Anand 2006
Anand 2006
Anand 2006
Bharat N. Anandw
Alexander Galetovicz
We thank two anonymous referees, an editor, colleagues and seminar participants at
various universities, the Econometric Society Meetings (Buenos Aires) and the National
Bureau of Economic Research (Summer Institute meetings) for helpful comments. Anand
gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Division of Research at Harvard Business
School. Galetovic gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Fondecyt (project
C1970340), Fundación Andes, the Hewlett Foundation and the Mellon Foundation.
Relationships between investment banks and corporations have always been important in
the U.S. investment banking market, and the sunk costs incurred by investment banks in
establishing and maintaining each relationship are large; see Nanda and Warther [1998]
Wilhelm [1999] and Wilhelm and Downing [2001].
See ‘Some Old Peculiar Practices in the City of London,’ The Economist, February 18th,
Rolfe and Troob ([2000] p.103) argue in a colorful recent account of investment banking
that spreads have stayed high ‘. . . because there has always been an unspoken agreement
among the bankers that when it comes to underwritings they won’t compete on price. The
spreads are sacrosanct. He who cuts spreads will himself become an outcast. . .The community
of investment banks has always been small enough so that if one bank were to break ranks on
the pricing issue, the others would quickly join forces and squash the offender . . . Every banker
knows that the pricing issue is a slippery slope best avoided because once the price cutting
begins, there’s no telling where it will end.’ See also ‘Overcharging Underwriters,’ The
Economist (June 27, 1998), where it is noted that ‘. . .studies in both countries suggest issuing
companies are overcharged, and that they are stung for more in America.’ Similar attributions
to bankers can be found elsewhere, as noted by Chen and Ritter ([2000] p. 1,106). For an
empirical analysis of the IPO market see Hansen [2001].
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C8 Ratio Invol
1 11
1960 1980
1955 1975
0 8
1950 1986
Figure 1
Concentration and Volume in Underwriting
Source: Hayes, Spence, and Marks [1983], Table 1, and Eccles and Crane [1988], table 5.4.
‘C8-Ratio’ is the share of total volume of securities underwritten in any given year by the top eight
investment banks. Full credit is given to lead manager. ‘Volume’ is the logarithm of total volume of
securities underwritten in any given year (volume data is in real terms). Volume increased
seventeen-fold between 1950 and 1986.
sumtop8v Intotval
1 14.2
0 11.5
1987 1998
Figure 2
Concentration and Volume in Mergers and Acquisitions
Source: Author’s processing of data from Securities Data Company. ‘C8-Ratio’ is the share of total
deal value of mergers and acquisitions brokered by the top eight investment banks in any given
year. Full credit is given to the acquiror’s lead bank. The sample of M&A deals is restricted to those
made by firms that do at least three such deals in the 12-year period 1987–1998. Maximum and
minimum volume over this time period differ by a factor of eight.
By ‘deal’ we mean, for example, a security flotation, a merger or an acquisition.
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λc ν
νβ ν Volume
Figure 3
The cost of doing a deal with alternative intermediation technologies.
The assumption that relationships are nonverifiable distinguishes this setting from the large
body of work that studies investment incentives, incomplete contracting and the hold-up
problem (see Hart [1995]). In those settings, ex-post hold up can be moderated by specific ex-
ante allocation of decision rights over the assets: examples include the allocation of ownership
rights over the asset as in Grossman and Hart [1986] and Hart and Moore [1990], or the
contractual right of one party to block the use of the asset in a transaction with a third party, as
in Segal and Whinston [2000].
Relationship banks can free ride on each other’s efforts by copying their financial products,
poaching competitors’ employees, or by getting information on rivals’ ideas from client firms
themselves. Section 2.1 discusses these sources of free-riding in more detail.
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R o bv for firms whose v is large enough. Competition from fringe banks will
not threaten relationships because it cannot: any fee that makes profits for a
fringe bank also makes ex-post profits for a relationship bank. Hence
relationship banks can and do charge lower fees in equilibrium. It follows
that any firm, regardless of deal volume, would prefer to do its deals with
relationship banks. However relationship banks would make losses for firms
with small deal volumes. Thus, all firms want relationships, whereas
relationship banks ration smaller firms out. In other words, the market will
be vertically segmented: relationship banks will serve large firms and fringe
banks will serve small firms. This separation is similar to the common
distinction in practice between ‘bulge bracket’ banks, which serve
predominantly large corporations, and the rest, which serve smaller firms.
The second set of results characterizes competition among relationship
banks. To recoup the investments in relationships made each period, price
competition must be soft in equilibrium, which is sustainable with an
implicit contract between relationship banks not to undercut. This implicit
contract yields an oligopoly such that relationship banks have similar
market shares and concentration cannot fall below a given bound. In
addition, we show that this lower bound on concentration does not fall as
market size increases. Last, because the implicit contract serves an efficiency
role, it is robust to entry despite yielding rents to banks in equilibrium.8,9
Imperfect competition can be traced to the non-verifiability and non-
excludability of relationships. We show that if banks could charge R directly,
the relationship segment could be perfectly competitive and there would be
no tension between relationships and competition despite scale economies
from relationships. The reason is that scale economies exist only at the level
of each bank-firm relationship, i.e., at the ‘local’ level. On the other hand,
aggregate relationship costs increase (linearly) with the number of relation-
ships that the intermediary establishes. We also show that nonexcludability
of relationships is necessary to explain why the investment banking market is
an oligopoly. If, as a counterfactual, relationships were nonverifiable but
excludable, implicit contracts would still be needed to soften price
competition, but would not impose any restrictions on aggregate market
The study of self-enforcing norms in the relationship segment is methodologically related to
Dutta and Madhavan [1997] who study implicit collusion in broker-dealer markets. The
collusive equilibrium in that model rationalizes a striking series of practises which have been
empirically documented. Unlike that model, the implicit contract here is not a purely
facilitating device, but supports rents that are necessary for a relationship segment to exist.
Consequently, a self-enforcing norm is sustainable in equilibrium even with free entry.
Pichler and Wilhelm [2001] obtain a similar efficiency result in their analysis of investment
banking syndicates. They study how the relationships and the potential for free-riding on
information-gathering, shapes syndicates. Membership stability across deals creates entry
barriers that provide banks with quasi-rents, which stimulate investments in information
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The comparative static exercises in section 3 distinguish changes in the
number of banks from a change in the intensity of price competition.10 The
general message from these exercises is that when competition gets more
intense, the endogenous adjustment in fees or in the number of banks undoes
their deleterious effects on the incentives to establish relationships. In
addition, vertical segmentation suggests caution when assessing how
concentrated or competitive the investment banking industry is. Specifically,
market segmentation implies that looking at the industry as a single market
will unduly deflate traditional measures of concentration (e.g., the inverse of
a Herfindahl index). Section 4 discusses additional welfare implications.
Our paper is related to a large literature on relationships in financial
markets. Petersen and Rajan [1995] were the first to point out that imperfect
competition is necessary to maintain relationships.11 That conclusion still
holds here, but the analysis shows why neither local monopoly power nor
aggregate monopoly is necessary to establish relationships. Aggregate
monopoly power is not necessary because relationships imply local scale
economies, not aggregate ones. Local monopoly power is not necessary
because endogenous entry and exit together with soft price competition can
undo the deleterious effect of multiple relationships. This ‘possibility result’
also contrasts with previous studies which have generally posited the need
for either exclusive relationships (see, for example, the discussion in Hellwig
[1991]) or aggregate market power (following Petersen and Rajan [1995]).
Free-riding problems in information production by investment banks and
the facilitating role of market structure are also studied in Benveniste et al.
[2002]. Market power allows banks to bundle IPOs in the same industry, that
are sold to a similar investor pool. This in turn allows the ‘smoothing’ of
underpricing across a wave of IPOs. The burden of compensating investors
for costly information production is then shared more equitably between
pioneers and followers. Empirical support for the theory is provided in
Benveniste et al. [2003]. The analysis in that pair of papers takes the existence
of market power in investment banking as given, whereas this study
examines where market power comes from.
This paper is also related to Anand and Galetovic [2000], which presents a
model to explain why intermediaries may finance the production of assets
This distinction follows Sutton [1991] and others who note that in models with endogenous
entry the number of economic actors is an uninformative measure of competition.
See also Mayer [1988] and Hellwig [1991] for conceptual tratments of this issue. There is a
large theoretical literature that explores the benefits and costs of relationships; for surveys of
this literature see Berger [1999], Boot [2000] and Ongena and Smith [2000]. For example,
Berglöf and von Thadden [1994], Boot and Thakor [1994], Chemmanour and Fulghieri [1994],
Diamond [1991], Rajan [1992] and von Thadden [1995] all model the benefits of long-term
bilateral relationships. Several papers in the literature have also studied the cost of exclusive
relationships that come from the exploitation of market power when banks can hold up firms
(e.g., Greenbaum et al. [1989], Rajan [1992], Sharpe [1990] and von Thadden [1998]).
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over which they cannot establish property rights (such as information and
certain types of human capital). That paper shows that investment in non-
excludable assets requires soft price competition, which may be the
equilibrium of a repeated game between intermediaries. By contrast, the
focus in this paper is the tension between relationships and competition. While
soft price competition is a feature of investment banking, most observers
describe this industry as brutally competitive in almost all other dimensions.
In this model we study these other dimensionsFfirms have multiple
relationships, there is a large fringe of banks that do not establish relationships
in equilibrium, and relationship banks can exert sales effortsFand
endogenously derive market structure. We show why relationships are not
deleteriously impacted by price competition from fringe banks (because of
vertical segmentation), nor by entry and non-price competition (because
market structure endogenously adjusts to preserve investment incentives).
Finally, our paper is related to Boot and Thakor [2000], who study how
commercial banks that make relationships are affected by competition from
banks that do not (‘arm’s-length banks’).12 Both the characteristics and the
consequences of bank-client relationships are different in their model from
the one studied here. The reason for these differences is, quite simply, that
the source of relationships in the two markets are different. We discuss in
more detail these differences between commercial and investment banking,
and its consequences for how the tension between relationships and
competition is solved, in section 4.2.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 documents the
importance of relationships in investment banking, motivates the formal
model and shows the well known tension between competition and
relationships. Section 3 describes how the tension between relationships
and competition is solved, and presents the results of the model. Section 4
discusses several extensions and robustness checks. Section 5 discusses other
industries where relationships are important, and their similarities and
differences from investment banking. Section 6 concludes.
II(i). Motivation
II(i)(i). Relationships in Investment Banking Relationships between
investment banks and firms provide banks with access to firm-specific
information that can be used to structure deals or price securities. Crane and
Yafeh and Yosha [2001] have also recently studied how competition from arm’s length
loans affect relationship lending. Their focus, however, is not on the canonical intertemporal
problem caused by sunk relationship investments, but on intratemporal competition between
the arm’s-length and relationship segments and the strategic use of relationships as an entry-
deterrence device.
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Eccles ([1993] p. 136) note that ‘access and information exchange are the key
elements in the definition of relationships’ between investment banks and
client firms. Consequently, suppliers with relationships often have ‘preferred
vendor status’ because without such information they would, for example,
be ‘making virtually random blue-book pitches with little chance of hitting
the target.’13 Similarly, in a recent survey, Boot ([2000] p. 7) points out that
even the task of underwriting public issues involves absorbing credit
and placement risk which may be ‘facilitated by the proprietary information
and multiple interactions that are the hallmark of relationship banking.’
And, Wilhelm and Downing [2001] note that while changes in information
technology might commoditize those investment banking services that have
to do mostly with the storage and dissemination of information to investors,
the information needed for corporate advisory services still rests largely on
bank-firm relationships.
Relationships are well-documented for the U.S. market.14 Until about 25
years ago, the rule in the industry was that a corporation would establish a
relationship with only one investment bank.15 While relationships have
varied in strength over time, they still remain important today.16 In a recent
Institutional Investor survey of 1,600 chief financial officers of firms made in
August, 2001, 44% of those who prefer ‘specialized institutions’ for their
different needs, and 64% of those who prefer one-stop banks, stated that
their primary reason for choosing a bank was ‘prior relationships’ with it.
Moreover, evidence on firms’ choices of investment banks points indirectly
to the strength of relationships as well. For example, Baker [1990] examined
ties between investment banks and corporations with market value of more
than $50 million between 1981 and 1985. He reports that the 1,091
corporations that made two or more deals during this period used three lead
banks on average (these firms made eight deals on average). All but nine
granted more than 50% of their business to their top three banks and, on
average, 59% of the business was allocated to the top bank. Similarly, Eccles
and Crane ([1988] ch.4) report that among the 500 most active corporations
in the market between 1984 and 1986, 55.6% used predominantly one bank
to float their securities, and the rest maintained relationships with only a few
banks. They did not find any corporation selecting underwriters on a deal-
by-deal basis. James [1992] finds that in the first common stock security
Crane and Eccles ([1993] pp. 131–136).
See Wihelm and Downing ([2001]) for an overview.
Eccles and Crane ([1988] pp. 53 and 54) attribute the end of exclusive relationships to the
increasing sophistication of capital markets. Specifically, the capital markets offer more
product variety and, as firms have themselves become financially more sophisticated, they now
encourage solicitations from more than one bank.
See Nanda and Warther [1998] for an analysis of the trends in the strength of underwriting
relationships. Crane and Eccles ([1993] p.132) note that relationships were even more
important in the early 1990’s than they were in the previous decade.
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offering after an initial public offering (IPO), 72% of firms choose the same
lead bank as before; for debt offerings, 65% of issuers do not switch banks.
And, Krigman et al. [2001] show that 69% of firms that made an IPO
between 1993 and 1995 and a secondary equity offering within three years of
the IPO, chose the same lead underwriter in both transactions.
It has been argued that relationships may subject the firm to a hold up
from the intermediary with whom it has a relationship. As we will see now,
however, the opposite seems to be more relevant in the case of investment
banks: firms may find it too easy to switch investment banks once they have
established the relationship.17
Ongena and Smith [2001] study the duration of firm-bank relationships in Norway and
find that firms are more likely to leave a given bank as the relationship matures, thus suggesting
that firms do not get locked into relationships in commercial banking either.
Indeed, because banks ‘are willing to incur current costs in the hope of getting future fees,
[t]his gives the customer an opportunity to receive services that he or she may never have to pay
for’ (Crane and Eccles [1993] p. 143). The extreme case of loose linkage is the ‘analysis’ function
of investment banks, where banks earn most of their commisions from investors who trade the
firm’s security.
A good or service is excludable if the owner can prevent others from using it at a very low
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information takes place through direct interaction between the firm and the
investment bank’s staff person, the relationship-specific knowledge often
walks with employees when they are hired away.20 As an example, Deutsche
Bank built a global investment bank in a year (Deutsche Morgan Grenfell)
by hiring away staff en masse from other major banks.21 At the same time,
Eccles and Crane ([1988] pages 61–62) note that banks often fear that firms
will take their ideas to be implemented by rival banks for less money.
Copying is quite easy: Tufano [1989] notes that most product innovations by
banks are copied by rivals within a day of introduction.22 And, as is the case
in commercial banking, most firms have more than one relationship.23
See Anand and Galetovic [2000].
There are other examples as well: Wilhelm and Downing [2001] note that when ‘Bruce
Wasserstein and Joseph Perella walked away from First Boston’s top-ranked M&A business in
1988 . . . virtually overnight, First Boston fell from the ranks of serious contenders for new
M&A business’ (pages 68–69).
Tufano [1989] estimates the costs of designing a security, including product development,
marketing and legal expenses, to be between $0.5 million and $5 million. These products cannot
be patented and all details become publicly available once the offering is filed with the SEC. For
models of product innovation in investment banking with weak property rights, see
Bhattacharya and Nanda [2000] and Persons and Warther [1997].
See Eccles and Crane [1988]. Moreover, in their survey on relationships in commercial
banking, Ongena and Smith [2000] conclude that multiple relationships are a common feature
of nearly all countries for which evidence has been collected.
Explicitly modeling the entry cost E also allows us to endogenize the number of
relationship banks m later on.
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to do the deals of the firm. Figure 3 shows the investment banking market
from the perspective of a firm with relationships.
Each time a bank establishes a relationship with a given firm, it incurs a
sunk cost R which is independent of volume v. Hence, there are scale
economies at the level of each relationship (or local level). Banks incur no
sunk cost when they do an arm’s-length deal, but such a transaction imposes
a transaction cost on firms. The magnitude of the transaction cost depends
on (i) whether the firm has a group of k core banks; and (ii) the type of bank it
transacts with. Specifically:
Assumption 2.1. When the firm does not have any relationships, then
implementing the deal with any bank imposes a transaction cost bv on the
Assumption 2.2. When the firm has a group of k core banks, then
implementing a deal with a non-core relationship bank imposes a
transaction cost av, with a 2 ½0; RvÞ (that is, a is ‘small’). On the other hand,
a deal implemented by a fringe bank imposes a transaction cost bv, with
a < Rv < b < 1.
Assumption 2.1 says that firms pay a transaction cost which grows with v
when they do an arm’s length deal. One reason is that without the knowledge
that is gathered in a relationship it is less likely that the right deal structure
will be chosen. Thus mistakes are more likely (see Eccles and Crane [1988]
for an elaborate account) and their costs should be roughly proportional to
the size of the deal. At the same time, this assumption implies that the
relationship technology is efficient for firms with large enough deal volume.
It would be hard to justify the contrary: if arm’s length technologies were
always more efficient, then relationships would not be observed in the first
place.25 Last, because we assume that the arm’s length technology does not
exhibit economies of scale at the firm level (larger deals are more costly),
there is no loss of generality in assuming that banks incur no cost when using
itFcompetition would ensure that firms pay any cost incurred by banks in
Assumption 2.2 says that relationships create an externality that reduces
the cost of doing a deal with a non-core relationship bank. Moreover, the
benefit is substantial because a is ‘small.’ This captures the idea, as we saw
Ljungqvist et al. [2001] examine 2,143 IPOs by issuers in 65 countries outside the United
States between 1992 and 1999. They find that firms selling their securities to U.S. investors
through U.S. banks typically charge higher direct fees, but including underpricing they are
considerably cheaper. They argue (p.25) that ‘. . .the more sophisticated capital markets
outside the U.S. have only recently begun to develop. . .the relationships that link key
intermediaries in the venture capital and the private equity markets to the primary and
secondary markets.’
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above, that information is not excludable because senior bankers can switch
or the firm can approach another bank to implement the ideas suggested by a
relationship bank.
The assumption that a < Rv < b says that while non-core banks can free-ride
on relationship investments, fringe banks cannot. This asymmetry captures
the idea that banks that employ the relationship technology are
differentiated from banks that do not. Recall that to establish and exploit
the advantages of relationships requires two types of costs: the entry cost E of
setting up a ‘relationship infrastructure,’ and the cost R of gathering firm-
specific information through a relationship with it. While this latter
information can be used to better structure deals and offer value-added
services that cater to the firm’s needs, implementing these deals and services
requires the additional infrastructure costs E. In practice, this ‘infrastruc-
ture’ may involve investments in a broad product line, experience with
particular product specialties, and a large retail distribution networkFall of
which allow banks to more efficiently implement the complex deals that
relationships invoke.26 Differences between non-core banks (that entered
the relationship segment but do not have a relationship with a particular
firm) and fringe banks are thus embodied in E, making it cheaper for non-
core banks to free-ride on relationships by core banks than it would be for
fringe banks to do so.27
Last, it is also assumed that each time a relationship or a fringe bank i does
a deal (but only then), it charges a fee that is a proportion li 2 ½0; 1Þ of the
dollar value of the deal. Hence, total fees charged by bank i to a firm that
generates a deal of size v are liv. For simplicity, we assume that each
relationship bank charges the same proportional fee to all the firms in its core
group with whom it does a deal, regardless of v.28 Below we extend the
analysis to consider non-linear fee schedules and show that this does not
change our conclusions.
Eccles and Crane ([1988] pages 100–108) describe in detail the different investments that
banks with relationships make. For example, they note the banks’ ‘concern about the
consequences to customer relationships of not having a full product line’; the ‘experience
expertise in the many product specialties required to serve the needs of these customers’; the fact
that the ‘availability of a large retail network is undoubtedly a strength when soliciting certain
kinds of customers, such as companies with household names that issue securities;’ and that
‘those with a full product line, such as all six of the special bracket firms, believe that there are
strong interdependencies across the various financial markets and that they can serve some
customers better by being able to meet all their needs.’
In practice, bulge-bracket banks are similar multiproduct firms which specialize in doing
the deals of large corporations (see, for example, Hayes et al. [1983]). Thus, it is not difficult for
Goldman Sachs to execute a deal that has been designed by Merrill Lynch. By contrast, fringe
banks tend to be small boutiques which do not have the infrastructure which is typical of bulge-
bracket banks.
In practice, there is evidence that smaller deals tend to pay higher fees as a proportion of
deal size (see Ritter [1987] and Lee et al. [1996]).
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The formal proof is in Appendix A.
See Aoki and Dinç [1997].
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repeated-game is appropriate to study relationships and competition. Thus
Assumption 3.1. (i) Banks are infinitely lived and by sinking E they can enter
into the relationship at the beginning of any period thus remaining a
relationship bank forever.
(ii) Relationship banks play the one-period game an infinite number of
times. k1
(iii) Banks discount
future with discount factor d 2 k ; 1 .
(iv) E < 1d f r bV r
k R , with f as defined below.
Assumptions (iii) and (iv) ensure that an implicit contract that sustains
relationships exists: assumption (iii) ensures that the implicit contract can be
sustained with k core banks, and assumption (iv) says the sunk entry cost can
be recovered when the fee is at its maximum, b. In addition, we make the
following simplifying assumption.
Assumption 3.2. Each generation of firms lives for only one period.
Assumption 3.2 is made for simplicity. It may seem surprising at first
because in practice relationships tend to last for years and information can
be reused to some extent (see, for example, James [1992]). But, even there, the
key point is that banks constantly interact with the firmFso that established
relationships must be nurtured over timeFwhereas deals occur only at
discrete moments. In a more elaborate model, time would be continuous,
relationship expenditures by banks would be made every instant and
depreciate over time and deals would randomly arrive at discrete moments.
Thus, at each moment, relationship banks would have a stock of sunk
relationship investments that they would lose if they engaged in a price war.
Our one period assumption captures this with a much simpler structure.31
Now as is well known from the theory of repeated games (see Fudenberg
and Maskin [1986]), multiple equilibria are endemic. As Sutton [1991, 1998]
has shown in a different context, however, it can still be very useful to
characterize the bounds on the variables under study that obtain in
equilibrium. Following the approach of Sutton, we will characterize the
bounds on fees, market shares, and concentration that define the range over
which cooperative equilibria exist. To do so, we consider equilibria with the
strongest feasible punishments. Specifically, any deviation by an inter-
mediary is assumed to destroy the implicit contract forever.32 Moreover, we
study an equilibrium where entry into the relationship segment is
A different but related interpretation is that R is sunk in the sense that it does not affect
short-run price competition, as in Sutton [1991].
In section 3.5, we explain why this assumption is exactly what is needed to obtain lower
bounds on concentration and fees.
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That is, we rule out equilibrium threats such as ‘if you enter, we will no longer cooperate.’
Strategy combinations that ensure this is an equilibrium are derived in Appendix B. In
section 3.5 it is shown that results do not change if banks charge nonlinear fees.
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For future reference it is useful to note
that the measure of firms
establishing relationships equals f v f r ; and the average size of a
deal done by relationship banks is V ¼ 2 .
Relationships and imperfect competition. Consider a relationship bank
who has already sunk this period’s relationship costs and now has to decide
whether to undercut rivals. The bank will compare the one-time gains of
undercutting to increase its market share today from Zi to 1; against the cost
of losing the long run gains from cooperation from the next period on.
We start by computing the value of the implicit contract. Bank i will
compete for deals with k 1 other banks in each core group of which i is a
member. Thus bank i will make deals of value Vk on average. Each firm will
pay l kV in fees on average and total costs will be R cper firm, regardless of the
number of deals done. Hence, profits per firm are l kV R on average. If bank
Pma fraction Z35i of all f firms that establish relationships
i has relationships with
(with Zi 2 ½0; 1 and j¼1 Zj ¼ k), its long-run profits of cooperation are
1 r lV
f Z R :
1d i k
The payoff from undercutting is obtained as follows. If the bank
c inperiod t, it will get the one-time gains of undercutting on top of
f r Zi l kV R . The gains from undercutting are obtained as follows. By
Note that Zi is not a market share. Bank i may have a relationship with all firms and yet not
be a monopoly, since each firm has relationships with k banks. There is a direct relation between
Zi and i’s market share, however. If on average banks get a fraction k1 of deals made by
P firms with
whom they have a relationship, bank i will make a fraction mi Zki of all deals, with m j¼1 mj ¼ 1.
Thus, mi is bank’s i market share.
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For future reference it is useful to note that when all banks establish
relationships with the same number of firms, Zi ¼ mk . Then, condition (3.3)
can be rewritten as
d f r lc V fr
ð3:4Þ k R * ½ðm 1Þlc ðm kÞaV:
1dm k m
The implicit contract condition (3.3) is, of course, equivalent to the standard
collusion condition in oligopoly. Nevertheless, here ‘collusion’ or ‘coopera-
tion’ is necessary for the existence of a market with relationships, unlike in
standard oligopolies where it is merely a collusive device. In other words,
here collusion serves an efficiency role. For this reason, henceforth we will
use the more neutral term ‘implicit contract’ when we refer to condition (3.3)
and use ‘cooperation’ most of the time.
Entry into the relationship segment and sustainability. The fourth condition
says that relationship banks must make enough profits in present value to
pay the entry cost E. Thus
1 lV
ð3:5Þ f r Zi R *E:
1d k
This result contrasts with Boot and Thakor [2000], who find that more intense competition
from arm’s length lenders (similar to a lower b here) reduces relationship lending by
commercial banks at the margin. The reason is that: (a) firms differ in quality, but the size of
each loan is the same for all; and, (b) although relationship lending adds value, the increment in
value is smaller for higher quality firms. Consequently, when the cost of arm’s length lending
falls, firms switch at the margin from bank to capital market lending.
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0 δ kR β
1-(1-δ)k V
Figure 4
L is the set of pairs (lc, m) such that the no undercutting condition (3.3) is satisfied. m
is the
number of relationship banks, and lc is the fee charged by these banks in an equilibrium with
relationships. lc cannot exceed b because firms would switch to fringe banks charging lf 5 0. Locus
CC traces the maximum number of relationship banks, m, for any given admissible fee lc; or,
conversely, the lower bound on the fee, l , for any admissible number of relationship banks.
ðlc aÞV
d lc V
< 1:
ðlc aÞV þ 1d 1 c
k R 1k l V
Since mi Zki , condition (3.6) also imposes a lower and upper bound on
market shares:
m)mi)1 ðm 1Þm m:
0 δ kR β
1-(1-δ)k V
Figure 5
The effect on the no-undercutting locus CC of a smaller switching cost from a core bank to a
non-core relationship bank
Locus CC 0 traces the effect of a smaller switching cost on the maximum number of relationship
for any given admissible fee lc. The shaded region indicates the set of pairs (lc, m) such
banks, m,
that the noundercutting condition (4.1) is satisfied after a firm’s cost to switch from a core to a non-
core bank falls.
a smaller amount to compete with core banks. Then, the implicit contract
becomes less attractive unless fees increase. To confirm this intuition, totally
differentiate (3.4) and rearrange to obtain:
dlc ðm kÞa
¼ d
da 1d ðm 1Þ ð1 eV;lc Þ lac ðm kÞeV;lc
where eV;lc is the elasticity of average volume to a change in the fee lc (see
Appendix C for the details of the derivation). This derivative is negative as
long as the no-undercutting locus CC derived from (3.3) is upward sloping.
Hence, when a falls, locus CC shifts leftward (see Figure 5). Similarly,
¼ > 0:
da lc a
Result 3.6. When switching costs from core to non-core banks fall, fees tend
to be higher for a given number of banks m. Conversely, concentration
increases for a given fee lc .
Moreover, if a falls from a 0 to a00 o a 0 then Lða00 Þ Lða0 Þ. Therefore, the
implicit contract is harder to sustain when competition from non-core banks
is more intense.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
Eccles and Crane ([1988] p.78)
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
specific rents to banks since revenues per firm fall while relationship costs do
not. The increased profits from which to recoup relationship costs can then
be created by increasing prices or inducing exit.
An increase in k will, for a given lc, not just affect the concentration of
banks in the relationship segment of the market, but the size of the
relationship segment itself. To see this, note that the lower bound v on firm
volume, kR/lc, increases in k. This will both reduce the number of firms that
establish relationships with banks, f r, and the aggregate volume of deals
intermediated by relationship banks, f r 2 . Thus, the effect of firms
establishing more relationships is to increase concentration of relationship
banks on the one hand, while increasing the size of the market served by the
competitive fringe on the other.38 This apparent increase in both
competition and concentration might explain why the effects of such
changes often appears puzzling to observers.
To summarize, both these results stress that one cannot analyze the impact
of a change in market conditions at the local firm-bank level. Market
equilibrium involves adjustments at the aggregate levelFin fees or market
concentrationFto preserve the incentives to incur the sunk costs of
Boot and Thakor [2000] find a somewhat similar result in the context of commercial bank
relationships. They argue that the effect of increased interbank competition on relationship
lending by commercial banks includes both a negative absolute effect on volume of loans lent
through relationships but a positive relative (substitution) effect on the capacity devoted by
banks to relationship lending.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
The weaker the punishment, the harder it is to fulfill the implicit contract
condition (3.10). To restore incentives to cooperate, the gains from cheating
must fall relative to the gains from cooperating. Hence, either the maximum
number of intermediaries, call it mw, must be smaller than m or lc must
increaseFthat is, minimum concentration and the maximum fee are higher
with a weaker punishment. Therefore, the set of pairs (m, l) in L with the
strongest feasible punishment contains the set Lw with punishment f r Zi vp .
One may also be concerned that banks may renegotiate out of the
strongest feasible punishment. Nevertheless, the bounds we derived are still
the same, because we have shown that any set of pairs (m, l) sustainable with
weaker punishments will be a subset of the set of pairs (m, l) in LFif
anything, fees and concentration will be higher with a renegotiation-proof
implicit contract.
It is the strongest feasible punishment because relationship banks can not be forced to get a
payoff of less than zero.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
Nonlinear fees. Linear fees are not necessary to any of our results. First,
rationing follows from non-verifiable relationships, because relationship
banks cannot charge more than bv to any firm, regardless of how this sum is
collectedFwhether through a linear fee, a two-part tariff or a more complex
nonlinear schedule. Similarly, the result that high-volume firms are served
only by relationship banks follows purely from bv 4 kR. Indeed, this
condition allows, for example, not just a linear fee such that bv*lc v*kR,
but nonlinear schedules as well, call them F(v), such that F kðvÞ*R. Again,
market separation follows from non-verifiable relationships, a problem that
cannot be solved by charging non-linear fees.
Of course, whether relationship banks charge linear or nonlinear fees may
affect v, the cutoff volume below which relationship banks ration firms. As
seen, if a linear fee lc is charged, then v ¼ kR
lc . Thus, the exact value of v only
affects the relative sizes of the relationship and arm’s-length segments, not
the result that banks in these segments effectively do not compete.
Second, condition (3.3) could be substituted by any fee schedule F ðvÞ, and
then it would read "
d r Ev*v ½FðvÞ r 1
f Z R *f Zi 1 Ev*v ½FðvÞ
1d i k k
ð3:11Þ #
þ ð1 Zi ÞEv*v ½Fðv; aÞ ;
where Ev*v ½F ðvÞ is the expected fee income generated from a firm that
established a relationship and Ev*v ½F ðv; aÞ)Ev*v ½F ðvÞ is the expected
income generated from a firm that is poached after undercutting. In other
words, rents sustain the implicit contract in equilibrium and these need not
come from linear fees.
Are fees observable in practice? The implicit contract condition (3.3)
assumes that relationship banks observe the fees that have been offered by
rivals and act upon them in the next period when they make their decision
whether to continue cooperating or punish. But because deals between firms
and investment banks contain complex transactions, it might seem
unrealistic to assume that fees are observable.
Nevertheless, pricing in this industry is quite simple since fees are a
proportion of the dollar amount of the deal and companies like Securities
Data Company record the fees of every deal made and sell the information.
Moreover, in practice underwriting is done through syndicates where top
banks regularly meet.40 A deviator would need to eschew syndicates, which
is observable. More important from the point of view of the modeling, fees
For example, Eccles and Crane ([1988] p. 94) report that of the 6,327 domestic security
issues led by one of the six top banks between 1984 and 1986, 60.4% were comanaged by
another top six bank.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
For example, in Green and Porter’s [1984] classic model of collusion firms choose
unobservable quantities but condition their strategies on observable prices.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
As with fees that are nonlinear in v, v, the cutoff volume below which
relationship banks ration firms, may be affected by variation in k. But the
exact value of v only affects the relative sizes of the relationship and arm’s-
length segments. The essential point is that endogenizing k does not change
either the result on vertical segmentation nor the predictions on market
Nonprice competition. Investment banks compete in various non-
price dimensions. They incur sales expenditures, advertise, provide ‘free’
advice on other financial and investment matters. Indeed, it is often
claimed that banks price some services below their cost in order to get access
to clients. One might ask how nonprice competition would alter the
previous results. In particular, is it the case that nonprice competition
might dissipate the rents that banks get in equilibrium, thus undermining
the incentive to establish relationships? In the appendix we extend the
model to include nonprice competition among banks. Call E the amount
spent in sales efforts per firm by each bank in a symmetric equilibrium.
In that case (as is shown in the appendix), the implicit contract condition
would read
d r k l V fr
f R E * ½ðm 1Þlc ðm kÞaV;
1d m k m
which is almost the same as before except that costs E are now taken into
account as well.
The central point is that nonprice competition does not change the
requirement that banks make excess profits in equilibrium in order to
establish relationships. In many models, ex-ante nonprice competition is a
mechanism to dissipate ex-post rents. This does not occur here because
relationships play an efficiency role (and require rents) and the gains from
cheating are independent of sales efforts. Thus, sales efforts do not do away
with the need for soft price competition, which is the source of rents in this
model. Moreover, it can be easily seen that the bounds on concentration and
fees are, if anything, tighterFconcentration and fees tend to be higher with
sales efforts.
Might sales effort competition be dissipative, and thus inefficient? It
certainly may be, for standard reasons. On the other hand, sales efforts may
also allow firms access to better ideas to do deals. Last, even though nonprice
competition is not a means to compete away rents, it does restrain bank
market power by imposing an upper bound on the fee lc that banks can
charge in equilibrium (see the appendix for details).
The multiproduct nature of investment banks. Bulge-bracket banks are
multiproduct firms, so that concentration in any one market may mask the
fact that leading banks differ across products. Nevertheless, the top, bulge
bracket banks tend to be the same in most product lines (see, for example,
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
Eccles and Crane [1988], Santomero and Babel [2001] p. 500). Moreover,
as we show in the appendix, as long as the economics of the
technology exhibits these characteristics in some segments of the investment
banking industry, then the implicit contract condition must hold across
products. In particular, this implies that multiproduct competition
cannot dissipate rentsFotherwise cooperation would no longer be self-
Welfare. A central implication of the analysis is that collusion among
relationship banks serves an efficiency role. Nevertheless, there might be
typical concerns that acompany market power, such as inefficient exclusion
or exploitation by intermediaries. Can one say anything about the overall
welfare consequences of relationships?
First, inefficient exclusion is unlikely. The reason is that in equilibrium,
small volume firms who want relationships with banks are rationed out of
the relationship segmentFwhen lc v kR < 0. If the fee lc increases, fewer
firms are rationed out of relationships and the size of the relationship
segment increases with lc. Hence, exclusion falls as the fee increases, for
exactly the same reason that in a market with pre-existing rationing (e.g., a
market with a price ceiling fixed below the equilibrium level), sales increase
when the price increases.
Second, the cost of market power (e.g., exploitation of firms by banks)
is unlikely to overturn the beneficial aspects of relationships. To
see why, notice that the appropriate welfare comparison is between a
market with no relationships and one with imperfect competition.
Now, because firms always have the choice of doing arm’s-length deals, it
seems reasonable to think, by revealed preference, that a market with
relationships and imperfect competition Pareto-dominates a market with no
‘More Equal,’ by Erica Copulsky, Investment Dealer’s Digest, May 10, 1999.
‘Quattrone and the U.S. Market,’ Financial News, July 6, 1998.
‘Deutsche Bank Cuts Ties with Rival over Poaching’, by Vincent Boland, William Lewis
and Tony Major, Financial Times, March 31, 2000.
‘The Clouds on CSFB’s Gleaming Horizon,’ Financial News, March 13, 2000.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
In 2004, the worldwide share of advertising revenues accruing to the top five firms was
74.1%, with their individual market shares being 18.3% (Interpublic), 18.2% (Omnicom),
16.5% (Publicis), 15.5% (WPP), and 5.6% (Havas). Data from Advertising Age, http://
For example, the share of worldwide advertising revenue accruing to the top five
advertising groups was 61% in 1990 and 74% in 2004, a period during which market size grew
by over 20% (Advertising Age, various years).
Thus, for example, Collis [1992] describes the industry as ‘hourglass shaped, with the
mega-agencies at the top, a thin middle, and a profusion of specialist, boutique, and new
agencies at the bottom.’ See also King et al. [2003].
See also James [1987], Kang et al. [2000], Lummer and McConnell [1989], and Shockley
and Thakor [1997].
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
structure if banks without relationships (non-core banks) incur similar
lending costs. Not surprisingly, the pyramidal structure that characterizes
investment banking is not a feature of commercial banking structure.
½0; 1 [ f1g to all firms in a core group that does not include i and an offer
i 2 ½0; 1 [ f1g to firms that have no relationships (superscript ‘c’ stands
for ‘core’, superscript ‘nc’ for ‘non core’ and superscript ‘nr’ for ‘no
relationship’). These offers are expressed as a fraction of deal volume (thus,
they represent commissions or percentage fees). l 5 1 means that no offer
was made. Obviously lci ¼ 1 if bank i is in no core group and lnc
i ¼ 1 if it has
a relationship with every firm. Simultaneously, each fringe bank j makes a
price offer lfj 2 ½0; 1 [ f1g to all firms.
5. Each firm chooses the bank offering the lowest fee net of transaction costs. If
x 4 1 banks tie, then each bank wins the deal with probability x1.
6. Deals are implemented, fees paid and the game ends.
To define bank strategies let H be the set of possible histories right before banks make
fee offers. A strategy by a relationship bank i is a tuple ðRi ; Li Þ. Ri : ½0; v ! f0; Rg is a
function that indicates whether bank i will establish a relationship with those firms that
selected i to form part of the core group. Since firms are completely described by v, bank
i’s decision can be conditioned on firm type. Li ¼ ½lci ; lnc nr
i ; li is a three-dimensional
vector function Li : H ! ½½0; 1 [ f1g . In turn, a strategy by fringe bank j is a
function lfj : H ! ½0; 1 [ f1g. Proposition A.1 characterizes the set of subgame
perfect equilibria of this game. (See Appendix B for a strategy combination that is a
subgame perfect equilibrium of the one-period game.)
Result A.2. The equilibrium of the one-shot game is efficient for firms that do small
deals. It is inefficient for firms that do large deals.
A straightforward implication of Result A.2 is that low-volume firms will never
establish relationships. Moreover, Result A.2 shows that establishing relationships
is not efficient for every type of client. Firm volume will determine which technology is
Lemma B.2. Strategy combination P is a subgame perfect equilibrium of the one period
Proof. Consider first histories where at least one firm establishes relationships with k
banks and forms its core group. According to P, for these histories we have to
distinguish three cases:
> ð0; 1; 0Þ if bank i is member of all core groups;
c nc nr ð0; 0; 0Þ if there is at least one core group where bank i is not a member
ðli ; li ; li Þ ¼
> but bank i is member of at least one core group;
ð1; 0; 0Þ if bank i is member of no core group:
In any of these three cases, any unilateral deviation by bank i setting lci > 0 or lnci >0
or lnr
i > 0 as the case may be will not increase its payoff, since it would get no deals.
Consider next histories where no firm forms a core group. Then, ðlci ; lnc nr
i ; li Þ ¼
ð1; 1; 0Þ according to P. Setting lnr i > 0 will not increase i’s payoff since it would get
no deals.
Last, setting Ri ðvÞ ¼ R for one or more v’s will not increase i’s payoff because
according to strategies no other firm establishes relationships. &
The following corollary follows from Proposition A.1 and Lemma B.2.
Corollary B.3. All banks receive a payoff equal to 0 in the one period game.
Note that lnr and lf are not part of the definition. We are assuming that neither
‘undercutting’ in the fringe segment, nor fringe banks setting fees such that lf þ b < lc ,
destroys cooperation.
We now specify a strategy combination such that cooperation is a subgame perfect
equilibrium. To do so, it is useful to assign each possible history of the game into one of
two disjoint sets.
Definition B.5. We say that the history of the game at period t is ‘cooperative’ if
(a) m)mðlc Þ;
(b) no undercutting has occurred so far. That is, for all t < t,
minflci ðtÞ; lnc c
i ðtÞ þ ag*l . Any other history is non-cooperative.
Notation B.6. We denote the state of the game at period t by ft. The state of the game
after a history with no undercutting is cooperative and is denoted by fc. Any other state
of the game is ‘non-cooperative’ and is denoted by fnc.
Note that this definition implies that the initial state of the game is cooperative. Next
we define some notation we need to define strategies:
Notation B.7. As in the text, Zi denotes the share of firms with v*v such that bank i is in
their core group. Furthermore, we denote by Z i the fraction of firms with v*v that
have a core group where relationship bank i is not a member.
Note that 1 Zi Zi is the fraction of firms with v*v who did not form a core
group. Hence, if all firms formed a core group then Zi ¼ 1 Zi . Furthermore, 1
Zi Zi ¼ 1 Zj Zj for all i, j. We can now define the symmetric strategy
combination C (for ‘cooperative’).
R for v*v;
Ri ðvÞ ¼
0 for v < v:
ðlc ; 1; 0Þ if Zi > 0;
ðlci ; lnc nr
i ; li Þ ¼ ð1; 1; 0Þ: if Zi ¼ 0:
Proof. To prove this Proposition, we show that players’ strategies are optimal after any
history. Since this is a repeated game with bounded payoffs, it suffices to show that one-
step unilateral deviations from strategies are not profitable after any history (Hendon et
al. [1996]).
Now according to C histories can be classified into two groups, cooperative and non
(i) At the beginning of the period it is optimal for any fringe bank not enter the
relationship segment, which would leave long-run losses equal to E.
(ii) We know that when all other relationship banks are playing according to
P in the one-period game, it is optimal for relationship bank i to do the same.
Since all relationship banks will play according to P forever after, it is also
optimal for relationship bank i to play according to P in any period of the
repeated game.
(iii) Last, note that playing lfj ¼ 0 is optimal for fringe banks in the one-period
game, hence it is also optimal to play so in the repeated game.
Cooperative histories (ft 5 fc):
(i) It is optimal for fringe banks m þ 1; . . . ; min½mzp ; m to enter the relation-
ship segment, since according to strategies, there will be cooperation in the
future. For fringe banks min½mzp ; m; . . . it is optimal not to enter the
relationship segment, since further entry would switch the state to non-
cooperative, in which case long-run profits gross of entry cost E are zero; or else
raise m above mzp.
(ii) Next consider histories after which the state of the game is cooperative (f 5 fc)
and relationship banks must decide whether to establish relationships. Clearly a
relationship bank cannotgain bydeviating and setting RðvÞ ¼ 0 for firms such
that v*v (it would lose l kV R per firm in the current period according to
strategies) or by sinking the relationship cost with a firm such that v < v (since
such a firm will not c be successful
in establishing a core group according to
strategies because lkv R < 0). Hence setting RðvÞ ¼ R for v*v and RðvÞ ¼ 0
for v < v is optimal.
(iii) Now consider decision by relationship bank i if condition (B.1) does not hold.
Then all relationship banks play according to P, from which we know it is
optimal not to deviate.
(iv) Now consider histories after which the state of the game is cooperative (ft 5 fc),
relationship banks must make fee offers, Zi > 0 and condition (B.1) holds. Then
bank i can not gain by undercutting (as condition [B.1] implies). On the other
hand, if bank i would set lci > lc or lnc a
i 2 ðl1 þ a; 1Þ it would not get any further
deals; and setting li > 0 would not get any further deals either. Thus, playing
ðlci ; lnc nr c
i ; li Þ ¼ ðl ; 1; 0Þ is optimal. Moreover, if Zi ¼ 0 but Zi > 0 it would not
gain deviating from setting ðlci ; lnc nr
i ; li Þ ¼ ð1; 1; 0Þ. Last, if Zi ¼ Zi ¼ 0
relationship bank i cannot gain by undercutting.
(v) Last, note that playing lfj ¼ 0 is optimal for fringe banks in the one-period
game, hence it is also optimal to play so in the repeated game. This completes the
proof. &
C. Comparative equilibria
In this appendix we obtain the comparative equilibria derivatives that are presented in
the text. All are obtained by totally differentiating the identity
d lV
k R ½ðm 1Þlc ðm kÞaV 0
1d k
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
which is derived from the no undercutting condition (3.4). Totally differentiating
@V lc
this identity with respect to lc, m, k and a, recalling that eV;l @lc , and simplifying
d a
ðm 1Þ ð1 eV;lc Þ c ðm kÞeV;lc Vdlc ðlc aÞVdm
1d l
@V d @V
½ðm 1Þlc ðm kÞ þ aV lc R dk þ ðm kÞVda 0;
@k 1d @k
which can be rewritten as
ðC:1Þ Adlc Bdm Cdk þ Dda 0:
It will be useful to sign the coefficients in identity (C.1). Clearly B 4 0 (since lc 4 a)
and D 4 0 (since m 4 k). To sign C note first that ðm 1Þlc ðm kÞ ¼ k lc > 0.
R v
Moreover, since @V@k ¼ 2lc ¼ 2k > 0 it follows that
@V v
lc R ¼ lc R < 0
@k 2k
since lc k R ¼ 0 by the definition of v. It follows that C 4 0. Finally, noting that
eV;lc ¼ vþv, A an be rewritten as
1 d a
ðm 1Þ v c ðm kÞv ;
vþv 1d l
whose sign is ambiguous but positive if a is sufficiently small. Now if A 4 0 then the
following result follows.
D. Nonprice competition
D.1. Nonprice competition I: analysis To study nonprice competition, it is
assumed that at the beginning of each period, each relationship bank spends a total
amount E i f r Ei in sales expenditure (or, ‘sales effort’) to contact firms. Sales efforts
result in contacts with firms according to the following assumptions:
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
This condition is very similar to (3.4) except for term E on the left-hand-side.cCall LE
the set of points in the space (lc,m) such that condition D.1 holds. Then @E > 0 and
@m E
@E < 0, so that L L. Thus:
Proposition D.2. When nonprice competition by banks increases, fees tend to be higher
for a given number of banks m. Conversely, the market tends to be more concentrated
for a given lc.
Proof. To prove this result, let condition (D.1) hold as an identity and then totally
differentiate with respect to lc, m, and E. This yields
d d
Adlc ðlc a þ EÞdm mdE ¼ 0;
1d 1d
where A is defined as in Appendix B. Setting dm 5 0, straightforward manipulations
dlc d m
¼ > 0:
dE 1 d A
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Similarly, setting dlc 5 0 and rearranging yields
dm d m
¼ < 0:
dE 1 d lc a þ 1d
The intuition behind Proposition D.2 should be clear by now: sales efforts, and, more
generally, any sunk expenditures, reduce the gains from the implicit contract but not
those of cheating. Adhering to the price norm must then be made more attractive,
which is achieved either by exit (and increased concentration) or higher fees. The
invariance of the gains of cheating to sunk expenditures has another implication:
Result D.3. Relationship banks do not compete away rents with sales efforts.
c c
r lV r k l V
f R E1 f R E
k m k
lV k
Ef r R ð1 Þ
k m
fr R DZ1 > 0;
since relationship bank 1 sets E1 shade above E. But, of course, if this is so, then playing
E1 5 E forever cannot be the outcome of an equilibrium, since every bank would have
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
with r mkm1
Figure 6 plots the right and left hand sides of condition (D.2) as a function of lc. As
can be seen, condition (D.2) holds for lc < lc , with lc Fderived straightforwardly from
condition (D.2) Fbeing equal to
ð1dÞkR ðm krÞaV
1d ðm rÞ V
Result D.4. Competition for establishing relationships sets an upper bound on fees
charged by relationship banks.
The intuition behind Result D.4 is as follows. When lc is too high, adhering to the
implicit contract is very attractive and it is not profitable to undercut even if a unilateral
deviation in bank’s 1 sales efforts reduces everybody’s else’s market share. But this, of
course, cannot occur in equilibrium because then every relationship bank would like to
unilaterally increase sales effort. This determines the upper bound on lc. In other
words, fees that are too high make it profitable to escalate sales efforts.
Note that the upper bound on lc would be smaller had a unilateral increase in sales
effort yielded a smaller increase in the market share of bank 1. This follows because the
gains from undercutting (the left hand side in condition (D.2) would then be
correspondingly smaller. Therefore, there is no loss of generality in assuming that a
marginal increase in sales effort will enable the escalating relationship bank to grab all
This role of nonprice competition in reducing rents is similar to that obtained in
standard models, where ex-ante nonprice competition can eliminate ex-post rents. The
difference is that here nonprice competition only restricts the size of such rents, and
does not eliminate them. The reason, again, is that rents are necessary to support
efficient relationship investments, a feature that is absent when rents are merely a
consequence of market power.
D.2. Nonprice competition II: a formal game. This subsection presents a formal game
that underpins the analysis in the previous subsection. To analyze nonprice competition
we replace the first stage of the one period game. Instead of firms randomly choosing k
relationship banks, we have relationship banks choosing sales effort Ei.
It is easy to show that in the one-period game relationship banks will not spend
anything in sales efforts and that no relationships will be established. Thus, as before,
the equilibrium in the one period game can be used as a subgame perfect punishment.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
Profits RHS
0 λc λc
Figure 6
Non-price competition and the upper bound on fees
Locus LHS plots a relationship bank’s long-run profits from continued cooperation as a function
of the fee lc. Locus RHS plots a relationship bank’s one-time profits when unilaterally
undercutting after another relationship bank has unilaterally escalated sales efforts. The
intersection of LHS and RHS is the upper bound on the fee that can be charged in any cooperative
Call again this subgame perfect punishment P. Next define ‘undercutting’ and
‘cooperative’ and ‘non-cooperative’ states exactly as in the previous section.53 Last, we
need one piece of additional notation to keep track of the fraction of firms that contact
relationship bank i in response of i’s sales effort:
Notation D.5. We denote by gi the fraction of firms with v*v that contact relationship
bank i after i has chosen Ei.
Recall that, by definition, E1*E2*. . .*Em : Hence, our assumptions imply that gi
is a function gi : Rm
þ ! ½0; 1 such that
> 0 if Ei < E or Ei < Ek ;
if Ei ¼ Ek*E and y banks make the kth largest sales effort;
ðD:3Þ gi ðE1 ; :::; Ei ; :::; Em Þ¼ y1
> if E1 ¼ Em*E;
1 if Ei > Ek and Ei*E:
Pgi summarizes how banks sales efforts bring about contacts with firms.
Note that mi¼1 gi ¼ k if Ek*E. We can now define a strategy combination that is a
subgame perfect equilibrium in the game with sales effort.
Otherwise, play Ei ¼ 0.
Note that this implies that the state of the game is determined only by the pricing behavior
of relationship banks, and not by their sales efforts.
r Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006.
2. (Establishing relationships)
If ft ¼ fc and
d r k l V 1
ðD:4Þ f R E *max f r gj 1 lc þ ð1 gj Þðlc aÞ V
1d m k j k
then play
R for v*v;
Ri ðvÞ ¼
0 for v < v:
then play
ðlc ; 1; 0Þ if Zi > 0;
ðlci ; lnc nr
i ; li Þ ¼ ð1; 1; 0Þ if Zi ¼ 0:
with r mkm1
otherwise it would pay to deviate to increase market share for one time. Now some
straightforward algebra shows that condition (C.4) holds if and only if lc < lc .
Last, consider playing Em o E. Then gm 5 0 and clearly condition (D.5) does not
hold, since it holds with equality with lc ¼ lc and minj gj ¼ m1
. Hence, if relationship
bank m deviates selecting Em o E, then no relationships are established in that period
and profits are foregone. This completes the proof. &
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