Risk Assesment FMP 1
Risk Assesment FMP 1
Risk Assesment FMP 1
In the box below tick any of the hazards that you may come into contact with while
recording your production, if the hazard is not on the list please tick other.
1 Trip hazards /
2 Proximity to water /
3 Risk of fire
4 Live electrical equipment
5 Vehicles / modes of transport
6 Machinery proximity
7 Weather conditions /
8 Members of public at location /
9 Access to location
10 Props
11 First Aid medical requirements
12 Falling objects
13 Working at height / Working near a drop
14 Others (Please specify)
Below you must detail the hazard number from the check list, identify where the hazard is
coming from and detail how you will limit the risk of the hazards you have identified.
Trip hazards My project is going to be mostly filmed I will be cautious of my
outside therefore there will be some trip surroundings by paying full
hazards. For example, down by the attention to my
beach, there may be rocks and logs surroundings in these
which can cause tripping hazards which outdoor environments. I
could risk injury or equipment damage. will look out for objects
which may cause me to trip.
Proximity to Three of my locations that I wish to film I can prevent risks by
water at will be close to water. At evening hill, making sure that im a safe
I will be close proximity to water. This distance from the water.
can be dangerous as it can potentially This will make sure that me
cause several risks. This can cause the or the equipment doesn’t
camera to fall in the water and the fall in the water. I will also
equipment may also be splashed with avoid going to places when
water if I’m filming if there’s wind or there is bad weather or
rough seas. wind so the equipment
won’t get splashed and
potentially damaged.
Weather Harsh weather conditions can
conditions potentially lead to huge risk. Because I
am filming outside, I can be at risk of
being exposed to heavy rain, or winds
which can potentially hurt me or
damage equipment. If I'm filming by the
sea during a storm with strong winds, I
can be at risk of having large amounts of
water being splashed at me which can
hurt me or damage equipment. Strong
winds may also push me over or cause
equipment to blow out of my hands or
fall over if its on the tri pod.
I will avoid the risk of harsh
weather conditions by
checking the weather in the
areas I want to film in
before I borrow equipment.
This is so me or the
equipment isn’t at risk. If
there is heavy rain or winds,
I will put the camera in the
bag as its not waterproof