Noise Pollution
Noise Pollution
Noise Pollution
Received: May 16, 2023 The fact that we live in advanced and industrialized societies, or in progress and industrialization, although
Published: May 30, 2023 these advances have led to the well-being of human beings, but they have also caused a series of problems,
such as water, air and soil pollution. We can also say that the pollution of air, soil and water has a direct or
indirect adverse effect on humans or other creatures, which means that if the air, soil or water is polluted,
Citation: Masouda Ahmadabadi. Noise it will cause various diseases, but if the air, If the water and soil are smooth and in their natural state, the
Pollution and Its Impact on the En- damage that is caused by the effect of so much pollution on the creatures will never be faced. Here we are
discussing a part of air pollution which is noise pollution, noise pollution which was noticed by governments
vironment. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res in the past, but with the development of industry and the creation of efficient means of social life, this
50(4)-2023. BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. issue has attracted a lot of attention from governments. and the governments have tried nationally and
internationally to limit this phenomenon. In this research, we were reminded about pollution, air pollution
and noise pollution, noise pollution, problems and diseases that arise from noise pollution, and the purpose
of this research is to provide better conditions for life and evaluate noise pollution, as well as the national
rules and The international convention that was created by governments or international organizations to
prevent noise pollution, noise pollution that has direct and indirect effects on the environment and human
health should be taken into consideration [1-3]. As a result, noise pollution is considered a serious problem
for humanity and other species of this land, even though governments and international organizations have
worked to regulate this phenomenon to some extent, they have created rules and principles, but until If
these principles and rules are not implemented seriously, creating rules will be a waste of time (Figure 1).
Keywords: Environment; Pollution; Noise Pollution
Figure 1.
Copyright@ : Masouda Ahmadabadi | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. 41944
Volume 50- Issue 4 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.50.007995
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Copyright@ : Masouda Ahmadabadi | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. 41945
Volume 50- Issue 4 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.50.007995
Figure 4.
Copyright@ : Masouda Ahmadabadi | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. 41946
Volume 50- Issue 4 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.50.007995
Copyright@ : Masouda Ahmadabadi | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. 41947
Volume 50- Issue 4 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.50.007995
traffic was prohibited at night for the peaceful sleep of the inhabitants, f) Tendency to commit suicide and murder
and then in 1934, in order to protect its citizens from noise pollution, g) Weak eyesight
Switzerland prohibited the traffic of heavy vehicles and traffic on a h) Heart diseases
Saturday. They gave. The United States of America passed the Act in
i) Stomach swelling and indigestion
1972 to control noise and to have a noise-free environment for the
j) Pallor in people
well-being of all Americans. Also, in 1977, he calls the government
to determine the appropriate standards of social noise pollution k) High effect on the fetus
levels and noise pollution standards caused by machinery such as How to Prevent Severe Noise Pollution
construction equipment, transportation and electronic equipment.
a) The amount of noise in environments where workers are
Article 8 and 27 of Afghanistan’s environmental law, no person has
constantly exposed to brain activity should not exceed 10 dB.
the right to do an act that causes environmental pollution (No person
has the right to cause a lot of environmental pollution. If according b) Try to prevent the entry of machines that produce more
to the provisions of this law, a certain amount of pollution is allowed than a certain amount of noise pollution.
If it is unavoidable at all, then it is obligatory to reduce it as much as c) The sound of factory machines should not reach outside the
possible. The limits of high pollution are determined in separate bills. factories.
And in the twenty-seventh article of the Afghanistan Environmental d) Try to prevent the creation of residential units in the vicinity
Law, it is stated as follows: (No one has the right to be polluted.) of airports.
Discharges the substance into the environment or pollutes the e) Sound proofing of buildings and residential units.
environment or allows the environment (land, water and air) to be f) Doubling or double layering of window glass in order to
polluted to such an extent that its adverse effects on the environment prevent the penetration of outside noise into the building.
or human health are serious, unless the waste control permit is issued. g) Limiting and prohibiting the passage of heavy tonnage cars
have in his hands according to the provisions of Article 30 of this law and loud vehicles.
and act accordingly.) Also, the thirteenth article of this law prohibits h) Creating camber from trees and vegetation that reduces
the implementation of projects and plans that have adverse effects on sound intensity by 10 decibels.
the environment: (It is not permissible to carry out activities or adapt
projects and plans that have adverse effects on the environment Existing Challenges of Noise Pollution
unless the provision of the article 18th of this law has been observed.) a) The existence of thousands of generators in cities
b) Restaurants
Factors of Noise Pollution
c) Wedding salons
a) Fabrics
d) Noise of motorized vehicles
b) Construction works
e) Sound caused by explosions
c) Noises caused by the ventilation system of houses
f) Flying airplanes at low altitudes
d) Sound caused by transportation (planes, rails, cinemas,
high-pressure horns of cars, etc.) g) Installation of non-standard harnesses in vehicles
f) (The noise inside the houses, such as the sound of the TV, How To Prevent Severe Noise Pollution
vacuum cleaner, etc., which are important.) a) The amount of noise in environments where workers are
g) Harms of noise pollution on humans constantly exposed to brain activity should not exceed 10 dB.
Direct Effects of Noise Pollution b) Try to prevent the entry of machines that produce more
than a certain amount of noise pollution.
a) Loss of hearing
c) The sound of factory machines should not reach outside the
Indirect Effects of Noise Pollution factories.
a) Nervous sensitivity d) Try to prevent the creation of residential units in the vicinity
b) Muscle cramps of airports.
c) blood pressure e) Sound proofing of buildings and residential units.
d) Mental and physical fatigue f) Doubling or double layering of window glass in order to
e) Loss of body balance prevent the penetration of outside noise into the building.
Copyright@ : Masouda Ahmadabadi | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. 41948
Volume 50- Issue 4 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.50.007995
g) Restricting and prohibiting the passage of noisy vehicles. d) Doubling or double layering of window glass in order to
h) Creating a camber of trees and vegetation that reduces prevent outside noise from entering the building
sound intensity by 10 decibels. e) Creating wide strips of trees and vegetation that reduces
sound intensity by 10 decibels
What is the Difference Between Voice and Voice?
Whether we live in advanced and industrialized societies or in
Sound is a type of energy that is created by the stimulation of
developing and industrialized societies, although these advances
particles of matter, in such a way that sound is emitted when the
have not only improved the well-being of human beings, they have
particles collide with each other. In simpler terms, sound is a vibration
also created a series of problems that have reminded us of air and
that is usually transmitted by the producer and received by the
soil pollution. We can also say that air, soil and water pollution has
receiver. Ghalmaghal literally means noise pollution, but in science
a direct or indirect adverse effect on humans or other organisms,
and engineering, it is an unwanted signal that has a destructive effect
which means that if the air, soil or water is polluted, it will cause
on other signals. • You should know that the range of human hearing
diseases, but if the air, water And if the soil is clean and in its natural
is between 20 and 30 thousand hertz.
state, the damage caused to the creatures by the pollution will not
a) In addition to the hertz unit, the decibel unit is also used to be encountered at all. We are discussing here a part of air pollution
measure sound intensity. which is noise pollution, noise pollution which has been significant
for governments in the past, but with the development of industry and
Conclusion and Recommendation the emergence of means of social efficiency, this issue has attracted
Sound pollution means unwanted waves that affect the a lot of attention from governments and Governments have worked
activity of living beings, especially humans, in special spatial and nationally and internationally to limit this phenomenon. In this study,
temporal conditions, and can cause numerous physical and mental we will define pollution, air pollution, and noise pollution, as well as
complications, especially auditory nerve disorders. Although people the unit for measuring noise pollution, examples of noise pollution,
get used to noise, in fact, noise pollution is a tiring factor and reduces and the problems and diseases that result from noise pollution, as
human capacity in intellectual and physical jobs. Noise pollution well as national and international rules for The prevention of noise
affects a person’s mental state and morale and causes a disturbance pollution by governments or international organizations in Bojo has
in the adaptation of a person to the work environment, which results been observed. Of course, this research has been done using books and
in a decrease in work efficiency. If the duration of exposure to noise reputable websites in a library method. As a result of noise pollution,
pollution increases, it can cause hearing loss and also increase the the effects of which are directly and indirectly on the environment
risk of cardiovascular diseases. Among the effective ways to reduce and human health should be considered.
the effects of noise pollution are isolating the source of sound,
reducing exposure to noise, insulating buildings in order to prevent
noise from penetrating inside, and at the last stage, using suitable 1. Ahmadi Kanresh F, Alimohammadi A, Abolghasemi J, Rahmani K (2018)
Examining the psychological and physiological effects of chronic exposure
personal protective equipment such as airplugs and airmuffs. It can to noise in an automotive industry, the research quarterly of the Iranian
be pointed out. Considering that sounds are usually received from Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering Association.
a broadcasting producer by a receiver, therefore, in order to control 2. Saadatian S, Hosseini K (1393) Effects of noise and noise pollution on hu-
this pollution, it can be effective to reduce the sound intensity, prevent mans. The second national conference on engineering and management of
air diffusion and penetration, and protect the receiver. Considering agriculture, environment and sustainable natural resources, international
conference center of Shahid Beheshti University.
the adverse effects and consequences of noise pollution in natural,
social and especially human environments, the need to control it is 3. Golmohammadi R, Aliabadi M (1390) Investigating the level of noise pol-
lution and its annoying effects in hospitals in Hamadan cities Health Sys-
seriously raised. Therefore, in order to deal with this problem, there
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are different methods, some of which are mentioned below:
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a) Reduction or elimination of noise from the production
source, for this purpose technical and practical equipment and 5. Korte C, Grant R (1980) Traffic noise, environmental awareness, and pe-
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facilities should be used.
6. Smith A (1991) A review of the non-auditory effects of noise on health.
b) Preventing the transmission of noise from the production
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source, for this purpose, a series must be created between the
7. (2005) IEPO. Iranian Environmental protection organization Law and T
source of the noise generator and its receiver, or the source of the
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noise generator must be moved to a suitable place.
c) Sound proofing of buildings and residential units
Copyright@ : Masouda Ahmadabadi | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. 41949
Volume 50- Issue 4 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.50.007995
Copyright@ : Masouda Ahmadabadi | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.007995. 41950