Ja - Delacruz As 2 Midterm Assessment

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Bicol University

College of Industrial Technology

Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Department
Legazpi City


1st Semester AY 2022-2023


Student ID No. 2021-8242-94361

COR Registration No. 20221218104


Program and Year BTVTEd

Date of Examination October 12, 2022

General Directions: Read the instructions below carefully. Answer what is being asked from each of the items/parts. Please refer to the
attached Rubric for you to be guided on how you will be rated on this exam.

A. Restricted Response Essay:

Instructions: Explain in 5-8 sentences the significance and importance of agricultural farming and its influence on the
industry nowadays especially during the pandemic.

It is unclear whether humanity would have advanced to this point without our involvement in the
development of agriculture, considering the advantages that agriculture and its products have provided us since
that time. Agriculture marks a highly important development in the history of humanity. The agricultural sector is
crucial to the growth of any country. History demonstrates that it is the main economic sector in every emerging
country, and almost all of today's developed nations grew as a result of a robust agricultural sector. When enough
food is produced to meet the needs of everyone, it creates a robust and healthy human resource that is required
to work fields and generate more goods. Eventually, the supply exceeds the need, and commerce is established.
Agriculture was an important influence in the creation of trade and money.

B. Picture Analysis
Instruction: Analyze the given illustration. Write your own analysis of the picture in 3-5 sentences.

I noticed on this illustration that most of the farmers are women. Unfairly
favoring women and girls causes increasing feminization of poverty,
household work, job load, and an increase in domestic violence.
Additionally, it has accelerated the feminization of agriculture, making
rural women an essential part of generating revenue for households.
This offers a rare chance for women to become economically
independent, which might eliminate all institutional obstacles to gender

Planting with the use of our bare hands is more conserving than with the
use of machines that farm industries are using nowadays. But, because
of our growing civilization, we have to upgrade the things that we use to
make our jobs easier and faster than before. Your life is a product of the
seeds you have sowed, whether they are good or bad. Observe the
importance of appropriately spreading seed and the wonderful
advantages that result from knowing the seed. Recognize that you plant
seeds every day, either in your own or other people's lives. Physically,
emotionally, spiritually, and cognitively, we plant seeds. Every seed we
plant yields a crop, whether it be good or harmful. Either we are sowing
seeds of blessing or seeds of destruction.

Practically all life would perish if plants didn't exist. From ants to people,
plants are the primary fuel source for all living things. Because their
primary source of food, other animals, eat plants, even carnivores
require plants. Human health suffers greatly when greenery is absent
since those foods lack essential elements. There wouldn't be food if
there weren't plants. Proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates all include
carbon, which comes from photosynthesis in plants. Everything humans
consume, including meat from animals (which eat plants), is produced by
plants harnessing the energy from sunlight to absorb carbon dioxide and
turn it into intricate carbon-containing molecules.


It is the evolution of agriculture. The greatest significant development
and discovery made by humanity is probably agriculture. It creates food,
which is the one thing we require the most. Agriculture has been
mastered throughout hundreds of years and is one of our most important
resources on Earth. We are now extremely advanced in agriculture and
irrigation and the tools used to farm and grow and harvest crops. We have
learned from our past and ancestors how to grow and evolve in our
methods and have advanced forward greatly.

General Directions: Read the instructions below carefully. Answer what is being asked from each of the items/parts.
Please refer to the attached Rubric for you to be guided on how you will be rated on this exam.

C. Topic: ANIMAL PRODUCTION: Estimation and Basic Calculation


Instructions: Compute for the following sample gathered data in broiler and hogs’ production.

- Separate file po dito na part, Sir. Naka handwritten po. Thanks, po Sir Jeric. Keep safe always po.

D. Non-restricted Essay: Comprehensively discuss the following scenarios. Synthesize and integrate information and
ideas you have obtained about the topic.

A: Mang Ponyong is a native farmer that aims to produce a high quality of rice production business in his empty
land area in Sto. Domingo, Albay. As a 2 nd year student of BTVTEd and has an idea on what is an idealistic
farming. What advice/s you can give to Mang Ponyong so that he can be able to be a successful rice production
distributor in Albay in the near future? (15 pts)

As a 2nd year student of BTVTEd and has an idea on what is an idealistic farming, the advice/s that I can give to
Mang Ponyong so that he can be able to be a successful rice production distributor in Albay in the near future, is to keep
up with the most recent agriculture-related developments, the supplies used by the majority of those working in the
agricultural industry. To us, people from developed countries, industrialized agriculture is very normal. We eat what we
want to eat, without really thinking about how it’s made and everything else that comes with it. Of course, this isn’t the
case for everyone. People in underdeveloped nations have struggled with agriculture for a long time. Everything must be
done by hand since they lack access to planting and harvesting equipment. Because of the unproductive soil, drought,
plant diseases, and pests, they have sought to boost their output but have been unsuccessful. The farmers travel
kilometers to the nearest source of pure water to obtain water. Agriculture's future is approaching us more quickly than
anyone could have predicted. Who would have thought to develop highly sophisticated warning systems and touch screen
displays? Today, we have things like harvest labs, automated crop reporting, and many more services. These are just a
few examples of the technological advancements that might help usher in a future where our agricultural equipment
operates more precisely and accurately. Because you won't have to drive your huge green tractor thanks to this new
technology, you can give that girl a ride as you pay attention to the woman next to you.

B: Joseph is the son of Mr. Bryan the owner of the camote plantation in your community. You’ve found out to his
son Joseph that some of their crops has died recently for almost 20% due to heat exposure and this is because of
the traditional and/or wrong practices of the owner. What strategies can you share to Garcia Crops Production so
that proper planting techniques and correct practices in crop production be uphold by the owner? (15 pts).
The strategies that I can share to Garcia Crops Production so that proper planting techniques and correct
practices in crop production be uphold by the owner, is to know first the history or the background of the land where they
are going to plant. The first step in ensuring that crops can produce their highest yields is land preparation. Providing
plants with the ideal soil conditions is crucial for their growth. It is important to build a suitable seedbed with the necessary
nutrients and environmental factors that can first enable seed sprouting and afterwards crop establishment for future
growth. This has traditionally been accomplished by violent methods like slashing and burning, plowing, etc. These
methods are not only labor-intensive, particularly in low-mechanized environments, but also unsustainable over the long
term, making them a burden for small-scale farmers who must physically prepare seed beds with crude equipment. In the
face of rapid population growth, the science of agriculture has evolved beyond recognition. To guarantee that farmers can
fully benefit from the numerous improvements made available by ongoing technological advancements, crop-production
courses have today become crucial. All living forms use plants as their primary source of nutrition. Since no animal can
produce food or oxygen without plants, they are the primary sources of these resources on earth. Fish and cattle that
humans consume for their meat both eat algae; hence both are dependent on plants for their survival. To guarantee
healthy growth and efficient use of resources, it is crucial to choose the right size and kind of plant for the planting location
and ground preparation procedure. In order to provide food to our growing population, it is necessary to adopt proper
agricultural practices to produce food on a large scale. These production practices help the farmers grow healthy,
infection-free crops.

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