Fiel Study 1 Learning Ep 15
Fiel Study 1 Learning Ep 15
Fiel Study 1 Learning Ep 15
ey of the ASEAN countries and beyond tends to show that there are three major
sibilities of teachers. These are (l) Actual Teaching. (2) Management of Learning
Administrative Work.
he number of actual teaching hours per day varies all over the world, in our country,
g in the public schools requires six hours of actual teaching, that includes
strative work such as management of learning per day. The two hours of the working
allotted to administrative work such as scoring and recording learner’s outputs,
reports, filling forms, preparing for the next day's activity and performing other
strative tasks. The previous Episode on the teacher, reminded us of the qualities
mpetencies mentioned earlier. Teachers should be multi-literate, multi-cultural,
lented, innovative and creative. The future Filipino teacher like you shall act locally
k globally.
local, reach global" means that the teacher brings diverse experiences in the
om with the various skills to live and work as citizens of a global society. What
s do in the local communities impacts the larger community. As global citizens, the
egins, where the teachers are, thus a "glocal" teacher.
Towards Quality Glocal Teachers
Quality teachers are characterized by different attributes and skills needed in the 21st
century education. Partnership 21 identified (1) Global awareness, (2) Financial, economic,
business and entrepreneurial literacy, and (4) Civic and Health Literacy which require:
1. Learning and Innovative skills.
2. Information, Media and Technology Skills.
3, Life and Career Skills
More specifically, quality teachers are competent teachers who can demonstrate
exemplary mastery of knowledge, skills, values and dispositions relative to the following
1.Understands one's own cultural identify and rootedness
2.Knows and integrates global dimensions in the subject area
3.Engages learners in the learning processes
4.Uses real life local and global examples
5.Values the inputs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners
6.Models social responsibilities in local and global content
7. Encourages learners to find appropriate actions to improve local and global the
conditions, and
8. Creates a learning environment• that encourages creativity and innovations.
The Challenges of the Quality Glocal Teachers for the 21st Century
One of the major challenges of quality teachers is to "create a learning environment that
encourages creativity and innovation among learners." With it, comes the management of
learning in such environment. These are required skills for a global teacher.
Majority of the current classrooms provide learning spaces that can hardly prepare the
21st century learners for the development of the 21st century skills.
Since the 21st century classroom is learner-centered, the teacher acts as a facilitator of
learning. Students no longer study each subject in isolation, but they work on
interdisciplinary projects that cover several subject areas. Learning is no longer for
memorizing and recalling of information but on learning how to learn. Thus classroom
designs should respond to the 21st century learning. More so, quality teachers should be
changing their roles from teaching in isolation to co-teaching, team teaching and
collaboration with students and peers.
A new and creative design of classrooms by the teachers is needed as well as the
management of learning. These are the two teacher qualities needed to address the new
roles of teachers.
How should a new classroom be? Here are some suggestions on the six elements of a
new classroom:
1.Flexibility of furniture and space
2.Collaborative learning
3.Facilitation of movement
4. Foster creativity
5.Use of technology
6.Provision of light and bright colors
With the classroom structure, a quality teacher should be able to manage learning under a
very conducive learning environment. Teacher should use effective classroom
management strategies that will ensure productive learning.
Quality teachers should manage learning in an enhanced classroom by seeing it to it that
learners are :
on task, and
are learning.
This will take much of your skill, experience and patience. The two important factors that
may affect learning management are the use of technology and the diversity learners.
This activity will require you to stay in school for one school day. Special arrangement by your
faculty should be made for this purpose.
1. Secure permit to observe a quality teacher in the school for one whole class day.
2. Shadow the teacher in the three major responsibilities.
Actual Teaching
Management of Learning
Administrative Work
3. Use the key guide found in the matrix below.
4. Record data observed In your notebook. This will be your artifact.
5. If you missed seeing the evidence to the key guide, you may interview the teacher.
6. Make a narrative or essay of your answer entitled:" A Day in the School Life of a Quality
7. if permitted, you may include the teachers picture in action to your essay.
Observe and record observations on the following aspects key guide to observations.
Teachers major Key guide of observation (carefully look for the
responsibility indicators/behaviours of the teacher along the key points. Write
your observations and description in your notebook. This will
be one of your artifacts.)
a. Actual teaching This teacher
1. Is learner-centered
2. Acts as a facilitator o learning
3. Has mastery of subject matter
4. Sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved
5. Is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners.
B. Management of Learning This teacher
l. allows all learners to participate in the lesson.
2. considers the needs of the learners in the seating
3. uses instructional support materials to help learners
understand the
4. sees to it that learning is achieved within the period of
dismisses the class on time
C. Administrative Work This teacher
1. keeps records learner’s attendance every day.
2. Keeps record of formative and summative test.
3. submits reports and other documents on time.
4. does other tasks as requested by superiors.
5. cooperates with peers and staff in the cleanliness and
safety of the school.
Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practiced?
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. administrative work?
2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation when
you become a teacher? Describe.
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with? What are
the reasons?
4.From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher? Why?
Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would be good for you to
reflect on all your observations by answering reflective questions below.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If No, why not?
2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do better as a professional
3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do you
think you will be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
4. In what aspects of the teacher's day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you
observed? Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thank you card?
(Include this in your artifact)
Task 15.2 The Creation and Management of the New Learning Environment as a Skill of
the 21st century quality teacher.
This activity will allow you to develop your sense of creativity and imagination in designing a
classroom for the 21st century and determining how to manage learning in this classroom.
l. Draw or sketch the current classroom where you are observing.
2. Indicate and label all significant parts and furniture that you find inside including these but
not limited to:
a. Doors, windows
b. Teacher Table, Demonstration table
c. Cabinets, chalkboard, bulletin boards/display boards, etc.
d. Gadgets, equipment
e. Plant boxes, etc.
f. Others not included in the list
3. Draw your vision of a classroom for the 21st century.
A. Current Classroom I am Observing
Grade level _______________
Make a comparison of your drawings A and B. Describe the similarities and differences. Explain
Features of the Present My Vision of the Future Why the similarity?
Classroom Components Classroom Why the difference?
Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How will you
manage learning in the future classroom? How will you prepare yourself to
respond to 21st teaching-leaning and become a glocal teacher?
Make a short paragraph on how will you will manage teaching-learning in
the 21st century classroom.
These are the artifacts that you need to file in this Episode.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observations including evidence that go with it. Activity 15.1
Narrative on the Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher.
2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the present classroom and a Drawing of your Vision of the Classroom
for the 21 st Century.
3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21 st Century classroom
Evaluation Tool for Episode 15(Towards Teacher Quality: Developing a Glocal Teacher of
the 21st Century)
Intended Learning Outcome:
At the end of this episode, I must be able to:
a. describe the personal qualities and competencies of a glocal classroom teachers of the
21st century; and
b. design a learner-centered classroom for the 21 st century learners with learning spaces
that are safe, that allows creativity and use of ICT.