Accounting Standard For MNCE
Accounting Standard For MNCE
Accounting Standard For MNCE
Quick Referencer
for Micro Non-company entities
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Price : Rs.150/-
This Publication has two Parts, viz, Part I and Part II. Part I provides an
overview of recognition and measurement related provisions prescribed in AS
applicable to MiNCE and Part II include Disclosures Checklist under AS
applicable to these entities. It is pertinent to note that the full text of ASs should
be referred for comprehensive knowledge on the subject.
This Publication covers recognition, measurements and disclosure
requirements under above stated AS. Certain other AS, namely, AS 14,
Accounting for Amalgamations, AS 21, Consolidated Financial Statements, AS
23, Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial
Statements, AS 25, Interim Financial Statements, AS 27, Financial Reporting
for Interests in Joint Ventures, are not covered in the Publication since in case
of micro non-company entities generally there are no such transactions.
However, if there are such transactions covered under these standards, the
entities shall apply the requirements of these standards. Further, AS 3, Cash
Flow Statements, AS 17, Segment Reporting, AS 18, Related Party
Disclosures, AS 20, Earnings Per Share, AS 24, Discontinued Operations, AS
28, Impairment of Assets, are also not covered in this Publication since these
are not applicable to MiNCE. Also, references to these AS, which are not
applicable to MiNCE, have not been included in the AS applicable to these
entities, e.g., requirements regarding impairment of assets referred in AS 10,
reference to intangible assets acquired in amalgamation transactions referred
in AS 26, etc. have not been included. AS 22, Accounting for Incomes Taxes,
shall apply to MNCE for Current tax requirements only.
For the complete text of the applicable/relevant ASs mentioned in above
paragraph, please refer publications of the Accounting Standards Board;
Compendium of Accounting Standards, Accounting Standards: Quick
Referencer and Accounting Standards: Disclosure Checklist (Revised
February 2020).
Small and Medium Entities (SMEs) represent over 90% of total entities in many
countries worldwide and contribute significantly to the respective national
economies through investment, employment generation, production of goods
and services, etc. Similarly, SMEs in India also have always been the
backbone of the Indian economy. In view of their significance in the economy,
good quality financial reporting by such entities is called for.
The quality of financial reporting primarily depends on the twin towers of
recognition & measurement principles and disclosure & presentation of
relevant information. Accounting Standards establish the sound principles for
recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosures of information in the
financial statements.
For the purpose of applicability of Accounting Standards, entities are classified
into companies and non-company entities. The Accounting Standards
prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) are
applicable to Non-company entities. In order to ensure that the relevant
Accounting Standards are effectively implemented by various entities, the ICAI
had categorised non-company entities into Level I, Level II and Level III for
applicability of Accounting Standards. Level II and Level III non-company
entities were further classified as Small and Medium Sized Entities and certain
exemptions/relaxations were provided to these entities.
In view of various developments taken place over the time, such as, threshold
limits for classification of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act,
2006, and substantial revisions in the same, and considering that the criteria
for classification of Non-company entities was laid down long back, the ICAI
had revised the criteria for classification of Non-company entities. In this
regard, the ICAI has recently issued an Announcement revising the criteria for
classification of Non-company entities into four Levels, viz., Level I, Level II,
Level III and Level IV which is applicable in respect of accounting periods
commencing on or after April 1, 2020. Level IV, Level III and Level II entities
are referred to as Micro, Small and Medium size entities (MSMEs).
For ease of Micro Non-company entities (Level IV), the Accounting Standards
Board (ASB) has come out with this Publication bringing, at one place, the
recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements under Accounting
Standards applicable for such entities.
I congratulate the Accounting Standards Board in taking this initiative and
coming out with this Publication.
I appreciate CA. M.P. Vijay Kumar, Chairman, ASB, CA. (Dr.) Sanjeev Kumar
Singhal, Vice-chairman, ASB, and all members of the ASB who have made
invaluable contribution in the various activities of the ASB and coming out with
this Publication.
I am confident that this Publication would be extremely helpful to the Micro
Non-company entities for preparing their financial statements and members of
the ICAI while discharging their professional duties.
The AS which at present are applicable to the entities not following Ind AS, are
nearly more than 20 years old and many of them are more than 30 years old.
Though these are well established in the country, in order to ensure that the
ASs capture the contemporary business reporting needs and are in line with
the economic developments of the country, the same need to be reviewed and
revised from time to time. Further, our country’s economy has grown over the
period of time and there are aspirations to become US$ 5 trillion economy in
a few years. It is well recognised fact that Micro, Small and Medium Entities
(MSMEs) have got a significant role to play in the economic growth and
development of the country, which calls for sound financial reporting by such
entities. Therefore, to meet the growing financial reporting needs of the
MSMEs, these existing Accounting Standards are being revised considering
the developments in financial reporting arena internationally. While doing so,
considering these Accounting Standards would be applicable to Micro entities,
there would be lesser use of fair values and time value of money and optimal
disclosures would be required. Accordingly, certain Accounting Standards in
their entirety and certain disclosure requirements have been exempted to
Micro Non-Company entities.
Part –I An Overview of Accounting Standards
Applicable to Micro Non-company Entities
AS 1, Disclosure of Accounting Policies 1
AS 2, Valuation of Inventories 3
AS 4, Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance
Sheet Date 5
AS 5, Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and
Changes in Accounting Policies 7
AS 7, Construction Contracts 10
AS 9, Revenue Recognition 13
AS 10, Property, Plant and Equipment 16
AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates 21
AS 12, Accounting for Government Grants 26
AS 13, Accounting for Investments 30
AS 15, Employee Benefits 33
AS 16, Borrowing Costs 38
AS 19, Leases 40
AS 22, Accounting for Taxes on Income 44
AS 26, Intangible Assets 45
AS 29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets 48
Part–II Disclosures Checklist under
Accounting Standards– Applicable to Micro
Non-company Entities
AS 1, Disclosure of Accounting Policies
AS 2, Valuation of Inventories
This Standard deals with the determination of value at which inventories are
carried in the financial statements, including the ascertainment of cost of
inventories and any write-down thereof to net realisable value.
AS 2, Valuation of Inventories
Costs of purchase
Purchase price excluding trade discounts, rebates, etc.
Duties and taxes other than refundable duties and taxes
Freight inwards
Other expenditure directly attributable to the acquisition
Costs of conversion
Allocation of fixed production overheads based on
normal capacity
Variable production overheads assigned to each unit of
production on the basis of the actual use of production
Abnormal wastage
Storage costs unless necessary in the production
process prior to a further production stage
Selling and Distribution costs
Administrative overheads that do not contribute to
bringing the inventories to their present location and
Unallocated overheads
Exception- Materials and other supplies held for use in the production of
inventories are not written down below cost if the finished products in which
they will be incorporated are expected to be sold at or above cost.
Cost Formulas:
The cost of inventories of items that are not ordinarily interchangeable
and goods or services produced and segregated for specific projects
should be assigned by specific identification of their individual costs.
For other inventories, cost can be assigned by using the first-in, first-out
(FIFO), or weighted average cost formula, whichever reflects the fairest
possible approximation to the cost incurred in bringing the inventories
to their present location and condition.
AS 4, Contingencies and Events Occurring
After the Balance Sheet Date
This Standard deals with the treatment of contingencies and events occurring
after the balance sheet date.
A contingency is a condition or situation, the ultimate outcome of
which, gain or loss, will be known or determined only on the
occurrence or non-occurrence, of one or more uncertain future
Events occurring after the balance sheet date are those significant
events, both favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the
balance sheet date and the date on which the financial statements are
approved by the Board of Directors in the case of a company and, by
the corresponding approving authority in the case of any other entity.
Two types of events can be identified:
Adjusting events: those which provide further evidence of
conditions that existed at the balance sheet date; and
Non-adjusting events: those which are indicative of conditions
that arose subsequent to the balance sheet date.
Accounting Treatment
Contingent gains should not be recognised in the financial statements.
Contingent loss should be provided for by a charge in the Statement of
Profit and Loss if:
a) it is probable that future events will confirm that, after taking into
account any related probable recovery, an asset has been impaired
or a liability has been incurred as at the balance sheet date, and
b) a reasonable estimate of the amount of the resulting loss can be
If either of the above conditions is not met, the existence of a contingent
loss should be disclosed in the financial statements, unless the
possibility of the loss is remote.
AS 4, Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date
AS 5, Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior
Period Items and Changes in Accounting
This Standard should be applied by an enterprise in presenting profit or loss
from ordinary activities, extraordinary items and prior period items in the
Statement of Profit and Loss, in accounting for changes in accounting
estimates, and in disclosure of changes in accounting policies.
Ordinary activities are any activities which are undertaken by an
enterprise as part of its business and such related activities in which the
enterprise engages in furtherance of, incidental to, or arising from, these
Extraordinary items are income or expenses that arise from events or
transactions that are clearly distinct from the ordinary activities of the
enterprise and, therefore, are not expected to recur frequently or
Prior period items are income or expenses which arise in the current
period as a result of errors or omissions in the preparation of the
financial statements of one or more prior periods.
Net Profit or Loss for the period
All items of income and expense which are recognised in a period should
be included in the determination of net profit or loss for the period unless
an Accounting Standard requires or permits otherwise.
The net profit or loss for the period comprises the following components,
each of which should be disclosed on the face of the Statement of Profit
and Loss:
a) profit or loss from ordinary activities; and
b) extraordinary items.
Extraordinary items
Extraordinary items should be disclosed in the Statement of Profit and Loss as
a part of net profit or loss for the period. The nature and the amount of each
extraordinary item should be separately disclosed in the Statement of Profit
AS 5, Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes
and Loss in a manner that its impact on current profit or loss can be perceived.
Example, attachment of property of the enterprise, or an earthquake.
Profit or loss from ordinary activities
When items of income and expense within profit or loss from ordinary activities
are of such size, nature or incidence that their disclosure is relevant to explain
the performance of the enterprise for the period, the nature and amount of
such items should be disclosed separately.
Prior period items
The nature and amount of prior period items should be separately disclosed in
the Statement of Profit and Loss in a manner that their impact on the current
profit or loss can be perceived.
Prior period items are normally included in the determination of net profit or
loss for the current period. An alternative approach is to show such items in
the statement of profit and loss after determination of current net profit or loss.
In either case, the objective is to indicate the effect of such items on the current
profit or loss.
Changes in Accounting Policy
A change in an accounting policy should be made only if the adoption of
a different accounting policy is required by statute or for compliance with
an Accounting Standard or if it is considered that the change would result
in a more appropriate presentation of the financial statements of the
Refer AS 1 for disclosures with respect to changes in accounting policies .
Changes in Accounting Estimates
Use of estimates is essential for preparation of financial statements.
Estimates may have to be revised if changes occur regarding the
circumstances on which the estimates were made or as a result of new
information, more experience or subsequent developments.
The effect of a change in an accounting estimate should be included in
the determination of net profit or loss in:
a) the period of the change, if the change affects the period only; or
b) the period of the change and future periods, if the change affects both.
AS 5, Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes
The nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate which has
a material effect in the current period, or which is expected to have
material effect in subsequent periods, should be disclosed. If it is
impracticable to quantify the amount, this fact should be disclosed.
AS 7, Construction Contracts
This Standard prescribes the accounting for construction contracts in the
financial statements of contractors.
Contract revenue
Contract revenue should comprise:
a) the initial amount of revenue agreed in the contract; and
b) variations in contract work, claims and incentive payments:
i. to the extent that it is probable that they will result in revenue; and
ii. they are capable of being reliably measured.
Contract costs
Contract costs comprises:
a) costs that relate directly to the specific contract, e.g., site labour costs,
cost of materials used in construction, etc.;
b) costs that are attributable to contract activity in general and can be
allocated to the contract, e.g., insurance, construction overheads,
borrowing costs as per AS 16, Borrowing Costs, etc.; and
c) such other costs as are specifically chargeable to the customer under
the terms of the contract, e.g., general administration costs and
development costs for which reimbursement is specified in the terms of
Exclusions-Costs of a construction contract exclude costs that cannot
be attributed to contract activity or cannot be allocated to a contract,
(i) general administration costs for which reimbursement is not
specified in the contract;
AS 7, Construction Contracts
Costs incurred to
Physical evaluation
estimated total Survey method
contract costs method
AS 7, Construction Contracts
AS 9, Revenue Recognition
This Standard deals with the bases for recognition of revenue in the Statement
of Profit and Loss of an enterprise. The Standard is concerned with the
recognition of revenue arising in the course of the ordinary activities of the
enterprise from:
a) Sale of goods
b) Rendering of services
c) Interest, royalties and dividends
Revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration
arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise from the sale
of goods, from the rendering of services, and from the use by others of
enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends.
Revenue is measured by the charges made to customers or clients for
goods supplied and services rendered to them and by the charges and
rewards arising from the use of resources by them.
In an agency relationship, the revenue is the amount of commission and
not the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration.
Recognition criteria
AS 9, Revenue Recognition
AS 9, Revenue Recognition
Uncertainty Effect
At the time of Postpone revenue recognition to the extent of
raising claim uncertainty
Recognise revenue when ultimate collection is
reasonably certain
Subsequent to Revenue already recognised should not be
sale of adjusted
goods/rendering Make separate provision to reflect uncertainty
of services
AS 10, Property, Plant and Equipment
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment for
property, plant and equipment (PPE).
The cost of an item of PPE should be recognised as an asset if, and only if:
(a) it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will
flow to the enterprise; and
(b) the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
Measurement at recognition
At the time of recognition, an item of PPE that qualifies for recognition as an
asset should be measured at its cost.
Recognition of costs ceases when the item is in the location and condition
necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.
AS 10, Property, Plant and Equipment
AS 10, Property, Plant and Equipment
Cost Model
Cost less any Whose fair value can be measured reliably should be
accumulated carried at a revalued amount less any subsequent
depreciation accumulated depreciation.
AS 10, Property, Plant and Equipment
AS 10, Property, Plant and Equipment
AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign
Exchange Rates
Translating the
financial statements
of foreign operations
Accounting for
transactions in Forward exchange
foreign currencies contracts
AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
Foreign Operations
Item Translation
Individual items Translated as if all the integral foreign operation’s
transactions had been entered into by the reporting
enterprise itself
Cost and Rate at the date of purchase of asset
depreciation of
tangible fixed assets
Rate that existed on the date of valuation
if the asset is carried
at fair value
Costs of inventories Rate existing on the date when the cost was incurred
Recoverable Rate existing on the date when the recoverable
amount or realisable amount or net realisable value was determined
value of an asset
AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
AS 11, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
AS 12, Accounting for Government Grants
This Standard deals with accounting for government grants. Government
grants are sometimes called by other names such as subsidies, cash
incentives, duty drawbacks, etc.
Government grants are assistance by government in cash or kind to
an enterprise for past or future compliance with certain conditions.
Forms of government assistance which cannot reasonably have
a value placed upon them
Transactions with government which cannot be distinguished
from the normal trading transactions of the enterprise
Government grants should not be recognised until there is reasonable
assurance that:
(i) the enterprise will comply with the conditions attached to them, and
(ii) the grants will be received.
Government grant types and their accounting treatment
AS 12, Accounting for Government Grants
AS 12, Accounting for Government Grants
AS 12, Accounting for Government Grants
AS 13, Accounting for Investments
This Standard deals with accounting for investments in the financial
statements of enterprises and related disclosure requirements.
Recognition of interest, dividends and rentals earned on
investments covered by AS 9
Operating or finance leases
AS 13, Accounting for Investments
AS 13, Accounting for Investments
Right shares- When right shares offered are subscribed for, the cost of
the right shares is added to the carrying amount of the original holding.
If rights are not subscribed for but are sold in the market, the sale
proceeds are taken to the Statement of Profit and Loss.
Investment acquired on cum-right basis- Where the investments are
acquired on cum-right basis and the market value of investments
immediately after their becoming ex-right is lower than the cost for which
they were acquired then, it may be appropriate to apply the sale
proceeds of rights to reduce the carrying amount of such investments to
the market value.
Investment property
An investment property is an investment in land or buildings that are
not intended to be occupied substantially for use by, or in the
operations of, the investing enterprise.
AS 15, Employee Benefits
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment and
disclosure for employee benefits in the books of employer except employee
share-based payments. It does not deal with accounting and reporting by
employee benefit plans.
AS 15, Employee Benefits
AS 15, Employee Benefits
Micro Non-company entities may not discount contributions that fall due
more than 12 months after the balance sheet date.
AS 15, Employee Benefits
(a) the present value of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet
(b) minus the fair value at the balance sheet date of plan assets (if any) out
of which the obligations are to be settled directly
For other long-term employee benefits, an enterprise should recognise the net
total of the following amounts as expense or (subject to paragraph 59 of AS
15) income, except to the extent that another Accounting Standard requires or
permits their inclusion in the cost of an asset:
(a) current service cost
(b) interest cost
(c) the expected return on any plan assets and on any reimbursement right
recognised as an asset
(d) actuarial gains and losses, which should all be recognised immediately
(e) past service cost, which should all be recognised immediately
(f) the effect of any curtailments or settlements.
Termination Benefits
Termination benefits are employee benefits payable as a result of either:
a) an enterprise’s decision to terminate an employee’s employment
before the normal retirement date; or
b) an employee’s decision to accept voluntary redundancy in
exchange for those benefits (voluntary retirement).
An enterprise should recognise termination benefits as a liability and an
expense when, and only when:
(a) the enterprise has a present obligation as a result of a past event;
AS 15, Employee Benefits
Micro non-company entities may not discount contributions that fall due
more than 12 months after the balance sheet date as required in para
46 and 139 of the Standard.
AS 16, Borrowing Costs
This Standard should be applied in accounting for borrowing costs. This
Standard does not deal with the actual or imputed cost of owners’ equity,
including preference share capital not classified as a liability.
AS 16, Borrowing Costs
Generally Specifically
Capitalisation rate (weighted Actual Borrowing Costs less
average of the borrowing costs Income on temporary
outstanding during the period, other investment of these
than specific borrowings) should be borrowings.
applied to the expenditure on
qualifying assets.
Amount capitalised should not
exceed borrowing costs incurred
during that period.
AS 19, Leases
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe, for lessees and lessors, the
appropriate accounting policies and disclosures in relation to finance leases
and operating leases.
Scope lease agreements to explore for or use natural resources,
Exclusions such as oil, gas, timber, metals and other mineral rights
AS 19, Leases
AS 19, Leases
Lease payments are reduced from both principal and unearned finance
Initial direct costs are either recognised immediately in the Statement of
Profit and Loss or allocated against the finance income over the lease
Operating Leases
The lessor should present an asset given under operating lease in its
balance sheet under fixed assets and recognise associated costs,
including depreciation, as expense. Depreciation of leased assets
should be on a basis consistent with normal depreciation policy of the
lessor for similar assets.
Lease income from operating leases (excluding receipts for services
provided such as insurance and maintenance) should be recognised in
the Statement of Profit and Loss on a straight line basis over the lease
term, unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time
pattern in which benefit derived from the use of the leased asset is
Initial direct cost incurred specifically to earn revenues from an
operating lease are either deferred and allocated to income over the
lease term in proportion to the recognition of rent income or are
recognised as an expense in the Statement of Profit and Loss in the
period in which they are incurred.
Sale and Leaseback Transactions
A sale and leaseback transaction involves the sale of an asset by the vendor
and the leasing of the same asset back to the vendor.
Sale and leaseback transaction resulting in a finance lease
Any excess or deficiency of sales proceeds over the carrying amount
should be deferred and amortised over the lease term in proportion to
the depreciation of the leased asset.
Sale and leaseback transaction resulting in an operating lease
❖ Sale price = Fair value: Profit or loss is recognised immediately.
❖ Sale price > Fair value: Excess amount is deferred and amortised
over expected period of use of the asset.
AS 19, Leases
AS 22, Accounting for Taxes on Income
Current tax, should be included in the determination of the net profit or
loss for the period.
Current tax should be measured at the amount expected to be paid to
(recovered from) the taxation authorities, using the applicable tax rates
and tax laws.
An enterprise should offset assets and liabilities representing current
tax if the enterprise has a legally enforceable right to set off the
recognised amounts and intends to settle the asset and the liability on
a net basis.
Transitional requirements
On the first occasion when a Non-company entity gets classified as
Micro non-company entity (Level IV), the accumulated deferred tax
asset/liability appearing in the financial statements of immediate
previous accounting period, shall be adjusted against the opening
revenue reserves.
AS 26, Intangible Assets
AS 26 prescribes the accounting treatment for intangible assets.
Intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset, without physical
substance, held for use in the production or supply of goods or services,
for rental to others, or for administrative purposes.
Initial Recognition
An intangible asset should be recognised in the financial statements as an
intangible asset if it meets the definition of intangible asset and it meets the
recognition criteria as specified in the Standard.
Recognition Probable that future economic benefits will flow to the
Criteria enterprise
Costs can be reliably measured
An intangible asset should be measured initially at cost.
AS 26, Intangible Assets
Recognition as Expense
Expenditure on an intangible item should be recognised as an expense when
it is incurred unless:
a) it forms part of the cost of an intangible asset that meets the recognition
Expenditure on an intangible asset that was initially recognised as an expense
in previous annual financial statements should not be recognised as part of
the cost of an intangible asset at a later date.
Subsequent expenditure
An expenditure that has been incurred on an intangible asset subsequent to
its purchase or completion may be added to the cost of the asset provided:
it is probable that the expenditure will enable the asset to generate
future economic benefits in excess of its originally assessed standard
of performance
the expenditure can be measured and attributed to the asset reliably.
Subsequent Measurement
After recognition, an intangible asset should be carried at its cost less any
accumulated amortisation.
The depreciable amount should be allocated on a systematic basis over
the best estimate of its useful life. Method of amortisation should be
AS 26, Intangible Assets
AS 29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets
The objective of AS 29 is to ensure that appropriate recognition criteria and
measurement bases are applied to provisions and contingent liabilities and
that sufficient information is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements
to enable users to understand their nature, timing and amount. The objective
of this Standard is also to lay down appropriate accounting for contingent
AS 29 prescribes accounting for provisions and contingent liabilities and in
dealing with contingent assets, except:
Scope those resulting from financial instruments that are carried at fair
Exclusi value
those resulting from executory contracts, except where the
contract is onerous
those covered by another AS
AS 29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
AS 29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
AS 29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
the expense
relating to a
provision may be
presented as net
of the amount
recognised for
Contingent Not to be - Assessed
Liabilities recognised. continually to
Only determine
disclosure is whether an
required, outflow of
unless the resources
possibility of embodying
an outflow of economic
resources benefits has
embodying become
economic probable. If it
benefits is becomes
remote. probable,
liability is
recognised as
Contingent Not to be - Assessed
Assets recognised. continually and
if it has become
virtually certain
Disclosure is
that an inflow of
made in the
benefits will
report of the
arise, the asset
and the related
income are
when an
inflow of
benefits is
AS 29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
and not in
the financial
Part–II Disclosures Checklist under
Accounting Standards – Applicable to Micro
Non-company Entities
Part–II Disclosures Checklist under Accounting Standards – Applicable
be kept in mind while using the Checklist.
8. The Checklist may require modifications/additions/deletions in the
light of subsequent developments taking place from time to time such
as new accounting standards, new professional pronouncements and
new legal requirements relevant for Micro Non-company entities.
While utmost care has been taken in preparing this Checklist, it is intended for
general guidance only. It is stressed that the original pronouncements must be
referred to for the exact and complete requirements. The ICAI does not accept
any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from
action as a result of any material contained in this Checklist.
AS 1 (1979) – Disclosure of Accounting
AS 1 (1979) – Disclosure of Accounting Policies
AS 2 (revised 2016) – Valuation of Inventories
AS 4 (revised 2016) - Contingencies and
Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet
AS 4 (revised 2016) - Contingencies and Events Occurring After the…
AS 4 (revised 2016) - Contingencies and Events Occurring After the…
AS 5 (revised 1997)- Net Profit or Loss for the
Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in
Accounting Policies
AS 5 (revised 1997)- Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items
performance of enterprise for the
period, whether the nature and amount
of such items have been disclosed
separately (e.g. disposals of items of
fixed assets, litigation settlements
4 Prior period items:
5.15 Whether the nature and amount of
prior period items have been
separately disclosed in the statement
of profit and loss in a manner that their
impact on the current profit or loss can
be perceived?
5 Change in accounting estimates:
5.27 (i) Whether the nature and the
amount of a change in an
accounting estimate which has a
material effect in the current
(a) have been disclosed? or
(b) if it is impracticable to
quantify the amount, whether
that fact has been disclosed?
5.27 (ii) Whether the nature and amount of
a change in an accounting
estimate which is expected to
have a material effect in
subsequent periods:
(a) have been disclosed? or
(b) if it is impracticable to
quantify the amount, whether
that fact has been disclosed?
5.22 (iii) If an item of change is treated as a
change in accounting estimate
when it is difficult to distinguish
AS 5 (revised 1997)- Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items
between a change in accounting
policy and a change in accounting
estimate, whether it has been
appropriately disclosed?
(iv) Whether the effect of a change in
accounting estimate has been
5.25 classified using the same
classification in the statement of
profit and loss as was used
previously for the estimate?
6 Change in accounting policies:
5.32 (i) Whether the change in an
accounting policy which has a
material effect has been
(ii) Whether the impact of and the
adjustments resulting from such
change, if material, have been
shown in the financial statements
of the period in which such change
is made, to reflect the effects of
such change?
(iii) Where the effects of such change
are not ascertainable, wholly or in
part, whether such fact has been
(v) If a change is made in the
accounting policies which has no
material effect on the financial
statements for the current period
but which is reasonably expected
to have a material effect in later
periods, whether the fact of such
change has been appropriately
disclosed in the periods in which
the change is adopted?
AS 5 (revised 1997)- Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items
(vi) Wherever a change in accounting
5.33 policy consequent upon the
adoption of an Accounting
Standard has been made, whether
disclosure of information required
by (i) – (iv) above has been made
unless the transitional provisions
of any other Accounting Standard
require alternative disclosures in
this regard?
AS 7 (revised 2002) - Construction Contracts
AS 7 (revised 2002) - Construction Contracts
asset? And
(ii) the gross amount due to
customers for contract work as a
4 Contingencies:
7.44 Whether the enterprise has disclosed
any contingencies in accordance with
AS 29, ‘Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets’.
e.g., warranty costs, penalties or
possible losses?
AS 9 (1985) - Revenue Recognition
AS 10 (revised 2016) - Property, Plant and
AS 10 (revised 2016) - Property, Plant and Equipment
recognised or reserved
directly in revaluation
(d) Depreciation?
(e) the net exchange
differences arising on the
translation of the financial
statements of a non-
integral foreign operation
in accordance with AS 11?
(f) Other changes?
2 10.82 Whether the following information has
been disclosed in Financial
(i) The existence and amounts of
restrictions on title, and property,
plant and equipment pledged as
security for liabilities?
(ii) The amount of expenditures
recognised in the carrying amount
of an item of property, plant and
equipment in the course of its
(iii) The amount of contractual
commitments for the acquisition of
property, plant and equipment?
(iv) If it is not disclosed separately in
the statement of profit and loss,
the amount of compensation from
third parties for items of property,
plant and equipment that were,
lost or given up that is included in
statement of profit and loss?
(v) The amount of assets retired from
active use and held for disposal?
AS 10 (revised 2016) - Property, Plant and Equipment
AS 10 (revised 2016) - Property, Plant and Equipment
(iv) The extent to which fair values
of the items were determined
directly by reference to
observable prices in an active
market or recent market
transaction on arm’s length
terms or were estimated using
other valuation techniques?
(v) The revaluation surplus,
indicating the change for the
period and any restriction on the
distribution of the balance to
AS 11 (revised 2003) - The Effects of Changes
in Foreign Exchange Rates
AS 11 (revised 2003) - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange
(ii) the reason for the change?
(iii) the impact of change in
classification on shareholders’
(iv) the impact on net profit or loss for
each prior period presented had
the change in classification
occurred at the beginning of the
earlier period presented?
4 11.46 For an enterprise, which has exercised
the option under paragraph 46 of AS
11 (i.e., to defer/capitalise certain
exchange differences arising on
reporting of long-term foreign currency
monetary items), whether the following
disclosures have been made:
(i) the fact of such exercise of such
(ii) the amount remaining to be
amortized in the financial
statements of the period in which
such option is exercised and in
every subsequent period so long
as any exchange difference
remains unamortized?
5 11.43 Whether the effect on foreign currency
monetary items or on the financial
statements of a foreign operation of a
change in exchange rates occurring
after the balance sheet date is
disclosed in accordance with AS 4,
‘Contingencies and Events Occurring
After the Balance Sheet Date’?
AS 12 (1991) - Accounting For Government
AS 12 (1991) - Accounting For Government Grants
AS 13 (revised 2016) - Accounting for
AS 13 (revised 2016) - Accounting for Investments
AS 13 (revised 2016) - Accounting for Investments
AS 15 (revised 2005) Employee Benefits
AS 15 (revised 2005) Employee Benefits
assumptions used?
(f) an assertion under the actuarial
assumptions to the effect that
estimates of future salary
increases, considered in
actuarial valuation, take account
of inflation, seniority, promotion
and other relevant factors such
as supply and demand in the
employment market?
4 15.125 When required by AS 29, ‘Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
Assets’, whether the enterprise
discloses information about
contingent liabilities arising from
post–employment benefit
5 15.132 Other Long-term Employees
Where other accounting standards
require specific disclosures about
other long-term employee benefits,
whether such disclosures have been
made? (e.g., AS 5 , Net Profit or Loss
for the Period, Prior Period Items and
Changes in Accounting Policies,).
6 Termination benefits:
15.140 (a) Where there is uncertainty
about the number of employees
who will accept an offer of
termination benefit, whether the
enterprise has disclosed
information about the contingent
liability unless the possibility of
outflow in settlement is remote?
(AS 29, ‘Provisions, Contingent
AS 15 (revised 2005) Employee Benefits
AS 16 (2000) - Borrowing Costs
AS 19 (2001)- Leases
AS 19 (2001)- Leases
AS 19 (2001)- Leases
AS 22 (2001) – Accounting for Taxes on
AS 26 (2002)- Intangible Assets
AS 26 (2002)- Intangible Assets
AS 26 (2002)- Intangible Assets
AS 29 (revised 2016) - Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets
AS 29 (revised 2016) - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
by para 29.68 is not disclosed because
it is not practicable to do so, whether
that fact has been stated?
4 29.72 In extremely rare cases, where
disclosure of some or all of the
information required by para 29.68 can
be expected to prejudice seriously the
position of the enterprise in a dispute
with other parties on the subject matter
of the provision or contingent liability
and accordingly no disclosure of same
is made, whether the enterprise has
disclosed the following:
(i) general nature of the dispute?
(ii) the fact that the information has
not been disclosed?
(ii) the reason why the information
has not been disclosed?
Appendix 1
Criteria for classification of Non-company entities for
applicability of Accounting Standards
The Council, at its 400 th meeting, held on March 18-19, 2021, considered the
matter relating to applicability of Accounting Standards issued by The Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), to Non-company entities
(Enterprises). The scheme for applicability of Accounting Standards to Non -
company entities shall come into effect in respect of accounting periods
commencing on or after April 1, 2020.
1. For the purpose of applicability of Accounting Standards, Non-company
entities are classified into four categories, viz., Level I, Level II, Level III
and Level IV.
Level I entities are large size entities, Level II entities are medium size
entities, Level III entities are small size entities and Level IV entities are
micro entities. Level IV, Level III and Level II entities are referred to as
Micro, Small and Medium size entities (MSMEs). The criteria for
classification of Non-company entities into different levels are given in
Annexure 1.
The terms ‘Small and Medium Enterprise’ and ‘SME’ used in Accounting
Standards shall be read as ‘Micro, Small and Medium size entity’ and
‘MSME’ respectively.
2. Level I entities are required to comply in full with all the Accounting
3. Certain exemptions/relaxations have been provided to Level II, Level III
and Level IV Non-company entities. Applicability of Accounting
Standards and exemptions/relaxations to such entities are given in
Annexure 2.
4. This Announcement supersedes the earlier Announcement of the ICAI
on ‘Harmonisation of various differences between the Accounting
Standards issued by the ICAI and the Accounting Standards
notified by the Central Government’ issued in February 2008, to the
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Annexure 1
Criteria for classification of Non-company Entities as
decided by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Level I Entities
Non-company entities which fall in any one or more of the following
categories, at the end of the relevant accounting period, are classified as
Level I entities:
(i) Entities whose securities are listed or are in the process of listing on any
stock exchange, whether in India or outside India.
(ii) Banks (including co-operative banks), financial institutions or entities
carrying on insurance business.
(iii) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities,
whose turnover (excluding other income) exceeds rupees two-fifty crore
in the immediately preceding accounting year.
(iv) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities
having borrowings (including public deposits) in excess of rupees fifty
crore at any time during the immediately preceding accounting year.
(v) Holding and subsidiary entities of any one of the above.
Level II Entities
Non-company entities which are not Level I entities but fall in any one or more
of the following categories are classified as Level II entities:
(i) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities,
whose turnover (excluding other income) exceeds rupees fifty crore but
does not exceed rupees two-fifty crore in the immediately preceding
accounting year.
(ii) All entities engaged in commercial, industrial or business activities
having borrowings (including public deposits) in excess of rupees ten
crore but not in excess of rupees fifty crore at any time during the
immediately preceding accounting year.
(iii) Holding and subsidiary entities of any one of the above.
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
(3) Where an entity has been covered in Level I and subsequently, ceases
to be so covered and gets covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV, the
entity will not qualify for exemption/relaxation available to that Level,
until the entity ceases to be covered in Level I for two consecutive years.
Similar is the case in respect of an entity, which has been covered in
Level II or Level III and subsequently, gets covered under Level III or
Level IV.
(4) If an entity covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV opts not to avail of
the exemptions or relaxations available to that Level of entities in
respect of any but not all of the Accounting Standards, it shall disclose
the Standard(s) in respect of which it has availed the exemption or
(5) If an entity covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV opts not to avail
any one or more of the exemptions or relaxations available to that Level
of entities, it shall comply with the relevant requirements of the
Accounting Standard.
(6) An entity covered in Level II or Level III or Level IV may opt for availing
certain exemptions or relaxations from compliance with the
requirements prescribed in an Accounting Standard:
Provided that such a partial exemption or relaxation and disclosure shall
not be permitted to mislead any person or public.
(7) In respect of Accounting Standard (AS) 15, Employee Benefits,
exemptions/ relaxations are available to Level II and Level III entities,
under two sub-classifications, viz., (i) entities whose average number of
persons employed during the year is 50 or more, and (ii) entities whose
average number of persons employed during the year is less than 50.
The requirements stated in paragraphs (1) to (6) above, mutatis
mutandis, apply to these sub-classifications.
Appendix 1
Annexure 2
Applicability of Accounting Standards to Non-company
The Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI, as on April 1, 2020, and such
standards as issued from time-to-time are applicable to Non-company entities
subject to the relaxations and exemptions in the announcement. The
Accounting Standards issued by ICAI as on April 1, 2020, are:
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1