Blusa - Lacewing Poncho 9.24.22

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EXPRESSION1 FIBER ARTS Expression Fiber Arts

Inspired by the long, delicately veined Green Lacewing, this owy design is the perfect layering piece for warmer or
transitional weather. Throw it on with your favorite shorts, jeans, or skirt to add a romantic air to any out t. It uses
simple, repeating rows and a fun, clever construction!


Designer Expression Fiber Arts

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We appreciate you downloading our pattern! We pour tons of time and love into each one and hope you enjoy it.
Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Lacewing 2 Expression Fiber Arts


SIZES: 1 (2, 3, 4): 37 (46, 56, 65)” / 94 (117, 142, 165) cm chest
circumference. See attached schematic for details.

Expression Fiber Arts Mirage Sport

Shown in colors: Wanderlust Hues
Yarn required: Size 1 - 270 yards each of 3 colors (810 yds), Size 2 - 330
yards each of 3 colors (990 yds), Size 3 - 400 yards each of 3 colors (1200
yds), Size 4 - 470 yards each of 3 colors (1410 yds).
If those colors aren't available, any from this category will work.

US size 7 (4.5mm) circular needles or size needed to obtain gauge


Tapestry needle for weaving in ends, stitch markers, scrap yarn or stitch


14 sts and 20 rnds = 4” (10 cm) in Diagonal Stitch


Intermediate – This pattern is for those who feel comfortable with knitting
and have made a few projects, using various skills and techniques. Skills/
concepts include cable cast on, lace stitches, simple garment construction,
and a k2togtbl bind off. SKILL LEVEL

Lacewing 3 Expression Fiber Arts


beg beginning

BO bind off

BOR beginning of round

CO cast on
Cable Cast On:
k knit Leaving a short tail, make a slip knot. Place this
onto your left needle. Knit into this rst stitch, and
k2tog knit 2 stitches together (1 st place the new stitch onto the left needle, creating
decreased) a second stitch. Place your RIGHT needle in
between those rst two stitches. Wrap your yarn
m marker counter clockwise onto your RIGHT needle as if
to knit. Catch that yarn, and bring it forward and
p purl out between those rst 2 stitches. Then place the
yarn onto your LEFT needle. To continue casting
pm place marker on, repeat this third stitch.

rep repeat
K2togtbl Bind Off:
RS right/front side of work 1) Knit the rst 2 stitches from the left needle.
2) Slip the left needle into the front of both
sl3wyif slip 3 stitches with yarn in front stitches you just knit. Knit the 2 stitches together.
You now have one stitch on the needle and have
sm slip marker completed one bind off.
3) Knit the next stitch. You now have two stitches
ssk slip 2 stitches knitwise, knit these on the needle.
2 stitches together through back 4) Slip the left needle into the front of the two
loops (1 st decreased) stitches and k2togtbl.
5) Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until you have 1 stitch
st(s) stitch(es) left. Cut yarn, and pull through.

WS wrong/back side of work

Lacewing 4 Expression Fiber Arts


• Knit from side to side with a built-in i-cord, this simple yet elegant design is the perfect layering
piece for warmer weather.
• Gauge is not crucial but could affect overall size and yardage.
• Click here to watch a tutorial on how to get started working this pattern.


With C1 and using the Cable Method, CO 128 Separate for Body Opening:
sts. Place marker for BOR. Join to work in the Cut C3, and join C1. You will now work back
round. Knit 1 round. and forth in rows.

Place a second marker to denote half of round Row 1: k6, *[(yo, k2tog) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3
after 64 sts. sts before 2nd m, k3, sm; rep from beg of row
to last 3 sts, sl3wyif. (Remove BOR marker after
Round 1: k6, *[(yo, k2tog) x 4, k3]; rep from * to Row 1. Turn work.)
3 sts before 2nd m, k3, sm; rep from BOR. Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, slipping center m,
Round 2: knit around. sl3wyif.

Work Rounds 1-2, 4 (5, 6, 7) times total. Work Body Opening Rows 1-2, 4 (5, 6, 7) times
Round 3: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3
sts before center m, k3, sm; rep from BOR. Row 3: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3 sts
Round 4: knit around. before center m, k3, sm; rep from beg of row
to last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Work Rounds 3-4, 4 (5, 6, 7) times total. Break Row 4: k3, p to last 3 sts, slipping center m,
C1. sl3wyif.

Join C2. Work Rounds 1-4 one time as Work Body Opening Rows 3-4, 4 (5, 6, 7) times
previously worked. total.

Break C2, and join C3. Work Rounds 1-4 one Cut C1, and join C2.
time as previously worked.
Work Body Opening Rows 1-2, 4 (5, 6, 7) times
Repeat from beg one more time. [Total number total.
of rounds worked 96 (120, 144, 168)]

Lacewing 5 Expression Fiber Arts

Separate for Neck Opening: Repeat from * , and cut C2.
Row 1: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3 sts
before 2nd m, sl3wyif. Remove marker. Place Rejoin Front and Back:
remaining stitches on hold for back. Place held stitches for front on same needles
Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, sl3wyif. as stitches for back. Place marker between
Row 3: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to last front and back stitches. Join C2 on a RS row,
3 sts, sl3wyif. and work as follows:
Row 4: k3, p to last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Row 1: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3 sts
Work Rows 3-4, 3 (4, 5, 6) times total. Cut C2, before center m, k3, sm; rep from beg of row
and join C3. to last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Continue as follows:
*Row 1: k6, *[(yo, k2tog) x 4, k3]; rep from * to Work last 2 rows 4 (5, 6, 7) times total. Cut C2.
last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, sl3wyif. Join C3, and continue as follows:

Work Neck Opening Rows 1-2, 4 (5, 6, 7) times Row 1: k6, *[(yo, k2tog) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3
total. sts before 2nd m, k3, sm; rep from beg of row
to last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Row 3: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to last Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, slipping center m,
3 sts, sl3wyif. sl3wyif.
Row 4: k3, p to last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Work last 2 rows 4 (5, 6, 7) times total.
Work Neck Opening Rows 3-4, 4 (5, 6, 7) times
total. Cut C3. Row 3: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3 sts
before center m, k3, sm; rep from beg of row
Join C1. Work Rows 1-4 as previously worked. to last 3 sts, sl3wyif.
Break C1. Row 4: k3, p to last 3 sts, slipping center m,
Join C2. Work Rows 1-2, 4 (5, 6, 7) times total.
Work last 2 rows 4 (5, 6, 7) times total. Cut C3.
Cut C2, and place front stitches on hold.
Place marker, and rejoin to work in the round.
Return stitches previously placed on hold to
needles. Join C1, and work as follows:

Join C2 on a RS row, and work as follows: Round 1: k6, *[(yo, k2tog) x 4, k3]; rep from * to
3 sts before 2nd m, k3, sm; rep from beg of
Row 1: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to last row to last 3 sts, k3, pm to denote BOR. Do not
3 sts, sl3wyif. turn work.
Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, sl3wyif. Round 2: Join to work in the round, k to end.
Round 3: k6, *[(yo, k2tog) x 4, k3]; rep from * to
Work these 2 rows 4 (5, 6, 7) times total. Cut 3 sts before 2nd m, k3, sm; rep from beg of
C2, and join C3. row.
Lacewing 6 Expression Fiber Arts
Round 4: k around. Round 3: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3
sts before center m, k3, sm; rep from beg of
Work Rounds 3-4, 3 (4, 5, 6) times total. row.
Round 4: k around.
Round 5: k6, *[(ssk, yo) x 4, k3]; rep from * to 3
sts before center m, k3, sm; rep from BOR. Work last 2 rows 4 (5, 6, 7) times total. Cut C2.
Round 6: k around.
Join C3. Work from * with C3. Cut C3.
Work Rounds 5-6, 4 (5, 6, 7) times total. Cut C1.
Join C1. Work from * with C1 one time.
Join C2, and continue as follows:
Join C2. Work from * with C2 one time.
*Round 1: k6, *[(yo, k2tog) x 4, k3]; rep from *
to 3 sts before 2nd m, k3, sm; rep from BOR. Join C3. Work from * with C3 one time.
Round 2: k around.
BO using k2togtbl method.
Work Rounds 1-2, 4 (5, 6, 7) times total.


Weave in ends, and block to measurements in schematic.

Lacewing 7 Expression Fiber Arts

Lacewing 8 Expression Fiber Arts
"Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all
mankind.” – Theodore Roosevelt

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This pattern may be printed and used for personal, non-commercial use only and may not be reproduced, sold, or distributed. All images, text, and illustration
©Expression Fiber Arts 2022. Finished items made using this pattern may be sold so long as pattern attribution is ascribed to Expression Fiber Arts.
For questions about this policy, please contact us at contact@expression

Lacewing 9 Expression Fiber Arts


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