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Reg Num. 16.1300.040
A Thesis
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Alhamdulillah, first of all the researcher would like to say a lot of thanks to
Allah SWT for guidance, who has given the writer his mercy, blessing, and a chance
so that the writer could finish this skripsi. Shalawat and salam to our beloved prophet
Muhammad saw as the last messenger of Allah swt. who has brought us from the
darkness to the brightness with Islamic religion.
The researcher realizes that in the process of completing this skripsi, she has
received much support and help from many people. Therefore, the researcher would
like to express sincere gratitude to her beloved parents Jafar Minhad and Sartiani
Nala who are always praying for her success. They make her realize to keep going,
they inspire her to keep working hard and not to give up easily. They are her
inspiration to be strong to overcome every obstacle that she finds when she is
given the researcher careful guidance, valuable advice and helpful correction from the
beginning of the final project writing until it was accomplished. Thanks for helping
The researcher also would like to express her genuine gratitude to:
1. Dr. Ahmad Sultra Rustan, M.Si. The Rector of State Islamic Institute (IAIN)
2. Dr. H. Saepudin, S.Pd. as the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty for his permission to
3. Mujahidah, M.Pd. as the chairman of English Program who has given her
4. Drs. Amzah, M.Pd. as an Academic Advisor who has given advice and
5. The lecturers and the staff who have taught and educated the researcher
during his study in this greet campus. Thanks for their knowledge, advice, and
motivation that they had given to the researcher during her study in this greet
7. Her sweetest gratitude goes to her beloved family for her grandmother, her
aunts, her uncles and her siblings who always support the researcher with
their unique ways and for all of her family. Thanks a lot for all their loves,
8. For her best friends strong woman Wulan, Wanda Hamida, Isma Yunita,
Ulfayanti, Yunarsi, Salmawati, Lismayanti Puspita Sari, Siti Hasnizan,
Aliyyah Fajriani who have always been in the researcher’s side in facing all
laughter and tears during her study, always giving help, support, inspiration
and advice to her, always work together, walked together and fight together
to finish this skripsi. Thanks for being her best friends and thanks so much for
9. For her classmate T302 who has given the researcher wonderful experience
made the researcher know the meaning of togetherness during the process of
learning. Thanks for giving support and being her good friends nice to meet
10. To all people whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their
Finally, the researcher admits that her research is still far from being perfect.
Therefore she hopes for some suggestions and criticism from the reader for this
paper. The researcher hopes this research paper can provide benefits for everyone and
can contribute in education.
Resky Yuniarti J
The writer who signed the declaration below:
Faculty : Tarbiyah
Stated this thesis was her own writing and if it can be proved that it was
copied, duplicate or complied by any other people, this thesis and the degree that has
Resky Yuniarti J
This study mainly describes the generic structure in descriptive text made by
the tenth grade students of SMAN 3 Parepare. This study has three objectives; they
are to analyze students’ ability in writing descriptive, to identify students’ error in
writing descriptive text based on generic structure, and to identify the difference
ability of students based on gender in writing descriptive text at the tenth grade of
SMAN 3 Parepare.
The writer used a quantitative descriptive design to describe and analyze the
data taken from 30 texts made by students. There are 30 samples from 155
populations. The researcher used a test method for collecting the data.
After getting result, the writer concludes that students in the category generic
structure analysis generally are identification, from 30 students there is only 1 student
still not understanding about identification in the descriptive text and there is only 1
student still not understanding about description paragraph in the descriptive text.
Students in the category generic structure of content are; there are 14 students who
got score 4 (46,7%), there are 11 students who got score 3 (36,7%), and 5 students
who got score 2 (16,7%). The students’ error analysis in writing descriptive text are,
a) the students confused to analyze identification and description, b) the students
write descriptive text only to explain the information about the topic in general.
Students at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Parepare have different abilities based on
gender. The percentage of male students are 20% and female 73.3%, the result show
that female students obtained a higher score than male students. The researcher
concluded that from 30 students, the total number was obtained (99) with percentage
(82,5%). The result of the data analysis of students’ ability in writing descriptive text
at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Parepare was categorized into excellent.
Keywords: Writing, Descriptive text, Generic Structure.
COVER ............................................................................................................... i
PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................................................ ii
SUBMISSION PAGE ......................................................................................... iii
ENDORSEMENT OF CONSULTANT COMMISSIONS ................................ iv
APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT COMMISSIONS ......................................... v
ENDORSEMENT OF EXAMINER COMMISSIONS ...................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xi
TABLES OF CONTENT .................................................................................... xii
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xiv
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 1
A. Background ............................................................... 1
B. Research Questions ................................................... 4
C. Objective of the Research ......................................... 4
D. Significance of the Research ..................................... 4
A. Previous Related Research Findings ......................... 6
B. Some Pertinent Ideas ................................................. 8
C. Conceptual Framework ............................................. 25
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD.................................................. 26
A. Research Design ........................................................ 26
B. Location of the Research........................................... 26
C. Population and Sample.............................................. 26
D. Instrument of the Research........................................ 27
E. Technique of Collecting Data ................................... 27
F. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................... 28
CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ....................................... 30
A. Findings ..................................................................... 30
B. Discussion ................................................................. 41
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................... 47
A. Conclusion................................................................. 47
B. Suggestion ................................................................. 48
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... I
APPENDICES..................................................................................................... IV
Number of
The Tittle of Tables Pages
1. Research Instrument
3. Research Allowance
4. Documentation
5. Curriculum Vitae
A. Background
In English language, there are four skills to be mastered. There are listening,
speaking, reading and writing. In this section, the writer focuses on writing skill.
Writing is one of the language skills that should be taught besides the other skills.
Writing is regarded as a productive skill that aims at assisting students in expressing
and creativity in writing. If learners have mastered these skills, they will be able to
write so that not only they can read what they have written, but other speakers of that
informational literacy level which is the level where students are expected to be able
to use language to access knowledge; the skill in understanding and creating various
texts and monologues particularly in form of procedure, descriptive, recount, and etc.
It means that the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are
In writing skill, there are some kinds of text that will be learned by the
students, there are narrative text, recount text, news item, procedure text, descriptive
text, report text, analytical exposition, spoof text, hortatory exposition, explanation
text, discussion text, review text, and anecdote text. From several kinds of text above,
is a paragraph in which a writer tries to picture out an object to his readers, its object
can be anything, either a concrete object or an abstract object. 1 The descriptive text is
usually in simple present tense. It is necessary for the teacher to make teaching and
learning writing descriptive text more interesting. In daily life we usually use
descriptive to describe something. For example when the people want to visit a place
and ask other people then the other people explain about the place by mentioning the
characteristics of the place in detail so the people can imagine and know the place. It
in writing skills. There are several types of writing that are taught from junior high
school, one of them is descriptive text where there are students who have good skill
in writing descriptive and some of them can’t write descriptive text with correct
generic structure.
communicate an idea in text form, but most of the students have not been able to
write well even in a simple paragraph. Based on small talk with several students of
SMAN 3 Parepare, some of them said that they find it difficult to write descriptive
descriptive text based on its generic structure. The generic structure is arranged or
stages in making the descriptive text in order to have a good structure. According to
Paltridg, Generic Structure is a general form of a genre, each genre has its own
Sanggam Siahaan, and Kisno Shinoda, The English Paragraph. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu,
2008. P. 119
generic structure. It describes the structure of text based on its internal patterning of
writing descriptive texts, they analyzed all aspects in a text such as grammar,
mechanics, vocabulary, organization, content, and others. But this research only
focuses on analyzing the generic structure of text. When viewed from the generic
structure of a text, it is very important to see that the first thing to do before writing a
text is to look at the generic structure of the text. The generic structure is very
important in writing a text. To know the type of a text, the first thing to see is the
generic structure, because each text has a different generic structure. Therefore, the
generic structure of the text is the first thing to be implemented when writing
is very important to analyze students 'ability in writing a text with focus on generic
text, the author is interested in conducting research that aims to analyze and focus on
with the title “An Analysis of Students Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Based on
Brian Paltridge, language learning classroom Brian Paltridge. 50 July, 1996, p. 237
Graham Lock, Functional English Grammar: An Introduction for Second Language
Teachers. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Its Generic Structure at The Tenth Grade of Senior High School (SMAN 3
B. Research Question
1. How are the students’ ability in writing descriptive text at the tenth grade of
SMAN 3 Parepare?
2. How are the students’ error in writing descriptive text based on generic
SMAN 3 Parepare.
The significance of the research is dividing into two benefits for a theory and
1. Theoretically Significance
2. Practically Significance
for the students will be useful for developing students’ ability in writing and
Previous findings are used to support the argument in this research. Besides, it
is also used as reference and comparison to other research. There have been some
Writing Descriptive Text Based On Its Generic Structure At The Tenth Grade Student
Of Vocational High School” said that most of the students’ paragraphs are well
organized. Meanwhile, the other students could not make it properly, because they
were still confused and could not distinguish the differences between descriptive text
and report text. Based on the data analysis, the researchers found 15 or 45 % students
created the descriptive text and 18 or 55 % students created the report text. It showed
generic structure was good. Where, in the category generic structure analysis are
identification (96%) and description (100%). And students in the category generic
structure of content are the first, students got score 4 when Identification is complete and
description is arranged with proper connectives. There are 10 students. The second,
Novia Sartika and Mochamad Nurdin, “Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text Based
On Its Generic Structure At The Tenth Grade Student Of Vocational High School” professional jurnal
of English education, Volume 2, No. 4, July 2019, p. 436-441
Student got score 3 when Identification is almost complete and descriptions are arranged
with almost proper connective. There are 11 students. Third, Students got score 2 when
Identification is not complete and descriptions are arranged with view misuse of
connectives. There are 4 students. And the last, Students got score 1 when Identification
is not complete and descriptions are arranged with misuse of connectives. There are 0 (no
one) student. The problems faced by the students in writing descriptive text are, a) the
placed descriptions in the identification. b) Some of them resign sentences that are not
really important. c) There was an obstacle in synchronizing the title and the support
Descriptive Text at The Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 11 Jambi Academic Year
2017/2018”, said that students ability in descriptive text was Good. This could be
seen from the students’ ability in writing descriptive text was categorized 18 students
concluded that the students’ ability in writing descriptive text at the tenth grade
Lisna Oktavia, “An Analysis Of Students’ Mastery In Descriptive Texts” (Unpublished
Skripsi of IAIN Salatiga, 2017)
Prasetyo Hariadi ; Wennita; Nurul Fitri, “An Analysis of Student’s Ability In Writing
Descriptive Text at The Tenth Grade of SMAN 11 Jambi Academic Year 2017/2018” (Journal of
English Language Teaching, vol 2. No.2, 2018).
descriptive text in term generic structure of the text, the research above use the test as
their instrument likewise the researcher. The difference is, in this research will use
ability in writing descriptive text based on generic structure of the text at the tenth grade
of SMAN 3 Parepare.
1. The Concept of Writing
writing, they are the definition of writing, the importance of teaching writing,
the writing process, the objective of writing, and also the types of writing.
a. Definition of Writing
Writing is one of the language skills and productive skills that will
learning native language; they will meet all of the learning problems
think about the fact of composing a piece of text. There are two types of
writing letters.4
to know the topic and finds some information about the topic. Raimes
declares that writing is a skill in which we express the ideas, feelings, and
suitable learning method. For a teacher who has eclectic character, writing
gives physical and activity changes and throws the boredom from
Widodo Hami, Improving Studentsʼ Ability in Writing Descriptive text. Through Wholesome
Scattering Game (Unpublished Thesis: IAIN Walisongo,2011),p.7.
Imelda Wardani, et al, Improving the Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Through Guided-
Questions Technique, e-journal of English language teaching society, Vol.2, No.1,2014
Adrian Wallwork, English for Writing Research Papers, (NewYork: Springer
Science+Business Media, 2011) P.4
distinguished from other skills as the most difficult one. There are many
understand the text. Because of that, writing is not easy. It needs hard
There are many reasons for getting students to write, both in and
out of the class. Firstly, writing gives them more ‘thinking time’ than they
get when they attempt spontaneous conversation. This allows them more
whether they are involved in study or activation. The reasons for teaching
M. Akmansyah Teknik Pengajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa. Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, (Vol.2,No.1,2011).
1) Reinforcement
but most of us benefit greatly from seeing the language written down.
studied it.
2) Language Development
language just by looking and listening. For the rest of us, it may take a
little longer. For many learners, the time to think things through, to
4) Writing as a Skill
listening and reading. Students need to know how to write letters, how
produce something in its final written form. This process may, of course,
computer, word files, etc.). There are stages in the writing process:
Prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing.
1) Prewriting
task, gathering material, and planning the first draft. Prewriting can
help you find a topic and test it by seeing how well it holds up under
development. It also helps you generate ideas and allows you to see the
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English: an Introduction to the Practice of English Language
Teaching (England : Addision Wesley Longman, 1998), p. 79-80.
2) Drafting
some kind of order and to envision a potential shape for the work you
writer. “it is an advantage writers can all have if they revise and
rewrite before they present their work to the reader. The professional
Donald Pharrand SantiV. Buscemi, Writing Today Brief edition, (New York: McGraw- Hill
Companies, Inc, 2005), p.29
Robert Scholes and Nancy R. Comley, The Practice of Writing, (Newyork: ST. Martin’s
Press, 1985), p.18-19.
Robert Scholes and Nancy R. Comley, The Practice of Writing, (Newyork: ST. Martin’s
Press, 1985), p. 19
between one author and another have different purposes. In the writing
to Martha Heasly Cox, writing has four purposes. They are to inform, to
amuse, to satirize, and to persuade.13
e. Types of Writing
text, recount text, news items, procedure text, descriptive text, report text,
John Langan, College Writing Skills with Readings Fifth Edition (New York: McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc, 2001), P.36
Martha Heasley Cox, Writing Form Process Purpose, (San Fransisco: Chandler Publishing
Company, 1962), P.261-330.
1) Narrative text
3) News Item
newsworthy or important.
4) Procedure text
5) Descriptive text
or thing.
6) Report text
8) Spoof text
past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is
9) Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory Exposition is a type of English text that influences
present and influence the readers that should be so, and should not be.
From the kinds of text above, the writer chooses the descriptive
Inda Susanti, Improving Student’s Ability At Writing Descriptive Text By Using The
Learning Cell Learning Strategy At The First Year Of Mts Yayasan Islamiyah Medan,(Unpublished
Skripsi UIN-SU Medan, 2017).
an essay considerably.16
Alice Oshima. & Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing (2 nd Edition). New York:
Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 1997
Ade Pratiwi, Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Descriptive Text At The First Grade of
SMAN 3 Parepare By Using Picture Strip Stort, (Unpublished Skripsi IAIN Parepare, 2019)
attention and makes him/her read the text until the tip.17 It means that the
before describe.
Every writing form has its purposes. Descriptive has its own
1) To see, means to help the reader to see the objects, persons, and
Magdahalena Tjalla, Mansur Akil, Arifuddin Hamra, and Haryanto Atmowardoyo.
Academic Writing For University Students (Makassar, 2017), P. 14.
Andrew W. Hart and James A. Reinking, Writing for Career Education Students: Third
Edition, (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986), P. 124.
how its processes are more complex and beautiful than non observers
can realize.19
c. The Criteria for Good Description
are describing. So when the students describe what a person looks like, the
hair color. There are two keys to writing a good description. The first key
from top to bottom of left to right. For example, when they describe a
person, they could start with the person’s feet. They could describe a room
from left to right or form right to left. Imagine that they are standing at the
doorway and write about each part of the room in order, moving from the
left side of the room around to the right side, and ending at the doorway
again. The second key to write a good description is to use specific details.
When students describe something, they paint a picture with words. The
goal is to make the reader see what they have described. The way to do
Fred D. White, The Writer’s Art, (California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1986),
this is to use many specific details, specific means exact, precise. The
more specific they can do, make the readers can see what they are
a good writing the writers could master in two keys namely space order
wherein describe something you can describe from bottom to left or left to
right and specific detail wherein describe something you can use words to
explain about the picture so the readers will imagine the form of picture
support the information including the text. Knapp and Watkins declare
3) Action verbs are used when describing behaviors or uses, i.e. the
Karend Blanchard and Christina Root, Ready to Write, (Longman: Pearson Education,
2003), P. 70
of a noun group, i.e. turtles are covered with a hard, box-like shell.
Peter Knapp and Morgan Watkins, Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and
Assessing Writing. (Sydney: University of South Wales Press Ltd, 2005) p. 98-100
Palridge, Genre, text type, and the language learning classroom. (Oxford university press.
1996). P. 238
text, there are some generic structures for our writing to be true. The
arrangement is:
1) Identification
Palridge, Genre, text type, and the language learning classroom. (Oxford university press.
1996). P. 239
Palridge, Genre, text type, and the language learning classroom. (Oxford university press.
1996). P. 241
Lilis Setiasih Dadi, How To Write A Short Essay In English Academic Writing.( Bandung:
Alfabeta. 2015). P. 25
Pardiyono, Sure You Can! The Magical Write to Speak and Write in English. (Yogyakarta:
Andi Offset. 2013). P.44
2) Description
Description describes parts, qualities, and characteristics.
description are:
Lilis Setiasih Dadi, How To Write A Short Essay In English Academic Writing.( Bandung:
Alfabeta. 2015). P. 25
Pardiyono, Sure You Can! The Magical Write to Speak and Write in English. (Yogyakarta:
Andi Offset. 2013). P.44
C. Conceptual Framework
following diagram :
Writing Text
Descriptive Text
Identification Description
types; there are narrative text, recount text, news item, procedure text, descriptive
text, report text, analytical exposition, spoof text, hortatory exposition, explanation
text, discussion text, review text, and anecdote text. In this research, the researcher
used descriptive text. The researcher will use a writing test about descriptive text and
then identify the generic structure of the text and find students’ ability in writing
A. Research Design
approach. A description research design can use a wide variety of research methods
them. The researcher identify the students ability in writing descriptive text and then
The location of this research took a place at SMAN 3 Parepare and focused on
the tenth grade students. It is located on Jl. Pendidikan bukit harapan, soreang. The
Parepare in the academic year 2020/2021. The population numbers are 155 in six
classes. The researcher took the sample from students who have learned about
descriptive text.
number of students where 15 male and 15 female as the sample in this research to
Instrument is a tool to collect, measure and analyze data related to the subject.
These tools are most commonly used in health sciences, social science and education
The instrument in this research is a writing test. The researcher tests the
respondents to know the extent of their ability in writing descriptive text. The text is
writing into paragraphs descriptive with organized generic structure of descriptive
text. After the data collected, the researcher identified students’ ability in writing
descriptive text. Test is a series of questions or exercises that are used to measure the
are several kinds of test instruments in data collection, including: Personality tests,
aptitude test, achievement test, and test attitude. Here the researcher used an
limits her study. This study focuses only on the discussion of generic structure in
descriptive text.
To collect data in this research, the researcher used a writing test. Here the
researcher used a writing test of descriptive text where students wrote the description
of people. The test given to students through online group learning at the tenth grade
Ridwan, Skala Pengukuran Variable-Variable Penelitian. P.30
identified by the researcher based on generic structure of descriptive text and then the
researcher determined the score for the text in order to know the students’
3. Student got score 2 when Identification is not complete and description are
arranged with view misuse of connectives.
4. Student got score 1 when Identification is not complete and description are
1. Categorizing
In this activity the writer categorizes text based on the type of generic
structure of descriptive text. After the stage writing test, the writer classifies
H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. San
Francisco: Longman. (2004).
text passages descriptive text into a generic structure to represent the extent to
which students are able to understand the text according to the generic
2. Percentaging
P = the percentage
N = number of cases
Anas Sujiono. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali Press)
information about the result of data collected through the writing test that can be
A. Findings
To find out the result of this research, the researcher has done in giving a
writing test to the students at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Parepare which consist of
forty students.
After the data collecting, the writer reads and learns the descriptive text one
by one then the writer analyzes the text based on paragraph identification and
description of the descriptive text and then gives a score on the student’s result. The
whether the students wrote generic structure stages completely or not. The
Identification 29
Description 29
writing descriptive text at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Parepare” is, here the
accumulation as follow :
tittle “My Love Teacher”. Student did not give explanation with
write My mother always gives me full affection everyday she always cares
for me or at home or outside the house but sometimes I disappoint her but
with that feeling or disappointment I will return it with happiness. Student
only tells about his mothers’ love for him. The student did not describe his
mother for specific such as telling the characteristic of his mother. The
From the percentage above, it can be seen that almost all students
understand about generic structure descriptive text, although there are some
students who write descriptive text not completed the identification and
description paragraph in the text. There is 1 student who does not understand
Score 4 3 2 1
Students 14 11 5 0
is 46,7%
are arranged with almost proper connective. There are 11 students. The
percentage is 36,7%
3) Student got score 2 when identification is not complete and description are
percentage is 16,7%
4) Student got score 1 when identification is not complete and description are
is 0%
After the researcher analyzed the overall data obtained, the researcher
concluded that from 30 students where there were 15 male and 15 female, the
total number was obtained (99) with percentage (82,5%). Thus, the
In order to answer the second research question “How are the students’
error in writing descriptive text based on generic structure at the tenth grade of
problems, as follows :
1) Student – 12
My Friend Ananda Tittle
2) Student – 13
identification paragraph.
3) Student – 15
b. Some of them write descriptive text only to explain the information about
the topic in general. They should explain the characteristics of the topic in
1) Student – 01
Mother has always given love to me since I was little and until
Description now she is a tough and great woman because she never gives
My Mom Tittle
Mother is the person who has the most merit in this life. She
specifically. Student only tell about mother in general. So that the description
that his students are happy with him even though he is a math
teacher, I am still happy and excited about studying during his
subject hours.
My Mother Tittle
specifically. Student only tell about mother Candrawati in general. So that the
description in this text is not complete.
5) student – 17 Name?
and the description paragraph only tell about mother in general because there
are not name in this text. So that the description in this text is not complete.
6) Student – 13
In description paragraph, the underline one only tell about the writer
and friend Rafi Aryan. The writer does not describe about his friend Rafi
unique she is able to joke to her students so that they don’t get
In the description paragraph, student only tells the teacher Mrs. Husni
when teaching in the class, the student does not describe specifically about
8) Student – 11
teased him.
Syukur Tuo specifically. So that the description in this text is not complete.
9) Student – 29
Noval really likes to hangout with good friends and also noval
he doesn’t know.
Noval Saputra specifically. So that the description in this text is not complete.
10) Student – 28
environment around.
In description paragraph, student does not describe about his friend
in this text, the student only tell about parents in general. So that identification
12) Student – 20
In this text explain about teacher, but name of teacher not mentioned
in this text, the student only tell about parents in general. So that identification
They should only describe about people specifically with mention the name of
based on gender with score and percentage in the table 4.3 below:
Muhammad Saibani Wiyanto and Panji Wisnu Asmorobangun, Gender Differences of
Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text. Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, (Vol.8,
No.2,2020). P.154.
4 3 2 1
female, female students obtained a higher score than male students in writing
descriptive text. It can be seen from the result of the answer in writing
descriptive text with analyzing the generic structure, where the number of
male students who obtained score 4 was 3 students with a percentage of 20%
while the number of female students who obtained score 4 was 11 students
with a percentage of 73.3%. From the percentage, female students at the tenth
grade of SMAN 3 Parepare have good ability and more understanding about
descriptive text than male students. It can be concluded that students at the
tenth grade of SMAN 3 Parepare have difference ability between male and
B. Discussion
ability in writing descriptive text. Based on the theory that states in the background,
analyzing students’ text is very important to do because it can help English teachers
to find out the students’ ability and difficulty in writing.36 So the researcher does this
research at SMAN 3 Parepare at the tenth grade student. The researcher take 30
Graham Lock, Functional English Grammar: An Introduction for Second Language
Teachers. (Cambridge University Press, 1996).
students as the sample from 155 populations, where 15 male and 15 female. The
researcher deliberately balances between the number of male and female because the
researcher wants to identify the difference ability in writing descriptive text between
gender at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Parepare the researcher wants to identify the
students’ ability in writing descriptive text. This research was started on January 19 th
2021. In this research, researcher used a qualitative approach with content analysis
research. The procedure of test is students write the descriptive text with a
predetermined topic about people (Friend/Teacher/Parents) the student choose one
topic as the title. At the format of writing test, the researcher has determined the place
identification, student only can write one paragraph. Because in general, there is only
one identification paragraph and in description paragraph, student can write one or
more paragraph. Because in general, description paragraph can more than one. The
test shared to the students via whatsapp. There are some obstacles that researcher find
when share the test. Some of student did not reply the researcher message, they only
read the message but the researcher always contact the student until the student replay
the message. Another problem is student forgot to send the answer sheet to the
To collecting the data the researcher take more than two weeks. After the data
is collected, the next step is the researcher gives a score to the answer sheet of
students. According to writing rubric assessment by brown, student got score 4 when
Student got score 3 when Identification is almost complete and descriptions are
arranged with almost proper connective. Student got score 2 when Identification is
not complete and description are arranged with view misuse of connectives. Student
got score 1 when Identification is not complete and description are arranged with
misuse of connectives.37
After scoring the students’ result, the researcher analyzed the generic structure
of the text that is identification and description. In the identification paragraph, from
30 students there is only 1 student still not understanding about identification in the
descriptive text. While in the description paragraph, from 30 students there is only 1
student still not understanding about description in the descriptive text. After
analyzing the generic structure of descriptive text, the researcher made an entire
complete and description are arranged with proper connectives. There are 14 students.
complete and description are arranged with almost proper connective. There are 11
students. The percentage is (36,7%). Student got score 2 when identification is not
complete and description are arranged with view misuse of connectives. There are 5
students. The percentage is (16,7%). Student got score 1 when identification is not
complete and description are arranged with misuse of connectives. There are 0
the category generic structure, she found the identification (96%) and description
H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. San
Francisco: Longman. (2004).
Lisna Oktavia, “An Analysis Of Students’ Mastery In Descriptive Texts” (Unpublished
Skripsi of IAIN Salatiga, 2017)
(100%). Students in the category generic structure of content, there are 10 students
got 4 scores, there are 11 students got 3 scores, there are 4 students got 2 scores, and
Compared with the result of this research, analysis of generic structure from
both of these research almost all students can make identification and description
paragraphs but the differences are in the description part. Where in this research there
is one student still not understanding in writing description paragraph while in the
previous research all students can make description paragraph, it means that the
journal of English education, they found 10 or 30% students created the paragraphs of
descriptive text properly based on its generic structure and 5 or 15% students could
not apply it properly. 39 From their research, student still not understand about generic
structure of descriptive text. Some students only write report text. Actually, in this
research also have same problem, but this research did not analyzed report text of
students, the researcher only give explanation about students result and show the
Novia Sartika and Mochamad Nurdin, “Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text Based
On Its Generic Structure At The Tenth Grade Student Of Vocational High School ” professional jurnal
of English education, Volume 2, No. 4, July 2019, p. 436-441
unsatisfactory and there were no student who categorized failed.40 Prasetyo Hariyadi
categorized the students result into five; good, excellent, satisfactory, unsatisfactory,
and failed. While in this research categorized students result into excellent, very
good, good, fair, and poor. From his research, students ability are categorized into
good level. While in this research, students ability are categorized into excellent level.
This research also identifies the students’ error in writing descriptive text.
Based on the task that students had done the writer found out some problems that are;
students confused at the placement of identification and description. Sometimes they
placed identification sentence inside the description paragraph and also description
sentence inside identification paragraph. Students still do not understand the
write descriptive text only to explain the information about the topic in general. They
The previous research also identifies the problem faced by students in writing
descriptive text. The first is the students confused to analyze identification and
description. This is similar with that found in this research. The second is some of
them resign sentences that are not really important. The third is there was an obstacle
in synchronizing the tittle and the support sentences. And the last is unrelated topic
and content. Compared with the error analysis of this research, the previous research
conducted by Lisna Octavia has more problems in writing descriptive text than this
Prasetyo Hariadi ; Wennita; Nurul Fitri, “An Analysis of Student’s Ability In Writing
Descriptive Text at The Tenth Grade of SMAN 11 Jambi Academic Year 2017/2018” (Journal of
English Language Teaching, vol 2. No.2, 2018).
students in writing descriptive text based on gender. Based on the result of students’
scores, from 30 students where 15 male and 15 female, female students obtained a
higher score than male students in writing descriptive text. It can be seen from the
result of the answer in writing descriptive text with analyzing the generic structure
where there are 11 males got 4 score, 8 females get 3 score, 4 females got 2 score and
there is no females got 1 score. In male score, there are 3 males get 4 score, 8 males
got 3 score, 4 males got 2 score and there is no male got 1 score. It can be concluded
that students at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Parepare have difference ability between
male and female. In previous research, did not identify students’ ability in writing
descriptive text based on gender. It is become the difference between this research
and the previous research that was explained before. Actually in learning, male and
female students have the same ability, but every student have different style in
learning, so of course they have different ability. The researcher hope this research
can be reference for the teachers in teaching writing in the class by paying attention to
the different abilities of male and female students so that the teacher can applied a
suitable strategy to the students.
As a conclusion in this discussion, the researcher found the total score number
of students after the researcher analyzed the overall data obtained, the researcher
concluded that students’ ability in writing descriptive text was categorized into
A. Conclusion
After the writer analyzed the data in chapter IV the writer conclude:
1. How are the students’ ability in writing descriptive text at the tenth grade of
SMAN 3 Parepare.
a. In general, most students can make descriptive text with a correct generic
there are 14 students who got score 4 with percentage 46,7%, there are 11
students who got score 3 with percentage 36,7%, there are 5 students who
got score 2 with percentage 16,7% and there is 0 student who get score 1.
percentage (82,5%). The result of the data analysis was that students’ ability
2. How are the students’ error in writing descriptive text based on generic
identification paragraph.
b. The students write descriptive text only to explain the information about
the topic in general. They should explain the characteristic of the topic in
3. In identifying the different ability of students based on gender, from 30
result of the answer in writing descriptive text with analyzing the generic
Parepare have good ability and more understanding about descriptive text than
male students.
B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the writer proposes the following suggestion
to the teacher, students and the other writers who are interested in studying writing
1. To the teacher
writing class.
2. To the students
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Resky Yuniarti J, the writer was born on maret 30th 1999 in
In the same year she continued her study at SMKN 2 Luwu Timur focused on
Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) and graduated on 2016. After graduated,
she decided to continued her study at State Islamic Collage (STAIN) Parepare, but
now become State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. She took Tarbiyah Faculty and
focused on English Education Program. She completed her skripsi on 2021 with the
tittle “An Analysis of Students Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Based on Its