uMR 570 - Data-Sheet
uMR 570 - Data-Sheet
uMR 570 - Data-Sheet
1.5T Superconducting
Magnetic Resonance
Product Overview Clinical Application Package
Neuro 20
uMR 570 Product Overview 3
Oncology 21
Body 22
System Specification
Angiography 23
Magnet 4
Breast 24
Gradient System 5
Orthopedics 24
RF System 7
Cardiac 25
Computer System 8
Compliance 28
Product Description
To ensure the excellent system performance, uMR The combination of touch screen on both sides and
570 1.5T magnetic resonance system applies the operation guide provides a smoother operational
cutting-edge technologies in MR, communication process. uMR 570 also takes account of comfort
and computer realm, also being bold in crossover and high SNR receiving coils, which were designed
innovations. based on the ergonomics.
Remarkable homogeneity and zero helium boiloff Software is capable to the full productlines,
magnet ensures the high quality of images. technician can accurately identify the interactions
Advanced digital RF system and strong gradient among multiple products; “patient-oriented ”
system enables the high efficiency of imaging. workflow makes technician parallel option which
could satisfy the operator’s daily work habits.
Clinical Application
uMR 570 1.5T superconducting magnet balances Magnet Parameter Compared with traditional 1.5T gradient system, Gradient ramp-up time Configuration1: 0.206ms
the high homogeneity and high openness which the performance of uMR 570 1.5T gradient system Configuration2: 0.225ms
Type Supercondcting magnet
could relieve patient claustrophobic feeling while reaches the top level in MRI industry. The powerful Shielding type Active-shielding
ensuring high-definition imaging at the same Field strength 1.5T "engine" gradient can meet various clinical
time. The uMR 570 1.5T magnet has unmatched scanning requirements, in terms of scanning High order active Yes (optional)
Dimensions (L×W×H) 1506mm×2122mm×2210mm shimming
homogeneity and stability by using classic 1:1 speed. Full digital controls make sure the gradient
niobium & titanium magnets and accurate dense Weight 3650kg (With cryogens) system has stable and high accuracy; in the same Duty cycle 100%
superconducting coil winding as well as the sequence, the maximum single axis gradient field
Fringe field (axial×radial) 5Gauss=4m×2.5m Gradient power amplifier 900A \ 2280V
longterm customer validated liquid helium zero strength and the maximum single axis gradient current and voltage
boil off technology, which could positively ensure Shielding type Actively shielded, EIS slew rate can be achieved simultaneously in just
high-definition image for clinical diagnostic, technology 0.206ms(Configuration1)/0.225ms(Configurati Cooling type Water cooling
meanwhile provides solid foundation for all clinical Stability <0.1ppm/h on2). Also, active shielding technique and efficient
applications, such as off-center scanning, a wide water cooling system ensure the stability of the Noise reduction Yes
range of fat saturation as well as body EPI diffusion gradient system. The excellent noise reduction technology
imaging. technology ensures both quick scanning and low
noise working environment.
*Note: Under normal operating conditions. @50cm DSV 0.831ppm Max. effective Configuration1: 57mT/m Min. slice thickness 3D 0.05mm
amplitude Configuration2: 78mT/m
@45cm DSV 0.246ppm Max. matrix 1024
Max. slew rate(single Configuration1: 160T/m/s
@40cm DSV 0.101ppm axis) Configuration2: 200T/m/s
@30cm DSV 0.033ppm Max. effective slew Configuration1: 277T/m/s
@20cm DSV 0.013ppm rate Configuration2: 346T/m/s
EPI Min. spin echo 0.24 0.35 0.63 Transmit bandwidth 600KHz
Max. transmit field 18uT
Min. TR(ms) 3.0 4.0 5.0
Amplitude accuracy 16-bit DAC (2ns)
Min. TE(ms) 0.5 0.9 1.0
Frequency accuracy 32-bit (0.024Hz)
Max. b-value 10000 10000 10000
Phase accuracy 16-bit (0.006°)
Computer System
uMR 570 1.5T computer system has powerful CPU Reconstruction Computer
(≥Core4) and large memory, which could quickly
CPU Core4×2; ≥1.8GHz
and multi-threaded process the huge amounts of
data and efficiently respond to scanning, image Memory 32GB
reconstruction, post-processing and other multi-
Hard drive 1TB
threaded work. Massive high-speed hard drive
allows simultaneous storage of more than 600,000 Image reconstruction 10,000 frames per second
images (512 pixel matrix), which free you from Time (256×256 matrix full FOV)
continuously deleting data over one month. This Maximum sampling 1024×1024
allow you to experience the freedom, smooth and matrix
clear data management. 24-inch medical wide
Maximum image 2048×2048 (interpolation)
screen could display more contents, which could
reconstruction matrix
be operated leisurely and mastered easily.
Operating system Debian Linux; 64-bit
CPU Core4, ≥3GHz
Memory ≥24GB
User Experience
The professional ergonomics designs of uMR 570 Patient Table Foot Pedal High-Density Combined Coils
1.5T provide comforts, safety, and quick workflows.
Weight capacity 250kg When you inject the contrast medium manually, Coils combination technology can unite coils
Coil arrays of our products have more elements
per unit area, work with imaging function and Dimensions (L×W×H) 262cm×64cm×89cm such as perfusion or dynamic scanning, you could together to optimize workflow
auto-shifting patient table, significantly improve start scanning by pedaling the foot plate at the
Min height 52cm -- Light-weight coil design ensures patient to feel
the workflow, in terms of positioning, scanning same time.
more comfortable.
and others. The bilateral large touch screens Max horizontal speed 20cm/s
could display the patients’ essential information, -- United coils ensure a better image quality.
Scanning scope 150cm; 205cm*
coil connection status, as well as supporting VSM Unit
information regarding to the interaction between *Note: The scanning range of 205cm requires the -- Multi-part scanning without repositioning and
"clinical application assembly–whole body" Trigger scanning process by reading physiological changing coils.
man-machine. The system is equipped with
signals (ECG, pulse and respiration), to reduce the
antimagnetic headphone and microphone within -- Almost all body parts of examination positioning
artifact shadow caused by breathing and cardiac
the aperture to facilitate mutual communications could be foot first, which relieves the feeling of
-- Patient table could be automatically moved, the motion. Wireless sensoris is equipped with the
between patients and operator. The design of claustrophobic.
weight capacity is 250kg, also appropriate for rechargeable battery, which makes the operation
short magnet greatly reduces the patients’ feeling
large patient. much easier.
of claustrophobia. Details of the system definitely -- By the scanning range of 205cm*, whole body
show the meticulous care for patients, which -- Coil slots are integrated with the patient table, examination only needs positioning once.
makes the examination easier. which shorten the preparation work.
MR Control Box
-- The cable of coil do not occur relative
displacement with patients when moving table to MR control box is in the operation platform,
Examination Environment ensure patient comfort. including
Patient bore size 70cm -- Head/neck Coil-16 and spine Coil-24 are fixed -- Intercom system: Communicate between
on the table which could meet most scanning patients and operators, leading a better patient
Magnet length 150cm care.
requests, and could speed up the workflow.
Bore lighting Comfortable light
-- The integration of infusion drip and patient table -- Start/Stop scanning and one key shift table
Bore ventilation Comfort and adjustable makes scanning easier for the patients who have makes the operator to be more freedom.
Sound interaction Two-way communication infusions. -- Music player to improve patient comfort.
VSM unit Wireless -- Emergency stop buttons are set on the both
sides of the table for emergency stops.
Patient urgent call device Yes
Software Operation
Control Panel Multifunctional Touch Screen The uExceed software system is cross-platform -- Functional operating area: to provide the
operational, which takes the "patient-centered/ functions, such as selection of data source,
The control panels are integrated on both sides of -- Touch screen to display the relevant scanning oriented" as the core concept, and can carries out definition of time range, search, archive, import,
the front cover to facilitate patient positioning and information and adjust the comfort levels parallel workflow patterns of multi-patients and protect/unprotect, check the information split and
system setting. its main features include multi-tasks, and completes all operations of the merge, modify, delete and etc.
-- Display the patient information to facilitate the
whole workflow, such as the patient information
-- Control the patient table: a) move in and out operator to check the patients’identity in the -- Application button: achieving entrance guide to
management, patient registration, examination,
the patient table with slow or fast speed, b) one scanning room to avoid mistakenly scanning at other functional interface, for example, the new
image viewing, advanced analysis, film printing and
button can finish center-setting, c) one key to busytime. examination, the patient examination, image
archiving, etc.
shift table. viewing, film printing and advanced analysis.
-- Track the patient table location.
-- Turn on, turn off the laser positioning lights. -- Display coil connection status. Patient Managment
Patient Registration
-- To deactivate the alarm. -- Show physiological signals.
Management interface is to achieve the
-- Adjust the comfort program: headphone volume, Patient registration interface is for the registration
-- Adjust comfort program. management of patient data, main features include
speaker volume, aperture ventilation volume and of upcoming patient information, main features
illumination. -- Provide information of coils, physiological signals include
units, to help the operator to operate. -- Exam list area: display and searching the basic
-- Scan control, start, pause and stop, during -- Patient data area: enter the patient's basic
information, can configure and sort the display
scanning. information.
-- Examination data area: display and input relevant
-- Series information area: to describe series
examination information.
information in text form (here in after referred to
"image series" as for the "series"). -- Examination protocol area: select examination
part and protocol in the image mode or list mode,
-- Series list area: show series information in the list
that is, to choose position.
mode or image mode, and the display items can
be configured. -- After completing the registration, go to the
examination page.
-- Image preview area: to display a series of
corresponding images in the list mode or
image mode, and can carry out certain simple
operations, such as image panning, zooming,
windowing and etc.
Examination -- Physiological signal display area: to configure the Image Viewing Film Printing
display of ECG, respiration and pulse signals.
The examination interface is the core function Image viewing is in two ways as two-dimensional The image can be printed on film and paper
of the software operating system completes the -- Patient comfort adjustment: to configure the (2D) and three-dimensional (3D), mainly to for generating documents and reports, its main
acquisition process of MR scanning, main features interface to control patient table movement and complete the image assessment, assisted doctors features include:series selection, display images,
include comfortable setting, such as the headphone to determine the role of diagnostic conclusions, control panel adjustment, etc.
volume, speaker volume, ventilation, lighting and including
-- Graphical interface positioning: complete fast etc.
viewing and slice positioning of the image, offers -- Layout switching.
-- Protocol management: to complete viewing,
a variety of positioning tool and mode. -- Movie play.
editing, and management of all protocols,
-- Exam list: display protocol loading and protocol protocol sets and protocol parameters.
-- Basicimage processing tools: select/scrolling,
attributes, control the scanning process, display image zooming, image panning, windowing,
-- Pre-Scan: to complete pre-scan automatically or
protocol running, display reconstruction status, length and angle measurement, textor arrow
manually so as to calibrate center frequency, RF
protocol operation, etc. annotation, region of interest statistics, etc.
amplitude, general shimming before the formal
-- Protocol editing area: to finish editing and imaging.
-- Advanced image processing tools:image adding/
modifying protocol parameters. subtracting, reference line, pseudo-color display,
-- Automated online processing: automatically carry
-- Scan on-line monitoring:to real-time displaythe out protocol embedded post-processing after the profile information display, histogram, three-
reconstruction of a new image, to view historical scan is complete, to accelerate the examination dimensional cutting, tissue cutting, etc.
images, control the scanning process, monitor process, for example, ADC, eADC, silhouette
-- Sending the image to print.
patient safety indicators (SAR, dB/dt). MIP and etc.
-- Time schedule display area: to display an -- In addition to the above examination workflows,
overview of the progress and the progress of the some special workflows can also be carried out in
current protocol. the examination interface, such as, physiological
gated scanning, breath-hold scanning, enhanced
scanning, large FOV shift-table scanning.
-- SE: Spine echo sequence. Single-echo, Double- images. -- CEMRA: 2D/3D contrast enhanced magnetic multiple b-value DWI and excellent for head
echo, and Multi-echo sequences which supports resonance angiography. Excellent for and body imaging when combined with ADC
-- MATRIX: 3D FSE sequence with modulated echo
IR ( Inversion Recovery) technique. angiography with contrast agent. ( Apparent Diffusion Coefficient) and eADC
(Exponential Apparent Diffusion Coefficient) post-
-- FSE: 2D/3D fast spin echo sequence. Excellent -- TOF: 2D/3D time of flight sequence for
-- SVS-PRESS: Single voxel spectroscopy imaging processing algorithm.
for high quality T2-weighted imaging with short TR angiography imaging, supports single-slab and
based on point resolved spectroscopy technique.
when combined with driven equilibrium technique; multiple-slabs excitation. -- BOLD: Blood oxygenation level dependent
excellent for STIR (Short Time Inversion -- SVS-STEAM: Single voxel spectroscopy imaging imaging. Analysis brain function and data
-- PC: 2D/3D phase contrast for angiography
Recovery), T1 & T2 FLAIR (Fluid Attenuated based on stimulated echo acquisition mode of activated brain region with respect to
Inversion Recovery) and RealIR (Real Inversion technique. susceptibility changes when changing levels of
Recovery ) contrast when combined with IR -- FACT: Fat analysis & calculation technique. blood and oxygen.
technique; excellent for flexible parameter setting -- GRE-SP: 2D/3D spoiled gradient echo sequence.
Following images can be obtained after
Double echo for in-phase and out-phase imaging. -- DTI: Diffusion tensor imaging. Excellent for
and average acquisition and partial average acquisition and calculation: water, fat, in-phase,
nerve fiber imaging and supports greater than
acquisition; support random acquisition and out-phase, FF(Fat Fraction) and R2*.
-- GRE-FSP: 2D/3D fast spoiled gradient echo 32-direction scan based on EPI-SE (echo planar
suppress motion artifacts when combined with
sequence. Excellent for single echo T1-weighted imaging based on spin echo).
uRADAR(Retrospective Abnormal Data Rejection) -- SWI: 2D/3D susceptibility weighted imaging
imaging e.g. abdominal breath-free imaging and
technique. sequence based on gradient echo sequence
cardiac imaging when combined with IR. -- PERFUSION: Perfusion imaging. Excellent
and full flow compensation. Enhance display of
for T2*-weighed imaging and high temporal
-- SSFSE: Single shot fast spin echo sequence, calcium and iron deposition, veins and cerebral
-- BSSFP: 2D/3D balance steady state free resolution brain tissue imaging when combining
supports STIR and FLAIR scan when combined microbleeds.
procession gradient echo sequence. Supports IR, EPI-FID (echo planar imaging based on free
with partial Fourier acquisition.
SR( Saturation Recovery ), FS (Fat Suppression) decay) and injecting intravenous bolus injections
-- uFreeR: Free radial acquisition. Improves image
-- ARMS: Acquisition and reconstruction for technique for cardiac imaging e.g. TI Scout, of susceptibility contrast agent.
quality by reducing motion artifact caused by
motion suppression. Enhance image quality and cardiac cine imaging.
physiological factors, such as respiration and
stability and reduce motion artifacts caused by cardiac motion.
-- QUICK: 2D/3D fast spoiled gradient echo
physiological factors, such as respiration and
sequence with fast fat sat technique. Double
cardiac motion, when applying radial acquisition -- EPI-FID: Echo planar imaging sequence based
echo for in-phase and out-phase imaging;
in k-space design. on free induction decay
Dynamic imaging can be achieved.
-- WFI: Water fat imaging based on FSE sequence -- EPI-SE: Echo planar imaging sequence based
-- GETI: 2D/3D gradient echo train imaging.
with multiple echoes at different echo times. on spin echo.
Excellent for high-resolution T2*-weighted
Following contrast can be obtained after once
orthopedic imaging. -- DWI: Diffusion weighted imaging. Supports
acquisition: water, fat ,in-phase and out-phase
-- Inversion recovery technique to obtain a variety -- To choose acquiring slice in order or staggered in -- Space pre-saturated technique, flow and motion -- Better fat saturation can be achieved by WFI
of contrast. the interface. artifact can be suppressed by RF saturation technique based on FSE sequence, with Multiple
pulse. images acquired, such as: water, fat, in-phase
• STIR: Short Time inversion recovery technique -- To select center or linear phase encoding
and out-phase.
for fat saturation. reordering in the interface. • Freedom saturation band: to set saturation
band as needed, up to 8, can be set in any -- Physiological signals trigger scanning technique,
• T1 FLAIR: Suppressing water signal while -- Variable receiver bandwidth, the bandwidth of
direction. through ECG, pulse, respiration signal to trigger
obtaining tissue of brain T1contrast. acquisition sequence can be freely adjusted.
the scan, to suppress the heartbeat, pulse, breath
• Parallel saturation band: at both ends of the
• T2 FLAIR: Suppressing water signal while -- By frequency-selective RF pulses to saturate fat and other physiological movement artifacts.
slice group, saturated cross-flat blood flow.
obtaining tissue of brain T2 contrast. and adjusting the pulse flip angle, it can control
-- Repeated breath-hold technique, 2D protocol
the degree of fat nulling. There are two modes • Track saturation band: Followed slice/layer to
• RealIR: Using IR pulse and reconstruction of of multiple acquisition is completed by multiple
available: powerful and weak fat saturation. saturate venous and/or arterial blood flow, to
the real part to increase the contrast of gray breath-hold.
carry out 2D/3D TOF MRA imaging.
and white matter. -- Fast fat saturation technique, it can carry out
-- FAST parallel acquisition technique.
multiple acquisition after once fat saturation pulse -- TONE (Tilted Optimized Non-saturation
• Dark blood: Inversion recovery technique to
to shorten the scan time. Excitation) technique, using space variable flip -- Rectangular view technique, to reduce the
suppress the signal of flow blood.
angle pulses to trigger layers, and the flip angle scanning time by reducing the number of phase
-- Water excitation technique, to selectively excite
• 3 IR: Technique that use STIR together with increases along the direction of blood flow, coding and getting a rectangular view, and
water signal by combined pulse to realize fat
dark blood, to suppress blood and fat signals at and the variable flip angle to compensate for meantime maintaining the high resolution.
the same time. saturation effects of the slow blood flow in 3D
-- Partial Fourier technique for partial K-space
-- Search frequency mode, the system automatically TOF to make the blood signal to be uniform.
-- Multi-slice and multi-angle technique can realize acquisition, to shorten the scanning time without
search the main frequency by fitting arithmetic, Thereby removing the edge artifacts of vascular
simultaneous acquisition in multiple slices and in effecting the image spatial resolution.
which includes fat search frequency and water connections of different layers.
different directions by the same sequence, which
search frequency, mainly for breast examination. -- Partial echo technique for partial echo acquisition,
can be applied in localizer image scanning or in -- Flow compensation technique, to use multiple
to shorten TE value.
transverse imaging of multi-spinal disc. -- Outside average technique can reduce the gradient optimization combination to get back the
movement and flow artifacts under the case of lost phase caused by the linear part of flow, to -- Clariview image filtering.
-- Radial slice positioning. reduce flow artifacts.
not increasing the scan time.
-- Variable reconstruction matrix.
Neuro Oncology
Neuro imaging is part of the clinical application -- DWI, can get high quality conventional head ARMS technique, in order to boost the stability of The application about oncology includes specifically
of uMR 570 system. This application developed diffusion weighted images, and to be with cerebral imaging. optimized scanning sequences, protocols and
specifically optimized sequences, protocols and automatic post-processing technique to obtain workflows. Including
-- Auto-shift table multi-step full spine imaging,
workflows for the neuro system scan. It developed the ADC and eADC diagram by automatically
large FOV spine imaging. -- STIR (highly sensitive for tumor) and GRE in-
specialized high-resolution and fast protocol calculation after scanning. This technology can
phase and out-phase protocols.
accordance with the patient's cooperation. It be used to detect acute and hyper acute cerebral -- High-resolution 3D imaging by SWI technique.
includes infarction. -- Dynamic imaging for localization and qualitative
-- Sacroiliac joint dynamic scanning protocol.
of the lesion.
-- Obtaining T1-weighted images with good contrast -- Based on SVS-PRESS and SVS-STEAM
sequence, MRS is able to measure metabolic -- To carry out T2*-weighted imaging by flow
of gray and white matter by SE sequence, and -- Body diffusion imaging.
substance in human body. compensation technique for the examination of
flow compensation technique to reduce the
the transverse of cervical vertebra, to increase -- QUICK presents an excellent fat saturation result
vascular pulsation artifact after the enhancement. -- High-resolution dynamic enhancement imaging is the contrast between cerebrospinal fluid and in dynamic contrast enhanced imaging.
-- Achieving high resolution and fast imaging by based on 3D QUICK sequence. spinal cord.
FSE sequence, and drive back to balance and -- MATRIX imaging is used to image internal -- MRI spinal angiography based on 3D single
flow compensation technique to increase the auditory meatus, optic nerve and other excitation FSE.
brightness of CSF. intracranial nerve. It can also be used to imaging
-- T2 FLAIR, to suppress CSF signal on the base brachial plexus and lumbosacral plexus.
of T2-weighted imaging to highlight parenchyma -- PERFUSION imaging,optimized protocol for
lesions in side of head. dynamic scanning is based on the EPI-FID.
-- T1 FLAIR, to suppress CSF signal on the base of -- BOLD Imaging, optimized protocol for the
T1-weighted imaging to increase gray and white dynamic scanning is based on EPI-FID, and to
matter contrast. be used for the studies of brain function imaging.
-- RealIR, based on fast spin-echo sequence, -- DTI,excellent for nerve fiber imaging and
using the inversion recovery pulse and the supports greater than 32-direction scan based on
reconstruction of real part to increase the contrast EPI-SE
of gray and white matter.
-- 3D T1 GRE-FSP with IR techinique isotropic
-- Optimized dynamic enhancement protocol for
volume imaging of all directions of the brain.
pituitary imaging.
-- Motion artifact is effectively suppressed using
Body Angiography
The application about body includes specifically provided to depress motion artifact. The application about vascular includes specifically • Bolus tracking workflow: 1. Carrying out fast
optimized scanning sequences, protocols and optimized scanning sequences, protocols and dynamic scanning by bolus tracking protocol
-- FACT is used to evaluate the severity of iron
workflows for body, used in chest, abdomen and workflows for vascular, to ensure fast and high- to generate dynamic image and ROI in the
deposition and to calculate the FF.
pelvis examination. Including resolution non-contrast enhanced vascular artery to acknowledge users the arriving time
-- BSSFP, can quickly obtain high-resolution images examination. Including of the contrast agent; 2. Center sorting CEMRA
-- Use breath-hold or respiration trigger technique
in the case of breath-hold or freedom breath, protocol obtains the contrast agent when the
to suppress motion artifact. -- Non-contrast enhanced angiography technique
which is compatible with fat saturation technique. protocol starts to avoid venous contamination;
includes TOF and PC.
-- Dual-echo and in-phase or out-phase T1- 3. To show the scan progress in the scan
-- Optimized T1-weighted and T2-weighted high- progress display area.
weighted imaging based on 2D GRE sequence. • 2D TOF and 3D TOF for arterial and venous
resolution scanning protocol which is specifically
imaging of head and neck vessels.
-- Carry out T1-weighted fast imaging under the for male and female pelvis cavity. • Bolus test workflow only needs small dose to
breath-hold or respiration trigger based on 2D • Tracking saturation band technique to suppress carry out bolus detection and help users to
-- Body diffusion imaging. decide bolus delay time.
GRE sequence. the interference of arterial or venous signals.
-- Obtain T2-weighted imaging under the breath- • Decrease the edge artifacts caused by flow • Auto-shift table workflow with special scanning
hold or respiration trigger based on FSE and saturation band and improve contrast SNR by sequence and high density receiver coil to
single excitation FSE. TONE pulse. achieve peripheral vessel imaging.
-- MRCP and MRU, thick slices breath-hold • Artery and vein scanning by 2D/3D PC. • Auto SUB and Auto MIP, the image
scanning based on single excitation FSE; or automatically silhouette before and after
• Fast vascular localizer image scanning based enhancement after scanning, and then
based on 3D FSE to complete high-resolution
on PC sequence. automatically MIP.
volume acquisition by respiration trigger
technique. • VENC PC based on PC sequence can be • Using silhouettes, MIP, VRT and SSD to display
easily adjusted in multiple directions. vessel.
-- Abdomen dynamic enhanced scan based on T1
3D QUICK sequence. • Abdominal NCEMRA is achieved with the
combination of 3D BSSFP sequence and IFIR
-- uSWIFT (Susceptibility Weighted Imaging with
(In-Flow Inversion Recovery) technique.
Fast Technique) based on 2D SWI is specifically
designed to boost the quality of abdominal -- Enhanced angiography technique.
susceptibility weighted imaging, with an
outstanding observation for veins, calcium and • Optimized three-dimensional fast spoiled
iron deposit. gradient echo sequence which was designed
for CEMRA, and the sequence techniques as
-- ARMS technique & uRADAR technique is FAST, partial echo, center sorting and etc. Can
be combined to ensure high contrast SNR, to
achieve fast acquisition.
The application about breast includes specifically Orthopedic joint application includes specifically Advanced cardiac imaging technique offers a full -- Supplementary function.
optimized scanning sequences, protocols and optimized scanning sequences, protocols and range of sequences for cardiac study. Including the
• Cardiac Shimming is specifically for cardiac
workflow for breast. Including workflow for the joint, and work with high-array coils follows
imaging, allowing duplication of previous
to obtain high quality orthopedic images. Including
-- T1, T2 high-resolution scanning protocol based -- Morphology. shimming area.
on FSE. -- Fat saturation or non-saturation T1, PD and T2
• Dark blood imaging is based on fast spin echo
-- High-resolution dynamic enhanced scan protocol high-resolution protocol based on 2D FSE.
and double inversion recovery to suppress
based on the sequence of 3D T1 QUICK with -- High-resolution fat saturation imaging based on blood signal.
uniform fat saturation. 3D T1 QUICK sequence.
• Bright blood imaging is based on BSSFP and
-- As for the greasy breast and silicone implants, -- High-resolution imaging based on BSSFP. GRE-FSP.
the system could automatically search the water
peak depending on the search frequency mode. -- GETI sequence for high resolution T2* weighted -- Myocardium perfusion.
orthopedic imaging
-- Workflow of Frequency confirmation, user can • Myocardium perfusion is achieved by T1
confirm the frequency before the scanning started. -- Outstanding performance of off-center and weighted dynamic perfusion technique based
large FOV fat saturation guarantees stable fat on GRE-FSP sequence with saturation
-- Breast diffusion imaging. saturation result at hip and shoulder imaging. recovery integration.
-- Auto SUB and Auto MIP, image automatically -- The degree of fat saturation could be adjusted in -- Cardiac function.
silhouette before and after enhancement after different clinical scenario.
scanning, and then automatically MIP. • This imaging technique is based on BSSFP
-- To observe the isotropic acquired data in different and GRE-FSP to capture cardiac movement,
-- Silhouette, MPR and MIP. directions by MPR. providing real time cardiac cine , prospective
cardiac cine and retrospective cardiac cine.
This technique also offers myocardium tagging,
and it is useful for systole observation.
-- Myocardial viability.
Scanning Room 1.5T magnet (Include gradient coil and RF) 212.2±0.5 150.6±0.3 221±1 5300
Supply power frequency and the floating tolerable range 50/60Hz; ±1Hz
Equipment Room 3.0 3.0 2.4 9.0 Equipment Room 3 3.5 2.8 10.5
Dear customers:
The product design, manufacturing and after-sales
service are based on the requirements of
ISO 13485, in compliance with all the applicable
medical device safety standards, e.g. EC60601-1
and EMC.
©2018 Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved
Edition ID: 88000044-MPD-DCE-01
No. 2258 Chengbei Rd, Jiading District, Shanghai, 201807
TEL: +86 (21) -67076888 FAX: +86 (21) -67076889