Workshop Practical

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Name Badqujar Kalpesh Sudhakax

Roll oo o
orollment no: 210o 70 132
Seal no:02347
Sub ect Wok shop Prach ce
Date 13 ol- 2022


Q.0 spes ofwelding machine

Theme ane 14 types of w eldinq machin e -
Arc welding 8) Flux-cored g wel dinq
2) Gas tunqs ten (er 9) Fmcion weldinq
gmc weldinq to) flash weldiog.
D) Spo: weldin9 (e
3)Submerqed arc
weding 12) Forqe welding
4) Resistan ce weldinq 13) Plasma ard wetdin2
5) Gas metal amc welding 14) Ulasoni'co weldinq
6) Shielded melal amc
Lase hybmd welding

Q2 hal is g C weldinq Herc weldin q i s a typ e of

weldin9 proceSs uSin9 an elect oc qrc l o Create
head to melt and joinmetalsA pow e Supply coeates
anelect81c orc beth a consum able o non - consumable
eleckorode and he base madeial usinq eihen
dioec cymenE DO o cueon ahng cummens (Ac)

Q.3 ypes of wooden mcdeMal

Teak ) Maple 7Mahogany
2) Oak 5) Cedam 8) Rosewood
3) Pine G) eech g) Balsq meee

Q4 lypes of campern tary todls

) Sow 4 rculqm 5 aw 7) Clow hammem
2) Hamme 5) Tape measume

3Jqs qw 6 Table Saw




ypesot fiinq meosuing teals

SEell mule and m easu mng tape
2)Sumface_plate Odd leq callpe
Oiulder ) Outside callipe
) Squame 8) Venie height
9 Micometre
5) lnsideallipea
10 VeD e Callipem

9 Tupes of shee metal iuites

Solid uikes
2)Blind iviles Pull mandrel, Thoreaded Dmue pin
3) Tubulam utes ( Compressjon Semifubulan ful ubuWar
1etal piecinq utes
5 Sptil muikes

10 Types of chee metal tools

Meta cuhnq Saws
) ebu inq and aue lling Tools
3)Sheet mefal ollinq equip.meof
) tngle qmnde
5 ho at - es5 She gm
C) Wie cultes
7 Dml b1ts

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