Pre Board-2 Set A

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mark: 80
GRADE X Time: 3 hours
General Instructions:
1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
2. Section A has 20 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
3. Section B has 5 questions carrying 02 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 questions carrying 03 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 questions carrying 05 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with sub-parts of the
values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.
7. All Questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 2 Qs of 5 marks, 2 Qs of 3 marks
and 2 Questions of 2 marks has been provided. An internal choice has been provided in the 2marks
questions of Section E
8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π =22/7 wherever required if not stated.

Section A consists of 20 questions of 1 mark each.
1. The least number that is divisible by all the numbers from 1 to 5 (both inclusive) is
(a) 5 (b) 60 (c) 20 (d) 100
𝛽 𝛼
2. If 𝛼 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛽 are the zeroes of the polynomial 𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 + 3, then the value of (1 + 𝛼 )(1 + 𝛽 ) is
16 −16 3
(a) (b) (c) 16 (d) none of these
3 3

3. The value of k, for which the system of equations x + (k + l)y = 5 and (k + l)x + 9y = 8k – 1 has
infinitely many solutions is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
4. If one root of the equation x² + px + 12 = 0 is 4, while the equation x² + px + q = 0 has equal roots,
the value of q is
49 4
(a) (b) 49 (c) 4 (d) 49
5. If 4 tan θ = 3, then 4sinθ+cosθ is equal to
2 1 1 3
(a) 3 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
6. ΔABC ~ ΔDEF. If AB = 4 cm, BC = 3.5 cm, CA = 2.5 cm and DF = 7.5 cm, then the perimeter of
(a) 10 cm (b) 14 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 25 cm
7. In an AP, if 𝑎𝑛 = 7 − 4𝑛, then d is
(a) 4 (b) −4 (c) -3 (d) 3
8. If P (3 , 4) is the mid-point of the line segment joining the points Q(-6, 5) and R(-2, 3), then the value

of‘𝛼 ’ is
(a) -4 (b) -12 (c) 12 (d) -6
9. In the given figure DE || AB which of the following is true?

𝑎+𝑏 𝑎𝑥 𝑎𝑦 𝑥 𝑎
(a) 𝑥 = (b) 𝑦 = 𝑎+𝑏 (c) 𝑥 = 𝑎+𝑏 (d) 𝑦 = 𝑏

10. 2 cards of hearts and 4 cards of spades are missing from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability
of getting a black card from the remaining pack?
22 22 24 24
(a) (b) (c) (d)
52 46 52 46

√1+sin θ
11. is equal to
√1−sin θ

(a)tan θ – sec θ (b) −sec θ − tan θ (c)sec θ + tan θ (d)sec θ - tan θ

12. If √2 sin(600 − 𝛼) = 1, then 𝛼 is
(a) 300 (b) 150 (c) 600 (d) 900
13. Find the perimeter of a sector of a circle of radius 7 cm and central angle 450 .
(a) 19.5 cm (b) 39 cm (c) 14 cm (d) 7 cm
14. In the data, if 𝑙 = 40, ℎ = 15, 𝑓0 = 3, 𝑓1 = 7, 𝑓2 = 6, then the mode is
(a) 42 (b) 52 (c) 62 (d) None of these
15. For the following distribution
Class 0– 5 5 – 10 10 – 15 15 – 20 20 – 25
Frequency 10 15 12 20 9
the difference of the upper limit of the median class and the lower limit of the modal class is
(a) 0 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) -5
16. A cylinder and a cone are of same base radius and of same height. Find the ratio of the volume of
cylinder to that of the cone
(a) 1:3 (b) 3:1 (c) 2:1 (d) 1:2
17. In Fig., PQ is a tangent at a point C to a circle with centre O. If AB is a diameter and ∠CAB=30°,
Find ∠PCA.

(a) 30° (b) 50° (c) 60° (d) 90°

18. The volume of the largest right circular cone that can be cut out from a cube of edge 4.2 cm is
(a) 9.7 𝑐𝑚3 (b) 77.6 𝑐𝑚3 (c) 58.2 𝑐𝑚3 (d) 19.4 𝑐𝑚3
Direction for questions 19 & 20: In question numbers 19 and 20, a statement of
Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct option.
19. Assertion(A): No two positive numbers can have 18 as their H.C.F and 380 as their L.C.M.
Reason(R): L.C.M. is always completely divisible by H.C.F.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.
20. Assertion (A): Distance of point (a, b) from origin is √𝑏 2 − 𝑎2
Reason (R): Distance of point (x, y) from origin is √(𝑥 − 0)2 + (𝑦 − 0)2
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.
Short answer type questions. Each question carries 2 marks

21. Five years hence, the age of Jacob will be three times that of his son. Five years ago, Jacob’s age
was seven times that of his son. What are their present ages?
22. E is a point on the side AD produced of a parallelogram ABCD and BE intersects CD at F. Show that
∆𝐴𝐵𝐸 ∼ ∆𝐶𝐹𝐵.
23. Find the acute angles A and B, sin(𝐴 + 2𝐵) = √2 and cos(𝐴 + 4𝐵) = 0, 𝐴 > 𝐵.

24. If a, b and c are the sides of a right triangle where c is the hypotenuse. A circle of radius r touches
the sides of the triangle prove that r is equal to .

A circle touches the side of BC of ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 at P and touches AB and AC produced at Q and R
respectively. Prove that 𝐴𝑄 = 2 (Perimeter of ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶)

25. A chord 10cm long is drawn in a circle whose radius is √50 𝑐𝑚. Find the area of segments.
Long answer type questions. Each question carries 3 marks

26. Given that √5 is an irrational number, prove that 2 − 3√5 is an irrational.

27. If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial 𝑝(𝑥) = 2𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 + 𝑘 satisfying the relation,
𝛼2 + 𝛽 2 + 𝛼𝛽 = , then find the value of k.

sin 𝜃−cos 𝜃+1 1

28. Prove that sin 𝜃+cos 𝜃−1 = sec 𝜃 + tan 𝜃 = sec 𝜃−tan 𝜃

tan 𝜃 cot 𝜃
Prove that: 1−cot 𝜃 + 1−tan 𝜃 = 1 + sec 𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑐𝜃

29. Prove that the intercept of a tangent between two parallel tangents to a circle subtends a right angle
at the center.
PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P and Q intersect at a point
T. Find the length TP.
30. Solve graphically:
2𝑥 − 3𝑦 + 13 = 0; 3𝑥 − 2𝑦 + 12 = 0.
31. Two dice are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting
(i) an even number on both dice.
(ii) the sum of two numbers more than 9. (iii) 5 will come up on at least one

Long answer type questions. Each question carries 5 marks

32. An iron pillar has some part in the form of a right circular cylinder and remaining in the form of a
right circular cone. The radius of base of cone, as well as cylinder is 21 cm. The cylindrical part is
80 cm high and conical part is 16 cm high.
Find the weight of the pillar, if 1 cm3 of iron weighs 8.45 g:
33. (i) Sides AB, BC and median AD of a triangle ABC are respectively where proportional to sides
PQ, QR and median PM of ∆𝑃𝑄𝑅. Show that ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 ∼ ∆𝑃𝑄𝑅.
1 1 1
(ii) In figure, PA, QB and RC are each perpendicular to AC. Prove that + = .
x z y
34. If the median of the following frequency distribution is 16 find the missing frequencies
Class interval 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 Total
Frequency 12 𝑓1 12 15 𝑓2 6 6 4 70

The table below shows the daily expenditure of food of 25 households in a locality.
Daily expenditure (In RS) 100 – 150 150 – 200 200 – 250 250 – 300 300 – 350
Number of households 4 5 12 2 2
Find the mean daily expenditure on food by step deviation method.
2𝑥 2 2𝑥
35. (i) Solve for 𝑥: (𝑥−5 ) + 5 (𝑥−5 ) − 24 = 0, 𝑥 ≠ 5.

(ii) The difference of squares of two numbers is 180. The square of the smaller number is 8 times
the larger number. Find the two numbers.
Case Study- (Each question carries 4 marks)
Read the case study-based questions carefully and answer the following:

36. Radio frequency towers are backbone of wireless communication. A radio station tower is supported
by 2 wires from the point O on the ground to the points A and B on the tower. Distance between the
base of the tower and point O is 36m. From the point O, the angle of elevation of the point B is 30°
and the angle elevation of the point A is 45°.

Based on the above information answer the following questions

(i) Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the above situation.
(ii) Find the height of point B.
(iii) Find the length of the wire from the point O to the point A.
Find the length of the wire from the point O to point B.
37. Salary: In investigating different job opportunities, you find that firm A will start you at Rs 25,000
per year and guarantee you a raise of Rs 1,200 each year whereas firm B will start you at Rs 28,000
per year but will guarantee you a raise of only Rs 800 each year.

(i) Over a period of 15 years, how much would you receive from firm A?

(ii) Over a period of 15 years, how much would you receive from firm B?
(iii) What would be your annual salary at firm A for the tenth year?

What would be your annual salary at firm B for the tenth year?

38. Ajay, Bhigu and Colin are fast friend since childhood. They always want to sit in a row in the
classroom. But teacher doesn’t allow them and rotate the seats row-wise every day. Bhigu is very
good in maths and he does distance calculation every day. He considers the centre of class as origin
and marks their position on a paper in a co-ordinate system. One day Bhigu make the following
diagram of their seating position.

(i) What is the distance of point A from origin?

(ii) What is the distance between A and B?
(iii) A point D lies on the line segment between points A and B such that AD: DB = 4:3.
What are the coordinates of point D?

Find a relation (equation) between 𝑥 and 𝑦 such that the point (𝑥, 𝑦) is equidistant from the
points (7,1) and (3,5).

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