Keywords: Current-related bed shear stress is vital for the prediction of the morphological evolution of intertidal flats. The
Current-related bed shear stress present study develops a simple method to estimate the current-related bed shear stress during the flood phase on
Water depths intertidal flats, which is based on the easy-to-measure water depth. To verify this simple method, comparisons
Intertidal flats
were made to the current-related shear stress derived from both the LP and the TKE methods based on the
Flood phase
measured velocities. The results show that the widely used approach on intertidal flats, which relates the current-
related bed shear stress to the square of the depth-averaged velocity with a constant factor, underestimates the
bed shear stress for water depths smaller than ca. 0.5 m when high sediment concentrations and significant bed-
level changes however usually occur. For water depths smaller than approximately 0.5 m, the uniform horizontal
velocity assumption in the vertical direction in the shallow water theory is inappropriate, and velocity shear must
be considered. The current-related bed shear stresses could be estimated using the measured water depths during
flood phase, even when the water depth is smaller than 0.5 m. The developed method also shows that the scale of
current-related shear stress is u/h, not u2 , at least with a water depth smaller than 0.5 m.
* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering Hohai University, Nanjing, 210098, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Gong).
Received 13 August 2020; Received in revised form 9 April 2021; Accepted 21 June 2021
Available online 29 June 2021
0272-7714/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Xu et al. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 259 (2021) 107484
Fig. 1. (a) Map of the Jiangsu coast. The study area is indicated by the red box. (b) Map of the study area on intertidal flats. The field survey station is indicated by
the yellow star. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
intertidal flats is 2–6 km, and the average slope is 0.1–0.3% (Zhang,
1992; Kuai et al., 2021). The study area is famous for having the largest
radial tidal sand ridges, which protect the intertidal flats from large
waves. The nearshore area is controlled by a semi-diurnal tide with an
average tidal range of 3.68 m. Abundant sediment is supplied from the
abandoned Yellow River delta. The bed sediment fines landward and
comprises a mixture of clay, silt, and very fine sand.
2.2. Fieldwork
B. Xu et al. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 259 (2021) 107484
relates bed shear stress to the depth-averaged velocities is thus given by:
[ ]2
τ1 (x, t) = ρCD u2 (x, t) = ρCD (2)
tan θdt
Fig. 4. Time series of measured water depths, the near-bed velocities at the level of 6 cm above the initial seabed, and wave heights during three different tidal
cycles. The velocities were averaged over 1 min.
B. Xu et al. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 259 (2021) 107484
Fig. 5. Velocity profiles over 1.5 cm during the first 30 min of the first tidal cycle after the land-water boundary passed the observation station and the corresponding
linear fitting lines. The velocity data were averaged over 2 min.
Finally, the bed shear stress is given by: velocity (u) is a combination of velocity from two components: the
time-averaged mean currents (ut ) and turbulences (u ):
∂u(x, z, t)⃒⃒ eu(x, t) ρeν dη(t)
τ2 (x, t) = ρν = ρν = (6)
∂z ⃒z=zb h(x, t) h(x, t)tan θ dt u = ut + u
where ν (m2/s) is the nominal eddy viscosity and zb (m) is the elevation The effects of waves on the fluctuating velocities were minimized
of the seabed. During one tidal cycle, the maximum bed level changes using the spectrum method (e.g., MacVean and Lacy, 2014). The TKE is
are on the order of 1 cm, see Figure 13 of Shi et al. (2017), which is much the sum of the variance of those fluctuating velocities:
smaller than the width of intertidal flats (~2–6 km). The slope of 1 ( )
intertidal flats thus remains nearly constant during one tidal cycle. The TKE = ρ u′ 2 + v′ 2 + w′ 2 (8)
τ2 is dependent on the easy-to-measure parameter, i.e., water depth, and
the nominal eddy viscosity, ν, is the only tuning parameter. where u v , and w (m/s) are the turbulent velocities in the x, y, and z
′ ′ ′
Fig. 6. Comparison of bed shear stresses using different methods during the flood phase of the tide in (a) the first tidal cycle, (b) the second tidal cycle, and (c) the
third tidal cycle, with tan(θ) = 0.001, ν = 3.6 × 10− 5 m2/s and CD = 0.003. Both the values of ν and CD were chosen as the best fit value.
B. Xu et al. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 259 (2021) 107484
whereut (z)(m/s) is the time-averaged current velocity at level z, u∗ (m/s) shown in Fig. 6. With the arrival of the tide flood, the maximum bed
is the friction velocity, z0 (m) is the bed roughness height, and κ = 0.4 is shear stress occurred. The maximum τ from the measured velocities
von Karman’s constant. When examining the measured velocity profiles ranged from 1.5 to 2.8 Pa, see the blue and black lines in Fig. 6. With the
for a logarithmic profile, the correlation coefficient was checked at the increase of water depth, τ decreased with time and gradually dropped to
95% confidence level. The velocity was averaged over 1 min to minimize zero.
the effects of waves. The bed shear stress can be related to u* using the During the first tidal cycle, τ2 can give a good fit to τLP or τTKE before
following equation: 19:50. After 19:50, τ2 underestimated the bed shear stress. A similar
deviation between τ2 and τLP (or τTKE ) was also found in the second tidal
τLP = ρu2* (11)
cycle. However, this deviation decreased from the first to the second
tidal cycle and disappeared in the third tidal cycle. This corresponded to
2.3.3. Index of agreement
the increase in agreement index I from the first to the third tidal cycles,
The differences between time series of bed shear stresses from
see Table 1.
different methods are quantified using the index of agreement I (Will
The τ1 underestimated the bed shear stress for water depths smaller
mott et al., 1985), given by:
than ca. 0.5 m, indicating that the τ∝u2 is not a sufficient model for
(Hi − Ki ) water depths smaller than 0.5 m, which is consistent with O’Donoghue
IH− K = 1 − ∑ (⃒⃒ i=1 ⃒⃒ ⃒⃒ ⃒) (12)
K ⃒ + ⃒Ki − K ⃒ et al. (2010). The water depth of 0.5 m is also consistent with the depth
i=1 ⃒Hi
above which the horizontal velocity is relatively uniform in the vertical
direction, see Section 4.2, indicating that the velocity shear has to be
where Ki and Hi are the i-th time series of τ from different methods. The
taken into consideration for water depth small than 0.5 m in terms of bed
index of agreement I varies from 0 to 1. I = 0 represents complete
shear stress. With the water depth rising to 0.5 m above, τ1 is consistent
disagreement, and I = 1 means perfect agreement.
with τ2 .
The Vectrino Profiler was installed 5 cm higher than the TWR. No
3. Results
velocity data were obtained when the water depth was from 5 cm to 10
cm. Within a water depth of 5 cm–10 cm, the τ2 increased sharply and
3.1. Near-bed velocities, water depths, and wave heights
seemed to be infinite at the land-water boundary. This is because the
dynamics at the land-water boundary are different from the following
The measured water depths, near-bed velocities, and wave heights
water column, e.g., see Figure 12 of Baldock et al. (2014). A rolling
are shown in Fig. 4. The maximum water depths during each tidal cycle
motion of water exists at the land-water boundary, and the water col
varied from 2.3 m to 2.8 m. The waves generally grew during the
umn could impact the seabed, resulting in a significant impact force on
incoming tide and then decreased during high and falling tidal phases.
the seabed, which is not included in the present study.
The maximum wave heights, which gradually decreased from the first to
the third tidal cycle, were 0.42 m, 0.19 m and 0.08 m, respectively. The
near-bed velocities had several peaks during the tidal phase. The 4. Discussion
maximum near-bed velocity during the tidal cycle occurred at the land-
water boundary and then decreased rapidly and levelled out to Our results suggest that the current-related bed shear stress during
approximately 0.2 m/s. The largest velocities occurring at the land- the flood phase on intertidal flats can be estimated using measured
water boundary are consistent with other reports, e.g., Figure 20 of water depths.
Wüthrich et al. (2018). The near-bed velocities finally dropped to zero at The index of agreement I between τ2 and τLP (or τTKE ) increases from
flood slack. The hydrodynamics during the ebb tide was not included in the first tidal cycle to the third tidal cycle. The explanation for this is that
the present study. the effects of waves are not included in the present approach, i.e., Eq.
(6). The LP method could overestimate the current-related bed shear
stress when the wave exists e.g., Zhang et al. (2018) and Yang et al.
3.2. Vertical gradient of horizontal velocity (2006). The contributions of wave-induced turbulence also make the
TKE method overestimate the current-related bed shear stress. There
Fig. 5 shows the velocity profiles over 1.5 cm during the first 30 min fore, with the decrease in wave height from the first to the third tidal
of the first tidal cycle. The vertical gradient of horizontal velocity cycle, I increases. The I can be up to 0.92 with a maximum wave height
decreased with time after the passage of the land-water boundary. After smaller than 0.08 m, indicating that the current-related bed shear stress
16 min, at which time the corresponding water depth was ca. 0.5 m, the can be well described by Eq. (6).
horizontal velocity is relatively uniform in the vertical direction, see As mentioned in the literature review, shallow water theory has been
dashed line in Fig. 5. Although the velocity at the seabed was not widely applied for intertidal flats. The current-related bed shear stress is
measured, with the no-slip conditions at the seabed, we can deduce that thus related to the square of the depth-averaged velocity with a constant
the gradient of the horizontal velocity at the seabed also decreased with
friction factor, i.e., τ∝u2 . However, our study shows that τ∝u2 is
time after the passage of the land-water boundary. This decrease could
insufficient at least for water depths lower than 0.5 m during the
lead to the decrease of τ with time, see the black and blue lines in Fig. 6.
flooding phase when velocity shear had to be taken into account.
The developed simple method, i.e., Eq. (6), has superiority in solving
3.3. Bed shear stresses the current-related bed shear stress for water depths smaller than 0.5 m
and has a straightforward form that can be easily applied in the model.
The τ values during the flooding phase of the three tidal cycles are Although the self-similar velocity profiles are not the definitive,
B. Xu et al. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 259 (2021) 107484
The authors would like to thank Professor Peter Nielsen for his useful
Fig. 7. Spatial variations of the current-related bed shear stress on the inter
tidal flats at a fixed time t.
suggestions for improving this manuscript. Beibei Xu gratefully ac
knowledges financial support from the China Scholarship Council. This
work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
integrated description of 2DV velocity structure on intertidal flats, the
China (51620105005, 51879095,41807229) and China National Funds
application of self-similar velocity profiles implies that the τ∝ u/ h, at
for Distinguished Young Scientists (51925905). Qian Zhang acknowl
least for water depths lower than ca. 0.5 m during the flood phase, which
edges the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51909073).
helps understand the hydrodynamics in the corresponding flooding
phase better.
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