Quality Assurancequalitycontrolandaccreditation
Quality Assurancequalitycontrolandaccreditation
Quality Assurancequalitycontrolandaccreditation
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Quality Assurance,
Quality Control and Accreditation
(2) If there is a systematic control of your based on the ISO 9000 series, the Council of
C.P. Engelfriet quality system, who or which body/bodies is/ Europe guidelines or both, or on EN 45001,
H.W. Reesink are responsible? which will be replaced by ISO/IEC 17025 (all
G.G. de Lange (3) If there is no quality assurance system three in one country) and in the USA on the
in your country (obligatory or voluntary), is FDA guidelines for blood transfusion labora-
Quality assurance and quality control such a system envisaged in the near future? tories/centres. For a survey, see table 1.
have become important aspects of transfu- If so, on which system will it be based Question 2. In nearly all countries where
sion medicine. Licensing and accreditation (see question 1)? quality assurance is compulsory, the ulti-
of blood transfusion laboratories and centres (4) Is accreditation of blood transfusion mate responsibility rests with the govern-
is gaining importance. In some countries, laboratories/centres required or advocated ment. However, often the practical aspects
quality assurance and control are compulso- in your country? If so, by whom or which of quality assurance are delegated to other
ry, and accreditation of blood transfusion body and on which system will it be based bodies, e.g. the National Blood Transfusion
services is required. It seemed of interest to (1)? Service, the Red Cross and even to a foreign
obtain information on the present situation Which body is responsible for granting or institution (Hong Kong, see Lin).
concerning this aspect of transfusion medi- refusing accreditation? Question 3. Because there is obligatory
cine in various countries as well as on the What are the consequences if accredita- quality assurance in nearly all countries from
systems on which quality assurance and con- tion is refused? which a contribution was received, there
trol are based. To obtain such information, (5) Is your centre accredited or are there were only two direct answers to this ques-
the questions outlined below were sent to 27 centres in your country which are accredit- tion. In Italy (see Mozzi et al.), new national
experts in the field, in 24 countries, and ed? And if so, since when? and regional laws on blood transfusion are
answers were obtained from 22 of them, cov- under discussion and include accreditation
ering 18 countries. We give a survey of the Comments and thus quality assurance of blood transfu-
information obtained but the reader is ad- Question 1. It is clear that in virtually all sion services. In Sweden (Åkerblom and
vised to examine the individual answers in countries from which a contribution was re- Messeter), although there are two quality
order to fully appreciate the developments in ceived, quality assurance and control are assurance systems for blood centres, a dis-
this field. obligatory for all or some aspects of blood cussion has started on creating a new ‘Swed-
transfusion. In all countries but one, quality ish Quality System for Blood Services’ based
Questions assurance of blood products and their prepa- on GMP, the new ISO 17025 (which replaces
(1) Is there an obligatory or voluntary, ration is mandatory. It is, nearly everywhere, EN 45001) and including relevant elements
organized form of quality assurance in your based on GMP and, in many countries, also from the new ISO 9001 series.
country? on the ‘Guidelines to the preparation, use Question 4. Accreditation, certification
If so, on which system is it based? (GMP, and quality assurance of blood components’ or a license are required in most countries
GLP, GCP, ISO 9000 series, EN 45001, of the Council of Europe (1999). and are under discussion in others. In three
FDA, AABB, Council of Europe: Guide to In many countries, quality assurance of countries accreditation is required for the
the preparation and quality assurance of blood transfusion services is also compulso- preparation of blood products but not for
blood components) or other. ry, although it is still voluntary in some. It is blood transfusion laboratories (Czech Re-
CoE = Council of Europe, Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components, 1999.
public, Sweden and the UK). Mostly again, GMP and the Council of Europe ‘Guide to
the ultimate responsibility rests with the gov- the preparation, use and quality control of Peter Flanagan
ernment. Refusal of accreditation may lead blood components’, and on the ISO 9000
to severe measures and ultimately to closure series, GLP, the Council of Europe guide- In New Zealand, blood and blood prod-
of the unit. lines and the EN 45001 series, which will be ucts that are intended for therapeutic use are
Question 5. In some countries there are replaced by ISO/IEC 17025 and in the USA defined as medicines and are therefore sub-
blood transfusion centres that have been or on the FDA guidelines for blood transfusion ject to the requirements of the Medicines
are in the process of being officially accred- laboratories/centres for the quality assurance Act 1981, the Medicines regulations 1984
ited. To obtain a full picture of the present of laboratories and centres. and subsequent amendments. These specific
situation, the reader is advised to read the statutory requirements define the environ-
answers to questions 4 and 5. Prof. Dr. C.P. Engelfriet ment in which quality systems for the as-
In conclusion, it is clear that quality as- Dr. G.G. de Lange surance of safe blood and blood products
surance and control have become an integral Central Laboratory of the Blood Transfusion have been developed.
Service (Sanquin)
part of blood transfusion. In nearly all coun- Plesmanlaan 125
New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) was
tries, official, obligatory quality assurance NL–1066 CX Amsterdam (The Netherlands) established in July 1998 as the sole provider
systems are in force, mostly for both blood of blood and blood products within New
products and their preparation as well as the Ass. Prof. Dr. H.W. Reesink Zealand. A national quality system is being
laboratory procedures connected with blood Blood Bank North Holland (Sanquin) established that will conform to the require-
transfusion. In the few countries where there Plesmanlaan 125 ments of both GMP and ISO 9000. The de-
NL–1066 CX Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
is, as yet, no obligatory quality assurance, its sirability of moving to formal ISO certifica-
institution is under discussion. Accredita- tion remains under review.
tion, certification of, or a license for transfu- Blood centres within the country are re-
sion laboratories is required in several coun- quired to be licensed by Medsafe, the regula-
tries or is being discussed. Quality assurance tory arm of the Ministry of Health. This
systems for blood products are based on requirement has been in place since approxi-
Question 4
Obviously, there is no clear-cut distinc- W.R. Mayr
tion between certification and accreditation. Gabriela Henn Petra L’Herminez
However, GMP certification is required by
the Federal Ministry for Labour, Health and Question 1 Question 1
Social Affairs. This body is responsible for In Austria both systems of quality assur- The executive board of Sanquin (the
granting or refusing certification. If certifica- ance are installed: an obligatory one, based Dutch foundation for blood supply) has vol-
tion is refused, a certain period of time will on the Law on Blood Safety (Blutsicherheits- untarily decided that every division of San-
be given for corrective measures. If correc- gesetz), corresponding to GMP and GLP quin has to fulfill the requirements of GMP,
tion cannot be achieved, the laboratory or which is under the surveillance of the Minis- ISO 9001 (2000) and – finally – EFQM. The
centre has to be closed (so far, this has never try of Health, and a voluntary one, which is implementation of these quality systems will
been the case). If the laboratory of a transfu- based on ISO 9001 at our blood donation be performed stepwise. Total implementa-
sion service performs tissue typing, EFI ac- center. Our center is also interested in ac- tion time is estimated to be at least 5 years
creditation is required, if services are to be creditation following EN 45001 for some (depending on the division).
considerd acceptable within the framework activities. The ISO 9001 certification and
of Eurotransplant. the EN 45001 accreditation, however, are Question 2
voluntary. The Dutch Inspectorate of Health per-
Question 5 forms GMP inspections in the blood bank
Transfusion centres with ISO 9000 cer- Question 2 divisions on a 2-yearly basis. STERLAB ac-
tificate: The body responsible for systematic con- creditation is inspected by the ‘Raad voor
1995: Transfusionsmedizinisches Zen- trol of the obligatory part of the quality sys- Accreditatie’.
trum Wien (Dr. Scholda) tem in our country is, as mentioned above, Within Sanquin, an internal inspection
1996: Blood deposit and laboratory Wil- the national health authority (Ministry of systemis is in place for the blood bank divi-
helminen Spital, Wien Health). For the voluntary part, certification sions. This system is being enlarged to cover
1997: Zentralinstitut für Bluttransfusion is done by accredited companies; concerning all parts of Sanquin.
und Immunologische Abteilung Innsbruck the accreditation, we have to contact the
1998: Laboratory of Landeskinderklinik Ministry of Economic Affairs or ‘Notified Question 3
Linz Bodies’ (e.g. TÜV) within the European See above.
1998: Blutzentrale für Wien, NÖ und Union.
Burgenland Question 4
1998: Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Question 3 No, the accreditation is not required or
Schwestern Wels (Blutbank) (OÖ) Not applicable. advocated by others than Sanquin self.
QMS Collection and Laboratory control (a) Other laboratory Clinical transfusion
production of of blood recipients activities medicine
blood components (b) Except control (application of
Laboratory control of medical devices, blood components)
of blood donors IVD
IVD = in vitro diagnostics; AMG = Arzneimittelgesetz; CoE = Council of Europe; TFG = Transfusionsgesetz;
RiLiBlut = Richtlinien zur Gewinnung und Anwendung von Blut und Blutprodukten (Hämotherapie); MPG = Medi-
zin-Produktegesetz; IVD-RL = In Vitro Diagnostika-Richtlinie; PEI = Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (Federal Agency for (im-
muno)biological drugs); ZLG = Zentralstelle der Länder für Gesundheitsschutz.
a Of States’ Ministries of Health.
b In several States (e.g. Baden-Württemberg).