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(Journal of Chemical Education Innovation)
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The Influence of Webblog Media Using the Problem Based Learning

Model on Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes on
Thermochemical Material
Ester Muliana Marpaung1*,Marham Sitorus2

Medan State University, Medan, Chemistry Education Study Program

*Email:[email protected]

Abstract: This research aims to determine the influence of webblog media using the problem based learning
model on student motivation and learning outcomes on thermochemical material. This research
was conducted at SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan in the 2023/2024 academic year. Sample
determination was carried out using a purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 2
classes, namely class XI-Matlanko 2 as an experimental class (30 students) which was taught
using Webblog media and class The instruments used are test instruments to measure learning
outcomes and non-test instruments to measure learning motivation. The results of this research
indicate that there is an influence of using a webblog using a problem based learning model on
student learning motivation by testing the sig hypothesis. 0.00 < α (0.05) and there is also an
influence of using a webblog using the problem based learning model on student learning
motivation with hypothesis testing sig. 0.00 < α (0.05). Apart from that, there is a correlation
between learning motivation and student learning outcomes who are taught using weblog media
using the problem based learning model with sig. 0.00 < α (0.05) and Pearson correlation 0.953
with the high category.
Keywords:Weblog, Problem Based Learning, Motivation, Learning Outcomes, Thermochemistry

INTRODUCTION country's progress. In other words, the

progress of a country can be seen from the
Education is a means for humans to
quality of education in that country.
develop their potential through the learning
Indonesia is a country that really cares about
process they gain. In the 1945 Constitution,
the implementation of education. Various
Article 31 Paragraph 1, it is stated that:
efforts have been made by the government to
"every citizen has the right to education"
ensure the continuity of education for the
(Fitri, 2021). The quality of education in a
better (Kurniawati, 2022). In responding to
country is one of the determinants of that
Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year

the sustainability of education in Indonesia, while the teacher is the facilitator and guide
the government is trying to take strategic (Mayasari, et al, 2022).
steps in optimizing learning, namely by Many findings related to problem-
implementing the curriculum. based learning have been made. The PBL
The curriculum is a reference in learning model can be said to be a learning
responding to problems that occur in process that challenges students to study in
education in Indonesia (Suhandi & Robi'ah, groups to find solutions to real world
2022). The curriculum has a role in problems and then be required to solve these
developing learning designs and ideas which problems (Rombe, et al, 2021). The problem-
aim to be a guide in achieving educational based learning model is a teaching and
goals (Marpaung & Pongkendek, 2021). In learning process that provides contextual
Law No. 20 of 2003 Chapter 1 Article 1 it is problems, so that students are stimulated to
said that "curriculum is a set of plans and learn. Problems are faced before the learning
arrangements regarding objectives, content process takes place so that it can trigger
and learning materials as well as methods students to research, describe and find
used as guidelines for implementing learning solutions to the problem (Ardianti, et al,
activities to achieve certain educational 2021). The application of the PBL model
goals" (Vhalery, et al, 2022 ). The requires a medium in the learning process,
development of the education curriculum in one of which is webblog media.
Indonesia has reached the development of the One interesting media that can be
Independent Curriculum. used in learning is WebBlog media. A blog is
The Independent Curriculum is a form of web application that resembles
education that is based on the nature of writings (which are published as posts) on a
nature and the times, where each student has public web page (Septhiani, 2020). Weblogs
their own talents and interests. The idea of or what are usually called teacher blogs can
the essence of independent learning is to upload all information related to the learning
create a pleasant learning atmosphere without material being taught by adding multimedia
feeling burdened to achieve certain grades (images, animations, sound effects and
(Cholilah, et al, 2023). The concept of an videos) to make it interesting and easier for
independent learning curriculum is the students to understand and learn
formation of freedom in thinking, learning to (Rohmawati, 2018). There is a good
integrate literacy abilities, knowledge skills, opportunity that blogs can be a means or tool
skills and attitudes as well as mastery of to help the learning process, especially in
technology (Boang Manalu, et al, 2022). In chemistry learning. Many abstract concepts
the independent curriculum, there are several for students can be presented in computer
learning models applied in learning, namely simulations. Material and exercises can be
Problem Based Learning (PBL), Project completed by students when they solve
Based Learning (PJBL), Inquiry Learning problems (Rumahorbo, 2022). For the
and Discovery Learning (DL). continuity of a learning process, student
motivation is needed before learning.
Problem Based Learning is a form of
learning that is oriented to the student Learning motivation is one of the
learning process (student-centered learning). factors for student success in achieving
Problem Based Learning focuses on maximum learning outcomes. Students who
presenting a real problem to students, then have high motivation to learn will be better at
students are asked to find a solution through accepting lessons or the attitudes generated
a series of research based on theories and by students will be more positive in learning
principle concepts they have learned from (Budiariawan, 2019). A person's motivation
various sciences. Problems are the focus, can be influenced by 2 things, namely
stimulus and guide of the learning process, internal factors and external factors. Factors

Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year

from within a person (internal) include because this material contains calculations
physical, attitudes, interests, talents and and concepts. Thermochemical material is
emotions, while factors from outside a person abstract material and difficult to understand,
(external) include family, school, community especially concepts such as systems and
and living environment (Djarwo, 2020). environmental materials (Siagian &
When student motivation in learning is very Yasthoph, 2021). Based on the results of
high, it will affect learning outcomes. observations I made at SMA Negeri 1 Percut
Sei Tuan, in the learning process students
Learning outcomes are defined as
often take different ways to understand the
benchmarks for achieving learning goals set
subject matter. There are some students who
for students who take part in a series of
monotonously take notes on what the teacher
learning. The importance of good student
explains and writes down, there are also
study habits to improve learning outcomes
some students who are enthusiastic and
has been proven by several researchers
involved in questions and answers in class
(Hijriyati, 2022). Student learning outcomes
during the learning process and there are
are achievements achieved by students
even students who rarely ask the teacher and
academically through exams and
are busy with their cell phones. If we look at
assignments, active asking and answering
the student learning outcomes, especially in
questions that support the acquisition of these
Thermochemistry material in the previous
learning outcomes. In academic circles, the
academic year, the learning outcomes of
idea often arises that educational success is
class Meanwhile, students who have not
not determined by a student's grades listed on
reached 60% have a chemistry KKM score of
a report card or diploma, but the measure of
80. The low learning outcomes of students
success in the cognitive field can be
are influenced by the teacher-centered
determined through a student's learning
learning model which causes students not to
outcomes (Dakhi, 2020).
be actively involved in the teaching and
Abstract chemical concepts are learning process. Apart from learning
explanations for concrete chemical concepts. models, it turns out that the use of media at
The generally abstract characteristics of SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan is still minimal,
chemistry are one of the factors that students especially electronic media or media that
consider chemistry to be a difficult subject to utilizes the internet. Lack of ability and
understand (Lestari, 2021). Chemistry is a interest of students in the learning process so
subject that has a high level of urgency. One that students' learning motivation tends to be
of the topics discussed in chemistry in class less enthusiastic about learning, this makes
XI SMA is thermochemistry. students less interested in the material being
Thermochemistry is a branch of chemistry taught.
that studies the energy that accompanies
chemical reactions (Kurnia, 2022). Important
concepts in thermochemistry begin with This research was carried out at SMA
studying the types of energy and the nature NEGERI 1 Percut Sei Tuan and the research
of energy, in principle energy can be period was carried out for 6 months starting
converted from one form of energy to from November – April. This specified time
another. Thermochemistry is the study of is used for observation, making proposals,
energy changes in chemical reactions. It can collecting data, research results and making
be seen that most reactions are endothermic research results reports. The population in
(absorb heat) and some are exothermic this study were class The sample used in this
(release heat) (Fatah, 2021). research was 2 classes, each class consisting
of 30 students. Sampling was carried out
Thermochemical material was chosen
using purposive sampling technique. The
because this material is a material that is
purposive sampling technique is purposeful
quite difficult for students to understand

Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year

sampling. Where XI Matlanko 2 has low

learning outcomes and XI Matlangraf has RATA-RATA
higher learning outcomes compared to class MOTIVASI
This type of research includes experimental BELAJAR
research. The design of this research can be 75 Series1
seen below 70.36667
Learning Treatment Design Table 65 61.6
Kelas Pre-test Perlakuan Post-test Motivasi
Eksperimen T1 X T2 M1 55
Kontrol T1 Y T2 M1
Eksperimen Kontrol

Figure 4.1 Mean Student Learning

A. Learning Motivation Data Motivation

After administering the learning B. Learning Outcome Data

motivation questionnaire, the mean value of Pretest and posttest data in the
student motivation in the experimental and experimental and control classes can be
control classes can be seen in Table 4.2 briefly seen in Table 4.3
Table 4.1Learning Motivation Data Table 4.2Learning Outcome Data
Kelas Nilai Mean

Data Kelas Pre-test Post-test

Eksperimen 48,8 84
Mean Motivasi Belajar Eksperimen Kontrol
Kontrol 56,3 78
70,36667 61,6

FromThe calculation results showed

that the Experiment class which was taught From the table above, it can be seen
using webblog media using the problem that the mean pre-test and post-test scores for
based learning model had a mean of 70.36, the experimental class taught using webblog
while the control class which was taught media using the problem based learning
using PPT media using the problem based model are 48.8 and 84, while the mean pre-
learning model had a mean of 61.6. The test and post-test scores for the control class
motivation value of experimental class taught using ppt media using the problem
students is higher than the motivation value based learning model were 56.3 and 78. The
of control class students. experimental class learning outcomes were
higher than the control class learning

Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year

be tested for normality. Data normality was

RATA - RATA tested with SPSS 25 for Windows using the
HASIL BELAJAR Shapiro Wilk test with a significance level of
100 84 78
5% or 0.05. Data is said to be normally
80 distributed if the sig value > α (0.05) and vice
60 48.8
versa. Data from the Learning Motivation
20 normality test results can be seen in table 4.5
Eksperimen Kontrol Table 4.4Normality Test of Learning
Pretest Posttest Results

Kelas Data Sig Α Keterangan

Figure 4.2 Mean Learning Outcomes
Eksperimen Pretest 0,136 0,05 Terdistribusi Normal
Research Data Analysis
A. Normality Test Postest 0,056 0,05 Terdistribusi Normal

TestData normality is carried out to Kontrol Pretest 0,219 0,05 Terdistribusi Normal
determine whether the data used is normally
Postest 0,067 0,05 Terdistribusi Normal
distributed or not. The normality test in this
study was the Shapiro Wilk test using SPSS
25 for Windows with a significance level of
5% or 0.05. Data is said to be normally FromTable 4.5 shows that student
distributed if the sig value > α (0.05) and vice learning outcomes in the experimental class
versa. Data from the Learning Motivation and control class originating from the pretest
normality test results can be seen in table 4.4 and posttest results have significance > α
(0.05). So the data can be stated to be
Table 4.3Student Motivation Normality
normally distributed.
B. Homogeneity Test
Kelas Sig. Α Keterangan

Eksperimen 0,126 0,05 Terdistribusi Normal

TestData homogeneity can be done to
find out whether the data used is
Kontrol 0,063 0,05 Terdistribusi Normal homogeneous or not. The homogeneity test
was carried out with the Levene test, using
SPSS 25 for windows, at a significance level
of 0.05. If the sig value > α 0.05 then the data
The data in Table 4.4 shows that the
is said to be homogeneous, conversely if the
significance level of learning motivation
sig value < α 0.05 then the data is said to be
values for the experimental class and control
heterogeneous. The homogeneity test results
class respectively has a significance value of
can be seen in table 4.6
0.126 and 0.063, which means sig > α (0.05),
so it can be concluded that the data is
normally distributed.

Apart from testing the normality of learning

motivation, learning outcomes also need to

Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year

Table 4.5Test of Homogeneity of Learning (0.05). If the sig price < α (0.05) then Ha is
Motivation accepted, whereas if the sig price > α (0.05)
then Ha is rejected.
Sig Keterangan

Motivasi Belajar Siswa Rata – Rata 0,138 Data Homogen 1. Hypothesis Test I
Median 0,139 Data Homogen
Data from Hypothesis I test
calculations can be seen in Table 4.8

Based on the data in table 4.6, a Table 4.7Hypothesis Test I

significance value of 0.138 > α (0.05) is Kelas Rata – Standar Sig (2- α Keterangan
obtained, which means that the learning Rata (%) Deviasi tailed)

motivation data in the experimental and Eksperimen 70,37% 7,034 0,000 0,05 Ha diterima

control classes is homogeneous. It can be Kontrol 61,6% 9,160 0,000 0,05 Ha diterima

concluded that learning motivation in the

experimental and control classes is
homogeneous. Next, the homogeneity of The data in Table 4.8 is the result of
learning outcomes was tested with the SPSS data processing using SPSS 25 for Windows,
25 for Windows program using the Levene the Sig value is obtained. = 0.000 where the
test at a significance level of α 0.05. Where Sig value. < α (0.05), it can be concluded
data is said to be homogeneous if the from hypothesis I that Ha is accepted and it is
significance value is > α 0.05. Data from the stated that there is an influence of weblog
homogeneity test of learning outcomes can media using the problem based learning
be seen in table 4.7 model on student learning motivation.

Table 4.6Test the Homogeneity of 2. Hypothesis Test II

Learning Results
Data from the results of Hypothesis I
Sig Keterangan test calculations can be seen in Table 4.9
Hasil Belajar Siswa Rata – Rata 0,350 Data Homogen
Table 4.8Hypothesis Test II
Median 0,474 Data Homogen
Kelas Rata – Standar Sig (2- α Keterangan
Rata (%) Deviasi tailed)

Eksperimen 84% 6,486 0,001 0,05 Ha diterima

Based on the data in table 4.7, a
significance value of 0.350 > α (0.05) is Kontrol 78% 7,381 0,001 0,05 Ha diterima

obtained, which means that the learning

outcomes data in the experimental class and
control class are homogeneous. The data in Table 4.9 is the result of
data processing using SPSS 25 for Windows,
C. Hypothesis Testing
obtained a Sig value. = 0.001 where the Sig
If the data obtained is normally value. < α (0.05), it can be concluded from
distributed and homogeneous, then hypothesis I that Ha is accepted and it is
hypothesis testing can be carried out using stated that there is an influence of weblog
SPSS 25 for Windows with the Independent media using the problem based learning
Sample t Test with a significance level of α model on student learning outcomes.

Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year

3. Correlation Analysis (Hypothesis 2. There isThe influence of using

Test III) Webblog media using the PBL model on
DataHypothesis III test calculation student learning outcomes in learning
thermochemical material. The learning
results can be seen in Table 4.10
outcomes of students taught using Webblog
Table 4.9Hypothesis Test III media using the PBL model are higher than
the learning outcomes of students taught
Kelas Pearson Sig (2-tailed) Α Keterangan without using Webblog media in learning
thermochemical material. It can be seen from
Correlation the average (mean) posttest scores in the
experimental class and control class,
Eksperimen 0,953 0,000 0,05 Ha diterima respectively 84 and 78. So the increase in the
average value of student learning outcomes is
3. There ispositive and significant
Based on the data in Table 4.10, the correlation between learning motivation and
results of data processing using SPSS 25 for student learning outcomes taught using
Windows to test Hypothesis III in the Webblog media using the PBL model with a
significance value = 0.00 with a Pearson
experimental class obtained a Sig. = 0.000
correlation of 0.953, meaning the correlation
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