3.) Individual Oral Rubric
3.) Individual Oral Rubric
3.) Individual Oral Rubric
-The oral contains some relevant -The oral is analytical I nature, and -Analysis and evaluation of
B: Analysis and evaluation The work -Analysis and evaluation of the
-The oral is descriptive or analysis, but it is reliant on evaluation of the extracts and the extracts and their
-How well does the candidate use his does not extracts and their works/texts
or her knowledge and understanding reach a contains no relevant analysis. description. their works/texts is mostly works/texts are relevant and are relevant and insightful.
of each of the extracts and their standard -Authorial choices are seldom -Authorial choices are identified relevant. at time insightful. -There is a thorough and
associated works/texts to analyse and described identified and, if so, are poorly but are vaguely treated and/or - Authorial choices are identified -There is a good nuanced understanding of how
evaluate the ways in which authorial by the understood in relation to the only partially understood in and reasonably understood in understanding of how authorial choices are used to
choices present the global issue? descriptors presentation of the global issue. relation to the presentation of relation to the presentation of the authorial choices are used to present the global issue.
below. the global issue. global issue. present the global issue.