Rotordynamic Characteristics of Multilobe Hybrid B
Rotordynamic Characteristics of Multilobe Hybrid B
Rotordynamic Characteristics of Multilobe Hybrid B
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2 authors, including:
Mihir Ghosh
Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi
All content following this page was uploaded by Mihir Ghosh on 16 October 2017.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India
Received 8 April 2001; received in revised form 9 April 2002; accepted 18 November 2002
A small amplitude perturbation analysis has been carried out to determine the rotordynamic characteristics of multilobe hybrid
bearings with short axial and circumferential sills. Unsteady state recess flow continuity equation has been written for orifice
compensated bearing in terms of dynamic recess pressures by perturbing steady state flow equation. Dynamic recess pressures are
evaluated by solving unsteady recess flow continuity equations to determine the dynamic load capacity of the bearing. Stiffness
and damping coefficients of the bearing are determined from the dynamic load capacity of the bearing. Results of dynamic character-
istics of three lobe and four lobe hybrid bearings are presented for various offset factors, speed, concentric pressure and eccentricity
ratios. Multilobe hybrid bearings with offset factors more than one are found to exhibit better dynamic behaviour than circular
hybrid bearings.
2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0301-679X/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
626 M.K. Ghosh, M.R. Satish / Tribology International 36 (2003) 625–632
C radial clearance of circular bearing, C = C 1
C 1, C 2 clearance due to a circle circumscribed and inscribed on the bearing respectively.
Cd discharge coefficient of orifice
Cxx, Cyy cxy, cyx direct damping coefficient, c = C (C 1ω / 1dps) (dimensionless)
d, d0 diameter of journal and orifice diameter respectively
e eccentricity of the journal
eu dynamic eccentricity or unbalance eccentricity
Kxx, Kyy, Kxy, Kyx direct and cross stiffness coefficients, k = KC 1 / ldps (dimensionless)
l, l1, lr, lc length of the bearing, axial land width, recess length and circumferential land width respectively
m=l1lr/dlc aspect ratio
mr rotor mass per bearing
N number of recess
Ns shaft speed in revolutions per second
Oj journal centre
Om journal mass centre
pn,p̄n pressure in nth recess, p̄n = pn / ps (dimensionless)
ps supply pressure
Q,Q̄ 6h11Q
flow rate, Q̄ = (dimensionless)
r = (pn / ps)e = 0 concentric pressure ratio
W load on the bearing
w = 6phNsl 1lr / C 21 ps speed variable, w0-speed variable for minimum power
Wx, Wy dynamic film forcess in x, y directions
W̄x,W̄y dimensionless dynamic film forces, W̄x = Wx / (1r + 11)dps, W̄y = Wy / (1r + 11)dps
⍀ = 2pNs shaft speed in radian per second
e e/C1 eccentricity ratio
a attitude angle
j load angle
√rpsC31d orifice design parameter (dimensionless)
r,h lubricant density and viscosity respectively
t time
⍀ angular speed of the shaft
X, Y Coordinates
dX, dY perturbation displacement in X, Y coordinates
dX dY
dx = , dy =
C1 C1 dimensionless perturbation displacement
d = C 1 / C 2 offset factor
2. Analysis
static journal bearing having N recesses are shown in While the dimensionless coordinates of the nth lobe
Fig. 1 and 2, respectively. centre (xn1,yn1) of an N lobe bearing can be expressed as
The film thickness in the clearance space of the nth
1⫺d p 1⫺d p
lobe and the journal surface can be expressed in the (xn1,yn1) ⫽ cos (N⫺1 ⫹ 2n), sin (N⫺1 (3)
dimensionless form in cartesian coordinates as: d N d N
Hn ⫽ ⫺(xj⫺xn1)cosq⫺(yj⫺yn1)sinq
(1) ⫹ 2n) 册
where dimensionless equilibrium coordinates of the jour- Unsteady State recess flow continuity equation for nth
nal centre (xj, yj) can be written as recess.
M.K. Ghosh, M.R. Satish / Tribology International 36 (2003) 625–632 627
冕 再 冎
N 1
An ⫽ ⫺(xj⫺xn1)cosq⫺(yj⫺yn1)sinq dq
(n⫺1) d
Cn ⫽ m ⫺(xj⫺xn1)cos
N 冎3
再 2p
Sn ⫽ (xj⫺xn1) cos (n⫺1)⫺cos
N 冎
再 2p
⫹ (yj⫺yn1) sin (n⫺1)⫺sin
N 冎
Under dynamic conditions when the journal centre
Fig. 1. Nomenclature of four lobe bearings. undergoes vibrations with amplitude d⑀ and da, respect-
ively and thereby induces dynamic pressures in the
The X, Y coordinates are chosen such that X-axis is recess dp̄n⫺1, dp̄n and dp̄n + 1, respectively. Perturbed
in line with the static load vector in the absence of any flow dQ̄ can be written as:
dynamic disturbance. Attitude angle a becomes zero in ∂Q̄ ∂Q̄ ∂Q̄
this case. Using the assumptions of Davies [6], the net dQ̄ ⫽ dp̄ ⫹ dp̄ ⫹ dp̄ (5)
∂p̄n⫺1 n⫺1 ∂p̄n n⫺1 ∂p̄n+1 n+1
rate of accumulation of fluid in the nth recess for an
orifice compensated bearing is written in the dimen- ∂Q̄ ∂Q̄
⫹ de ⫹ da
sionless form as: ∂e ∂a
Q̄ ⫽ l冑1⫺p̄n⫺⍀Sn ⫹ (p̄n⫺1⫺p̄n)Cn⫺1⫺Anp̄n⫺(p̄n (4) This rate of accumulation must be equal to the rate at
which the volume of nth recess clearance space changes
⫺p̄n+1)Cn due to movement of the shaft expressed as
when ∂V ∂V ∂e ∂V ∂a
⫽ · ⫹ · (6)
p̄n⫺1 ⬎ p̄n ⬎ p̄n+1 ∂t ∂e ∂t ∂a ∂t
and An, Cn, Cn⫺ 1 and Sn are flow coefficients defined for where
628 M.K. Ghosh, M.R. Satish / Tribology International 36 (2003) 625–632
冕 再 冎 ∂W̄x ∂W̄x
1tdC1 N 1
V⫽ ⫺(xj⫺xn1)cosq⫺(yj⫺yn1)sinq dq kxx kxy ∂x ∂y
2 2p
(n⫺1) d
⫹ dẏsin
N 2
2p (n⫺1)
cyx cyy
∂W̄y ∂W̄y
∂ẋ ∂ẏ
N 2 N
Eqs. (4), (5) and (7) yield unsteady state recess flow con-
tinuity equation using the following relationship, 4. Results and discussion
再冑 冎
speed of rotation. Optimum speed refers to the speed at
Cn⫺1dp̄n⫺1⫺ ⫹ An ⫹ Cn⫺1 ⫹ Cn dp̄n ⫹ which power consumption is minimum. It is observed
2 1⫺p̄n that stiffness increases with increase in offset factor.
再 冎
Thus offset factor ⬎1 shows higher stiffness than offset
dAn ∂Sn ∂Cn⫺1 ∂Cn
⫺p̄n ⫺⍀ ⫹ (p̄n⫺1⫺p̄n) ⫺(p̄n⫺p̄n+1) factor one which represents circular bearing. It is also
de ∂e ∂e ∂e seen that 4-lobe bearing has higher stiffness than 3-lobe
·(dxcosa ⫹ dysina) bearing. An optimum value of concentric pressure ratio
再 ∂An
⫹ ⫺p̄n ⫺⍀
⫹ (p̄n⫺1⫺p̄n )
∂a 冎 is also observed at which stiffness is maximum. Vari-
ation of direct stiffness kxx and kyy are shown in Figs. 4
and 5 against pressure ratio at various eccentricity ratios
· 冉
e 冊 for an offset factor of 1.5. At zero eccentricity ratio due
to symmetry kxx = kyy. The optimum value of pressure
⫽ ⫺4w dẋsin
2p n⫺1
N 2 冉 冊
⫹ dẏcos
2p n⫺1
N 2
·sin 冉 冊冎
Dimensionless fluid film stiffness and damping coef- Fig. 3. Direct stiffness versus pressure ratio for 3 and 4-lobe hydro-
ficients are defined as: static journal bearing for various offset factors.
M.K. Ghosh, M.R. Satish / Tribology International 36 (2003) 625–632 629
Fig. 4. Direct stiffness versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydro-
static journal bearing for various eccentricity ratios. Fig. 6. Cross stiffness versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydro-
static journal bearings for various offset factors.
Fig. 5. Direct stiffness versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydro-
static journal bearings for various eccentricity ratios. Fig. 7. Cross stiffness versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydro-
static journal bearings for various eccentricity ratios.
Fig. 8. Cross stiffness versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydro- Fig. 10. Direct damping versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe
static journal bearings for various eccentricity ratios. hydrostatic journal bearings for various offset factors.
Fig. 9. Cross stiffness versus speed ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydrostatic
journal bearings for various offset factors.
Fig. 11. Direct damping versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe
are shown in Figs. 10–14. In the case of both direct and hydrostatic journal bearings for various eccentricity ratios.
cross damping, an optimum pressure ratio is observed at
which damping is maximum. Damping coefficient
increases with increase in the offset factor. Cross damp- ing. Cross damping is generally not dependant on the
ing shown in Fig. 13 is significantly lower than direct speed ratio. Eccentricity ratio effect on the damping
damping coefficient. However, the trend of the variation coefficient is not very significant as is observed in Figs.
is similar. Influence of speed ratio on the direct damping 11 and 12.
coefficient is shown in Fig. 14. Direct damping increases Therefore, to improve the dynamic performance of
linearly with increase in the speed ratio. Direct damping hybrid bearings an offset factor of ⬎1 is necessary. The
is helpful in stabilising the rotor supported by the bear- bearing may be designed for maximum stiffness at its
M.K. Ghosh, M.R. Satish / Tribology International 36 (2003) 625–632 631
Fig. 14. Direct damping versus speed ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydro-
Fig. 12. Direct damping versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe static journal bearings for various offset factors.
hydrostatic journal bearings for various eccentricity factors.
5. Conclusions
Fig. 13. Cross damping versus pressure ratio for 3- and 4-lobe hydro-
static journal bearings for various eccentricity factors. References
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