9a Holiday Homework
9a Holiday Homework
9a Holiday Homework
Subject-Social Science
✓ All the questions must be done in the most creative, accurate and innovative manner
✓ The activities must be done in the HOME WORK note book itself.
2. Name any 3 non farm activities that were performed by people in Palampur?
3. Why does India use a standard meridian? What is the standard meridian for India?
5. Why is that the northern plain the most populated and island is moderately
10.What are the modern tools and techniques used by the farmers now a days make.alist of it and
write about formal and non formal source of credit?
11.Make a manuscript: Take a broad leaf. Put it under a heavy book for ten days. On the leaf write
the preamble of the indian constitution?
12. make a political map of India and find out following places-
Class 9-A
Q1. Write the contribution of the following scientist in the study of the cell:
ØRobert hooke
ØRobert brown
Q4. Ice, water and steam are three states of a substance and not different
substances. Justify?
Q5. What are the main functions of each of the following components?
a) Plasma membrane
b) Mitochondria
c) Nucleus
d) Ribosomes
Q6. What are the different types of endoplasmic reticulum? Write the function
of each.
Q7. Name
Q9. Illustrate a plant cell as seen under electron microscope. How is it different
from animal cell?
Q10. Draw a displacement- time graph for a body moving with uniform
a) The acceleration
Q13. Velocity time graph for the motion of an object in a straight path is a
straight line parallel to the time axis.
Q15) Lysosomes are known as the suicide bag of the cell. Give reason?
Q17) with the help of a labelled diagram, describe in brief an activity to show
sublimation of ammonium chloride?
Q18) PISA BASED If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in
hypotonic solution, what among the following will take place? Explain the reason for
your answer.
(a) Both the cells will swell.
(b) RBC will burst easily while cells of onion peel will resist the bursting to
some extent.
(c) a and b both are correct.
(d) RBC and onion peel cells will behave similarly.
Q19) compare in tabular form the properties of solids, liquids and gases with
respect to
i) Shape
ii) Volume
iii) Compressibility
iv) Diffusion
v) Fluidity or rigidity
The boiling point of water is 100OC under atmospheric pressure. Convert this
temperature in SI units.
Q22) Observe the apparatus given in page 22 fig.2.10 and answer the
following questions:
Q23) A bus travels a distance 120km with a speed of 40km/hr and returns
with a speed of 30km/h. calculate the average speed for the entire journey.
1 mark Q3. Draw velocity- time graph, when an object has uniformly
accelerated velocity
Q5.Give reasons:-
2 mark
a) why do we feel comfortable under a fan when we are perspiring?
b)Why do wet clothes dry quickly in the sun than in the shade?
Q6. A bus decreases its speed from 80Km/hr to 60 Km/h in 5 s. find the
acceleration of the bus?
2 mark
Q7. Why are lysosomes known as the “suicide bag of the cell”?
2 Mark
Q8. Explain interconversion of three states of matter with thehelp of
flow chart. Name the process of each conversion?
Q9-(PISA BASED) The given graph shows the heating curve for a pure
substance. The temperature rises with time as the substance is heated :
1. What is the physical state of the substance at the points A, B, C and D ?
2. What is the melting point of the substance ?
3. What is its boiling point ?
4. What happens to the temperature while the substance is changing state ?
5. The substance is not water. How can you judge from the graph ?
Q10.( PISA BASED) The diagram shows an experiment in which gases
hydrogen and carbon dioxide are placed in two jars as shown in the
figure. If the lid separating the two jars be removed, what will the
constituents in the gas jar A after a few minutes ?
1) Intermolecular attraction
2) Density
a) Force of attraction
b) Density
I) 1/3 & ½
II) -2 & 0
I) 7/20
II) 2/13
III) 23/7
IV) 133/125
I) 0 . ͞6 (Bar 6)
III) 3. ͞7 (Bar 7)
II) (3+√5)-√5
VI) 1.101001000.......
Q.06- Rationalise
I) √5 / √3+√2
III) 4 / √7+√3
I) (√2+2)2
III) (√2+√3)2
कक्षा -9 संस्कृत
1- पढ़ाएगएप़ाठ क
ों ीपुनऱावृतिकरऩाहै
2- पढ़ाएगएप़ाठ क
ों ़ाप्रश्न त्तरपूर्णकरऩाहै
3-व्य़ाकरर्केअोंिगणिवर्णम़ाल़ातलखऩाहै िथ़ाउच्च़ारर्स्थ़ानि़ातलक़ाबऩाऩाहै
4- 5 पेजसुलेखसोंस्कृिमेंतलखऩाहै
5- स्वर्णक़ारक़ाप़ाठक़ास़ाऱाोंशतहों दीमेंतलखऩाहै !
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