Ijresm V2 I3 90
Ijresm V2 I3 90
Ijresm V2 I3 90
Abstract: AR is an artificial information that allows the user to system. The Arduino software runs on Windows, Macintosh
perform tasks more efficiently. In this project, a system which OSX, and Linux systems. Most microcontroller systems are
provides an important information for the doctors are displayed limited to Windows operating. Arduino simplifies the process
on semi-transparent glasses included in an AR glass and therefore
are mixed with the real-world view. The real-time data of patients of working with microcontrollers,
in hospital are collected by the sensors attached to patient. The
measured sensor values are given as input to the “Arduino UNO
“and the values are processed. The wireless transceiver receives
and displays the body parameters in augmented reality glass
through “ZigBee” and alert if abnormal condition occurs. The
doctor can take appropriate action based on the patient’s current
health condition.
in the same way as other integrated circuit temperature sensors. ones. ZigBee is typically used in low data rate applications that
It can be established to a surface and its temperature will be require long battery life and secure networking. ZigBee has a
within around the range of 0.01˚C of the surface temperature defined rate of 250 Kbit/s, best suited for intermittent data
transmissions from a sensor or input device. The technology
defined by the ZigBee specification is intended to be simpler
than other wireless personal area networks (WPANs), such as
Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
The processed digital outputs are transmitted to the wireless
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