MODULE 1 - Learning Plans in The Context of The 21st Century

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MODULE 1: Learning Plans in the Context  Connect it to their lives and to what they

of the 21st Century already know – discussing what students

already know and want to learn about a
Lesson 1: The K to 12 Curriculum
topic helps set goals and guides teachers in
introducing new ideas effectively. Making
The K to 12 Curriculum introduced by the connections across subjects strengthens
Department of Education led to improvements learning.
in the Teacher Education Curriculum overseen
by the Commission on Higher Education  Provide utility value - utility value makes
(CHED). It ensures that teacher education content relevant by sparking student
courses align with the requirements of modern interest and demonstrating its importance to
classrooms. A key aspect is integrating their future goals, helping them understand
technology into teaching and learning across its significance beyond mere interest.
all levels and subject areas.
 Build relatedness – relatedness addresses
the question, “how does this relate to me?”
1. Strengthening Early Childhood Education it’s about students feeling connected to
(Universal Kindergarten) important people in their lives, like teachers,
and has both non-academic and academic
The Universal Kindergarten program ensures aspects.
that every Filipino child has access to early
childhood education. Schools use technology To implement experts' tips and help students
to teach children basic concepts like the see the value of their curriculum, schools can
alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors through utilize technology. Today's learners need to
fun activities like games, songs, and dances in develop 21st-century skills like collaboration,
their Mother Tongue. digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-
solving to succeed (Rich, 2014). Adapting the
curriculum to make learning meaningful
2. Making the Curriculum Relevant to presents challenges in improving teachers'
Learners (Contextualization and pedagogical and technological abilities.
Research indicates that learners value a 3. Building Proficiency (Mother-tongue
curriculum that relates to their lives. Students Based Multilingual Education)
often question the relevance of lessons, asking
how they'll apply them in real life or in their To support a child's primary language in
future careers. It's crucial for teachers to teaching, using technology extensively is
address these concerns by showing students advised. Many teachers and schools are
the practical value of their daily lessons for developing learning materials for the MTB-MLE
both personal development and professional program due to limited printed and electronic
preparation. resources in students' mother tongues. The
use of the mother tongue in teaching various
According to Sara Bernard (2010), students subjects helps students maintain their cultural
need to connect emotionally or link new identity, heritage, and values. Children learn
information with what they already know to feel better and participate more when taught in a
personally engaged in lessons. This approach, language they understand, which also helps
termed "Give It Context, and Make it Count," them pick up a second language more quickly.
fosters meaningful learning experiences.
Briggs (2014), as cited by Willis, Faeth, and
Immordino-Yang, provides tips for making
4. Ensuring Integrated and Seamless
learning engaging and personally relevant:
Learning (Spiral Progression)
 Use suspense and keep it fresh – create Learning fundamental concepts, which
intrigue by dropping hints about a new progress to more advanced versions, involves
learning unit, pause dramatically during TPACK: Technological knowledge,
speech, rearrange seating, and display new pedagogical knowledge, and content
relevant posters or exhibits to engage knowledge. Utilizing technology in teaching
students emotionally and maintain interest. and learning across all subject areas supports
revisiting and reinforcing concepts as students
 Make it student-directed – offer students the advance through grade levels. This approach
option to choose from various assignment enhances retention and mastery of topics and
related to a topic or encourage them to skills through repeated consolidation. It also
create their own. This involvement in lesson ensures that learners engage with topics and
design helps them grasp the lesson’s skills suited to their developmental and
purpose and increases their emotional cognitive abilities.
connection to the learning goals.
5. Gearing Up for the Future Teaching is challenging due to expanding
knowledge and evolving skills. To meet these
The K to 12 Curriculum prepares students for challenges, teachers use educational
college by matching core and applied courses technologies to aid in the teaching-learning
with College Readiness Standards (CRS) and process. Integrating these technologies
the new General Education (GE) Curriculum. It successfully requires understanding their
emphasizes developing specialized subjects principles and philosophies, enabling students
for Academic, Sports, Arts and Design, and to achieve desired learning outcomes in their
Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks, all of field of study.
which benefit from educational technology for
improved learning.
Integrating Technology in Instruction
6. Nurturing the Holistically Developed Various educators and researchers provided
Filipino (College and Livelihood Readiness, the following concepts and principles about
21 Century Skills) integrating technology in instruction:
Every K to 12 graduate is prepared for various 1. John Pisapia (1994)
paths: higher education, employment, or
entrepreneurship. Graduates are equipped with Integrating technology with teaching involves
essential skills like information, media, and using learning technologies to introduce,
technology skills, as well as learning and reinforce, supplement, and extend skills. For
innovation skills, effective communication skills, instance, if a teacher simply asks students to
and life and career skills. Achieving this read a book without any follow-up activities to
requires proper curriculum implementation and contextualize it, the book isn't integrated.
support from excellent teachers. To sustain Similarly, if a teacher uses a computer solely
excellent performance, teachers need for entertainment purposes like playing games,
adequate support, including technological it's not integrated. On the other hand,
assistance. integrating technology into curricula can mean
different things: 1) computer science courses,
computer-assisted instruction, and/or
computer-enhanced or enriched instruction, 2)
Teachers play a crucial role in student learning matching software with basic skill
by designing, implementing, and assessing the competencies, and 3) keyboarding with word
curriculum. In the Philippines, teachers actively processing followed up with presentation tools.
participate in curriculum design to ensure
effective delivery of the K to 12 Curriculum and
its intended outcomes. They make decisions
about how to structure lessons and manage 2. International Society for Technology in
student engagement, which significantly Education (ISTE)
impacts learning outcomes. Key points Effective integration of technology is achieved
regarding teachers' roles in curriculum design when students can select technology tools to
include: help them obtain information in a timely
manner, analyze, and synthesize the
 Teachers are central to curriculum
information, and present it professionally.
development, as their expertise and
Technology should become an integral part of
experience greatly influence learning
how the classroom functions -- as accessible
outcomes (Alsubaie, 2016).
as all other classroom tools.
 Curriculum encompasses instructional
content, materials, resources, and
evaluation processes, all of which interact
with students' learning experiences (Jadhav 3. Margaret Lloyd (2005)
and Patankar, 2013). ICT integration encompasses an integral part
 Teachers play a vital role in making the of broader curriculum reforms which include
curriculum relevant and engaging for both infra-structural as well as pedagogical
students, incorporating active learning considerations that are changing not only how
methods such as simulations, experiments, learning occurs but what is learned.
and case studies (Meier, 2018).
 Teachers' practical knowledge gained from
working with students is invaluable to 4. Qiyun Wang and Huay Lit Woo (2007)
curriculum development, as they can
assess the feasibility and effectiveness of Integrating Information and Communication
proposed ideas in the classroom (Young, (ICT) into teaching and learning is a growing
1988). area that has attracted many educators' efforts
in recent years. Based on the scope of content
covered, ICT integration can happen in three
Lesson 2: ICT-Pedagogy Integration in different areas: curriculum, topic, and lesson.
Language Learning Plans
4. Ratheeswari (2018)
5. Bernard Bahati (2010) Emphasizes the pervasive influence of ICT in
workplaces, business, education, and
The process of integrating IT in teaching and entertainment. It's seen as a catalyst for
learning must be done at both pedagogical and change in various areas such as working
technological levels with much emphasis put conditions, information handling, teaching
on pedagogy. ICT integration into teaching and methods, and learning approaches. In the
learning must be underpinned by sound classroom, ICT is vital for fostering 21st-
pedagogical principles. century skills, enhancing teaching, and
learning, and enabling teachers to create
engaging learning environments at any
6. UNESCO (2005) educational level.
ICT integration is not merely mastering the
hardware and software skills. Teachers need to
realize how to organize the classroom to Using ICT Integration Frameworks in
structure the learning tasks so that ICT Language Education Learning Plans
resources become automatic and natural Experts provide multiple concepts for
response to the requirements for learning integrating technology into instruction, going
environments in the same way as teachers use beyond the ones mentioned earlier. These
markers and whiteboards in the classroom. concepts aim to answer questions about
effectively using technology in teaching. It's
essential to understand that although
Information and Communication technology is used in classrooms, it doesn't
Technology (ICT) always enhance learning or meet intended
Before integrating ICTs into language outcomes. Hence, it's vital to grasp the
instruction, it's important to understand what principles guiding how educational
Information and Communication Technology technologies support the teaching-learning
(ICT) entails and identify available ICT process. To aid in this, the following framework
resources for language education. The can act as a guide for incorporating ICTs into
following are the definitions of ICT from various creating learning plans, especially in language
sources: education.

1. Moursund (2005):
ICT encompasses a wide range of computer A. Conversational Framework of Laurillard
hardware, software, and telecommunication (2002)
facilities. This includes everything from The teaching-learning process poses very
handheld calculators to advanced complex tasks to allow learners to understand
supercomputers, as well as display and their lessons and master the skills they are
projection devices for viewing computer output. expected to demonstrate. Thus, it will be
It also encompasses networks that allow reassuring if teachers will explore engaging
communication between computer systems various media to support various learning
and people, digital cameras, computer games, activities in classrooms. This is how the
CDs, DVDs, cell phones, telecommunication Conversational Framework (Laurillard, 2002)
satellites, fiber optics, computerized machinery, may support it. The framework postulates a
and robots. way of presenting teaching and learning in
terms of events, these are five (5) key teaching
and learning events in the framework which are
identified as:
2. Tinio (2009)
a. acquisition; b. discovery; c. dialogue; d.
Describes ICT as hardware devices, software
practice; and e. creation.
applications, internet connectivity, broadcasting
technologies, and telephony.
Vis-a-vis the five events are specific teaching
strategies, learning actions or experiences,
3. UNESCO (2020)
related media form, examples of non-
Defines ICT as tools for transmitting, storing, computer-based activity, and examples of
creating, sharing, or exchanging information, computer-based activity as seen in the
including computers, the Internet, broadcasting Teaching and Learning Events and
technologies, and telephony. It's also viewed as Associated Media Forms (Czerniewicz &
a scientific, technological, and engineering Brown (2005) adapted from Laurillard (2002)
discipline used in handling information and its Figure 1.
applications, associated with social, economic,
and cultural matters.
Laurillard's Conversational Framework (LCF) is reason why training in ICT pedagogy
valuable in language teaching as it seamlessly integration is promoted.
integrates technology with teaching methods,
tailoring instruction to meet students' individual For successful ICT-pedagogy integration
learning needs and enhancing engagement. In training to take place, it will help if a training
2016, Abeer Aidh Alshwiah examined LCF's framework is used as a guide. Jung (2005) was
impact on enhancing writing skills for foreign able to organize various ICT teacher training
language learners in blended learning (BL) and efforts into four categories presented in this
face-to-face (FF) environments. The study framework as seen in Figure 3.
found that LCF was especially effective in BL
for teaching specific skills like forming wh-
questions, while both BL and FF methods were D. UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for
equally effective for other skills. Using a mixed- Teachers
methods approach, the study revealed a Having a society that is increasingly based on
preference for BL due to its advantages in information and knowledge and with the
developing writing skills, though learners' ubiquity of Information and Communication
experiences were influenced by factors such as Technology (ICT) for instruction, UNESCO was
English proficiency, peer collaboration, and able to develop ICT Competence Framework
familiarity with technology. for Teachers (UNESCO, 2018) as seen in the
ICT Competency Framework for Teachers
(UNESCO, 2018) Figure 4.
B. Three Fundamental Elements of ICT
Integration by Wang (2008)
Wang in 2008 posited that integration of ICT This framework which is a part of a range of
consists of three fundamental elements. These initiatives by the educational reform and
are pedagogy, social interaction, and sustainable economic development anchored
technology. These elements are on the principles and objectives of the
diagrammatically represented by Wang in Millennium Development Goals (MDG),
Figure 2: The ICT Integration Framework. Education for All (EFA), the UN Literacy
Decade (UNLD), and the Decade of Education
Wang's ICT Integration Framework for Sustainable Development (DESD). As
emphasizes the seamless combination of shown by the framework, the teachers have six
pedagogy, social interaction, and technology in aspects of work: understanding ICT in
designing language learning programs. This education, curriculum and assessment
approach involves selecting suitable teaching pedagogy, application of digital skills,
strategies and content that resonate with the organization and administration, and teacher
diverse backgrounds of learners, leveraging professional learning. Across the six aspects of
technology to support and enhance the work are the three approaches to teaching
learning experience. It highlights the based on human capacity development -
importance of interactive activities, allowing knowledge acquisition, knowledge deepening,
learners to naturally acquire language skills and knowledge creation. The framework also
necessary for real-life applications. The specifically aims to equip teachers to be able to
framework also stresses the significance of do their roles achieving the following societal
creating a secure and engaging online learning goals:
environment, where learners can comfortably
interact, share ideas, and collaborate. This  build workforces that have information and
integrated approach not only facilitates various communications technology (ICT) skills and
teaching modes beyond traditional face-to-face are reflective, creative and adept at
interactions but also underscores the necessity problem-solving in order to generate
for educational institutions to support the knowledge;
technological infrastructure and accessibility,  enable people to be knowledgeable and
ensuring a motivating and effective learning resourceful so they are able to make
experience for language learners in the 21st informed choices, manage their lives
century. effectively and realize their potential;
 encourage all members of society
irrespective of gender, language, age,
C. Categories for Information background, location, and differing abilities
Communication and Technology (ICT) in to participate fully in society and influence
Teacher Training the decisions that affect their lives; and
 foster cross-cultural understanding,
There is a lot of research that will prove that tolerance, and the peaceful resolution of
the integration of ICTs can fully transform conflict.
classroom instruction. Haddad in 2003 states
that the teachers' use of ICT supports the The Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
development of higher-order-thinking skills through its Policies, Standards, and Guidelines
(HOTS) and promotes collaboration. This is the (PSGs) requires the integration of ICTs in
language teaching and learning. Hence, the
ICT Competency Framework for Teachers is environment in new ways, merge new
very useful to support the standards as they technology and pedagogy, develop socially
will serve as a guide to assist the teachers to active classrooms, and encourage co-operative
successfully integrate ICT into the language interactions, collaborative learning, and group
classroom. Through the framework, the work.
language teachers may structure their learning

Teaching and Learning Events and Associated Media Forms (Czerniewicz & Brown (2005)
adapted from Laurillard (2002) Figure 1

Interaction with content


Interaction with people

Social Interaction Technology

Figure 2: The ICT Integration Framework

Core Technology

ICT as main content focus ICT as core delivery technology

Learning How to Use ICT Learning VIA ICT

ICT as part of content or ICT as facilitating or networking

methods technology

Complementary Technology

Figure 3: ICT Teacher Training Efforts into Four Categories

ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (UNESCO, 2018) Figure 4.

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