Student's Book Worksheets
Student's Book Worksheets
Student's Book Worksheets
1 .,...,,,..,..... Work in pairs. Look at the photographs and discuss the questions below.
• Which two items have had the greatest influence on your life? Give reasons and examples.
• How have each of the items shaped people's lives?
• Some people think the wheel and the abacus are the most important inventions of all time.
Do you agree? Why/Why not?
Technology - now and then -
2 To make nouns from verbs you can add endings like-ment and-ion, e.g. develop/
development. For some verbs the noun form is the same, e.g. to shape/a shape. Decide
what the noun form is for each of the verbs 1-12 below. Which verb does not follow the
patterns mentioned?
1 improve im12rovement 7 promote
2 destroy 8 damage
3 produce 9 ruin
4 affect 10 result
5 harm 11 advance
6 enhance 12 deteriorate
3 Work in pairs. The verbs and nouns in exercise 2 can be used to describe changes.
Classify each verb and noun as a positive change, a negative change, or a neutral change.
4 For sentences 1-5 below, complete the gaps using the nouns in exercise 2.
1 Advertising companies increase sales through the _____tion of goods on TV.
2 Some pessimists argue that love of technology will eventually cause the
_____tion of society.
3 ments in technology have gathered pace in recent years as the speed
of computers has increased.
4 What recent advances have led to the _____ion of cheaper goods?
5 Some believe over-reliance on certain electronic devices can lead to the
_____tion in short-term memory.
5 Rewrite sentences 1-7 below so that they contain the verb in brackets. Make any other
necessary changes.
The introduction of a cafe and computers resulted in a significant improvement in the
library's facilities. (improve)
The introduction of a cafe and computers significantly improved the library's facilities.
The library's facilities were significantly improved as a result of the introduction of a cafe.
1 People constantly debate whether television has a positive or negative influence on
society. (influence)
2 The use of mobile phones is having a dramatic effect on the way we communicate. (affect)
3 Climate change has caused the destruction of many crops. (destroy)
4 Did the invention of the internet really do any harm to the way people live and work? (harm)
5 A series of new software inventions resulted in a sharp deterioration in the sales of certain
mobile telephones. (deteriorate)
6 The use of technology meant that the archaeologists caused very little damage to the site.
7 Many people like Einstein and Newton have changed the shape of science. (shape)
6 {D Work in pairs. Discuss at least one statement or question from exercise 5. Develop
your discussion using reasons and examples.
- Technology - now and then
1 Look at Questions 11-15 and think of possible synonyms or paraphrases for the
Listening following words and phrases:
yearly is held together subject during the preparation for influence
Technology - now and then -
1 It is important to be able to evaluate ideas and recognise when ideas are being qualified.
Look at the following extract from the listening script:
We have had loads of entries from secondary schools, which is important as more local
teenagers are getting involved.
Here the adjective 'important' qualifies the idea in the previous clause.
Work in pairs. Think of synonyms for the following adjectives.
unimportant useless valueless harmless
3 For each adjective 1-12 below, write the opposite form in the correct column of the table.
2 practical
3 important
4 necessary
5 significant
6 harmful
7 valuable
8 convenient I
9 effective
10 appealing
11 worthwhile
12 inspiring
4 For sentences 1-6 below, decide which adjective from exercise 3 can be used to replace
the underlined words. Make any necessary changes.
Many of the early technologies we take for granted are those that we cannot do without.
1 Some ideas from the 1950s were not very sensible or easy to use.
2 Using hydrogen cars to combat global warming is a solution that produces the desired result.
3 Satellite navigation systems have made travelling by car something that requires little effort
or trouble.
4 With so much business being done online, learning to build a website can be really worth
the time spent on it.
5 Instead of being an activity which does no harm, mobile phone gaming can sometimes
be dangerous.
6 The work of people like Louis Daguerre, who shaped the world of cinema, can only
be considered as stimulating and motivating.
- Technology - now and then
1 Work in pairs. Make notes of no more than 10 to 12 words about the topic.
3 .(!} Work with a different partner who chose a different card. Take turns talking about
the card using your notes to guide you. You should speak for up to two minutes. Time
each other using a stopwatch. When your partner has finished speaking, give him/her
feedback using the checklist on page 181.
Technology - now and then -
- Technology - now and then
Question 13
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.
Which of the following is the most suitable title for the Reading Passage?
A The importance of jade carvings
B The Chinese Bronze Age
C The decline of the Bronze Age
D How iron was introduced to China
1 'History has nothing to teach us, so there is no point dwelling on the past.'
Do you agree with the statement? Does ancient history have any relevance today?
Technology - now and then -
- Technology - now and then
1 Work in pairs. Read the Task 2 question below and answer the questions which follow.
(Writing )
What to expect in the exam
• In IELTS Writing Task 2, you have to write an essay on a topic of general interest.
• You are asked to write at least 250 words.
• You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people believe that technology has led to many positive developments in their
lives, while others think technology is gradually taking over control of the way people live.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
1 Which part of the statement contains a positive development and which part contains a
How to go
negative development?
about it
2 Which of the two views do the notes below relate to? Give reasons· and examples.
• Two different views
are expressed in a more convenient/greater convenience
this question. Make
b harmful to society
two columns A
and B. Choose one c affecting production at work negatively
of the views and
write a list of ideas d more practical
in column A in one
to two minutes. 2 You can generate ideas by thinking of opposites. What are the opposites of the ideas in
Do not exclude any exercise 1? Can you think of examples to support them.
ideas. Then write
a list of opposing 3 What other ways can you use to generate ideas?
views in column B.
Select one or two 4 Work in pairs. When you write an introduction it needs to reflect the structure and
ideas from each meaning of the writing task. Look at the following introductions for the writing task
column. above. Decide which two are suitable and why.
• Express your own
opinion either by 1 In some people's eyes, the influence of technology over our lives is beneficial and yet to
supporting one others it is harmful.
view or balancing
the two views. 2 Technology is part of our daily lives. While some people see this situation has brought
• Write an many improvements, others feel that technology is too controlling. Personally, I think
introduction that
paraphrases the that technology is largely beneficial.
question. Keep 3 With recent scientific advances, it is argued by some that many positive changes have
the introduction
brief - two to been brought about in people's lives by technology. Other people believe, however, that
three sentences is we are losing control of our lives to technology. Personally, I feel it is a mixture of both.
• Write two 5 Improve the introduction which is not suitable in exercise 4 above.
paragraphs for the
views in the question
and one for your
own view followed
by a conclusion.
Technology - now and then -
6 The paragraph below develops the writer's own opinion in answer to the Task 2 question
on page 26. Read the paragraph and match it to one of the two suitable introductions in
exercise 4.
7 Put each of the linking words in bold in exercise 6 into the correct box in the table below.
. Example Reason Result Purpose Contrast
8 Decide what other words can be used to indicate examples and add them to the table.
9 Decide which words in the box below can be used to replace the words in exercises 6 and
7 and add them to the table.
11 Write your own answer for the Task 2 question on page 209. When you have finished,
check your answer using the checklist on page 139.
Vocabulary: Verbs of cause and effect
1 Identify the nouns and verbs that are related to cause and effect.
1 In the last 10 years, considerable improvements in health care have been brought about
by technology.
2 Computer waste has seriously damaged the environment.
3 Scientific research has led to some startling technical advances such as driverless cars.
4 Smartphone technology has been responsible for improvements in global communication.
5 Certain inventions such as the jet engine have had a profound effect on air travel.
6 In future, inventions such as 30 printing will make industrial production easier.
7 The rapid pace of advances in technology has resulted in greater stress among workers
compared to the past.
8 New techniques in design have changed the shape of the automobile world.
2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 in your own words so that the effect occurs before
the cause in each sentence. There may be more than one answer. Make any necessary
Major advances in manufacturing have resulted from a sharp increase in automation.
A sharp increase in automation has resulted in major advances in manufacturing.
3 Look at the sentences you have written and underline the effect in each sentence.
1 Remove the word 'not' from each sentence below and make the qualifying adjective
positive or negative.
1 Having advanced computer skills is not necessary for all workers.
2 Travelling daily to an office is not convenient for modern workers.
3 Inventions like the radio and TV are often seen as not important by some people.
4 Using computers for long periods of time is definitely not harmless.
5 I think having a knowledge of computer programming is not valueless.
6 The changes in the sales figures were not significant.
7 In my opinion, the software training was not effective.
8 Doing the language games on the computer was certainly not a worthless exercise.
9 It is not practical to have everyone studying the same subjects at university.
10 The lecture on technology in the workplace was not inspiring.
Technology - now and then -
1 Use the past simple and the present perfect once each in the sentences below.
1 Technology (transform) all professional fields, since the first commercial personal
computer (come) on the market in the early 1970s.
2 I first (visit) the science museum in my teens and (go) back many times in recent years.
3 Last week, I (install) several maps on my phone, which (help) me enormously.
4 The education I (receive) as a child (shape) my life.
5 I (rarely ever use) my phone to make video calls, so this morning I (download) some
new software.
6 What (happen) education-wise at secondary school (influence) my whole life.
7 I (need) to have a computing qualification of some kind for the job, even though I (build)
up lots of experience over the years.
8 Attendances (rise) over the whole period, even though they (dip) noticeably in 2016.
9 The year before last (be) the most boring period in my life, yet since then everything (be)
rather exciting.
10 Communication (definitely be) less stressful since the smartphone (become) available.
1 In the following extract from IELTS Speaking Part 2, underline and correct the five
mistakes in the verbs and verb phrases in italics. Decide what the candidate was asked to
'The place I'd like to describe is my hometown, where I lived until I was ten years old. 11
hadn't visited my hometown for the last 15 years. So recently I 2 decided to pay a short visit. I
can't say that I 3 would know what to expect. Fields where I 4 would play with my friends
5 were now covered with buildings and the school 16 would attend is no longer there. It 7 has
been turned into a supermarket. A lot of famous people 8 used to attend the school, so I am
surprised that permission 9 was given to knock it down.
If I remember rightly, it 10 would rain a lot when I was a child, but 11 it has never seemed to
annoy us kids. We 12 have just carried on regardless.'
Accuracy in IELTS
1 Identify the linking words and devices below. Underline and correct those that are not
used properly.
New technology has changed student life forever. Because with the internet students can
access information for essays and do research from anywhere, for example, they can work at
home or in cafes or on trains without going to a library. Students can now use resources such
as articles, books, videos and lectures online and watch lectures that they have missed.
Furthermore, the books students need at the library can often be reserved online or
they can go on the internet. In order to buy books and have them delivered next day. As a
result, considerable amounts of time can be saved, though, technology may also make the
studying process much more convenient, it can cut students off from each other and so it is
important for them to meet face to face in seminars and lectures.
2 Decide which of these words and phrases can replace those in exercise 1 without making
any changes: moreover, like, to, consequently, since.