QSG IBM-Sanovi-RO en 01
QSG IBM-Sanovi-RO en 01
QSG IBM-Sanovi-RO en 01
IBM Resiliency Orchestration Integration with EXPRESSCLUSTER X
Document Number ECX-001-QSG, Version 1.0, August 5, 2019
Copyright © 2019-2020 NEC Corporation.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without
the express written permission of NEC Corporation.
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. NEC Corporation assumes no
responsibility for technical or editorial mistakes in or omissions from this document. To obtain the benefits
of the product, it is the customer’s responsibility to install and use the product in accordance with this
document. The copyright for the contents of this document belongs to NEC Corporation. Copying, altering,
or translating this document, in full or in part, without the permission of NEC Corporation, is prohibited.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 5
2 System Requirement and Planning ....................................................................................................... 6
2.1 System Requirements .................................................................................................................... 6
3 Base System Setup ................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Management Console/Test Client (Machine 3) ............................................................................. 7
3.2 Setup the Primary/RO Server (Machine 1) .................................................................................... 7
3.3 Setup the Secondary Server (Machine 2) ...................................................................................... 8
4 EXPRESSCLUSTER Server Installation & Setup ...................................................................................... 9
4.1 Install EXPRESSCLUSTER on the Primary & Secondary Server (Machine 1 & 2) ............................ 9
5 Install & Configure Resiliency Orchestration ...................................................................................... 10
5.1 Edit sudoers ................................................................................................................................. 11
5.2 RO Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 11
6 Create & Copy Custom scripts on Each Servers. ................................................................................. 12
7 Create DR Site on RO Dashboard ........................................................................................................ 13
8 Create Component Subsystem ........................................................................................................... 16
9 Create Recovery Group ....................................................................................................................... 19
10 Create Application Group ................................................................................................................... 24
11 Edit BCO Workflow of Recovery Group .............................................................................................. 27
12 Edit BP Workflow of Recovery Group ................................................................................................. 32
13 Execute BCO Workflows of Recovery Group ...................................................................................... 34
14 Execute BP Workflow of Recovery Group........................................................................................... 36
15 Edit BCO Workflows of Application Group ......................................................................................... 37
16 Execute BCO Workflows of Application Group ................................................................................... 40
17 Edit Drill Workflows of Application Group .......................................................................................... 41
In this section, we will create Drill workflows of application group. .................................................. 41
After executing Drill workflow, Drill report is generated automatically............................................. 41
The below steps is how to show a list of Drill Workflows. ................................................................. 41
18 Execute Drill Workflows of Application Group ................................................................................... 44
19 Confirm Drill Report ............................................................................................................................ 46
About this Guide
This guide provides a hands-on “Quick Start” set of instructions for configuration and setting the
EXPRESSCLUSTER X integration with IBM Resiliency Orchestration on RHEL 7.4 / CentOS 7 (1708) operating
system with two nodes. The guide assumes its readers to have Linux system administration &
EXPRESSCLUSTER X knowledge and skills, installation and configuration of IBM Resiliency Orchestration,
EXPRESSCLUSTER X, and Linux Server. The guide includes systematic instructions to integrate and
configure of IBM Resiliency Orchestration with EXPRESSCLUSTER X.
MaintenanceGuide.pdf – This guide is intended for administrators and system administrators who want
to build, operate, and maintain. The guide describes maintenance-related information for
HardwareFeatureGuide.pdf – The guide describes features to work with specific hardware, serving as a
supplement to the Installation and Configuration Guide.
The EXPRESSCLUSTER X team can also be contacted via the following E-mail address:
[email protected]
1 Overview
1. This guide describes how to integrate & configure IBM Resiliency Orchestration (hereinafter
referred to as “IBM RO") with NEC EXPRESSCLUSTER X (hereinafter referred to as “ECX”).
2. Perform system planning to determine requirements and specify configuration settings prior to
start of actual system installation and configuration.
3. Prepare the Primary and Secondary servers including OS installation and configuration if necessary.
4. Install, configure, and verify IBM RO on the Primary server.
5. Install and configure ECX Server on the Primary and Secondary servers.
6. Create and configure ECX failover group to enable continuous protection and automatic recovery
for mirror disk resource & floating IP address resource.
7. Upload the configuration file on the server and start the cluster to complete the deployment.
8. Create and configure IBM RO recovery group and application group.
9. Edit and execute workflows of groups in RO.
10. View generated reports.
2 System Requirement and Planning
2.1 System Requirements
Machine 1: Primary/RO Server
- EXPRESSCLUSTER X (ECX) 3.3/4.0/4.1
- IBM Resiliency Orchestration (RO) 7.3
Machine 2: Secondary Server
- EXPRESSCLUSTER X (ECX) 3.3/4.0/4.1
Software Java 1.8.0_212 enabled web browser Java 1.8.0_212 enabled web browser
3 Base System Setup
3.1 Management Console/Test Client (Machine 3)
Setup a Windows desktop or laptop with specified OS and network configuration from
previous section. A Java enabled web browser should also be installed to enable access to
ECX WebUI or WebManager.
2. Verify basic system boot and root login functionality and availability of required
hardware components as specified in Chapter 2.
6. Enable ssh:
a. Change “PermitRootLogin” to Yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
b. Restart sshd with “systemctl restart sshd”
3.3 Setup the Secondary Server (Machine 2)
Perform steps 1-6 in Section 3.2 on the Secondary Server.
4 EXPRESSCLUSTER Server Installation & Setup
4.1 Install EXPRESSCLUSTER on the Primary & Secondary Server (Machine 1 & 2)
5 Install & Configure Resiliency Orchestration
Please refer to IBM Resiliency Orchestration 7.3 Installation Guide.pdf and install the IBM RO on Primary
After Installing & configuring the RO software, we can access the RO application from client machine with
following URL. http://<RO-server IP address>:8080/PanacesGUI/
RO homepage & login with support user which you created during the RO installation.
10 | P a g e
5.1 Edit sudoers
Execute visudo command to edit sudoers.
Add the below 2 lines.
5.2 RO Configuration
1 Application Group that includes 1 recovery group.
o ECX: Application Group
o TestingECX: Recovery Group
RO folder path : /opt/panaces/
Scripts folder path for ECX: /opt/panaces/scripts/ECX/TestingECX
RO service path: /opt/panaces/bin/
11 | P a g e
6 Create & Copy Custom scripts on Each Servers.
1. Create a folder /opt/panaces/scripts/ECX on RO server (Primary server).
2. Create a folder /opt/panaces/scripts/ECX/TestingECX on RO server (Primary server).
3. Change permission of the folders.
5. Change owner and owner group and permission of ECX_RepInfo.tcl and getrpo.tcl.
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7 Create DR Site on RO Dashboard
Follow the below steps to create DR site.
Production site has already been created. (SCC_Site).
After Login to RO dashboard, click Discover icon and you will get below screen.
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Figure 5 Selecting Sites
Click on Sites tab and you will get following screen, wherein default site is SCC_Site (In this
document, SCC_Site is Production site.)
Input Site Name and Site Address of DR Site & click Save
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Figure 8 Creating DR Site
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8 Create Component Subsystem
2. Select Subsystems
3. Select Create new drop down & select required components Linux
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4. Click Go
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Figure 15 Adding credentials for the component discovery
7. After Save the Component Discovery, you can see the subsystem for Primary & Secondary node.
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9 Create Recovery Group
1. Click Discover and Click Discover Recovery Group
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Figure 19 Create Recovery group
3. Define Group Relationship
o Server Component
Select Primary server as PRIMARY COMPONENT
Select Secondary server as Secondary COMPONENT
o Network Component
Select Secondary COMPONENT
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Figure 21 Selecting Primary and Secondary Component
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4. Click Finish
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7. Click OK
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10 Create Application Group
1. Click Discover & then Click on Discover Application Group
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4. Create Recovery Order - Name
o Drag and drop Recovery Group Name to Recovery Order
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7. Click Manage Group and Click OK
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11 Edit BCO Workflow of Recovery Group
1. Click Manage
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4. Click View all workflows
Need to edit BCO Workflows by clicking a pen icon and publish the workflow.
A workflow consists of some actions.
You can edit an action by double-clicking the action icon
It is needless to edit a workflow because ECX copies data on a mirror disk constantly.
o Click Next
28 | P a g e
o Click Publish Workflow
Here need to define a complete workflow of Failover between Primary & Secondary site, as you
will calculate the RTO for this functionality through to ECX.
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Figure 41 Defining scripts
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Figure 43 Fallback workflow of recovery group
o Click Next
o Click Publish Workflow
It is needless to edit a workflow because ECX copies data on a mirror disk constantly.
o Click Next
o Click Publish Workflow
31 | P a g e
12 Edit BP Workflow of Recovery Group
32 | P a g e
Figure 45 Defining scripts
o Click Next
o Click Publish Workflow
33 | P a g e
13 Execute BCO Workflows of Recovery Group
After executing 4 BCO workflows that you created in the previous steps, the RTO is displayed on RO
Please note that ECX failover group moves if you execute Failover/Fallback workflow.
1. Click Manage
34 | P a g e
4. Click On Workflow name (Failover) & see the RTO (Time taken)
5. You can see the failover on ECX end which is executed by IBM RO.
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14 Execute BP Workflow of Recovery Group
After executing the workflow, the RPO and Pending Data is displayed on RO dashboard. Group page is
updated every 10 minutes.
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15 Edit BCO Workflows of Application Group
o Click Add
37 | P a g e
o Click recovery group name
o Click Failover
o Click Next
o Click Publish Workflow
38 | P a g e
o Click Add
o Select VM Replication with OtherReplicator in Select Solution Signature
o Click recovery group name
o Click Fallback
o Click Next
o Click Publish Workflow
39 | P a g e
16 Execute BCO Workflows of Application Group
After executing Failover and Fallback workflow, you can see RTO on group page.
Please note that ECX failover group moves if you execute Failover/Fallback workflow.
40 | P a g e
17 Edit Drill Workflows of Application Group
In this section, we will create Drill workflows of application group.
After executing Drill workflow, Drill report is generated automatically.
1. Click Drill
2. Click Summary
3. Click a group name that you want to edit
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For example, we will edit Switchover to output the below reports.
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After editing action, you will get the below screen.
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18 Execute Drill Workflows of Application Group
1. Click Drill
2. Click Summary
3. Click a group name
4. Click Execute
Drill workflow will be stopped if you execute the workflow while any servers or ECX cluster are not
You need to restart workflow manually if workflow is stopping.
44 | P a g e
2. Click Awaiting Input
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19 Confirm Drill Report
We can see Drill reports in Drill page.
The Drill report in next page is generated after executing the workflow in section 18
Time Elapsed of Failover action represents RTO.
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Figure 65 Sample report
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