Faith in Action Guidebook
Faith in Action Guidebook
Faith in Action Guidebook
in Action
Higher Purpose ...........................................................3 Building the Domestic Church Kiosk.........11
Faith in Action ..............................................................3 Rosary................................................................12
Program Personnel and Requirements.................4 Spiritual Reflection ........................................12
Appoint Directors...................................................4 Holy Hour..........................................................12
Service Program Personnel Report...................4 Sacramental Gifts ...........................................12
Safe Environment — Family .....................................................................13
Office of Youth Protection...............................4
Food for Families............................................13
Safe Environment Program Training and
Background Check Requirements................4 Family of the Month/Year..............................13
Program Planning .......................................................5 Keep Christ in Christmas ..............................13
Parish Pastor, Council Chaplain..........................5 Family Fully Alive ............................................14
Officers’ Planning Meeting ..................................5 Family Week.....................................................14
Before the Officers’ Planning Meeting .............5 Consecration to the Holy Family ................14
Program Portion of the Officers’ Family Prayer Night........................................15
Planning Meeting ..............................................5 Good Friday Family Promotion ...................15
After the Officers’ Planning Meeting.................6 Community ............................................................16
Program Resources....................................................6 Coats for Kids ..................................................16
Online Faith in Action Materials .........................6 Global Wheelchair Mission ..........................16
Ordering Supplies..................................................6 Habitat for Humanity......................................16
Fraternal Training Resources .............................6
Disaster Preparedness..................................16
Free Throw Championship ..........................17
Program After Action .................................................7
Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest ...........17
Keeping Program Personnel Motivated...........7
Soccer/Hockey Challenge ...........................17
Submit Fraternal Programs Report
Form #10784.....................................................7 Helping Hands ................................................17
Program Awards..........................................................7 Life...........................................................................18
Columbian Award ..................................................7 March for Life...................................................18
State Council Service Program Awards ...........8 Special Olympics ............................................18
International Service Program Awards.............8 Ultrasound Initiative ......................................19
State Blessed Michael McGivney Award Christian Refugee Relief ...............................19
and Blessed Michael McGivney Medal .......8 Silver Rose........................................................19
Program Categories ...................................................9 Mass for People with Special Needs.........19
Supreme Recommended Program Matrix.......9 Pregnancy Center Support / ASAP
Featured Programs ..................................................10 (Aid and Support After Pregnancy)........20
Faith ........................................................................11 Novena for Life................................................20
RSVP ..................................................................11 Supreme Chaplain’s Monthly Challenge............21
Into the Breach................................................11 Faith in Action Monthly
Pilgrim Icon Program .....................................11 Challenge Instructions ..................................21
Faith in Action
Higher Purpose Faith in Action
Today, a man’s work follows him home through his This Faith in Action manual provides information for
smartphone. At the same time, he is picking up a your council to not only implement Supreme-
larger share of household responsibilities and striving recommended programs, but also to create unique
to meet the intense demands of fatherhood as kids’ programs that help men to live out their commitment
activities accelerate. Despite this, many men want to to the Catholic faith and their desire to serve family,
express their faith by working alongside peers in parish, and community.
service to others. They want to spend precious free
time with their families while also building bonds of
fraternity that last a lifetime.
Faith in Action
addresses are accurate. Praesidium, the Order’s safe
environment partner, will use these email addresses
to send email notifications to the program directors
and chairs who are required to complete safe
environment training and to provide authorization for
a background check. Directors and chairs should look
for email notifications from Praesidium in their inbox
or spam folder. The emails will assign usernames and
passwords necessary to complete the required
training. They also provide the links to authorize
background checks. The Knights of Columbus pays
all costs associated with these requirements.
To sign-up and see an upcoming webinar, or to view In addition to the #10784, continue to use the
the archived webinars, visit following applications for these programs:
RSVP Refund Application (#2863)
Program After Action Food for Families Refund (#10057)
KEEPING PROGRAM PERSONNEL MOTIVATED Ultrasound Diocesan Evaluation (#10715)
The program director and committee chair are Ultrasound Application (#10716)
responsible for keeping volunteers motivated. ASAP Grant Application (Online)
Recognition for a job well done can go a long way to
keeping morale high. Here are some suggestions: For an overview of forms, their due dates and how to
• Publish the council’s works in the parish and submit them, review the Program Forms Reference
community media forums. Refer to the Public Guide available at
Relations and Publicity Guide (#2235) for
assistance. Program Awards
• Be sure that each Knight gets full credit and COLUMBIAN AWARD
recognition for his work. An occasional personal The Columbian Award recognizes your council’s
note may mean a great deal to the recipient. performance in offering faith-filled programs in each
• Consider presenting a Certificate of Appreciation of the four Faith in Action program categories. In
(#1462) to the directors, chairmen and other order for your council to earn the Columbian Award,
individuals who were instrumental in the success it must:
of the program. • Complete at least four program credits in each of
• Listen to the suggestions of your council members the Faith in Action categories of Faith, Family,
Community and Life
and acknowledge good advice. Tell your brother
• Complete the Columbian Award Application
Knights that you appreciate their interest and will
(#SP-7) — due by June 30
consider their ideas.
• Submit the Service Program Personnel Report
• Be prepared to listen when a member has a
(#365) — due by Aug. 1
question or problem.
• Accept responsibility for your mistakes. This shows
your team that you are human and fallible.
Our goal is to strengthen our men
and their families in the faith. When
we entered the Order, we were
reminded to constantly form
ourselves in the Catholic faith. This
formation goes beyond mere facts
or religious practice to an authentic connection with a
loving God and his son Jesus Christ. Programs in this
category are designed to draw us closer to God and
the Church in a tangible and meaningful way. These
programs arm us for the spiritual battle that our men
and families face daily. For Faith program resources,
Catholic vision of family life and inspires them
REFUND SUPPORT VOCATION PROGRAM to incorporate it into daily life. By viewing and
(RSVP) FEATURED discussing these inspirational series, and using their
Keep the faith alive by supporting our seminarians accompanying study guides, participants will be
and postulants. equipped with the wisdom and practical tools they
need to better lead themselves and their families in
Through this program, council and parish families will living out the Faith. Resources are available at
raise funds to support seminarians or religious in
formation in their areas. For every $500 given to an
individual, the Supreme Council will refund the council PILGRIM ICON PROGRAM
or assembly $100. The maximum refund a council Unite your community in a special act of prayer and
or assembly can receive is $400 per individual devotion to the saints by hosting the pilgrim icon.
supported. Though financial support is vitally
important, it is not the only aspect of the RSVP The Knights of Columbus regularly adopt a special
program. Councils are also called to provide their icon of a saint whose patronage is inspiring to Knights
“adopted” seminarian or religious with moral support and their communities. These icons travel between
and prayers for their success. For additional councils and inspire communal acts of prayer and
information visit devotion. Each Knights of Columbus jurisdiction
receives several traveling pilgrim icons, which serve
INTO THE BREACH FEATURED as the centerpieces for prayer services conducted in
Form men in spirituality and the Catholic vision of churches and council meeting places throughout the
marriage and family life through highly acclaimed Order for the duration of the initiative. For additional
video series and discussion. information visit
Into the Breach is a call to battle for men which urges BUILDING THE DOMESTIC CHURCH KIOSK
them to embrace masculine virtues in a world at crisis. Help strengthen families as the domestic church by
The original Into the Breach video series, inspired by providing exceptional religious education materials to
the apostolic exhortation of Bishop Thomas J. all Catholics.
Olmstead, outlines the challenges faced by men of
faith in the world today. The new Into the Breach: The By making the Building the Domestic Church Kiosk
(#BDC-K) available in your parish and organizing
Mission of the Family video series presents the
activities based on its content, councils will educate HOLY HOUR FEATURED
and evangelize using the rich, faith-based literature Encourage deep personal encounters with Christ.
found in the Catholic Information Service (CIS) Building As Catholics, we believe in the Real Presence: that
the Domestic Church series of booklets. For $150, Jesus Christ is truly present – body, blood, soul, and
councils will receive a Building the Domestic Church divinity – in the Eucharist. As such, we are compelled
Kiosk (#BDC-K) and the first set of 225 booklets of to grow in our devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist and
the most popular CIS resources, aimed at helping to share His presence with the world.
Catholics to live out the Church’s vision for our
Holy Hours feature the exposition and benediction of
families. For additional information visit
the Blessed Sacrament and can also include a
reflection, communal rosary, prayers for intercession
by Blessed Michael McGivney or St. Joseph, and
Build faithful families and communities by praying other devotions as decided by the council and pastor.
the rosary. Eucharistic Processions provide an opportunity to walk
with the Blessed Sacrament through your community,
The Knights of Columbus Rosary Program encourages bringing Jesus to everyone along the route. For
councils to promote devotion to the rosary in our additional information visit
families and parishes by scheduling regular rosary
prayer services on any day of the week, at any time of SACRAMENTAL GIFTS
the year, with the guidance of their pastor. Councils Support families during the most important events in
should personally invite each family of the parish and the life of the domestic church: the sacraments.
offer attending families a copy of the Knights of
Columbus Catholic Information Service’s A Scriptural The sacraments stand as the most significant events
Rosary for the Family (#319). Encourage families to in the life of the domestic church. The Knights of
read this booklet and learn how their faith can be Columbus will be there to support and embrace our
parish families at these essential moments of
strengthened through a devotion to Our Lady, while
encounter with Christ. As children and adult members
praying the rosary at home together regularly. Kits
become more integrated into the life of the church
with rosary rings, rosary prayer guides, and leader
and their parish, they should know that members
books are available for councils to order. For of the Knights of Columbus will always be present
additional information visit in a tangible and meaningful way. For additional
information visit
Create annual opportunities for prayer and reflection
as a fraternity.
Under the guidance of their chaplain, councils can
attend a retreat or day of reflection together or
organize their own event for the men of their parish.
In conjunction with pastors, councils and jurisdictions
can hold low-cost retreats of their own. These events
might be open only to council members or men of the
parish – or may be open to entire families. If councils
are unable to organize these events themselves, they
could attend an existing retreat as a group. For
additional information visit
The programs in this category are Council and parish families will raise funds to support
developed for families by families. their local food pantries, food banks and soup
Blessed Michael McGivney sought kitchens. For every $500 or 1,000 pounds of food
to strengthen the familial bond of donated, the Supreme Council will refund $100 back
father to mother and children to to the council — up to a maximum of $500 per council
parents. Catholics often struggle per fraternal year. Though in-kind donation of food is
with the reality that they do not have the opportunity valuable, leaders of hunger-relief organizations often
to socialize and/or pray with other faith-filled Catholic comment that financial contributions can be stretched
families. It can be a challenge to continue to ground even further and allow nonprofits to procure the exact
ourselves and raise our children in the faith. items needed by the organization and its clients. For
additional information visit
Our family programs are a response to a society that
seeks to weaken the bonds of family. Blessed Michael FAMILY OF THE MONTH/YEAR FEATURED
McGivney’s vision for family life was not only financial Promote and support the development of strong and
and material aid but also spiritual strength, as holiness
vibrant families.
is the calling of all baptized Christians. Put plainly,
the majority of our time is easily spent in secular
Each month, the council Family of the Month
circles unless we intentionally create ways to live
committee selects one parish family that models
the domestic church. These programs help us to
Christian family values and visibly lives them every
live this call. For Family program resources, visit
day. Each council establishes a committee to
recognize a deserving Family of the Month and Family
of the Year. Each participating council also selects
one of the previous twelve Family of the Month
Help end hunger in communities across North
America and around the globe. winners to represent the council/parish as the
potential international Family of the Year. The Knights
of Columbus Family of the Year is chosen by the
Supreme Council and recognized each year at
the annual Supreme Convention. For additional
information visit
called to serve our family and our Change the lives of people with disabilities worldwide.
God. Our first principle is Charity,
at home with our families and in The Knights of Columbus has partnered with the
our communities. This is a critical American Wheelchair Mission and Canadian
part of our Knights of Columbus Wheelchair Foundation, which falls under the
mission. Have you ever wondered, “How can I make umbrella of the Global Wheelchair Mission, to obtain
my community better?” Individuals can do great wheelchairs at a deeply discounted price. These
things on their own but there is something bigger wheelchairs help provide aid to those who lack the
than self when Knights of Columbus members come freedom of mobility in our communities. The Global
together as one through their council and accomplish Wheelchair Mission is a perfect opportunity to put
great things. Councils that conduct these programs your Faith in Action and involve the entire community
are positively shaping their communities by through rewarding charitable work done by councils.
addressing the needs of its citizens. For Community For additional information visit
program resources, visit
COATS FOR KIDS FEATURED Build homes for families in need.
Provide warmth for deserving children during cold
winter months. Knights of Columbus councils work closely with
Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit Christian
Councils across North America can purchase new organization, to build homes for families in need at
winter coats for children in need at a discount and substantially reduced costs. Each year, councils
distribute them in their local communities. For throughout the Order donate a considerable number
additional information visit of volunteer hours and dollars to this worthy cause.
For additional information visit
Prepare your community before disaster strikes.
Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and
promote respect for life by participating in this
meaningful pilgrimage.
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