Inspection Procedure Intervals and Times
Inspection Procedure Intervals and Times
Inspection Procedure Intervals and Times
The suggested scheduling intervals of ECRI Institute’s IPM Procedures are probably a good point of
reference for most models of a particular device type when used in most healthcare environments.
However, the need for inspection and/or preventive maintenance may vary depending on equip-
ment age, frequency of use, the types of failures experienced, and other factors.
To determine the appropriate scheduled maintenance for each model of device:
Determine the manufacturer’s recommendations for inspection (performance verification)
Determine the manufacturer’s recommendations for preventive maintenance, if any
Determine the most common IPM interval In BiomedicalBenchmark Maintenance Data
Review the facility’s (CMMS) inspection and repair data to determine if any failures were
preventable and/or not user-detectable
Use the Scheduled Support Assessment form to document the selected IPM interval*
See Optimizing an IPM Program in Management Documents of HTM Resources for a more detailed
explanation of this process. Some of the IPM procedures also provide specific guidance on set-
ting an inspection interval. The estimated procedure inspection times are based on ECRI Institute
experience and BiomedicalBenchmark Maintenance Data.
* ECRI Institute generally advises adhering to manufacturer recommendations for preventive maintenance and con-
sidering maintenance data to determine whether to deviate from recommendations for scheduled inspection (e.g., to
extend the inspection interval or to discontinue scheduled inspections). In the United States, CMS regulations do not
permit deviation from manufacturer recommendations for IPM of lasers and imaging equipment.