Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Caso Práctico:
Gestión de la Triple Caso práctico
Student’s role
Once the Project Charter has been approved, it’s time to start planning the Project.
Students will take the role of both the Project Manager and the Project Team. Their
mission is to develop the strategy and the definition of the Scope, Time, Cost , Risks
Management Plan.
The Case Study flows through the different situations related to the definition and
planning of the project so students can reflect on the added value achieved by applying
a structured management process and using tools and techniques that help with the
decision-making process with the objective to develop the Scope, Time, Cost and Risk
Management Plan of the project.
The Company
Cub3 Group is located in Barcelona. It is a company dedicated to IT consulting,
providing data management services, and technical assistance of data processing
centers for companies and organizations.
Bring 10 years of life and has grown steadily to cover the entire area of Spain, with
offices in Barcelona, Madrid and Bilbao.
In term of Clients, Cub3 Grup is aimed at both the public and private sectors in the
field of services of information technology, and through its advanced technology and
proven experience helps to integrally manage, efficiently and safely, operating and
business processes of any type of Company.
Cub3 Group recently decided to enter the market for SMEs, considering a strong
engine of growth.
In terms of the market, the business objective is to offer its clients to manage their data
centers and provide advice on data management, equipment and infrastructure, as well
as develop their comprehensive migration plan.
In terms of business figures the aim is to grow sales by 10% annually over the next 15
years to become one of the Europe leader in the business of computer data services.
Gestión de la Triple Caso práctico
Managing Board
(Marc Johnson)
(Chief technological Officer) (Chief Commercial Officer) (Chief Operating Officer) (Chief Financial Officer)
Gestión de la Triple Caso práctico
The company recently held a meeting with all employees to discuss the strategy that the
company should follow in the near future. During the meeting, several proposals were
put forward. The objective was to increase the company’s current position and
differentiate it from the competition.
• The recruitment of new clients for the use of the new CPD.
• Centralize clients in the new CPD with the objective to view new business
opportunities in each of them.
After the strategic meeting, the project initiation document (Project Charter) was
agreed as follows:
Gestión de la Triple Caso práctico
Project Charter
Date: 31.October.2017
Project Background
The company Cub3 Group promote a project of a design, construction and implementation of
a CPD at Barcelona. The Company has chosen this team to lead it.
From the Commercial Office (CCO) it has found that many of their small business customers
have a new need, the use of a CPD. Because of these needs, the Department of Finance (CFO),
together with the Department of Operations (COO), considered that this would be a new line of
business to explode.
Project Description
The project will be based on the design, construction and implementation of a CPD, with all the
infraestruture necessary to provide in the future with the IT services as hosting, storage and
backup to the clients of the Company. (The Company need to acquire the land to build the
As a result of the demand from the clients, the Company have developed a market research
industry to detect the business opportunity. Because of their positive results and high returns it
has approved the execution of this project.
Project objectives
• To deliver the CPD on time (October 30 th, 2020), on budget (21.000.000,00 €) and
guarantee at 100% the specified quality standard:
o Implementation of the CPD in 2.5 years according to agreed date.
o Compliance 100% of quality and technical standards defined by the COO.
o Maximum deviation from the initial budget of 7%.
The project will include the design and construction of a building that meets all technical
requirements for:
Gestión de la Triple Caso práctico
Main deliverables
• The project will be lead by an internal project manager to simplify processes and ensure
successful delivery.
• The internal departments involved in the project will give their support only when required.
• All works will be procured through work packages (internal resources and external
providers) to distribute risks.
Project structure
• Possible speculation at the time of the purchase of the land.
• Delays on searching the land
• Deviations in cost or time of outsourced activities.
• Poor budgeting of implementation costs of the project.
• Bad sizing of requirements for the CPD
• Existence of a strategic change in the company that stop supporting the project.