakers Caravcllc. From the lirst the Cara,·ellc
was aimed at thc big (.;,S, :iirlincs. llolt3
As lhe enemy re11ctedand shilted, fresh insiruct1ons crackled !hrough command phones and rivcts for ali removab!e p.:1rts wcrc
f But no ,oc~ets were hred. No bombs lell. The blips carne from magne!lc tapes made made to l,;,S, standard•. Says Hercil: "I
by a single hlgh-speed computar. Called OperaHon Desk Top, th¡s w,n a simulated raid don't belie,•c in commercial chaul'inism,"

-the most gigantic ever arranged-to eJterclse the North American Alr Dele Me m:Í~ª:~i~~!'·
c:~a~;~~i-~ti~ :::¡~1::,, ~:~
System. In pl11nning it, SDC made tour billion calculatlons and siJt 11nd one,thlrd ,·clopmcnt cost. Thc com11any showcd a
loss on 1959 ulcs oF $too million. will
mile-s of magnetic tape. 1 To tr11ln m11nagers In declsion•making, lo eJterclse als.olosemoneyin 196o. Butthecomp.:1ny
is dcep in missile work. has kept i1s re-

fits!oallkondsolmilltaryarid non•m1htary. -,JLW
frigerator business growin!l umil it is
France's third higgest produce, with 6o,•
looks for hclp from Sud's booming hcli•
systemswt>lchSDC&n11is1onsforlhelulure ----- copter business: Sud has had 500 ordc111
Sy,tem Development Cotporatlon A non-profit corporation devcloplng large tor iu ~dcnt_Alouene)ct. now tlying
1n n nauons. is de,·elopm2 a three-iet.
computer-based control systems to, mihlary, scientilic, and governmental oper11t,ons. !4-11assengerl'hirlybirdanda1en-tonfly-
1 Profess1on11Istafl openings 11r11111
Santa Monlca,Calilornia and Lodl, New Jersey mg crane

1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 New Policy for MATS

Thc commcrCla! airlines. with a big as-
1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 si.u from Oklahoma'5 Democratic Scnator
A. S. ("Mike") l\lonroney. last week won
1 1 1 11 their long hattle to force the ;\Jili1ary Air
Transport Scf\•ice to stop competing for
1 1 p.1ssengers and cargo. In the future,
i'll,\TSwill lunctiononlyasa"hardcore"
THE IMITATION REAL THING carricr transporting troops. weapons and
mi~siles for the armed force~. Thi$ pollcy
~hift will Force .\IATS to surrender 1hc
hu!k oí its militaryand \'ll'Government
pa~s,o,nger and freight husin~s to thc
pri,·atc airlines, which will amount toan
Munroncy camp.1igncd to reoricnt
.\l,\TS not only to :;top it from muscling
inon theairlinMbuttoimprovcitsd:un-
al(cd milit:try cffectil·eness. lle charged
ihat obso!cscence h.,d all but crippled
MATS' 455-planc air rlret: two months
ago .\IATS was forccd to ground all its
Wright Turbo Compound-powcred Con-
\erns, and it has kcpt its C-114 Globc-
mastel'5 in SCT\>Íceonly by cannihalizing
disablcd ships. l\lATS is in such ~d
dozen commercial aircraft for the airlift
of :o.ooo soldicrs to ncl<l month's Army
maneu,·ers in Puerto Ricoand tolill holes
lcít in the regular .\IATS system by di-
1·erting MATSplanestothemaneul'ers
lly getting MATS out of thc hair oí
the pri1•atc airlines . .\lonroney ligured
Congrcss will re-cqui11 it. okay dcvelop-
ment oí a new· L:.S. cargo plane jointly
sponsorcd by thc Governmcnt andpril'ate
care whcther it's pure jet or turbine pro-
pellu, In the kind of brush war busi-
ncssesthat maybePhead,wewanta large

.. That little red camera eye is such a powerful and penetrating
beam. It can help so much to light the darkness .. .''
So \\TOte Eric Sevarcid, distim;uished radio TV Cume'1 appcal. Litcrally cvcry facct oí
and TV news analyst and corrcspondcnt, in tclcvision is fair gamc-cvcrything from pro-
TV Cume. The point of thc picce? 'Thc t;ram pre\'Íews and rcvicws 10 TV's cífcct on
true 5tory of Amcrica is without cnd. TV has Japan. All of it is objccth-e and authuritative.
barely wuchcd it." 1\nd TV Gmm;'s huid on mure and more
The knowlcdgeablc commcntary of an readcrs accounts for its 46% growth in advcr-
Eric Scvarcid rcprC$ents only onc aspcct of 1ising rcvenue last ycar.

A.merlcn's best-soJllng ,vcokly mngnzlno .. cJrculntlon 7.250,000

cap.~dty aircraft that will 01,erate in and
out of short fLclds.·· Such a cargo plane
wou!d be equall)' useful 10 commercial
carriel'll. llut Congress would not oh}•
Timefora appropriations for such a pfane until
MATS wu no longer dircct!y competitivc
with the private airlines. lt was almost
impossiblc for MATS 10 ¡tCt any new

Checkup? cquipment of any kind. Lasl ycar the

House shot down a S66 million item that
~IATS tried to tack on iu budgct for thc
purchase oi ten DC-8 jet~.
To win bis batlle. ~lonroncy enlisted a
Who knows, maybe it is. You get ¡>011erhouseof ~upport: the National Sc-
checkups on C\'eryrhing else-your curity Council. Air Force Secretar}' Dud-
hralth, your kids, the car. lcy C. Sharpc, Federal A"iation Agency
Administrator Elwood R. Quesada (ur
So why not your irwestmems. 100? :-.11no:<ALAHMkS).andthe\\'hiteHouse.
Af1cr ali, times change-and so do ~IATS did not yield without a fight. E"en
in the Face oí official Alr Force appro"al
security ,·alues, The stocks you bought it still ha.s its diehard advocates of mili-
live years ago may have been just fine tar}· com1,etition with business. llut at
for your purposcs rJu,, - but wh:u wcek's end. the word had gone ou1 from
about oow? the Air Force·s ,•icechid of staff. General
Curtís Le)lay. to )IATSofficersthat they
Maybe yourohjecti\'CS have changcd. mu~t support thc new policy.
Maybe othcr stocks offcr far bctter
opportuniues. BUSINESS ABROAD
More Germon Mirocles
Wcst Germany·s astonishing postwar Pote,S1odpol_::.L,j
hcrc and 1herc in your portfolio. prosperity showed no signs of slackcning ESTHERWILLIAMS
That's why we think "'ery invcs1or itsheadlongpacein1959,accordingto Thi!'lRSseem&d simply swimmin1=1.
ÍL!(urcsrcleased last weck in Bonn. ,\s tbe
should gc1 a good financia! checkup nation's gross natíonal product rose 6.,f',"'c o,·er. 1hc ln1ernational Swimming Pool
from 1imc to time . . 6nd out just
!~at~itlc~ilfü.,n, there wcre many sooring Corp. "'as launchcd
On the sales charts. things wenl swim-
wha1 his invc~amcnt progr::im looks
Jikc to a pracriced, imparcial ob5erver (JStecl mil!s 1>0urcd a record 19.43 mil- mingly. Thanks largcly 10 Esther Wil•
lion tons, u¡,3.1 million from 1958. liams' namc and luscious prcsencc (she
And if you'd like 10 know what u·e q Automohileplannbuiltarccord 1,¡1S- tra\'elcd 100.ooomilespromotingthcpools
think oí the s1ocks you own, wc'll be p9cars, 15%morcthan in 1958. last year) . .alcs climbcd from $300.000
happy to 1cll you tJ Exportstotaled$().Sbillion.a gain from through 50 di,11ribu1ors in 1956 to more
195Sofmorethan$1 billion. Mainitcms than $9.000.000 with ¡61 distributors in
Our llesearch Department will mail e~1)0rted: machinery. chemicals. elec1rical 1959. Hut last Deccmbcr. lntcrn:itional
you anobjecti,•e revicw of )'Our p~sent goods,auLos l'olun1arily filed an insokcnty statement
portfolio, gh·e you all the facts 1hey
q Long-term pu\Jlic and pri\'ate loan> with a U.S. dinrict coun in Xcw York.
O\'crseasrosctomore1han$ógomillion obtaincd permission to stay in business
can about any pMticular stocks you Prívate in\'C$tors snap1,ed up $309 million while it ncgotiated with its crcditors. The
may want 10 buy or sell, or prepare a inforeignstocUand\Jonds. ob,·iousquestion:Whyhadprofi1sfailed
So well off is thc a,·era¡:e Gcrman that to _kcep paGt,with soaring sales~. Other
complete inv<'stm<'nt program for any
a rccent survey showed 1ha1 only one s11·1mming-pool makcn thought 11 was
sum, any objeoivc mnn in three and one woman in six now largelyduetopoormanagcmcnl
Thcre's no charge for this service, knows what a loa! oí bread costs. Thcre Last weck Chairman Pruess offered an-
are so many morejo\Js than workcnthat other e~planation: "Thc fantastic cost oí
cithcr. \'Vhe1her you'rc a cus1omer or llonn·s Labor Ministry plans to brin2 in uploitingandpromotingthe EstherWil-
100,000 lta!ian. Spanish and Greck sea- liarnsnamc and likeneu:· Aítercstimat-
sona! laborcrs this year. Bonn's prediction ¡ngtha11hecompanyhadpaiditsg!amor-
If you"d Jikcan im·es1ment checkup,
for 1 96o: another 6C~ increase in thc na- ous 1iresident $6o;.ooo in 1hc p.1st 1hrce
just write u5 a lencr about your si1ua- tion·s G.X.I'. ycars. Pruess announccd that ln1crna-
1ion. You sirnply address-- tional's rtlationship "·ith .\liss \\'illiams
'·no longeruists." Rc1or1ed Actress \\"il-
RECREATION liams from Holly,.·ood. after pointing ou1
Without liquid Assets thatshchadinfacttakenlessthanthe
Four rcan ago. Don l'ru~$. oneLimc 5c~ a ycar duc her to hclp out thc com-
underwcar salesman. madc an unan- panr: "lfamancan'tpro\'idea s"tpay-
MerrillLyn,h, nounced bu.sine~s call at thc home of ment ona $1omilliongross to1hcperson
Cinemermaid Esther Williams near Santa whoisthc"·holercasonofthebusincss,I
Pier<e,Fenner& Smith ~lonica. His proposition. a 1iartncl'llhip don·1 think that man should be in charge
to mus-produce s"·imming pools at prices anymorc. l'mnotaccusinghim.hut I am
the a,·eragt homeowner could afford. Es- wonderin¡¡ where tht res! oí thc moucy
M•mb•" N•u• }óri S:orl, F.Jubtt"S.• therWilliams ·•muldgi\'chernamc to the went:· Her hope is that lntemational"s
d1'd ~11,11hr-,p,,,.r;pdl E,uh.,1ts,•s pools. promo1e them, serve as titular distributors will hold on until Scp1cmbcr.
70 Pine Sir«<, Ncw York ,. N. Y. presidtntof thecompany,andget 5<:,-of By thenshc hopestoha,·cset uphcrown
thegro!lll.Pruesswould runthecompany. "sound. wcll-ca11italizcd comp:rny." or,
Off,usi11/l2C;,;., provide the ini1ial $50.000 capital and one way or the other, to markct Esther
own the stock. Beíorc tht afternoon was Williams swimming ¡>00ls.
TIME,fEUUARY 22, 1960
,c)ltllt,.IT o, ,. KllLElt-hurrlc. ... off lhe u.s. EHt eo.st
5.,.1,1 at lell i1 "ar-•• ol tlorm. Numt,e,. indicna
H ÍI ·-··· °"Krttn Of R•rt- Sto,mfin<ie,
,.n .. In mllas lrorn ,ac1a,, IOc.aled In «ni.,

How a dangerous hm·ricane is tracked by the

U. S. Weather Bureau-with new Raytheon radar
Thc U.S. Weathcr Burcau now has a S1ormlindcrs not only help Y.Cathermcn Stormfindcrs cYcn indicatc altitudc at
ncw observation mcthod for accurate locatc rain. 1hcy a]so penctralc through which aircraft icins is Jikcly to occur.
pr«liction of slorms and adYance warn- rain to focus on the hean of a hurri- By dcYcloping and produc1na cquip-
in¡:s to spccific localitic:s. cane or thc "hook" of a tornado. mcnt thai will prOYidc adYancc storm
Raytheon ··s1ormfinder" radar:s will Each 250.milc ran¡c radar scans a warnin¡:s throughout thc cntitt nation,
to0n opera1c a1 31 Wcathcr Bureau 200,000-squarc-milc arca. Thc operator 1hc 41,000 mcn and womcn oí Ray-
sta1ions and cisht n:lYal ins1allations $1udie1 whole storm fron1s, 5CCSfog. 1hcon are making a major contribution
in a nctwork COYCrinsthc wholc U.S. drink, snow, shiftin¡ winds and form- to pfeguarding proper1y and protcct-
SeYcnunitsarcalreadyinscrYice. ing clouds-wca1hcr in thc making. ing lins E... ,i.... i. ¡:i.,,,...¡.,

RAYTHEON COMPANY w"'"'"• ••"'""""' -

OK:IKCUSAHDSCIUITISfS,forwhtflf;l"C -1 .. 111e1.11111
.,, .. lflec- I• 111IM\IMI .i tltcUMICI ... 11, (. N. Nt•II•. ,..insloftal , .. _. c-flflltor
One-Woman Evening
A Lovely light presents1\ctress Doro-
thy Stickney far rcmo,·cd fromhcrmost
íamous role. Where in Lije u·ith Fatlter
she pbycd Mrs. Clare11cc Day Sr.. an
rent onc-woman show shc half imper50n•
:i.tes, half intcrprets Edna St. Vinccnt
'.\lilfay, an unfettcrcd rcal-life bohemian
With a minimum of stagc props and
commentary, Actrru Stid:ncy has WO\'Cn
anautobiogr:i.phiulchronidcoutof Edna
Millay·s poems and Jcttcrs, from her
youthfu! dreaming in a )laine ~acoast
town through her Grttnwich Vil!age bo-
hcmian days and her marricd life with

"Ketchum, lnc. fund-raising direction ...

two campaigns, both successful"
''Kctchum, !ne. fund-raiJing dircction has ehurches, temples, Y'1, and Scouu. \\'rite
twicc pro,•cdsuccc:15fu1forour United Fund fo,-detai!s without obliga1ion.

~;:r1~!f1~·.?~~:~~~~~1~1t!1!e:~~;;: Ketchum, lnc.

mrndation we could ha,·c had. lt wa1ju1t Dim:lirm o/ Fund-Rmmig Campaigns
natural 10 cal! on them a se<:ond1ime. i\ncl CIIAMl'tl(R OF COMMERCE IIUlLl"..XC
it wa1 a good choice," »y, Mr. Wi!kim1on. l>ITTSIICRCII 19, 1>tsss,·Lv.-.s1.-.
This is jusi one oí ovcr 2,600 successful WlTH on,cu, ,.~, .,.,·.,
campaigns directcd by Kctchum, !ne. íor CHIC .. 00, ILL., CIIAUOT, H.C
Unitcd l'unds, Chcsu, hospital!, oollega, M""h", ,t,,.,,.;,.,,. Asi1t.,if F,,,,,J-R,,;s,,.,Cw,ur/
Eugcn lloissevain to her $0litary death
at 58. in a hilltophouse in the Bcrkshires
Akind o! tribute fromonewhogrcatly
adrnired Poet ~lillay·s work without
knowing thc author, A lot•tly light. hclp•
~~~::hii~:~:~l)íi,~~:~$; tf;~~~-~)¡~ss:}'~
plca.i.lnt theaterpiece. ~linglingpcrt com-
ment and factual color from the kttcrs
with the lyrical stresses, responses and
lon¡dngs of thc poems. Actress Stickney
niccly balances the mockin¡:bird and the
nightini::-a!e. the humorous down-to-earth
snort> and the impassioncd crics of a
woman rc,pondin¡i: to naturc, or in lo,·e.
J fi11d tl,is fre11:y ins11ffiúu11 reaso11
Fo, eo11:.·ersatio11wlitn we mee/ aga/11

l 011/y l:11owtliat tummcr sang in me

A litt/e:,.,liíle,tliat in me#"t.' no more
Thc actress has found ways to vary her
perfo~ance, has mana¡:cd not to_scnti-
mentahze and. once past Edna ,\hllay·s
own cutie-cute pcriod. offers rewarding
poetry. lt is a lihbte¡>erformance.
But if Actress Stickney respccu her
material. her materia! restricts l'CM!t~fj].
lay. Only glimp,ed through chinks Is that
ming!cd poet and woman "·hoduring thc
~m_1izcdan ~ra. Whether wi1h her gaily
d1¡ "'eur,Edna )lilby re5ha¡lCd romantic
lo,·e into lyricat sex. was one moment a
heartbreaker, the next momcnt hcart-

Democracy in Denmark
Once a year tha Danes share their love ol
democracy with tha people of the U.S. when
thousands of lhem gather to celebrate the
Fourth of July, our day ol indepe,idence, as
wholeheartedly as if it were lheir ow,i, In its
series on Democracy Around the World, LIFE
takes you to democratic Denmark this week.
In 14 pagas ol piclures lsix In color!. you
look al a country that has learned to live the
good lile, where the natlonal appetite for !un
is as lively and sparkling as Danish beer.

Astrology anyone?
T1ME's movie critic Brad Darrach writes about
astrology lrom !he earliest dawn ol religlon
to lhe flowering ol psychoanalysls. Astrology
is doing fine in the post-war boom. Today,
there are soma 5,000 working astrologers.
Their rees can n,m as high as $100 per horo-
scope and !he business since World War 11
has boomed to $12,000,000. They have more
than 10,000,000 lotlowers. Some of the more
star-struck consull lhelr astrologer on whal
to wear, where to live and when to make lave.

in the new issue of
brokcn. She made uncon\'cntionality chic, boastíul about how her candle b~-ned
butcouldalso,:isinplckctingforSacco atbothcnds.
and \'anzetti, make protest resonant. In A lot•fly Light the candlc huéls at
There was something of a distaff llyron oneendonly,andsoladylikcthatitcould
about her. and on the stage of the '2oi gracea dinncr table. The import.antthing
she was onc kind of romantic lead as is lcs.s that many piquant and J)('Ttinent
Scott Fitzgera!d was another. Gallant, facts in Edna Miltay·s stOT)' are lacking
wind-blown, untidy, she was al once gen- as th:n. hecause they are, thcre is lacking
uine anda little gimcrack, giftcd and .1 kind of glowing liction-and a whole
m·cr-fatllc, bohcmian and childishly J)('Tiodlegend.

Born. To Marisa l'avan, 2;, cincmac- Oied. Robcrt Edwin ("Bobby") Clark,
tress (Tire Mm• in tlie Grey Flano1e/S1¡i/), 71,comcdian"hoconnilsedaudicncesfor
twin sister of Cincmactrtss Pier Angcli; decadcsbyhisfranticpace,grease-painted
and Jean Pierre Aumont. 49, French cin- eyeglas.ses, a cigar that wa.1 somctimes in
emactor (Tli~ Seventk Sin): their second his mouth. sometimes llying through the
son; in Santa Monica, Calif. Name: l'al- air,a lt-er that "lit up thewhole theater";
rick. Weight: 7lbs.1:oz. !ivened the datcd comedin of Sheridan
and Congre,·e with such e:irthy humor
Sorn. To Cl:tire Illoom, 28, brunetlc that critics acclaimcd him the "funniest
British beauty oí stage (R,;rsho,,,0111and clo"·n in the world": of a heart attack: in
screcn (Riekard 11/); and Rod Steigcr Manhattan. Aher struggling to the toµ
34, Methodical had man of stage and through the rich medium of ,·aude\•ille,
scrcen (Cry Tef'Tor): thcir first child. a circus,burlesque,llobbyad-!ibbedthrough
d:iughter; in Hollywood. Wcight: 8 lbs, a series of revivals that were not worth
rc\'Í\'Íngwithouthim. ln\'ictorHerberú
Died. Dorothy Wyndham Pagel, H, STnelkcarls, he confided to the audience:
onctime British debutante who gavc up "Ne\'er was a thin plot so complicatcd"
sporu-carracin¡tforhorsebreeding,inhcr Whcn informed in :\loliCre's Tke ll'ould-
liletimesJ)('nt dose to $10 million (from Dc Gc,.tle"'º" that the alphabet is divid•
from her grandíather William C. Whitney, ]iin~~t
~~:~Tt~,as~:, rif
Secretary of the Na\'y in Grover Clevc- low comedy. 8obhy brought crDftsmanshiµ
land's Cabinct), saddled the "inncrs oí torolesgreatandsmall.Hisfavoritcdr:im-
1,531 races, including thepeerle:15Goldcn ati,t: Shakc~µcare, because "the clowns
Mi!lcr, winner of the Grand Nationnl in ne,·ergetki!led."
1934; of a hcart attack; in Chalfont St
GilH, England. Oied. Major General Osear \'On Hin-
dcnburg. ;¡, Field :\larshal l'aul von Hin-
Died. lgor V. Kurchatov, 57, Soviet denburg's son. who inllucnced his father,
physicist who began tcntati\•c nuclear whcn President of Germany, to come to
uudiesinthc193os.endedupdirecting terms with Hitlcr'5 l\ational Socialists, as
thc licrce-driving organiution that pro- a rewardwaspermi1tedtogobbleupland
duced the So\·ict aLomic bomb in 1949 tax-frec in Easl Pruuia; in Bad Harz-
the hydrogcn bomb in 1953: nf a heart burg. West Germany.
attack: in Moscow. The f,rst So"iet atom-
ic explosion came as a shock totheWest Oied. SirGilnGilbert Scott, ;9,archi-
largely bccause it was ignoran! of the tcctofsomeofllritain'shandsomcstbui!d.
yearsofpreparation of Kurchato,•and his ings (including 1he restored House oí
collcagul'li, Kurchatov, in fact, boasted Commons), who, though a Roman Catho-
that Russia in,•ented the lirst real hydro- lic. designed the Anglican Cathedral al
gen bomb, since the thermonuclear de,·ice Lfrer¡>0ol. o,·er a liíetime watched it ¡ro
explodedearlicr by the U.S. was too large uµbutdidnotlivctoseeitfinished:
to serve a.s a weapon. in London.

Oled. Jennie Goldstein. 64, actress in Died. Emst von Oohn:lnyi, 8:, Hun-
hardware, the\'iddi!ihtheater for 57ye.1rs(Sfoi•eso/ ¡:arian composer whose works (Suite¡,,
shoerepair l11xury, Sho11/d a ,lfotkrr Trll?l. re\'ered F-Skarp Minor. l'aria/io,,s º" a ,\'11,sery
by her fans as the "Ethcl Barrymore nf S0111) hewed close!y to the stylc of 19th
youneed- Second Avenue"; of a hcart attack; in century romanticism; in :Slanh.a1tan.
Oied. Beis}'. 9, chimpanue. "hose
Oied. \\'alter Hulxrt Baddelcy, 65.An- speedily created (a dozen in h.alfan hourf
glican Bishop of Blackbum. who as a mis- ab•tract finger paintings wcre compared
sionary in the South Seas (Bishop of with thc works oí de Kooninit. fetchcd a
Melancsia)durini:World\\'arll hundled totalpriceof$.i,500.recei,·edastin1t'n11
his chargeson Florida Island (in the rcbuke from Sat·iet C11/ture: "lt is ti1e
Solomons) off to thehillswhcn thcj:ipa- mnst shining CKample oí the dccay of
Admtiursdisplayi1,:thisembl!m nese arri\'ed, set upaleafhutas his l>0ur¡reoisart'': aftcra brokcn lcg suffered
cpiscopa!sc:itand rana hospita!and lep,er when her mate (purchased,ironically, with
mah yo11r
easr. colony until thc Amcricans landed; in thc procecds irom sales of hcr¡xiin1ing:1>
Clayton-le-Dalc, England. Lumbled on herat thczoo; in Baltimorc.
102 TIME. HBRU,OY 22, 1960
The most effortless way of keeping fit ever devised
Ovu thc pau 25 ,·cars "º""•almost two rou. You can ralle normall}•whileusing o/ k:ccpina;fü, aiding in wcighr control.
million Amcriuns hnc disro1·ued how it - 1ha1's how effonlru ir is. No puff- Opcratcs on lcss currcnt than )OUr TV
rnenjoyvii:oroushuhhand,·italitrina ing or o,·cr-rxcrtion. Ideal. in this re• sci. Scndthccoupo11now forlitcruurc
praclically l'ffortl.-u wa1-. Thcsc are rhc spttt-undcradocror'ssupcn•ision,of ora free dcmonstration ria;ht in ¡•our
individuals and familics from coa51 10 coursc-forcud'acs. ownhomc.
coasc who han boui,:ht rhc amu.in¡:: As a maucr o/ fact, rou'll find few
E,un,.rl,and havc riddcn i1 forSC\'Crd acri,.itics so ucr,•e-soothin¡;-~causc Tht onr-and-011/y
m;nutcSCVH)'da¡, nrn·c crlls, lih m,udc 1is1ur, whrn Jc-
OthcrJ haH lurncd 1hc wonduful
rtsults of Eurc,,r/, riding in c.~dusivc
ficiem in OX)j!cn, re.p(lnd insnnily to
clubs around thc world or from rheir O,W(!;cnsupp)),And a ridconthcEur• .. ,bui/t to /a¡t a lifttimt
doctors. In fact,doctors uaitrouparc rrrlr bcndi11 thc normal hcart, lunts,
thc mosc numcrousowncrs of E;rtrt¡"tln and brain h)· nepping up circulacion, 111• r-------------,
crcasin1tthcra1cnfflowthroughartcriu 1
Exercycle Corp. ¡
:'dost of us rcalizc wc ,hould ncrcisc
1 W~};!~t
1t~t'Y. 1
1 Plea1e1endme
more than wc do. Bur if wc cnr gc1 Supcrbl,· constructcd, whispcr-quict in 1 ( ) furthtr inform~1ionon Ex,,,-,.,!, 1
around roir, wclind i1'sno1 nnl¡• hHd operation,fxutJ·drcnnbr uscd inM<l- 1 ( )E,wryc/,í'!rÍrtehome
workbut-bccauscwcarcsobadlrout room, rumpus room. officr. Vibruionlus. I demon11n11on
of condirion-it pu!S too much of a Pro¡tram ¡oursclf. Start slowl)· - riding
3 minutes a dar, You'll soonwanttogo 1 N
That's pr«isd)' Wh)' Eurqrlr is so fastcr-for 10, r5minu1u,
ideal for 1he buS)' man or the wcight- Anfxrrr,,d,ispcrfttt for)·oun¡;and
wumlln. \Vi1h Exrrrrdr, lº"
Exrrtyd, docs thc worlc lor
old, ldcal forthcwholcfomi!ytousc.A
wonJcrful, surprisin¡:ly incxpcnsi-·c way ~ c.,__________ ... !
BO O K S thor JnmM l'o¡>e-llennessy may daunt
sorne American•. but those who are prc-
¡~ucd to pc:nctrntc ~h~ thic,kets of, multiple
In Saki's Steps ncatly solvcd contcst ~l\,cen_a 11·_ilc and name5 nnd c1·er-sh1ftin¡¡:t1tles w,11read a
her dead husband's bram, wh1ch hv~ on coolly shrewd account of a woman re-
inab:tsin: Gro,,yPQrfy•howshowa man markable in her own ri¡¡ht. and sun·ey a
Kn~;} 1f]~is!~08 pp.)-Roald Dah/- canliterallrlosehim,clfina "ºman stretch of hislory lit with the kind of
Alon¡¡;"ith mak)n¡¡ 11readcr'~ ~kin crawl, iron>· that only the lru!y simple-minded
Author Dah!"s gallery of fcmales in• Dahl handsoutprimcr in<truction in <uch ~hed upo11grc11tc\'ents. Maywasasqua_re.
eludes a warmhearted bndbdy of Bath artsasbeekeeping,thepoachin¡¡:ofpheas- The "Royal ~ob." l-ler .s1ory bc:g,ns
M.ithgentiebluee>·esandanenviah!etal- ants, Chip!>"nda!enntiqul's, and the 1rnns- in th.1t barcly imaginable lime when 11
ent intaxidermy. Tiny '.\Ir,. Foste"r.on the mi¡¡:ration oí ~oul$. llriti,h-bom Roald !)t!rpctua! game of rnu;ica\ ch3.ir, was be-
otherhand.huasoftandrathersillylook (rhymes "ith you-all) Dahl is intcrestcd ing pbycd with throncs,and Queen \'icto•
andshows agitationonly whcn fearintshe in ali these matter, a~ wcll as in good wine ria was at thepiano. ln 1866.a s1\lendidly
may miss a train or pfanc. Hearty '.\liss roses and birds (he owns 100 parakeets). rnustachloed ca,·alry officer. onc Francis.
Roo.chi! grand fun at country 11eekends. Thin. baldín¡; and scholarly looking, he is Duke oí Teck. had marricd '.\lary ,\de•
and her ~kill at ¡¡-amesi;; e,·idcnced by her asinconspicuousasoneofhiso"nchar- foide. thc dumpy dall,l!:htcrof a Hanovcr-
bl"ll'.Cl)inkfoce, broad ,hou!dersandbulg- "cters. Ru1 hiswork closely rescmbles that ian duke of Carnbrid¡¡:e. Although Tcck
in~ calves. of another British et!>"Tl in horror_ Saki. was on!y an incon,idcrable Gcrman prin-
Lo'"ely ladics. indeed. but hea,·en help particu!ar!yincasualbloodthiNtinci;saml cipalitr, Franci, lhus won tite ri¡¡:h! lo
1hepoormanwhofatlsin10theirclutches ¡¡:houlish 11it, and he very nearly equal, join whal 1he Quccn hc:rself called "the
His fate may well ~ death-or wor~ Sakl in ñendish in\'ention. His onc com- Royal Moh" of princclings clusterin¡¡:
1han death. The bndlady. íor in~tance. plaint: "People mi~~ tite humor in rnr about \'ictoria's opulcm patronal!"e. They
likes 10 poison her bo.irders. the bctter ,1oriesrn'causc1hey'resointcn10nbelng wereanoddlyinnoccnt!otofhobblede-
lo ¡,ractice taxidermy. while '.\Ir~. Fo<ter rnade tosqulrm.·• hoys, but cledicaied 10 their bu,ine,,-
c:i!mly ignore, her hushand'~ críes and johs and tilles. en~lcss mcals and drc~s-
lea'"c~ hirn to die in II s111llcdelcv1110r. Royal Squore
As in hi• carlicr book. Somro,rc likr
l"ou íT1~n:. 0cc. iS. 19531.. .\uthor Dahl ÜUHN M.-.~vjb54 pp.)-Jomes Pope-
s~1u~:~et~t,':.\~c~~t :-.t~
Hennessy-Knop( ($10). ca!lcd hirn1 got hirnseH apµointed Hon-
spcci111iwsin1hehorrorofnormalit}',The orary Colonel oí the Post Otlice \'olun-
eleven lethal short •torie, in thi~ collec- Before Kin~ Geor¡¡:e 111 lost his rcason teers. He dutifully went tmder can,·a.i
lion open on thc mo,t humdrum lcvcl. ancl13colonic,.hcfathercd15children, with his pu¡¡nacious b:tnalion, but he w11,
"ith ncithcr R µiccc of furniwrc nor 11 One great-granddaughtcr lh·ed 10 prescnt pretly much oí a foilure. declincd into
¡~1rt of spcech out of place. Graduatly a sil,·er gilt cup. once thc propcrty of µoor ru,;eµruning.and diedaftcra !.Id "soften-
thin¡:s ¡:et askcw: thc lo,·able bahy rn'- mad George. to her 11rea1.¡¡:randchild- ingof thebrain:·
gins 10 look peculiar: the c111~lcc1)in¡:in Prince Charles. present heir 10 the throne Of this unlikcly pair. :\lay was born 10
thcsun opensanalmo,1 human ere; the of En¡¡:land. She thus placed hcrscH dead grcatness of a sort. Linea¡¡:e.~~corum an_d
corpscinthchospitalisnotquitcasdcad center in that hu¡¡e uac1 oí time between dili~ence lconstant letter wr1tmg and d1-
a$itlook<. Saratoga and \'-E day. Born \'ictoria
The grcatcst dangcr facin¡c a writer of :\lary of Teck in 186;. she was ca!led :~~ ~~:p~n;} c~:::e~:~11~~; '.~n~~~t~t
this gcnre is that of tipping hi, hand too • :\lar'"byher family.and shc is known to tor, Duke of Clarcnce. in direct line lor
rarly in the uory. Author Dahl perhaps rcccnt mcmorr as Qucen ~lary, wiíe of tite: thronc. Aln. Prince "Eddy:• u they
,ti\"es the gamea"ªY in l'e1rsrm's !'/,-asure Gcorge \', her second cousin once re- ca!lcd him. 11·asnot \'Ct)' bri¡¡:ht but \"er~·
a11d CenrsiJ ,md C11tastrophc but makes mo\"ed. Withherpastel parasols. tailored dissipa1cd,andhedicd-in1heusualsemi-
arnend! in Royul /el/y, wherc the plot is suits and hats de:1i¡¡nedh)' ~orne puckish
noblys:l\'ed br an ingenious double end-
confectioner_ she "ª'
thou~h ne,·er absurd füiure.
an anachronistic f:!\\~.
There remaincd
ll"i/li,1111"'"' Mary features a ncat and This off,cial bio¡¡raphy by Britísh Au, George. Duke of \"ork, Eddy's youngcr
bro!her, a na,·al of!iccr. ,\itcr a suitable
interval. b!uff George and retkent ;\lay
were married. and set up house at York
Cottage, ncar Sandringham. practically a
,plit-lcvc:I by royal standard:1. George h3.d
his quirks and íoibles. and his langua~e
º"'cdmoretothequarterdeck than 1oh1$
quartering•. l!ut he had more character
th.w a bulldog and. like :\lay, he was
írankly a sqll.1re. "Thcrc scems 10 me 10
be 100 much moncy ~pent on Jilding. I
hale 8ildin¡t," was one of his rarc judg-
ments. Each nij{ht whi!eGeorgc was in his
library "ith 1he Times or his stamp col-
lection, ~lay dutifully p!11ycdan educa-
tlonal card ¡:ame "ith the children or read
!O thc:m and rn11dethern knit scan·cs to
~top their ridl!'.cts.
A Doll', Hou5e. Fe" thinli'.~e\'er dis•
1urbed thi, \llu,h•U)lholstercd ~:den. To
her 11:ra1i1ied~urpri...e, :\lay heard the
crudecoloni11lschc:erherandGeor¡¡:c wbcn
they "ent 10 ,\u;tralia in It)Ol to open
its Ílnl federal Par!iarnent. But when suí-
fra~ellCS latcr raised their voices, ;\lay
agrecd with her aunt. who rernarkcd
"Could no! these female~ be conlined to
QUF.F.S:\lu\· GATll~RISGFlMf\\000 sorne Islam!?" One femalc killcd herse!f
Greolne~s with o housewife's possion. under Gcorge·s hor»c as it "ªS running in
use... G-E Po11·erGroovn for Sales Lighling. líyou ha\·eproducts to
display and scll, G-E Powcr Groove lamps can play a vital
role, as In the Fontius Shoc Storcs, Ocnvcr, whcre 300 foo1-
candlcs makc shoc sclcction casy-and/,m/


G-E Po11·er Groo•·es íor High LlghliOA Le,'ds. Assembly

Produces, lnc., Chesterland, Ohio, ~Is 2.'10footcandles with ... andget thelightingresults
mighty G-E Powcr Groovcs-climinated supplemcntary light-
ing, and savedj0ta.square/ooti,ii1ia/ro11at1hcsamctime! theywant

Youget moreandmorelight for yourmoney
... yearalter year... with G-ELamps
Ask your General Electric Lamp distributor 1>.hichG-E
Lamps are bes/ for your parcicular job. General Elcctric
Co., Large Lamp Dcpt. C-01, Nela Park, Clcveland 12, O.

lhigress /4-Our Afosf lmporl,mf Proa'CJd G-E l'o..,·er Groon•s for Low lnitlal Cost. In ~forray Hill.
New Jersey, Bcll Laboratorics specified 100 footcandles in this
GENERALfj ELECTRIC cngineering officc and gol it most cconomically with General
Elcctric l'owcr Groove lamps.
llMf, HUUARY 22, 1960
Lhe Derhy. "Poor Jonu.'' wrote M:,,y of
LITTLE PEAS the jockey. who WM shaken up in the in-
cident. Still.itscemed that the \"ictorian
with Verve solsticl' of splendor and 5.ecurity would
last forever. and there wu always '·L"ncle
Wales•· hetwttn theroyal coupleand the

But t.:nde \Vales (Edward \"11) died in
1910. and George and :\fay a5cended the
throne. Through the ri11ors of the ñrst
\\"orld War. thedeathofason in \\'or!d
War 11 (the Duke of Kcnt. kil!ed on a v....-.,noutomotive
military mi~sion) and the defection (to 1erv"ce 1pec·or11
Mrs. Wallis Simpsonl of another. ;\lay Bermml F. Grant
comported herself with honor. de\·otion of.\lb•:rl$0n.\'.Y.,
and IIT.l\'ÍI}' not unmi~ed with a ,hy and rolk-,,I u113Sl.OOO
pawkish humor. lo the nature of it5 joh mileson 3 11re-

ococfüg to modie,·,I royalty i~ condemned to 1he kind of mad- M,1 ..... ,df.Oroor.>.mer·can ~loloni
lcgcnd,thethundrr-god nus th:,,t helong:1 10 actor:1 who mu.,1 c11n<."·rile<tlu1thi~pn,..,..11lllamhlcr
Thor gave peal! to mcn. "'hdie,·e'" in their role hefore 1hey can ~o 6""11º" w\tho\·cnlri,·ci~"•perícct
on ~tage. Queen :\lary 1,layed many diffi- qualil~·-bu,ll car"'•
And men reSpe<:IÍully ate cult p;,rts "·ithout losin11her magnificent
peasonly nn hisday, Thursday. sanity, E\'en in World \\'ar Il. hundlcd "ECONOMY,
Tod:iy, howe\'er, the rare t11s1e of out of London toan esiate in G!oucester- PERFORMANCE
two exceptional kinds of peas has ¡¡hire. she kept on the joh. collecting fire•
wood andother useful ohjecu for thc war "I travel a lot ... carry
cauM!'d thc boldcr sort of rnen to e:il heavy loads. In 7 weeks, I
effort. Unti! her death in 1953. a house- have traveled 5,600 •iles ...
pcall more oftcn. One of thcse kimb,
"you .,el] kno..,·, is the cdebratt..J
wifc's ordcr was her sensible p,1ssion.
Perll.lps the most ironical item in Bi- ro~g:f1!!. :nctP~6 ~~e m~ir~~r
the next 3,000. Th8 above
pctits poi, of Franct. The othcr is its oi:rapher l'ope-Hennt!My's lom: ca1a!o11ue
did not surprisa 1118halr as
onlyrival,aspecialkindofpcasbcing oí important tri,·ia in Queen ;\l.lry"s life •uch as the ease or
grown on ccrtain acres in concems the fabulous doll's house com- handling and parking. In
pleted for her by Architect Sir Edward tact, ay wire thought 118 had
1hiscnun1ry. Lu1yen5 in 19i~. al !he very time he w·as power eteering the rirst
These liule American al,o husybuilding a :Scw De!hi palace for tiae sh8 drove the car. I
peasarevcryspri¡;h1ly10 the \'icero>· oí India. it wu thought. but also learned what rine
riding qualities are
the laste. Thcy'rclilllepeas for the l'resident of India, u it 1umed engineered in this Rambler.
\\'ith\·er\•e. \'eryyoungaud out. The doll's hou~ was an ornen that A perrect quality-built
:\lay's "orld would e\·entually shrink to car"
tender. Thc-ir Havor (1ui1e thccomp;,eofa toy. 5Mhow\Oycar~'ei¡,er[cnct'and'l5
unlikctlmtofanyotherpeas billion º"'ncr-dr1,·c11 nules p11y off
you111aylunctas1cd. L'Amour the Merrier for llarnbl,•r uw11er11:lowest llrst
Tl1is most unusual flavor LovE ""º !HE FU,.Cl-i' !368 pp.)- rosl.lopgll.i
begins,.iththcgcnealogyof Nino E.pfon-World ($5).
hi¡¡l,c~l re-
thcSc liulc peas. TI1ey are Whetherornot theFrenchde5.er\'etheir •ale ,·11l11c.
grown frnrn seed de\·doped írequently self-besto"ed laurels as great I-:..sic~tt11rn-
1hroush huudreds of re• lo"e~. few would deny that they are con• in11:. ¡,arking.
summ:,,te kiss-and-tell utists. Over the Room for 6
corded breedin~s and cross- centuries.theyh:,,,·etoldallindiaries. a.lulb: llnttlcproofSinglc-U,_,itron•
breedings. This seed is letters. memoirs. novcls and the socí:,,I 1truct,on. l•:~ciu~i"cDeep-D111rn~l-
planted in soil,;,,.pcciall)· re• chronidci;ofboudoir,salonandhrothel. proollng. See llamlllcr O or \"-8.
servedforitsnurture,ina \\'ithoneeyeontheloftymyster)'Oflove
climalcpcaslikclle!lt. andtheotherhoveringatthekeyhole.
British Author :s'ina Epton 5cans the Gal-

Thc slripling plauts are lic love pa.rade in an amusing though
carcfully 1ended duriog their brieflife

hclter-skelter review.
And when the liulc peas luwe ad1ic\·cd Romantic !ove did not always eiist
lheir peak fla\'or, ll1cy are pick<..J and s.1y5AuthorEpton. lt was in\·e111edbythe
p:ickcd ¡1romptly to retain ali thcir trouhadours. the hobohcmian minstrel
poeu of the late i\liddle Agu. Medie\·al •nd ali you, ma,I lnclvde Y""'
suceulcuce. IRdics spcnt half thcir time racing across __ ,nyovr,e1"rnadd,u1
Th<.'fiCverve-y little peas are called thc jousting fields with buckets oí hot atta,thac,ty.l>a!o•ethastate.The
Le Sueur Brand pc.:is. Fiuer groecrs do
lt remained for the trouhadoun to glam- nv~bet •:~,!~::••
•~ '::i:;
we sug¡;;esl that you ordcr Sl'\"eral tins orizetheknight-ladyrclationshipandraise
it tothe!e\'e]ofa 5.emimystica! romantic
andcnjoy thcm loui¡;ht?OrThursday?
ment.s. 1he 1roubadours thcmselves "ere a
crudclycamal!ot.andthcyga,eromaMe Mothersills
LE SUEU.~ in France a lasting split pcrsonalit}": ]ove
and marriagehe<:ome contrndictory terms.
The fnt-aetlns
and rellevins
VHJ Y ou.11.¡Small Whot 11 Suitoble. ~lcdicval marriage
wumore fe:,,ríul than jo}'ful. Titled gen- TrnelSiekneu

PEAS tlcmcn thought nothing of punching thcir

wives in the face, and l:,,dies were often
/(11 Ad,,/u &Cl,,IJ,~"

When Men Scorned "Women's Rights" ...


American women llnit orll'anh:ed to pleud íor their a1m1rcd 1d/e be a "'""'btr in gO<Jd1la11di1111o/ a hool:
righls in 1848 tv.eh·e yeara before Tm: Gl:ARDlAN and /11ddcr rompani,, wfttrt:blt lle 11..'0Mld
be able to
waa founded. Hut \'olea for Women pro,·oked jeers ruc11l' hi1 wi/einco,eo/ fire."
11ndlaughteruntllAugu11t, 1920.whenthe19th,\mend-
ment to the Coru1titution wal! 1mu.ed. Dtspllt: lht:H halt-11eriou11 11dmonition11, T11E
GUAHOIAN, 11inee 1860, h1111insured many thou11and11of
Today women not only ,·ote. but cxcel in many women - homemnkera. prote1111ionalnnd cnreer women.
11re111once the exclualve domain of men. The hand In iLI 100th year ol aervice, TIIE GUAKOIAN ia offering
that rock11 the crudle alll(I own1 a m:1jority interest the moat tibernl contrnct1 ror women in ita history.
in many of Americn'1 lending cor¡iorntiona. Now all GUARDIAS policie1 on which the mínimum
amount iuued i1 $10,000, pro\•ide /ow..r prt:mi11m1 /or
lt Is 1 50UKC or gnuifkation to Tm: GUARDIAN" that 100,,.,11 than íor mcn - atlll giving the 11,1mehigh
one or ils fir11 poliriu w111iuued to Miu A. Liddy dividend11. the 11ame hlgh c1111hvaluet1 and the snmc
Burckner of St-w York. The 11ractice of inlluring modern. Hexihle ¡1rovi1ion11u1tho11eiuued on male livu.
women in1pired TIIE C!IICAGOTIM&s to ad,•i11einaurance
tompaniea "to Jin11e tite INrP'Ou11di11r,eountr111un-cyrd, lla•·e I lalk wlth your local GUAROIAN ttpreacnta-
Ott 11wmbu 111ffldoHlc• Q/ 1trmm1 l'tr¡iatrrtd 1111dtlie tfre or your broker and tlnd out how i,011can benefit
t/torotltr t.ra,..i,ud o/ tlu ,\or1t1 drir1n bit tltr appli- rrom GUAJID1As·s century or ex¡,erience in aerving
ca1111 ... al10 lo 11... i,1 lftat !lit: ,\11.fbaftd o/ uicft American íamiliH.

The GUARDIAN Ufe lnsu,ance Company OF AMERICA

Our Centennia/ Year

disli¡:ured for liíe with broken nosei. l-lus- ated the author's weird Ylinc cellar-
bands "·ere uuelly \'indic1ivc to err:1nt Kafka so that the flyr111might moldcr in
l\"Í\'e!1.WhentheD.1me.del'•yel'shusband thc halludnatory dark. Qn,,ell in ordtr
disco\'crcdthatshckcptherdeadlo\·er's thatthcymightcscapetocommcnt iron-
hcartinacasket.hcluditpluckedoul ically on thc worldºs regre~s. But Brhi•h
and5erndu11in1ste"··Thou¡:hthecler¡:y Author ~haw. a sta~e and mo1•ie nctor
openly kcpt concubincs till the 16th cen- who wrotc the boolt bctwttn en.u¡:ements
tury.bodilylo\·chorcthcuintofanathe- dcscribcshiscbaracte.ndcFtlyinthcman-
ma. S.1mplebcd¡:c.:i.rformanya medieval ncr oí the standard 1,i;rcholoJical nol'el.
wifc wu thc ,lumist co1oult, "a hcll.\'Y Hans i1 a latent homoscaual who tends
n~ht-d!Ull ""ith I suitably ~aced hole hishumanhouscpetsasakindoíoffcrim¡
throu¡:h "hichthehusb.andcould impre¡:- to bis fuchrcr and bis dt;1d. dominecrin¡:
nate bis wife while a\'oiding any other mothcr. \\ºibon. the older oí thc two lly-
contact.•• el'!l,hasdisco,·ereda talcnt forwritingand
Clothcs. or the lack of thcm. n.:nu~lly hls come to lo\'e bis cell. Connolly. hiJ
ob5e5.~ed the fa~hion-conscious French friend is ncar collal)5l': m·erics oí bis
amorisls. Durin.l! thc qth and 15th cen- wiíe ha\'e a narcodc intemity. and 11hen
turics. womcn wore disconcertin¡t:ly low- they sre replaced, it is by suicida] deprrs-
ncd-.ed drl'l'<es. lacini thcir hreasts "<l hi~h I .!-On. Each man rcalizcs. li.nally. thlt he
tlut ·•a candlcsticlt could be placed upon has found I certain amount of self-
them."' Ál!"nC!iSorel. mistrl'SJ oí Charles lmowledgc in the hiding place. The hook
\"11. pion~red a bare-to-thc-wai,t style makcsiupointwcllenou11h.butthequiet
atcourtandalsosto¡,pedthcsho"atthe conclusion is disap1)0intin_t.Thc alle11ory
¡xibcc by affectin¡: a ltind of 11irl-in-the- that the readcr ~uspectcd at the bc11inninr
Mathaway-1~1tch masking oF onc brcut. wasthere all right. loclted in "ith Wilson
Uraunlyµosingas• Madonna, shc man• S.11t1,o••Ard,;.., and Connolly. At thc book·s end it i1 still
a¡:edtoha,·cthispiquant fashion immor- Acsh $oai:L AS Mt.00:<:<A trying íecbly to gel out.
taliud by l'ainter Jean Fouquet Condelobro.
PantiC!í or kniclten were in,-cntcd he- A CMHIClE FOl LE•IOWITZ, by Wolfer
cause oí Henry ll's wiíe, Catherinc de icle. Xapoleon. thc self-made empcror M. Mil/e, J,. (JJO pp.; Uppincoft:
:\ledici.Yl·ho5esha¡>elylegswerca11100,·is- boltcd his love affoirs the way he boltcd $4.95). helon¡:s to thc gro1>in11litcraturc
ible ridin~ sidcs3ddle on l\"indy d.J.ys.!ron, bis mcals. Love111."ho had bccn prett)' of thc \-cum-H-bomb jitten. As the
ically, conser.'3.ti\·e 16thcenturymoralists \'igorous since thc Renaiuance, again bc- hook opens. il i\ early in the .1~ndcentury
resisted the innovation. ··\\'ornen should gan to talk about dyinjl. A book on l/ow A.D. Thrrmonuclear warfare ha~ made thc
leal'cthcir buuocks unco\·ered undertheir lo S1iuttd i,r Lo11t, publi~hcd in 1830. su¡i:- :-.orth Ameriun rontinent a human and
~kiru."' thc)' s.aid. ·They should not a11- l[CJled íaintin~ ti.u. attaclts oí hrstcria, (uhurnldrsert.Mi«hapenbiolatticalmon•
¡,ropriate I ma.sculine gannent but lea\·e and 5uicidc threau. :\lorbid romantiC'ism sters and primiti,·e nomadic tribc• r0:1m
their bchind~ nude as is suitahle for sub.eq~ntly ga1'C way to liaison$ b,ased the land. "hile a Fe" nco-fcud.il barons
lhcirsea." on credit r.itin,i:s. To1>:1rdlbc cnd oí tbe control crrtain tcrritorit!l-forins1ance.
Order of A.pltrodifei. llut from the
moralists point oí ,icw, thc "·orst "ªs
to come. 1t wu the era oí the 11rcatroyal
century. sorne courtC5.lns 11·ereltnown 10

ordtrs of the Roman Catholic Church


mistreues ( Maintenon. Pompadour. Du To judgc by the mcagcr JO pagu <he Ylhlchhu miraculou~lysurvi.-cd thr holo•
de,·otes to it. Hi~torian Epton kl'ms 10 cau~t oí thc ..Flame Delu_l!e.~albcit with
f«lthatthe:othctntur}'is011eoílo1·e·s 1 "Xt"· Rome." The desert mona,tcn·
bly1hc:\brquisdeSadc1. lt"asalwthc
Ageof Enhghtenment.andmedicalsdencc bcar markcu. Who killcd Eros? Womcn aroundwbichthishooltre\'01,·esisl.ci-
wueagerlycnlistedinthcser,·iceoflove. did, by "bccoming too much hkc mcn.
Their curio<ity \-aluc has dcclined.'" In bo"ita Abbcy
Late il'I Louis Xl\"s rcÍJ{n I ceruin Dr. Its patron s.aint. thc Ble~ :\lartw
\'encite 50bcrly ad,·iscd th:it dried E1!)1>- compiling her Erostatiitics, thc author Lcibo1>it1rcanonizcd in thc coursc of the
tian crocodile kidncys poundcd into a ha5 done a lot to boost thu curiosity
l)O"'der and diluted in swcet winc made value. glrd and r0:1sted alive by thc mob in thc
che perFect aphrodisiac. anti-scienti•l ma~~crcs followin¡: the
l'erhaps thc mon adv;1nced dcbauchce Mixed Fiction t-"bme Oclu11e. Amon¡: thc memorabili:i
set thc world h.15 e,·cr known "ª~ thc THt H101N~ Pl,',U. by Roberf Show "hich thcmonaMeryprcstl'\'tsarcscra¡~
French Ordcr oí the .l(lkroditn. Thc mem- (254 pp.: World; $3.50). concems two of hook, and diagram~ 1h.1t l!"rJdually re•
bcrship ítt wu !10.000 for a Jtntlcman British airmen who paracbute 01·e.r llonn sult in thc rediscO\"CT)" of clectricity ami
and €5.000 fora bdy. Thc ordcr "ª5 lim- fromaburningl..ancuterdurin1thecl05- otber appurtenantu of thc ··Golden A.te'
itcd to zoo membc". each of whom h:id to in¡: month5 oí \\'orld War 11. A meck of thc 10th ccntury. Proud u Jo,·e. the
p:mnriRorousthrce-hourtest. wi~!))' druggi:;t"s c!erk takes them into hi! blindcarthlinphurlthcmcgatonsallo1·er
The Áflkrodite1• ma_l!nificcnt··rnuntry house, íccds thcm, and misdireca a Gl'$rn- again. At no,·cl"s entl. J picke<l hand of
hou'W'"h:idanaltaroflo\·eJodsandl[od- po search party. Thc flyers con~ratulate the monlts. bra1·ely singin¡: old space
dcsSCll and pink. talfcia-lincd hoxH for thcm~l1·cson thcirlucltandh1dcout for chanteys, boilrds a '"sta~hip· for outer
prívate lovc se!'lionJ, cach littt-d out with a \\eek in thc clerk"s "'ine cell.:i.r.But one space1ndoootherofman·se1crnalsecond
ingeniously pi.leed peepholH. ,\ journal morning when tbey awaken. thcy are clunces.
of onc oí the íenule ApJiroditn lisu 4.959 cbainedandhandcuffcd. Author :\Jiller pro,·cs himself chillilljl'ly
amorous rendczvou!I in 20 yeal'!I. This in- Se1·enycarslater,in195J.they.:irestill effecti\C1tcommuni(ating1kindoí¡)OJt-
cludcd :p prince,;and prclatH. 919offi- thcre. llans.theiruptor,hastoldthemoí human lunar landscape of dis.aster. 111,
cel'!I.93 rabbis. 3~1 financiel'!I,439 monks. the war's ptOKress; Gennany. with ns jet faith in religious faith is commcndable
.po socialite!I. 119 musicians. 4¡ :-;cgron planHandguidcdmi!'lilc•.iswinnin1.and but not compellin11. lt is diflicult to tell
and 1.61~ forcigncrs ('"during an eníorced thccolbpseofthcAJlir,mustcome-,oon. "hcthcr he bclie,"'5 tbat bctter bomb
abscncc in London"'). Dreued in ch-il dcfen~ unifonn. he serves shrltcn or more Roman Catholics are thc
Coma the Revofution. Gcorgc Sand's brcakfost and <linncr to his prisoners. ho1>e oí thc world. 0n thc tlyleaf of
g~ndmothcroncetold herthat "thc Re\•- thoughtfullysu¡,ervi'W'•theircxerciseand Cu111ide /or Lábrnt'il:, :-;'o\·elist Millcr
olution J,rought old a!!'.einto the world." frcl!i liltc :a mothcr if one of the men ,.·ritcs, ··A dedication is only a 5eralch
Ccrtainly. the 1umbr1lsseemcd to cnt off scemsoutof'<orts. "hcrcititchcs."'lntellcctuallyspealting,
someofthcustof AuthorEpton'schron- Uoth Kaíka and Orwcll might h.:iveere- lO is bis book.
Al 1he Nrw Gordiner Mmwr Elrme111ory SC'hool. Bay Shou, Lo11g lsfond. N. Y.• ulecud by A,A,S.A. for ils
rxhibi1 o/ 01Jtsto11ding
.sdwof dr.sig11.s.
Mirhorl hmn, Visual Aids Coor,/inlllor niys:

"Even fourth and fifth grade boys

operate our Kodak Pageant Projectors."
"Thcsc ninc and 1cn-ycar-olds compk:tcly set up thc Thcre are 1hrce rcasons why cvcn children can op-
projcctor and gct the movic rcady to go whilc thc cratc Ko<lak Pageanl 16mm Sound Projcctors. 1) No
ICachcr prepares thc class íor what it's about 10 scc parts to fool with. Rccl arms. belts, cords are ali
"Our Ko<lak Pagcann long ago provcd 1hey were pcrmancntly auachcd. 2) Thrcading is simple. 1ñc
casyenoughtoopc:rateandcouldwithsland 11N:son,c- rcd-arrowed thrcading path is printcd right on thc
1imes ovcrzcalous handling by youog bo)S, So, we machinc. )) Operatton is a mallcr of flipping onc
havc givcn our Audio-Visual Club youngs1ers thc re- switch.
sponsibiticy of no\ only moving thc projccwrs from Your KO(/o/,; A-Y di-oler wifl di-111011.tlrOII'
al your
room to room, bm also of complete opcration." con,· or ,..,·,,., f
11<'1', Pow III Br,{'···, VJ-1.'.

KodakPa.geantProjector > EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, Dept. 8-V, Rochester4, N.Y.

l)u l'ont Show of the l\lonlh (CBS.
CINEMA 9:30-11 p.m.). Sailor Stcrling Haydcn,
home from thc Sou1h Sc"as 10 •!rai¡:htcn
A Joumcy to lhc Ccnlcr of !he F.arth OUI hb own marital langle, stars in Ethan
(from Julc5 Vernc's no,·cl) follows James Fromt. Edith Wharton's s1ory of marital
Masonashcdesccnds intoan ntin" vol- and c~tramarital troublcs in 19th century
cano in kcland, spcnds almos\ a ycar New Fngland. Co-stars: Julic Harris and
underground wilh such companion~ as Claricc Hlackburn.
Plueky Youth Pa1 8oonr and 8cautifu1
Widow Arlcnc Dahl, i, coughcd back up Fri.,Feb.19
through thc nalrrof Mounl Stromboli. A Not So Loni= Ago (NBC, 8:30-9:30
gmndly rnlrrtaining ,poof p.m.). Forno particular rcason, Bob Hope
lldru (Japanc~) is perhaps 1hc fines\ looks back IH,yond thc '50s 10 thc las.t
achi'>·cmrnl of Dire.:tor Akira (Ra5ho• half of thc "405. Film clips. music and
mo11) Kurosawa. a ma,1cn••orl: of burn- fancy comment
ing $0(:ial conscicnec and hard~ycd psy- Thc Cicadel (AHC, 8:30-10 p.m.). Dr.
chological rcalism. Thc central figure is A. J. Cronin's highly suceosful novel
dying of canccr: his final mon1hs kad aboul the highly successful, coal-mincs-
1hroughthcdiscovcryoí¡oodncs,toone 10-Mayfair carccr of a young Scottish
of thc nuclcst pie,:c~ of sustaincd misan· doctor gcls onc more working ovcr from
thropy 1hr scrccn has cvcr ,hown. Ann Blych. Jamrs Donald and Louis
Our l\lan in Hauna. Ably abencd by Hayv.·ard
Ale.: Guinncn and Nocl Coward, Dircc, Sat .. Fcb.20
The Wonderlul tor Carol Re«! has mrned out a scrccn World Wide 60 (NBC. 9:30-10:30
vcr$iOnofGrnham Grccne'sbcsiscllcr1ha1 p.m.). Rrquicm /Qr Alary }Q rccounu thc
World o! starh ~s a wond~rfully si(IY spoof of. a ¡;tory bchind a rrligious scrvier cntirdy
Hlllon Hotels >PY lhnllcr and wmds up nckling the ribs
wí1h the stíleno of polilical satirc
in ja7.>:, crcalCd by Mc1hodi.st Ed Summcr-
lin, aftcr tht dtath of his infanl daughter
Koscmary (Gcrman). The truc-life story
EASTIAN OIYISION of Ro5ie Ni1ribi11. a bhabby littlc prostitule Sun.,Fcb.21
Johns Hopkins t'ile 7 (AIIC. 12 noon-
Nllw vou:c1TV WJ.SIIINGTON'.D.C. who c~cntually ht,;amc one of the highcsl-
The Waldorf•As1ori1 TM Statlcr Hihon priccd womrn in Wcsl Gtrmany. Bubbly 12:JO p.m.). An unusual opportunity for
Thcrlua BOITON eSOICric music buffs. '"Thc 8allimore
;~~n;:,•~nc farcc lurns into solcmn $0(:ial Woodwinds" prescnt A Q11inft'I Concut,
TheSmlcrHil1on TheS1atlcrHilton
Thc Brldal Palh. Thisbucolic bitofScot- wilh llutc, oboe. ba..noon, clarinel and
ThcSavoyHihon ~F;t.iicrHilton
tish dialogue h;is 10 be heard 10 be mis- French horn, playin¡ Vivaldi. Vinccnt
understood. but 8illTravers' romp1hrough PcrsichettiandJacqucslbc,rt
(OpO'~!~f~ The Smlcr Hihon theheathcrisahi¡hjinl..an'diddlc Conque)! (CBS. S-5:JO p.m.). Hosl
han the Ttnlblc: Part 2-The Rcvolt Charles Collingwood conducls a tour of
Hihonlnn 1he Na,·al Air Dcvrlopmcnl Ccntcr al
ThePinaburghHihon (Openlng/960) af lhc Royars. The sccond inslallment of
thc la.te Scrgci Eiscns1cin's lugubrious but Johnsvillc, Pa., wherc a naval medica!
magn1fk~n! film chroniclt: of the rcign of offic<'r simula1cs space cravcl
1he Run,an C;a,;arbcars hnlc rescmblancc T"·tnl~lh Cenlury (CBS. 6:30-7 p.m.l

: :::::~*~E
Thc Conrad Hihon

Th,eStailtr llilton

10 thc historical fi¡¡urc, is frankly and cun•
ningly in1cnded 10 rcprcscnt Stalin
Blaek Orpheus (Frcnch). An astonish-
ing Mdap1a1ionof1hc old le¡;:cnd,ucilin¡¡ly
~~~011 Diltmore P!•ycd by a Negro casi ami imprcs~i~ely
A rcport on thc coumry's lar¡¡c,1 shool-
ing gallcry, thc mis,ilc lrac~ing i;c1Up1ha1
strctchcs across lhc Allam,c from Cape
Canavcral to Asccnsion lsland
Our ,\merkan Htrllagt (NBC. 8·9
TcrraceHiltor, TheS!atlerHilton tlm:cted by Marcel Camu, p.m.), Sliadow o/ o So/di<'r describes 1hr
Tloc ;100 810,.-, (Frrnch). A stunning la.si days in the life of Ulyssc• S. Grnnl
Wl!.STIRN DIVISION (playcd by James Whilmorc), With Mclvyn
ll!VULYHIU.S OALU.! mctaphorica! slory of a small boy's ftight
10"'.ard frccdom and away from ihe un- Douglu. a, Mari:: Twain. who talkcd
ThcB:-:;•r,.~:::: TheSmlerHilton GrRnl inlo writin& his mrmoirs, and John
canng, dcspcrale world of his parenls.
Bcn,Hur. One of thc bi¡gc.l bestscllcrs Baragrey D.'l Robcrt E. Lec

Thc i!·l;,:;~;
::::: in U.S. history turncd inlo 1hc most u-
pcnsive ($15 million) movie cvcr madc- THEATER
Thc Dcnvcr Hilton :~~~:::ollll and wonh c"ery pcnny of it
T~c. Magklan (Swcdish). Somcthina of a
On Broadway

~I~ ;;:,:;;.~;:d
mag1c,an himsclf. brilliant Wriler-Dire.:tor

tn.gmar Bergman unfolds an ccrie tale of a
m1d-191h ccniury Mcsmer.

The Andtf!iflnvitle Trtal. Wi1h oveno""'s
of Nurember¡, 1he play rc-<;rcatcs thc
pose-Civil War erial of thc Confcdcra1c
officcr who ran the camp for Union pris-
oncrs al Andeuonvillc, Ga. Play...,·righl
Wed .. Feb. 17 Saul Lcvilt ultimalcly fail~ lo !ICarch out
TM Caribe llihon, San Juan , Thc
Cu1cllanallihon,Mtul,ld•Thc:ls1anbul Armstro1>11 Clrde Thuler (CRS, 10. thc moral issue he r.1iscs; but the court-
Hihon, 1Jt,;nb11/ • Thc Conúocntal 11 p.m.).• Thc s1ory of a misguidcd J4. room baulc, thcatrically char¡cd by Di-
llihon. Muit:o Cll1 • Las Brisas Hihon, ycar-old in posSCbsionofa pi,101 givr, re.:1or José Fcrrcr, mal.o a beller-than-
Acapu/ca • El Panamá lfü1on, P""ª'"º /,o,r City Ju.rticr a chance to tell w lugcr avcragc eveningoftheater
111c Queen Elizal>e1h(a CNR llo!cl), tale: Pittsburgh"~ succcs,ful approach to Fhe Flngcr 1,;nrcise. An un~erground
"'º""'"l•Thcllabana Uil!on,lfa•·""" the problcm of ju,·enilc dclinquency fire. fcd by the mutual anta¡¡omsms in a
Tbc: Dcrlin Hihon. WrJt 8erlú, • The poinlcdly average family, finally breaks
N,lc H,hon,c,.1,0 Thurs., Feb. 18 oulonthcsurfaceandnearlykillsa)·oong
Thte Winter Ol)mpics (CBS, 7:30- tutor. A dcf1 dfon by Hritísh Playwrighl
Any llil1on Canc Dianche Rcserva1ion 8:30 p.m.). Thc opcnin¡¡ cercmonics al Pc1crShaffcr.
officc (oce tckphonc dir«tory), any Squaw Vallcy. The nctworl: will Slay on Fiorello! In a light and 11n1>rc1cn1iou,
llihon Hold .. or1pcci1l rn,,r,aiion ha_nd, 1aping lhc compc1i1ion ~nd \t;,n,!- mu.,ical, Ac1or Tom l:losky makes thc
ccmcrs: Ncw York, LOngacrc 3-6900 m,mn¡ ,hows at appropr1a1c umcs un11l mos1 of his Li11le Flo...,·u poi. srnnlin¡¡ly
~~=:,;~:1;_:r;ci~l 6:27¡;~ L~ 1
~:t-:: lhc¡amucnd on Fcb. 28

• Ali times E.S.T.

returns 10 New York City thr effcrvcsccnt
Tbe J\linocle Worker. Supcrb pcrform-

112 TIME, fEUU•~Y 22. 1960

"Silent Megaphones" speed ice events at Squaw Val ley

Ollirialsforicer\·cnts i111he \'(1inlcr From 1lu: opcnin¡¡ panule 11,rouµh thc rnaintainin¡:; instantancous two-way
Ol)mpkR .,..ill bt: in r11any places al do~ing ccrcmonies. !he slaging. co- con1act"ill,u1hcroffirials
the$amc time through thc maµ-ic of ordina1ir.n, and nffidating prublcrns
"Silcnt Mc-gaphrmu"-RCA Pcr- In cn·rJda) life, RCA 2. Way Hadios
"ill bt: ¡¡rca11) eimplifie,J Anrl fcw
sunalfo11e2-Way"Belt'"ltadios. are findin¡:; C\'f'r grcalcr u~es-in in-
¡><:nplr"ill be awarl' uf du_• "!kit"
dustry, I,)· fidd crcws, main1cua11cc
C.our;.c oflidals, slarters, tirners in radio~. fvr tlwy are contained in'"'º
meu. and 11lant ~erurity ~cn·ice~: in
s1,c1..•dbka1ing en:111s can be in con- btnalllcathcr¡,ouches,wornon1hcbel1.
poli<'e "ºr~ aud in fire-fil!hting. This
Slant tourh "ith cach 01hcr, thou~h Cmnpletel~ transislorized. "'ei¡::hi11¡; i~ another e~ample of tlic numy "'ªl!I
separak,1 b) spectalor~ urstruclurl.'"<. only 40 ounee~. 1hey gi•e officials in "'hich HC.A pionecri11g in clec-
An olf,cial suspended hiµ-h o\'rr 1he kc eomplete freedorn lo rno1e 11hou1"'hile tronics i~ ~enm~ you.
arcnainanoJ¡,.cn:11ion ho,11hdin-..;1ly
nho,·c fi¡;urc skah·rt ,.iJI add a rww • RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA
Jirnensionto1hcjudgin¡,;ofthisc,cn1. 'U' THE MOST TRUSTEO NAME IN EL.ECTRONICS

anc,:,s by Ac1rcsses Anne Bancrnft and 13-
ycar--old rauy Dukc. in a movin¡ lhough
far from perfecl play, makc c~lremcly _cf-
fcctive thea1cr of Hclen Kcllcr·~ carly hfc.

InNEW JERSEY...:·*f.

Best Reoding
G11rnl Mons Soulh. by llrucc Catton
Thc Civil War now takcs lon¡:er to read
ahout than it 100k 10 fight. but the la1-
cst t,ook i) a good one: a dcscrip1ion
of Grant's two-ycar mctamorphosis from
hesitan! commandtr to suprrb tactici,on.
A Heri111ge and lts llislory, by h")'
Comp1on-Rurncn. In impeccably ,11lized
dialogue. 1he au1hor writcs her 161h ost~n-

sibly comic no,·cl. hrimful of 1_hcvan~ty
of human "'ishes and thc traSJC fata1,ty
of ancient Grcel drama.
Thc Wa)"'ard Wlfe, by Alberto Mo·
rav·a. S,,x ·s more a scour¡e than an ur¡;e
~~o~~~ collection of sourly ,l,l1cd short

Knucn Chariol5. by Robcrt Crisp. For
NATIONAL STATE BANK lhc mcn of the tank corps, thc baptism of

, .,..,.._
810 Broad St., Newark 1, N.J.
firc was of1en a rcquiem. 1hey ha,·c at
last recc,vcd a litcrary cirntion from a
g;ollant South African major
Uo,i..-ell for lhe Dtfence, 1769-1774,
tdited by Wil!iam K. Wim,au Jr. and
Here in lheeco11omic hesrtofNew Jersey, N11tional
Frederkk A. ronlc. Uozzy gi,·es a spiritcd
State Bank. with resour<:e& o,·er $450,000.000, hall accoum of hi~ c:1rly. tumulluous ycars as
been aervíng New J<'raeY indu11try Rnd bu&inese íor husband and Edinhurgh altorney. Volumc
148 year11. The bank'a ¡¡mple rt!IIOUN:Cil of n,on,:,y VII of thc Yak series.
anrl manpower assure th,it every hnnking nnd The t...11s1Valle)". by J. U. l'ick. An
growth n® will be met fully, quickly. c.~istcnlial parable of mcn cau_ght i~ _the
sensclc" violcnce of lhe wamn¡ lh1rty
Ycar> War.
22 banking offi,cesserving Essex County communities Thc Si.ge ur Sex, by Arthur Cald_cr-
Man.hall. A slyly barbed and cn¡;rossm¡;
biography of that emincnt Victorian. Sex•
MOVLNGH-b~ sure lo lel us know,head
ologist Ha,clod Ellis
olhmewyouwonlm1u1ssngle1mie The Good 1.1¡:hl, by Karl BjJTnhof
T0ChanaoY0"1Addre" Send0ld1jde" Findin¡; wortls íor thc things thal are too
leue1tyn mp nledonm1Lnül•b< ofyQu
terrible for "'ords. 1his author write, a
copyotTIM[l,nd "'"'•dd•us(,.,lhtone
nymbe• fon1!10TIME 540 No Mcn¡,n moving. fic1ionalitcd chronidc oí his dc-
"'"'n Chc.oa<>ll 11 -olow1h,eowu~,lor sccn1 i1110blindness.
Thc Lou~cst Day. by Cornclius Ryan.
A íascinatin¡; lool.: al lhc invasion oí

Best Sellers
l. Advlse and Conscut, l)rury (2) 0
2. Jla,.·ali. Michcncr(I)
l. l>tarandGloriousrh,·siclan,
Caldwcll (41
4. The ln,il's Ad,·ocate. West (3)
What is it abou.t peoplc 5. PoorNoMore.Ruark (51
6. l"he l>•rkneuaud che Da,.·n,
on sa/t.free dicts? Cosmin (7)
7. E,oou~. Uris (6)

8. The War Lonr, Hersc)' (9)
9. 1·,.·o Weeks in Anothu ·rn .. n, Shaw
Kn""''lh<: pleasureofdoingyou_r13,,,n
and ¡¡arden 11,ortwi1hthcbcst. En¡oythe 10. The Ugly American,
unmatchcd performance oí the Gra,cly LcdcrcrandBurd1ck(8)
Tr.ictor! f'low deep and easy ... pcrfcct NONFIC1 ION
l. Fo1kMdkine,Jarvis(2)
~í:~.:;:h:~~~~:thª~~~h:th~; 2. Ad Onc. Hart (1)
lawn. Choosc from 30 job-proved tools! 3. Ma)" This Hou!it Ke Saíe hom Tigers.
NEW full-ftow 0,1 Filtcr, NEW f'owcr- KingOI
now 6.6 Hf'-intcg~I REVERSE. ALL- 4. My Wkhd. Wkkcd \\'a)5, flynn (6)

0 1
~n~ ~~:;~~~~, ~~- Electm: Starter, S. Thc l.ow,tUI l>a)", Ryan (4)
6. Tbe Jo,·ufMusk. Rcrnstcin (8)
7. The Status Seeker~. Packard (9)
Ask y~: 1~r/:,-;e~YF~l"g,,::i~!sf~;:~~~ 8. l"hislsMyGod.Woul\7)
Or.writcfor24-page"Po"ervs 9. The Armada, Mal!ingly (5)
Drudgery"" Bookle• 1oday! 10. Tite f.lemtnls<:>fSlflt,
, ~ IN,aLUol•.,,.PL•N•V•IUO~& StrunkandWhitc{IO)
~.D.101 '11·8 0UNBU,W. VA, ºl'ositiononla.,1 ..·eek\li-t.
Thoughtful Hilton byword
Hcrc is a Hihon gucsl cnjo}ing thl! extra 10uch to thc lobby and dc!i,·crcd the wire promptly.
of scrvice th:n's an c,cryd,1y occurrcnce in our This litt\c act of thoughlfulncss is :in cxample
hotcls. The tclcgram rcads 1t.1,rPY111Rnto1Y sos inthctraditionofHiltonscrvice.likc1hc:1rri,·al
\Vil l. MLET YOU ANO MO~! AT HOME TOMORROW of the morning papcr with brcakfas1 in 1·our
LOVEom. The bcllman traced Frcdcrick from room. or your tr~vcl nL'l:d\ bcing mc1 wilh Sp<'Cd
his room 10 thc barbcr jhOp to 1hc~a rountain ami couricsy. Whcthcr ifs apparc11t or bchiml
Whcrever you go. use <tfr.trlc /?lJ/anchc
Th• llllton Al1-l'urpo5t Crcdi1 Card. For
lips. lt"s onc of 1hc manv rcasons why Frcdcrid:
arph.:auon wri1e 11,hon Crodil Corpol3tion, and his ¡,arcnu will 3J,,,.,1~schoosc a Hilton
,; ~544 S,in,.,;,1 lloulc,arJ, l.m AnEd<,46,Calif, Hotel "hcnc,cr am.l "hcrcvcr thcy may tr:wcl.

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