Weighted Elo Rating For Tennis Match Predictions

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Weighted Elo rating for tennis match predictions

Giovanni Angelinia , Vincenzo Candilab , Luca De Angelisc,∗

a Dept.of Economics, University of Bologna, [email protected]
b MEMOTEF, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, [email protected]
c Dept. of Economics, University of Bologna, [email protected]

Originally applied to tennis by the data journalists of FiveThirtyEight.com, the Elo rat-
ing method estimates the strength of each player based on her/his career as well as the
outcome of the last match played. Together with the regression-based, point-based and
paired-comparison approaches, the Elo rating is a popular method to predict the proba-
bility of winning tennis matches. Notwithstanding its widely recognized merits in terms
of ease of reproducibility and good performance, the Elo method does not completely
take into account the current form of each player and their recent performances. This
paper proposes a new version of the Elo rating method, labelled Weighted Elo (WElo),
where the standard Elo updating is additionally weighted according to the scoreline of the
players’ last match. The proposed method considers not only if a player has won (lost) a
match, but also how the victory (defeat) was achieved. In the empirical application, the
forecasting performance of the WElo method is evaluated and compared against the most
popular forecasting methods in tennis, using a sample of over 60,000 men’s and women’s
professional matches. Overall, the WElo method outperforms all these competing meth-
ods. Moreover, it provides meaningfully profitable opportunities, according to a simple
betting strategy.
Keywords: Forecasting; Elo rating; Tennis; Betting strategy.

∗ Corresponding author. Postal address: Piazza Scaravilli 2, 40126 - Bologna, Italy. E-mail:
[email protected]
We are grateful to the Editor, Ruud Teunter, and three anonymous referees for their helpful com-
ments on the earlier version of this paper. We also thank the participants at the 12th International
Conference of the ERCIM on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics) in
London (December 2019) for their useful comments.

Preprint submitted to Elsevier March 16, 2021

1. Introduction

In recent years, the academic interest on sports forecasting models has grown
significantly. In particular, the number of contributions on the model-based pre-
diction of the outcome of sport events has enormously increased. One of the
main purposes of forecasting sport outcomes is to detect and exploit the (informa-
tional) inefficiency of sports betting markets which allows better informed bettors
to gain at the expense of the less well informed. However, the debate on the pos-
sibility of achieving positive returns by using a single or combination of sports
forecasting models is still open. Most of the papers in the literature are focused
on the forecasting of football match outcomes (e.g., Angelini and De Angelis
(2017) and Koopman and Lit (2015)). However, despite its popularity among
the betting community, the number of academic contributions on tennis forecast-
ing is rather limited. A survey of these contributions is provided by Kovalchik
(2016), where three categories of methods are reviewed and evaluated, namely
the regression-based, point-based and paired comparison approaches. Some ex-
amples of regression-based contributions are Del Corral and Prieto-Rodriguez
(2010), Klaassen and Magnus (2003), Clarke and Dyte (2000) and Boulier and
Stekler (1999), among others. Generally, these contributions make use of the
probit or logit estimators. For instance, Klaassen and Magnus (2003) propose
a logit regression based on the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) rank-
ings of two players to predict the winner of the match. Using a probit model,
Del Corral and Prieto-Rodriguez (2010) find that the recent performances of a
player are the most important factors to forecast match outcomes. Contributions
belonging to the point-based approach focus on the prediction of winning a sin-
gle point. Some examples are Knottenbelt et al. (2012), Barnett et al. (2006)
and Barnett and Clarke (2005), among others. Finally, the paired-comparison
approach estimates the probability of winning on the basis of the direct evalu-
ation of the latent abilities of the two players. Examples of this approach are
the Bradley-Terry (BT) type model (McHale and Morton, 2011), its time-varying
version proposed by Gorgi et al. (2019), the dynamic paired comparisons model
proposed by Baker and McHale (2014) and Baker and McHale (2017), and the
Elo rating system. A recent implementation of many of these approaches into the
neural network framework to forecast the tennis winning player is provided by
Candila and Palazzo (2020).
The Elo rating method recursively estimates the strength of each contender

on the basis of the last match, as well as her/his whole career, in order to predict
the probability of winning for the upcoming match. Originally proposed by the
Physics Professor Arpad Elo in 1978 (Elo, 1978) for the rating of chess play-
ers, the Elo method has been applied in different sports, such as soccer (Hvattum
and Arntzen, 2010; Leitner et al., 2010), American football (Ryall and Bedford,
2010), rugby (Carbone et al., 2016), and tennis (Kovalchik, 2016; Kovalchik and
Reid, 2019). Notwithstanding its widely recognized merits in terms of ease of re-
producibility and good performance, the traditional Elo method does not take into
account how the last match outcome of one player (or team) has been achieved,
but only if the player (team) has won or lost the match. Operatively, the standard
Elo increases (decreases) the Elo rating of a player/team by the same amount,
independently of how the player/team has won (lost) the match. In this paper
we generalize the Elo rating system in tennis by weighting the matches on the
basis of the number of games (or sets) won by each player. The aim of such a
generalization is to include the informative content provided by the most recent
performance, i.e. momentum in financial lingo, of players/teams, which is gener-
ally recognized as crucial in sports forecasting. The use of data on recent results
has been proved to significantly improve the forecasting performance of a statis-
tical model in many sports; see, for instance, Angelini and De Angelis (2017) for
football, and Del Corral and Prieto-Rodriguez (2010) for tennis. In line with this
literature, we investigate to what extent this “hot hand” phenomenon − as well as
its opposite − can significantly enrich the available information set on which the
forecast is based, by comparing the forecasting performance of the standard Elo
rating system and the one of a weighted version, which incorporate information
from the latest performance of the players. In particular, we consider the num-
ber of games (or sets) won and lost by each player in the last matches as proxies
for the recent condition and form of the two opponents. Our approach can be
easily generalised to many other individual and team sports, in which the point
difference can be considered as proxies for the player/team’s recent condition. A
similar idea was applied by Hvattum and Arntzen (2010) to association football,
where a weighted function for the Elo update based on the difference of the goals
scored by the two teams is considered.
From a statistical point of view, we demonstrate that the proposed variant
of the Elo, labeled Weighted Elo (WElo), is a symmetric rating system, even
when the number of games of the opponents are taken into account. Moreover,
the WElo confidence intervals are derived using an ad hoc bootstrap-based tech-

nique. In a very interesting recent paper, Kovalchik (2020) introduces a general
framework where the Elo system is extended to account for the margin of victory
(MOV) in tennis, measured by either the number of sets won or other within-set
statistics, namely the number of games, the break points, the total points, and the
serve percentage. Despite our approach can be considered as a special case of
her multiplicative model for Elo updating where the number of games won de-
fines the MOV, the WElo system can be computed and updated straightforwardly,
hence gaining in terms of reproducibility, as there is no need to estimate or arbi-
trarily set tuning parameters and, according to our formulation of the MOV, the
chance that the update from a single event can be unrealistically large is ruled out.
Moreover, with respect to Kovalchik (2020), who compares the predictive perfor-
mance of the MOV-based approaches against the standard Elo, we extend such
comparison to other popular approaches in tennis. In particular, in the empirical
analysis, the WElo forecasting performance is extensively evaluated over a sam-
ple of over 60,000 men’s and women’s matches and compared against the perfor-
mance of four competing models, namely the standard Elo and the BT model for
the paired-based approach, and the logit and probit regressions of Klaassen and
Magnus (2003) and Del Corral and Prieto-Rodriguez (2010), respectively, for the
regression-based approach.
Our results show that the WElo approach allows more accurate predictions,
both in terms of minimization of the loss functions considered, namely the Brier
score (Brier, 1950) and log-loss function, and maximization of the returns-on-
investment (ROI) achieved on the betting markets. In particular, the proposed
approach significantly outperforms all the four competing models, independently
of the out-of-sample period considered. In terms of ROI, the WElo yields approx-
imately 3.56% (2.93%) of the investment from betting on the men’s (women’s)
matches in the period 2012-2020, if the best odds avaiable on the market are
considered. These results are significantly better than what is obtained using the
standard Elo or a random betting strategy.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the
proposed WElo rating system and its properties. Section 3 shows the results of the
out-of-sample forecasting performance. Section 4 describes the betting strategy
and its performance based on the Elo and WElo methods. Section 5 concludes.
Finally, in Appendixes A and B we report results from robustness checks and
further analyses. In particular, Appendix A reports the evaluation of the WElo
based on sets (instead of games) for the men’s matches while Appendix B is

devoted to the analysis concerning the data set on women’s (WTA) professional

2. Weighted Elo

Let i and j be two opponents in a tennis match and Ei (t) and E j (t) their Elo
ratings for the match at time t. According to the Elo rating system, once Ei (t) and
E j (t) are estimated, the probability that player i wins against player j in match t
is defined as:
p̂i, j (t) = . (1)
1 + 10(E j (t)−Ei (t))/400
For the ease of notation, from now on we will only refer to player i. This
means that we always refer to the same player i, irrespectively of the match, t,
while the opponent player, j, will be (usually) different according to the match.
The updating procedure, in a Bayesian sense (Glickman, 1999), for calculating
the Elo ratings for player i is:
Ei (t + 1) = Ei (t) + Ki (t) Wi (t) − p̂i, j (t) , (2)

where Wi (t) is an indicator function which equals one if player i wins match t and
zero otherwise, and Ki (t) is a (positive) scale factor which determines how much
the Elo rating should change after match t. The scale factor may also assume dif-
ferent values according to the importance of the match under consideration. For
instance, Ki (t) could be larger for matches played in prestigious tournaments,
such as the ATP Grand Slams. Another possibility is to make explicit the depen-
dence of the scale factor on the number of matches played by player i, such that
the larger the number of matches played by player i, the smaller the scale factor.
Independently of the scale factor Ki (t), the Elo rating for player i in (2) in-
creases if player i won the previous match and decreases in the opposite case, i.e.
Ei (t + 1) > Ei (t) if i wins match t and Ei (t + 1) < Ei (t) if i loses match t. More-
over, from Eq. (2) it is evident that the more player i was likely to win against
player j in match t (e.g. in the case of p̂i, j (t) in (1) close to 1), the smaller the Elo
rating increases for the upcoming match, and vice versa. But, independently of
the scoreline of match t, the Elo rating for player i increases or decreases by the
same amount.
The proposed WElo method extends the standard Elo formulation in order
to take into account not only if one player won or lost the match but also the

scoreline of the match, in order to exploit the information on how the victory
(or defeat) has been achieved. Specifically, such a weighted rating system is
obtained by incorporating in Eq. (2) an additional function f (·), which depends
on the number of games Gi, j (t) won by players i and j during match t.
The WElo rating system is then defined as:

Ei∗ (t + 1) = Ei∗ (t) + Ki (t) Wi (t) − p̂∗i, j (t) f (Gi, j (t)),


where p̂∗i, j (t) is estimated using Eq. (1) where Ei (t) and E j (t) are replaced by
the corresponding WElo ratings, Ei∗ (t) and E ∗j (t), respectively, and f (Gi, j (t)) is
a function whose values depend on the games played in the previous match. In
particular, f (Gi, j (t)) is defined as:

NGi (t)

NGi (t)+NG j (t) if player i has won match t;
f (Gi, j (t)) =
 NG j (t) if player i has lost match t,
NGi (t)+NG j (t)

where NGi (t) and NG j (t) represent the number of games won by player i and
player j in match t, respectively. It is worth noting that the structure of the WElo
rating system is very flexible and the additional function f (·) can be easily spec-
ified using other variables. An example is provided in Appendix A where we
report the results for the WElo method in Eq. (3) with a function f (·) based on
sets (instead of games).
By construction, the Elo rating system represents an upper bound for the
WElo system, that is Ei∗ (t) ≤ Ei (t). As an illustration, Table 1 reports four cases
that highlight the differences between the Elo and WElo ratings.
Table 1: Comparison of WElo and Elo rating systems: examples for player i
Winner Score p̂i, j (t) f (Gi, j (t)) Wi (t) − p̂i, j (t) f (Gi, j (t)) Wi (t) − p̂i, j (t)
1 i 6-0;6-0 0.60 1.00 + 0.40 + 0.40
2 i 7-6;7-6 0.60 0.54 + 0.22 + 0.40
3 i 0-6;7-6;7-6 0.95 0.44 + 0.02 + 0.05
4 j 1-6;1-6 0.75 0.86 – 0.64 – 0.75

An important feature of the standard Elo rating system is the symmetry of

the ratings. This means that the “points” earned by the winning player equal the
“points” lost by the defeated player, before the multiplication by the scale factor
Ki (t), which could be different between the two players. It is easy to note that,

since the additional function f (Gi, j (t)) is symmetric, the symmetry of the ratings
is also maintained in the case of the WElo system. Indeed, it is straightforward
to show that the WElo points earned by the winning player, say i, are the WElo
points lost by player j, in absolute value:

Wi (t) − p̂∗i, j (t) f (Gi, j (t)) = | W j (t) − p̂∗j,i (t) f (G j,i (t))| .
| {z } | {z }
i wins j loses

This result implies that p̂∗i, j (t) + p̂∗j,i (t) = 1, for all t.

2.1. Confidence Intervals

In this section we propose a novel approach for computing the confidence
intervals of the WElo rating system. The WElo rating described in (3) can be
decomposed as follows:

Ei∗ (t + 1) = Ei∗ (t) + Ki (t) Wi (t) − p̂∗i, j (t) f (Gi, j (t))


= Ei∗ (t − 1) + Ki (t − 1) Wi (t − 1) − p̂∗i, j (t − 1) f (Gi, j (t − 1))


+Ki (t) Wi (t) − p̂∗i, j (t) f (Gi, j (t))


= Ei∗ (0) + ∑ Ki (s) Wi (s) − p̂∗i, j (s) f (Gi, j (s)),

where Wi (s) ∼ B(πi, j (s)) follows a Bernoulli distribution with true probability
πi, j (s) that player i defeats player j at time s. Note that the recursion in Eq. (4)
highlights the dependence of the WElo rating for the following match (t + 1) on
all player’s career, i.e. from her/his first match (s = 1) to her/his latest match
(s = t).

Assumption 1. Let Wi (s) ∼ B(πi, j (s)), then it holds that E( p̂∗i, j (s)) = πi, j (s) for
every s ∈ {1, ...,t}.

Under Assumption 1, the confidence intervals can be computed using the follow-
ing algorithm:
Algorithm 1. (Bootstrap) confidence intervals:

(i) Estimate the WElo in (3) and compute p̂∗i, j (s);

ei (s) from the Bernoulli distribution Wi (s) ∼ B( p̂∗ (s)|Fs−1 ) for
(ii) Generate W i, j
every s ∈ {1, ...,t}, where Fs−1 is the information set available at time
s − 1;

(iii) Generate Eei∗ (s) for every s ∈ {1, ...,t}, recursively from (4), by replacing
Wi (s) with W
ei (s);

(iv) Repeat (i) and (ii) B times in order to obtain the sequences Eei∗ (s)b=1 , · · · , Eei∗ (s)b=B ,
for every s ∈ {1, ...,t};

(v) For every s ∈ {1, ...,t}, the (1−α)% confidence intervals are the α percentile
and the 1 − α percentile of Eei∗ (s)b .

This algorithm can be adapted for the Elo by setting f (Gi, j (s)) = 1.

3. Empirical analysis

All the empirical analysis presented in this section considers the data set on
men’s professional matches. In Appendix B we report the same analysis applied
to women’s matches. The dataset used in the empirical analysis is taken from the
historical archive of the website www.tennis-data.co.uk. This archive
includes the match results of all the most important tennis tournaments of the
ATP Tour (Masters 250, 500 and 1000, and ATP Finals) and Grand Slams, closing
betting odds of different professional bookmakers, as well as the ranking and the
ATP points for each player.1 The period under consideration spans from July 4,
2005 to November 22, 2020. All the results in this paper are obtained using the R
package ‘welo’. The initial number of matches is 38,868. After the data cleaning
process, the final dataset reduces to 33,976 matches.2
It is worth noting that the starting value for both the Elo and WElo rating
systems is 1,500 points for each player at the beginning of the estimation sample.
The scale factor Ki (t) in (2) and (3) for the Elo and WElo rating systems, respec-
tively, is set according to Kovalchik (2016), that is Ki (t) = 250/ (Ni (t) + 5)0.4 ,
where Ni (t) is the number of matches of player i at time t. This setting amplifies
the variation of the Elo and WElo ratings if player i has played a small number
of matches, while the rate variation tends to decrease as the number of matches

1 The bookmakers considered are: Bet365, Bet&Win, Centrebet, Expert, Ladbrokes, Game-
bookers, Interwetten, Pinnacles, Sportingbet, Stan James, and Unibet.
2 From the initial data set, we have removed the uncompleted matches and the matches with

missing values in the variables used in at least one of the competing approaches listed in Table 2.
The cleaning process makes use of the clean function of the R package ‘welo’ to which we refer
the reader for all the details.

played by player i increases.3
As an example, Figure 1 reports the Elo (dotted lines) and the WElo (solid
lines) for three top ATP players: Roger Federer (black lines), Rafael Nadal (red
lines) and Novak Djokovic (green lines). Figure 1 shows that substantial differ-
ences between the player’s ratings arise if one considers the WElo instead of the
Elo system to compute the probabilities in (1).

Figure 1: WElo and Elo ratings for Federer, Nadal and Djokovic (July 2005–November
WElo and Elo

WElo − Federer
Elo − Federer
WElo − Nadal

Elo − Nadal
WElo − Djokovic
Elo − Djokovic
07/05 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 11/20

Using Algorithm 1, Figure 2 reports the 95% WElo confidence intervals com-
puted with B = 1, 000 replicates for the three top players considered in Figure 1.
Comparing the WElo ratings with the official ATP rankings, we can observe that,
for instance, in September 2018, the ATP rankings were 1, 2 and 6 for Nadal,
Federer and Djokovic, respectively. According to the WElo rating system, the
ranking of these three players was the opposite of the official one. However, the
confidence intervals reported in Figure 2 show that the WElo ratings for Nadal
and Federer were not statistically different from each other at that time. More-
over, Djokovic’s WElo rating was significantly larger than the one of the other
two players. It is worth noting that, since they are computed using the results
of a player in the last year, the official ATP rankings tend to penalise injured
players, as a player’s inactivity does not allow them to add any points and thus

3 We also repeated our empirical analysis using the other formulations of the scale factor K (t)
that are used in the literature (e.g. see Kovalchik (2016)). Our results are robust such scale factors.
These results are available upon request and can be replicated using the R package ‘welo’.

improve or maintain their ranking. For instance, the fact that Djokovic ranked
sixth in September 2018 was mainly due to his inactive period in January-April
2018. Conversely, WElo and Elo rating systems do not apply such penalty and
their value remains constant if the player is inactive; see, e.g. Djokovic’s WElo
between January and April 2018 depicted in Figure 1. In principle, this property
should provide enhanced forecasting ability with respect to the official ATP rank-
ings. As a matter of fact, Djokovic reached #1 of the ATP ranking a couple of
months later (November 2018), as was anticipated by the WElo rating system.

Figure 2: WElo ratings and their 95% confidence intervals for Federer, Nadal and
Djokovic (July 2005–November 2020)

95% Conf. Int.

07/05 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 11/20

3.1. Out-of-sample analysis

In this section, we provide an out-of-sample analysis of the WElo rating sys-
tem and we compare its forecasting performance with a set of competing meth-
ods. This set of competing models consists of the standard Elo, the BT-type
model of McHale and Morton (2011, BTM), and the regression-based models of
Klaassen and Magnus (2003, KMR) and Del Corral and Prieto-Rodriguez (2010,
DCPR). Table 2 summarises the characteristics of such models and the variables
The Elo and WElo ratings are set to 1,500 for each player at the beginning
of the sample. The initial period from 2005 to 2011 is used as burn-in to pre-
dict (one-step-ahead) the winning probabilities for the matches played in the first
competing day of 2012 ATP tour. For each of the following days, the information
set is updated with the results of the matches played in the previous day. Then,

Table 2: Competing models

Variable Elo KMR DCPR BTM

Player rank 3 3
Former Top-10 3
Height 3
Squared Height 3
Age 3
Squared Age 3
Handedness 3

Estimator Bayesian upd. alg. Logit Probit Bayesian upd. alg.

Notes: The table shows the set of variables included in each model. KMR stands for the logit
regression of Klaassen and Magnus (2003); DCPR for the probit regression of Del Corral and
Prieto-Rodriguez (2010); BTM stands for the BT-type model of McHale and Morton (2011).
“upd. alg.” stands for updating algorithm.

each model is re-estimated to obtain the winning probabilities for the matches
scheduled for the following day. This procedure is repeated until the end of the
sample. In other words, we achieve the one-step-ahead forecasts for the matches
played at time t + 1 conditional on the information set up to day t, for the out-
of-sample period from 2012 to 2020. For comparison purposes, we evaluate the
forecasting performances year-by-year and for the full out-of-sample period.
Table 3 reports the accuracy rates of the WElo approach against the competing
models. Specifically, the accuracy rate is computed as the percentage of correctly
predicted winners. The results show that the WElo outperforms all the competing
models, expect for 2018.
The paired comparison for all the models in Table 2 against the proposed
WElo method is done through the Diebold and Mariano (1995, DM) test. The re-
sults for the DM test are reported in Table 4. Top and bottom panels respectively
illustrate the results under the Brier score and log-loss function. Independently
of the scoring function adopted, the null hypothesis of equal predictive ability is
largely rejected and, since the test statistic is always negative, we can conclude
that overall the proposed WElo rating system significantly outperforms all the
competing models. This holds irrespective of the out-of-sample period consid-

Table 3: Accuracy rates (%) across models
# Matches WElo Elo KMR DCPR BTM
2012 2,324 81.583 81.497 78.916 77.969 80.769
2013 2,316 78.843 78.670 76.511 75.648 78.207
2014 2,250 79.467 78.667 75.822 76.533 78.785
2015 2,285 81.961 81.786 79.685 80.210 80.731
2016 2,297 79.094 78.397 77.178 76.045 77.399
2017 2,307 76.843 76.409 73.849 72.940 75.750
2018 2,008 73.406 73.606 73.108 71.016 72.782
2019 2,303 74.109 73.936 69.505 70.200 72.169
2020 1,033 75.581 75.581 73.643 71.512 74.419
2012–2020 19,123 78.234 77.910 75.552 75.065 76.946
Notes: The table reports the percentage of correctly predicted matches by each
model in column. The WElo model here considered uses the games in the function
f (·). Models’ definitions are in Table 2. Shades of grey indicate superior models.

4. Betting strategy

As a further analysis of the out-of-sample forecasting performance, we eval-

uate the monetary benefits of using the WElo ratings with respect to the standard
Elo system through a simple betting framework.
Let oi, j,h (t) and o j,i,h (t) be the odds provided by bookmaker h, with h =
1, . . . , H, for the two opponents, players i and j, respectively, of match t. Then,
let us define the implied winning probabilities for players i and j as qi, j,h (t) and
q j,i,h (t), respectively, obtained as the reciprocal of the odds provided by book-
−1 −1
maker h, that is qi, j,h (t) = oi, j,h (t) and q j,i,h (t) = o j,i,h (t) . Alternatively,
one may use the normalized probabilities, with techniques discussed in Štrumbelj
(2014) or proposed in Candila and Scognamillo (2018). Moreover, let the best
odds among the H bookmakers for player i (and analogously for player j) be
defined as:
oBi, j (t) = max oi, j,h (t). (5)

As done in other contributions, e.g. McHale and Morton (2011) and Dixon
and Coles (1997), we adopt a betting strategy based on a threshold r. In particular,
a bet is placed only if this threshold is exceeded. Specifically, the betting strategy
adopted here is:

Definition 1. Betting strategy: The amount of $1 is placed on the best odds

Table 4: WElo evaluation against competing models by Diebold–Mariano test
# Matches Elo KMR DCPR BTM
2012 2,324 −2.116∗∗ −4.341∗∗∗ −3.403∗∗∗ −4.062∗∗∗
2013 2,316 −3.715∗∗∗ −2.988∗∗∗ −2.509∗∗ −3.091∗∗∗
−1.937∗ −3.369∗∗∗ −3.691∗∗∗ −2.734∗∗∗
Brier Score

2014 2,250
2015 2,285 −2.051∗∗ −1.377 −1.256 −3.148∗∗∗
2016 2,297 −1.683∗ −2.059∗∗ −1.387 −3.666∗∗∗
2017 2,307 −2.345∗∗ −2.865∗∗∗ −3.031∗∗∗ −3.476∗∗∗
2018 2,008 −2.347∗∗ −0.365 1.004 −3.803∗∗∗
2019 2,303 −2.020∗∗ −2.641∗∗∗ −2.406∗∗ −5.241∗∗∗
2020 1,033 −2.877∗∗∗ 0.243 1.165 −2.309∗∗
2012–2020 19,123 −6.922∗∗∗ −6.71∗∗∗ −5.306∗∗∗ −10.656∗∗∗

2012 2,324 −2.371∗∗ −4.436∗∗∗ −3.428∗∗∗ −3.735∗∗∗

2013 2,316 −3.836∗∗∗ −2.762∗∗∗ −2.318∗∗ −3.487∗∗∗
2014 2,250 −1.918∗ −3.423∗∗∗ −3.630∗∗∗ −2.812∗∗∗

2015 2,285 −2.198∗∗ −1.423 −1.185 −3.540∗∗∗

2016 2,297 −2.400∗∗ −1.807∗ −1.140 −3.598∗∗∗
2017 2,307 −3.100∗∗∗ −2.306∗∗ −2.709∗∗∗ −3.026∗∗∗
2018 2,008 −2.269∗∗ 0.242 1.310 −4.169∗∗∗
2019 2,303 −2.391∗∗ −2.503∗∗ −2.406∗∗ −5.401∗∗∗
2020 1,033 −2.964∗∗∗ 0.408 1.256 −2.414∗∗
2012–2020 19,123 −7.745∗∗∗ −6.019∗∗∗ −4.783∗∗∗ −10.748∗∗∗
Notes: The table reports the Diebold–Mariano test statistic. Negative values imply that the WElo
model outperforms the model in column and vice versa. The WElo model here considered uses the
games in the function f (·). Models’ definitions are in Table 2. ∗ , ∗∗ and ∗∗∗ denote significance at
the 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively.

oBi, j (t) in (5) for player i for all the matches where it holds that

P̂i, j (t)
> r,
qi, j,h (t)
n o
where P̂i, j (t) = p̂i, j (t), p̂∗i, j (t) and qi, j,h (t) > q.

In general, higher thresholds r imply less betting opportunities (and usually

smaller payoffs), but also higher chances of winning. The additional require-
ment that we make in our betting strategy is that qi, j,h (t) > q. This implies
that the betting strategy tends to exclude underdogs according to the value of
q. In particular, the larger the q, the heavier the underdog. Albeit this condition
may appear somewhat arbitrary, the intuition of avoiding longshots is consistent
with the well-known favourite-longshot bias found in tennis betting markets and
discussed, among others, in Forrest and McHale (2007) and Candila and Scog-
namillo (2018). Nevertheless, in the empirical analysis below we also report the
case in which the longshots are not excluded (q = 0).

In our analysis we refer to the odds provided by Bet365 bookmaker, i.e.
h = Bet365, to define qi, j,h (t).4 This is because this professional bookmaker
has the largest coverage (over 98%) of the matches included in our initial data
set. However, the betting strategy in Def. 1 involves wagering on the best odds
among the H = 11 bookmakers listed in footnote 1. It is indeed common practice
among experienced bettors to look for the best possible odds on the market to
place their bets. Needless to say, the performance of the betting strategy consid-
ering either the average odds or the odds from one single bookmaker is worse
than considering the best possible odds on the betting markets (see Table A2 and
Figure A1 in Appendix A for comparison). The betting strategies based on the
Elo and WElo ratings, i.e. when P̂i, j (t) = p̂i, j (t) and P̂i, j (t) = p̂∗i, j (t) in Def. 1,
respectively, are compared in terms of return-on-investment (ROI). The ROI de-
fined as the ratio of the net profit (or loss) and the cost of the investment (which,
according to Def. 1, in our case coincides with the number of placed bets) in
The ROI for the WElo and Elo rating systems achieved in our out-of-sample
exercise are reported in panels (a) and (b) of Figure 3, respectively with q ∈
{0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35}. As expected, as long as the threshold r increases, the
number of matches to bet on decreases, as reported in the bottom panels of Fig-
ures 3(a) and 3(b). From Figures 3(a) and 3(b), it clearly emerges that the betting
strategy based on the WElo rating system dominates the one based on the Elo,
both in terms of average ROI and the number of significant values for different
r thresholds. This result is even more evident from Figure 3(c), where the ROIs
of the two strategies are plotted jointly. In this figure, asterisks denote signifi-
cant values according to the 90% confidence level computed by i.i.d. bootstrap.
As expected and consistently with the favourite-longshot bias found in the liter-
ature on tennis betting markets, the ROI tends to decrease (and become strongly
negative) for smaller values of q, namely when q = 0 and 0.15, i.e. including
underdogs and heavy underdogs in the betting strategy, for both WElo and Elo
methods. It is interesting to note that the results in Figures 3 show that the ROI is
not uniformly increasing with higher values of r.
Table 5 summarises the performance of the two betting strategies for the dif-
ferent years that span our out-of-sample period for the specific case of q = 0.35

4 We also repeated the analysis using the mean of the odds provided by the bookmakers re-
ported in footnote 1 and the results (available upon request) are very similar.

Figure 3: ROI for WElo and Elo value bets using best odds

ROI (%)
−4 q=0.30


1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


# Bets


1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


(a) ROI for WElo, for different q values

ROI (%)




1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


# Bets


1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


(b) ROI for Elo, for different q values

ROI (%)

1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


(c) ROI for WElo (blue line) and Elo (red line). ∗ denotes stat. significance
computed by bootstrap

and r = 1.1625.5 These results show that overall the ROIs and the absolute returns
for the WElo-based betting strategy are larger than the ROIs and the absolute
returns for the Elo-based strategy (3.563% against 1.307% and $113.6 against
$46.3, respectively), the former being systematically more profitable than the lat-
ter for all the years, except for 2014. Moreover, in Figure A1 of Appendix A
we also report a comparison with a random betting strategy replicated for 10, 000
times. The results show that the ROI achieved using the WElo-based strategy
is placed towards the right tail of the empirical distribution for all of the cases
considered (best, average and Bet365 odds), while the ROI from the Elo-based
strategy is very close to the mean and median of the distribution. Finally, Figure
4 compares the ROIs for the WElo and Elo methods with 0.25 ≤ q ≤ 0.35 and
1 ≤ r ≤ 1.3. Overall, the ROI generated by the WElo-based betting strategy is
higher than the ROI generated by the Elo-based strategy for almost all the com-
binations of q and r, as the blue surface (WElo) appears to envelop the red one
In summary, we observe that the forecasting performance of the proposed
WElo rating system is overall superior to the standard Elo approach as discussed
in Section 3.1. This dominance is further highlighted by the simple betting frame-
work adopted here, where for some combinations of r and q and considering the
best odds on the betting market, we also find evidence of profitable opportunities
for bettors.6

5. Conclusions

Recently, the academic interest in modelling and forecasting sport outcomes

has enormously increased. Among a variety of forecasting approaches to predict
the probability of winning in tennis matches, the Elo method plays a prominent
role. The Elo method recursively estimates the rating of each player based on

5 The thresholds r and q can be dynamically estimated using the information set available to
bettors before the beginning of the match. However, the results are overall robust to such choices
(see Figure 4).
6 It must be acknowledged, however, that, according to the results reported in Table A2 and

Figure A1 of Appendix A, adopting the betting strategy outlined in Def. 1 using the average odds
as well as the odds from a single professional bookmaker as Bet365, the ROI becomes negative.
Therefore, the chance to ‘beat the market’ and achieve positive returns from the betting strategy is
mainly related to the identification of the best odds across many different bookmakers. However,
this does not undermine the fact that the proposed extension to the Elo rating system overall
provides a superior forecasting performance than the standard approach.

Table 5: ROI of the WElo and Elo models
# Bets ROI(%) Abs. return # Bets ROI(%) Abs. return
WElo Elo
2012 337 8.068 27.189 366 4.825 17.660
2013 367 6.136 22.519 401 2.147 8.609
2014 328 9.131 29.950 387 9.375 36.281
2015 340 4.941 16.799 390 2.433 9.489
2016 322 11.637 37.471 377 6.008 22.650
2017 368 9.201 33.860 419 7.551 31.639
2018 431 −6.329 −27.278 446 −6.578 −29.338
2019 472 2.456 11.592 512 1.795 9.190
2020 224 −17.170 −38.461 244 −24.541 −59.880
2012–2020 3,189 3.563 113.624 3,542 1.307 46.294
Notes: The table reports the ROI(%) and the Absolute return coming from the
WElo and Elo estimated probabilities, according to the betting strategy illustrated
in Definition 1, using the thresholds r = 1.1625 and q = 0.35. The WElo model
here considered uses the games in the function f (·).

the outcome of the last match played. Afterwards, the probability of winning for
the upcoming match is calculated by comparing the Elo ratings for the two play-
ers. Despite its popularity and good performance, the main limitation of the Elo
method is that it does not take into account how the victory or defeat of a player
has been achieved, but only if they win or lose a match. This paper explored
the possibility of overcoming this limitation. In particular, we proposed a novel
approach to predict tennis match outcomes, generalizing the standard Elo rating
system. The proposed weighted version of the Elo (WElo) is able to take into
account the information contained in the number of games won by each player
in the last match, and not only the match outcome. By construction, the standard
Elo ratings are the upper bounds for the WElo and, for a given match, they co-
incide only in the case of a perfect score, i.e. if one player defeats the opponent
by winning all the games in the match. Therefore, the difference between the Elo
and WElo ratings represents a proxy of the state of form of each player. From
a forecasting viewpoint, this information significantly enriches the information
set on which the probability prediction for the upcoming match is based. From
a statistical viewpoint, we demonstrate that the proposed WElo rating system is
symmetric, even though it takes into account the different number of games won
by each player. Moreover, we derive a bootstrap-based procedure for the compu-

Figure 4: ROI(%) for the WElo (games-based version) and Elo rates


0.3 1.2
0.25 1

Notes: The figure reports the ROI(%) for the WElo (blue surface) and Elo (red
surface), according to according to different r and q values, for the out-of-sample
period (2012–2020).

tation of the confidence intervals around the WElo ratings. This bootstrap-based
procedure can also be applied to the standard Elo method. In the empirical anal-
ysis, we investigate the forecasting performance of the proposed WElo method
over a large dataset of over 60,000 men’s and women’s tennis matches. We find
that the WElo statistically outperforms some popular models for forecasting the
winning probability in tennis, irrespective of the out-of-sample period consid-
ered. Finally, the WElo method provides profitable and statistically meaningful
betting opportunities.
Future research may concern some interesting extensions as the inclusion of
additional variables, as done by Vaughan Williams et al. (2020) in the context of
Elo rating for tennis matches, and the application of the WElo method to other


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Appendix A. ATP matches

Appendix A.1. Different weighting function f (·)

As a robustness check and to evaluate the performance of a different weight-
ing function f (·), we exploit the flexibility of the WElo appraoch in (3) by speci-
fying f (·) with the number of sets, instead of the number of games as considered
in the paper. Formally, we define f (Si,t (t)) as:

NSi (t)

NSi (t)+NS j (t) if player i has won match t;
f (Si, j (t)) =
 NS j (t) if player i has lost match t,
NSi (t)+NS j (t)

where NSi (t) and NS j (t) represent the number of sets won by player i and player
j in match t, respectively.

Table A1: WElo (sets-based version) evaluation against competing models by

Diebold–Mariano test
# Matches Elo KMR DCPR BTM
2012 2,324 −1.340 −3.704∗∗∗ −2.791∗∗∗ −3.069∗∗∗
2013 2,316 −1.585 −1.893∗ −1.432 −1.819∗
−0.451 −2.514∗∗ −2.782∗∗∗ −1.790∗
Brier Score

2014 2,250
2015 2,285 −2.356∗∗ −1.127 −0.989 −2.545∗∗
2016 2,297 −1.762∗ −1.764∗ −1.102 −3.030∗∗∗
2017 2,307 −1.744∗ −2.312∗∗ −2.478∗∗ −2.558∗∗
2018 2,008 −0.834 0.201 1.528 −2.722∗∗∗
2019 2,303 −0.773 −2.043∗∗ −1.783∗ −3.910∗∗∗
2020 1,033 −1.450 0.903 1.761∗ −1.179
2012–2020 19,123 −4.009∗∗∗ −4.933∗∗∗ −3.539∗∗∗ −7.707∗∗∗

2012 2,324 −1.567 −3.590∗∗∗ −2.651∗∗∗ −3.122∗∗∗

2013 2,316 −1.672∗ −1.555 −1.129 −2.220∗∗
2014 2,250 −0.291 −2.444∗∗ −2.610∗∗∗ −1.855∗

2015 2,285 −2.506∗∗ −1.110 −0.868 −2.965∗∗∗

2016 2,297 −1.854∗ −1.248 −0.598 −2.861∗∗∗
2017 2,307 −1.718∗ −1.434 −1.827∗ −2.215∗∗
2018 2,008 −0.208 0.877 1.912∗ −3.287∗∗∗
2019 2,303 −0.634 −1.706∗ −1.588 −4.115∗∗∗
2020 1,033 −1.321 1.126 1.901∗ −1.295
2012–2020 19,123 −3.805∗∗∗ −3.795∗∗∗ −2.588∗∗∗ −8.108∗∗∗
Notes: The table reports the Diebold–Mariano test statistic. Negative values imply that the Weighted
Elo outperforms the model in column and vice versa. The WElo model here considered uses the
sets in the function f (·). Models’ definitions are in Table 2. ∗ , ∗∗ and ∗∗∗ denote significance at the
10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively.

In Table A1 we show the out-of-sample performance of the WElo method

in comparison with the competing models detailed in Section 3. Despite such

performance is not always found significant on a yearly basis, the results from
the DM tests reported in Table A1 show that, for the whole sample (2012-2020),
the proposed WElo method significantly outperforms all the competing models.
Therefore, overall by comparing the results in Table A1 with those in Table 4, we
find evidence of a larger predictive content by using games than using sets in the
weighting function f (·) in (3).

Appendix A.2. Different betting strategy
Here we consider two alternative betting strategies. In particular, we replace
the best odds oBi, j (t) in (5) considered in Def. 1 with (i) the average odds across
the H = 11 bookmakers reported in Footnote 1, i.e. oavg 1 H
i, j (t) = H ∑h=1 oi, j,h (t), and
(ii) the odds from Bet365 bookmaker.

Table A2: ROI of WElo and Elo methods for bets placed on average and Bet365 odds
# Bets ROI(%) Abs. return # Bets ROI(%) Abs. return
Panel A: Bets placed using the average odds
WElo Elo
2012 337 −0.769 −2.592 366 −3.388 −12.400
2013 367 −2.542 −9.329 401 −6.027 −24.168
2014 328 1.195 3.920 387 1.693 6.552
2015 340 −2.709 −9.211 390 −4.710 −18.369
2016 322 4.705 15.150 377 −0.366 −1.380
2017 368 2.554 9.399 419 1.191 4.990
2018 431 −11.870 −51.160 446 −12.112 −54.020
2019 472 −3.898 −18.399 512 −4.668 −23.900
2020 224 −22.473 −50.340 244 −29.316 −71.531
2012–2020 3,189 −3.530 −112.572 3,542 −5.484 −194.243

Panel B: Bets placed using the Bet365 odds

WElo Elo
2012 337 0.223 0.752 366 −2.959 −10.830
2013 367 −2.193 −8.048 401 −5.903 −23.671
2014 328 1.628 5.340 387 1.664 6.440
2015 340 −2.585 −8.789 390 −4.726 −18.431
2016 322 4.236 13.640 377 −0.841 −3.171
2017 368 2.022 7.441 419 0.568 2.380
2018 431 −12.805 −55.190 446 −13.206 −58.899
2019 472 −4.975 −23.482 512 −5.846 −29.932
2020 224 −23.067 −51.670 244 −29.836 −72.800
2012–2020 3,189 −3.763 −120.002 3,542 −5.898 −208.907
Notes: The table reports the ROI(%) and the Absolute return coming from the
WElo and Elo estimated probabilities, according to the betting strategy illustrated
in Definition 1, using the thresholds r = 1.1625 and q = 0.35. The WElo method
considers the number of games, i.e. f (Gi, j (t)).

As shown in Table A2 the WElo approach still systematically outperforms the

standard Elo in terms of ROI and absolute returns. Unsurprisingly, the returns de-

crease and become negative when considering the average or Bet365 odds instead
of the best possible odds on the betting market.
We further complement the evidence from the betting strategy by constructing
the empirical distributions of ROIs obtained from a random betting strategy based
on 10,000 replications of random selections of the players on which we bet. In
Figure A1 we depict the empirical distributions from the random betting strategy
and the ROI obtained from the betting strategy defined in Definition 1, as well
as the ROIs from the two strategies outlined in this Section. The results show
that the ROI achieved using the WElo-based strategy is placed towards the right
tail of the empirical distribution for all of the cases considered (best, average
and Bet365 odds). Remarkably, the ROI from the WElo-based betting strategy is
found significantly different from the mean of the empirical distribution at a 10%
level for the best odds and 5% level when considering Bet365 odds (see panels
(a) and (e) in Figure A1). Conversely, the ROIs from the Elo-based strategy are
very close to the mean and median of the empirical distributions of the random
betting strategies.

Figure A1: WElo and Elo ROI(%) upon empirical distribution of the random betting






−5 0 5 −5 0 5

(a) WElo and best odds (b) Elo and best odds







−10 −5 0 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0

(c) WElo and average odds (d) Elo and average odds








−14 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0

(e) WElo and Bet365 odds (f) Elo and Bet365 odds
Notes: The figures depict the empirical distributions of the random betting strate-
gies using the best, average and Bet365 odds. Blue and red points denote the ROI
achieved by the WElo and Elo-based betting strategies, respectively. Light and
dark shades of grey denote the right tail of the empirical distribution at the 10%
and 5% significance level, respectively.

Appendix B. WTA matches

Here we repeat the analyses reported in the paper by considering the data set
on women’s (WTA) professional matches. We do so to check the robustness of
all the results present in the paper.
Table B1 reports the DM test under the Brier score and log-loss function. As
in the leading case presented in the paper, the results confirm that the WElo rating
system significantly outperforms all the other competing methods.

Table B1: WElo evaluation against competing models by Diebold–Mariano test. WTA
# Matches Elo KMR DCPR BTM
2013 2,231 −2.413∗∗ −1.769∗ −1.984∗∗ −6.327∗∗∗
2014 2,023 −2.374∗∗ −1.340 −1.256 −4.096∗∗∗
−2.661∗∗∗ −0.973 −0.655 −5.611∗∗∗
Brier Score

2015 2,129
2016 2,145 −3.241∗∗∗ −1.253 −1.307 −4.118∗∗∗
2017 2,077 −1.239 −4.001∗∗∗ −3.492∗∗∗ −5.663∗∗∗
2018 2,148 −2.050∗∗ −1.940∗ −1.451 −7.116∗∗∗
2019 2,095 −0.252 −1.456 −0.853 −6.676∗∗∗
2020 836 −1.229 0.039 0.661 −4.416∗∗∗
2013–2020 15,684 −5.476∗∗∗ −4.694∗∗∗ −3.812∗∗∗ −15.671∗∗∗

2013 2,231 −2.514∗∗ −1.882∗ −2.081∗∗ −5.575∗∗∗

2014 2,023 −2.766∗∗∗ −1.128 −1.093 −4.593∗∗∗
2015 2,129 −3.113∗∗∗ −1.095 −0.880 −5.884∗∗∗

2016 2,145 −3.382∗∗∗ −1.232 −1.258 −5.144∗∗∗

2017 2,077 −1.913∗ −3.718∗∗∗ −3.075∗∗∗ −5.678∗∗∗
2018 2,148 −2.182∗∗ −1.794∗ −1.330 −5.982∗∗∗
2019 2,095 −0.805 −1.814∗ −1.096 −6.622∗∗∗
2020 836 −1.290 0.467 0.994 −2.908∗∗∗
2013–2020 15,684 −6.388∗∗∗ −4.554∗∗∗ −3.649∗∗∗ −13.873∗∗∗
Notes: The table reports the Diebold–Mariano test statistic. Negative values imply that the WElo
outperforms the model in column and vice versa. The WElo model here considered uses the games
in the function f (·). Models’ definitions are in Table 2. ∗ , ∗∗ and ∗∗∗ denote significance at the 10%,
5% and 1% levels, respectively.

Figure B1 shows the results achieved in our out-of-sample exercise. Panels (a)
and (b) of Figure B1 depict the ROI for the WElo-based and Elo-based betting
strategies, respectively, with q ∈ {0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35}. Panel (c) compares
the out-of-sample performances of the WElo and the Elo for the specific case
with q = 0.35. From these figures, as in the case of ATP matches reported in the
paper, it is evident that the WElo-based betting strategy dominates the one based
on Elo, both in terms of average ROI and the number of significant values for
different r thresholds.

Finally, Table B2 summarises the performance of two rating systems for the
specific case with q = 0.35 and r = 1.05. The results in Table B2 display an
overall superior performance of the WElo rating system compared to the Elo in
terms of ROI and absolute return also for women’s (WTA) professional matches.

Table B2: ROI of the WElo (based on games) and Elo models. WTA matches
# Bets ROI(%) Abs. return # Bets ROI(%) Abs. return
WElo Elo
2013 714 4.499 32.123 794 3.209 25.479
2014 661 −1.254 −8.289 724 −3.790 −27.440
2015 777 8.925 69.347 847 4.815 40.783
2016 726 1.567 11.376 794 −4.563 −36.230
2017 790 −1.978 −15.626 862 −1.036 −8.930
2018 900 5.980 53.820 995 5.551 55.232
2019 927 0.661 6.127 984 1.191 11.719
2020 369 6.173 22.778 404 1.743 7.042
2013–2020 5,864 2.927 171.639 6,404 1.056 67.626
Notes: The table reports the ROI(%) and the absolute return from the WElo and
Elo estimated probabilities, according to the betting strategy in Definition 1, using
the thresholds r = 1.05 and q = 0.35. The WElo method considered here uses the
games in the function f (·).

Figure B1: ROI for WElo and Elo value bets using best odds. WTA matches

ROI (%)


1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


# Bets



1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


(a) ROI for WElo, for different q values

ROI (%)




1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


# Bets



1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


(b) ROI for Elo, for different q values

ROI (%)

1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30


(c) ROI for WElo (blue line) and Elo (red line). ∗ denotes stat. significance


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