Amazon Data

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Processing Report Instructions

Introducing the new Amazon Processing Report

Welcome to the new version of Inventory File processing reports!

The new processing report adds information and formatting directly to the file submitted, and provide
about the errors and warnings that occur while processing of the uploaded the files. You can make ne
corrections in the same file, and upload the corrected file for creating or updating your listings on Am

You are receiving this file as Excel, because you chose to receive feedback in an Excel format during
upload process. If you prefer to use the older version of the report, please click "Text" option when u
your flat-file.

Your original submission with error and warning messages can be found in the Template ta
this file. The "Summary" tab has a brief overview of the errors and warnings received, and
often they have occurred.

Are you using the latest template version?

We continue to improve and publish new category-specific Inventory File Templates which include ne
attributes, valid values, and other changes.

Navigate to Seller Central>Inventory>Add Products via Upload>Download template, to download the

version for your products.

Errors, Warnings and Suggestions

In the Template tab of the checked file, the columns A and B have the following fields:

# of attributes with errors

The number of errors found for a specific SKU/row. These errors will block your listings from being cr

Review the entire row to identify errors, which are highlighted in orange and shown in a comment bo
read the message in the comment box, hover your cursor over the highlighted cell, and expand the c
box to read the entire message.

# of attributes with other suggestions

The number of warnings or suggestions found for a specific SKU/row. Warnings or suggestions will no
your listings from being created on However, fixing warnings or suggestions, makes yo
products easily discoverable by the customers.

Review the entire row to identify the warnings and suggestions. Warnings are highlighted in yellow an
shown in a comment box. We may also suggest changes to your file based on the data provided. The
suggestions are highlighted in blue and the details are provided in a comment box. To read the mess
the comment box, hover your cursor over the highlighted cell and expand the comment box to read t
After reviewing and correcting the file
When you have finished making corrections to your product data in the Template tab, save the file as
(tab-delimited) (*.txt) file. Excel saves the active sheet only (the Template tab) as a text file.

This is your inventory file that you will upload through Inventory>Add Products via Upload in the Sell

Still have questions?

See seller Help.


您之所以收到此 Excel 文件,是因为您在上传过程中选择了接收 Excel 电子表格形式的反馈。如果您倾向于使用旧




您可以前往卖家平台 > 库存 > 批量上传商品 > 下载库存文件模板,为您的商品下载最新版本的库存文件模板。


在此 Excel 文件的“模板”选项卡中,A 列和 B 列包含以下字段:


从一个 SKU 或者一行数据中所发现的错误数量。这些错误会阻碍在亚马逊网站上创建您的商品信息。



从一个 SKU 或者一行数据中所发现的警告或建议的数量。警告或建议不会阻碍在亚马逊网站上创建您的商品信息。但

当您在“模板”选项卡中修改完商品数据后,请将文件保存为制表符分隔的文本文件(*.txt)。Excel 仅将活动工作

这就是您要通过卖家平台 > 库存 > 批量上传商品上传的库存文件。

Feed Processing Summary
Number of records processed
Number of records with errors
Number of records with warnings

Type of error


Error message example

SKU Chair - 7, Missing Attributes included_components. SKU Chair -

7 doesn't match any ASINs. Make sure that all standard product ids
(such as UPC, ISBN, EAN, or JAN codes) are correct. To create a new
ASIN, include the following attributes: included_components. Feed
ID: 0. For more troubleshooting help, see
Affected Attribute Names (Excel Column) Number of errors

Total number of errors 9

Total errors and warnings 9

How to complete your inventory template
GrField Name Local Label Name

feed_product_type Product Type

item_sku Seller SKU

brand_name Brand Name

external_product_id Product ID

external_product_id_type Product ID Type

item_name Item Name (aka Title)

manufacturer Manufacturer

product_description Product Description

recommended_browse_nodes Recommended Browse Nodes

model model
bullet_point1 - bullet_point5 Bullet Point

color_name Color

color_map Colour Map

size_name Size

included_components1 -
included_components5 Included Components

number_of_pieces Number of Pieces

material_type Material Type

is_assembly_required Is Assembly Required

assembly_instructions Assembly Instructions

number_of_boxes Number of Boxes

unit_count Unit Count

unit_count_type Unit Count Type

depth_front_to_back Item Depth Front To Back

ure Item depth Unit

depth_width_side_to_side Item Width Side To Side

measure Item Width Unit
depth_height_floor_to_top Item Height Floor To Top
_measure Item Height Unit of Measure
is_fragile Is Fragile
country_of_origin Country Of Origin

external_product_information HSN Code

standard_price Your price

quantity Quantity
number_of_items Number of Items

list_price_with_tax List Price

maximum_retail_price Maximum Retail Price

main_image_url Main Image URL

age_range_description Age Range Description
part_number Manufacturer Part Number
target_gender Target Gender

item_height_unit_of_measure Item Height Unit Of Measure

item_length_unit_of_measure Item Length Unit Of Measure

item_width_unit_of_measure Item Width Unit Of Measure

thread_count Thread Count

length_longer_edge Item Length Longer Edge

re Item Length Unit

width_shorter_edge Item Width Shorter Edge

ure Item Width Unit

fabric_type1 - fabric_type5 Fabric Type

on1 -
on3 Material/Fabric Regulations
Images - Image Information - These attributes provide links to images for a product

other_image_url1 Other Image URL1

swatch_image_url Swatch Image URL
Variation - Variation Information - Populate these attributes if your product is available in different variations (for exam

parent_child Parentage

parent_sku Parent SKU

relationship_type Relationship Type

variation_theme Variation Theme

Basic - Basic Product Information - These are attributes that are important to buyers and should be populated for all yo
update_delete Update Delete

outer_material_type Footboard Upholstery

model_name Model Name

gtin_exemption_reason Product Exemption Reason

care_instructions Product Care Instructions
Discovery - Item Discovery Information - These attributes have an effect on how customers can find your product on the

generic_keywords Search Terms

special_features1 -
special_features5 Product Features
style_name Style
frame_material_type Frame Material

item_type_name Item Type Name

finish_type Leg Finish

arm_height_unit Arm Height Unit
seat_depth Seat Depth

room_type1 - room_type5 Room Type

manufacturer_contact_information Manufacturer Contact

embellishment_feature1 -
embellishment_feature5 Embellishment Feature
arm_height Arm Height

packer_contact_information Packer

team_name Team Name

importer_contact_information Importer
back_style Back Style

theme Theme

league_name League Name

seating_capacity Seating Capacity
seat_depth_unit Seat Depth Unit

craft_type1 - craft_type2 Craft Type

scent_name Scent

folded_size Packed Size

number_of_drawers Drawers
length_range length_range
number_of_shelves Number of Shelves

pattern_name Pattern
top_material_type Top Material
lock_type Locking Mechanism

subject_character character

recommended_uses_for_product Recommended Uses For Product

sport_type Sport

surface_recommendation Surface Recommendation

fill_material_type Fill Material Type

mfg_minimum Minimum Age Recommendation

mfg_minimum_unit_of_measure Mfg Minimum Unit Of Measure

frame_type Frame Finish

number_of_doors Number of Doors

compartment_description Storage Type

wattage Wattage

wattage_unit_of_measure Wattage Unit Of Measure

seasons1 - seasons4 Seasons
is_waterproof Is Waterproof
number_of_compartments Number of Compartments
Product Enrichment - These attributes create rich product listings for your buyers.
base_type Sink Material
arm_style Arm Style
construction_type Construction Type

furniture_finish Furniture Finish

fire_rating Fire Rating
orientation Orientation

number_of_cds Number of CDs

watch_movement_type Movement Type

number_of_dvds Number of DVDs

seat_material_type Seat Material Type
door_style Door Type
item_depth_unit_of_measure item_depth_unit_of_measure
base_material_type Base Material

material_features Material Features

number_of_hooks Number of Hooks
Dimensions - Product Dimensions - These attributes specify the size and weight of a product
item_weight Item Weight

item_weight_unit_of_measure Item Weight Unit of Measure

item_volume Item Volume

item_volume_unit_of_measure Item Volume Unit Of Measure

item_shape Shape

seat_height_unit_of_measure Seat Height Unit Of Measure

seat_height Seat Height

measure Back Seat Interior Height Unit
re Intirior Seat Width Unit

seat_interior_width Seat Interior Width

size_map size_map
seat_back_interior_height Seat Back Interior Height

item_height Item Height

item_length Item Length
item_width Item Width

item_display_weight Display Weight

item_display_weight_unit_of_meas Item Display Weight Unit Of

ure Measure

item_display_width Display Width

item_display_height_unit_of_meas Item Display Height Unit Of
ure Measure
re Item Display Width Unit Of Measure

item_display_height Display Height

width_range width_range

maximum_weight_recommendatio Maximum Weight Recommendation

n_unit_of_measure Unit Of Measure

item_display_length Display Length

item_display_length_unit_of_meas Item Display Length Unit Of
ure Measure
n Maximum Weight Recommendation

form_factor Sofa Type

seat_length_unit_of_measure Seat Length Unit Of Measure

seat_length Seat Length

item_depth Item Depth

seat_width Seat Width

seat_width_unit_of_measure Seat Width Unit Of Measure

fabric_weight Towel Weight

fabric_weight_unit_of_measure Towel Weight Unit of Measure

item_thickness_unit_of_measure Thickness Unit of Measure

item_thickness_derived Item Thickness Decimal Value
item_firmness_description Item Firmness Description
Fulfillment - Use these columns to provide fulfilment-related information for orders fulfilled either by Amazon (FBA) or
fulfillment_center_id Fulfilment Centre ID

package_height Package Height

package_width Package Width

package_length Package Length

package_weight Package Weight

package_weight_unit_of_measure Package Weight Unit Of Measure

package_height_unit_of_measure Package Height Unit Of Measure

package_width_unit_of_measure Package Width Unit Of Measure

package_length_unit_of_measure Package Length Unit Of Measure

Compliance - Compliance Information - Attributes used to comply with consumer laws in the country or region where th

are_batteries_included Batteries are Included

battery_type1 - battery_type3 Battery type/size

number_of_batteries1 -
number_of_batteries3 Number of batteries

warranty_description Warranty Description

safety_warning Safety Warning
Is this product a battery or does it
batteries_required use batteries?
battery_cell_composition Battery composition

battery_weight Battery weight

battery_weight_unit_of_measure Battery Weight Unit of Measure

number_of_lithium_metal_cells Number of Lithium Metal Cells

number_of_lithium_ion_cells Number of Lithium-ion Cells

lithium_battery_packaging Lithium Battery Packaging

lithium_battery_energy_content Watt hours per battery

lithium_battery_energy_content_un Lithium Battery Energy Content Unit
it_of_measure Of Measure

lithium_battery_weight Lithium content

lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_me Lithium Battery Weight Unit Of

asure Measure

n1 -
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulatio Applicable Dangerous Goods
n5 Regulations

_id UN number
safety_data_sheet_url Safety Data Sheet (SDS) URL

flash_point Flash point (°C)?

ghs_classification_class1 - Categorisation/GHS pictograms
ghs_classification_class3 (select all that apply)
item_weight Item Weight

item_weight_unit_of_measure Item Weight Unit of Measure

Offer - Offer Information - These attributes are required to make your item buyable for customers on the site

fulfillment_latency Handling Time

condition_type Item Condition

condition_note Offer Condition Note

product_site_launch_date Launch Date

merchant_release_date Release Date

sale_from_date Sale Start Date

sale_end_date Sale End Date

sale_price Sale Price

restock_date Restock Date

product_tax_code Product Tax Code

merchant_shipping_group_name Shipping-Template

max_order_quantity Max Order Quantity

offering_can_be_giftwrapped Is Gift Wrap Available?

offering_can_be_gift_messaged Can Be Gift Messaged

offering_end_date Offer End Date

map_price Minimum Advertised Price

currency Currency

offering_start_date Offer Start Date


business_price Business Price

quantity_price_type Quantity Price Type

quantity_price1 Quantity Price 1

quantity_lower_bound1 Quantity Lower Bound 1

pricing_action Pricing Action

United Nations Standard Products
unspsc_code and Services Code

national_stock_number National Stock Number

Definition and Use

Within a category there are often multiple product types defined.

Select a product type from the drop down on the template tab or
the a value from the valid values tab.

A unique identifier for the product, assigned by the merchant.

The SKU must be unique for each product listed. After you have
established a SKU for a product, please do not change it without
first deleting the original SKU from our systems through a delete

The Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that

identifies the goods as distinct from those of other sellers.

A standard, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the

product. This could be a GCID (16 alphanumeric characters), UPC
or EAN. This is a required field if product_id_type is provided.

The type of standard, unique identifier entered in the Product_ID

field. This is a required field if Product_ID is provided.

A short title for the product. This will be displayed in bold on the
product page and in the title bar of the browser window.

Specify the company of individual that produced the product.

Text - maximum 2000 characters. HTML tags and special

characters not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type
1 High ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs,
phone numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as
'sale', 'price', 'offer' etc

Products get placed into the category browse structure when

assigned to a browse tree node. Use this field to provide the
browse tree node that best represents your product. Review the
list of posslbe browse nodes and select the node that most closely
represents your product. If no values are provided, your product
will not be browsable by our customers.

Model number
Text - maximum 100 characters. HTML tags and special characters
not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type 1 High
ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs, phone
numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as 'sale',
'price', 'offer' etc. Do not include any formatting - Amazon will add
the bullet points
What is the color of the upholstery (seats, cushions etc) of the

If your colour is non-standard, you should map it to its closest

equivalent here so that it shows up in our colour filter options in
search. For instance, if your colour name is "aqua", you should
map it to "blue"; if your colour name is "violet", you should map it
to "purple"

What is the size of the bed

Indicate components that are included. Some products come as

complete sets, others are just the main item with other items sold
Specify the number pieces in the product. Use this to number of
tools in a set or number of pieces in a toilet.

Describes the type of wood used in the product

Indicate if assembly is required.

Enter all instructions regarding product assembly.

This attribute represents the number of boxes a product may

come in and used to determine if an item comes in multiple boxes
The number of units in the product.
PPU Count Unit Of Measure must be entered if PPU-count is
Indicate whether the item is fragile or not
The country where the product was issued.

Provide the applicable 6/8 digit HSN tax code for your product.
A price greater than 0. Do not include thousands separators or
currency symbols.

Merchant-fulfilled products: Enter the quantity of the item you

are making available for sale. This is your current INVENTORY
commitment. Quantity is required for all "child" or stand-alone
items. If left blank when first submitting the product information,
the item will be displayed as "Out of stock." Do not enter
quantity for parent items.
Amazon-fulfilled products: Do not enter quantity, as it is not
applicable for products fulfilled by Amazon. Instead, submit
fulfillment_center_id in a separate column (see data definition for
The number of items that are included in the product

Manufacturer's suggested retail price or list price for the product.

This is not the same as the offering price, which is specified in the
item-price field.

This is the maximum retail price that is physically printed on pre-

packaged products by manufacturer according to legal metrology
act. This is the maximum price that seller can charge a customer.
This attribute is only applicable to IN marketplace.

The URL where a main image of the product is located. It's

important that this is supplied for all products.
Select one of the following options: Adult, Kids, Baby
If applicable, please submit the manufacturer's part number for
the product. For most products, this will be identical to the
model number; however, some manufacturers distinguish part
number from model number.
Select one of the follownig options: Female, Male, Unisex

Select the unit of measure for Item Height. If Item Height is used,
you must also enter the Item Height Unit Of Measure

Select the unit of measure for Item Length. If Item Length is used,
you must also enter the Item Length Unit Of Measure
Select the unit of measure for Item Width. If Item Width is used,
you must also enter the Item Width Unit Of Measure
The thread count of the product.

mages for a product

The URL for additional images of your product.

These images will be shown on the detail page when the

customer clicks through to see other views associated with the
product. For example, you can use this field to show the label
information or packaging of your product. Upload additional
images with different views to the item, or with some emotional
surrounding as additional image.
The URL where an image of a colour swatch from the product is
your product is available in different variations (for example color or wattage)

Defines the product within a relationship with another, similar


The "parent" defines the basic data about the product. Parent
products are not purchasable; the "parent" product simply
specifies the attributes of the product that are common among all
of its children and only acts as a place holder. The "child"
products define the possible variations (i.e., size, colour) of the
parent product and represent the items that are actually for sale.

This field is required if any of the following columns are

populated: variation_theme, color, paper_size,
maximum_expandable_size, line_size. If the product does not
participate in a variation relationship, use the value "child."

For further information about how to construct a product

variation, please refer to this template's "Example" tab.

If the product is a child product, list the SKU of the parent product

Describes the relationship between products that are related.

Accessories can be seen on the site as "Also
Recommended" selections on certain detail product pages. Use
this field to create an accessory relationship.

Describes the parameter(s) by which the parent product may

vary. The value input for this field should be the same for both
the parent and child SKUs. Example: If the product varies by size,
input the value Size. If the product varies by colour, input the
value Color. Terms used for variation themes are created by you
the merchant. (e.g. 'count' can be any number that you choose).
e important to buyers and should be populated for all your items. Some are required to create an offer.
Specifies the type of operation (Update, PartialUpdate or Delete)
to be done on the data provided. If left blank, the default
behaviour is "Update." Use "Update" whenever you are changing
any field in the existing product's information, including reducing
the inventory to 0. Only use "Delete" when you wish to remove a
product completely and permanently from the catalogue.

After you have established a SKU for a product, please do not try
changing it without first deleting the associated product from our
systems through a delete feed.

Describes the material used for the upholstery of the footboard

The model name for the product.

Most products have barcodes (UPC, EAN, etc) that uniquely

identify the product. Providing the correct barcode for product
listings helps Amazon improve the quality our catalog and reduce
duplicate product listings that confuse customers shopping on
Amazon. However, not all products have assigned barcodes. If
you are creating custom bundles of 2 or more products, indicate
this is a bundle listing by selecting "CustomProductBundl". If you
are listing replacement parts that don't have barcodes (perhaps
only a part number),or you have split a product into component
parts not normally sold individually, please select
"ReplacementPart". Note for either of these cases you will need
to have been previously granted a bundle UPC exemption or
replacement part UPC exemption for the brand by Amazon. Leave
this column blank for all other types of products.
Indicates the care instructions for the product
an effect on how customers can find your product on the site using browse or search
Search terms that describe your product: no repetition, no
competitor brand names or ASINs.

Describe any special features the product has - one in each

column. Keep this information factual and descriptive - do not
include subjective adjectives eg "awesome", great". Do not
include the model numbers your product is compatible with (use
compatible-devices for this instead). Remember that this
information will be used by all sellers - do not include detail
specific to your listings, eg. your business name or "Free Shipping"
The industry name for the style for this item.
Which material is used to make the frame (non-seating area) of
the furniture

What is the type of design of the bed

What kind of finish has been done on the legs of the product

Address and Customer Care Details of the manufacturer, or where

the manufacturer is not the packer, the address and customer
care details of the manufacturer and packer

Name of the team the product represents. Use valid team name
columns from valid values list. Please refer the Valid Values tab
for possible values to use in this field. Not using the appropriate
valid values can possibly result in your items not appearing in
browse and search.

The specific occasion or theme. Use this value only if product is

styled or decorated specifically for that event.
Indicate the professional body that governs the competition of
the team or group you are listing.
Indicate the number of available seats

The scent of the product.

The overall length of the knife when the blade is in the folded
Indicate how many drawers the appliance has.

Describe the pattern of the product. Use this for hardware

products shaped like letters or numbers.
Which material is used to make the top surface of the product
What type of lock has been provided in the product

Describes cartoon, movie, etc. character of costume.

Specify if the product is designed for indoor or outdoor use.
Select from the list of valid values.

Name of the game or activity. Please refer to the valid values tab
for a list of standard sport values. Please fill this field out with one
of those values. Not using the appropriate valid values can
possibly result in your items not appearing in browse and search.

Indicate the running surface best suited to the shoe.

Which finish is used for the frame of the product

This attribute represents the number of doors the item has

Describes the type of storage used in the product

The wattage rating of the product

Select the unit of measure for Wattage. If Wattage is used, you
must also enter the Wattage Unit Of Measure.
If the product has seasonality associated with it

gs for your buyers.

Describes the material used for the sink of the product

Indicate the finish on the nursery furniture. Select from the list of
valid values.

Select from the list of valid values.

Material of the seat of the valve
Describes the type of door that the furniture has

Which material is used to make the base of the furniture

size and weight of a product

The weight of the product.
The unit of measure used to describe the weight of the product
without shipping material.

Indicates the volume capacity of a product.

Indicates the volume capacity of a product.
The shape of the speaker (typically used for in-wall or in-ceiling

Select the unit of measure for the towel weigh. If Towel Weigh is
used, you must also enter the Towel Weigh Unit Of Measure.

Indicate the measurement of the top of the seat height to the

floor. Use for barstools.

Use \"Others\" if size is not defined.

Indicates the displayable height dimension of the product.

The displayable length dimension of the product.
Indicates the displayable width dimension of the product.

The weight of the product. (Price/per weight).

Select the unit of measure for Display Weight. If Display Weight is

used, you must also enter the Display Weight Unit Of Measure.

Indicate the displayable width dimension of the product.

Specifies what unit of measure you are using for your height
Specifies what unit of measure you are using for your width

Indicates the displayable height dimension of the product.

Select the unit of measure for Minimum Weight Recommendation

and/or Maximum Weight Recommendation. If Minimum Weight
Recommendation and/or Maximum Weight Recommendation is
used, you must also enter the Weight Recommendation Unit Of

Filling in this field might be required by law (Unit price). Please fill
in either Display Weight, Display Volume or Display Length.
Specifies what unit of measure you are using for your length

What is the design type of the sofa

Select the unit of measurement for the length of the product's
seat. Select from the list of valid values.

Indicate the length of the seat.

Indicate the width of the seat.

Select the unit of measurement for the width of the product's
seat. Select from the list of valid values.
The fabric plushness or absorbency as measured by the weight of
one square meter of the fabric in grams.

Select the unit of measure for the towel weigh. If Towel Weigh is
used, you must also enter the Towel Weigh Unit Of Measure.
Select the unit of measure for Thickness. If Thickness is used, you
must also enter the Thickness Unit Of Measure.
Indicate the thickness of the bedding material in g / m²

nformation for orders fulfilled either by Amazon (FBA) or by the seller.

Amazon-fulfilled products: For those merchants using Amazon
fulfilment services, this designates which fulfilment network will
be used. Specifying a value other than ‘DEFAULT’ for
fulfillment_center_id will cancel the Merchant-fulfilled offering.
Resubmitting with a blank or ‘DEFAULT’ value for the
fulfillment_center_id, along with quantity, will switch the item
back to Merchant-fulfilled.
Merchant-fulfilled products: Do not enter fulfillment_center_id,
as it is not applicable.

The height of the package.

The width of the package.

The length of the package.

The weight of the package.

Select the unit of measure for Package Weight. If Package Weight

is used, you must also enter the Package Weight Unit Of Measure.

Select the unit of measure for Package Height. If Package Height

is used, you must also enter the Package Height Unit Of Measure.

Select the unit of measure for Package Width. If Package Width is

used, you must also enter the Package Width Unit Of Measure.

The unit of measure used to describe the dimensions (width,

length, height) of the package expressed in inches, centimeters,
or feet.
ply with consumer laws in the country or region where the item is sold

Select "yes" if batteries are contained in the product (e.g.

batteries inside a pair of Bluetooth headphones) and/or included
with the product (e.g. batteries packed separately with a camera),
otherwise select "no"

Specify the type of battery in the product.

Number of batteries, including spares (total batteries, not cells
per battery)

Provide a description of the product's warranty. This information

will surface in the Product Specifications widget on the detail
List any potential safety issues associated with the product
including doctor's warnings, health restrictions for certain groups
such as pregnant women or diabetics, and potential hazards
such as choking.
An internal rechargeable, non-replaceable battery (e.g. laptop
battery) is also considered a battery.
Commonly printed on the battery or outer packaging

Provide the total net weight of the batteries included. This is the
weight of the standalone batteries not including packaging or the
device it may be used in.

Unit of measure used to describe the battery weight

Total number of Lithium cells (of type Metal) in the product,

where the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.
Total number of Lithium cells (of type Ion) in the product, where
the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.

“Batteries only”: the battery or batteries are sold alone or with

items they are not meant to power. “With equipment”: the
battery is included in the package but not pre-installed. “In
equipment”: the battery is pre-installed in the item.

Commonly printed on the battery or outer packaging

Indicate unit of measure if Lithium Battery Energy Content is

Commonly found in manufacturer's technical information

Select the unit of measure for Lithium Battery Weight . If Lithium

Battery Weight is used, you must also enter theLithium Battery
Weight Unit Of Measure.

Select the purposes for which your product is regulated as a

dangerous good or hazardous material (hazmat) (e.g. dangerous
good for transportation, hazmat for waste). Common products
can be regulated as dangerous goods (e.g. nail polish, aerosols,
cleaning products). For more information, refer to the help pages.

Usually found in the Safety Data Sheet or procured from the

manufacturer/distributor. For more information, refer to the help
Can be procured from the manufacturer/distributor. For more
information, refer to the help pages.

Commonly found in Safety Data Sheet or provided by

manufacturer. For more information, refer to the help pages.
Commonly found in the Safety Data Sheet or on the product
The weight of the product.
The unit of measure used to describe the weight of the product
without shipping material.
ke your item buyable for customers on the site

This is time in which you will be able to ship the product after you
get an order. The default value is 1 to 2 days. Use this field if your
handling time is greater than 2 business days.
A numerical entry that indicates the condition of the item. Review
the condition guidelines definitions.

Descriptive text explaining the item’s condition. This Condition

Note field is limited to 1000 characters for all Used, Collectible,
and Refurbished items. Condition notes are not accepted for
products with a condition type of new.

Specify the date the product will be searchable. A product with a

future launch date will not be discoverable on the website until
the specified launch date.

The first date on which you can deliver a pre-orderable product

(one that has never been available prior to this date) to a
The date that the sale price will begin to override the product's

The last date that the sale price will override the item's normal
price; the product's standard_price will be displayed afterwards.

The sale price at which the merchant offers the product for sale,
expressed in local currency. The site will strikethrough the
product's original price and indicate that the item is on sale at the
sale price.

This is the date that a merchant will be able to ship any back-
ordered items to a customer.'s standard code to identify the tax properties of a
Sellers can create a series of distribution templates based on
business needs and usage. These templates can contain different
distribution areas, expected delivery time, and shipping. When
you add product information, sellers need to choose the template
to be assosciated with the product to control the product
availability as well as ship speed and fee to different regions.
Customers will be provided the relevant delivery and shipping
options based on this information.
Use to indicate the largest quantity that an individual may
purchase in one order of the given product.
If you can gift wrap an item indicate that here. If left blank,
defaults to 'FALSE'.
If you can print a gift message with the item indicate that here. If
left blank, defaults to 'false'.

Specify the date when this item can be discontinued on the site.

For MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) based pricing. If you have

never heard this term before, this function probably does not
apply to you.

The currency code for price data. This is required if map, msrp,
item_price, or sale_price is provided. The same currency will
apply to all price-related fields.

This is the first date on which a seller can deliver a pre-orderable

product (one that has never been available prior to this date) to a

The price at which the credentialed Amazon Business seller offers

the product to verified business customers, expressed in INR. The
price should be greater than 0. If price exists, business-price
should be less than or equal to price, as business-price represents
a discount for business customers. Do not include thousands
separators or currency symbols. This field is required if quantity
prices are provided

Either fixed or percent. When fixed is selected, quantity prices are

expressed in INR. When percent is selected, quantity prices are
calculated as a percent off of the business price.
Quantity prices, expressed either as INR (199.99 = INR199.99) or
as a percent off the business-price (7= 7% off business-price),
depending on the chosen quantity-price type. Must provide a
lower-bound for each quantity-price. Each quantity-price must be
lower than the previous one.

Quantity thresholds, expressed in units. Business customers who

purchase at or above a quantity-lower-bound will be given the
corresponding quantity-price. For example, if lower-bound1 is set
to 50, quantity-price1 will apply to a purchase of 50 or more units.
Sellers can specify up to 5 lower-bounds and must provide a
quantity-price for each lower bound. Each lower-bound must be
higher than the previous one.

Specifies the actions that need to be performed on the price

attributes of this SKU. The only action currently supported by the
system is deleting the business_price.
Set this field to "delete business_price" when you want to remove
a previously submitted business_price and any quantity discounts.
If left blank, no action will be performed and the contents of this
column will be ignored.
An 8-digit alphanumeric code for classification of products
according to the UNSPSC system
An alphanumeric 13-digit code, which is the the standard item
code according to NATO definition
Accepted Values

Input an appropriate product type.

Unique Identifier. If you don't enter a SKU we'll create one for

Name of the brand under which products are sold. Usually

mentioned on product or package. In case name is not
mentioned, kindly use "Generic" as brand name

Provide the external ID (numerical barcode mentioned on the

product/packaging) type and corresponding value that is being
used to identify the product. This can be an EAN, UPC, ISBN or

Select one of the following options: GCID, UPC, EAN ASIN or ISBN

An alphanumeric string up to 200 characters.

Specify the manufacturer of the product as mentioned on the
product or package

Text - maximum 2000 characters. HTML tags and special

characters not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type
1 High ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs,
phone numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as
'sale', 'price', 'offer' etc

Indicate the browse node or section of the Amazon website

where the product will be assigned. This allows customers to find
the product on the website easily. Browse Tree Guide can be
downloaded from

An alphanumeric string; 100 characters maximum length. Note:

Type 1 High ASCII characters (®, ©, ™, etc.) or other special
characters are not supported.
Text - maximum 100 characters. HTML tags and special characters
not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type 1 High
ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs, phone
numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as 'sale',
'price', 'offer' etc. Do not include any formatting - Amazon will add
the bullet points
Mention the primary or prominent color of the product. Mention
"multicolor" if there are more than one color

Black, White, Transparent, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Purple,

Orange, Pink, Brown, Silver, Gold, Multi-coloured
Mention the numeric or text version of the item's size. (e.g: Small,
Medium, Large, 40, 42, 44, etc.)

An alphanumeric string up to 1000 characters.

A positive integer.

Specify the primary materials used for manufacturing the item

Select: true or false

An alphanumeric string up to 1500 characters.

Provide the number of boxes that the product comes in

provide the number of units in the product.
Specify the unit of measure for Unit Count. If Unit Count is used,
you must also enter the Unit Count Unit Of Measure.

Provide the measurement of the item from front to back in

assembled state. For reclining sofas, depth is measured in an
unreclined position.

Select the unit of measure for Item depth.

Provide the measurement from side to side of the front of the

item in an assembled state. This measurement is taken from
armrest to armrest (for sofas with armrests) in a non-reclined

Select the unit of measure for item width.

Provide the measurement of the item from the floor to the top in
an assembled state. For reclining sofas, height is measured in an
unreclined position.

Select the unit of measure for item Height

Indicate whether the item is fragile or not
Specify the country where the product was issued.

Provide the applicable 6/8 digit HSN tax code for your product.
Standard Price indicates the price at which product is sold to
customers. Please do not use commas or currency signs

Stock available for online sales

A whole number

The M.R.P. of the product, in local currency.

Maximum Retail Price (MRP) indicates the price mentioned on the

product or package. This is the highest price at which the product
can be sold to the customer. Please do not use commas or
currency signs

Images should have 72-pixels-per-inch resolution and be 500

pixels minimum in length (on the longest side). The preferred file
format is JPEG (.jpg), and the URL must be fully-formed and valid
(i.e., include http://). When naming your image, you may use the
following convention (though not required): Product SKU + View
Indicator (.main) + File Extension (.jpg). An example would be:
"15774.main.jpg". There cannot be any spaces or high ASCII
characters in the image URL. Save the image to your Web server
and supply the URL to the image in this field. Accepted formats
are .jpeg, .jpg, and .gif
Specify an appropriate age range description for the item
For most products, this will be identical to the model number or
SKU; However, some manufacturers distinguish part number from
model number.
Provide the target gender for the product

Select from the list of valid values

Select from the list of valid values

Select from the list of valid values

A positive integer.

Provide the measurement of the length of the item in ready to

use condition. Length is a measurement of the longer edge of
the item.

Select the unit of measure for Item length.

Provide the measurement of the width measured side to side of

the item in ready to use condition. Width is a measurement of the
shorter edge of the item.

Select the unit of measure for item width.

List all fabrics separated by ','. Indicate with % composition.

Always add "Viscose" or "Rayon" instead of "Bamboo", and
"Azlon" for Soy

Does your product contain any of the following materials/fabrics

subject to regulation: Bamboo, Wool, and/or Fur? Please select all
that apply. If none apply, select not applicable.

A valid URL, including leading "http://"

The URL is case sensitive, so make sure to use matching

capitalisation and no redirections (e.g. .jpeg instead of .jpg). While
a web browser might be smart enough to locate your image
despite of these little inaccuracies, our image collection process
Images should have 72-pixels-per-inch resolution and be 30 pixels
maximum length (on the longest side). The preferred file format is
JPEG (.jpg). When naming your image, please use the following
convention: Product SKU + View Indicator (i.e., .swatch) + File
Extension (i.e., .jpg). An example would be: "".
Save the image to your Web server and supply the URL to the
image in this field.
or wattage)

Please select one of the following values:


An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 40

characters maximum in length.

Select one of the following options:

Accessory Variation

Select an applicable variation theme.

Some are required to create an offer.
Select one of the following options: Update, PartialUpdate, or

Short String (up to 40 chars)

An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 50
characters maximum in length.

Please select "CustomProductBundle" to indicate if this product

listing is a customized bundle or 2 or more products, or
"ReplacementPart" if this product is a replacement part, or part of
a set. Leave this blank for all other types of products.
Indicates the care instructions for the product
g browse or search
Search terms that describe your product: no repetition, no
competitor brand names or ASINs.

Text - maximum 50 characters. HTML tags and special characters

not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type 1 High
ASCII characters) are not supported
Select from the list of valid values.
Short String (up to 40 chars)
Provide the generic name for you Product (example For 'Vaseline'
Item Type name is 'Petroleum Jelly').

Short String (up to 40 chars)

Select the corresponding unit
Provide the depth of the item's seat as a numeric value

Provide the type of room the product is intended for.

Provide the address and contact number of the manufacturer.

You can also provide e-mail, customer care number & website
URL of the manufacturer If available.
Description of something extra attached to the item for
decorative purposes.
Provide the arm height

If Packer is different from manufacturer, provide address and

contact number of the packer. If manufacturer is the packer,
provide address and contact number of the manufacturer.

Use the multiple columns in the Valid Values list. An

alphanumeric string; 50 characters maximum.
Provide the product's importer name, address and contact
Provide the item's back style

Select from the list of valid values.

Please refer to the Valid values tab for the appropriate value for
this field.
Provide the seating capacity for the item
Provide the corresponding depth unit
Select the craft type which most appropriately represents the
Select from the list of valid values.

An alphanumeric string; 50 characters maximum.

A positive whole number.

Provide the number of shelves associated with the item

Select from the list of valid values.

Short String (up to 40 chars)
Short String (up to 40 chars)

An alphanumeric text string; 1 character minimum and 50

characters maximum. If multiple colors are available, a unique
record should be submitted for each product.

Select from the list of valid values.

Use the column Sport in the Valid Values list. An alphanumeric

string; 50 characters maximum.
Select from the list of Valid Values provided in a later tab within
this workbook.
Use the column FillMaterialType in the Valid Values list. An
alphanumeric string; 50 characters maximum.

A positive whole number - please do not use fractions/decimals

Short String (up to 40 chars)

Provide the number of doors the product has

Short String (up to 40 chars)
A number with up to 2 decimal places. Please use a full stop (.)
rather than a comma (,) for a decimal point

Select from the list of valid values.

Specify the season(s) most appropriate for the item
Provide the is waterproof
Provide the number of compartments that the item has

Short String (up to 40 chars)

Provide the item's arm style
Provide the products construction type

Select from the list of valid values.

Amount of time the product is rated to protect against fire
Specify the orientation of the item
Specify the number of CDs supported by or included with the
Select from the list of valid values.
Specify the number of DVDs supported by or provided with your
An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 50
characters maximum in length.
Short String (up to 40 chars)

Short String (up to 40 chars)

Enter unique features for the item relative to the material of
Provide the number of hooks the item has

Provide the weight of the product.

Specify the unit of measure used to describe the weight of the
product without shipping material.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use
Indicates the volume capacity of a product.

Elliptical, Rectangular, Round, Square

Select from the list of valid values.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use

Provide the corresponding height unit

Use this attribute to indicate the unit to measure the interior
width of th seat

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Cannot include commas.

Provide the height from the seat to the top of the back

Provide the item height of the product.

Provide the item length of the product.
Provide the item width of the product.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.

Select from the list of valid values.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.
Select one of the following options: MM, CM, M, IN, FT

Select one of the following options: MM, CM, M, IN, FT

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.

Select one of the following options:, GR, KG, OZ, LB

Required field, if this item is sold by length.

Select one of the following options: MM, CM, M, IN, FT

Provide the maximum weight recommendation as a numeric

Short String (up to 40 chars)

Select from the list of valid values.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.
Provide the product's item depth

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.

Select from the list of valid values.

A positive integer.

Select from the list of valid values.

Select from the list of valid values.

Provide the thickness of the item as a decimal
Provide a description of the item's firmness

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please use decimal
points, commas are not accepted.

Select from the list of valid values

Select from the list of valid values

Select from the list of valid values

Select from the following valid values: MM, CM, M, FT, IN


Select: true or false.

Please refer to the Valid Values worksheet. Only use this when
PowerSource is 'battery'

Any integer greater than or equal to one

Please describe the warranty given with the product. The terms of
warranty should be described as specified by the manufacturer.
An alphanumeric string.

Select: true or false.

Select a value from the list of valid values.

Number up to 10 digits and 2 decimal points long.

Unit of measure used to describe the battery weight

Total number of Lithium cells (of type Metal) in the product,

where the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.
Total number of Lithium cells (of type Ion) in the product, where
the cell isn't contained in an encased battery.

Choices are batteries_only (If battery is a standalone)

batteries_contained_in_equipment (if battery is assembled in the
item) or batteries_packed_with_equipment (If battery is included
in the item packaging but not assembled in the item)

Watt hrs of each battery (or cell) in unit

Indicate unit of measure if Lithium Battery Energy Content is

A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and

2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use

Select the unit of measure for Lithium Battery Weight . If Lithium

Battery Weight is used, you must also enter theLithium Battery
Weight Unit Of Measure.

Select the purposes for which your product is regulated as a

dangerous good or hazardous material (hazmat) (e.g. dangerous
good for transportation, hazmat for waste). Common products
can be regulated as dangerous goods (e.g. nail polish, aerosols,
cleaning products). For more information, refer to the help pages.

Hazmat United Nationals Regulatory ID

Holds link to the externally hosted SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for an

A number with up to 10 digits allowed to the left of the decimal

point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not
use commas.

Global Harmonized System (GHS) CLP classification system.

Provide the weight of the product.
Specify the unit of measure used to describe the weight of the
product without shipping material.

This is time in which you will be able to ship the product after you
get an order. The default value is 1 to 2 days. Use this field if your
handling time is greater than 2 business days.

Please see Valid Values tab.

A text string with a maximum of 1,000 characters. The Condition

Note field doesn’t allow special characters.

This is the date when customers will start viewing this product on

This field is used to setup pre-order and is the date from when
the pre-ordered product will be available to be shipped to

A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd.

A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd.

The price at which you offer the product for sale.

This field is used to setup back-order and is the date when the
back-ordered products will be available for shipping to customers.

Enter the product tax code supplied to you by

The ship configuration group for an offer. The ship configuration
group is created and managed by the seller through the ship
setting UI.

A positive whole number.

Select: TRUE or FALSE.

If you can print a gift message with the item indicate that here. If
left blank, defaults to 'false'.

This is the date from when customer cannot place an order on

your product, irrespective of the stock in hand. But the product
still be active, if other Selling Partners are selling this product.

A number with up to 18 digits allowed to the left of the decimal

point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not
use commas or currency symbols.

Three letter currency code.

Once the product is launched on Amazon, customers can start

placing orders on your product from this date.

A business-price greater than 0. Do not include thousands

separators or currency symbols. If price exists, business-price
must be less than or equal to price.

Either of the following:n- fixedn- percent

The Fixed price or Percent Off discount at which the merchant
offers the product for sale if the buyer is purchasing at least the
associated quantity, expressed in INR.

The minimum purchase quantity necessary to receive the

associated Fixed price or Percent Off price

"delete business_price" (without the quotes)

An 8-digit alphanumeric code for classification of products
according to the UNSPSC system
An alphanumeric 13-digit code, which is the the standard item
code according to NATO definition
Example Required?

Furniture Required

101MyCollectible1 Required

ACME Required

5279173125000 Required

UPC Required

Black, Small cup holder Required

XYZ Pvt Ltd Required

"Included in this collection is a comforter, two

pillow shams, two Euro shams, a bed skirt, two
decorative pillows and four valances. This
collection comes in a popular queen/king size to
ensure no member of your family will ever
outgrow this bedding ensemble. " Required

12587455 Required

A239 Required
3D glasses "required." Required

Black, Grey, White, Brown Required

Black Required

King, Queen Single Required

Camera Body, Battery Pack Required

12 Required

Teak, Sheesham, Rubberwood Required

true Required

Insert piece A into the upper pre-drilled holes on

piece B., Push the axles (marked parts E and F)
through holes 1 and 2. Required

1, 2, 5 Required
12 Required

Set, Unit, Count Required

40 Required

Inches Required

30 Required

Inches Required
30 Required

Inches Required
TRUE Required
Japan Required

610510, 61051048 Required

249.99 Required

152 Required
1 Required

259.99 Required

195 Required
1250.main.jpg Required
Adult,Kid Optional
123456 Required
Female Optional

M Required

M Required

M Required
250 Required

40 Required

Inches Required

30 Required

Inches Required

60% Cotton, 40% Polyester Required

Bamboo, Wool, Fur, Not Applicable Required
1250.other1.jpg Optional Optional

parent Optional

10162513 Preferred

Accessory Optional

Size/Color Optional
Update Optional

Leather, Linen, Cotton Preferred

Alicia Optional

CustomProductBundle Optional
Hand Wash Optional

Electric Preferred

Headlight Optional
Modern Optional
Teak Wood, Sheesham Wood, Wrought Iron Optional

Petroleum Jelly Optional

Matte, Semi Glossy, Glossy Optional

Millimeters Optional
75, 25, 10 Optional

Bedroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Kids,

Nursery, Bathroom, Home Office Optional

ABC Manufacturer, Industrial Estate, Mumbai,

India. Customer Care 000 999 999999 Optional
Aluminum scales, Metal sheets, Decorative
elements Optional
120 Optional

ABC Packers, Industrial Estate, Mumbai, India.

Customer Care 000 999 999999 Optional

Chelsea, Chennai SuperKings Optional

ABC Importers, Industrial Estate, Mumbai, India.
Customer Care 000 999 999999 Optional
cushion, pillow Optional

Nautical Optional

IPL Optional
4, 6 Optional
Millimeters, Centimeters, Inches Optional

Wax, Metal Optional

Spice Optional

6x6x19 Optional
4 Optional
7 Optional

Striped Optional
Teak Wood, Sheesham Wood, Wrought Iron Optional
Manual, Electronic, Biometric Optional

Batman Optional

Indoor Use Only Optional

baseball, soccer Optional

Trail Optional

Cotton, foam Optional


Matte, Semi Glossy, Glossy Optional

1, 2, 4 Optional
Cabinet, Drawers, Flip Top Optional

40 Optional

Watts Optional
Summer Optional
Yes Optional
7 Optional

Steel, Marble, Granite Optional

armless, with-arms Optional
Fold-Away, Memory Foam Optional

Cherry Optional
45 minutes Optional
Forward facing, Rear facing Optional

4, 24, 100 Optional

Automatic Optional

2, 24, 500 Optional

Stainless Steel Optional
Mirrored, Glass, Solid Optional
Teak Wood, Sheesham Wood, Wrought Iron Optional
Compostable, biodegradable, Is food safe,
Fragrance free, Plant based, etc. Optional
1, 3, 5 Optional

5 Optional

GR, KG Optional

34.78 Optional
milliliters Optional

Round Optional

CM Optional

37 Optional

inches, meters, centimeters Optional

Inches Optional

40 Optional
75, 25, 10 Optional

12 Optional
12 Optional
12 Optional

25 Optional

LB Optional

5 Optional


15 Optional

KG Optional

240 Centimeters, e.g. for climbing rope Optional


20, 350 Optional

Single Seater, Two Seater, Three Seater, Settee Optional

IN Optional

42 Optional
18 inches, 90.1 centimeters Optional

15 Optional

IN Optional

720 Optional

grams per square meter Optional

CM Optional
0.25 Optional
Firm, Medium, Plush Optional
AMAZON_IN Optional

10 Optional

10 Optional

10 Optional

10 Optional

KG Optional

CM Optional

CM Optional


TRUE Required

battery_type_lithium_ion Required

3 Required

1 year manufacturer warranty is non-transferable

and valid for 1 year from the original date of
purchase. Optional
Consult with a doctor before using this product. Optional

FALSE Required
Lithium Ion Required

150 Required

gr or kg Required

1, 2, 3 Required

1, 2, 3 Required

batteries_contained_in_equipment Required

1, 2, 3 Required

watts-hora Required

0.9 Required

grams Required

Transportation,Storage,Waste Required

UN1950 Required
%2Faldrich%2F84985%3Flang%3Den Required

180 Optional

[{class:Explosive,subcategory:Liquid}] Required
5 Required

GR, KG Required

3 Optional

New Optional

Slightly used with no scratches or cracks Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

5/14/2014 Optional

12/2/2004 Optional

219.99 Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

A_GEN_NOTAX Preferred
The ship configuration group is created and
managed by the seller through the ship setting UI. Optional

75 Optional

FALSE Optional

TRUE Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

259.99 Optional

GBP Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

239.99 Optional

Fixed Optional
10 Optional

100 Optional

delete business_price Optional


TemplateType=pscustom Version=2022.0414 TemplateSign settings=a
Number of attributes with errors Number of attributes with other suggestions Product Type Seller SKU
SUCCESS pillow Cushion -1 -
1 0 bassinet Bassinet- 1
1 0 bassinet Bassinet- 2
SUCCESS hammock Swing Chair -
SUCCESS hammock Swing Chair -
SUCCESS hammock Swing Chair -
SUCCESS hammock Swing Chair -
SUCCESS hammock Swing Chair -
1 0 hammock Chair - 1
1 0 hammock Chair - 2
1 0 hammock Chair - 3
1 0 hammock Chair - 4
1 0 hammock Chair - 5
1 0 hammock Chair - 6
1 0 hammock Chair - 7
The top 3 rows are for use only. Do not modify or delete the top 3 rows.
Brand Name Product ID Product ID Type Item Name (aka Title) Manufacturer Product Description
brand_name external_pr external_product item_name manufacturer product_description
IRA IRA Furniture HANKO 2IRA Furniture Material: 100% Cotton
IRA 6161135700EAN IRA Furniture Infant Cr IRA Furniture Crib Moses Baskets are
IRA 6161135696EAN IRA Furniture Ratan anIRA Furniture This traditional styl
IRA IRA Furniture Wicker IRA Furniture IRA Furniture is a who
IRA IRA Sofa Chair Balcon IRA Furniture IRA Designer Adult Sw
IRA IRA Furniture Rattan MIRA Furniture Rattan Swing(Jhoola)
IRA IRA Furniture Amour C IRA Furniture IRA Furniture Rattan s
IRA IRA Hammock Swing wit IRA Furniture IRA Beautifuly Design
IRA 6161135695EAN IRA Cane Material ChaiIRA Furniture IRA Cane Material Cha
IRA 6161135695EAN IRA Furniture Wooden ICRA Furniture IRA FURNITURE Is A We
IRA 6161135693EAN IRA Furniture Wooden IRA Furniture IRA FURNITURE Is A We
IRA 6161135699EAN Ira Furniture Wooden AIRA Furniture IRA FURNITURE Is A We
IRA 6161135699EAN Ira Furniture Wooden AIRA Furniture IRA FURNITURE Is A We
IRA 6161135693EAN IRA Furniture Cane Woo IRA Furniture IRA FURNITURE Is A We
IRA 6161135692EAN IRA Rich Wooden Vintag IRA Furniture IRA FURNITURE Is A We
Recommended Browse Nodes model Bullet Point Bullet Point Bullet Point Bullet Point Bullet Point
recommended_browse_nodes model bullet_point bullet_point bullet_point bullet_point bullet_point
5689448031 CushionExtra soft, E Material: 100Designed as per the latest market tren
1953405031 BassinetBaby ShowerMade
P of wickBaby carryin Sleeping perfOriginal IRA
1953405031 BassinetOriginal IRA Dimensions -Baby carryin Baby Shower Perfect Gift
5689448031 Swing ChIRA FurnitureAt IRA FurnitSwing Cushion :- Our swing cushion are
5689448031 Swing ChBrand - IRA Eco-Friendly:Light weight Packages IncWe Manufture
5689448031 Swing ChMaterial: Ca Color: BrownCan easily ta Original IRA Comes with Al
5689448031 Swing ChIRA Original Cushion coloCome in preaCan be used indoor and O
5689448031 Swing ChBrand - IRA OEco-Friendly:Light weight Packages IncWe Manufactu
5689449031 Chair - Brand - IRA Eco-Friendly:Packages IncWe Manufture More Product
5689449031 Chair - Product DimenMaterial: Ro Get the best Comfortable:Comfortable:
5689449031 Chair - Product DimePrimary MateContent incluWe Provide TGive Your Ho
5689449031 Chair - Product DimeContent incluWe Provide TAverage life Primary Mate
5689449031 Chair - Product DimeGive Your HoWe Provide TAverage life Primary Mate
5689449031 Chair - Content incluGive Your HoWe Provide TAverage life Primary Mate
5689449031 Chair - Content incluGive Your HoWe Provide TAverage life Primary Mate
Color Colour Map Size Included Components Included Components Included Components
color_ color_map size_ included_components1included_components2included_components3
Blue Blue StandNA
NaturaMulti SingleNA
NaturaMulti SingleNA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
NaturaMulti M NA
Included Components Included Components Number of Pieces Material Type Is Assembly Required
included_components4included_components5number_of_pieces material_type is_assembly_required
1 Cotton No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
1 Rattan No
Assembly Instructions Number of Boxes Unit Count Unit Count Type Item Depth Front To Back
assembly_instructions number_of_boxes unit_count unit_count_type depth_front_to_back
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 93.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 90
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 90
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 68.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 68.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 68.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 68.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 68.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 68.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 68.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 70.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 61.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 81.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 70.00
Already Assembled 1 1.00 millilitre 143.00
Item depth Unit Item Width Side To Side Item Width Unit Item Height Floor To Top
Centimetres 59.93 Centimetres 45.71
Centimetres 30 Centimetres 30
Centimetres 30 Centimetres 30
Centimetres 66.00 Centimetres 94.00
Centimetres 66.00 Centimetres 94.00
Centimetres 66.00 Centimetres 94.00
Centimetres 66.00 Centimetres 94.00
Centimetres 66.00 Centimetres 94.00
Centimetres 66.00 Centimetres 94.00
Centimetres 66.00 Centimetres 94.00
Centimetres 60.00 Centimetres 90.00
Centimetres 86.00 Centimetres 96.00
Centimetres 63.00 Centimetres 91.40
Centimetres 50.00 Centimetres 90.00
Centimetres 60.00 Centimetres 56.00
Item Height Unit of Measure Is Fragile Country Of Origin HSN Code Your price Quantity
depth_height_floor_to_top_ is_fragile country_of_origin external_pr standard_prquantity
Centimetres Yes India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Centimetres No India 9403 30000.00 100
Number of Items List Price Maximum Retail Price Main Image URL Age Range Description
number_of_itemslist_price_ maximum_retail_price main_image_url age_range_description
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
1 30000.00 30000.00
Manufacturer Part Number Target Gender Item Height Unit Of Measure Item Length Unit Of Measure
part_number target_gender item_height_unit_of_measur item_length_unit_of_measure
Cushion -1 -Blue Unisex
Bassinet- 1 Unisex CM CM
Bassinet- 2 Unisex CM CM
Swing Chair - 1 Unisex
Swing Chair - 2 Unisex
Swing Chair - 3 Unisex
Swing Chair - 4 Unisex
Swing Chair - 5 Unisex
Chair - 1 Unisex
Chair - 2 Unisex
Chair - 3 Unisex
Chair - 4 Unisex
Chair - 5 Unisex
Chair - 6 Unisex
Chair - 7 Unisex
Item Width Unit Of Measure Thread Count Item Length Longer Edge Item Length Unit
item_width_unit_of_measur thread_count length_longer_edge length_longer_ed
120 150 Centimetres
Item Width Shorter Edge Item Width Unit Fabric Type Fabric Type Fabric Type Fabric Type
width_shorter_edge width_shorter_efabric_type1 fabric_type2 fabric_type3 fabric_type4
98 Centimetres Cotton
Fabric Type Material/Fabric Regulations Material/Fabric Regulations Material/Fabric Regulations
fabric_type5 supplier_declared_material_supplier_declared_material_supplier_declared_material_
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Other Image URL1 Other Image URL2 Other Image URL3 Other Image URL4 Other Image URL5
other_image_url1 other_image_url2 other_image_url3 other_image_url4 other_image_url5
Other Image URL6 Other Image URL7 Other Image URL8 Swatch Image URL Parentage Parent SKU
other_image_url6 other_image_url7 other_image_url8 swatch_image_url parent_chil parent_sku
Relationship Type Variation Theme Update Delete Footboard Upholstery Model Name
relationship_type variation_theme update_delete outer_material_type model_name
Product Exemption Reason Product Care Instructions Search Terms Product Features
gtin_exemption_reason care_instructions generic_keyworspecial_features1
Product Features Product Features Product Features Product Features Style Frame Material
special_features2 special_features3 special_features4 special_features5 style_ frame_material_
Item Type Name Leg Finish Arm Height Unit Seat Depth Room Type Room Type Room Type
item_type_name finish_type arm_height_unitseat_depth room_type1 room_type2 room_type3
Room Type Room Type Manufacturer Contact Embellishment Feature Embellishment Feature
room_type4 room_type5 manufacturer_contact_embellishment_feature1embellishment_feature2
Embellishment Feature Embellishment Feature Embellishment Feature Arm Height Packer
embellishment_feature3embellishment_feature4embellishment_feature5arm_height packer_c
Team Name Importer Back Style Theme League Name Seating Capacity Seat Depth Unit Craft Type
team_name importer_back_style theme league_name seating_capacity seat_depth_unit craft_type1
Craft Type Scent Packed Size Drawers length_range Number of Shelves Pattern Top Material
craft_type2 scent_ folded_size number_olength_range number_of_shelves pattern top_material
Locking Mechanism character Recommended Uses For Product Sport Surface Recommendation
lock_type subject_chrecommended_uses_for_product sport_ surface_recommendation
Fill Material Type Minimum Age Recommendation Mfg Minimum Unit Of MeasureFrame Finish
fill_material_type mfg_minimum mfg_minimum_unit_of_measurframe_type
Number of Doors Storage Type Wattage Wattage Unit Of Measure Seasons Seasons Seasons
number_of_doors compartment_d
wattage wattage_unit_of_measure seasons1 seasons2 seasons3
Product Enrichment
Seasons Is Waterproof Number of Compartments Sink Material Arm Style Construction Type
seasons4 is_waterproof number_of_compartments base_type arm_style construction_type
Furniture Finish Fire Rating Orientation Number of CDs Movement Type Number of DVDs
furniture_finish fire_rating orientation number_of_cds watch_movementnumber_of_dvds
Seat Material Type Door Type item_depth_unit_of_measure Base Material Material Features
seat_material_type door_style item_depth_unit_of_measure base_material_material_features
Number of Hooks Item Weight Item Weight Unit of Measure Item Volume Item Volume Unit Of Measure
number_of_hooks item_weight item_weight_unit_of_measuritem_volume item_volume_unit_of_measur
Shape Seat Height Unit Of Measure Seat Height Back Seat Interior Height Unit Intirior Seat Width Unit
item_shseat_height_unit_of_measureseat_height seat_back_interior_height_un seat_interior_width_un
Seat Interior Width size_map Seat Back Interior Height Item Height Item Length Item Width
seat_interior_widthsize_map seat_back_interior_heightitem_height item_length item_width

90 30 30
90 30 30
Display Weight Item Display Weight Unit Of Measure Display Width Item Display Height Unit Of Measure
item_display_weitem_display_weight_unit_of_measur item_display_witem_display_height_unit_of_measur
Item Display Width Unit Of Measure Display Height width_range
item_display_width_unit_of_measur item_display_hewidth_range
Maximum Weight Recommendation Unit Of Measure Display Length Item Display Length Unit Of Measure
maximum_weight_recommendation_unit_of_measureitem_display_le item_display_length_unit_of_measur
Maximum Weight Recommendation Sofa Type Seat Length Unit Of Measure Seat Length Item Depth
maximum_weight_recommendation form_factorseat_length_unit_of_measureseat_length item_depth
Seat Width Seat Width Unit Of Measure Towel Weight Towel Weight Unit of Measure
seat_width seat_width_unit_of_measurefabric_weight fabric_weight_unit_of_measur
Thickness Unit of Measure Item Thickness Decimal Value Item Firmness Description
item_thickness_unit_of_meitem_thickness_derived item_firmness_description
Fulfilment Centre ID Package Height Package Width Package Length Package Weight
fulfillment_center_id package_height package_width package_length package_weight
Package Weight Unit Of Measure Package Height Unit Of Measure Package Width Unit Of Measure
package_weight_unit_of_measure package_height_unit_of_measurepackage_width_unit_of_measure
Package Length Unit Of Measure Batteries are Included Battery type/size Battery type/size
package_length_unit_of_measure are_batteries_includedbattery_type1 battery_type2
Battery type/size Number of batteries Number of batteries Number of batteries Warranty Description
battery_type3 number_of_batteriesnumber_of_batteriesnumber_of_batterieswarranty_description
Safety Warning Is this product a battery or does it use batteries? Battery composition Battery weight
safety_warning batteries_required battery_cell_composibattery_weight
Battery Weight Unit of Measure Number of Lithium Metal Cells Number of Lithium-ion Cells
Lithium Battery Packaging Watt hours per battery Lithium Battery Energy Content Unit Of Measure
lithium_battery_packaging lithium_battery_energy lithium_battery_energy_content_unit_of_measur
Lithium content Lithium Battery Weight Unit Of Measure Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations
lithium_battery_lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measur supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation1
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation2 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation3
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations UN number
supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation4 supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation5 hazmat_unite
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) URL Flash point (°C)? Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all that apply)
safety_data_sheet_url flash_point ghs_classification_class1
Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all that apply)
Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all that apply) Handling Time Item Condition Offer Condition Note
ghs_classification_class3 fulfillment_late condition_type condition_note
Launch Date Release Date Sale Start Date Sale End Date Sale Price Restock Date Product Tax Code
product_site_ merchant_rele sale_from_date sale_end_date sale_price restock_date product_tax_code
Shipping-Template Max Order Quantity Is Gift Wrap Available? Can Be Gift Messaged Offer End Date
merchant_shipping max_order_quantity offering_can_be_giftwr offering_can_be_gift_moffering_end_da
Minimum Advertised Price Currency Offer Start Date Business Price Quantity Price Type
map_price currency offering_start_dabusiness_price quantity_price_type
Quantity Price 1 Quantity Lower Bound 1 Quantity Price 2 Quantity Lower Bound 2 Quantity Price 3
quantity_price1 quantity_lower_bound1 quantity_price2 quantity_lower_bound2 quantity_price3
Quantity Lower Bound 3 Quantity Price 4 Quantity Lower Bound 4 Quantity Price 5
quantity_lower_bound3 quantity_price4 quantity_lower_bound4 quantity_price5
Quantity Lower Bound 5 Pricing Action United Nations Standard Products and Services Code National Stock Number
quantity_lower_bound5 pricing_action unspsc_code national_stock_number
National Stock Number
Product Type - [ ] sofa hammock
Product ID Type - [ bassinet ] EAN GCID
Product ID Type - [ sofa ] ASIN EAN
Product ID Type - [ chair ] ASIN EAN
Product ID Type - [ pillow ] GTIN EAN
Product ID Type - [ hammock ] GTIN EAN
Color Others Beige
Colour Map - [ bassinet ] Beige Black
Colour Map - [ sofa ] Yellow White
Colour Map - [ chair ] Brown Gold
Colour Map - [ hammock ] Yellow White
Size - [ bassinet ] Semi Double Super King
Size - [ sofa ] X-Small X-Large
Size - [ chair ] 160 x 200 cm 135 x 190 cm
Size - [ pillow ] 3x3 3x2
Size - [ hammock ] S XL
Included Components - [ bassinet ] Bed Bed with Bedside Table
Included Components - [ chair ] Includes 1 leaf Light kit inlcuded
Material Type - [ bassinet ] Faux Leather Polyester
Material Type - [ sofa ] Rattan Walnut Wood
Material Type - [ chair ] Nylon Rattan
Material Type - [ pillow ] Nylon Chenille
Material Type - [ hammock ] Polyester Nylon
Is Assembly Required Yes No
Assembly Instructions DIY Already Assembled
Unit Count Type - [ bassinet ] Meters Pouch
Unit Count Type - [ sofa ] Meters Pouch
Unit Count Type - [ chair ] Meters Pouch
Unit Count Type - [ pillow ] count gram
Unit Count Type - [ hammock ] Meters Pouch
Item depth Unit Centimetres
Item Width Unit Centimetres
Item Height Unit of Measure Centimetres
Is Fragile Yes No
Country Of Origin India China
Age Range Description - [ sofa ] Kid Adult
Age Range Description - [ chair ] Adult Infant
Target Gender - [ chair ] Male Unisex
Item Height Unit Of Measure Angstrom Mils
Item Length Unit Of Measure Angstrom Mils
Item Width Unit Of Measure Angstrom Mils
Item Length Unit - [ pillow ] Centimetres
Item Width Unit - [ pillow ] Centimetres
Material/Fabric Regulations - [ pillow ] Wool Fur
Parentage - [ bassinet ] Child Parent
Parentage - [ sofa ] Parent Child
Parentage - [ chair ] Parent Child
Parentage - [ pillow ] Parent Child
Parentage - [ hammock ] Parent Child
Relationship Type - [ bassinet ] Accessory Variation
Relationship Type - [ sofa ] Accessory Variation
Relationship Type - [ chair ] Accessory Variation
Relationship Type - [ pillow ] Accessory Variation
Relationship Type - [ hammock ] Accessory Variation
Variation Theme - [ bassinet ] numberofitems sizename-numberofitems
Variation Theme - [ sofa ] numberofitems sizename-numberofitems
Variation Theme - [ chair ] numberofitems size-unitcount
Variation Theme - [ pillow ] numberofitems sizename-numberofitems
Variation Theme - [ hammock ] Size-DisplayWidth Colorsize
Update Delete - [ bassinet ] Delete PartialUpdate
Update Delete - [ sofa ] Update PartialUpdate
Update Delete - [ chair ] Update PartialUpdate
Update Delete - [ pillow ] Update PartialUpdate
Update Delete - [ hammock ] Update PartialUpdate
Footboard Upholstery - [ bassinet ] Accent Pewter Brushed
Footboard Upholstery - [ sofa ] Faux Leather Vinyl
Footboard Upholstery - [ chair ] Accent Pewter Brushed
Product Exemption Reason - [ bassinet ] ReplacementPart CustomProductBundle
Product Exemption Reason - [ sofa ] Manufacture on Demand Plan Item
Product Exemption Reason - [ chair ] Manufacture on Demand Plan Item
Product Exemption Reason - [ pillow ] Manufacture on Demand Plan Item
Product Exemption Reason - [ hammock ] Manufacture on Demand Plan Item
Product Care Instructions - [ bassinet ] Dry Clean Only Hand Wash Only
Product Care Instructions - [ sofa ] Wipe Clean with Dry ClothWipe with Damp Cloth
Product Care Instructions - [ chair ] Dry Clean Spot Clean
Product Care Instructions - [ pillow ] Dry Clean Only Machine Wash
Product Features - [ bassinet ] Basic Headboard Closed Headboard storage
Product Features - [ sofa ] Programmable Lined
Product Features - [ chair ] Upholstered Leather Adjustable Lumbar
Product Features - [ pillow ] Water-Resistant Fade-Resistant
Product Features - [ hammock ] Programmable Lined
Style - [ bassinet ] Transitional Antique
Style - [ sofa ] Transitional Antique
Style - [ chair ] Transitional Antique
Frame Material - [ bassinet ] Birch Brass
Frame Material - [ sofa ] Engineered Wood Wood
Frame Material - [ chair ] Bronze Nylon
Item Type Name - [ bassinet ] Water TV
Item Type Name - [ sofa ] Corner Love Seats
Item Type Name - [ chair ] Corner Love Seats
Item Type Name - [ hammock ] Wind Chimes Wall Stickers
Leg Finish - [ bassinet ] Bronze Polished Brass
Leg Finish - [ sofa ] Bronze Polished Brass
Leg Finish - [ chair ] Lacquered Brushed
Leg Finish - [ pillow ] Accent Pewter Brushed
Leg Finish - [ hammock ] Bronze Polished Brass
Arm Height Unit - [ sofa ] Angstrom Mils
Team Name Tennis
Back Style - [ sofa ] Backless Cushion Back
Back Style - [ chair ] Queen Anne Back Open Back
Theme - [ sofa ] Superhero Princess
Theme - [ chair ] Moose_&_Elks Skunks
Theme - [ pillow ] Space Vegetables
League Name MLB European Basketball
Seat Depth Unit Angstrom Mils
Scent - [ hammock ] Unscented Spice
Pattern - [ chair ] Patchwork Paisley
Top Material Acrylic Aluminum
Locking Mechanism - [ chair ] Tilt Lock
Recommended Uses For Product - [ chair ] Office Sunbathing
Surface Recommendation - [ chair ] Hard Floor
Fill Material Type - [ chair ] Polyester Foam
Fill Material Type - [ pillow ] Polyester Gel Fiber Down
Mfg Minimum Unit Of Measure - [ chair ] Months Years
Frame Finish - [ bassinet ] Sofa Flat
Storage Type - [ bassinet ] Hydraulic Pull out
Wattage Unit Of Measure - [ pillow ] Watt Hours Picowatts
Seasons - [ pillow ] All-Season Autumn
Product Enrichment
Sink Material - [ bassinet ] Box Spring Slatted Base
Sink Material - [ sofa ] Legs Storage
Sink Material - [ chair ] Legs Trestle
Sink Material - [ hammock ] Legs Storage
Furniture Finish - [ bassinet ] Cherry Walnut
Furniture Finish - [ sofa ] Birch Cherry
Furniture Finish - [ chair ] Alder Bronze
Movement Type - [ hammock ] Twist Mechanical
item_depth_unit_of_measure - [ bassinet ] Angstrom Mils
Material Features - [ pillow ] Biodegradable Organic
Item Weight Unit of Measure LB KG
Item Volume Unit Of Measure - [ bassinet ] cup Microlitres
Item Volume Unit Of Measure - [ sofa ] cup Microlitres
Item Volume Unit Of Measure - [ chair ] cup Microlitres
Item Volume Unit Of Measure - [ pillow ] cup Microlitres
Item Volume Unit Of Measure - [ hammock ] cup Microlitres
Shape - [ bassinet ] Rectangular Oval
Shape - [ sofa ] Rectangular Semicircular
Shape - [ chair ] Rectangular Oval
Shape - [ pillow ] Heart Flower
Shape - [ hammock ] Rectangular Oval
Seat Height Unit Of Measure Angstrom Mils
Back Seat Interior Height Unit Angstrom Mils
Intirior Seat Width Unit - [ sofa ] Angstrom Mils
size_map - [ bassinet ] X-Small X-Large
size_map - [ sofa ] X-Small X-Large
size_map - [ chair ] XX-Small X-Small
size_map - [ pillow ] Large Medium
size_map - [ hammock ] X-Small X-Large
Item Display Weight Unit Of Measure - [ hammLB KG
Item Display Height Unit Of Measure - [ hammAngstrom Mils
Item Display Width Unit Of Measure - [ hammoAngstrom Mils
Maximum Weight Recommendation Unit Of MLB KG
Item Display Length Unit Of Measure - [ hammAngstrom Mils
Sofa Type - [ chair ] Settee Recliner
Seat Length Unit Of Measure - [ chair ] Angstrom Mils
Seat Width Unit Of Measure - [ bassinet ] Angstrom Mils
Towel Weight Unit of Measure - [ pillow ] Grams per Square Meter
Thickness Unit of Measure - [ pillow ] Angstrom Mils
Item Firmness Description - [ pillow ] Extra Soft Plush
Fulfilment Centre ID - [ bassinet ] AMAZON_NA DEFAULT
Fulfilment Centre ID - [ sofa ] AMAZON_IN DEFAULT
Fulfilment Centre ID - [ chair ] AMAZON_IN DEFAULT
Fulfilment Centre ID - [ pillow ] AMAZON_IN DEFAULT
Fulfilment Centre ID - [ hammock ] AMAZON_IN DEFAULT
Package Weight Unit Of Measure LB KG
Package Height Unit Of Measure Angstrom Mils
Package Width Unit Of Measure Angstrom Mils
Package Length Unit Of Measure Angstrom Mils
Batteries are Included Yes No
Battery type/size - [ bassinet ] battery_type_aa battery_type_aaa
Battery type/size - [ sofa ] battery_type_aa battery_type_aaa
Battery type/size - [ chair ] battery_type_aa battery_type_aaa
Battery type/size - [ pillow ] battery_type_aa battery_type_aaa
Battery type/size - [ hammock ] battery_type_aa battery_type_aaa
Is this product a battery or does it use batterieYes No
Battery composition - [ bassinet ] Polymer Silver Oxide
Battery composition - [ sofa ] Polymer Silver Oxide
Battery composition - [ chair ] Polymer Silver Oxide
Battery composition - [ pillow ] Polymer Silver Oxide
Battery composition - [ hammock ] Polymer Silver Oxide
Battery Weight Unit of Measure LB KG
Lithium Battery Packaging - [ bassinet ] Batteries contained in eq Batteries only
Lithium Battery Packaging - [ sofa ] Batteries packed with eq Batteries contained in eq
Lithium Battery Packaging - [ chair ] Batteries packed with eq Batteries contained in eq
Lithium Battery Packaging - [ pillow ] Batteries packed with eq Batteries contained in eq
Lithium Battery Packaging - [ hammock ] Batteries packed with eq Batteries contained in eq
Lithium Battery Energy Content Unit Of MeasuKilowatt Hours Joules
Lithium Battery Weight Unit Of Measure LB KG
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations - [ baGHS Not Applicable
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations - [ soGHS Unknown
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations - [ chaGHS Unknown
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations - [ piGHS Unknown
Applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations - [ GHS Unknown
Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all thatAmazon
a Specific No Label Compressed Gas
Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all thatExplosive
a Flammable
Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all thatExplosive
a Flammable
Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all thatExplosive
a Flammable
Categorisation/GHS pictograms (select all thatExplosive Flammable
Item Weight Unit of Measure LB KG
Item Condition - [ bassinet ] Club Collectible - Acceptable
Item Condition - [ sofa ] New
Item Condition - [ chair ] New
Item Condition - [ pillow ] Collectible - Very Good Used - Good
Item Condition - [ hammock ] Collectible - Very Good Used - Good
Product Tax Code - [ bassinet ] A_Gen_Notax
Product Tax Code - [ sofa ] A_GEN_EXEMPT A_GEN_JEWELLERY
Product Tax Code - [ chair ] A_GEN_EXEMPT A_GEN_JEWELLERY
Product Tax Code - [ pillow ] A_GEN_EXEMPT A_GEN_JEWELLERY
Product Tax Code - [ hammock ] A_GEN_EXEMPT A_GEN_JEWELLERY
Shipping-Template Migrated Template
Shipping-Template - [ bassinet ] default
Shipping-Template - [ sofa ] default
Shipping-Template - [ chair ] default
Shipping-Template - [ pillow ] default
Shipping-Template - [ hammock ] default
Is Gift Wrap Available? Yes No
Can Be Gift Messaged Yes No
Currency - [ bassinet ] INR
Currency - [ sofa ] INR
Currency - [ chair ] USD
Currency - [ pillow ] JPY MXN
Currency - [ hammock ] JPY MXN
Quantity Price Type - [ bassinet ] fixed percent
Quantity Price Type - [ sofa ] fixed percent
Quantity Price Type - [ chair ] Fixed Percent
Quantity Price Type - [ pillow ] fixed percent
Quantity Price Type - [ hammock ] fixed percent
Pricing Action - [ bassinet ] delete business_price
Pricing Action - [ sofa ] delete business_price
Pricing Action - [ chair ] delete business_price delete progressive_discou
Pricing Action - [ pillow ] delete business_price
Pricing Action - [ hammock ] delete business_price
chair bassinet pillow
Black Blue Bronze Brown
Blue Brown Clear Gold
Turquoise Transparent Silver Red
Blue Multi Black Orange
Turquoise Transparent Silver Red
Recreational Vehicle TwinCrib Full Short Queen
Small Medium Large
90 x 200 cm Two Seats 180 x 200 cm Three Seats
8.5 x 11 4 x 10 Standard 4x5
One Size 3XL L M
Bed with Mattress
Bulb included Batteries included Shade included Fan Blade included
Cherry Wood Rattan Aluminium
Rubberwood Iron Plastic Metal
Rubberwood Metal Cedar Stainless Steel
Brass Corduroy Glass Velvet
Spandex Wood Polycotton Rattan

Require Assembly
Grams Liters Milliliters Set
Grams Liters Milliliters Set
Grams Liters Milliliters Set
metre millilitre square metre
Grams Liters Milliliters Set

United States Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania

Toddler Child Teen
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM

Not Applicable Bamboo

Accessory Variation
size-unitcount shape MaterialSize material-stylename
size-unitcount shape Style-Size MaterialSize
Style-Size pattern stylename-material teamname-sizename
size-unitcount shape MaterialSize SizeName
Color Color-DisplayLength DisplayWeight DisplayWeight-Material

Clear Cut Enamel Hand Painted Mirror Satin
Wood Leather
Clear Cut Enamel Hand Painted Mirror Satin
Manufacture on Demand Plan Item Refurbished Pre-Order
Refurbished ReplacementPart Pre-Order CustomProductBundle
Refurbished ReplacementPart Pre-Order CustomProductBundle
Refurbished ReplacementPart Pre-Order CustomProductBundle
Refurbished ReplacementPart Pre-Order CustomProductBundle

Wipe Clean
Hand Wash Only

Open Headboard storage

Cordless Cord Rewind Blinking Bagless
Adjustable Height Arm Rest Ergonomic Rolling
Hypoallergenic Stain-Resistant UV-Resistant Washable
Cordless Cord Rewind Blinking Bagless
Eclectic Art Deco Italian Cape Cod
Eclectic Art Deco Italian American
Eclectic Art Deco Cape Cod Industrial
Rattan Rubberwood Iron Plastic
Alloy Steel Stainless Steel Wrought Iron Aluminium
Wood Carbon Steel Aluminium Iron
Platform Adjustable Four Poster Bunk
Sofas Sofa cum Bed Sectional Chaises Longues
Sofa cum Bed Sleeper Day bed Sectional
Vases Photo Frames Mirrors Indoor Fountains
Glossy Lacquered Wood Brass
Glossy Lacquered Wood Brass
Polished Oil Rubbed Varnished
Ceramic Clear Cut Enamel Hand Painted
Glossy Lacquered Wood Brass
Yards Picometre Miles Decimetres

Biscuit Back Camel Back Tight Back Loose Back

Arrow Back Windsor Back Cross Back Solid Back
Cars Cartoon
Foods_&_Beverages Cityscapes,_Shops_&_ResVehicles Gorillas,_Monkeys_&_Ch
Nautical Characters Birds Cartoon
Indian Soccer League Japanese Basketball Pro Wrestling League WUSA
Yards Picometre Miles Decimetres
Scented Fruit Fresh Food
Polka Dots Striped Moire Checkered
Bakelite Bamboo Bamboo-derived rayon Beech

Drafting Reading Relaxing Sleeping

Feather Memory Foam Plastic Sponge

Polyester Down Alternative Gel Memory Foam Buckwheat

Adjustable Day_Bed Divian Bunk

Headboard Box Cupboards Slidestore
Milliamp Hours Milliwatts Microwatts Kilowatt Hours
Winter Summer Spring

Extendable Rectangle Octagon Round

Extendable Rectangle Octagon Round
Pine Beech Oak Mahogany
Hazelnut Eucalyptus Walnut Pewter
Birch Cherry Brass Rubberwood
Quartz Automatic
Yards Picometre Miles DM

GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons

cubic-feet centiliters gallon quart
cubic-feet centiliters gallon quart
cubic-feet centiliters gallon quart
cubic-ft centiliters gallon quart
cubic-ft centiliters gallon quart
Round Square
L-Shape Oval Round Octagonal
Round Square
Butterfly Owl Unicorn L-Shape
Round Square
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Small Medium Large
Small Medium Large
Small XXXX-Small Large X-Large
Small X-Large X-Small XX-Large
Small Medium Large
GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM
GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Upholstered Loveseat Foldable Sectional
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM

Yards Picometre Miles DM

Extra Firm Medium Firm

GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons

Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM

battery_type_lithium_ion battery_type_a CR2032 battery_type_cr2

battery_type_lithium_ion battery_type_a CR2032 battery_type_cr2
battery_type_lithium_ion battery_type_a CR2032 battery_type_cr2
battery_type_lithium_ion battery_type_a CR2032 battery_type_cr2
battery_type_lithium_ion battery_type_a CR2032 battery_type_cr2

Silver-Zinc Zinc Chloride Lithium-Cobalt Lithium-Phosphate

Silver-Zinc Zinc Chloride Lithium-Cobalt Lithium-Phosphate
Silver-Zinc Zinc Chloride Lithium-Cobalt Lithium-Phosphate
Silver-Zinc Zinc Chloride Lithium-Cobalt Lithium-Phosphate
Silver-Zinc Zinc Chloride Lithium-Cobalt Lithium-Phosphate
GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons
Batteries packed with equipment
Batteries only
Batteries only
Batteries only
Batteries only
Cubic Feet Watt Hours Milliampere Hour (mAh) Cubic Meters
GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons
Other Storage Transportation Unknown
Other Not Applicable Transportation Waste
Other Not Applicable Transportation Waste
Other Not Applicable Transportation Waste
Other Not Applicable Transportation Waste
Corrosive Environmentally DamaginExplosive Flammable
Oxidizing Compressed Gas Corrosive Toxic
Oxidizing Compressed Gas Corrosive Toxic
Oxidizing Compressed Gas Corrosive Toxic
Oxidizing Compressed Gas Corrosive Toxic
GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons

Collectible - Good Collectible - Like New Collectible - Very Good New

Club Collectible - Acceptable Collectible - Like New Used - Like New

Club Collectible - Acceptable Collectible - Like New Used - Like New




delete quantity_price
Gold Green Grey Natural
Green Grey Ivory Multi
Purple Pink Orange Off-White
Clear Red Silver Pink
Purple Pink Orange Off-White
Small Single King Recreational Vehicle Full Recreational Vehicle Bunk

120 x 190 cm 70 x 140 cm 90 x 190 cm Four Seats

2x3 Full 4x7 4x6

Includes 2 leaves Includes 3 leaves Includes 4 leaves

Iron Plastic Metal Cotton
Engineered Wood Stainless Steel Resin Teak Wood
Beech Resin Wrought Iron Polycarbonate
Cotton Bamboo-Derived Rayon Polyresin ABS
Aluminium Plastic Metal Cotton

Kilograms Count Square Meters Case

Kilograms Count Square Meters Case
Kilograms Count Square Meters Case

Kilograms Count Square Meters Case

Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola

stylename-unitcount stylename-material Style_Name SizeName
material-stylename stylename-unitcount stylename-material teamname-sizename
Style & Pattern & Size Style_Name SizeName stylename-patternname
wattage Size Material model-sizename
colorname-numberofitemDisplayHeight Size-Scent Material-DisplayHeight

Non-stick Sealed Hard Anodising Others

Non-stick Sealed Hard Anodising Others

Swivel Seat Lock Cushion Availability Head Support

Industrial Shaker Minimalist Rustic
Industrial Rustic Mid-Century Modern Asian
Rustic Mid-Century Modern Retro Modern
Metal Cedar Engineered Wood Stainless Steel
Iron Plastic Metal
Plastic Metal Engineered Wood Beech Wood
Divan Loft Canopy Daybed
Bunk Bed Chaises Longues Adjustable Canopy
Home Fragrance Decorations Clocks Candles
Brushed Brass Polished Steel Painted Stainless Steel
Brushed Brass Polished Steel Painted Stainless Steel

Mirror Satin Non-stick Sealed Stainless Steel

Brushed Brass Polished Steel Painted Stainless Steel
Millimetres Metres Inches Feet

Pillow Back Tufted Back Sewn Pillow Back Split Back

Spindle Back Wing Back Ladder Back Split Back

Otters Foxes Angels Zebras

Floral Fruits Leaves TV Series
Canadian Premier League NBA E-Sports Japanese Baseball
Millimetres Metres Inches Feet
Floral Festive Citrus Aromatherapy

Beechwood Birch Bone China Brass

Camping Dining Gaming

Cotton Polystyrene
Cotton Polyurethane Foam Duck Down Foam

Kilowatts Nanowatts Watts

Leaf Square Folding Pedestal

Leaf Square Folding Pedestal

Stainless Steel Beech Chestnut Oak

Wenge Aluminium Cedar Walnut


Nanolitres liter Picolitres Unknown modifier
Nanolitres liter Picolitres Unknown modifier
Nanolitres liter Picolitres Unknown modifier
Nanolitres liter Picolitres Unknown modifier
Nanolitres liter Picolitres Unknown modifier

Hexagonal Square

Mushroom Oblong Bear D-Shape


XXXXX-Small XXX-Small XXXXX-Large Medium

XX-Small XXX-Large XXX-Small XXXX-Large





battery_type_c CR2430 battery_type_d battery_type_cr5

battery_type_c CR2430 battery_type_d battery_type_cr5
battery_type_c CR2430 battery_type_d battery_type_cr5
battery_type_c CR2430 battery_type_d battery_type_cr5
battery_type_c CR2430 battery_type_d battery_type_cr5

Lead-Acid, AGM Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Manganese Lithium Polymer

Lead-Acid, AGM Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Manganese Lithium Polymer
Lead-Acid, AGM Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Manganese Lithium Polymer
Lead-Acid, AGM Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Manganese Lithium Polymer
Lead-Acid, AGM Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Manganese Lithium Polymer

Milliamp Hours (mAh) Milliampere Second (mAs)British Thermal Units (BTUs)

Health Hazard Irritant Oxidizing Toxic
Irritant Health Hazard Environmentally DamaginAmazon Specific No Label With Warning
Irritant Health Hazard Environmentally DamaginAmazon Specific No Label With Warning
Irritant Health Hazard Environmentally DamaginAmazon Specific No Label With Warning
Irritant Health Hazard Environmentally DamaginAmazon Specific No Label With Warning

Used - Acceptable Used - Good Used - Like New Used - Very Good

Collectible - Good New Used - Very Good Used - Acceptable

Collectible - Good New Used - Very Good Used - Acceptable


Orange Red Silver White
Orange Pink Purple Red
Multicolour Metallic Ivory Grey
White Beige Ivory Purple
Multicolour Metallic Ivory Grey
California King Olympic Queen Twin XL Recreational Vehicle King

140 x 200 cm 150 x 200 cm 75 x 190 cm

King 2.5 x 13 10 x 13 5x5

Alloy Steel Pine Polypropylene Stainless Steel

Polyvinyl Chloride Polyethylene Rosewood Wood
Polyvinyl Chloride Bronze Polyethylene Vinyl
Silk Egyptian Cotton Satin Stainless Steel
Alloy Steel Polypropylene Stainless Steel Resin

Feet Can Pounds Piece

Feet Can Pounds Piece
Feet Can Pounds Piece

Feet Can Pounds Piece

Anguilla Antarctica Antigua And Barbuda Argentina

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
NumberOfItems SizeName-StyleName Material model-sizename
SizeName Material model-sizename numberofitems-stylenam
sizename-stylename material-patternname patternname-material patternname
Size-Material model shapesize itemweight
Length Material-DisplayWidth DisplayWeight-DisplayHeiScent

Steel Aluminum Bamboo Bamboo-derived rayon

Steel Aluminum Bamboo Bamboo-derived rayon

Mid-Century Modern Asian Retro Modern

Retro Modern Vintage Glam
Vintage Glam French Country Coastal
Beech Poplar Wrought Iron Mahogany

Alloy Steel Mango Wood Polypropylene Stainless Steel

Sleigh Folding Trundle
Divan Folding Loft Platform
Candle Holders Ashtrays Artwork Artificial Flora
Chrome Nickel Matte Polished Chrome
Chrome Nickel Matte Polished Chrome

Hard Anodising
Chrome Nickel Matte Polished Chrome
Centimetres Hundredths-Inches Nanometre Micron

Teddy_Bears Flowers_&_Plants Sports Carnivals_&_Clowns

Animals Anime Insects Music
Japanese Football MLS NFL Indian Premier League
Centimetres Hundredths-Inches Nanometre Micron

Bronze Carbon Cashmere Cast Iron

Polypropylene Kapok Feather Memory Foam

Chrome Mahogany Teak Bamboo

Pewter Pine Stainless Steel Beech

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM

fluidounces cubic-meters pint cubic-yd

fluidounces cubic-meters pint cubic-yd
fluidounces cubic-meters pint cubic-yd
fluidounces cubic-m pint cubic-yd
fluidounces cubic-m pint cubic-yd

Square Wedge Sloth Rectangular

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM

XXXX-Large XX-Large XXX-Large

XXXX-Small XXXXX-Large XXXXX-Small

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM

AAAA Battery lithium_polymer battery_type_p76 battery_type_product_spe

AAAA Battery lithium_polymer battery_type_p76 battery_type_product_spe
AAAA Battery battery_type_p76 battery_type_product_spelithium_polymer
AAAA Battery lithium_polymer battery_type_p76 battery_type_product_spe
AAAA Battery lithium_polymer battery_type_p76 battery_type_product_spe

Sealed Lead Acid Lithium Metal NiCAD Lithium

Sealed Lead Acid Lithium Metal NiCAD Lithium
Sealed Lead Acid NiCAD Lithium Metal Lithium
Sealed Lead Acid Lithium Metal NiCAD Lithium
Sealed Lead Acid Lithium Metal NiCAD Lithium

ific No Label With Warning

ific No Label With Warning
ific No Label With Warning
ific No Label With Warning
Yellow Transparent Ivory Maroon
Silver White Yellow
Green Gold Brown Bronze
Yellow Green Grey
Green Gold Brown Bronze
Split King Specialty Size Queen Double

2.5 x 9 5x8 5x7 Twin Extra-Long

Beech Oak Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

Cedar Wood Oak Wood Acacia Wood Aluminium
Carbon Steel Aluminium Ash Wood Polystyrene
Resin Rayon Chrome Memory Foam
Linen Acrylic

Ounce Pint Pack Square Feet

Ounce Pint Pack Square Feet
Ounce Pint Pack Square Feet

Ounces Pint Pack Square Feet

Armenia Aruba Australia Austria

numberofitems-stylenam Style model shapesize
Size-Material Style model shapesize
model-sizename numberofitems-stylenam model Style

DisplayWidth-DisplayHeigColor-DisplayHeight Widthrange Material-DisplayLength

Beech Beechwood Birch Bone China

Beech Beechwood Birch Bone China

Vintage Glam French Country Country Rustic

French Country French Coastal Scandinavian
Scandinavian Mission Lodge Garden
Teak Maple Polyethylene Rosewood

Wrought Iron Acrylonitrile Butadiene St Polycarbonate Polyvinyl Chloride

Trundle TV Water Sofa


Landscapes_&_SeascapesHippos_&_Rhinos Farm_Animals Deer

Video Games Fantasy Coastal Fish
Pro Volleyball League Italian Football International Cricket Mexican Football Federat

Cedar Ceramic Chenille Cherry

Wool Goose Down

Acacia Chestnut Oak Chrome


cubic-inches imperial gallons milliliter cubic-centimeters

cubic-inches imperial gallons milliliter cubic-centimeters
cubic-inches imperial gallons milliliter cubic-centimeters
cubic-in imperial gallons milliliter cubic-cm
cubic-in imperial gallons milliliter cubic-cm

Semicircular Star Cloud Elephant







unknown battery_type_lithium_metLR41 nonstandard_battery

unknown battery_type_lithium_metLR41 nonstandard_battery
unknown battery_type_lithium_metLR41 nonstandard_battery
unknown battery_type_lithium_metLR41 nonstandard_battery
unknown battery_type_lithium_metLR41 nonstandard_battery

Lithium-Nickel Cobalt Al Lead Calcium Lithium-Nickel ManganeseAluminum Oxygen

Lithium-Nickel Cobalt Al Lead Calcium Lithium-Nickel ManganeseAluminum Oxygen
Lithium-Nickel Cobalt Al Lead Calcium Lithium-Nickel ManganeseAluminum Oxygen
Lithium-Nickel Cobalt Al Lead Calcium Lithium-Nickel ManganeseAluminum Oxygen
Lithium-Nickel Cobalt Al Lead Calcium Lithium-Nickel ManganeseAluminum Oxygen
Multicolor Rose Violet

Blue Black Beige

Blue Black Beige

Recreational Vehicle Calif Twin Wide Double Single

11 x 14 Queen 8 x 10 11 x 17

Mahogany Wood Pine Wood Sheesham Wood Birch Wood

Suede Alloy Steel Mango Wood Pine
Jersey Rubber Goose Down Polyester

Fluid Ounces
Fluid Ounces
Fluid Ounces

Fluid Ounces

Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh

itemweight teamname
itemweight size-patternname sizename-numberofitems shape

Size-DisplayLength Lengthrange widthrange-lengthrange Size-DisplayWeight

Brass Bronze Carbon Cashmere

Brass Bronze Carbon Cashmere

French Boho Chic Coastal Scandinavian

Mission Nautical Bohemian Contemporary
Oriental Bohemian Contemporary Casual
Wood Carbon Steel Aluminium Ash Wood
Elephants Dogs_&_Puppies Moon_&_Stars Churches_&_Houses
Movies Food Military
Spanish Football English Football Portuguese Football PGA

Cherrywood Chrome Chromium Steel Clay

Nickel Mahogany Copper Teak


Oval Fish Round Leaf

battery_type_cr123a lr44 12v Battery battery_type_9v

battery_type_cr123a lr44 12v Battery battery_type_9v
battery_type_cr123a lr44 12v Battery battery_type_9v
battery_type_cr123a lr44 12v Battery battery_type_9v
battery_type_cr123a lr44 12v Battery battery_type_9v

Mercury Oxide Nickel-Iron Zinc Lithium Ion

Mercury Oxide Nickel-Iron Zinc Lithium Ion
Mercury Oxide Nickel-Iron Zinc Lithium Ion
Mercury Oxide Nickel-Iron Zinc Lithium Ion
Mercury Oxide Nickel-Iron Zinc Lithium Ion
Semi Single Full XL Recreational Vehicle Que Split Queen

European 9 x 12 6x9 Twin

Alloy Steel Mango Wood Cast Iron Maple Wood

Polyurethane Cherry Wood Oak Carbon Fibre
Vinyl Wood Silicone Flannel

Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize

patternname-stylename SizeStyle designshape MaterialSize

Color-DisplayWeight Color-Material Color-DisplayWidth numberofitems

Cast Iron Cedar Chenille Cherry

Cast Iron Cedar Chenille Cherry

Mission Lodge Colonial Contemporary

Casual Tropical Classic European
Tropical Victorian Classic European
Walnut Alloy Steel Mango Wood Pine
Fantasy Popular_Characters Fish_&_Aquatic_Animals Mice_&_Squirrels

NCAA German Football NWSL I-League

Copper Cork Cotton Crystal


Lithium-Air Alkaline Lithium Manganese Dioxi Nickel Oxyhydroxide

Lithium-Air Alkaline Lithium Manganese Dioxi Nickel Oxyhydroxide
Lithium-Air Alkaline Lithium Manganese Dioxi Nickel Oxyhydroxide
Lithium-Air Alkaline Lithium Manganese Dioxi Nickel Oxyhydroxide
Lithium-Air Alkaline Lithium Manganese Dioxi Nickel Oxyhydroxide
6x8 3.5 x 5 16 x 20 12 x 16

Eucalyptus Wood Neem Wood Bamboo

Acrylic Birch Brass Leather
Aluminium Steel Organic Cotton Microfiber

Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia

material-stylename patternname-size stylename-unitcount Material

DisplayLength-DisplayHei Size Material Size-DisplayHeight

Cherrywood Chrome Chromium Steel Copper

Cherrywood Chrome Chromium Steel Copper

Casual Tropical Victorian Classic

Shabby Chic English Mediterranean Farmhouse
Japanese Italianate Shabby Chic English
Cast Iron Acacia Oak Acrylonitrile Butadiene St
Religious_&_Inspirational Bears Cats_&_Kittens Holidays

French Football NHL UFC Formula 1

Denim Down & Feather-Fill Earthenware Elm

Zinc Carbon NiMh Nickel-Zinc Lithium-Titanate
Zinc Carbon NiMh Nickel-Zinc Lithium-Titanate
Zinc Carbon NiMh Nickel-Zinc Lithium-Titanate
Zinc Carbon NiMh Nickel-Zinc Lithium-Titanate
Zinc Carbon NiMh Nickel-Zinc Lithium-Titanate
12 x 18 Cal King 8 x 12 3x5

Iron Plastic Engineered Wood Eucalyptus

Foam Polyurethane Ceramic Linen

Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil

shapesize teamname Color

Size-Material sizename-numberofitems DisplayLength-DisplayWidSizeName-ColorName

Cotton Denim Down & Feather-Fill Earthenware

Cotton Denim Down & Feather-Fill Earthenware

Shabby Chic English Mediterranean Americana

Cottage Southwestern
Mediterranean Americana Farmhouse Cottage
Military Dinosaurs Nature Romance_&_Love

Minor League Baseball Dutch Football NASCAR Tennis

Elmwood Fabric Flannel Fleece

Silver-Calcium Zinc-Air Lead Acid
Silver-Calcium Zinc-Air Lead Acid
Silver-Calcium Zinc-Air Lead Acid
Silver-Calcium Zinc-Air Lead Acid
Silver-Calcium Zinc-Air Lead Acid
Polypropylene Hemlock Mahogany Rubber
Flax Fleece PVC Wool

British Indian Ocean Terri British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria

SizeName MaterialSize ColorName

Elm Fabric Flannel Fleece

Elm Fabric Flannel Fleece

Farmhouse Cottage Country Traditional

Traditional Fine Southwestern

Koalas Nautical Raccoons Insects_&_Spiders

Pro Kabaddi League WWE Hockey India League World Cup Football

Gilded Gold Glass Hard-Anodized AluminumHardwood

Teak Maple Faux Leather Rosewood
Bamboo Acrylic Micro Fleece

Burkina Faso Burma (Myanmar) Burundi Cambodia

Gilded Gold Glass Hard-Anodized AluminumHardwood

Gilded Gold Glass Hard-Anodized AluminumHardwood

Old World Baroque

Kangaroos People Religion Birds

Canadian Football LeagueX-Games National Teams Premier Badminton Leagu

Iron Jersey Leaded Crystal Leather

Wood Faux Rattan Walnut Cast Iron

Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands

Jersey Leaded Crystal Leather Leather & Suede

Jersey Leaded Crystal Leather Leather & Suede

Gothic Giraffes Pastoral Rabbits_&_Bunnies

National Lacrosse League Scottish Football World Baseball Classic More Football Leagues

Leather & Suede Mahogany Maple Marble

Acacia Acrylonitrile Butadiene St Fibreglass

Central African Republic Chad Chile Christmas Island

Mahogany Maple Marble Memory foam

Mahogany Maple Marble Memory foam

Vehicles_&_TransportatioReptiles_&_Amphibians Animals Wolves


Melamine Memory foam Metal Microfiber

Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Cook Islands
Metal Microfiber Neoprene Nickel

Metal Microfiber Neoprene Nickel

Fruits_&_Vegetables Nautics Turtles_&_Tortoises Holiday

Multi-ply Neoprene Nickel Non-Leaded Crystal

Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus
Non-Leaded Crystal Nonstick Nylon Oak

Non-Leaded Crystal Nonstick Nylon Oak

Music Schools,_Colleges_&_Unive
Horses Leopards,_Lions_&_Tigers

Nonstick Nylon Oak Olive Wood

Czech Republic Democratic Republic of t Denmark Djibouti
Olive Wood Percale Pewter Pine

Olive Wood Percale Pewter Pine


Others Paper Percale Pewter

Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt
Plastic Platinum Polyester & Polyester Ble Polyurethane

Plastic Platinum Polyester & Polyester Ble Polyurethane

Pine Plastic Platinum Polycarbonate
El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia
Porcelain Bone China Rattan Rattan & Wicker Recycled Material

Porcelain Bone China Rattan Rattan & Wicker Recycled Material

Polyester Polyester & Polyester Ble Polyurethane Porcelain
Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji
Recylced Rosewood Sateen Satin

Recylced Rosewood Sateen Satin

Porcelain Bone China Rattan Rattan & Wicker Recycled Material
Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia
Silicone Silk Silver Solid Gold

Silicone Silk Silver Solid Gold

Recylced Rosewood Rubber Sateen
French Southern Territori Great Britain Gabon Gambia
Stainless Steel Stone Stoneware Suede

Stainless Steel Stone Stoneware Suede

Satin Silicone Silk Silver
Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar
Synthetic Teak Terrycloth Tin

Synthetic Teak Terrycloth Tin

Silver-plated Solid Gold Stainless Steel Steel
Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe
Tritan Velvet Vinyl Walnut

Tritan Velvet Vinyl Walnut

Stone Stoneware Suede Synthetic
Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea
Wicker Willow Wood Wool & Wool Blend

Wicker Willow Wood Wool & Wool Blend

Teak Terracotta Terrycloth Tin
Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and McDonald Isla
Wrought and Cast Iron acrylic ceramic clay

Wrought and Cast Iron acrylic ceramic clay

Tritan Velvet Vinyl Walnut
Holy See (Vatican City) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary
cork crystal elmwood iron

cork crystal elmwood iron

Wicker Willow Wood Wool & Wool Blend
Iceland Indonesia Iran Iraq
melamine multi-ply paper polycarbonate

melamine multi-ply paper polycarbonate

Wrought and Cast Iron Zinc
Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy
polyester porcelain rubber silver-plated

polyester porcelain rubber silver-plated

Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jersey
terracotta zinc Bakelite Wool_Blend

terracotta zinc Bakelite Wool_Blend

Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati
Batiste Beavercloth Damask Linen

Batiste Beavercloth Damask Linen

Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia
Mako-Satin Microfibre Rayon Seersucker

Mako-Satin Microfibre Rayon Seersucker

Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya

Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau
North Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia
Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands
Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte
Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco
Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique
Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands
New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger
Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan
Palau Palestinian Territory Panama Papua New Guinea
Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands
Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar
Republic of the Congo Reunion Romania Russia
Rwanda S. Georgia and S. SandwichSaint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis
Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent And The Gr Saint-Martin
Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia
Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone
Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands
Somalia South Africa South Korea Spain
Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard
Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria
Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand
Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga
Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan
Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine
United Arab Emirates Uruguay US Minor Outlying IslandsUS Virgin Islands
Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam
Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia
Zimbabwe Unknown United Kingdom

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