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Abstract: This research aims to determine the influence of webblog media using the problem based learning
model on student motivation and learning outcomes on thermochemical material. This research
was conducted at SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan in the 2023/2024 academic year. Sample
determination was carried out using a purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 2
classes, namely class XI-Matlanko 2 as an experimental class (30 students) which was taught
using Webblog media and class The instruments used are test instruments to measure learning
outcomes and non-test instruments to measure learning motivation. The results of this research
indicate that there is an influence of using a webblog using a problem based learning model on
student learning motivation by testing the sig hypothesis. 0.00 < α (0.05) and there is also an
influence of using a webblog using the problem based learning model on student learning
motivation with hypothesis testing sig. 0.00 < α (0.05). Apart from that, there is a correlation
between learning motivation and student learning outcomes who are taught using weblog media
using the problem based learning model with sig. 0.00 < α (0.05) and Pearson correlation 0.953
with the high category.
Keywords:Weblog, Problem Based Learning, Motivation, Learning Outcomes, Thermochemistry
other words, the progress of a country can be learning process (student-centered learning).
seen from the quality of education in that Problem Based Learning focuses on
country. Indonesia is a country that really presenting a real problem to students, then
cares about the implementation of education. students are asked to find a solution through
Various efforts have been made by the a series of research based on theories and
government to ensure the continuity of principle concepts they have learned from
education for the better (Kurniawati, 2022). various sciences. Problems are the focus,
In responding to the sustainability of stimulus and guide of the learning process,
education in Indonesia, the government is while the teacher is the facilitator and guide
trying to take strategic steps in optimizing (Mayasari, et al, 2022).
learning, namely by implementing the Many findings related to problem-
curriculum. based learning have been made. The PBL
The curriculum is a reference in learning model can be said to be a learning
responding to problems that occur in process that challenges students to study in
education in Indonesia (Suhandi & Robi'ah, groups to find solutions to real world
2022). The curriculum has a role in problems and then be required to solve these
developing learning designs and ideas which problems (Rombe, et al, 2021). The problem-
aim to be a guide in achieving educational based learning model is a teaching and
goals (Marpaung & Pongkendek, 2021). In learning process that provides contextual
Law No. 20 of 2003 Chapter 1 Article 1 it is problems, so that students are stimulated to
said that "curriculum is a set of plans and learn. Problems are faced before the learning
arrangements regarding objectives, content process takes place so that it can trigger
and learning materials as well as methods students to research, describe and find
used as guidelines for implementing learning solutions to the problem (Ardianti, et al,
activities to achieve certain educational 2021). The application of the PBL model
goals" (Vhalery, et al, 2022 ). The requires a medium in the learning process,
development of the education curriculum in one of which is webblog media.
Indonesia has reached the development of the The characteristics of the Problem
Independent Curriculum. Based Learning learning model are: (1)
The Independent Curriculum is Problems become the starting point in
education that is based on the nature of learning; (2) Problems challenge students'
nature and the times, where each student has knowledge, attitudes, and competencies
their own talents and interests. The idea of which then require identification of learning
the essence of independent learning is to needs and new areas of learning; (3)
create a pleasant learning atmosphere without Utilization of various sources of knowledge,
feeling burdened to achieve certain grades use, and evaluation of information sources is
(Cholilah, et al, 2023). The concept of an an important process in PBL; (4) Learning is
independent learning curriculum is the collaborative, communication, and
formation of freedom in thinking, learning to cooperative; (5) Developing inquiry and
integrate literacy abilities, knowledge skills, problem solving skills is as important as
skills and attitudes as well as mastery of mastering the content of knowledge to find
technology (Boang Manalu, et al, 2022). In solutions to a problem; (6) PBL involves
the independent curriculum, there are several evaluating and reviewing students'
learning models applied in learning, namely experiences and learning processes (Gery &
Problem Based Learning (PBL), Project Ani, 2023).
Based Learning (PJBL), Inquiry Learning In the teaching and learning process,
and Discovery Learning (DL). media presence has sufficient meaning
Problem Based Learning is a form of important. Because in these activities lack of
learning that is oriented to the student clarity in the material presented to students
Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year
can be simplified with the help of the media. working alone; (e) ability to defend one's
Thus, students are more easy to digest position; (f) difficulty in letting go of one's
ingredients with using media rather than beliefs; and (g) enjoyment of problem
without help media (Crisye, et al, 2021). solving (Freddy, et al, 2023).
One interesting media that can be Learning outcomes are defined as
used in learning is WebBlog media. A blog is benchmarks for achieving learning goals set
a form of web application that resembles for students who take part in a series of
writings (which are published as posts) on a learning. The importance of good student
public web page (Septhiani, 2020). Weblogs study habits to improve learning outcomes
or what are usually called teacher blogs can has been proven by several researchers
upload all information related to the learning (Hijriyati, 2022). Student learning outcomes
material being taught by adding multimedia are achievements achieved by students
(images, animations, sound effects and academically through exams and
videos) to make it interesting and easier for assignments, active asking and answering
students to understand and learn questions that support the acquisition of these
(Rohmawati, 2018). There is a good learning outcomes. In academic circles, the
opportunity that blogs can be a means or tool idea often arises that educational success is
to help the learning process, especially in not determined by a student's grades listed on
chemistry learning. Many abstract concepts a report card or diploma, but the measure of
for students can be presented in computer success in the cognitive field can be
simulations. Material and exercises can be determined through a student's learning
completed by students when they solve outcomes (Dakhi, 2020).
problems (Rumahorbo, 2022). For the Abstract chemical concepts are
continuity of a learning process, student explanations for concrete chemical concepts.
motivation is needed before learning. The generally abstract characteristics of
Learning motivation is one of the chemistry are one of the factors that students
factors for student success in achieving consider chemistry to be a difficult subject to
maximum learning outcomes. Students who understand (Lestari, 2021). Chemistry is a
have high motivation to learn will be better at subject that has a high level of urgency. One
accepting lessons or the attitudes generated of the topics discussed in chemistry in class
by students will be more positive in learning XI SMA is thermochemistry.
(Budiariawan, 2019). A person's motivation Thermochemistry is a branch of chemistry
can be influenced by 2 things, namely that studies the energy that accompanies
internal factors and external factors. Factors chemical reactions (Kurnia, 2022). Important
from within a person (internal) include concepts in thermochemistry begin with
physical, attitudes, interests, talents and studying the types of energy and the nature
emotions, while factors from outside a person of energy, in principle energy can be
(external) include family, school, community converted from one form of energy to
and living environment (Djarwo, 2020). another. Thermochemistry is the study of
When student motivation in learning is very energy changes in chemical reactions. It can
high, it will affect learning outcomes. be seen that most reactions are endothermic
(absorb heat) and some are exothermic
Students who learn to change their
(release heat) (Fatah, 2021).
behavior are motivated by learning on an
internal and external level, usually with some Furthermore, because of the vast
encouraging indicators or features (Uni, influence of chemistry on various fields of
2016). The traits of learning motivation are: science, such as technology, agriculture,
(a) diligence in completing tasks; (b) tenacity health, and fisheries, chemists are also vital
in the face of difficulty; (c) interest in a to be studied and understood conceptually,
variety of adult issues; (d) preference for factually, and procedurally. Experiences or
Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year
exercises that include physical and collecting data, research results and making
psychological components influence research results reports. The population in
learning, resulting in stable behavioral this study were class The sample used in this
change (Surya & Retno, 2024). research was 2 classes, each class consisting
of 30 students. Sampling was carried out
Thermochemical material was chosen
using purposive sampling technique. The
because this material is a material that is
purposive sampling technique is purposeful
quite difficult for students to understand
sampling. Where XI Matlanko 2 has low
because this material contains calculations
learning outcomes and XI Matlangraf has
and concepts. Thermochemical material is
higher learning outcomes compared to class
abstract material and difficult to understand,
This type of research includes experimental
especially concepts such as systems and
research. The design of this research can be
environmental materials (Siagian &
seen below
Yasthoph, 2021). Based on the results of
observations I made at SMA Negeri 1 Percut Learning Treatment Design Table
Sei Tuan, in the learning process students Kelas Pre-test Perlakuan Post-test Motivasi
Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year
Pretest Posttest
Figure 4.1 Mean Student Learning
Motivation Figure 4.2 Mean Learning Outcomes
B. Learning Outcome Data Research Data Analysis
A. Normality Test
Pretest and posttest data in the
experimental and control classes can be TestData normality is carried out to
briefly seen in Table 4.3 determine whether the data used is normally
distributed or not. The normality test in this
Table 4.2Learning Outcome Data
study was the Shapiro Wilk test using SPSS
Kelas Nilai Mean 25 for Windows with a significance level of
Pre-test Post-test 5% or 0.05. Data is said to be normally
Eksperimen 48,8 84
distributed if the sig value > α (0.05) and vice
versa. Data from the Learning Motivation
Kontrol 56,3 78
normality test results can be seen in table 4.4
Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year
be tested for normality. Data normality was Table 4.5Test of Homogeneity of Learning
tested with SPSS 25 for Windows using the Motivation
Shapiro Wilk test with a significance level of
Sig Keterangan
5% or 0.05. Data is said to be normally
Motivasi Belajar Siswa Rata – Rata 0,138 Data Homogen
distributed if the sig value > α (0.05) and vice
versa. Data from the Learning Motivation Median 0,139 Data Homogen
Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education Volume. xx, No.xx Month Year
(0.05). If the sig price < α (0.05) then Ha is 3. Correlation Analysis (Hypothesis
accepted, whereas if the sig price > α (0.05) Test III)
then Ha is rejected. DataHypothesis III test calculation
results can be seen in Table 4.10
1. Hypothesis Test I
Table 4.9 Hypothesis Test III
Data from Hypothesis I test
calculations can be seen in Table 4.8 Kelas Pearson Sig (2-tailed) Α Keterangan
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