5TH - Unit 1 - Dmpa 2
5TH - Unit 1 - Dmpa 2
5TH - Unit 1 - Dmpa 2
Grade: 5° Class: A B C D Subject: ENGLISH Duration: 7hrs Date: Mar 18nd - Mar 22nd
To order a meal at the restaurant.
A sketch about ordering food at a restaurant.
UNIT N° 01
ACTIVITY 1: Watch the video. Then, ask and answer the question with a partner.
How can poverty be eradicated?
What can you do to help make the world a more equitable place?
ACTIVITY 2: Watch and listen. You are about to watch an online TED talk. Select a word
from the box that best follows each word from a-j below. You might need to check the
definitions of any words you do not know.
ACTIVITY 3: Some adjectives go well with certain nouns. Before you read Text 5.2, match the
adjectives in the box below with the nouns a-h in the list below. Then write briefly what you
think Text 5.2 will be about.
ACTIVITY 4: As you read Text 5.2 identify any words that could be used to answer the
following questions below. You may give one-word answers. After reading the article, check
you answers with a classmate and your teacher.
ACTIVITY 5: Here are some comprehension questions based on text 5.1. Answer them in
complete sentences with reference to the text.
ACTIVITY 6: When should you use a comma in English? Find pairs of sentences that use a
commas for similar purposes. Then make a list of six rules for how commas are used in these
ACTIVITY 7: Could you find all six pairs of sentences in activity 1.22? In the table below are six rules
for how commas are used in texts 5.1 and 5.2. Copy and complete the table to match each pair of
sentences from activity 1.22 to the relevant rule.
ACTIVITY 8: Here are several sentences with the necessary commas missing. Using the six rules
from activity 1.23, write out each sentence, inserting commas where you think they should go.
ACTIVITY 9: You have read about microcredit and its advantages. Now write a brochure that
could be used to persuade people to participate in microcredit, either by giving a loan or a by
applying for a loan.
Appropriateness of Resources of Grammar
Intelligibility Fluency and Expression
Pronunciation is easily Completely fluent speech at Entirely appropriate register, Wide range of grammar
understood and prosodic normal speed. tone and lexis for the context. and vocabulary used
features (stress, intonation, accurately and flexibly.
Any hesitation is appropriate No difficulty at all in
5p rhythm) are used effectively.
and not a sign of searching explaining technical matters in Confident use of idiomatic
for words or structures. lay terms. speech.
Easily understood. Fluent speech at normal Mostly appropriate register, Wide range of grammar
speed, with only occasional tone and lexis for the context. and vocabulary generally
Communication is not
repetition or self-correction. used accurately and
impeded by a few Occasional lapses are not flexibly.
4p pronunciation or prosodic Hesitation may occasionally intrusive.
errors and/or noticeable. indicate searching for words or Occasional errors in grammar
structures. or vocabulary are not
Easily understood most of Some evidence of searching Lapses are noticeable and at Inaccuracies in vocabulary
the time. for words, which does not times reflect limited resources of and grammar, particularly in
cause serious strain. grammar and expression. more complex sentences, are
3p Pronunciation or prosodic sometimes intrusive.
errors and/or L1 accent at
times cause strain for the
Difficult to understand Excessive use of fillers and Some evidence of appropriate Limited vocabulary and
because errors in difficulty sustaining longer register, tone and lexis, but lapses control of grammatical
pronunciation/stress/ utterances cause serious strain are frequent and intrusive, structures, except very
intonation and/or L1 accent for the listener. reflecting inadequate resources of simple sentences.
2p cause serious strain for the grammar and expression.
Often unintelligible. Long pauses, numerous Mostly inappropriate register, Very limited resources of
repetition and self- tone and lexis for the context. vocabulary and grammar,
Frequent errors in corrections make speech even in simple sentences.
1p pronunciation/stress/ difficult to follow.
intonation and/or L1 accent Numerous errors in word
cause severe strain for the choice.
ACTIVITY 10: It’s time to reflect on your learning process. Put a tick ( ) if the sentence is
true about you, and a cross (x) if it’s false.
- English B for the IB Diploma – Brad Philpot. 2024. Language B Guide-First Assessment 2020.
DiplomaProgramme. Geneve, Switzerland.
Mike Céspedes (2024). Methodological Resource to Learning 1 – Unit 1 – Fifth grade: appearance.