Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
03 August 2021 PRJ11100246513-R01 01
Report for
Shannon LNG Limited
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Executive summary
A comprehensive quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of the proposed Shannon Technology and Energy
Park (STEP) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal, Power Plant and Above Ground Installation (AGI) has
been performed. The analysis has been conducted in accordance with the current HSA Technical Land-
use Planning (LUP) Advice.
The QRA has used the suite of models incorporated into the DNV Safeti software (version 8.4). Safeti is
a comprehensive hazard and risk analysis software tool for all stages of design and operation.
The QRA has considered hazards from Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and natural gas associated with
operation of:
• Comparing the QRA results against land use planning criteria shows there are no incompatible
land uses in any of the three LUP zones;
• Comparison with the individual risk at the nearest residential property with the criterion value of 1
x 10-6/y shows that the result is well below the criterion value;
• The FN curve representing societal risk to members of the public for the proposed STEP is within
the ‘Broadly Acceptable’ region.
• The Expectation Value for members of the public is 13 which is a very low value and
indicative of operation in the ‘Broadly Acceptable’ Region.
Vysus Group and variants of it are trading names of Vysus Group Holdings Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Vysus Group Holdings Limited is a limited company
registered in England and Wales, registered number 12912998. Registered office: L4 18 Hanover Street, London, United Kingdom, W1S 1YN.
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................9
Project Background ................................................................................................................. 9
Location and Surroundings ................................................................................................... 12
STEP Summary .................................................................................................................... 14
Properties of LNG and Natural Gas....................................................................................... 14
Hazards of LNG and Natural Gas ......................................................................................... 15
2. Facility Description .............................................................................................18
FSRU .................................................................................................................................... 18
LNG Carrier Ships ................................................................................................................. 19
Jetty and Access Trestle ....................................................................................................... 20
Onshore Receiving Facilities ................................................................................................. 20
Above Ground Installation ..................................................................................................... 20
Liquid Natural Gas Terminal.................................................................................................. 21
Power Plant ........................................................................................................................... 22
3. Overview of QRA Methodology ..........................................................................23
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 23
Study Definition ..................................................................................................................... 25
Data Gathering ...................................................................................................................... 25
Hazard Identification.............................................................................................................. 25
Risk Screening ...................................................................................................................... 26
Scenario Definition ................................................................................................................ 26
Consequence Analysis .......................................................................................................... 26
Frequency Analysis ............................................................................................................... 28
Risk Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 28
Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction .............................................................................. 29
4. Report Structure .................................................................................................30
5. QRA Basis .........................................................................................................31
Onshore Facilities.................................................................................................................. 31
AGI (Natural Gas Systems) ................................................................................................... 31
AGI (Odorant)........................................................................................................................ 32
FSRU .................................................................................................................................... 32
LNGC .................................................................................................................................... 32
6. Release Cases ...................................................................................................34
7. Frequency Analysis ............................................................................................45
Piping and Equipment Release Frequencies ........................................................................ 45
Gas Arm Failure Frequencies ............................................................................................... 45
Ship to Ship LNG Transfer Failure Frequencies .................................................................... 48
Ship Collision ........................................................................................................................ 48
BLEVE Frequencies .............................................................................................................. 49
Release Outcome Frequency................................................................................................ 49
8. Ignitions .............................................................................................................51
Immediate Ignition ................................................................................................................. 51
Delayed Ignition Probability ................................................................................................... 52
9. Fatality Probability ..............................................................................................57
Fatality Probability – People Outdoors .................................................................................. 57
Fatality Probability – People Indoors ..................................................................................... 57
Fatality Probability due to Flash Fires ................................................................................... 58
Fatality Probability within The FSRU and LNGC ................................................................... 58
10. Consequence Modelling .....................................................................................60
Modelling Software ........................................................................................................... 60
Release Durations ............................................................................................................ 60
Release Following Vessel Collision .................................................................................. 61
Effect of Impoundment ...................................................................................................... 62
Effect of Topography......................................................................................................... 62
Releases onto Land and Water ........................................................................................ 62
Dispersion Modelling......................................................................................................... 62
Surface Roughness Parameter ......................................................................................... 62
Averaging Time ................................................................................................................. 63
Weather Data .................................................................................................................... 63
11. Populations ........................................................................................................66
Onsite Personnel .............................................................................................................. 66
Offsite Populations ............................................................................................................ 66
Hypothetical House Residents .......................................................................................... 66
12. Risk Criteria .......................................................................................................69
Individual Risk ................................................................................................................... 69
Societal Risk – FN Curve .................................................................................................. 69
Expectation Value (EV) ..................................................................................................... 70
13. Risk Calculation Results.....................................................................................71
Individual Risk ................................................................................................................... 71
Societal Risk ..................................................................................................................... 73
Expectation Value ............................................................................................................. 73
Hypothetical House Resident............................................................................................ 73
Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 73
14. Conclusions .......................................................................................................75
15. References.........................................................................................................76
Figure 1-1 Terminal and Power Station Location .......................................................................................12
Table 1-1 Properties of LNG Constituents .................................................................................................. 15
Table 8-4 Probability of Ignition for a One Minute Time Interval (Purple Book)........................................... 53
Table 8-5 On Site Delayed Ignition Sources (Point and Area Sources) ...................................................... 54
Appendix A Release Frequencies
EV Expectation Value
RO Recognised Organisation
RPT Rapid Phase Transition
Project Background
The Shannon Technology and Energy Park (STEP) consists of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal,
Power Plant and Above Ground Installation (AGI). The STEP addresses Ireland’s significant security of
supply policy goals and provides additional flexible power generation capacity to support intermittent
renewable generation and resolve a predicted generation capacity shortfall.
Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 1, sets a target of 70% of electricity to be generated from renewable sources
by 2030. It also commits to an early and complete phase-out of coal and peat-fired electricity generation.
This leaves natural gas as being the only back up for intermittent wind generation at that point.
But despite its reliance on natural gas for renewable energy support, Ireland has very limited supply
sources of natural gas. The country’s sole gas field, Corrib, is rapidly declining by about 20% per year,
resulting in a growing reliance on UK imports to meet its gas demand. Ireland currently imports over 50%
of its gas needs from the UK via a single supply point and these imports will grow to over 80% by 2025
and 90% by 2030. The impact of losing this single gas supply from the UK has been assessed 2 by the
Commission for Energy Regulation (CRU) as being “disastrous” for electricity production in Ireland.
Recently 3, the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications has also noted “the UK has left
the European Union which will lead, at the end of the withdrawal period, to difficulties for Ireland in meeting
the requirements of EU law in relation to gas security of supply including potential challenges for future
compliance with EU law including the “N-1” infrastructure standard and the supply standard”
Consequently, Government polices clearly support the urgent need for the development. For example, the
National Energy & Climate Plan (NECP) 2021-2030 contains a policy goal to support natural gas
infrastructure projects, such as the STEP, that enhance Ireland’s security of supply. Eirgrid’s All-Island
Generation capacity Statement 2020-2029 confirms the need for additional conventional power plants.
The new power generators at STEP will have the ability to transition to future technologies, such as
hydrogen as an alternative fuel source, in the medium to long term.
The STEP addresses Ireland’s significant gas security of supply concerns and provides additional flexible
power generation capacity to support intermittent renewable generation and resolve a predicted generation
capacity shortfall.
The Shannon Estuary comprises 500 km2 of navigable water extending from Loop Head, in County Clare,
and Kerry Head, in County Kerry, eastwards to the city of Limerick, a distance of 100 km. The naturally
occurring deep and sheltered waters of the estuary are connected to the Atlantic Ocean and are accessible
to large ocean-going vessels of varying types and sizes of up to 185,000 deadweight tonnes (dwt).
The Proposed Development will be comprised of two main components:
1. A Power Plant; and,
2. An LNG Terminal.
1 Climate Action Plan 2019. Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. 17th June 2019
2 Identification of National Electricity Crisis Scenarios for Ireland. CRU/20/138. Commission for energy regulation. 20/11/2020
3 Request for Tenders dated 2 November 2020 for the provision of Consultancy Services to undertake a Technical Analysis to inform a Review of the
Security of Energy Supply of Ireland’s Electricity and Natural Gas Systems
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LNG is natural gas that has been cooled to approximately minus 160 degrees centigrade, at which point it
becomes a liquid at atmospheric pressure. As a liquid, the volume of natural gas is approximately 600
times less than the volume of the equivalent amount in the gaseous stage, making it more manageable
for storage and ocean transportation. LNG is stored and transported in insulated tanks operating at
pressures slightly above normal atmospheric pressure.
LNG is produced primarily in locations with large gas reserves which are too distant from market areas to
be transported economically by pipeline. The natural gas from these fields is gathered and brought by
pipeline to liquefaction plants where it is liquefied, pumped into LNG storage tanks and then loaded onto
LNG ships and transported to the market areas of the world. Ireland is one of very few countries in
Western Europe with a national gas distribution network that does not have an LNG import terminal.
Once the LNG is delivered to the regasification terminal, the liquid is unloaded into the storage
tanks, converted back into gas and transmitted via the gas pipeline system.
The Power Plant will generate power for its own needs and for the LNG Terminal, and for sale to
the market via the national electricity grid exported via a 220 kV connection, which will be subject to a
separate planning application. An application to connect to the national electrical transmission system
via this 220 kV connection was submitted to EirGrid in September 2020. An offer has yet to be
received. Once the connection offer is made, this 220 kV connection will be subject to a separate
planning application.
The Proposed Development has a flexible design that will be able to accommodate alternative low carbon
fuels in future. The location of the Proposed Development site will provide access to future offshore
renewable projects around the world, combined with facilities for the production and landing of hydrogen.
This would contribute to the decarbonisation of Ireland’s energy system by providing long term hydrogen
energy storage (produced onsite or into the national gas transmission system), renewable energy storage
(through the BESS) and direct electricity generation at the Power Plant. The modular Power Plant offers
flexibility to incorporate alternative fuels, and the modern nature of the LNG Terminal will ensure it can
easily be adapted in future. Refer to New Fortress Energy Inc.’s ‘A Step Towards a Zero Carbon Future’
policy for further details.
The LNG Terminal could also be operational before the Power Plant and the 220 kV grid connection are
completed. Therefore, a medium voltage (10/ 20 kV) connection to supply power to the LNG Terminal in
the absence of the 600 MW Power Plant will be required. This medium voltage connection will also be
subject to a separate planning application.
The Masterplan for STEP will integrate the Proposed Development and a (future) Data Centre Campus.
The Data Centre Campus is not included in this application and will therefore be subject to a separate
planning application. The Data Centre Campus, the 220 kV and the medium voltage (10/ 20 kV) cables
have been considered as part of the cumulative impact assessment.
Planning consents were previously granted by ABP for the development of an LNG Terminal (2007) and
a Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) (2012) on the Proposed Development site. The current
application is a new Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) application and does not rely on any of
the previous planning applications. A Site Selection Assessment has been undertaken by AECOM in 2021
and a report prepared. The report concluded that Ballylongford / Tarbert landbank is the most suitable
location to accommodate and safely operate the Proposed Development.
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The location offers the following:
• A large unoccupied landbank on the coast which is zoned for industrial purposes adjacent to
the foreshore;
• Access to water depth greater than 13 m;
• A navigational channel of uniform cross-sectional depth suitable for LNG carriers including the
largest vessel;
• Turning circle for LNG ships that provide adequate turning space of up to approximately 690 m;
• Space outside the main navigation channel for a marine control zone around the LNGC and
• Protection from swell waves from the Atlantic and is only subject to locally generated wind
• Access to high-capacity gas transmission system that can receive up to 800 mmscf/d;
• The ability to get a high voltage export grid connection offer within the generation capacity
shortfall time window 4; and
• Access to high-capacity electricity grid (220 kV or higher) that can export 600 MW without
undue system constraint.
4 Shannon LNG Limited made a successful high voltage grid application under Enduring Connection Policy (ECP2.1)
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Location and Surroundings
As stated above, STEP is planned for the south bank of the Shannon estuary between Tarbert and
Ballylongford in County Kerry, Ireland; this location is shown in Figure 1-1 (marked in red).
The STEP is to be located on a circa 200 acre site on the Shannon Estuary at Ralappane, between Tarbert
and Ballylongford in Co. Kerry and accessed off the existing L-1010 (Coast Road).
The Kerry County Development Plan 2015-2021 has zoned the site ‘Industry’ as part of the
Tarbert/Ballylongford Land Bank, and more specifically for marine related industry and compatible
industries requiring deep water access.
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Figure 1-2 Proposed Site Overview
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STEP Summary
The STEP consists of two main components:
1. LNG Terminal
2. Power Plant.
The proposed LNG Terminal will comprise of:
• A floating storage regasification unit (FSRU), which will have an LNG storage capacity of up to
180,000 m3. The LNG vaporisation process equipment to regasify the LNG to natural gas shall
be on-board the FSRU. The heat for LNG regasification shall be via seawater, supplemented
by heat from gas fired heaters when the water temperature is inadequate. Loading of LNG onto
the FSRU shall be via a ship to ship transfer from another LNG carrier (LNGC) berthed
• Jetty and access trestle, with the jetty comprising of an unloading platform, mooring dolphins
and breasting dolphins.
• Four tugboats moored on the proposed jetty for FSRU and LNG carrier mooring operations.
• Onshore facilities including a nitrogen generation facility, a control room, a guard house,
workshop and maintenance buildings, instrument air generator, fire water system.
• An Above Ground Installation (AGI) to include an odourisation facility, gas heater building, gas
metering and pressure control equipment. The AGI facilitates the connection of the LNG
terminal to the consented 26 km Shannon Pipeline.
The proposed Power Plant will comprise of:
• A flexible modular power plant design with up to three (3) blocks of Combined Cycle Gas
Turbines (CCGT), each block with a capacity of circa 200 MW for a total installed capacity of
up to 600 MW. The multishaft arrangement of the power plant provides fast acting response
with very low minimum stable generation and is ideally suited to support increased intermittent
renewable generation.
• Each block shall comprise of two (2) gas turbine generators, two (2) heat recovery steam
generator and one (1) steam turbine generator and an air-cooled condenser.
• A 120 MW for 1 hour (120 MWhr) Battery energy storage facility (BESS). Due to its very fast
response, the BESS supports intermittent renewable generation.
The STEP will supply up to 22.6 MMscm/d (800 MMscf/d) of natural gas to the Irish gas transmission
system via the previously consented 26 km Shannon Pipeline.
An application to connect to the national electrical transmission system via a 220 kV connection was
submitted to EirGrid in September 2020. An offer has yet to be received. It is expected that the connection
will run 5 km east under the L-1010 road to the Eirgrid Killpaddogue 220 kV substation. Once the
connection offer is made, this 220 kV connection will be subject to a separate planning design and planning
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Table 1-1 Properties of LNG Constituents
As a cryogenic liquid, LNG can cause burns to personnel if it comes in contact with the skin. A second
cryogenic hazard is associated with LNG vapours; breathing cold vapours from LNG evaporation or boiling
can damage the lungs. Whilst methane does not chemically react with the lungs, the cold vapour can
cause ‘frosting of the lungs’. The severity of damage is directly related to the severity of exposure.
Typically process equipment in LNG duty is thermally insulated to prevent injury to personnel during normal
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1.5.2 Toxicity and Asphyxiation
Methane, or natural gas, is not toxic or a carcinogen. There is no immediately dangerous to life or health
(“IDLH”) value for methane in the United States [5]. The relevant HSA guidance [6] notes that methane
is an asphyxiant. Such materials are described as:
“Gaseous chemical substances which may not produce significant physiological effects in the
exposed employee, but when present in high concentrations will act as simple asphyxiants.”
The danger of asphyxiation is increased in LNG facilities due to the absence of an odourant in the gas.
However, asphyxiation requires a relatively high concentration of gas in air and such effects are only
important close to a release of LNG.
1.5.3 Fire Hazards
LNG vaporises quickly as it absorbs heat from the environment, and the resulting vapour is flammable
when mixed in air at concentrations from 5 to 15% (volume basis). LNG vapour at its normal boiling point
of -162ºC is 1.5 times denser than air at 25ºC. On release of LNG it evaporates and as the LNG cloud
drifts, it mixes with the surrounding, warmer air, is diluted and becomes less dense. Explosions
As discussed in the previous section, a flash fire can occur if LNG is released into the atmosphere and
ignited. If ignited in open (unconfined) areas, pure methane is not known to generate damaging
overpressures (explode). However, if some confinement of the vapour cloud is present, methane can
produce damaging overpressures. Areas congested with equipment and structures can facilitate damaging
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overpressures if a vapour cloud is ignited within such an area. For example, if a vapour cloud infiltrates a
process plant area with various vessels, structures, and piping and the cloud ignites, the portion of the
cloud within that congested area may generate damaging overpressures. A larger volume fraction of
heavier hydrocarbons in the LNG reduces the minimum ignition energy required for detonation and
increases the specific gravity of the hydrocarbon mixture (and hence reduces the tendency to rapidly
disperse). Both of these effects increase the likelihood of generation of damaging overpressures.
For the purpose of this study LNG has been modelled as methane (the practice within UK HSE) as only a
very small fraction of the product stream will be heavier hydrocarbons. The onshore plant layout is
relatively open and the degree of congestion is low. The potential for vapour cloud explosion (VCE) on site
have therefore judged to be insignificant.
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2. Facility Description
The proposed LNG Terminal will comprise of the following systems which are relevant to the QRA:
• A floating storage regasification unit (FSRU), which will have an LNG storage capacity of up to
180,000 m3. The LNG vaporisation process equipment to regasify the LNG to natural gas shall
be on-board the FSRU. The heat for LNG regasification shall be via seawater, supplemented
by heat from gas fired heaters when the water temperature is inadequate. Loading of LNG onto
the FSRU shall be via a ship to ship transfer from another LNG carrier (LNGC) berthed
• Jetty and access trestle, with the jetty comprising of an unloading platform, mooring dolphins
and breasting dolphins.
• Onshore facilities including a nitrogen generation facility, a control room, a guard house,
workshop and maintenance buildings, instrument air generator, fire water system.
• Gas supply to the 600 MW Power plant.
• An Above Ground Installation (AGI) to include an odourisation facility, gas heater building, gas
metering and pressure control equipment. The AGI facilitates the connection of the LNG
terminal to the consented 26km Shannon Pipeline.
A Floating Storage Regassification Unit (FSRU) shall be berthed at the jetty. The FSRU shall be an ocean-
going vessel with a full crew operating under the same national and international permitting and controls
as all other shipping traffic in the estuary.
The FSRU shall be typically, but not permanently, moored at the jetty and shall depart the jetty as
necessary. Loading of LNG onto the FSRU shall be via a ship to ship transfer from another LNG ship
berthed alongside. The FSRU shall have an LNG storage capacity of between 130,000 m3 to 180,000 m3.
While in the Shannon Estuary, the FSRU shall be governed by the Shannon Foynes Port Company.
The FSRU shall be approximately between 250 to 300 metres long and between 40 to 55 metres wide
with a draft of approximately 13 metres (the distance between the surface of the water and the lowest point
of the vessel). The height of the vessel shall be approximately 50 metres above the sea surface to the top
of the exhaust stack.
The FSRU shall be a double-hulled ocean-going vessel with four cargo tanks suitable for storing LNG at
very low temperatures (-163ºC). The cargo tanks are lined with specialised membranes to allow the
storage of chilled LNG. The cold temperature and insulation keeps the LNG cargo in a liquid state until it
is required for regasification.
The FSRU has the capability to receive LNG from an LNG carrier (LNGC), return the LNG to a gaseous
state using the onboard regasification unit (‘regasification’), and transfer the gas into gas unloading arms
on the jetty. Tugboats shall typically be used to moor the LNG carrier safely next to the FSRU.
The LNG carriers shall typically tether next to the FSRU while LNG is transferred into the cargo tanks of
the FSRU. Purpose-built flexible cryogenic hoses would be used to transfer the LNG from the LNG carriers
to the FSRU. Once the transfer of LNG is complete, LNG carriers would depart from alongside the FSRU
with the assistance of tugboats.
The LNG vaporisation process equipment to regasify the LNG shall be on board the FSRU. The
vaporisation process shall have a send-out capacity of up to 22.6 MMscm/d (800 MMscf/d).
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The FSRU ship will be self-sufficient in terms of producing the necessary electricity and heat. The FSRU
will use electric power for pumps and regasification equipment, for auxiliary systems and for staff
accommodation. Generators will be powered by dual-fuel diesel engines which will use boil off natural gas
from the LNG storage tanks (BOG) as main fuel. As a pilot fuel, engines use a small amount of marine
diesel oil (MDO). The estimated amount of required diesel fuel is up to 1 m3/day at maximum operation of
the FSRU terminal.
As a security solution in emergency situations, the jetty is equipped with quick release systems that allow
automated release of the FSRU’s mooring lines and the separation of the natural gas transport system
under pressure. In this way it is possible to quickly sail the FSRU ship to a safe area.
At the time of drafting this report, a charter agreement for a specific FSRU has not been executed.
Therefore, the exact characteristics, specific locations and technical systems which will be integral part of
the FSRU vessel’s equipment are not clarified. For the purposes of this QRA a study of vessels from
various FSRU suppliers has been carried out and the QRA has been based on a typical design.
The FSRU ship must meet all conditions of international navigation, i.e. conditions that have been
established by the SOLAS Convention and other international conventions accepted within the
International Maritime Organization (IMO). The FSRU vessel must possess valid ship certificates and
documents required for such a ship type in accordance with the aforementioned international conventions
whose list is consolidated and updated in the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime
Organization's "List of Certificates and Documents Required to be Carried on Board Ships" document.
The FSRU ship must also comply with all safety requirements prescribed by the regulations of the ship's
registries and the flag State which the vessel is flying, the recognized organizations (RO) and the
recognized security organization (RSO).
In addition, the FSRU ship as a vessel for the transport and storage of liquefied natural gas should meet
the requirements of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
Gases in Bulk (IGC Code), as amended.
LNG vaporisation process equipment to regasify the LNG shall be on-board the FSRU. The heat required
for LNG vaporisation will be primarily via seawater, supplemented by gas fired heaters when the seawater
temperature is inadequate. When seawater temperatures are insufficient to provide all the heat required
for regasification, the FSRU would provide supplementary heat for regasification. The supplementary heat
will be provided by the combustion of BOG in gas fired heaters.
Considering the sea temperature at the location of the LNG Terminal, it is predicted that supplementary
gas fired heaters will be utilised from about the middle of November to early May, when the temperature
is lower than 12°C. The exact times will be dependent on seasonal variability.
All LNG carriers in the world are of double hull construction with the LNG containment systems, equipment
and insulation installed within the inner hull. LNG is carried in specially designed cargo tanks in liquid form
at -163 C at atmospheric pressure. The tanks are surrounded completely by two insulation spaces which
are designed to reduce 'heating of the cargo' through external ambient conditions. The insulation spaces
are filled with nitrogen to provide an inert blanket around the tanks whilst also supporting the most modern
gas detection systems installed to continuously monitor the cargo.
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The Proposed Development is designed to accommodate a range of LNGC sizes from 130,000 m3 LNG
capacity to 265,000m3 capacity (Q-Max). As of February 2021, the 551 LNGC in service, only 14 are of
the Q-Max vessels in service throughout the world. The majority of LNGC calling at Shannon will be in the
130,000 to 173,000m³.
Unloading the cargo will be enabled by means of flexible hoses for cryogenic fluid transfer which will be
installed after berthing. Flexible hoses will also be used to transport BOG from the FSRU storage tank to
the LNGC storage tanks so to prevent forming of overpressure in the FSRU tanks and under pressure in
FSRU storage tanks due to BOG formation during LNG transfer.
Up to 60 visits of LNGC per year are expected. LNG unloading from the LNGC to the FSRU via ship-to-
ship transfer is estimated to take on average 35 hours. An additional 25 hours in total is required to moor,
berth, unmoor and unberth. Ship passage time from the mouth of the Estuary to Ardmore point is estimated
at 4 hours.
It is envisaged that the port side of the FSRU will be moored to the jetty, and the LNGC will be berthed by
the port side to the FSRU. The main reason for such an arrangement is to point the bow of both vessels
to the open sea during the stay on berth so that fast departure of vessels is possible in case of extraordinary
circumstances, even without tugs.
The FSRU shall discharge into the GLAs at a pressure range from 48 to 98 Barg at flowrate up to 800
If the gas received from the FSRU has a heating value which does not meet the Gas Network Ireland
(GNIs) requirements, nitrogen would be injected into the gas stream so that it meets the required
specification. This is the main purpose of the nitrogen generation facility. Nitrogen will also be used for
purging and inerting of various items of equipment and piping, during operation and maintenance activities.
All compressed air for instrument use and for service and maintenance use will also be generated onsite.
It is standard practice for safety reasons to add odorant to natural gas, which has little or no smell. The
odorisation tanks, associated pipework, and control systems will be provided to inject carefully controlled
volumes of odorant into the natural gas. The gas is odorised so that any gas leaks are detectable by human
beings. Odorant will be injected at a rate to ensure compliance with GNI and statutory requirements
(typically 6 milligrams per cubic metre).
A bidirectional pig-trap (and associated equipment) is to launch (or retrieve) a ‘pig’ which is propelled
through the pipeline. Pigs are used for two purposes: initially during the gassing-up/commissioning to clean
and dewater the pipeline, and later, when the pipeline is operational, an intelligent pig is sent through the
pipeline to monitor pipeline conditions such as the wall thickness of the pipeline.
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• Excluding FSRU and tugboat crews, the onshore receiving facility will have 20 day staff/
contractors (09:00 - 17:30);
• 24 shift staff/ contractors - 3 shifts of 3 employees (08:00 - 16:00; 16:00 - 00:00; 00:00 –
08:00); and,
• The AGI will be normally unmanned.
Power Plant
The power plant is a flexible multi-shaft design with three blocks of CCGT with up to three blocks of
Combined Cycle Gas Turbines, each block with a capacity of circa 200 MW for a total installed capacity of
up to 600 MW. The multishaft arrangement of the power plant provides fast acting response with very low
minimum stable generation and is ideally suited to support increased intermittent renewable generation.
Each block shall comprise of two gas turbine generators, two heat recovery steam generator and one
steam turbine generator and an air-cooled condenser.
The gas used to fuel the power plant will be supplied at pressures suitable for the specific gas turbine
equipment selected. This gas will pass through gas conditioning equipment that will likely be comprised
• filter separator,
• dew point heater/boiler unit,
• pressure control station, and,
• gas quantity and quality measurement as required for performance management and
environmental protection monitoring.
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3. Overview of QRA Methodology
Essentially a risk assessment seeks to provide answers to the following questions:
• What can go wrong?
• If things go wrong, what would the consequences be?
• What is the likelihood of things going wrong?
• Does action need to be taken?
Risk assessment is a structured method for obtaining answers to these, and other related questions. As
the name suggests, quantitative risk assessment (QRA) is used to state the likelihood, consequence and
risk results in numerical terms. A QRA flowchart is presented in Figure 3-1, showing the major steps in
the process. Each of the major steps is then described in the remaining Sections of this Chapter.
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Frequency Consequence
Analysis Analysis
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Study Definition
It is important to define the scope and objectives of the study at the outset, since these will influence the
breadth, depth and the output of the analysis. Study definition involves:
• Defining the system to be analysed (in terms of the types of process involved, the physical
boundaries of the system, the nature of the surrounding environment / population, etc.);
• Describing the reasons for conducting the analysis (the objectives of the study, or the concerns
that give rise to the need for the analysis); and,
• Identifying the decisions that will need to be made, using the analysis results as one input. The
types of decision to be made influence the output required from the analysis.
Data Gathering
Depending on the purpose of the analysis and the size of the system under consideration, the quantity of
data required to perform a QRA can be substantial. Typically, the data required include:
• Information about the system;
o Process flow diagrams (PFDs);
o Piping and instrumentation drawings (P&IDs);
o Heat and mass balance data;
o Process operating conditions;
o Material properties;
o Vessel capacities;
o Details of shutdown / emergency systems;
o Layout drawings; and,
• Information on potential ignition sources (on and off-site);
• Population data (for people on-site and / or off-site, depending on the purpose of the study);
• Meteorological data.
Hazard Identification
The purpose of the hazard identification step is to identify all of the relevant hazards which generate risk
within the system, together with the way in which the hazards could be realised. The study definition step
may limit the types of hazard of interest (e.g. a study may focus on potential major accidents to people or
the environment). Methods for hazard identification include:
• Review of accident / incident data;
• Process Hazard Analysis (PHA);
• Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies;
• Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA);
• ‘What-If’ Analysis;
• The ‘Methodical Rupture’ approach (listing all of the potential leak sources from each
equipment item within the system); and,
• Use of checklists.
The method used depends on the purpose of the study and the nature of the system under investigation.
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Risk Screening
In some studies, a risk screening step is performed prior to the full analysis. The purpose of this step may
be to:
• Review the list of hazards obtained at the hazard identification stage and remove any that are
not relevant to the current study (e.g. because their effects would be too limited); and/or,
• Determine the level of detail that should be applied to the analysis of the hazards at later
In relation to the second of these points, some safety regulators (including the Health and Safety Executive
in the UK) apply a ‘proportionality principle’ when considering the level of detail that should be applied
when analysing a given set of hazards. Essentially the proportionality principle states that those scenarios
or groups of scenarios that present the greatest risk should receive more detailed analysis than scenarios
that contribute relatively little to the risk. A risk screening process (i.e. a coarse, initial assessment of the
risk) can be used to decide which scenarios should be subject to more detailed analysis at later stages.
Scenario Definition
Having determined which hazards will be included in the QRA, and the level of detail that should be applied,
it is then necessary to develop the list of hazards into modelling scenarios. This involves describing the
scenario in sufficient detail to proceed with the modelling. For example, the hazard identification may
identify the following hazard:
‘Leak of hydrocarbon from pipe due to impact by object.’
The scenario definition step adds further detail to this, including:
• The process conditions (temperature, pressure) within the pipe;
• The composition of the hydrocarbon;
• The size(s) of the leak that may occur;
• The location(s) at which the leak might occur;
• The volume of hydrocarbon available to feed the leak; and,
• The likely duration of the leak, given the volume of hydrocarbon and any action that might be
possible to isolate the leak.
It is also common practice to group similar hazards together for the purposes of the subsequent analysis.
Using the example above, the hazard identification study may identify a number of ways in which a leak
of hydrocarbon from a pipe could result (such as internal corrosion, external corrosion, fatigue, etc.). All
of those could be grouped together into a single ‘pipe leak’ scenario.
Consequence Analysis
The purpose of consequence analysis is to determine the potential outcome (or outcomes) of the various
scenarios comprising the QRA. Consequence analysis may be broken down into the following steps:
• Source term modelling;
• Physical effects modelling; and,
• Impact modelling.
Depending on the tools used by the analyst to perform the QRA, these steps may be performed using
separate models, or in a single model that automatically proceeds from one step to the next.
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3.7.1 Source Term Modelling
Source term modelling determines the behaviour of the material upon leakage, in terms of:
• Release rate and / or quantity;
• The velocity of the material;
• The phase of the material (liquid, gas / vapour or two-phase); and,
• The conditions within the material upon release (temperature, density, etc.).
Where the material forms a pool of liquid, it will also be necessary to model the pool spreading and rate of
vaporisation of material from the pool.
3.7.2 Physical Effects Modelling
Modelling of physical effects predicts the behaviour of the material once it has been released, using the
source term modelling results as inputs. The types of physical effects considered may include:
• Gas or vapour dispersion;
• Fire dimensions and heat output (for ignited releases of flammable material); and,
• Size and strength of explosions (for ignited flammable clouds in congested / confined regions).
Since some of the calculations performed can be quite complex, and the number of calculations required
in a QRA study can be large, software packages are usually employed to perform the modelling.
3.7.3 Impact Modelling
Impact modelling determines the impact that the various physical phenomena have upon receptors of
interest (i.e. people, environmental features or assets, depending on the objectives of the study). For
people, the relationship between exposure to a potentially harmful agent (such as toxic gas, thermal
radiation or blast overpressure) and the probability of fatality is often expressed using a probit equation.
Probit relationships take the form:
Y = A + B.ln(D)
Y = probit value
A and B are constants that are specific to the harmful agent.
D is the harmful dose received by the receptor. This is a function of the concentration (or intensity) of the
harmful agent and the exposure duration. For toxic substances:
D = CN.t
C = gas concentration (ppm)
N = substance-specific constant
T = exposure duration (minutes)
In the case of thermal radiation:
D = Q4/3.t
Q = incident thermal radiation flux (W.m-2)
t = exposure duration (s)
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The probit value is related to the probability of fatality by the following expression:
Y − 5
P = 0.5 × 1 + erf
P = probability of fatality
Probit values are available in standard tables. For example, a fatality probability of 0.1 corresponds to a
probit value of 4.16.
Frequency Analysis
In general terms, frequency analysis is used to calculate:
• The likelihood of a given release of dangerous material occurring – this is usually expressed as
a frequency (e.g. 1 x 10-3 per year, or once in a thousand years);
• Given that a release has occurred, the probability that a given type of physical effect follows –
for example, for releases of flammable material, the type of effect may depend on whether the
material is ignited soon after the release begins, or at some time later; and,
• Given that a certain type of physical effects results, the probability of an undesired outcome –
this may depend on the wind direction, the probability that a person is present within the
hazard range, and the probability of successful emergency action.
Frequency analysis approaches fall into three categories:
• Use of relevant historical data;
• Use of analytical or simulation techniques (such as fault tree analysis or event tree analysis);
• Use of expert judgment.
Historical data may relate to the frequency of releases of varying sizes from different types of equipment
(e.g., the frequency of small leaks from flanges), or to the frequency of accidents on facilities of interest
(e.g., the frequency of large fires on refinery crude distillation units).
Risk Analysis
In simple terms, risk is the chance of an undesired outcome. The chance is usually expressed as a
frequency; the undesired outcome may be fatality, environmental damage or financial loss. In terms of
risks to people, there are different types of risk outputs that may be calculated using QRA:
• Risk indices (such as Fatal Accident Rate);
• Individual risk usually expressed as the risk of harming a hypothetical person with a defined set
of characteristics. Individual risk results may be expressed as a point value (the individual risk
to a hypothetical person at a given geographical location), as a graph of individual risk versus
distance (a risk transect) or as contours overlaid on a map;
• Societal risk, which expresses the frequency with which different numbers of people could be
affected by an accident. It is usually presented as an ‘FN curve’, where F is the frequency with
which N or more people are affected.
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Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction
Once the risk analysis results have been obtained, it is necessary to assess their significance. This often
involves comparison of the results with criteria. Risk criteria may be established by regulators or set
internally by the company. Risk criteria usually define:
• The level of risk which is deemed unacceptable (except perhaps in extraordinary
circumstances); and,
• The level of risk which is considered so low that further efforts to reduce the risk are
Between these two levels is a region in which the risk may be considered tolerable, on condition that all
appropriate measures have been taken to control the risk.
The risk analysis results may indicate a need to consider the implementation of further measures to reduce
the risk. The analysis outputs may then be interrogated to determine whether there are any particular
scenarios which dominate the risk profile. Where such key risk contributors can be identified, it is prudent
to focus efforts to reduce the risk on these scenarios.
Once potential risk reduction measures have been postulated, their effectiveness may be evaluated by
modifying the analysis inputs to include them and re-calculating the results. The final decision about
whether or not to implement a given risk reduction option depends on:
• The magnitude of the initial risk – if the risk is high relative to the relevant criteria, this will
provide a stronger driver for taking action;
• The size of the risk reduction that would be achieved if the measure were to be introduced;
• The cost of implementing the measure.
It should be noted that consideration of the costs and benefits of implementing a risk reduction measure
is usually weighted in favour of safety, such that the costs have to be much greater than the benefits before
a measure can be ruled out.
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4. Report Structure
The remaining sections of this report are set out as follows:
• Section 5 details the overall process details used as the basis for the QRA.
• Section 6 describes how the potential major accident scenarios included in the QRA were
• Section 7 presents the methods and data used in the calculation of the frequency of potential
major accidents;
• Section 8 details the approach for defining possible ignition sources;
• Section 9 describes criteria used for assessing harm to people;
• Section 10 details the analysis of the consequences of potential major accidents;
• Section 11 describes populations on and around the terminal;
• Section 12 describes risk criteria as used by the HSA;
• Section 13 presents the risk analysis and results making comparisons with the risk criteria
described in Section 12.
• Section 14 presents the study conclusions; and,
• References used are listed in Section 15.
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5. QRA Basis
The systems and process conditions used as the basis for the QRA (i.e. those systems containing LNG,
natural gas or odorant) are summarised in the following sub-sections.
Onshore Facilities
The onshore systems within the STEP comprise of:
• Gas arms connection to the FSRU;
• Gas pipeline running along the jetty and onshore to the AGI;
• Gas supply to three 8 MW back up power supply units;
• Gas supply to the power station units; and,
• Fuel gas supply to heaters.
For the purpose of this study LNG has been modelled as methane (the practice within UK HSE) as only a
very small fraction of the product stream will be heavier hydrocarbons. The onshore plant layout is
relatively open and the degree of congestion is low. The potential for vapour cloud explosion (VCE) on site
have therefore judged to be insignificant.
From the process heat and mass balance for the installation [8] operating at maximum throughput the
following basis has been used for modelling:
• 810 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) export gas flow from the FSRU to site
~752,800 kg/h = 209.11 kg/s;
• 89 barg export pressure from the FSRU; and,
• 4.5°C export temperature from the FSRU.
For modelling purposes the operating fraction for the onshore equipment is 1.0 (100%), continuous at the
above flowrate. This is conservative as in practice the FSRU will be disconnected some of the time and
the Gas flowrate to the AGI will not be 100% of full capacity continuously.
AGI (Odorant)
GNI use a compound call Odorant New Blend. This compound consists of 21% Dimethyl Sulphide and 79%
Tert-Butyl Mercaptan.
The odorant facilities comprise:
• Two 6,000 US gallon (22.7 m3) horizontal, cylindrical odorant storage vessels located in a
common bund;
• A road tanker off-loading point (with secondary containment); and,
• A small-bore pipe conveying odorant to the natural gas pipeline for injection.
Overall assumptions made for modelling of odorant are:
• Road tanker capacity 3,700 litres;
• Twelve odorant tanker deliveries per year;
• The odorant is stored under a natural gas blanket at a pressure of 2 barg and ambient
temperature; and,
• Odorant tanks operating at 100% level.
The project is at an early stage and as such details of a specific FSRU to be used are not available. A
typical FSRU design has been adopted as the basis of the QRA, comprising of the following systems:
• Inlet piping to LNG storage tanks;
• LNG Storage Tanks;
• LNG vaporization system; and,
• Natural gas export system.
Process conditions and other assumptions made for the modelling of the FSRU are:
• Nominal LNG storage volume:180,000 m3;
• LNG tanks: 4 x 45,000 m3 tanks;
• Operating pressure range in the vapour space of the LNG tanks is 125 mbarg;
• Boil off gas (BOG) <= 0.15% per day of full capacity of tanks = 1.56 kg/s approx.;
• No of gas export arms: 2;
• Gas export rate: 752,800 kg/h split between two arms;
• Gas export pressure: 89 barg; and,
• Gas export temperature: 4.5°C.
The project is at an early stage and as such details of specific LNGCs to be used are not available. A
typical LNGC design has been adopted as the basis of the QRA, comprising of the following systems:
• LNG Storage Tanks;
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• LNG transfer system; and,
• STS hoses.
Process conditions and other assumptions made for the modelling of the LNGC are:
• Nominal LNG storage volume:180,000 m3;
• 4 x 45,000 m3 LNG tanks;
• Operating pressure range in the vapour space of the LNG tanks is 125 mbarg;
• No. of STS liquid hoses: 4;
• STS transfer pressure: 4.5 barg;
• STS hose length: 18 m;
• STS hose diameter: 8” (200 mm);
• STS transfer temperature: -156°C;
• Discharge time: 35 hours per cargo maximum;
• Additional turnaround time for LNGC: 25 hours; and,
• No. of LNG STS Transfers per year: 60.
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6. Release Cases
The approach used for the identification of release cases is the ‘Methodical Rupture’ approach (listing all
of the potential leak sources from each equipment item within the system). This approach is appropriate
for LNG/NG systems of this type as the piping and equipment designs are in no way novel and appropriate
data for the frequencies of leaks is readily available.
For the purposes of the QRA, the plant has been broken down into a set of ‘isolatable’ inventories (i.e.,
sections of plant that could be isolated in the event of an accident, typically by the closure of emergency
shutdown valves, ESDVs).
Scenarios for inclusion in the QRA have then been obtained by postulating releases of various sizes from
each inventory within these isolatable sections. The sections of piping systems and equipment used for
calculation of inventories are listed in Table 6-1, Table 6-2, Table 6-3 and Table 6-4 which detail the
following overall process areas:
1. Onshore Installation: Natural gas pipeline from the FSRU on the jetty and onshore feeding natural
gas to the AGI and the Power Station;
2. AGI – Conditioning of natural gas and connection to the Shannon Pipeline;
3. FSRU – Storage and vaporisation of LNG and supply of natural gas to the jetty;
4. LNGC – Transfer of LNG to the FSRU; and,
For each of the nodes defined in the tables a range of release scenarios have been developed ranging
from small ‘pinhole’ holes typically of 3 or 4 mm diameter up to guillotine failure of pipelines and
catastrophic vessel failure.
A description of the approach for selecting hole sizes, and frequencies of release for LNG and natural gas
system release scenarios is included in Section 7.1.
Sections 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 provide details on the approach used for assigning hole sizes and frequencies
to specific failure cases such as releases of LNG from ship collisions, LNG hose failures, and natural gas
arm failures.
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Table 6-1 Node Definitions – Onshore Installation
Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Node ID Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
SG-005A Onshore gas pipeline 750 30 280 Gas 4.5 89 Partially buried
SG-006A Gas send out to AGI 750 30 249 Gas 4.5 89 Buried
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Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Node ID Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
CG-001A Fuel supply to Power Plants 200 8 443 Gas 4.5 89 Buried
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Table 6-2 Node Definitions – AGI
Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Node ID Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
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Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Node ID Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
80 3 13
150 6 13
ML-001A Odorant Tank A - - Liquid 15 2 Includes BLEVE scenario
ML-001B Odorant Tank B - - Liquid 15 2 Includes BLEVE scenario
ML-002 Odorant Tanker hose failure 50 15 Liquid 15 5
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Table 6-3 Node Definitions – FSRU
Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Node ID Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
FL001A LNGC to FSRU manifold A 400 1.9
Liquid -163 12
25 1
FL001B LNGC to FSRU manifold B 400 1.9
Liquid -163 12
25 1
FL001C LNGC to FSRU manifold C 400 1.9
Liquid -163 12
25 1
FL004 LNG Storage Tanks - - Liquid -161 0.25 Ship Collision Scenario
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Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Node ID Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
37.5 3
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Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Node ID Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
FG015-2 Buffer Tank 2 - - Gas 25 89
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Table 6-4 Node Definitions – LNGC
LNGC Nominal
Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
LL001A LNG Storage Tanks - - Liquid -163 0.25 Ship Collision Scenario
400 10
LL002A LNG Cargo Pumps 50 40 Liquid -163 4.5
25 12
600 193
500 100
450 131.5
300 20
LL003 LNG Cargo Delivery Header 200 20 Liquid -163 4.5
100 142.5
75 383
50 8.5
37.5 50
400 5
LL004A Bunker Station A 37.5 2 Liquid -163 4.5
25 4
400 5
LL004B Bunker Station B 37.5 2 Liquid -163 4.5
25 4
400 5
LL004C Bunker Station C 37.5 2 Liquid -163 4.5
25 4
LL004D Bunker Station D 400 5 Liquid -163 4.5
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LNGC Nominal
Diameter Length Temperature Pressure
Description Diameter Phase Notes
(inches) (m) (°C) (barg)
37.5 2
25 4
LL005A Flexible Hose A 250 18 Liquid -163 4.5
LL005B Flexible Hose B 250 18 Liquid -163 4.5 LNG transfer (Ship to
LL005C Flexible Hose C 250 18 Liquid -163 4.5 Ship) Scenario
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7. Frequency Analysis
(Note 1)
Guillotine break Hole equivalent to Two simultaneous
10% of pipe cross guillotine breaks
sectional area
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Cause of Failure Failure Frequencies (per transfer operation)
(Note 1)
Guillotine break Hole equivalent to Two simultaneous
10% of pipe cross guillotine breaks
sectional area
1. The table does not include failures on the ship itself e.g. pipes, pumps, valves, flanges.
Incidents of overfilling of the ship during transfers to a ship are not included. Some of the
failure frequencies are dependent on the length of transfer time and a 12-hour transfer time
has been assumed.
2. Connection failures apply to every unloading arm that is used during the transfer operation.
Failure may lead to flow from both ends of the disconnected arm.
3. It is assumed that all unloading arms handling liquefied gases have emergency release
couplings (ERC) designed to achieve a quick release with a minimum of spillage. The
coupler failures specified here are events where the ERC parts without the valves in the
coupling closing. Incidents where the coupling parts correctly will lead to minimal spillage.
4. This includes not making a connection correctly, opening the wrong valve or at the wrong
time, or spilling cargo when disconnecting or venting.
5. Ranging failures are due to gross movement of the ship at the jetty and might
simultaneously affect more than one connection where multiple hard arms are in use.
When ranging incidents occur where multiple hard arms are connected it is assumed that
10% of the failures will lead to flow from two of the connections. It is assumed that the
unloading system is fitted with ranging alarms. (Absence of ranging alarms increases the
failure frequency due to Mooring faults by a factor of 5 and absence of ERC couplings
would increase the Passing ships frequency by a factor of 5).
6. The failure frequency due to passing ships assumes 10 passing ships during offloading.
The values shown above have been used to calculate failure frequencies for two of the jetty
natural gas arms with adjustments being made to account for the estimated number of arm
disconnections per year, frequency of passing ships and operational durations.
Frequencies calculated for the gas arm failures at the jetty are shown in Table 7-2.
Hole Diameter
Release Size Frequency (/y)
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Table 7-3 Piping and Equipment Release Frequencies
Equipment Description Frequency (per item year) by hole size (mm)
1/3 Pipe
Primary Secondary 3 4 6 10 13 25 50 75 100 300 1000 Rupture
Flange 5.00E-06
Data from coolers
Plate 9.68E-03 1.42E-03 2.85E-04 2.85E-04
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Ship to Ship LNG Transfer Failure Frequencies
Data for failure of cryogenic hoses used for Ship to Ship (STS) transfer has been taken from
FRED [11] for multi safety system facilities:
• 5 mm diameter hole: 6 x 10-6 per hose per transfer;
• 15 mm diameter hole: 0.4 x 10-7 per hose per transfer; and,
• Guillotine failure: 2 x 10-7 per hose per transfer.
The resulting hose failure rates in Table 7-5 have been used, based on four hoses and 60 STS
transfers per year.
Total Frequency
Release Size
(per year)
Ship Collision
The frequency of collisions with either the FSRU or LNGC giving rise to a spill of LNG has
been calculated using the method presented in the Dutch ‘Purple Book’ [30]. It has been
assumed that when the LNGC is present, such collisions will affect the LNGC rather than the
For the type of vessel of interest (FSRU / LNGC), the release frequencies are calculated as
Frequency of small spill:
Fsmall = 0.00012 x fo
Frequency of large spill:
Flarge = 0.025 x fo
Where fo is the base failure rate and is given by:
fo = 6.7 x 10-11 x T x t x N
T = total number of ships per year on transport route (river/estuary)
t = average number of hours unloading per transfer operation (hours)
N = number of transfers per year
The following assumptions have been made:
• The LNGC is present 41% of the time;
• That the FSRU is present all year;
• When the LNGC is present it is the LNGC which will receive the impact and not the
FSRU; and,
• There is an average of 830 large ships per year passing the Terminal.
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This gives the failure frequencies shown in Table 7-5. It should be noted that within the QRA
the spill sizes associated with large spills are based on the results of the Sandia studies and
not on the Purple Book, as described in Section 10.3.
BLEVE Frequencies
The two odorant tanks located within the AGI are pressurised vessels containing flammable
hydrocarbons. If engulfed in fire, there is a possibility that these vessels may rupture resulting
in a BLEVE.
The frequency for a BLEVE of each of these vessels has been taken from FRED and is
assumed to be equivalent to that for an LPG Pressure Vessel: 1 x 10-5 /y.
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Automatic Delayed Delayed
isolation Immediate (on-site) (off-site)
successful? ignition ignition ignition Outcome
Short duration release / no
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Where provided, the probability of successful leak detection and automatic isolation has been
taken as 0.99, consistent with the value given in FRED.
8. Ignitions
Within the Safeti software, the user defines the immediate ignition probabilities for each
scenario and the characteristics of potential ignition sources in the surrounding area that may
cause delayed ignition. Immediate ignition probabilities are discussed further in Section 8.1.
Definition of sources that may cause delayed ignition is described in Section 8.2.
Immediate Ignition
In determining immediate ignition probabilities, a number of public domain sources have been
Cox, Lees and Ang [14] present ignition probabilities for flammable gases and liquids that are
based partly on a review of values used in published studies, and partly on historical
experience. The ignition probability varies with the size of the release, as shown in Table 8-1.
Note that these figures are for overall probability of ignition, combining both immediate and
delayed cases.
The methodology outlined in the TNO ‘Purple Book’ [15] distinguishes between gases of
different reactivity, specifying the values shown in Table 8-2.
Release Rate for Mass released for Low Reactivity Average / High
Continuous Source Instantaneous Source Reactivity
In comparison, the HSE’s PCAG [9] document reports that immediate ignition probability
values used in assessments vary between 0.1 (no readily identifiable ignition source) and 0.9
(release near to strong, continuously present ignition sources such as direct-fired equipment).
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From a review of the information presented above it can be seen that:
• Most authors indicate that immediate ignition probability increases as a function of
the size of the release;
• For the smallest releases the ignition probability may be as low as 1-2%; and,
• The ‘Purple Book’ considers methane to be of low reactivity, with correspondingly
lower ignition probability.
In addition, it is necessary to account for the type of equipment that will be used in parts of the
facility and the ways in which it might fail. The use of buried pipelines on the AGI means that
severe loads would be required to cause a guillotine failure, similarly the energy required to
penetrate a ships double hull in the event of a collision is very high. In view of the energies
required to cause such failures, it is considered likely that application of such loads would be
likely to result in immediate ignition of the contents. Hence ruptures of buried pipelines and
ship collision events have been considered to be associated with a higher immediate ignition
probability than most other events.
It is also important to note that use of a low immediate ignition probability results in a more
conservative estimate of off-site risk, since a larger proportion of releases are allowed to
develop into flammable vapour clouds. On this basis, the immediate ignition probabilities
displayed in Table 8-3 have been used for the QRA.
Small 0.02 1 – 10
Note 1: Severe loading events are ship collision and buried pipe guillotines
These probabilities are slightly more conservative than those specified by the ‘Purple Book’
(Table 8-2). For small releases they are considerably more conservative than those used by
HSE; for larger releases they are consistent with the HSE value that corresponds with ‘no
readily identifiable ignition sources’. This is considered to be representative of the proposed
STEP, where hazardous area classification will be implemented together with appropriate
standards of intrinsically safe equipment, together with control of vehicle movements and other
potential ignition sources (smoking materials, mobile telephones). The values are consistent
with the overall ignition probabilities reported by Cox, Lees and Ang (Table 8-1).
The first approach involves definition of the specific locations of known ignition sources both
within and outside the establishment. The method takes account of the distribution of ignition
sources, the likelihood of the source being present or active, and the strength of the source.
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The second approach also involves definition of known ignition sources within the
establishment. However, if the release is not ignited within the establishment, it is then
assumed that ignition takes place when the cloud is at its fullest extent.
The first approach is recommended for societal risk calculations; individual risk calculation may
be performed using either approach.
Where a distribution of ignition sources is defined, the probability of ignition being caused by
a given source is obtained from:
𝑃𝑃(𝑡𝑡) = 𝑃𝑃𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 (1 − 𝑒𝑒 −𝜔𝜔𝜔𝜔 )
P(t) = probability of ignition in time interval t
Ppresent = the probability that the ignition source is present when the cloud passes
ω = the ignition effectiveness (s-1)
T = time (s)
The ignition effectiveness can be calculated if the ignition probability for a specified time period
is known. The ‘Purple Book’ gives some guidance on appropriate values of the ignition
probability for a time period of one minute, as shown in Table 8-4.
Table 8-4 Probability of Ignition for a One Minute Time Interval (Purple Book)
Point Source
Flare 1.0
Ship 0.5
Line source
Road Note 1
Railway Note 1
Area source
Population source
The HSE has published research reports [16] [17] describing a detailed, complex approach to
ignition probability calculation. The methodology takes into account:
• The concentration of flammable gas as a function of time, both outdoors and inside
buildings with specified ventilation rates;
• Whether sources are indoors or outdoors;
• The frequency and duration for which intermittent ignition sources are active;
• The strength of the ignition source; and,
• Different densities of ignition sources in different plant areas or in different off-site
land uses (rural, urban, industrial).
In its fullest form the method requires a numerical solution of the relevant equations across a
two-dimensional grid, although it is possible to simplify the approach so that it is practical to
implement within a QRA.
The HSE approach is similar in certain respects to the ‘Purple Book’ method, but, for off-site
ignition, uses typical ignition source densities for different land uses rather than specifying
discrete ignition sources.
For the STEP project the Purple Book approach, as implemented in the Safeti software, has
been used.
8.2.1 Delayed On-Site Ignition Sources
In identifying and characterising on-site ignition sources, reference has been made to one of
the HSE Research Reports [17]. This reference has been used as a guide to determine the
type, number and characteristics of ignition sources. The ignition parameters given in the
research report have then been adapted for use with the Safeti / Purple Book model.
For the purposes of defining on-site ignition sources the following areas and point sources
have been used:
Table 8-5 On Site Delayed Ignition Sources (Point and Area Sources)
Probability of
Area / Item Modelled as ignition in one Notes
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Probability of
Area / Item Modelled as ignition in one Notes
FSRU Ship carrying flammable 0.3
Power Station
Water Treatment
Generation Site
For roadways on the site the traffic densities and speeds in Table 8-6 have been assumed.
These are based on the numbers of personnel expected on site during weekdays and at other
times (weekends and night time).
Probability of
Traffic Average
Roadway ignition in one
minute Density (/h) Speed (mph)
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Probability of
Traffic Average
Roadway ignition in one
minute Density (/h) Speed (mph)
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9. Fatality Probability
The 2010 HSA guidance [3] uses a probit equation for calculating the fatality probability for
persons exposed to thermal radiation. This approach has been adopted in this study.
For example, a fatality probability of 0.1 corresponds to a probit value of 4.16. Probit values
are available in standard tables.
12.7 – 25.6 People are assumed to escape outdoors, and so have a risk of
fatality corresponding to that outdoors (i.e. the probit equation is
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The Safeti model was configured to use these assumptions for people indoors onshore.
The HSE has published research on the effects of flash fires on building occupants [21]. This
work indicated that the probability of fatality for occupants of a building engulfed by a flash fire
could be as high as 21.5% (for occupants of a dwelling where multi-point ignition of the building
occurs as a result of engulfment of the building by a flash fire at night). Therefore, it is assumed
that the fatality probability for people indoors from flash fires is 0.25, to account for the
protection afforded by the building.
• Accommodation block designed and constructed such that it or part of it can be used
as a Temporary Safe Refuge (TSR) for the maximum number of personnel on board;
• The TSR is designed to be able to withstand impairment from the hazards on the
installation for a minimum of one hour and be fully protected on all sides by A60 rated
fire walls, bulkheads, floors and ceilings; and,
• The forward bulkhead of the accommodation block, and also the lifeboats, are
protected from jet fire or explosion on the process deck or cargo deck by means of a
By following the IGC requirements personnel within the vessel are afforded a very high level
of protection.
The Chemicals Industry Association (CIA) [27] provides guidance on the assessment of risk to
personnel in buildings onshore. Where buildings are designed to withstand flammable hazards
to an extent that allows safe evacuation the risks of fatality are also considered to be very low.
It can be seen that guidance and standards for both offshore and onshore buildings or TR’s
recognise that through good design the risks to personnel in these areas is very low. It should
be noted that actual data presenting risk reduction factors has not been identified as the
approach taken by the IMO and CIA is aimed at making the buildings ‘safe’ rather than using
a measure for risk reduction.
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On this basis personnel within the FSRU or LNGC are at very low risk of harm. It has therefore
been assumed that personnel vulnerability within the LNGC or FSRU structure is 10% of that
for a standard onshore building, which is considered to be conservative.
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10. Consequence Modelling
Modelling Software
The Shannon LNG QRA has used the suite of models incorporated into the DNV Safeti
software (version 8.4). Safeti is a comprehensive hazard and risk analysis software tool for all
stages of design and operation.
Safeti examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to far-field
dispersion including modelling of pool spreading and evaporation, and flammable and toxic
Safeti contains models tailored for hazard analysis of offshore and onshore industrial
installations. These include:
• Discharge and dispersion models, including a Unified Dispersion Model (UDM).
• Flammable models, including resulting radiation effects, for jet fires, pool fires and
boiling liquid expanding vapour explosions (BLEVEs).
• Explosion models, to calculate overpressure and impulse effects.
The consequence models in Safeti have been validated specifically by DNV for LNG modelling
[22]. This validation exercise simulated the modelling of methane as opposed to a mixture of
hydrocarbons. The study concluded that the vaporisation fraction of a mixture would be
predominantly methane in the early stages of an event with the maximum distance to LFL
being the result of early vaporisation.
Results from consequence modelling for each scenario considered are presented in Appendix
Release Durations
10.2.1 Releases from Pipes
These estimated release durations are based on judgements around the closing time of
emergency valves. The detection systems to be provided at the facility would enable leaks to
be detected rapidly.
Releases from pipes containing LNG have been assumed to continue for:
• One minute plus the time taken to empty the contents of the inventory for isolated
cases; and,
• 10 minutes plus the time taken to empty the contents of the inventory for unisolated
It is conservatively assumed that the LNG release rate from the pipe after isolation will continue
at the same rate that it did before isolation with the complete inventory of the pipe being
released. In reality the release rate will fall rapidly after isolation with the flow being dependant
on release position, size and orientation.
The durations of releases from pipes containing natural gas have been modelled in two ways,
depending on the release rate and gas flow through the process.
Where the release rate from a rupture is lower than the gas flow through the pipe it is assumed
that the release rate is constant at the initial release rate (the pipe does not depressurise). On
isolation the release rate will fall as the pipe depressurises and this has been modelled as a
varying rate release, continuing until the pipe pressure reaches atmospheric pressure.
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In cases where the release rate is greater than the process flow it is assumed that the pipe will
rapidly depressurise as its contents are released and following this initial surge the release
continues at the normal gas process flowrate until isolation occurs.
10.2.2 Releases from Tanks / Vessels
The duration of a release from tanks or vessels have been assumed to be equal to the time
taken to empty the tank/vessel contents.
10.2.3 Releases during Ship to Ship Transfer
For releases during ship to ship transfer the following durations for isolated releases have been
For large spills resulting from collisions with either the FSRU or LNGC the following have been
• Effective release diameter 1200 mm (i.e. an area of 1.1 m2; within the range
calculated by Sandia);
• Available volume 41,000 m3; and,
• Liquid head 20 m.
It should be noted that these values represent the largest vessels in service and therefore
provide an upper bound to the likely consequences. The assumptions are also highly
conservative compared to the assumptions stated in the Dutch ‘Purple Book’ [30] for such
events, where a ‘large’ spill has a volume of only 126 m3. In view of the Sandia studies the
Purple Book large spill size is not considered to be a good representation of releases from
vessel collision events of the type considered in this analysis. A large spill case based on the
Sandia reports has therefore been considered in the QRA.
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For small spills a size of 32 m3 released over 1800 seconds for a semi-gas (refrigerated) tanker
has been used, as given in the Purple Book.
Effect of Impoundment
Releases of LNG on the FSRU and LNGC are assumed to be unrestricted, i.e. no bunds or
secondary containment systems are present.
The odorant used at the AGI is stored in a bunded area and this has been accounted for in the
Effect of Topography
At the proposed location, on travelling south from the river bank the land rises to a height of
approximately 30 m, before sloping gently downwards again. The Shannon facility will be
constructed on ‘plateaux’ cut into the hillside sloping down to the river.
It has been assumed that topography has no effect on dispersion of natural gas.
Dispersion Modelling
Dispersion of natural methane is dependent on several parameters, including: surface
roughness, averaging time, material properties, wind speed and weather conditions. The
weather data used in the study are discussed in Section 10.10.
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Averaging Time
When using gas dispersion models the ‘averaging time’ is a description of the time over which
a gas concentration is averaged. At a particular point in space the concentration of a plume
at equilibrium will vary for two reasons. Firstly, as the wind direction is not perfectly constant
the plume will meander about a mean value. Secondly there are ‘in-cloud’ fluctuations due to
the turbulence inherent in the atmosphere. As dispersion models aim to show a ‘time averaged’
concentration at a particular point, this average will depend on the length of time over which
the concentration was ‘sampled’. The situation is made more complicated because the
different types of dispersion model assume different definitions of ‘averaging time’.
The use of a short averaging time will maximise the recorded concentration at a given point,
whereas a longer averaging time will give a lower value. This is because the use of a short
averaging time captures the concentration ‘peaks’ at a location.
In this study an averaging time of 18.75 s has been used (this is the SAFETI default value for
flammable gases).
For releases over land and water the concentration of interest for gas dispersion outputs is
2.5% v/v methane in air; corresponding to the lower flammable limit (LFL).
Weather Data
Within a risk assessment, weather conditions are usually described as a combination of a letter
with a number, such as ‘F2’. The letter denotes the Pasquill stability class and the number
gives the wind speed in metres per second.
The Pasquill stability classes describe the amount of turbulence present in the atmosphere
and range from A to F. Stability class A corresponds to ‘unstable’ weather, with a high degree
of atmospheric turbulence, as would be found on a bright sunny day. Stability class D describes
‘neutral’ conditions, corresponding to an overcast sky with moderate wind. A clear night with
little wind would be considered to represent ‘stable’ conditions, denoted by stability class F.
Wind speeds range from light (1-2 m/s) through moderate (around 5 m/s) to strong (10 m/s or
more). The probability of the wind blowing from a particular direction is commonly displayed
graphically as a ‘wind rose’. Weather data for Shannon Airport have been obtained from Met
Éireann. The data present Pasquill stability classes based on hourly measurements between
2015 and 2019.
Shannon Airport is the nearest weather station to the Terminal location near Ballylongford and
is therefore the most representative data source to be used in the QRA.
In order to provide a robust basis for calculating the risk to hypothetical house residents (see
Section 13.1), a detailed analysis of the weather data during day and night has been performed
for this study.
The fraction of time considered to be ‘day’ was calculated by assigning day and night hours to
different months of the year, then calculating the number of daytime hours. Note that ‘day’ and
‘night’ were defined according to hypothetical resident behaviour (i.e. on when people may
typically get up and go to bed, and not sunrise and sunset). Within the weather calculation,
this has been defined as a 14 hour period during summer (defined as the period from April to
the end of October, when daylight saving time operates) from 07:00 GMT (06:00 DST) until
21:00 GMT (20:00 DST); and a 12 hour period during winter (all months not defined as summer)
from 06:00 GMT to 18:00 GMT.
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The data were then processed to obtain wind direction probabilities (i.e. ‘wind rose’ data) and
the proportion of time for which D5 and F2 weather conditions occurred. The results are shown
in Table 10-2.
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Table 10-2 – Weather Data
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11. Populations
Onsite Personnel
Onsite personnel and off site population numbers used in the assessment are described in Table 11-1.
Populations on the LNGC and FSRU are based on those identified during previous QRA studies, involving
the types of vessels being assessed, and the remaining populations are based on anticipated numbers of
personnel that will be normally present onshore.
Offsite Populations
The following offsite populations have been used; these are taken from the QRA for the site undertaken
in 2013 [31] plus a 2% increase in population identified from reports from The Central statistics Office [32].
Individual residences
4 per residence 0.9 0.99
within 2 km
To account for time spent indoors and outdoors, the previous QRA study [23] employed the concept of a
‘hypothetical house resident’ originally developed by the UK HSE [24]. The hypothetical house resident is
present all of the time at their dwelling, spending 90% of their time indoors during the day and 99% of their
time indoors at night. The HSA guidance [3] is based on the ‘hypothetical house resident’ concept.
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Table 11-2 – Onsite Populations
Location Week Day Week Night Weekend Day Weekend Night Notes
FSRU - Accommodation 33 33 33 33
LNGC - Accommodation 33 33 33 33
LNGC will be at location 60 times per
LNGC - Fore Deck 1 1 1 1
year, for 60 hours each time
LNGC - Aft Deck 1 1 1 1
Tug 1 3.6 0.4 3.6 0.4 3.6 0.4 3.6 0.4 4 personnel, 90 % of the time inside
Control Room 2 2 2 2
Admin / Workshop 17
Site 1 1 1 1
Control Room
AGI Site Normally Unoccupied
Power Plant
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Location Week Day Week Night Weekend Day Weekend Night Notes
Administration Building 20
Control Room 1 1 1 1
Storage/Workshop/Canteen 6
Turbine Hall 1 1 1 1 1
Turbine Hall 2 1 1 1 1
Turbine Hall 3 1 1 1 1
Condenser Area 1 1 1 1 1
Condenser Area 2 1 1 1 1
Condenser Area 3 1 1 1 1
Nitrogen Plant
Site 0.1
Site 0.1
Note that where a population is described as being less than 1, e.g. 0.9 for the Nitrogen Plant Control Room this means that one person will be present in the control
room for 90% of the time.
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12. Risk Criteria
Individual Risk
The current HSA criteria [3] are stated in terms of risk of fatality. Use of probit equations is prescribed for
calculation of the probability of fatality given exposure to a dose of a harmful agent (such as thermal
radiation, overpressure or toxic gas).
The land use planning zone boundaries in the HSA guidance are defined as:
• Zone 1 (inner): within the 1 x 10-5 /y individual risk of fatality contour;
• Zone 2 (middle): between the 1 x 10-5 /y and 1 x 10-6 /y individual risk of fatality contours; and,
• Zone 3 (outer): between the 1 x 10-6 /y and 1 x 10-7 /y individual risk of fatality contours.
The criteria for new establishments found in the HSA guidance are:
• The individual risk of fatality at the nearest residential property should not exceed 1 x 10-6 /y;
• There should be no incompatible land uses existing within any of the three zones.
Land uses are assigned to one of four ‘Sensitivity Levels’, using a classification developed by the UK HSE
[9], as summarised in Table 12-1.
AA – Advise Against. DAA – Don’t Advise Against
Frequency of N or more Fatalities (per year)
1 10 100 1000 10000
The current HSA guidance does not contain EV criteria values. However a consultation document issued
by the HSA in 2021 [34] included EV criteria in terms of cpm (chances per million years) with the following
acceptance criteria:
• EV greater than 10,000 - LUP advice to the planning authority will always be ‘Advises Against’.
• EV between 100 and 10,000 - it should be demonstrated that all practicable efforts have been
made to reduce the risk to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable.
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13. Risk Calculation Results
Individual risk of fatality calculations have been performed using the DNV Safeti software (version 8.4).
Individual Risk
The individual risk contours for people outdoors in the area of the LNG terminal are presented in Figure
13-1, contours for people indoors are presented in Figure 13-2.
0.00 0.30 0.60
Key: Light Blue: 1 x 10-4/y; Purple: 1 x 10-5/y; Red: 1 x 10-6/y; Yellow: 1 x 10-7/y
Figure 13-1 Outdoors Individual Risk Contours
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0.00 0.30 0.60
Key: Light Blue: 1 x 10-4/y; Purple: 1 x 10-5/y; Red: 1 x 10-6/y; Yellow: 1 x 10-7/y
Figure 13-2 Indoor Individual Risk Contours
The Individual Risk calculated at the nearest residential property is very low:
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Societal Risk
The societal risk F-N curve members of the public in the area around the STEP is displayed in Figure 13-3.
Key: Yellow: intolerable risk above this line; Red: broadly acceptable risk below this line; Green: STEP FN Curve.
Figure 13-3 STEP Offsite Societal Risk F-N Curve
Expectation Value
The Expectation Value (EV) for the offsite area has been calculated in accordance with the requirements
of the HSA TULP Consultation Document [33].
The calculated value for the total offsite area is 13 chances per million (cpm), which is a very low EV.
The results for the LNG Terminal presented above have been compared with the HSA's risk criteria in
Section 12.1.
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Comparing individual risk contours shown in Figure 13-1 and Figure 13-2 against the criteria for Land use
planning shows:
• There are no incompatible land uses in any of the three LUP zones;
• The highest risk individual risk contour onshore is 1 x 10-5/y around the main site area and AGI;
• The highest risk individual risk contour offshore is 1 x 10-4/y around sections of the LNGC,
FSRU and Jetty;
• Individual risk at the nearest residential property is 7.3 x 10-9/y during daytime and 1.8 x 10-9/y
during nightime. Comparison against with the criterion value of 1 x 10-6/y shows that the result
is well below the criterion value;
• It can be seen from Figure 13-3 that the FN curve for the STEP is well within the ‘Broadly
Acceptable” Region.
• The Expectation Value has been calculated as 13 cpm, which is well below the HSA EV
Criteria of 100, above which an ALARP demonstration is required.
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14. Conclusions
A comprehensive quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of the proposed STEP has been performed. The
analysis has been conducted in accordance with the current HSA guidance [3]. The following results have
been obtained:
• Individual risk of fatality contours;
• The individual risk at the nearest residential property;
• Societal risk FN curves; and,
• Societal risk Expectation Values (EVs).
The conclusions drawn from the results are as follows:
• Comparing the QRA results against land use planning criteria shows there are no incompatible
land uses in any of the three LUP zones;
• Comparison with the individual risk at the nearest residential property with the criterion value of
1 x 10-6/y shows that the result is well below the criterion value;
• The FN curve representing societal risk to members of the public for the proposed STEP is
within the ‘Broadly Acceptable’ region.
• The Expectation Value for members of the public is 13, which is a very low value and indicative
of operation in the ‘Broadly Acceptable’ Region.
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15. References
[1] Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations
2015. SI No. 209 of 2015.
[2] HSA (2006). Land-use Planning Advice for Kilkenny County Council in relation to Grassland
Fertilisers (Kilkenny) Ltd at Palmerstown.
[3] HSA (2010). Policy and Approach of the Health and Safety Authority to COMAH Risk-based Land-
use Planning.
[4] Hazardous Chemicals Data Book, Second Edition1986. G. Weiss
[5] NTIS Publication No. PB-94-195047: Documentation for Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
Concentrations (IDLH): NIOSH Chemical Listing and Documentation of Revised IDLH Values
[6] HSA (2011). Code of Practice for the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Chemical Agents)
Regulations 2001.
[7] Shannon Heat and mass balance, Black & Veatch, Document 198291-REFF-002 Rev. D, January
[8] HSE (2003). Risk Assessment Methodology for Storage of Refrigerated Flammable Liquids.
Planning Case Assessment Guide, Chapter 6N
[9] IS328 (2003) Code of Practice for Gas Transmission Pipelines and Installations.
[10] ERM (2008). Natural Gas Pipeline QRA. Report 0083107-R01.
[11] HSE (2012). Failure Rate and Event Data for use within Risk Assessments. Planning Case
Assessment Guide, Chapter 6K (version 12).
[12] W S Atkins (2001). Effects of Secondary Containment on Source Term Modelling. HSE CRR
[13] AW Cox, FP Lees and ML Ang (1990) Classification of Hazardous Locations.
[14] VROM (2005). Publication Series on Dangerous Substances (PGS 3). Guideline for quantitative risk
assessment ’Purple book’ CPR 18E.
[15] Spencer H, Daycock J and Rew P J (1998). A model for the ignition probability of flammable gases.
HSE CRR 203/1998.
[16] Daycock J and Rew P J (2004). Development of a model for the determination of on-site ignition
probabilities. HSE RR 226.
[17] Arup Consulting Engineers (on behalf of Shannon LNG) (2007). Shannon LNG Terminal
Environmental Impact Statement. Revision: Issue for planning.
[18] MARICO Marine (2020). Shannon Foynes Port Company, Shannon LNG Terminal NRA Update.
Report 18UK1448 Issue No. 1, 21-07-2020.
[19] Eisenberg N A et al. (1975). Vulnerability Model. A Simulation System for Assessing Damage
Resulting from Marine Spills. NTIS report AD-A015-245.
[20] Ashe BSW and Rew PJ (2003). Effect of flash fires on building occupants. HSE Research Report
[21] Pitblado, R M et al, (2004). Consequence of LNG Marine Incidents. CCPS Conference Orlando
[22] ERM (2007). Land Use Planning QRA Studies of the Proposed Shannon LNG Terminal. Report
0059890-R02 Issue 1.
[23] HSE (1989). Risk criteria for land use planning in the vicinity of major industrial hazards. HMSO
Books C30.
[24] RIVM (2009). Reference Manual BEVI Risk Assessments. Version 3.2.
[25] Chemical Industries Association, Guidance for the location and design of occupied buildings on
chemical manufacturing sites. 2011.
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 Page 76 03 August 2021
[26] Hightower M, et al. (2004). Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large Liquefied
Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2004-6258.
[27] Luketa A, et al. (2008). Breach and Safety Analysis of Spills Over Water from Large Liquefied
Natural Gas Carriers. Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2008-3153.
[28] Publication Series on Dangerous Substances (PGS 3). Guideline for quantitative risk assessment
’Purple book’ CPR 18E, VROM, 2005.
[29] BS EN 13766:2018+A1:2020: Thermoplastic multi-layer (non-vulcanized) hoses and hose
assemblies for the transfer of liquid petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas.
[30] BS EN 1474-2:2008: Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas. Design and testing of
marine transfer systems. Design and testing of transfer hoses.
[31] Land -Use Planning QRA of Alterations to Shannon LNG Terminal and addition of a CHP Plant.
Scandpower Risk Management. Lloyd’s Register. Report No 50102216 R01 Rev 03. 6/3/2013.
[32] An Phiromh Staidrimh; Census - CSO - Central Statistics Office
[33] Guidance on Technical Land-use Planning Advice for Planning Authorities and Operators
of Establishments under the COMAH Regulations. Health and Safety Authority – TULP
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
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Appendix A Release Frequencies
Piping and equipment release frequencies are presented for each scenario defined in Section 6.
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
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Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
SG-001A-A-0126L-IS 1.19E-04 SG-003A-A-0400L-UN 1.40E-08
SG-001A-A-0400-IS 5.66E-04 SG-003A-A-0750R-UN 1.44E-08
SG-001A-A-0013L-UN 4.00E-06 SG-004A-A-0004L-IS 2.73E-04
SG-001A-A-0126-UN 1.20E-06 SG-004A-A-0013L-IS 5.85E-04
SG-001A-A-0400-UN 5.72E-06 SG-004A-A-0025L-IS 1.56E-04
SG-002A-A-0004L-IS 3.96E-06 SG-004A-A-0250L-IS 3.90E-05
SG-002A-A-0013L-IS 4.95E-06 SG-004A-A-0750R-IS 1.56E-05
SG-002A-A-0025L-IS 2.48E-06 SG-004A-A-0004L-UN 2.76E-06
SG-002A-A-0134L-IS 9.90E-07 SG-004A-A-0013L-UN 5.91E-06
SG-002A-A-0400R-IS 3.47E-07 SG-004A-A-0025L-UN 1.58E-06
SG-002A-A-0004L-UN 4.00E-08 SG-004A-A-0250L-UN 3.94E-07
SG-002A-A-0013L-UN 5.00E-08 SG-004A-A-0750R-UN 1.58E-07
SG-002A-A-0025L-UN 2.50E-08 SG-005A-A-0004L-IS 1.94E-04
SG-002A-A-0134L-UN 1.00E-08 SG-005A-A-0013L-IS 4.16E-04
SG-002A-A-0400R-UN 3.50E-09 SG-005A-A-0025L-IS 1.11E-04
SG-001B-A-0013L-IS 3.96E-04 SG-005A-A-0250L-IS 2.77E-05
SG-001B-A-0126-IS 1.19E-04 SG-005A-A-0750R-IS 1.11E-05
SG-001B-A-0400-IS 5.66E-04 SG-005A-A-0004L-UN 1.96E-06
SG-001B-A-0013L-UN 4.00E-06 SG-005A-A-0013L-UN 4.20E-06
SG-001B-A-0126-UN 1.20E-06 SG-005A-A-0025L-UN 1.12E-06
SG-001B-A-0400-UN 5.72E-06 SG-005A-A-0250L-UN 2.80E-07
SG-002B-A-0004L-IS 3.96E-06 SG-005A-A-0750R-UN 1.12E-07
SG-002B-A-0013L-IS 4.95E-06 SG-006A-A-0004L-IS 1.73E-04
SG-002B-A-0025L-IS 2.48E-06 SG-006A-A-0013L-IS 3.70E-04
SG-002B-A-0134L-IS 9.90E-07 SG-006A-A-0025L-IS 9.86E-05
SG-002B-A-0400R-IS 3.47E-07 SG-006A-A-0250L-IS 2.47E-05
SG-002B-A-0004L-UN 4.00E-08 SG-006A-A-0750R-IS 9.86E-06
SG-002B-A-0013L-UN 5.00E-08 SG-006A-A-0004L-UN 1.74E-06
SG-002B-A-0025L-UN 2.50E-08 SG-006A-A-0013L-UN 3.74E-06
SG-002B-A-0134L-UN 1.00E-08 SG-006A-A-0025L-UN 9.96E-07
SG-002B-A-0400R-UN 3.50E-09 SG-006A-A-0250L-UN 2.49E-07
SG-003A-A-0004L-IS 4.08E-05 SG-006A-A-0750R-UN 9.96E-08
SG-003A-A-0013L-IS 7.33E-05 SG-007A-A-0003L-IS 2.77E-05
SG-003A-A-0025L-IS 2.42E-05 SG-007A-A-0013L-IS 2.08E-05
SG-003A-A-0134L-IS 3.96E-06 SG-007A-A-0025L-IS 1.39E-05
SG-003A-A-0250L-IS 3.56E-06 SG-007A-A-0100R-IS 6.93E-06
SG-003A-A-0400L-IS 1.39E-06 SG-007A-A-0003L-UN 2.80E-07
SG-003A-A-0750R-IS 1.43E-06 SG-007A-A-0013L-UN 2.10E-07
SG-003A-A-0004L-UN 4.12E-07 SG-007A-A-0025L-UN 1.40E-07
SG-003A-A-0013L-UN 7.40E-07 SG-007A-A-0100R-UN 7.00E-08
SG-003A-A-0025L-UN 2.44E-07 SG-007B-A-0003L-IS 2.38E-05
SG-003A-A-0134L-UN 4.00E-08 SG-007B-A-0013L-IS 1.78E-05
SG-003A-A-0250L-UN 3.60E-08 SG-007B-A-0025L-IS 1.19E-05
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
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Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
SG-007B-A-0100R-IS 5.94E-06 SG-009A-A-0013L-UN 9.00E-08
SG-007B-A-0003L-UN 2.80E-07 SG-009A-A-0025L-UN 6.00E-08
SG-007B-A-0013L-UN 1.80E-07 SG-009A-A-0100R-UN 3.00E-08
SG-007B-A-0025L-UN 1.20E-07 SG-009B-A-0003L-IS 1.41E-04
SG-007B-A-0100R-UN 6.00E-08 SG-009B-A-0013L-IS 1.05E-04
SG-008A-A-0003L-IS 2.77E-05 SG-009B-A-0025L-IS 7.03E-05
SG-008A-A-0013L-IS 2.08E-05 SG-009B-A-0100R-IS 3.51E-05
SG-008A-A-0025L-IS 1.39E-05 SG-009B-A-0003L-UN 4.60E-07
SG-008A-A-0100R-IS 6.93E-06 SG-009B-A-0013L-UN 1.24E-04
SG-008A-A-0003L-UN 2.80E-07 SG-009B-A-0025L-UN 3.95E-07
SG-008A-A-0013L-UN 2.10E-07 SG-009B-A-0100R-UN 1.49E-05
SG-008A-A-0025L-UN 1.40E-07 SG-010A-A-0003L-IS 4.55E-05
SG-008A-A-0100R-UN 7.00E-08 SG-010A-A-0010L-IS 1.23E-02
SG-008B-A-0003L-IS 2.38E-05 SG-010A-A-0013L-IS 3.91E-05
SG-008B-A-0013L-IS 1.78E-05 SG-010A-A-0025L-IS 1.47E-03
SG-008B-A-0025L-IS 1.19E-05 SG-010A-A-0050L-IS 7.25E-04
SG-008B-A-0100R-IS 5.94E-06 SG-010A-A-0100R-IS 1.14E-05
SG-008B-A-0003L-UN 2.40E-07 SG-010A-A-0003L-UN 4.60E-07
SG-008B-A-0013L-UN 1.80E-07 SG-010A-A-0010L-UN 1.24E-04
SG-008B-A-0025L-UN 1.20E-07 SG-010A-A-0013L-UN 3.95E-07
SG-008B-A-0100R-UN 6.00E-08 SG-010A-A-0025L-UN 1.49E-05
SG-009A-A-0003L-IS 1.19E-05 SG-010A-A-0050L-UN 7.32E-06
SG-009A-A-0013L-IS 8.91E-06 SG-010A-A-0100R-UN 1.15E-07
SG-009A-A-0025L-IS 5.94E-06 SG-010B-A-0003L-IS 1.90E-04
SG-009A-A-0100R-IS 2.97E-06 SG-010B-A-0013L-IS 1.43E-04
SG-009A-A-0003L-UN 1.20E-07
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
PG-001A-A-0004L-IS 3.29E-05 PG-005A-A-0500R-UN 2.37E-08
PG-001A-A-0025L-IS 1.88E-05 PG-006A-A-0004L-IS 1.01E-04
PG-001A-A-0250L-IS 4.70E-06 PG-006A-A-0025L-IS 6.32E-05
PG-001A-A-0750R-IS 1.88E-06 PG-006A-A-0150L-IS 2.52E-05
PG-001A-A-0004L-UN 3.32E-07 PG-006A-A-0450R-IS 8.84E-06
PG-001A-A-0025L-UN 1.90E-07 PG-006A-A-0004L-UN 1.02E-06
PG-001A-A-0250L-UN 4.75E-08 PG-006A-A-0025L-UN 6.38E-07
PG-001A-A-0750R-UN 1.90E-08 PG-006A-A-0150L-UN 2.55E-07
PG-002A-A-0004L-IS 5.41E-05 PG-006A-A-0450R-UN 8.93E-08
PG-002A-A-0025L-IS 3.09E-05 PG-007A-A-0004L-IS 4.75E-05
PG-002A-A-0250L-IS 7.72E-06 PG-007A-A-0010L-IS 1.40E-02
PG-002A-A-0750R-IS 3.09E-06 PG-007A-A-0013L-IS 6.14E-03
PG-002A-A-0004L-UN 5.46E-07 PG-007A-A-0025L-IS 2.68E-03
PG-002A-A-0025L-UN 3.12E-07 PG-007A-A-0100L-IS 1.19E-05
PG-002A-A-0250L-UN 7.80E-08 PG-007A-A-0150L-IS 6.63E-04
PG-002A-A-0750R-UN 3.12E-08 PG-007A-A-0300R-IS 4.16E-06
PG-003A-A-0004L-IS 6.31E-05 PG-007A-A-0004L-UN 4.80E-07
PG-003A-A-0025L-IS 3.94E-05 PG-007A-A-0010L-UN 1.41E-04
PG-003A-A-0150L-IS 1.57E-05 PG-007A-A-0013L-UN 6.20E-05
PG-003A-A-0450R-IS 5.51E-06 PG-007A-A-0025L-UN 2.71E-05
PG-003A-A-0004L-UN 6.37E-07 PG-007A-A-0100L-UN 1.20E-07
PG-003A-A-0025L-UN 3.98E-07 PG-007A-A-0150L-UN 6.70E-06
PG-003A-A-0150L-UN 1.59E-07 PG-007A-A-0300R-UN 4.20E-08
PG-003A-A-0450R-UN 5.57E-08 PG-008A-A-0004L-IS 2.65E-05
PG-004A-A-0004L-IS 5.83E-05 PG-008A-A-0025L-IS 1.66E-05
PG-004A-A-0025L-IS 3.64E-05 PG-008A-A-0100L-IS 6.64E-06
PG-004A-A-0150L-IS 1.46E-05 PG-008A-A-0300R-IS 2.33E-06
PG-004A-A-0450R-IS 5.10E-06 PG-008A-A-0004L-UN 2.68E-07
PG-004A-A-0004L-UN 5.89E-07 PG-008A-A-0025L-UN 1.68E-07
PG-004A-A-0025L-UN 3.68E-07 PG-008A-A-0100L-UN 6.71E-08
PG-004A-A-0150L-UN 1.47E-07 PG-008A-A-0300R-UN 2.35E-08
PG-004A-A-0450R-UN 5.15E-08 PG-009A-A-0004L-IS 6.02E-05
PG-005A-A-0004L-IS 1.00E-04 PG-009A-A-0025L-IS 3.97E-05
PG-005A-A-0025L-IS 6.44E-05 PG-009A-A-0050L-IS 1.11E-05
PG-005A-A-0067L-IS 2.35E-05 PG-009A-A-0134L-IS 8.16E-06
PG-005A-A-0167L-IS 5.86E-06 PG-009A-A-0150L-IS 5.52E-06
PG-005A-A-0200L-IS 1.17E-05 PG-009A-A-0400R-IS 2.85E-06
PG-005A-A-0500R-IS 2.35E-06 PG-009A-A-0004L-UN 6.08E-07
PG-005A-A-0004L-UN 1.01E-06 PG-009A-A-0025L-UN 4.01E-07
PG-005A-A-0025L-UN 6.51E-07 PG-009A-A-0050L-UN 1.12E-07
PG-005A-A-0067L-UN 2.37E-07 PG-009A-A-0134L-UN 8.24E-08
PG-005A-A-0167L-UN 5.92E-08 PG-009A-A-0150L-UN 5.58E-08
PG-005A-A-0200L-UN 1.18E-07 PG-009A-A-0400R-UN 2.88E-08
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
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Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
PG-010A-A-0004L-IS 1.85E-04 PG-012A-A-0250L-IS 6.44E-07
PG-010A-A-0025L-IS 1.14E-04 PG-012A-A-0750R-IS 2.57E-07
PG-010A-A-0050L-IS 3.26E-06 PG-012A-A-0004L-UN 4.55E-08
PG-010A-A-0134L-IS 4.89E-06 PG-012A-A-0025L-UN 2.60E-08
PG-010A-A-0150L-IS 2.90E-05 PG-012A-A-0250L-UN 6.50E-09
PG-010A-A-0250L-IS 6.86E-06 PG-012A-A-0750R-UN 2.60E-09
PG-010A-A-0400L-IS 1.71E-06 PG-013A-A-0004L-IS 4.45E-05
PG-010A-A-0450L-IS 9.57E-06 PG-013A-A-0025L-IS 2.53E-05
PG-010A-A-0750R-IS 2.74E-06 PG-013A-A-0250L-IS 6.35E-06
PG-010A-A-0004L-UN 1.87E-06 PG-013A-A-0750R-IS 2.53E-06
PG-010A-A-0025L-UN 1.15E-06 PG-013A-A-0004L-UN 4.49E-07
PG-010A-A-0050L-UN 3.29E-08 PG-013A-A-0025L-UN 2.56E-07
PG-010A-A-0134L-UN 4.94E-08 PG-013A-A-0250L-UN 6.41E-08
PG-010A-A-0150L-UN 2.93E-07 PG-013A-A-0750R-UN 2.56E-08
PG-010A-A-0250L-UN 6.93E-08 PG-014A-A-0003L-IS 8.75E-05
PG-010A-A-0400L-UN 1.73E-08 PG-014A-A-0004L-IS 1.29E-05
PG-010A-A-0750R-UN 2.77E-08 PG-014A-A-0025L-IS 5.28E-05
PG-011A-A-0004L-IS 3.25E-05 PG-014A-A-0050L-IS 2.06E-05
PG-011A-A-0025L-IS 1.86E-05 PG-014A-A-0075L-IS 6.44E-06
PG-011A-A-0250L-IS 4.64E-06 PG-014A-A-0150R-IS 2.57E-06
PG-011A-A-0750R-IS 1.86E-06 PG-014A-A-0003L-UN 8.84E-07
PG-011A-A-0004L-UN 3.28E-07 PG-014A-A-0004L-UN 1.30E-07
PG-011A-A-0025L-UN 1.88E-07 PG-014A-A-0025L-UN 5.33E-07
PG-011A-A-0250L-UN 4.69E-08 PG-014A-A-0050L-UN 2.08E-07
PG-011A-A-0750R-UN 1.88E-08 PG-014A-A-0075L-UN 6.50E-08
PG-012A-A-0004L-IS 4.50E-06 PG-014A-A-0150R-UN 2.60E-08
PG-012A-A-0025L-IS 2.57E-06
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
FL001A-0003L-IS 1.09E-05 FL001D-0003L-IS 1.09E-05
FL001A-0004L-IS 1.66E-06 FL001D-0004L-IS 1.66E-06
FL001A-0013L-IS 3.70E-06 FL001D-0013L-IS 3.70E-06
FL001A-0025L-IS 7.57E-06 FL001D-0025L-IS 7.57E-06
FL001A-0134L-IS 4.14E-07 FL001D-0134L-IS 4.14E-07
FL001A-0400R-IS 1.45E-07 FL001D-0400R-IS 1.45E-07
FL001A-0003L-UN 1.10E-07 FL001D-0003L-UN 1.10E-07
FL001A-0004L-UN 1.67E-08 FL001D-0004L-UN 1.67E-08
FL001A-0013L-UN 3.74E-08 FL001D-0013L-UN 3.74E-08
FL001A-0025L-UN 7.65E-08 FL001D-0025L-UN 7.65E-08
FL001A-0134L-UN 4.18E-09 FL001D-0134L-UN 4.18E-09
FL001A-0400R-UN 1.46E-09 FL001D-0400R-UN 1.46E-09
FL001B-0003L-IS 1.09E-05 FL002-0003L-IS 1.96E-04
FL001B-0004L-IS 1.66E-06 FL002-0004L-IS 3.02E-04
FL001B-0013L-IS 3.70E-06 FL002-0013L-IS 6.78E-04
FL001B-0025L-IS 7.57E-06 FL002-0025L-IS 2.78E-04
FL001B-0134L-IS 4.14E-07 FL002-0075L-IS 4.63E-05
FL001B-0400R-IS 1.45E-07 FL002-0100L-IS 2.72E-06
FL001B-0003L-UN 1.10E-07 FL002-0134L-IS 3.27E-05
FL001B-0004L-UN 1.67E-08 FL002-0167L-IS 1.03E-05
FL001B-0013L-UN 3.74E-08 FL002-0200L-IS 1.42E-05
FL001B-0025L-UN 7.65E-08 FL002-0400L-IS 1.14E-05
FL001B-0134L-UN 4.18E-09 FL002-0500L-IS 4.14E-06
FL001B-0400R-UN 1.46E-09 FL002-0600R-IS 5.66E-06
FL001C-0003L-IS 1.09E-05 FL002-0003L-UN 1.98E-06
FL001C-0004L-IS 1.66E-06 FL002-0004L-UN 3.05E-06
FL001C-0013L-IS 3.70E-06 FL002-0013L-UN 6.85E-06
FL001C-0025L-IS 7.57E-06 FL002-0025L-UN 2.81E-06
FL001C-0134L-IS 4.14E-07 FL002-0075L-UN 4.68E-07
FL001C-0400R-IS 1.45E-07 FL002-0100L-UN 2.75E-08
FL001C-0003L-UN 1.10E-07 FL002-0134L-UN 3.30E-07
FL001C-0004L-UN 1.67E-08 FL002-0167L-UN 1.05E-07
FL001C-0013L-UN 3.74E-08 FL002-0200L-UN 1.43E-07
FL001C-0025L-UN 7.65E-08 FL002-0400L-UN 1.16E-07
FL001C-0134L-UN 4.18E-09 FL002-0500L-UN 4.18E-08
FL001C-0400R-UN 1.46E-09 FL002-0600R-UN 5.72E-08
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
FL003A-0004L-IS 8.71E-06 FL003D-0134L-UN 2.20E-08
FL003A-0013L-IS 1.09E-05 FL003D-0400R-UN 7.70E-09
FL003A-0025L-IS 5.45E-06 FL004A-0300L-NA 6.06E-09
FL003A-0134L-IS 2.18E-06 FL004A-1200L-NA 1.26E-06
FL003A-0400R-IS 7.62E-07 FL005-0003L-IS 3.27E-05
FL003A-0004L-UN 8.80E-08 FL005-0004L-IS 2.72E-05
FL003A-0013L-UN 1.10E-07 FL005-0013L-IS 3.21E-05
FL003A-0025L-UN 5.50E-08 FL005-0025L-IS 3.54E-05
FL003A-0134L-UN 2.20E-08 FL005-0038L-IS 3.27E-06
FL003A-0400R-UN 7.70E-09 FL005-0050L-IS 1.09E-05
FL003B-0004L-IS 8.71E-06 FL005-0150R-IS 5.45E-06
FL003B-0013L-IS 1.09E-05 FL005-0003L-UN 3.30E-07
FL003B-0025L-IS 5.45E-06 FL005-0004L-UN 2.75E-07
FL003B-0134L-IS 2.18E-06 FL005-0013L-UN 3.25E-07
FL003B-0400R-IS 7.62E-07 FL005-0025L-UN 3.58E-07
FL003B-0004L-UN 8.80E-08 FL005-0038L-UN 3.30E-08
FL003B-0013L-UN 1.10E-07 FL005-0050L-UN 1.10E-07
FL003B-0025L-UN 5.50E-08 FL005-0150R-UN 5.50E-08
FL003B-0134L-UN 2.20E-08 FL006-0006L-NA 4.00E-05
FL003B-0400R-UN 7.70E-09 FL006-0013L-NA 1.00E-05
FL003C-0004L-IS 8.71E-06 FL006-0025L-NA 5.00E-06
FL003C-0013L-IS 1.09E-05 FL006-0050L-NA 5.00E-06
FL003C-0025L-IS 5.45E-06 FL006-VCATC-NA 2.00E-06
FL003C-0134L-IS 2.18E-06 FL007A-0003L-IS 3.27E-05
FL003C-0400R-IS 7.62E-07 FL007A-0013L-IS 2.45E-05
FL003C-0004L-UN 8.80E-08 FL007A-0025L-IS 1.63E-05
FL003C-0013L-UN 1.10E-07 FL007A-0075R-IS 8.17E-06
FL003C-0025L-UN 5.50E-08 FL007A-0003L-UN 3.30E-07
FL003C-0134L-UN 2.20E-08 FL007A-0013L-UN 2.48E-07
FL003C-0400R-UN 7.70E-09 FL007A-0025L-UN 1.65E-07
FL003D-0004L-IS 8.71E-06 FL007A-0075R-UN 8.25E-08
FL003D-0013L-IS 1.09E-05 FL007B-0003L-IS 3.27E-05
FL003D-0025L-IS 5.45E-06 FL007B-0013L-IS 2.45E-05
FL003D-0134L-IS 2.18E-06 FL007B-0025L-IS 1.63E-05
FL003D-0400R-IS 7.62E-07 FL007B-0075R-IS 8.17E-06
FL003D-0004L-UN 8.80E-08 FL007B-0003L-UN 3.30E-07
FL003D-0013L-UN 1.10E-07 FL007B-0013L-UN 2.48E-07
FL003D-0025L-UN 5.50E-08 FL007B-0025L-UN 1.65E-07
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
FL007B-0075R-UN 8.25E-08 FL009B-0013L-UN 5.90E-07
FL008A-0003L-IS 5.94E-06 FL009B-0025L-UN 6.00E-08
FL008A-0013L-IS 4.46E-06 FL009B-0075R-UN 3.00E-08
FL008A-0025L-IS 2.97E-06 FL009C-0003L-IS 1.19E-05
FL008A-0075R-IS 1.49E-06 FL009C-0013L-IS 5.84E-05
FL008A-0003L-UN 6.00E-08 FL009C-0025L-IS 5.94E-06
FL008A-0013L-UN 4.50E-08 FL009C-0075R-IS 2.97E-06
FL008A-0025L-UN 3.00E-08 FL009C-0003L-UN 1.20E-07
FL008A-0075R-UN 1.50E-08 FL009C-0013L-UN 5.90E-07
FL008B-0003L-IS 5.94E-06 FL009C-0025L-UN 6.00E-08
FL008B-0013L-IS 4.46E-06 FL009C-0075R-UN 3.00E-08
FL008B-0025L-IS 2.97E-06 FL010-0003L-IS 1.07E-04
FL008B-0075R-IS 1.49E-06 FL010-0013L-IS 8.02E-05
FL008B-0003L-UN 6.00E-08 FL010-0025L-IS 5.35E-05
FL008B-0013L-UN 4.50E-08 FL010-0075L-IS 1.93E-05
FL008B-0025L-UN 3.00E-08 FL010-0100R-IS 7.43E-06
FL008B-0075R-UN 1.50E-08 FL010-0003L-UN 1.08E-06
FL008C-0003L-IS 5.94E-06 FL010-0013L-UN 8.10E-07
FL008C-0013L-IS 4.46E-06 FL010-0025L-UN 5.40E-07
FL008C-0025L-IS 2.97E-06 FL010-0075L-UN 1.95E-07
FL008C-0075R-IS 1.49E-06 FL010-0100R-UN 7.50E-08
FL008C-0003L-UN 6.00E-08 FL011-0003L-IS 1.49E-04
FL008C-0013L-UN 4.50E-08 FL011-0013L-IS 1.11E-04
FL008C-0025L-UN 3.00E-08 FL011-0025L-IS 7.43E-05
FL008C-0075R-UN 1.50E-08 FL011-0075R-IS 3.71E-05
FL009A-0003L-IS 1.19E-05 FL011-0003L-UN 1.50E-06
FL009A-0013L-IS 5.84E-05 FL011-0013L-UN 1.13E-06
FL009A-0025L-IS 5.94E-06 FL011-0025L-UN 7.50E-07
FL009A-0075R-IS 2.97E-06 FL011-0075R-UN 3.75E-07
FL009A-0003L-UN 1.20E-07 FL012A-1-0003L-IS 7.43E-05
FL009A-0013L-UN 5.90E-07 FL012A-1-0013L-IS 5.57E-05
FL009A-0025L-UN 6.00E-08 FL012A-1-0025L-IS 3.71E-05
FL009A-0075R-UN 3.00E-08 FL012A-1-0050L-IS 7.43E-06
FL009B-0003L-IS 1.19E-05 FL012A-1-0075R-IS 1.11E-05
FL009B-0013L-IS 5.84E-05 FL012A-1-0003L-UN 7.50E-07
FL009B-0025L-IS 5.94E-06 FL012A-1-0013L-UN 5.63E-07
FL009B-0075R-IS 2.97E-06 FL012A-1-0025L-UN 3.75E-07
FL009B-0003L-UN 1.20E-07 FL012A-1-0050L-UN 7.50E-08
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
FL012A-1-0075R-UN 1.13E-07 FL013B-2-0050R-IS 2.45E-04
FL012A-2-0003L-IS 7.43E-05 FL013B-2-0003L-UN 1.50E-07
FL012A-2-0013L-IS 5.57E-05 FL013B-2-0013L-UN 1.13E-07
FL012A-2-0025L-IS 3.71E-05 FL013B-2-0025L-UN 4.96E-06
FL012A-2-0050L-IS 7.43E-06 FL013B-2-0050R-UN 2.48E-06
FL012A-2-0075R-IS 1.11E-05 FG013A-1-0004L-IS 1.11E-05
FL012A-2-0003L-UN 7.50E-07 FG013A-1-0010L-IS 4.11E-03
FL012A-2-0013L-UN 5.63E-07 FG013A-1-0013L-IS 1.11E-05
FL012A-2-0025L-UN 3.75E-07 FG013A-1-0025L-IS 4.91E-04
FL012A-2-0050L-UN 7.50E-08 FG013A-1-0050L-IS 2.42E-04
FL012A-2-0075R-UN 1.13E-07 FG013A-1-0067L-IS 4.46E-06
FL013A-1-0003L-IS 1.49E-05 FG013A-1-0200R-IS 2.23E-06
FL013A-1-0013L-IS 1.11E-05 FG013A-1-0004L-UN 1.13E-07
FL013A-1-0025L-IS 4.91E-04 FG013A-1-0010L-UN 4.15E-05
FL013A-1-0050R-IS 2.45E-04 FG013A-1-0013L-UN 1.13E-07
FL013A-1-0003L-UN 1.50E-07 FG013A-1-0025L-UN 4.96E-06
FL013A-1-0013L-UN 1.13E-07 FG013A-1-0050L-UN 2.44E-06
FL013A-1-0025L-UN 4.96E-06 FG013A-1-0067L-UN 4.50E-08
FL013A-1-0050R-UN 2.48E-06 FG013A-1-0200R-UN 2.25E-08
FL013B-1-0003L-IS 1.49E-05 FG013A-2-0004L-IS 1.11E-05
FL013B-1-0013L-IS 1.11E-05 FG013A-2-0010L-IS 4.11E-03
FL013B-1-0025L-IS 4.91E-04 FG013A-2-0013L-IS 1.11E-05
FL013B-1-0050R-IS 2.45E-04 FG013A-2-0025L-IS 4.91E-04
FL013B-1-0003L-UN 1.50E-07 FG013A-2-0050L-IS 2.42E-04
FL013B-1-0013L-UN 1.13E-07 FG013A-2-0067L-IS 4.46E-06
FL013B-1-0025L-UN 4.96E-06 FG013A-2-0200R-IS 2.23E-06
FL013B-1-0050R-UN 2.48E-06 FG013A-2-0004L-UN 1.13E-07
FL013A-2-0003L-IS 1.49E-05 FG013A-2-0010L-UN 4.15E-05
FL013A-2-0013L-IS 1.11E-05 FG013A-2-0013L-UN 1.13E-07
FL013A-2-0025L-IS 4.91E-04 FG013A-2-0025L-UN 4.96E-06
FL013A-2-0050R-IS 2.45E-04 FG013A-2-0050L-UN 2.44E-06
FL013A-2-0003L-UN 1.50E-07 FG013A-2-0067L-UN 4.50E-08
FL013A-2-0013L-UN 1.13E-07 FG013A-2-0200R-UN 2.25E-08
FL013A-2-0025L-UN 4.96E-06 FG013B-1-0004L-IS 1.11E-05
FL013A-2-0050R-UN 2.48E-06 FG013B-1-0010L-IS 4.11E-03
FL013B-2-0003L-IS 1.49E-05 FG013B-1-0013L-IS 1.11E-05
FL013B-2-0013L-IS 1.11E-05 FG013B-1-0025L-IS 4.91E-04
FL013B-2-0025L-IS 4.91E-04 FG013B-1-0050L-IS 2.42E-04
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
FG013B-1-0067L-IS 4.46E-06 FG014-2-0013L-IS 1.86E-05
FG013B-1-0200R-IS 2.23E-06 FG014-2-0025L-IS 1.30E-05
FG013B-1-0004L-UN 1.13E-07 FG014-2-0067L-IS 4.46E-06
FG013B-1-0010L-UN 4.15E-05 FG014-2-0084L-IS 2.97E-06
FG013B-1-0013L-UN 1.13E-07 FG014-2-0200L-IS 2.23E-06
FG013B-1-0025L-UN 4.96E-06 FG014-2-0250R-IS 1.49E-06
FG013B-1-0050L-UN 2.44E-06 FG014-2-0004L-UN 1.88E-07
FG013B-1-0067L-UN 4.50E-08 FG014-2-0013L-UN 1.88E-07
FG013B-1-0200R-UN 2.25E-08 FG014-2-0025L-UN 1.31E-07
FG013B-2-0004L-IS 1.11E-05 FG014-2-0067L-UN 4.50E-08
FG013B-2-0010L-IS 4.11E-03 FG014-2-0084L-UN 3.00E-08
FG013B-2-0013L-IS 1.11E-05 FG014-2-0200L-UN 2.25E-08
FG013B-2-0025L-IS 4.91E-04 FG014-2-0250R-UN 1.50E-08
FG013B-2-0050L-IS 2.42E-04 FG015-1-0006L-NA 4.00E-05
FG013B-2-0067L-IS 4.46E-06 FG015-1-0013L-NA 1.00E-05
FG013B-2-0200R-IS 2.23E-06 FG015-1-0025L-NA 5.00E-06
FG013B-2-0004L-UN 1.13E-07 FG015-1-0050L-NA 5.00E-06
FG013B-2-0010L-UN 4.15E-05 FG015-1-VCATC-NA 2.00E-06
FG013B-2-0013L-UN 1.13E-07 FG015-2-0006L-NA 4.00E-05
FG013B-2-0025L-UN 4.96E-06 FG015-2-0013L-NA 1.00E-05
FG013B-2-0050L-UN 2.44E-06 FG015-2-0025L-NA 5.00E-06
FG013B-2-0067L-UN 4.50E-08 FG015-2-0050L-NA 5.00E-06
FG013B-2-0200R-UN 2.25E-08 FG015-2-VCATC-NA 2.00E-06
FG014-1-0004L-IS 1.86E-05 FG016-0003L-IS 1.93E-04
FG014-1-0013L-IS 1.86E-05 FG016-0004L-IS 1.10E-04
FG014-1-0025L-IS 1.30E-05 FG016-0013L-IS 2.59E-04
FG014-1-0067L-IS 4.46E-06 FG016-0025L-IS 1.72E-04
FG014-1-0084L-IS 2.97E-06 FG016-0050L-IS 5.42E-05
FG014-1-0200L-IS 2.23E-06 FG016-0067L-IS 2.14E-05
FG014-1-0250R-IS 1.49E-06 FG016-0084L-IS 9.50E-06
FG014-1-0004L-UN 1.88E-07 FG016-0134L-IS 4.46E-06
FG014-1-0013L-UN 1.88E-07 FG016-0150L-IS 2.97E-06
FG014-1-0025L-UN 1.31E-07 FG016-0200L-IS 1.07E-05
FG014-1-0067L-UN 4.50E-08 FG016-0250L-IS 4.75E-06
FG014-1-0084L-UN 3.00E-08 FG016-0400R-IS 1.56E-06
FG014-1-0200L-UN 2.25E-08 FG016-0003L-UN 1.95E-06
FG014-1-0250R-UN 1.50E-08 FG016-0004L-UN 1.11E-06
FG014-2-0004L-IS 1.86E-05 FG016-0013L-UN 2.62E-06
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
FG016-0025L-UN 1.74E-06 FG020-VCATC-IS 1.98E-06
FG016-0050L-UN 5.48E-07 FG020-0004L-UN 4.25E-06
FG016-0067L-UN 2.16E-07 FG020-0006L-UN 4.00E-07
FG016-0084L-UN 9.60E-08 FG020-0013L-UN 6.81E-06
FG016-0134L-UN 4.50E-08 FG020-0025L-UN 2.68E-06
FG016-0150L-UN 3.00E-08 FG020-0050L-UN 5.00E-08
FG016-0200L-UN 1.08E-07 FG020-0067L-UN 9.00E-08
FG016-0250L-UN 4.80E-08 FG020-0084L-UN 3.00E-07
FG016-0400R-UN 1.58E-08 FG020-0117L-UN 2.40E-07
FG018-0004L-IS 4.46E-05 FG020-0134L-UN 6.00E-08
FG018-0013L-IS 4.46E-05 FG020-0150L-UN 6.00E-08
FG018-0025L-IS 3.12E-05 FG020-0167L-UN 2.25E-07
FG018-0050L-IS 1.78E-05 FG020-0200L-UN 8.25E-08
FG018-0150R-IS 8.91E-06 FG020-0250L-UN 1.50E-07
FG018-0004L-UN 4.50E-07 FG020-0350L-UN 8.40E-08
FG018-0013L-UN 4.50E-07 FG020-0400L-UN 2.10E-08
FG018-0025L-UN 3.15E-07 FG020-0450L-UN 2.10E-08
FG018-0050L-UN 1.80E-07 FG020-0500L-UN 9.00E-08
FG018-0150R-UN 9.00E-08 FG020-0600L-UN 1.50E-08
FG020-0004L-IS 4.21E-04 FG020-VCATC-UN 2.00E-08
FG020-0006L-IS 3.96E-05 FG028-0003L-IS 7.43E-05
FG020-0013L-IS 6.74E-04 FG028-0004L-IS 4.75E-05
FG020-0025L-IS 2.66E-04 FG028-0013L-IS 6.31E-05
FG020-0050L-IS 4.95E-06 FG028-0025L-IS 7.65E-05
FG020-0067L-IS 8.91E-06 FG028-0084L-IS 1.19E-05
FG020-0084L-IS 2.97E-05 FG028-0134L-IS 4.46E-06
FG020-0117L-IS 2.38E-05 FG028-0250L-IS 5.94E-06
FG020-0134L-IS 5.94E-06 FG028-0400R-IS 1.56E-06
FG020-0150L-IS 5.94E-06 FG028-0003L-UN 7.50E-07
FG020-0167L-IS 2.23E-05 FG028-0004L-UN 4.80E-07
FG020-0200L-IS 8.17E-06 FG028-0013L-UN 6.38E-07
FG020-0250L-IS 1.49E-05 FG028-0025L-UN 7.73E-07
FG020-0350L-IS 8.32E-06 FG028-0084L-UN 1.20E-07
FG020-0400L-IS 2.08E-06 FG028-0134L-UN 4.50E-08
FG020-0450L-IS 2.08E-06 FG028-0250L-UN 6.00E-08
FG020-0500L-IS 8.91E-06 FG028-0400R-UN 1.58E-08
FG020-0600L-IS 1.49E-06
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
LL001-0300L-NA 5.05E-11 LL002-3-0400R-UN 7.70E-09
LL001-1200L-NA 1.01E-08 LL002-4-0003L-IS 2.18E-04
LL002-1-0003L-IS 2.18E-04 LL002-4-0004L-IS 8.71E-06
LL002-1-0004L-IS 8.71E-06 LL002-4-0013L-IS 9.58E-05
LL002-1-0013L-IS 9.58E-05 LL002-4-0025L-IS 1.27E-04
LL002-1-0025L-IS 1.27E-04 LL002-4-0050L-IS 2.18E-05
LL002-1-0050L-IS 2.18E-05 LL002-4-0134L-IS 2.18E-06
LL002-1-0134L-IS 2.18E-06 LL002-4-0400R-IS 7.62E-07
LL002-1-0400R-IS 7.62E-07 LL002-4-0003L-UN 2.20E-06
LL002-1-0003L-UN 2.20E-06 LL002-4-0004L-UN 8.80E-08
LL002-1-0004L-UN 8.80E-08 LL002-4-0013L-UN 9.68E-07
LL002-1-0013L-UN 9.68E-07 LL002-4-0025L-UN 1.29E-06
LL002-1-0025L-UN 1.29E-06 LL002-4-0050L-UN 2.20E-07
LL002-1-0050L-UN 2.20E-07 LL002-4-0134L-UN 2.20E-08
LL002-1-0134L-UN 2.20E-08 LL002-4-0400R-UN 7.70E-09
LL002-1-0400R-UN 7.70E-09 LL003-0003L-IS 1.71E-03
LL002-2-0003L-IS 2.18E-04 LL003-0004L-IS 3.77E-04
LL002-2-0004L-IS 8.71E-06 LL003-0013L-IS 1.62E-03
LL002-2-0013L-IS 9.58E-05 LL003-0025L-IS 1.08E-03
LL002-2-0025L-IS 1.27E-04 LL003-0038L-IS 5.45E-05
LL002-2-0050L-IS 2.18E-05 LL003-0050L-IS 4.63E-06
LL002-2-0134L-IS 2.18E-06 LL003-0067L-IS 8.71E-06
LL002-2-0400R-IS 7.62E-07 LL003-0075L-IS 2.09E-04
LL002-2-0003L-UN 2.20E-06 LL003-0100L-IS 8.19E-05
LL002-2-0004L-UN 8.80E-08 LL003-0150L-IS 2.86E-05
LL002-2-0013L-UN 9.68E-07 LL003-0167L-IS 1.09E-05
LL002-2-0025L-UN 1.29E-06 LL003-0200L-IS 2.54E-05
LL002-2-0050L-UN 2.20E-07 LL003-0300L-IS 1.52E-06
LL002-2-0134L-UN 2.20E-08 LL003-0450L-IS 1.00E-05
LL002-2-0400R-UN 7.70E-09 LL003-0500L-IS 4.36E-06
LL002-3-0003L-IS 2.18E-04 LL003-0600R-IS 8.41E-06
LL002-3-0004L-IS 8.71E-06 LL003-0003L-UN 1.72E-05
LL002-3-0013L-IS 9.58E-05 LL003-0004L-UN 3.81E-06
LL002-3-0025L-IS 1.27E-04 LL003-0013L-UN 1.64E-05
LL002-3-0050L-IS 2.18E-05 LL003-0025L-UN 1.09E-05
LL002-3-0134L-IS 2.18E-06 LL003-0038L-UN 5.50E-07
LL002-3-0400R-IS 7.62E-07 LL003-0050L-UN 4.68E-08
LL002-3-0003L-UN 2.20E-06 LL003-0067L-UN 8.80E-08
LL002-3-0004L-UN 8.80E-08 LL003-0075L-UN 2.11E-06
LL002-3-0013L-UN 9.68E-07 LL003-0100L-UN 8.28E-07
LL002-3-0025L-UN 1.29E-06 LL003-0150L-UN 2.89E-07
LL002-3-0050L-UN 2.20E-07 LL003-0167L-UN 1.10E-07
LL002-3-0134L-UN 2.20E-08 LL003-0200L-UN 2.56E-07
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
LL003-0300L-UN 1.54E-08 LL004C-0400R-UN 3.85E-09
LL003-0450L-UN 1.01E-07 LL004D-0003L-IS 4.79E-05
LL003-0500L-UN 4.40E-08 LL004D-0004L-IS 4.36E-06
LL003-0600R-UN 8.49E-08 LL004D-0013L-IS 1.52E-05
LL004A-0003L-IS 4.79E-05 LL004D-0025L-IS 3.10E-05
LL004A-0004L-IS 4.36E-06 LL004D-0050L-IS 1.09E-06
LL004A-0013L-IS 1.52E-05 LL004D-0134L-IS 1.09E-06
LL004A-0025L-IS 3.10E-05 LL004D-0400R-IS 3.81E-07
LL004A-0050L-IS 1.09E-06 LL004D-0003L-UN 4.84E-07
LL004A-0134L-IS 1.09E-06 LL004D-0004L-UN 4.40E-08
LL004A-0400R-IS 3.81E-07 LL004D-0013L-UN 1.54E-07
LL004A-0003L-UN 4.84E-07 LL004D-0025L-UN 3.14E-07
LL004A-0004L-UN 4.40E-08 LL004D-0050L-UN 1.10E-08
LL004A-0013L-UN 1.54E-07 LL004D-0134L-UN 1.10E-08
LL004A-0025L-UN 3.14E-07 LL004D-0400R-UN 3.85E-09
LL004A-0050L-UN 1.10E-08 LL005A-0079L-IS 6.24E-04
LL004A-0134L-UN 1.10E-08 LL005A-0250L-IS 8.06E-03
LL004A-0400R-UN 3.85E-09 LL005A-0079L-UN 6.30E-06
LL004B-0003L-IS 4.79E-05 LL005A-0250L-UN 8.14E-05
LL004B-0004L-IS 4.36E-06 LL005B-0079L-IS 6.24E-04
LL004B-0013L-IS 1.52E-05 LL005B-0250L-IS 8.06E-03
LL004B-0025L-IS 3.10E-05 LL005B-0079L-UN 6.30E-06
LL004B-0050L-IS 1.09E-06 LL005B-0250L-UN 8.14E-05
LL004B-0134L-IS 1.09E-06 LL005C-0079L-IS 6.24E-04
LL004B-0400R-IS 3.81E-07 LL005C-0250L-IS 8.06E-03
LL004B-0003L-UN 4.84E-07 LL005C-0079L-UN 6.30E-06
LL004B-0004L-UN 4.40E-08 LL005C-0250L-UN 8.14E-05
LL004B-0013L-UN 1.54E-07 LL005D-0079L-IS 6.24E-04
LL004B-0025L-UN 3.14E-07 LL005D-0250L-IS 8.06E-03
LL004B-0050L-UN 1.10E-08 LL005D-0079L-UN 6.30E-06
LL004B-0134L-UN 1.10E-08 LL005D-0250L-UN 8.14E-05
LL004B-0400R-UN 3.85E-09 LG001A-0003L-IS 4.36E-05
LL004C-0003L-IS 4.79E-05 LG001A-0004L-IS 3.48E-06
LL004C-0004L-IS 4.36E-06 LG001A-0013L-IS 1.09E-05
LL004C-0013L-IS 1.52E-05 LG001A-0025L-IS 2.83E-05
LL004C-0025L-IS 3.10E-05 LG001A-0134L-IS 8.71E-07
LL004C-0050L-IS 1.09E-06 LG001A-0400R-IS 3.05E-07
LL004C-0134L-IS 1.09E-06 LG001A-0003L-UN 4.40E-07
LL004C-0400R-IS 3.81E-07 LG001A-0004L-UN 3.52E-08
LL004C-0003L-UN 4.84E-07 LG001A-0013L-UN 1.10E-07
LL004C-0004L-UN 4.40E-08 LG001A-0025L-UN 2.86E-07
LL004C-0013L-UN 1.54E-07 LG001A-0134L-UN 8.80E-09
LL004C-0025L-UN 3.14E-07 LG001A-0400R-UN 3.08E-09
LL004C-0050L-UN 1.10E-08 LG001B-0079L-IS 1.03E-02
LL004C-0134L-UN 1.10E-08 LG001B-0250L-IS 1.03E-02
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Full Case Tag Outcome Full Case Tag Outcome
Frequency (per y) Frequency (per y)
LG001B-0079L-UN 1.04E-04 LG002-0750R-IS 2.53E-06
LG001B-0250L-UN 1.04E-04 LG002-0003L-UN 2.42E-06
LG002-0003L-IS 2.40E-04 LG002-0004L-UN 6.64E-06
LG002-0004L-IS 6.57E-04 LG002-0013L-UN 1.01E-05
LG002-0013L-IS 1.00E-03 LG002-0025L-UN 5.66E-06
LG002-0025L-IS 5.60E-04 LG002-0050L-UN 3.14E-07
LG002-0050L-IS 3.11E-05 LG002-0084L-UN 3.08E-07
LG002-0084L-IS 3.05E-05 LG002-0100L-UN 3.74E-07
LG002-0100L-IS 3.70E-05 LG002-0134L-UN 4.51E-07
LG002-0134L-IS 4.46E-05 LG002-0150L-UN 1.32E-07
LG002-0150L-IS 1.31E-05 LG002-0200L-UN 2.09E-07
LG002-0200L-IS 2.07E-05 LG002-0250L-UN 2.18E-07
LG002-0250L-IS 2.16E-05 LG002-0300L-UN 1.31E-07
LG002-0300L-IS 1.30E-05 LG002-0400L-UN 1.58E-07
LG002-0400L-IS 1.56E-05 LG002-0600L-UN 8.36E-08
LG002-0600L-IS 8.28E-06 LG002-0750R-UN 2.55E-08
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Appendix B Consequence Results
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Onshore - Release Flowrates
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
SG-001A-126L-IS D5 196.2
F2 196.2
SG-002A-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-002A-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-002A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-002B-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-002B-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-002B-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-003A-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-003A-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-003A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-004A-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-004A-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-004A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-005A-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-005A-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-005A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-006A-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-006A-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-006A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-007A-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-007A-13-IS D5 2.088
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 2.088
SG-007A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-007A-100-IS D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-007B-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-007B-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-007B-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-007B-100-IS D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-008A-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-008A-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-008A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-008A-100-IS D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-008B-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-008B-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-008B-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-008B-100-IS D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-009A-3-IS D5 0.03
F2 0.03
SG-009A-13-IS D5 0.56
F2 0.56
SG-009A-25-IS D5 2.071
F2 2.071
SG-009A-100-IS D5 33.13
F2 33.13
SG-009B-3-IS D5 0.03
F2 0.03
SG-009B-13-IS D5 0.56
F2 0.56
SG-009B-25-IS D5 2.071
F2 2.071
SG-009B-100-IS D5 33.13
F2 33.13
SG-009B-3-IS D5 0.024
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.024
SG-010A-10-IS D5 0.271
F2 0.271
SG-010A-13-IS D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010A-25-IS D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-010A-50-IS D5 6.765
F2 6.765
SG-010A-100-IS D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-010B-3-IS D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-010B-13-IS D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010B-25-IS D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-010B-100-IS D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-010C-3-IS D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-010C-13-IS D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010C-25-IS D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-010C-100-IS D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-010D-3-IS D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-010D-13-IS D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010D-25-IS D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-010D-100-IS D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-011A-3-IS D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-011A-13-IS D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-011A-25-IS D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-011A-50-IS D5 6.765
F2 6.765
SG-011B-3-IS D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-011B-13-IS D5 0.457
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.457
SG-011B-25-IS D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-011B-50-IS D5 6.765
F2 6.765
SG-011C-3-IS D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-011C-13-IS D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-011C-25-IS D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-011C-100-IS D5 27.06
F2 27.06
CG-001-4-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
CG-001-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-001-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-001-67-IS D5 55.47
F2 55.47
CG-002A-3-IS D5 0.111
F2 0.111
CG-002A-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-002A-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-002A-100-IS D5 123.6
F2 123.6
CG-002B-3-IS D5 0.111
F2 0.111
CG-002B-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-002B-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-002B-100-IS D5 123.6
F2 123.6
CG-002C-3-IS D5 0.111
F2 0.111
CG-002C-13-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-002C-25-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-002C-100-IS D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-001A-126L-IS D5 196.2
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 196.2
SG-002A-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-002A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-002A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-002B-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-002B-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-002B-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-003A-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-003A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-003A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-004A-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-004A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-004A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-005A-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-005A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-005A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-006A-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-006A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-006A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-007A-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-007A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-007A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-007A-100-US D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-007B-4-US D5 0.198
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.198
SG-007B-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-007B-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-007B-100-US D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-008A-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-008A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-008A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-008A-100-US D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-008B-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
SG-008B-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
SG-008B-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
SG-008B-100-US D5 123.6
F2 123.6
SG-009A-3-US D5 0.03
F2 0.03
SG-009A-13-US D5 0.56
F2 0.56
SG-009A-25-US D5 2.071
F2 2.071
SG-009A-100-US D5 33.13
F2 33.13
SG-009B-3-US D5 0.03
F2 0.03
SG-009B-13-US D5 0.56
F2 0.56
SG-009B-25-US D5 2.071
F2 2.071
SG-009B-100-US D5 33.13
F2 33.13
SG-009B-3-US D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-010A-10-US D5 0.271
F2 0.271
SG-010A-13-US D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010A-25-US D5 1.691
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 1.691
SG-010A-50-US D5 6.765
F2 6.765
SG-010A-100-US D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-010B-3-US D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-010B-13-US D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010B-25-US D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-010B-100-US D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-010C-3-US D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-010C-13-US D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010C-25-US D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-010C-100-US D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-010D-3-US D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-010D-13-US D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-010D-25-US D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-010D-100-US D5 27.06
F2 27.06
SG-011A-3-US D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-011A-13-US D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-011A-25-US D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-011A-50-US D5 6.765
F2 6.765
SG-011B-3-US D5 0.024
F2 0.024
SG-011B-13-US D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-011B-25-US D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-011B-50-US D5 6.765
F2 6.765
SG-011C-3-US D5 0.024
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.024
SG-011C-13-US D5 0.457
F2 0.457
SG-011C-25-US D5 1.691
F2 1.691
SG-011C-100-US D5 27.06
F2 27.06
CG-001-4-US D5 0.198
F2 0.198
CG-001-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-001-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-001-67-US D5 55.47
F2 55.47
CG-002A-3-US D5 0.111
F2 0.111
CG-002A-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-002A-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-002A-100-US D5 123.6
F2 123.6
CG-002B-3-US D5 0.111
F2 0.111
CG-002B-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-002B-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-002B-100-US D5 123.6
F2 123.6
CG-002C-3-US D5 0.111
F2 0.111
CG-002C-13-US D5 2.088
F2 2.088
CG-002C-25-US D5 7.723
F2 7.723
CG-002C-100-US D5 123.6
F2 123.6
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Onshore – Jet Fires
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-001A-126L-IS D5 111.8 222.5 164.7 124.7
F2 106.5 223 160.3 120.9
SG-001A-400R-IS D5 114.6 229.1 169.4 128.2
F2 109.2 229.7 164.9 124.5
SG-001A-400R2-IS D5 114.6 229.2 169.4 128.3
F2 109.3 229.8 164.9 124.5
SG-002A-4-IS D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
SG-002A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-002A-25-IS D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-002A-134-IL D5 114.6 228.7 170.1 129.4
F2 109.2 229.8 166.1 125.9
SG-002A-400-IL D5 114.9 229.5 170.7 129.8
F2 109.5 230.6 166.7 126.3
SG-002B-4-IS D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
SG-002B-13-IS D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-002B-25-IS D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-002B-134-IL D5 114.6 228.8 170.1 129.4
F2 109.2 229.8 166.1 125.9
SG-002B-400-IL D5 114.9 229.5 170.7 129.8
F2 109.5 230.6 166.7 126.3
SG-003A-4-IS D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
SG-003A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-003A-25-IS D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-003A-134-IL D5 116.8 233.8 173.7 132.1
F2 111.3 235 169.7 128.6
SG-003A-250-IL D5 185 401 290.2 222.1
F2 178.5 405.4 285.5 220.2
SG-003A-400-IL D5 125.8 255.2 188.7 143.2
F2 120.2 256.9 184.6 140.2
SG-003A-750-IL D5 126.8 257.4 190.2 144.4
F2 121.1 259.1 186.1 141.4
SG-004A-4-IS D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-004A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-004A-25-IS D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-004A -250-IL D5 177.2 380.1 275.8 211.1
F2 170.8 385.4 271.9 209.4
SG-004A-750-IL D5 191.6 419 302.7 231.7
F2 185.2 422.4 297.1 229.4
SG-005A-4-IS D5 5.584 6.318 5.24 n/a
F2 5.588 6.515 5.42 n/a
SG-005A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.99 19.3 16.31
F2 15.78 23.34 19.23 15.97
SG-005A-25-IS D5 29.24 46.51 37.71 31.75
F2 28.04 46.86 37.14 30.29
SG-005A-250-IL D5 163 344.8 252 192.1
F2 156.7 349.4 248.4 190.7
SG-005A-750-IL D5 174.8 374.3 272.4 208.3
F2 168.5 379.7 269 207.2
SG-006A-4-IS D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
SG-006A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
SG-006A-25-IS D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
SG-006A-250-IL D5 159.3 335.8 245.8 187.3
F2 153.1 340.2 242.3 185.8
SG-006A-750-IL D5 170.4 363.3 264.9 202.3
F2 164.1 368.5 261.5 201.2
SG-007A-4-IS D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
SG-007A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
SG-007A-25-IS D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
SG-007A-100-IS D5 94.19 181.2 137.4 109.2
F2 89.52 182.2 134.4 102
SG-007B-4-IS D5 5.584 5.915 n/a n/a
F2 5.588 6.213 n/a n/a
SG-007B-13-IS D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
SG-007B-25-IS D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
SG-007B-100-IS D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-008A-4-IS D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
SG-008A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
SG-008A-25-IS D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
SG-008A-100-IS D5 94.19 181.2 137.4 109.2
F2 89.52 182.2 134.4 102
SG-008B-4-IS D5 5.584 5.915 n/a n/a
F2 5.588 6.213 n/a n/a
SG-008B-13-IS D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
SG-008B-25-IS D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
SG-008B-100-IS D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
SG-009A-3-IS D5 2.452 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.452 n/a n/a n/a
SG-009A-13-IS D5 8.85 11.11 8.934 n/a
F2 8.851 11.46 9.061 n/a
SG-009A-25-IS D5 16.32 23.29 19.31 16.03
F2 15.87 23.56 19.15 15.6
SG-009A-100-IS D5 55.98 97.91 76.57 62.23
F2 53.04 98.41 74.82 57.32
SG-009B-3-IS D5 2.452 2.549 2.421 n/a
F2 2.452 2.601 2.446 n/a
SG-009B-13-IS D5 8.85 11.11 9.812 8.79
F2 8.851 11.47 9.969 8.804
SG-009B-25-IS D5 16.32 13.31 9.557 9.557
F2 15.87 23.41 19.43 16.44
SG-009B-100-IS D5 55.98 97.66 76.64 63.11
F2 53.04 98.25 74.96 59.19
SG-009B-3-IS D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-010A-10-IS D5 6.321 7.117 n/a n/a
F2 6.325 7.384 5.397 n/a
SG-010A-13-IS D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
SG-010A-25-IS D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-010A-50-IS D5 26.96 42.65 34.6 28.78
F2 26.07 43.07 34.27 27.75
SG-010A-100-IS D5 49.86 87 68.37 56.17
F2 47.64 87.6 67.26 53.54
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-010B-3-IS D5 2.186 2.252 2.169 n/a
F2 2.186 2.292 2.187 n/a
SG-010B-13-IS D5 7.942 9.676 8.675 7.886
F2 7.949 9.97 8.818 7.919
SG-010B-25-IS D5 14.3 19.76 16.92 14.95
F2 14.13 20.21 17.04 14.8
SG-010B-100-IS D5 49.86 86.73 68.4 56.86
F2 47.64 87.4 67.36 54.38
SG-010C-3-IS D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-010C-13-IS D5 7.942 9.712 8.335 n/a
F2 7.949 10 8.526 n/a
SG-010C-25-IS D5 14.3 19.88 16.84 14.35
F2 14.13 20.32 16.94 14.23
SG-010C-100-IS D5 49.86 86.87 68.39 56.54
F2 47.64 87.5 67.32 54
SG-010D-3-IS D5 2.186 2.252 2.169 n/a
F2 2.186 2.292 2.187 n/a
SG-010D-13-IS D5 7.942 9.676 8.675 7.886
F2 7.949 9.97 8.818 7.919
SG-010D-25-IS D5 14.3 19.76 16.92 14.95
F2 14.13 20.21 17.04 14.8
SG-010D-100-IS D5 49.86 86.73 68.4 56.86
F2 47.64 87.4 67.36 54.38
SG-011A-3-IS D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-011A-13-IS D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
SG-011A-25-IS D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-011A-50-IS D5 26.96 42.65 34.6 28.78
F2 26.07 43.07 34.27 27.75
SG-011B-3-IS D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-011B-13-IS D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
SG-011B-25-IS D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-011B-50-IS D5 26.96 42.65 34.6 28.78
F2 26.07 43.07 34.27 27.75
SG-011C-3-IS D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-011C-13-IS D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-011C-25-IS D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-011C-100-IS D5 49.86 87 68.37 56.17
F2 47.64 87.6 67.26 53.54
CG-001-4-IS D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
CG-001-13-IS D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
CG-001-25-IS D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
CG-001-67-IS D5 68.89 124.4 96.44 78.53
F2 65.38 125.2 94.51 73.82
CG-001A-200-IL D5 156.6 329.1 241.1 183.6
F2 150.4 333.2 237.5 182.1
CG-002A-3-IS D5 4.342 4.801 4.445 3.106
F2 4.344 4.926 4.513 3.479
CG-002A-13-IS D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
CG-002A-25-IS D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
CG-002A-100-IS D5 94.19 181.2 137.4 109.2
F2 89.52 182.2 134.4 102
CG-002B-3-IS D5 4.342 3.777 n/a n/a
F2 4.344 4.147 n/a n/a
CG-002B-13-IS D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
CG-002B-25-IS D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
CG-002B-100-IS D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
CG-002C-3-IS D5 4.342 3.777 n/a n/a
F2 4.344 4.147 n/a n/a
CG-002C-13-IS D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
CG-002C-25-IS D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
CG-002C-100-IS D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
SG-001A-126L-IS D5 111.8 222.5 164.7 124.7
F2 106.5 223 160.3 120.9
SG-001A-400R-IS D5 114.6 229.1 169.4 128.2
F2 109.2 229.7 164.9 124.5
SG-001A-400R2-IS D5 114.6 229.2 169.4 128.3
F2 109.3 229.8 164.9 124.5
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-002A-4-US D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
SG-002A-13-US D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-002A-25-US D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-002A-134-UL D5 114.6 228.7 170.1 129.4
F2 109.2 229.8 166.1 125.9
SG-002A-400-UL D5 116.6 233.5 173.5 131.9
F2 111.2 234.7 169.5 128.5
SG-002B-4-US D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
SG-002B-13-US D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-002B-25-US D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-002B-134-UL D5 114.7 229 170.3 129.5
F2 109.3 230.1 166.3 126
SG-002B-400-UL D5 116.6 233.5 173.5 131.9
F2 111.2 234.7 169.5 128.5
SG-003A-4-US D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
SG-003A-13-US D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-003A-25-US D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-003A-134UL D5 116.8 233.8 173.7 132.1
F2 111.3 235 169.7 128.6
SG-003A-250-UL D5 185 401 290.2 222.1
F2 178.5 405.4 285.5 220.2
SG-003A-400-UL D5 125.8 255.2 188.7 143.2
F2 120.2 256.9 184.6 140.2
SG-003A-750-UL D5 126.8 257.4 190.2 144.4
F2 121.1 259.1 186.1 141.4
SG-004A-4-US D5 5.584 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.588 n/a n/a n/a
SG-004A-13-US D5 16.16 22.91 16.56 n/a
F2 15.78 23.16 16.48 n/a
SG-004A-25-US D5 29.24 47.11 36.81 28.32
F2 28.04 47.25 36.07 27.19
SG-004A -250-UL D5 177.2 380.1 275.8 211.1
F2 170.8 385.4 271.9 209.4
SG-004A-750-UL D5 191.6 419 302.7 231.7
F2 185.2 422.4 297.1 229.4
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-005A-4-US D5 5.584 6.318 5.24 n/a
F2 5.588 6.515 5.42 n/a
SG-005A-13-US D5 16.16 22.99 19.3 16.31
F2 15.78 23.34 19.23 15.97
SG-005A-25-US D5 29.24 46.51 37.71 31.75
F2 28.04 46.86 37.14 30.29
SG-005A-250-UL D5 163 344.8 252 192.1
F2 156.7 349.4 248.4 190.7
SG-005A-750-UL D5 174.8 374.3 272.4 208.3
F2 168.5 379.7 269 207.2
SG-006A-4-US D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
SG-006A-13-US D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
SG-006A-25-US D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
ISG-006A-250-UL D5 159.3 335.8 245.8 187.3
F2 153.1 340.2 242.3 185.8
SG-006A-750-UL D5 170.4 363.3 264.9 202.3
F2 164.1 368.5 261.5 201.2
SG-007A-4-US D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
SG-007A-13-US D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
SG-007A-25-US D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
SG-007A-100-US D5 94.19 181.2 137.4 109.2
F2 89.52 182.2 134.4 102
SG-007B-4-US D5 5.584 5.915 n/a n/a
F2 5.588 6.213 n/a n/a
SG-007B-13-US D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
SG-007B-25-US D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
SG-007B-100-US D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
SG-008A-4-US D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
SG-008A-13-US D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
SG-008A-25-US D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
SG-008A-100-US D5 94.19 181.2 137.4 109.2
F2 89.52 182.2 134.4 102
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-008B-4-US D5 5.584 5.915 n/a n/a
F2 5.588 6.213 n/a n/a
SG-008B-13-US D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
SG-008B-25-US D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
SG-008B-100-US D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
SG-009A-3-US D5 2.452 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.452 n/a n/a n/a
SG-009A-13-US D5 8.85 11.11 8.934 n/a
F2 8.851 11.46 9.061 n/a
SG-009A-25-US D5 16.32 23.29 19.31 16.03
F2 15.87 23.56 19.15 15.6
SG-009A-100-US D5 55.98 97.91 76.57 62.23
F2 53.04 98.41 74.82 57.32
SG-009B-3-US D5 2.452 2.549 2.421 n/a
F2 2.452 2.601 2.446 n/a
SG-009B-13-US D5 8.85 11.11 9.812 8.79
F2 8.851 11.47 9.969 8.804
SG-009B-25-US D5 16.32 13.31 9.557 9.557
F2 15.87 23.41 19.43 16.44
SG-009B-100-US D5 55.98 97.66 76.64 63.11
F2 53.04 98.25 74.96 59.19
SG-009B-3-US D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-010A-10-US D5 6.321 7.117 n/a n/a
F2 6.325 7.384 5.397 n/a
SG-010A-13-US D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
SG-010A-25-US D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-010A-50-US D5 26.96 42.65 34.6 28.78
F2 26.07 43.07 34.27 27.75
SG-010A-100-US D5 49.86 87 68.37 56.17
F2 47.64 87.6 67.26 53.54
SG-010B-3-US D5 2.186 2.252 2.169 n/a
F2 2.186 2.292 2.187 n/a
SG-010B-13-US D5 7.942 9.676 8.675 7.886
F2 7.949 9.97 8.818 7.919
SG-010B-25-US D5 14.3 19.76 16.92 14.95
F2 14.13 20.21 17.04 14.8
SG-010B-100-US D5 49.86 86.73 68.4 56.86
F2 47.64 87.4 67.36 54.38
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
SG-010C-3-US D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-010C-13-US D5 7.942 9.712 8.335 n/a
F2 7.949 10 8.526 n/a
SG-010C-25-US D5 14.3 19.88 16.84 14.35
F2 14.13 20.32 16.94 14.23
SG-010C-100-US D5 49.86 86.87 68.39 56.54
F2 47.64 87.5 67.32 54
SG-010D-3-US D5 2.186 2.252 2.169 n/a
F2 2.186 2.292 2.187 n/a
SG-010D-13-US D5 7.942 9.676 8.675 7.886
F2 7.949 9.97 8.818 7.919
SG-010D-25-US D5 14.3 19.76 16.92 14.95
F2 14.13 20.21 17.04 14.8
SG-010D-100-US D5 49.86 86.73 68.4 56.86
F2 47.64 87.4 67.36 54.38
SG-011A-3-US D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-011A-13-US D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
SG-011A-25-US D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-011A-50-US D5 26.96 42.65 34.6 28.78
F2 26.07 43.07 34.27 27.75
SG-011B-3-US D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-011B-13-US D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
SG-011B-25-US D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-011B-50-US D5 26.96 42.65 34.6 28.78
F2 26.07 43.07 34.27 27.75
SG-011C-3-US D5 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
F2 2.186 n/a n/a n/a
SG-011C-13-US D5 7.942 9.638 7.782 n/a
F2 7.949 9.937 7.93 n/a
SG-011C-25-US D5 14.3 19.97 16.67 13.88
F2 14.13 20.39 16.77 13.79
SG-011C-100-US D5 49.86 87 68.37 56.17
F2 47.64 87.6 67.26 53.54
CG-001-4-US D5 5.584 6.408 5.858 5.245
F2 5.588 6.585 5.945 5.417
CG-001-13-US D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
CG-001-25-US D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
CG-001-67-US D5 68.89 124.4 96.44 78.53
F2 65.38 125.2 94.51 73.82
CG-001A-200-UL D5 156.6 329.1 241.1 183.6
F2 150.4 333.2 237.5 182.1
CG-002A-3-US D5 4.342 4.801 4.445 3.106
F2 4.344 4.926 4.513 3.479
CG-002A-13-US D5 16.16 22.87 19.39 16.97
F2 15.78 23.24 19.33 16.53
CG-002A-25-US D5 29.24 46.37 37.74 32.17
F2 28.04 46.75 37.2 30.84
CG-002A-100-US D5 94.19 181.2 137.4 109.2
F2 89.52 182.2 134.4 102
CG-002B-3-US D5 4.342 3.777 n/a n/a
F2 4.344 4.147 n/a n/a
CG-002B-13-US D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
CG-002B-25-US D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
CG-002B-100-US D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
CG-002C-3-US D5 4.342 3.777 n/a n/a
F2 4.344 4.147 n/a n/a
CG-002C-13-US D5 16.16 23.08 19.16 15.93
F2 15.78 23.4 19.07 15.59
CG-002C-25-US D5 29.24 46.64 37.66 31.06
F2 28.04 46.96 37.06 29.48
CG-002C-100-US D5 94.19 181.4 137.3 108.5
F2 89.52 182.3 134.2 101.6
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Onshore – Flash Fires
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
SG-001A-126L-IS D5
SG-001A-400R-IS D5 307.7
F2 213.6
SG-001A-400R2-IS D5 307.7
F2 213.6
SG-002A-4-IS D5
SG-002A-13-IS D5
SG-002A-25-IS D5
SG-002A-134-IL D5 93.91
F2 93.63
SG-002A-400-IL D5 368.8
F2 257.5
SG-002B-4-IS D5
SG-002B-13-IS D5
SG-002B-25-IS D5
SG-002B-134-IL D5 93.91
F2 93.64
SG-002B-400-IL D5 368.8
F2 257.5
SG-003A-4-IS D5
SG-003A-13-IS D5
SG-003A-25-IS D5
SG-003A-134-IL D5 94.13
F2 94.53
SG-003A-250-IL D5 241.7
F2 224.1
SG-003A-400-IL D5 368.7
F2 257.7
SG-003A-750-IL D5 634.1
F2 395.6
SG-004A-4-IS D5
SG-004A-13-IS D5
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
SG-004A-25-IS D5
SG-004A -250-IL D5 223.8
F2 179.6
SG-004A-750-IL D5 631.1
F2 395
SG-005A-4-IS D5
SG-005A-13-IS D5
SG-005A-25-IS D5 22.82
F2 22.97
SG-005A-250-IL D5 302.5
F2 246.6
SG-005A-750-IL D5 712.1
F2 443.6
SG-006A-4-IS D5 5.868
F2 7.557
SG-006A-13-IS D5 19.08
F2 24.53
SG-006A-25-IS D5 36.75
F2 46.52
SG-006A-250-IL D5 329.5
F2 269.8
SG-006A-750-IL D5 736.3
F2 445.3
SG-007A-4-IS D5 5.868
F2 7.557
SG-007A-13-IS D5 19.08
F2 24.53
SG-007A-25-IS D5 36.75
F2 46.52
SG-007A-100-IS D5 146.4
F2 165.1
SG-007B-4-IS D5
SG-007B-13-IS D5
SG-007B-25-IS D5
SG-007B-100-IS D5 108.8
F2 103.2
SG-008A-4-IS D5 5.868
F2 7.557
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
SG-008A-13-IS D5 19.08
F2 24.53
SG-008A-25-IS D5 36.75
F2 46.52
SG-008A-100-IS D5 146.4
F2 165.1
SG-008B-4-IS D5
SG-008B-13-IS D5
SG-008B-25-IS D5
SG-008B-100-IS D5 108.8
F2 103.2
SG-009A-3-IS D5
SG-009A-13-IS D5
SG-009A-25-IS D5
SG-009A-100-IS D5 49.04
F2 47.69
SG-009B-3-IS D5 2.335
F2 3.001
SG-009B-13-IS D5 10.12
F2 13.02
SG-009B-25-IS D5 19.45
F2 24.98
SG-009B-100-IS D5 77.98
F2 94.19
SG-009B-3-IS D5
SG-010A-10-IS D5
SG-010A-13-IS D5
SG-010A-25-IS D5
SG-010A-50-IS D5
SG-010A-100-IS D5 38.84
F2 38.28
SG-010B-3-IS D5 1.959
F2 2.53
SG-010B-13-IS D5 8.487
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
F2 10.96
SG-010B-25-IS D5 16.33
F2 21.07
SG-010B-100-IS D5 65.42
F2 73.77
SG-010C-3-IS D5
SG-010C-13-IS D5
SG-010C-25-IS D5
SG-010C-100-IS D5 47.71
F2 47.48
SG-010D-3-IS D5 1.959
F2 2.53
SG-010D-13-IS D5 8.487
F2 10.96
SG-010D-25-IS D5 16.33
F2 21.07
SG-010D-100-IS D5 65.42
F2 73.77
SG-011A-3-IS D5
SG-011A-13-IS D5
SG-011A-25-IS D5
SG-011A-50-IS D5
SG-011B-3-IS D5
SG-011B-13-IS D5
SG-011B-25-IS D5
SG-011B-50-IS D5
SG-011C-3-IS D5
SG-011C-13-IS D5
SG-011C-25-IS D5
SG-011C-100-IS D5 38.84
F2 38.28
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
CG-001-4-IS D5 5.868
F2 7.557
CG-001-13-IS D5 19.08
F2 24.53
CG-001-25-IS D5 36.75
F2 46.52
CG-001-67-IS D5 98.32
F2 116.9
CG-001A-200-IL D5 289.7
F2 298.1
CG-002A-3-IS D5 4.402
F2 5.667
CG-002A-13-IS D5 19.08
F2 24.53
CG-002A-25-IS D5 36.75
F2 46.52
CG-002A-100-IS D5 146.4
F2 165.1
CG-002B-3-IS D5
CG-002B-13-IS D5
CG-002B-25-IS D5
CG-002B-100-IS D5 108.8
F2 103.2
CG-002C-3-IS D5
CG-002C-13-IS D5
CG-002C-25-IS D5
CG-002C-100-IS D5 108.8
F2 103.2
SG-001A-126L-IS D5
SG-001A-400R-IS D5 307.7
F2 213.6
SG-001A-400R2-IS D5 307.7
F2 213.6
SG-002A-4-US D5
SG-002A-13-US D5
SG-002A-25-US D5
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
SG-002A-134-UL D5 94.1
F2 94.49
SG-002A-400-UL D5 416.9
F2 348.9
SG-002B-4-US D5
SG-002B-13-US D5
SG-002B-25-US D5
SG-002B-134-UL D5 94.13
F2 94.5
SG-002B-400-UL D5 416.9
F2 348.9
SG-003A-4-US D5
SG-003A-13-US D5
SG-003A-25-US D5
SG-003A-134UL D5 94.15
F2 94.58
SG-003A-250-UL D5 241.7
F2 224.1
SG-003A-400-UL D5 416.9
F2 349
SG-003A-750-UL D5 634.1
F2 395.6
SG-004A-4-US D5
SG-004A-13-US D5
SG-004A-25-US D5
SG-004A -250-UL D5 239.6
F2 215.4
SG-004A-750-UL D5 631.1
F2 395
SG-005A-4-US D5
SG-005A-13-US D5
SG-005A-25-US D5 22.82
F2 22.97
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
SG-005A-250-UL D5 325.8
F2 306.9
SG-005A-750-UL D5 712.1
F2 443.6
SG-006A-4-US D5 5.868
F2 7.557
SG-006A-13-US D5 19.08
F2 24.53
SG-006A-25-US D5 36.75
F2 46.52
ISG-006A-250-UL D5 356.6
F2 340.9
SG-006A-750-UL D5 736.3
F2 445.3
SG-007A-4-US D5 5.868
F2 7.557
SG-007A-13-US D5 19.08
F2 24.53
SG-007A-25-US D5 36.75
F2 46.52
SG-007A-100-US D5 146.4
F2 165.1
SG-007B-4-US D5
SG-007B-13-US D5
SG-007B-25-US D5
SG-007B-100-US D5 108.8
F2 103.2
SG-008A-4-US D5 5.868
F2 7.557
SG-008A-13-US D5 19.08
F2 24.53
SG-008A-25-US D5 36.75
F2 46.52
SG-008A-100-US D5 146.4
F2 165.1
SG-008B-4-US D5
SG-008B-13-US D5
SG-008B-25-US D5
SG-008B-100-US D5 108.8
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
F2 103.2
SG-009A-3-US D5
SG-009A-13-US D5
SG-009A-25-US D5
SG-009A-100-US D5 49.04
F2 47.69
SG-009B-3-US D5 2.335
F2 3.001
SG-009B-13-US D5 10.12
F2 13.02
SG-009B-25-US D5 19.45
F2 24.98
SG-009B-100-US D5 77.98
F2 94.19
SG-009B-3-US D5
SG-010A-10-US D5
SG-010A-13-US D5
SG-010A-25-US D5
SG-010A-50-US D5
SG-010A-100-US D5 38.84
F2 38.28
SG-010B-3-US D5 1.959
F2 2.53
SG-010B-13-US D5 8.487
F2 10.96
SG-010B-25-US D5 16.33
F2 21.07
SG-010B-100-US D5 65.42
F2 73.77
SG-010C-3-US D5
SG-010C-13-US D5
SG-010C-25-US D5
SG-010C-100-US D5 47.71
F2 47.48
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
SG-010D-3-US D5 1.959
F2 2.53
SG-010D-13-US D5 8.487
F2 10.96
SG-010D-25-US D5 16.33
F2 21.07
SG-010D-100-US D5 65.42
F2 73.77
SG-011A-3-US D5
SG-011A-13-US D5
SG-011A-25-US D5
SG-011A-50-US D5
SG-011B-3-US D5
SG-011B-13-US D5
SG-011B-25-US D5
SG-011B-50-US D5
SG-011C-3-US D5
SG-011C-13-US D5
SG-011C-25-US D5
SG-011C-100-US D5 38.84
F2 38.28
CG-001-4-US D5 5.868
F2 7.557
CG-001-13-US D5 19.08
F2 24.53
CG-001-25-US D5 36.75
F2 46.52
CG-001-67-US D5 98.32
F2 116.9
CG-001A-200-UL D5 289.7
F2 298.1
CG-002A-3-US D5 4.402
F2 5.667
CG-002A-13-US D5 19.08
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
F2 24.53
CG-002A-25-US D5 36.75
F2 46.52
CG-002A-100-US D5 146.4
F2 165.1
CG-002B-3-US D5
CG-002B-13-US D5
CG-002B-25-US D5
CG-002B-100-US D5 108.8
F2 103.2
CG-002C-3-US D5
CG-002C-13-US D5
CG-002C-25-US D5
CG-002C-100-US D5 108.8
F2 103.2
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
AGI - Release Flowrates
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
PG-014A-075-US D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-001A-025-IS D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-002A-004-IS D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-002A-025-IS D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-003A-004-IS D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-003A-025-IS D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-004A-004-IS D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-004A-025-IS D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-005A-004-IS D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-005A-025-IS D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-005A-067-IS D5 55.4686
F2 55.4686
PG-005A-167-IS D5 344.612
F2 344.612
PG-006A-004-IS D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-006A-025-IS D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-006A-150-IS D5 278.023
F2 278.023
PG-007A-004-IS D5 0.199646
F2 0.199646
PG-007A-010-IS D5 1.24779
F2 1.24779
PG-007A-013-IS D5 2.10876
F2 2.10876
PG-007A-025-IS D5 7.79867
F2 7.79867
PG-007A-100-IS D5 124.779
F2 124.779
PG-008A-004-IS D5 0.199646
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.199646
PG-008A-025-IS D5 7.79867
F2 7.79867
PG-008A-100-IS D5 124.779
F2 124.779
PG-009A-004-IS D5 0.199646
F2 0.199646
PG-009A-025-IS D5 7.79867
F2 7.79867
PG-009A-050-IS D5 31.1947
F2 31.1947
PG-010A-004-IS D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-010A-025-IS D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-010A-050-IS D5 29.7355
F2 29.7355
PG-011A-004-IS D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-011A-025-IS D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-012A-004-IS D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-012A-025-IS D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-013A-004-IS D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-013A-025-IS D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-014A-003-IS D5 0.111209
F2 0.111209
PG-014A-004-IS D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-014A-025-IS D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-014A-050-IS D5 30.8914
F2 30.8914
PG-014A-075-IS D5 69.5056
F2 69.5056
PG-014A-150-I D5 278.023
F2 278.023
PG-001A-004-US D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-001A-025-US D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-002A-004-US D5 0.197705
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.197705
PG-002A-025-US D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-003A-004-US D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-003A-025-US D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-004A-004-US D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-004A-025-US D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-005A-004-US D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-005A-025-US D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-005A-067-US D5 55.4686
F2 55.4686
PG-005A-167-US D5 344.612
F2 344.612
PG-006A-004-US D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-006A-025-US D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-006A-150-US D5 278.023
F2 278.023
PG-007A-004-US D5 0.199646
F2 0.199646
PG-007A-010-US D5 1.24779
F2 1.24779
PG-007A-013-US D5 2.10876
F2 2.10876
PG-007A-025-US D5 7.79867
F2 7.79867
PG-007A-100-US D5 124.779
F2 124.779
PG-008A-004-US D5 0.199646
F2 0.199646
PG-008A-025-US D5 7.79867
F2 7.79867
PG-008A-100-US D5 124.779
F2 124.779
PG-009A-004-US D5 0.199646
F2 0.199646
PG-009A-025-US D5 7.79867
F2 7.79867
PG-009A-050-US D5 31.1947
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 31.1947
PG-010A-004-US D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-010A-025-US D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-010A-050-US D5 29.7355
F2 29.7355
PG-010A-134-US D5 213.572
F2 213.572
PG-011A-004-US D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-011A-025-US D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-012A-004-US D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-012A-025-US D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-013A-004-I D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-013A-004-US D5 0.190307
F2 0.190307
PG-013A-025-US D5 7.43388
F2 7.43388
PG-014A-003-US D5 0.111209
F2 0.111209
PG-014A-004-US D5 0.197705
F2 0.197705
PG-014A-025-US D5 7.72285
F2 7.72285
PG-014A-050-US D5 30.8914
F2 30.8914
PG-014A-075-US D5 69.5056
F2 69.5056
PG-014A-150-I D5 278.023
F2 278.023
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
AGI – Jet Fires
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
PG-014A-075-US D5 5.59773 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.60157 6.225 n/a n/a
PG-001A-025-IS D5 29.22 46.51 37.47 30.97
F2 28.0179 46.81 36.85 29.41
PG-001A-250-IL D5 179.108 384.2 278.1 213.7
F2 172.701 389.9 274.5 212.6
PG-001R-750-IL D5 211.476 472 338.5 260.4
F2 204.96 473.2 331 257.8
PG-002A-004-IS D5 5.59723 2.544 2.249 1.938
F2 5.60107 2.637 2.292 2.03
PG-002A-025-IS D5 29.22 30.32 16.68 11.74
F2 28.0179 30.58 16.93 11.08
PG-002A-250-IL D5 172.396 244.1 139.9 78.14
F2 166.036 248.7 141.3 78.03
PG-002A-750-UL D5 169.436 287.4 126.4 n/a
F2 217.973 284 90.39 n/a
PG-003A-004-IS D5 5.59723 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.60107 4.812 n/a n/a
PG-003A-025-IS D5 29.22 46.72 37.28 29.95
F2 28.0179 46.96 36.61 28.86
PG-003A-150-IL D5 127.152 257.7 190.2 145.7
F2 121.455 259.6 186.2 142.2
PG-003A-450-IL D5 208.255 463.2 332.2 255.5
F2 201.743 464.7 324.9 252.9
PG-004A-004-IS D5 5.59723 2.544 2.249 1.938
F2 5.60107 2.637 2.292 2.03
PG-004A-025-IS D5 29.22 30.32 16.68 11.74
F2 28.0179 30.58 16.93 11.08
PG-004A-150-IL D5 127.152 176.1 100.6 55.69
F2 121.455 175.7 99.9 54.45
PG-004A-450-IL D5 166.585 282.9 124.5 n/a
F2 214.304 278.6 88.26 n/a
PG-005A-004-IS D5 5.59723 5.926 n/a n/a
F2 5.60107 6.224 n/a n/a
PG-005A-025-IS D5 29.2173 46.5 37.47 30.97
F2 28.0152 46.8 36.85 29.41
PG-005A-067-IS D5 67.5024 121.3 93.69 75.83
F2 64.0251 122 91.61 70.7
PG-005A-167-IS D5 123.881 251.9 185.8 142.7
F2 118.232 254.6 182.1 138.5
PG-005A-200-IL D5 156.892 329.4 240.2 183.7
F2 150.685 333.5 236.4 181.9
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
PG-005A-500-IL D5 209.304 466.1 334.4 257.2
F2 202.79 467.5 327.1 254.7
PG-006A-004-IS D5 5.59723 6.422 5.864 5.243
F2 5.60107 6.604 5.95 5.426
PG-006A-025-IS D5 29.2172 46.23 37.56 32.1
F2 28.0151 46.59 36.99 30.75
PG-006A-150-IS D5 114.634 229.9 170.7 133
F2 109.199 232.1 167.2 126.9
PG-006A-450-IL D5 162.74 276.7 122 n/a
F2 209.359 271.5 85.4 n/a
PG-007A-004-IS D5 5.63071 5.986 n/a n/a
F2 5.63475 6.281 n/a n/a
PG-007A-010-IS D5 12.8004 17.39 14.46 11.69
F2 12.6076 17.73 14.49 11.64
PG-007A-013-IS D5 16.3183 23.29 19.28 16.07
F2 15.9117 23.6 19.16 15.7
PG-007A-025-IS D5 29.4312 46.86 37.74 31.2
F2 28.1928 47.15 37.09 29.57
PG-007A-100-IS D5 91.7105 175.3 132.4 105
F2 87.0636 176.8 129.6 98.36
PG-007A-150-IL D5 127.476 258.8 191.1 147
F2 121.765 261 187.2 142.9
PG-007A-300-IL D5 200.699 443 318.4 244.5
F2 194.234 446.1 312.3 242.6
PG-008A-004-IS D5 5.63071 2.568 2.269 1.953
F2 5.63475 2.662 2.314 2.043
PG-008A-025-IS D5 29.4312 30.57 16.82 11.86
F2 28.1928 30.84 17.07 11.16
PG-008A-100-IS D5 91.7105 122.5 69.42 39.67
F2 87.0636 122 69.1 37.36
PG-008A-300-IL D5 160.123 273 120.7 n/a
F2 205.992 266.8 83.68 n/a
PG-009A-004-IS D5 5.63029 5.985 n/a n/a
F2 5.63433 6.28 n/a n/a
PG-009A-025-IS D5 29.3581 46.72 37.64 31.1
F2 28.1215 47.01 36.98 29.48
PG-009A-050-IS D5 53.2958 92.58 72.4 59.2
F2 50.5795 93.05 70.78 55.39
PG-009A-134-IL D5 117.445 235.1 174.6 135.5
F2 111.98 236.8 170.8 130
PG-009A-150-IL D5 127.476 258.8 191.1 147
F2 121.765 261 187.2 142.9
PG-009A-400-IL D5 206.729 459.5 329.7 253.3
F2 200.256 461.7 322.9 251.1
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
PG-010A-004-IS D5 5.51252 2.501 2.218 1.872
F2 5.51634 2.593 2.26 1.994
PG-010A-025-IS D5 28.7325 29.62 16.27 11.54
F2 27.5395 29.89 16.53 10.87
PG-010A-050-IS D5 52.2207 62.13 34.72 21.96
F2 49.574 62.11 34.79 20.29
PG-010A-134-IL D5 115.433 159 90.63 50.05
F2 110.025 158 89.76 48.84
PG-010A-150-IL D5 125.297 173.8 99.22 54.92
F2 119.637 173.4 98.56 53.69
PG-010A-134-IL D5 150.596 211.9 121.3 67.39
F2 144.478 213.8 121.5 66.4
PG-010A-400-IL D5 157.306 222 127.1 70.74
F2 151.105 224.8 127.7 69.81
PG-010A-450-IL D5 166.568 283.2 124.9 n/a
F2 214.283 278.7 88.43 n/a
PG-011A-004-IS D5 5.51252 5.771 n/a n/a
F2 5.51634 6.087 n/a n/a
PG-011A-025-IS D5 28.7325 45.56 36.74 30.41
F2 27.5395 45.85 36.12 28.82
PG-011A-250-IL D5 150.562 314.3 229.6 175.3
F2 144.445 318.1 225.9 173.4
PG-011A-750-IL D5 212.134 474.2 339.9 261.2
F2 205.651 475.5 332.3 258.7
PG-012A-004-IS D5 5.51252 5.771 n/a n/a
F2 5.51634 6.087 n/a n/a
PG-012A-025-IS D5 28.7325 45.56 36.74 30.41
F2 27.5395 45.85 36.12 28.82
PG-012A-240-IL D5 150.562 314.3 229.6 175.3
F2 144.445 318.1 225.9 173.4
PG-012A-750-IL D5 211.888 473.5 339.4 260.9
F2 205.405 474.9 331.9 258.3
PG-013A-004-IS D5 5.51252 2.501 2.218 1.872
F2 5.51634 2.593 2.26 1.994
PG-013A-025-IS D5 28.7325 29.62 16.27 11.54
F2 27.5395 29.89 16.53 10.87
PG-013A-250-IL D5 150.562 211.8 121.2 67.37
F2 144.445 213.8 121.5 66.38
PG-013A-750-IL D5 123.846 214.5 96.01 n/a
F2 159.322 200.3 57.58 n/a
PG-014A-003-IS D5 4.34225 3.754 n/a n/a
F2 4.34428 4.137 n/a n/a
PG-014A-004-IS D5 5.58349 5.903 n/a n/a
F2 5.58732 6.201 n/a n/a
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
PG-014A-025-IS D5 29.2437 46.55 37.51 31
F2 28.0411 46.85 36.89 29.44
PG-014A-050-IS D5 53.7928 93.74 73.26 59.95
F2 51.1062 94.24 71.7 56.29
PG-014A-075-IS D5 75.2079 137.7 105.7 85.09
F2 71.3683 138.6 103.4 79.32
PG-014A-150-I D5 127.152 257.6 190.4 146.6
F2 121.455 259.6 186.5 142.4
PG-001A-004-US D5 5.59741 5.926 n/a n/a
F2 5.60125 6.224 n/a n/a
PG-001A-025-US D5 29.2647 46.59 37.54 31.02
F2 28.0615 46.9 36.92 29.46
PG-001A-250-UL D5 185.422 400.9 289.7 222.6
F2 178.979 406.1 285.5 221.3
PG-001R-750-UL D5 211.476 472 338.5 260.4
F2 204.96 473.2 331 257.8
PG-002A-004-US D5 5.59741 1.801 1.407 1.403
F2 5.60125 2.637 2.292 2.03
PG-002A-025-US D5 29.2647 30.38 16.72 11.76
F2 28.0615 30.65 16.97 11.09
PG-002A-250-UL D5 185.422 264.7 151.9 85.01
F2 178.979 270.4 153.4 85.52
PG-002A-750-UL D5 169.436 287.4 126.4 n/a
F2 217.973 284 90.39 n/a
PG-003A-004-US D5 5.59741 n/a n/a n/a
F2 5.60125 4.812 n/a n/a
PG-003A-025-US D5 29.2647 46.81 37.35 30
F2 28.0615 47.05 36.68 28.91
PG-003A-150-UL D5 127.152 257.7 190.2 145.7
F2 121.455 259.6 186.2 142.2
PG-003A-450-UL D5 208.255 463.2 332.2 255.5
F2 201.743 464.7 324.9 252.9
PG-004A-004-US D5 5.59741 2.057 n/a n/a
F2 5.60125 2.196 n/a n/a
PG-004A-025-US D5 29.2647 30.38 16.72 11.76
F2 28.0615 30.65 16.97 11.09
PG-004A-150-UL D5 127.152 176.1 100.6 55.69
F2 121.455 175.7 99.9 54.45
PG-004A-450-UL D5 166.585 282.9 124.5 n/a
F2 214.304 278.6 88.26 n/a
PG-005A-004-US D5 5.59741 5.926 n/a n/a
F2 5.60125 6.224 n/a n/a
PG-005A-025-US D5 29.2558 46.58 37.53 31.01
F2 28.0528 46.88 36.91 29.45
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
PG-005A-067-US D5 68.2132 122.8 94.8 76.72
F2 64.7165 123.6 92.73 71.59
PG-005A-167-US D5 133.015 272.3 200.4 153.3
F2 127.188 275 196.6 150.1
PG-005A-200-UL D5 156.892 329.4 240.2 183.7
F2 150.685 333.5 236.4 181.9
PG-005A-500-UL D5 209.304 466.1 334.4 257.2
F2 202.79 467.5 327.1 254.7
PG-006A-004-US D5 5.59741 4.18 4.18 4.172
F2 5.60125 6.604 5.95 5.426
PG-006A-025-US D5 29.2552 46.3 37.61 32.14
F2 28.0523 46.67 37.05 30.8
PG-006A-150-US D5 119.964 241.6 179.1 139.2
F2 114.415 243.8 175.5 133.5
PG-006A-450-UL D5 162.74 276.7 122 n/a
F2 209.359 271.5 85.4 n/a
PG-007A-004-US D5 5.63089 5.986 n/a n/a
F2 5.63493 6.281 n/a n/a
PG-007A-010-US D5 12.8031 17.4 14.46 11.7
F2 12.6103 17.73 14.49 11.64
PG-007A-013-US D5 16.3243 23.3 19.29 16.07
F2 15.9176 23.61 19.17 15.7
PG-007A-025-US D5 29.4768 46.95 37.81 31.24
F2 28.2373 47.24 37.16 29.62
PG-007A-100-US D5 94.0596 180.7 136.3 108
F2 89.3543 182.2 133.5 101.3
PG-007A-150-UL D5 127.476 258.8 191.1 147
F2 121.765 261 187.2 142.9
PG-007A-300-UL D5 200.699 443 318.4 244.5
F2 194.234 446.1 312.3 242.6
PG-008A-004-US D5 5.63089 2.568 2.269 1.953
F2 5.63493 2.662 2.314 2.045
PG-008A-025-US D5 29.4768 30.64 16.85 11.88
F2 28.2373 30.9 17.1 11.18
PG-008A-100-US D5 94.0596 126.1 71.55 40.7
F2 89.3543 125.6 71.21 38.59
PG-008A-300-UL D5 160.123 273 120.7 n/a
F2 205.992 266.8 83.68 n/a
PG-009A-004-US D5 5.63089 5.986 n/a n/a
F2 5.63493 6.281 n/a n/a
PG-009A-025-US D5 29.4768 46.95 37.81 31.24
F2 28.2373 47.24 37.16 29.62
PG-009A-050-US D5 54.0774 94.19 73.6 60.17
F2 51.3397 94.67 71.98 56.37
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
PG-009A-134-UL D5 117.445 235.1 174.6 135.5
F2 111.98 236.8 170.8 130
PG-009A-150-UL D5 127.476 258.8 191.1 147
F2 121.765 261 187.2 142.9
PG-009A-400-UL D5 206.729 459.5 329.7 253.3
F2 200.256 461.7 322.9 251.1
PG-010A-004-US D5 5.51308 2.502 2.218 1.872
F2 5.51689 2.593 2.26 1.995
PG-010A-025-US D5 28.8425 29.77 16.36 11.59
F2 27.6469 30.04 16.62 10.92
PG-010A-050-US D5 52.9508 63.19 35.34 22.26
F2 50.2837 63.16 35.4 20.59
PG-010A-134-US D5 115.433 159 90.63 50.05
F2 110.025 158 89.76 48.84
PG-010A-150-IL D5 125.297 173.8 99.22 54.92
F2 119.637 173.4 98.56 53.69
PG-010A-250-UL D5 182.703 260.9 149.6 83.67
F2 176.297 266.8 129.1 66.88
PG-010A-400-UL D5 206.439 301.8 173.5 97.52
F2 199.96 306.9 173.9 97.99
PG-010A-450-UL D5 166.568 283.2 124.9 n/a
F2 214.283 278.7 88.43 n/a
PG-011A-004-US D5 5.51308 5.772 n/a n/a
F2 5.51689 6.088 n/a n/a
PG-011A-025-US D5 28.8425 45.78 36.91 30.55
F2 27.6469 46.06 36.28 28.95
PG-011A-250-UL D5 182.703 394 284.8 218.7
F2 176.297 399.8 281 217.6
PG-011A-750-UL D5 212.134 474.2 339.9 261.2
F2 205.651 475.5 332.3 258.7
PG-012A-004-US D5 5.51308 5.772 n/a n/a
F2 5.51689 6.088 n/a n/a
PG-012A-025-US D5 28.8425 45.78 36.91 30.55
F2 27.6469 46.06 36.28 28.95
PG-012A-240-UL D5 182.703 394 284.8 218.7
F2 176.297 399.8 281 217.6
PG-012A-750-UL D5 211.888 473.5 339.4 260.9
F2 205.405 474.9 331.9 258.3
PG-013A-004-I D5 5.51339 2.502 2.218 1.872
F2 5.5172 2.594 2.26 1.995
PG-013A-004-US D5 5.51308 2.502 2.218 1.872
F2 5.51689 2.593 2.26 1.995
PG-013A-025-US D5 28.8425 29.77 16.36 11.59
F2 27.6469 30.04 16.62 10.92
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
PG-013A-250-UL D5 182.703 260.9 149.6 83.67
F2 176.297 266.8 129.1 66.88
PG-013A-750-UL D5 169.992 288.6 127.1 n/a
F2 218.687 285.1 91 n/a
PG-014A-003-US D5 4.35293 3.783 n/a n/a
F2 4.35497 4.155 n/a n/a
PG-014A-004-US D5 5.59684 5.925 n/a n/a
F2 5.60068 6.223 n/a n/a
PG-014A-025-US D5 29.2111 46.49 37.46 30.96
F2 28.0092 46.79 36.84 29.4
PG-014A-050-US D5 53.6113 93.37 72.98 59.72
F2 50.9296 93.86 71.42 56.07
PG-014A-075-US D5 75.0619 137.4 105.4 84.91
F2 71.2263 138.3 103.2 79.15
PG-014A-150-I D5 127.152 257.6 190.4 146.6
F2 121.455 259.6 186.5 142.4
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
AGI – Flash Fires
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
PG-014A-075-US D5
PG-001A-025-IS D5
PG-001A-250-IL D5 294.749
F2 230.743
PG-001R-750-IL D5 699.395
F2 435.693
PG-002A-004-IS D5 15.5152
F2 17.7597
PG-002A-025-IS D5 97.4
F2 104.848
PG-002A-250-IL D5 688.492
F2 341.661
PG-002A-750-UL D5
PG-003A-004-IS D5
PG-003A-025-IS D5
PG-003A-150-IL D5 150.758
F2 134.876
PG-003A-450-IL D5 446.833
F2 304.557
PG-004A-004-IS D5 15.5152
F2 17.7597
PG-004A-025-IS D5 97.4
F2 104.848
PG-004A-150-IL D5 526.833
F2 289.348
PG-004A-450-IL D5
PG-005A-004-IS D5
PG-005A-025-IS D5
PG-005A-067-IS D5 65.252
F2 62.5627
PG-005A-167-IS D5 175.669
F2 165.294
PG-005A-200-IL D5 240.257
F2 215.62
PG-005A-500-IL D5 516.756
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
F2 348.114
PG-006A-004-IS D5 5.88428
F2 7.56879
PG-006A-025-IS D5 36.7398
F2 46.4255
PG-006A-150-IS D5 197.668
F2 217.716
PG-006A-450-IL D5
PG-007A-004-IS D5
PG-007A-010-IS D5
PG-007A-013-IS D5
PG-007A-025-IS D5
PG-007A-100-IS D5 106.731
F2 101.14
PG-007A-150-IL D5 173.121
F2 156.882
PG-007A-300-IL D5 337.764
F2 255.86
PG-008A-004-IS D5 15.7251
F2 17.9194
PG-008A-025-IS D5 98.7212
F2 105.633
PG-008A-100-IS D5 377.511
F2 285.038
PG-008A-300-IL D5
PG-009A-004-IS D5
PG-009A-025-IS D5
PG-009A-050-IS D5 45.1546
F2 44.0467
PG-009A-134-IL D5 155.207
F2 145.392
PG-009A-150-IL D5 174.831
F2 159.16
PG-009A-400-IL D5 434.896
F2 306.644
PG-010A-004-IS D5 15.3314
F2 17.4949
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
PG-010A-025-IS D5 96.1058
F2 103.162
PG-010A-050-IS D5 189.304
F2 187.94
PG-010A-134-IL D5 502.363
F2 289.853
PG-010A-150-IL D5 530.977
F2 296.838
PG-010A-134-IL D5 554.66
F2 347.901
PG-010A-400-IL D5 720.703
F2 421.437
PG-010A-450-IL D5
PG-011A-004-IS D5
PG-011A-025-IS D5
PG-011A-250-IL D5 282.978
F2 223.317
PG-011A-750-IL D5 693.103
F2 431.669
PG-012A-004-IS D5
PG-012A-025-IS D5
PG-012A-240-IL D5 282.978
F2 223.317
PG-012A-750-IL D5 693.123
F2 431.725
PG-013A-004-IS D5 15.3314
F2 17.4949
PG-013A-025-IS D5 96.1058
F2 103.162
PG-013A-250-IL D5 554.665
F2 347.901
PG-013A-750-IL D5
PG-014A-003-IS D5
PG-014A-004-IS D5
PG-014A-025-IS D5
PG-014A-050-IS D5 45.5289
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
F2 44.395
PG-014A-075-IS D5 76.8172
F2 73.3452
PG-014A-150-I D5 175.052
F2 165.176
PG-001A-004-US D5
PG-001A-025-US D5
PG-001A-250-UL D5 306.627
F2 275.993
PG-001R-750-UL D5 926.432
F2 698.173
PG-002A-004-US D5 15.5156
F2 17.7617
PG-002A-025-US D5 97.5278
F2 105.007
PG-002A-250-UL D5 669.677
F2 340.345
PG-002A-750-UL D5
PG-003A-004-US D5
PG-003A-025-US D5
PG-003A-150-UL D5 154.114
F2 142.849
PG-003A-450-UL D5 446.833
F2 304.557
PG-004A-004-US D5
PG-004A-025-US D5 97.5278
F2 105.007
PG-004A-150-UL D5 569.758
F2 314.393
PG-004A-450-UL D5
PG-005A-004-US D5
PG-005A-025-US D5
PG-005A-067-US D5 66.1315
F2 63.3999
PG-005A-167-US D5 190.601
F2 179.55
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
PG-005A-200-UL D5 221.693
F2 185.724
PG-005A-500-UL D5 516.756
F2 348.114
PG-006A-004-US D5 5.88446
F2 7.56902
PG-006A-025-US D5 36.7865
F2 46.4833
PG-006A-150-US D5 206.781
F2 228.683
PG-006A-450-UL D5
PG-007A-004-US D5
PG-007A-010-US D5
PG-007A-013-US D5
PG-007A-025-US D5
PG-007A-100-US D5 110.018
F2 104.258
PG-007A-150-UL D5 177.334
F2 167.237
PG-007A-300-UL D5 337.764
F2 255.86
PG-008A-004-US D5 15.7255
F2 17.9199
PG-008A-025-US D5 98.8757
F2 105.791
PG-008A-100-US D5 386.426
F2 274.683
PG-008A-300-UL D5
PG-009A-004-US D5
PG-009A-025-US D5
PG-009A-050-US D5 46.0868
F2 44.9184
PG-009A-134-UL D5 155.919
F2 147.187
PG-009A-150-UL D5 177.334
F2 167.237
PG-009A-400-UL D5 434.896
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
F2 306.644
PG-010A-004-US D5 15.3327
F2 17.4966
PG-010A-025-US D5 96.4191
F2 103.546
PG-010A-050-US D5 191.602
F2 190.557
PG-010A-134-US D5 504.472
F2 340.326
PG-010A-150-IL D5 562.726
F2 318.659
PG-010A-250-UL D5 524.474
F2 340.058
PG-010A-400-UL D5 710.758
F2 419.26
PG-010A-450-UL D5
PG-011A-004-US D5
PG-011A-025-US D5
PG-011A-250-UL D5 277.67
F2 222.369
PG-011A-750-UL D5 693.103
F2 431.669
PG-012A-004-US D5
PG-012A-025-US D5
PG-012A-240-UL D5 277.67
F2 222.369
PG-012A-750-UL D5 693.123
F2 431.725
PG-013A-004-I D5 15.3334
F2 17.4976
PG-013A-004-US D5 15.3327
F2 17.4966
PG-013A-025-US D5 96.4191
F2 103.546
PG-013A-250-UL D5 604.362
F2 413.977
PG-013A-750-UL D5
PG-014A-003-US D5
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
downwind to LFL
Scenario Weather [m]
PG-014A-004-US D5
PG-014A-025-US D5
PG-014A-050-US D5 45.2998
F2 44.2033
PG-014A-075-US D5 76.663
F2 73.1713
PG-014A-150-I D5 175.052
F2 165.176
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
FSRU - Release Flowrates
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
FG013A-1-0004L-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG013A-1-0010L-IS D5 1.236
F2 1.236
FG013A-1-0013L-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG013A-1-0025L-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG013A-1-0050L-IS D5 30.89
F2 30.89
FG013A-1-0067L-IS D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG013A-2-0004L-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG013A-2-0010L-IS D5 1.236
F2 1.236
FG013A-2-0013L-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG013A-2-0025L-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG013A-2-0050L-IS D5 30.89
F2 30.89
FG013A-2-0067L-IS D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG013B-1-0004L-IS D5 0.184
F2 0.184
FG013B-1-0010L-IS D5 1.152
F2 1.152
FG013B-1-0013L-IS D5 1.947
F2 1.947
FG013B-1-0025L-IS D5 7.201
F2 7.201
FG013B-1-0050L-IS D5 28.8
F2 28.8
FG013B-1-0067L-IS D5 51.72
F2 51.72
FG013B-2-0004L-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG013B-2-0010L-IS D5 1.236
F2 1.236
FG013B-2-0013L-IS D5 2.088
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 2.088
FG013B-2-0025L-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG013B-2-0050L-IS D5 30.89
F2 30.89
FG013B-2-0067L-IS D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG014-1-0250L-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG014-1-0013L-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG014-1-0025L-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG014-1-0067L-IS D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG014-1-0084L-IS D5 87.19
F2 87.19
FG014-2-0250L-IS D5 0.184
F2 0.184
FG014-2-0013L-IS D5 1.947
F2 1.947
FG014-2-0025L-IS D5 7.201
F2 7.201
FG014-2-0067L-IS D5 51.72
F2 51.72
FG014-2-0084L-IS D5 81.3
F2 81.3
FG028-0400L-IS D5 0.111
F2 0.111
FG028-0004L-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG028-0013L-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG028-0025L-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG028-0084L-IS D5 87.19
F2 87.19
FL001A-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
FL001A-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL001A-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL001A-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL001B-0003L-UN D5 0.136
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.136
FL001B-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL001B-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL001B-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL001C-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
FL001C-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL001C-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL001C-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL001D-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
FL001D-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL001D-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL001D-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL002-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
FL002-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL002-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL002-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL002-0075L-UN D5 84.75
F2 84.75
FL002-0100L-UN D5 150.7
F2 150.7
FL002-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
FL002-0167L-UN D5 420.2
F2 420.2
FL002-0200L-UN D5 602.7
F2 602.7
FL003A-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL003A-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL003A-0025L-UN D5 9.416
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 9.416
FL003A-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
FL003B-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL003B-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL003B-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL003B-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
FL003C-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL003C-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL003C-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL003C-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
FL003D-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
FL003D-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
FL003D-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
FL003D-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
FL005-0003L-UN D5 0.096
F2 0.096
FL005-0004L-UN D5 0.17
F2 0.17
FL005-0013L-UN D5 1.795
F2 1.795
FL005-0025L-UN D5 6.638
F2 6.638
FL005-0038L-UN D5 14.94
F2 14.94
FL007A-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL007A-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL007A-0025L-UN D5 8.555
F2 8.555
FL007B-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL007B-0013L-UN D5 2.313
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 2.313
FL008A-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL008A-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL008B-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL008B-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL008C-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL008C-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL009A-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL009A-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL009A-0025L-UN D5 8.555
F2 8.555
FL009B-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL009B-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL009B-0025L-UN D5 8.555
F2 8.555
FL009C-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL009C-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL009C-0025L-UN D5 8.555
F2 8.555
FL010-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL010-0013L-UN D5 2.313
F2 2.313
FL010-0025L-UN D5 8.555
F2 8.555
FL011-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL011-0013L-UN D5 2.315
F2 2.315
FL011-0025L-UN D5 8.563
F2 8.563
FL012A-1-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL012A-1-0013L-UN D5 2.315
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 2.315
FL012A-1-0025L-UN D5 8.563
F2 8.563
FL012A-2-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL012A-2-0013L-UN D5 2.315
F2 2.315
FL012A-2-0025L-UN D5 8.563
F2 8.563
FL013A-1-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL013A-1-0013L-UN D5 2.315
F2 2.315
FL013A-1-0025L-UN D5 8.563
F2 8.563
FL013B-1-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL013B-1-0013L-UN D5 2.315
F2 2.315
FL013B-1-0025L-UN D5 8.563
F2 8.563
FL013A-2-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL013A-2-0013L-UN D5 2.315
F2 2.315
FL013A-2-0025L-UN D5 8.563
F2 8.563
FL013B-2-0003L-UN D5 0.123
F2 0.123
FL013B-2-0013L-UN D5 2.315
F2 2.315
FL013B-2-0025L-UN D5 8.563
F2 8.563
FG013A-1-0004L-U D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG013A-1-0010L-U D5 1.236
F2 1.236
FG013A-1-0013L-U D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG013A-1-0025L-U D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG013A-1-0050L-U D5 30.89
F2 30.89
FG013A-1-0067L-U D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG013A-2-0004L-IS D5 0.198
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.198
FG013A-2-0010L-IS D5 1.236
F2 1.236
FG013A-2-0013L-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG013A-2-0025L-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG013A-2-0050L-IS D5 30.89
F2 30.89
FG013A-2-0067L-IS D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG013B-1-0004L-U D5 0.184
F2 0.184
FG013B-1-0010L-U D5 1.152
F2 1.152
FG013B-1-0013L-U D5 1.947
F2 1.947
FG013B-1-0025L-U D5 7.201
F2 7.201
FG013B-1-0050L-U D5 28.8
F2 28.8
FG013B-1-0067L-U D5 51.72
F2 51.72
FG013B-2-0004L-U D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG013B-2-0010L-U D5 1.236
F2 1.236
FG013B-2-0013L-U D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG013B-2-0025L-U D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG013B-2-0050L-U D5 30.89
F2 30.89
FG013B-2-0067L-U D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG014-1-0250L-IS D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG014-1-0013L-IS D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG014-1-0025L-IS D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG014-1-0067L-IS D5 55.47
F2 55.47
FG014-1-0084L-IS D5 87.19
F2 87.19
FG014-2-0084L-U D5 0.184
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.184
FG014-2-0013L-U D5 1.947
F2 1.947
FG014-2-0025L-U D5 7.201
F2 7.201
FG014-2-0067L-U D5 51.72
F2 51.72
FG014-2-0084L-U D5 81.3
F2 81.3
FG028-0400L-U D5 0.111
F2 0.111
FG028-0004L-U D5 0.198
F2 0.198
FG028-0013L-U D5 2.088
F2 2.088
FG028-0025L-U D5 7.723
F2 7.723
FG028-0084L-U D5 87.19
F2 87.19
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
FSRU – Jet Fires
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
FL001A-0134L-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL001A-0400R-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL001B-0134L-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL001B-0400R-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL001C-0134L-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL001C-0400R-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL001D-0134-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL001D-0400R-IS D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 160.4 162.9 108.3 85.7
FL002-0134L-IS F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL002-0400L-IS D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 285.9 311.4 200.6 159
FL003A-0134L-IS F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL003A-0400R-IS D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 285.9 311.4 200.6 159
F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL003A-0400R-IS D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 285.9 311.4 200.6 159
FL003C-0134L-IS F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL003C-0400R-IS D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 285.9 311.4 200.6 159
FL003D-0134L-IS F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL005-0003L-IS D5 0.664 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.854 n/a n/a n/a
FL005-0004L-IS D5 0.853 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.098 n/a n/a n/a
FL005-0013L-IS D5 2.367 1.478 n/a n/a
F2 3.045 1.531 n/a n/a
FL005-0025L-IS D5 4.149 3.255 1.817 n/a
F2 5.337 3.519 1.884 n/a
FL005-0038L-IS D5 5.865 4.872 3.072 0.998
F2 7.545 5.205 3.168 n/a
FL005-0150R-IS D5 7.042 4.382 1.891 0.809
F2 9.059 4.115 1.432 n/a
User defined source
for F2 D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL007A-0013L-IS D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL007A-0025L-IS D5 8.171 5.427 2.412 0.928
F2 10.51 7.587 5.175 1.378
FL007A-0075R-IS D5 0.041 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.053 n/a n/a n/a
FL007B-0003L-IS D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL007B-0013L-IS D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL007B-0025L-IS D5 7.789 5.128 2.272 0.887
F2 10.02 4.855 1.851 1.113
FL007B-0075R-IS D5 7.789 5.128 2.272 0.887
F2 10.02 4.855 1.851 1.113
FL008A-0003L-IS D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL008A-0013L-IS D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL008B-0003L-IS D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL008B-0013L-IS D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL008C-0003L-IS D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL008C-0013L-IS D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FG013A-1-0004L-IS D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG013A-1-0010L-IS D5 12.71 17.24 14.38 11.58
F2 12.53 17.59 14.43 11.56
FG013A-1-0013L-IS D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG013A-1-0025L-IS D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG013A-1-0050L-IS D5 53.95 94.07 73.73 60.15
F2 51.26 94.57 72.19 56.49
FG013A-1-0067L-IS D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG013A-1-200R-IS D5 114.7 228.4 170.6 132.4
F2 109.3 229.7 166.9 126.5
FG013A-2-0004L-IS D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG013A-2-0010L-IS D5 12.71 17.24 14.38 11.58
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 12.53 17.59 14.43 11.56
FG013A-2-0013L-IS D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG013A-2-0025L-IS D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG013A-2-0050L-IS D5 53.95 94.07 73.73 60.15
F2 51.26 94.57 72.19 56.49
FG013A-2-0067L-IS D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG013A-2-200R-IS D5 114.7 228.4 170.6 132.4
F2 109.3 229.7 166.9 126.5
FG013B-1-0004L-IS D5 5.361 5.465 n/a n/a
F2 5.364 5.825 n/a n/a
FG013B-1-0010L-IS D5 12 16.11 13.47 10.73
F2 11.95 16.54 13.65 10.97
FG013B-1-0013L-IS D5 15.33 21.68 18.07 15.07
F2 15.1 22.09 18.12 14.91
FG013B-1-0025L-IS D5 27.83 44.17 35.8 29.76
F2 26.87 44.58 35.41 28.65
FG013B-1-0050L-IS D5 51.41 89.82 70.53 57.86
F2 49.09 90.41 69.34 55.07
FG013B-1-0067L-IS D5 66.28 119.6 92.77 75.3
F2 63.16 120.3 91.11 70.79
FG013B-1-0200L-IS D5 115.4 227.1 170.5 133.2
F2 110.1 227.7 166.7 127
FG013B-2-0004L-IS D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG013B-2-0010L-IS D5 12.71 17.24 14.38 11.58
F2 12.53 17.59 14.43 11.56
FG013B-2-0013L-IS D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG013B-2-0025L-IS D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG013B-2-0050L-IS D5 53.95 94.07 73.73 60.15
F2 51.26 94.57 72.19 56.49
FG013B-2-0067L-IS D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG013B-2-0200L-IS D5 115.4 227.1 170.5 133.2
F2 110.1 227.7 166.7 127
FG014-1-0250L-IS D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG014-1-0013L-IS D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG014-1-0025L-IS D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG014-1-0067L-IS D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG014-1-0084L-IS D5 82.64 154.1 117.9 94.05
F2 78.46 155.2 115.5 87.89
FG014-1-0200L-IS D5 114.7 228.2 170.5 132.3
F2 109.3 229.6 166.8 126.5
FG014-1-0250L-IS D5 114.7 228.2 170.5 132.3
F2 109.3 229.6 166.8 126.5
FG014-2-0250L-IS D5 5.361 5.465 n/a n/a
F2 5.364 5.825 n/a n/a
FG014-2-0013L-IS D5 15.33 21.68 18.07 15.07
F2 15.1 22.09 18.12 14.91
FG014-2-0025L-IS D5 27.83 44.17 35.8 29.76
F2 26.87 44.58 35.41 28.65
FG014-2-0067L-IS D5 66.28 119.6 92.77 75.3
F2 63.16 120.3 91.11 70.79
FG014-2-0084L-IS D5 80.02 148.4 114 91.61
F2 76.21 149.1 111.7 86.19
FG014-2-0200L-IS D5 114.7 228.2 170.5 132.3
F2 109.3 229.6 166.8 126.5
FG014-2-0250L-IS D5 114.7 228.2 170.5 132.3
F2 109.3 229.6 166.8 126.5
FG028-0400L-IS D5 4.353 3.784 n/a n/a
F2 4.355 4.156 n/a n/a
FG028-0004L-IS D5 5.604 5.937 n/a n/a
F2 5.608 6.236 n/a n/a
FG028-0013L-IS D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG028-0025L-IS D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG028-0084L-IS D5 82.64 154.1 117.9 94.05
F2 78.46 155.2 115.5 87.89
FG028-0134L-IS D5 114.7 228.2 170.5 132.3
F2 109.3 229.6 166.8 126.5
FG028-0250L-IS D5 114.8 228.6 170.8 132.5
F2 109.5 230 167.1 126.7
FG028-0400L-IS D5 114.9 228.7 170.9 132.5
F2 109.5 230.1 167.2 126.7
FL001A-0134L-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL001A-0400R-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL001B0134L-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL001B-0400R-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL001C-0134L-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL001C-0400R-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL001D-0134L-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL001D-0400R-UN D5 0.094 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.12 n/a n/a n/a
FL002-0075L-UN D5 0.049 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.064 n/a n/a n/a
FL002-0100L-UN D5 0.064 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.083 n/a n/a n/a
FL002-0167L-UN D5 0.156 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.201 n/a n/a n/a
FL002-0200L-UN D5 0.121 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.155 n/a n/a n/a
FL002-0400L-UN D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.225 n/a n/a n/a
FL002-0500L-UN D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.225 n/a n/a n/a
FL002-0600L-UN D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.225 n/a n/a n/a
FL003A-0134L-UN F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL003A-0400R-UN D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.225 n/a n/a n/a
FL003B-0134L-UN F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL003B-0400R-UN D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.225 n/a n/a n/a
FL003C-0134L-UN F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL003C-0400R-UN D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.225 n/a n/a n/a
FL003D-0134L-UN F2 204.2 213.5 140.1 111
FL003D-0400R-UN D5 0.175 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.225 n/a n/a n/a
FL005-0003L-UN D5 0.664 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.854 n/a n/a n/a
FL005-0004L-UN D5 0.853 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.098 n/a n/a n/a
FL005-0013L-UN D5 2.367 1.478 n/a n/a
F2 3.045 1.531 n/a n/a
FL005-0025L-UN D5 4.149 3.255 1.817 n/a
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 5.337 3.519 1.884 n/a
FL005-0038L-UN D5 5.865 4.872 3.072 0.998
F2 7.545 5.205 3.168 n/a
FL007A-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL007A-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL007A-0025L-UN D5 8.171 5.427 2.412 0.928
F2 10.51 7.587 5.175 1.378
FL007A-0075R-UN D5 0.041 n/a n/a n/a
F2 0.053 n/a n/a n/a
FL007B-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL007B-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL008A-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL008A-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL008B-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL008B-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL008C-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL008C-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL009A-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL009A-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL009A-0025L-UN D5 8.171 5.427 2.412 0.928
F2 10.51 7.587 5.175 1.378
FL009B-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL009B-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL009B-0025L-UN D5 8.171 5.427 2.412 0.928
F2 10.51 7.587 5.175 1.378
FL009C-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL009C-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL009C-0025L-UN D5 8.171 5.427 2.412 0.928
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 10.51 7.587 5.175 1.378
FL010-0003L-UN D5 1.312 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.688 n/a n/a n/a
FL010-0013L-UN D5 4.667 3.805 2.345 0.701
F2 6.003 4.098 2.35 n/a
FL010-0025L-UN D5 8.171 5.427 2.412 0.928
F2 10.51 7.587 5.175 1.378
FL011-0003L-UN D5 1.004 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.292 n/a n/a n/a
FL011-0013L-UN D5 3.586 2.758 1.401 n/a
F2 4.613 2.966 1.385 n/a
FL011-0025L-UN D5 6.287 5.295 3.458 1.424
F2 8.089 5.7 3.627 n/a
FL012A-1-0003L-UN D5 1.004 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.292 n/a n/a n/a
FL012A-1-0013L-UN D5 3.586 2.758 1.401 n/a
F2 4.613 2.966 1.385 n/a
FL012A-1-0025L-UN D5 6.287 5.295 3.458 1.424
F2 8.089 5.7 3.627 n/a
FL012A-2-0003L-UN D5 1.004 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.292 n/a n/a n/a
FL012A-2-0013L-UN D5 3.586 2.758 1.401 n/a
F2 4.613 2.966 1.385 n/a
FL012A-2-0025L-UN D5 6.287 5.295 3.458 1.424
F2 8.089 5.7 3.627 n/a
FL013A-1-0003L-UN D5 1.004 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.292 n/a n/a n/a
FL013A-1-0013L-UN D5 3.586 2.758 1.401 n/a
F2 4.613 2.966 1.385 n/a
FL013A-1-0025L-UN D5 6.287 5.295 3.458 1.424
F2 8.089 5.7 3.627 n/a
FL013B-1-0003L-UN D5 1.004 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.292 n/a n/a n/a
FL013B-1-0013L-UN D5 3.586 2.758 1.401 n/a
F2 4.613 2.966 1.385 n/a
FL013B-1-0025L-UN D5 6.287 5.295 3.458 1.424
F2 8.089 5.7 3.627 n/a
FL013A-2-0003L-UN D5 1.004 n/a n/a n/a
F2 1.292 n/a n/a n/a
FL013A-2-0013L-UN D5 3.586 2.758 1.401 n/a
F2 4.613 2.966 1.385 n/a
FL013A-2-0025L-UN D5 6.287 5.295 3.458 1.424
F2 8.089 5.7 3.627 n/a
FL013B-2-0003L-UN D5 1.004 n/a n/a n/a
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 1.292 n/a n/a n/a
FL013B-2-0013L-UN D5 3.586 2.758 1.401 n/a
F2 4.613 2.966 1.385 n/a
FL013B-2-0025L-UN D5 6.287 5.295 3.458 1.424
F2 8.089 5.7 3.627 n/a
FG013A-1-0004L-U D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG013A-1-0010L-U D5 12.71 17.24 14.38 11.58
F2 12.53 17.59 14.43 11.56
FG013A-1-0013L-U D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG013A-1-0025L-U D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG013A-1-0050L-U D5 53.95 94.07 73.73 60.15
F2 51.26 94.57 72.19 56.49
FG013A-1-0067L-U D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG013A-1-200R-U D5 114.7 228.4 170.6 132.4
F2 109.4 229.8 166.9 126.6
FG013A-2-0004L-IS D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG013A-2-0010L-IS D5 12.71 17.24 14.38 11.58
F2 12.53 17.59 14.43 11.56
FG013A-2-0013L-IS D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG013A-2-0025L-IS D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG013A-2-0050L-IS D5 53.95 94.07 73.73 60.15
F2 51.26 94.57 72.19 56.49
FG013A-2-0067L-IS D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG013A-2-200R-U D5 114.7 228.4 170.6 132.4
F2 109.3 229.7 166.9 126.5
FG013B-1-0004L-U D5 5.361 5.465 n/a n/a
F2 5.364 5.825 n/a n/a
FG013B-1-0010L-U D5 12 16.11 13.47 10.73
F2 11.95 16.54 13.65 10.97
FG013B-1-0013L-U D5 15.33 21.68 18.07 15.07
F2 15.1 22.09 18.12 14.91
FG013B-1-0025L-U D5 27.83 44.17 35.8 29.76
F2 26.87 44.58 35.41 28.65
FG013B-1-0050L-U D5 51.41 89.82 70.53 57.86
F2 49.09 90.41 69.34 55.07
FG013B-1-0067L-U D5 66.28 119.6 92.77 75.3
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 63.16 120.3 91.11 70.79
FG013B-1-0200L-IS D5 115.4 227.1 170.5 133.2
F2 110.1 227.8 166.8 127.1
FG013B-2-0004L-U D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG013B-2-0010L-U D5 12.71 17.24 14.38 11.58
F2 12.53 17.59 14.43 11.56
FG013B-2-0013L-U D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG013B-2-0025L-U D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG013B-2-0050L-U D5 53.95 94.07 73.73 60.15
F2 51.26 94.57 72.19 56.49
FG013B-2-0067L-U D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG013B-2-0200L-U D5 115.4 227.1 170.5 133.2
F2 110.1 227.8 166.8 127.1
FG014-1-0250L-IS D5 5.598 5.927 n/a n/a
F2 5.602 6.225 n/a n/a
FG014-1-0013L-IS D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG014-1-0025L-IS D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG014-1-0067L-IS D5 69.06 124.6 96.44 77.77
F2 65.54 125.4 94.39 72.65
FG014-1-0084L-IS D5 82.64 154.1 117.9 94.05
F2 78.46 155.2 115.5 87.89
FG014-1-0250L-U D5 114.8 228.5 170.7 132.4
F2 109.4 229.8 167 126.6
FG014-1-0250R-U D5 114.8 228.6 170.7 132.5
F2 109.4 229.9 167 126.6
FG014-2-0084L-U D5 5.361 5.465 n/a n/a
F2 5.364 5.825 n/a n/a
FG014-2-0013L-U D5 15.33 21.68 18.07 15.07
F2 15.1 22.09 18.12 14.91
FG014-2-0025L-U D5 27.83 44.17 35.8 29.76
F2 26.87 44.58 35.41 28.65
FG014-2-0067L-U D5 66.28 119.6 92.77 75.3
F2 63.16 120.3 91.11 70.79
FG014-2-0084L-U D5 80.02 148.4 114 91.61
F2 76.21 149.1 111.7 86.19
FG014-2-0250L-U D5 114.8 228.5 170.7 132.4
F2 109.4 229.8 167 126.6
FG014-2-0250R-U D5 114.8 228.6 170.7 132.5
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
F2 109.4 229.9 167 126.6
FG028-0400L-U D5 4.353 3.784 n/a n/a
F2 4.355 4.156 n/a n/a
FG028-0004L-U D5 5.604 5.937 n/a n/a
F2 5.608 6.236 n/a n/a
FG028-0013L-U D5 16.21 23.12 19.19 15.96
F2 15.82 23.44 19.1 15.62
FG028-0025L-U D5 29.32 46.69 37.72 31.08
F2 28.11 47 37.11 29.52
FG028-0084L-U D5 82.64 154.1 117.9 94.05
F2 78.46 155.2 115.5 87.89
FG028-0400L-U D5 114.7 228.3 170.5 132.3
F2 109.3 229.6 166.8 126.5
FG028-0250L-U D5 115.1 229.2 171.2 132.8
F2 109.7 230.6 167.5 127
FG028-0400L-U D5 114.9 228.7 170.9 132.5
F2 109.5 230.1 167.2 126.7
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
FSRU – Pool Fires
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
FL001A-0003L-IS D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001A-0134L-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001A-0400R-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001B-0003L-IS D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001B-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL001B-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL001B-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL001B-0134L-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001B-0400R-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001C-0003L-IS D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001C-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL001C-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL001C-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL001C-0134L-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001C-0400R-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001D-0003L-IS D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001D-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL001D-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL001D-0134L-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001D-0400R-IS D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL002-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL002-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL002-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL002-0134L-IS D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL002-0400L-IS D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003A-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL003A-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL003A-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003A-0134L-IS D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003A-0400R-IS D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003B-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL003B-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL003B-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003B-0134L-IS D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003B-0400R-IS D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003C-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL003C-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL003C-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003C-0134L-IS D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003C-0400R-IS D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003D-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL003D-0013L-IS D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
FL003D-0025L-IS D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003D-0134L-IS D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003D-0400R-IS D5 107.3 450.3 285.3 181.4
F2 107.3 438.6 267.9 150.1
\FL005-0003L-IS D5 0.928 2.403 1.204 n/a
F2 0.928 2.265 1.042 n/a
\FL005-0004L-IS D5 1.237 3.618 2.329 n/a
F2 1.237 3.42 1.893 n/a
\FL005-0013L-IS D5 4.021 18.42 12.25 5.572
F2 4.021 17.88 11.18 4.64
\FL005-0025L-IS D5 7.734 41.94 27.52 16.41
F2 7.734 40.95 25.39 12.76
\FL005-0038L-IS D5 11.6 66.36 43.24 27.63
F2 11.6 64.87 40.03 21.46
\FL005-0050L-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
\FL005-0150R-IS D5 14.38 83.01 53.87 34.63
F2 14.38 81.15 49.96 27.16
FL007A-0003L-IS D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL007A-0013L-IS D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL007A-0025L-IS D5 8.749 48.45 31.73 19.59
F2 8.749 47.33 29.31 15.07
FL007A-0075R-IS D5 11.75 67.29 43.83 28.03
F2 11.75 65.79 40.58 21.79
FL007B-0003L-IS D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL007B-0013L-IS D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL007B-0025L-IS D5 8.273 45.4 29.76 18.08
F2 8.273 44.34 27.47 14
FL007B-0075R-IS D5 8.273 45.4 29.76 18.08
F2 8.273 44.34 27.47 14
FL008A-0003L-IS D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL008A-0013L-IS D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL008A-0025L-IS D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008A-0075R-IS D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008B-0003L-IS D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL008B-0013L-IS D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL008B-0025L-IS D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008B-0075R-IS D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008C-0003L-IS D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL008C-0013L-IS D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL008C-0025L-IS D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008C-0075R-IS D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL009A-0003L-IS D5 1.822 6.246 4.26 1.161
F2 1.822 5.966 3.686 1.161
FL009A-0013L-IS D5 7.894 42.97 28.19 16.93
F2 7.894 41.96 26.01 13.12
FL009A-0025L-IS D5 15.18 87.66 56.83 36.55
F2 15.18 85.69 52.72 28.74
FL009A-0075R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL009B-0003L-IS D5 1.822 6.246 4.26 1.161
F2 1.822 5.966 3.686 1.161
FL009B-0013L-IS D5 7.894 42.97 28.19 16.93
F2 7.894 41.96 26.01 13.12
FL009B-0025L-IS D5 15.18 87.66 56.83 36.55
F2 15.18 85.69 52.72 28.74
FL009B-0075R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL009C-0003L-IS D5 1.822 6.246 4.26 1.161
F2 1.822 5.966 3.686 1.161
FL009C-0013L-IS D5 7.894 42.97 28.19 16.93
F2 7.894 41.96 26.01 13.12
FL009C-0025L-IS D5 15.18 87.66 56.83 36.55
F2 15.18 85.69 52.72 28.74
FL009C-0075R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL010-0003L-IS D5 1.822 6.246 4.26 1.161
F2 1.822 5.966 3.686 1.161
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
FL010-0013L-IS D5 7.894 42.97 28.19 16.93
F2 7.894 41.96 26.01 13.12
FL010-0025L-IS D5 15.18 87.66 56.83 36.55
F2 15.18 85.69 52.72 28.74
FL010-0075L-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL010-0100R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL011-0003L-IS D5 1.823 6.25 4.263 1.161
F2 1.823 5.97 3.688 1.161
FL011-0013L-IS D5 7.898 42.99 28.2 16.94
F2 7.898 41.98 26.03 13.13
FL011-0025L-IS D5 15.19 87.7 56.85 36.57
F2 15.19 85.73 52.75 28.75
FL011-0075R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-1-0003L-IS D5 1.823 6.25 4.263 1.161
F2 1.823 5.97 3.688 1.161
FL012A-1-0013L-IS D5 7.898 42.99 28.2 16.94
F2 7.898 41.98 26.03 13.13
FL012A-1-0025L-IS D5 15.19 87.7 56.85 36.57
F2 15.19 85.73 52.75 28.75
FL012A-1-0050L-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-1-0075R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-2-0003L-IS D5 1.823 6.25 4.263 1.161
F2 1.823 5.97 3.688 1.161
FL012A-2-0013L-IS D5 7.898 42.99 28.2 16.94
F2 7.898 41.98 26.03 13.13
FL012A-2-0025L-IS D5 15.19 87.7 56.85 36.57
F2 15.19 85.73 52.75 28.75
FL012A-2-0050L-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-2-0075R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013A-1-0003L-IS D5 1.823 6.25 4.263 1.161
F2 1.823 5.97 3.688 1.161
FL013A-1-0013L-IS D5 7.898 42.99 28.2 16.94
F2 7.898 41.98 26.03 13.13
FL013A-1-0025L-IS D5 15.19 87.7 56.85 36.57
F2 15.19 85.73 52.75 28.75
FL013A-1-0050R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013B-1-0003L-IS D5 1.823 6.25 4.263 1.161
F2 1.823 5.97 3.688 1.161
FL013B-1-0013L-IS D5 7.898 42.99 28.2 16.94
F2 7.898 41.98 26.03 13.13
FL013B-1-0025L-IS D5 15.19 87.7 56.85 36.57
F2 15.19 85.73 52.75 28.75
FL013B-1-0050R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013A-2-0003L-IS D5 1.823 6.25 4.263 1.161
F2 1.823 5.97 3.688 1.161
FL013A-2-0013L-IS D5 7.898 42.99 28.2 16.94
F2 7.898 41.98 26.03 13.13
FL013A-2-0025L-IS D5 15.19 87.7 56.85 36.57
F2 15.19 85.73 52.75 28.75
FL013A-2-0050R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013B-2-0003L-IS D5 1.823 6.25 4.263 1.161
F2 1.823 5.97 3.688 1.161
FL013B-2-0013L-IS D5 7.898 42.99 28.2 16.94
F2 7.898 41.98 26.03 13.13
FL013B-2-0025L-IS D5 15.19 87.7 56.85 36.57
F2 15.19 85.73 52.75 28.75
FL013B-2-0050R-IS D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL001A-0003L-UN D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001A-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL001A-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL001A-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL001A-0134L-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001A-0400R-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001B-0003L-UN D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001B-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL001B-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
FL001B-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL001B-0134L-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001B-0400R-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001C-0003L-UN D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001C-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL001C-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL001C-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL001C-0134L-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001C-0400R-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001D-0003L-UN D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL001D-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL001D-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL001D-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL001D-0134L-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL001D-0400R-UN D5 37.01 193.3 123.5 79.22
F2 37.01 188.4 115.3 63.87
FL002-0003L-UN D5 1.107 3.085 1.822 n/a
F2 1.107 2.913 1.52 n/a
FL002-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL002-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL002-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL002-0075L-UN D5 27.66 151.9 97.43 62.65
F2 27.66 148.2 90.8 50.16
FL002-0100L-UN D5 36.88 192.8 123.1 79.01
F2 36.88 187.9 115 63.69
FL002-0134L-UN D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL002-0167L-UN D5 61.6 290.4 184.3 117.9
F2 61.6 282.6 172.8 96.15
FL002-0200L-UN D5 73.77 335 212.2 135.6
F2 73.77 325.9 199.2 111.1
FL002-0400L-UN D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL002-0500L-UN D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL002-0600L-UN D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003A-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL003A-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL003A-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003A-0134L-UN D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003A-0400R-UN D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003B-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL003B-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL003B-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003B-0134L-UN D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003B-0400R-UN D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003C-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
FL003C-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL003C-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003C-0134L-UN D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003C-0400R-UN D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL003D-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.642 3.155 0.931
F2 1.475 4.405 2.649 0.931
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
FL003D-0013L-UN D5 4.795 23.17 15.3 7.699
F2 4.795 22.54 14.07 6.136
FL003D-0025L-UN D5 9.221 51.46 33.67 21.05
F2 9.221 50.28 31.11 16.17
FL003D-0134L-UN D5 49.43 243.8 155.2 99.35
F2 49.43 237.4 145.2 80.62
FL003D-0400R-UN D5 74.02 335.9 212.8 135.9
F2 74.02 326.8 199.8 111.4
FL005-0003L-UN D5 0.928 2.403 1.204 n/a
F2 0.928 2.265 1.042 n/a
FL005-0004L-UN D5 1.237 3.618 2.329 n/a
F2 1.237 3.42 1.893 n/a
FL005-0013L-UN D5 4.021 18.42 12.25 5.572
F2 4.021 17.88 11.18 4.64
FL005-0025L-UN D5 7.734 41.94 27.52 16.41
F2 7.734 40.95 25.39 12.76
FL005-0038L-UN D5 11.6 66.36 43.24 27.63
F2 11.6 64.87 40.03 21.46
FL005-0050L-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL005-0150R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL007A-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL007A-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL007A-0025L-UN D5 8.749 48.45 31.73 19.59
F2 8.749 47.33 29.31 15.07
FL007A-0075R-UN D5 11.75 67.29 43.83 28.03
F2 11.75 65.79 40.58 21.79
FL007B-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL007B-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL007B-0025L-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL007B-0075R-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008A-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL008A-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL008A-0025L-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008A-0075R-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008B-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL008B-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL008B-0025L-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008B-0075R-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008C-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL008C-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL008C-0025L-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL008C-0075R-UN D5 8.31 45.64 29.92 18.2
F2 8.31 44.58 27.62 14.09
FL009A-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL009A-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL009A-0025L-UN D5 8.749 48.45 31.73 19.59
F2 8.749 47.33 29.31 15.07
FL009A-0075R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL009B-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL009B-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL009B-0025L-UN D5 8.749 48.45 31.73 19.59
F2 8.749 47.33 29.31 15.07
FL009B-0075R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL009C-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL009C-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL009C-0025L-UN D5 8.749 48.45 31.73 19.59
F2 8.749 47.33 29.31 15.07
FL009C-0075R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
FL010-0003L-UN D5 1.05 2.864 1.632 n/a
F2 1.05 2.702 1.349 n/a
FL010-0013L-UN D5 4.55 21.65 14.32 6.967
F2 4.55 21.05 13.14 5.677
FL010-0025L-UN D5 8.749 48.45 31.73 19.59
F2 8.749 47.33 29.31 15.07
FL010-0075L-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL010-0100R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL011-0003L-UN D5 1.053 2.875 1.638 n/a
F2 1.053 2.712 1.367 n/a
FL011-0013L-UN D5 4.561 21.72 14.37 6.983
F2 4.561 21.12 13.19 5.699
FL011-0025L-UN D5 8.772 48.59 31.83 19.67
F2 8.772 47.47 29.39 15.12
FL011-0075R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-1-0003L-UN D5 1.053 2.875 1.638 n/a
F2 1.053 2.712 1.367 n/a
FL012A-1-0013L-UN D5 4.561 21.72 14.37 6.983
F2 4.561 21.12 13.19 5.699
FL012A-1-0025L-UN D5 8.772 48.59 31.83 19.67
F2 8.772 47.47 29.39 15.12
FL012A-1-0050L-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-1-0075R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-2-0003L-UN D5 1.053 2.875 1.638 n/a
F2 1.053 2.712 1.367 n/a
FL012A-2-0013L-UN D5 4.561 21.72 14.37 6.983
F2 4.561 21.12 13.19 5.699
FL012A-2-0025L-UN D5 8.772 48.59 31.83 19.67
F2 8.772 47.47 29.39 15.12
FL012A-2-0050L-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL012A-2-0075R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013A-1-0003L-UN D5 1.053 2.875 1.638 n/a
F2 1.053 2.712 1.367 n/a
FL013A-1-0013L-UN D5 4.561 21.72 14.37 6.983
F2 4.561 21.12 13.19 5.699
FL013A-1-0025L-UN D5 8.772 48.59 31.83 19.67
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 8.772 47.47 29.39 15.12
FL013A-1-0050R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013B-1-0003L-UN D5 1.053 2.875 1.638 n/a
F2 1.053 2.712 1.367 n/a
FL013B-1-0013L-UN D5 4.561 21.72 14.37 6.983
F2 4.561 21.12 13.19 5.699
FL013B-1-0025L-UN D5 8.772 48.59 31.83 19.67
F2 8.772 47.47 29.39 15.12
FL013B-1-0050R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013A-2-0003L-UN D5 1.053 2.875 1.638 n/a
F2 1.053 2.712 1.367 n/a
FL013A-2-0013L-UN D5 4.561 21.72 14.37 6.983
F2 4.561 21.12 13.19 5.699
FL013A-2-0025L-UN D5 8.772 48.59 31.83 19.67
F2 8.772 47.47 29.39 15.12
FL013A-2-0050R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
FL013B-2-0003L-UN D5 1.053 2.875 1.638 n/a
F2 1.053 2.712 1.367 n/a
FL013B-2-0013L-UN D5 4.561 21.72 14.37 6.983
F2 4.561 21.12 13.19 5.699
FL013B-2-0025L-UN D5 8.772 48.59 31.83 19.67
F2 8.772 47.47 29.39 15.12
FL013B-2-0050R-UN D5 14.39 83.1 53.93 34.66
F2 14.39 81.24 50.01 27.19
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
LNGC - Release Flowrates
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
LL002-2-0003L-IS D5 0.083
F2 0.083
LL002-2-0004L-IS D5 0.148
F2 0.148
LL002-2-0013L-IS D5 1.559
F2 1.559
LL002-2-0025L-IS D5 5.766
F2 5.766
LL002-2-0050L-IS D5 23.07
F2 23.07
LL002-2-0134L-IS D5 165.7
F2 165.7
LL002-3-0003L-IS D5 0.083
F2 0.083
LL002-3-0004L-IS D5 0.148
F2 0.148
LL002-3-0013L-IS D5 1.559
F2 1.559
LL002-3-0025L-IS D5 5.766
F2 5.766
LL002-3-0050L-IS D5 23.07
F2 23.07
LL002-3-0134L-IS D5 165.7
F2 165.7
LL002-4-0003L-IS D5 0.083
F2 0.083
LL002-4-0004L-IS D5 0.148
F2 0.148
LL002-4-0013L-IS D5 1.559
F2 1.559
LL002-4-0025L-IS D5 5.766
F2 5.766
LL002-4-0050L-IS D5 23.07
F2 23.07
LL002-4-0134L-IS D5 165.7
F2 165.7
LL004A-0003L-IS D5 0.083
F2 0.083
LL004A-0004L-IS D5 0.148
F2 0.148
LL004A-0013L-IS D5 1.559
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 1.559
LL004A-0025L-IS D5 5.766
F2 5.766
LL004A-0050L-IS D5 23.07
F2 23.07
LL004A-0134L-IS D5 165.7
F2 165.7
LL004B-0003L-IS D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL004B-0004L-IS D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL004B-0013L-IS D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL004B-0025L-IS D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL004B-0050L-IS D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL004B-0134L-IS D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LL004C-0003L-IS D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL004C-0004L-IS D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL004C-0013L-IS D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL004C-0025L-IS D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL004C-0050L-IS D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL004C-0134L-IS D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LG001A-0003L-IS D5 0.001
F2 0.001
LG001A-0004L-IS D5 0.002
F2 0.002
LG001A-0013L-IS D5 0.023
F2 0.023
LG001A-0025L-IS D5 0.085
F2 0.085
LG001A-0134L-IS D5 2.45
F2 2.45
LG001A-0400R-IS D5 21.83
F2 21.83
LG001B-0079L-IS D5 0.852
F2 0.852
LG001B-0250R-IS D5 8.529
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 8.529
LG002-0003L-IS D5 0.001
F2 0.001
LG002-0004L-IS D5 0.002
F2 0.002
LG002-0013L-IS D5 0.023
F2 0.023
LG002-0025L-IS D5 0.085
F2 0.085
LG002-0050L-IS D5 0.341
F2 0.341
LG002-0084L-IS D5 0.963
F2 0.963
LG002-0100L-IS D5 1.365
F2 1.365
LG002-0134L-IS D5 2.45
F2 2.45
LG002-0150L-IS D5 3.071
F2 3.071
LG002-0200L-IS D5 5.459
F2 5.459
LG002-0250L-IS D5 8.529
F2 8.529
LG002-0300L-IS D5 12.28
F2 12.28
LG002-0400L-IS D5 21.83
F2 21.83
LG002-0600L-IS D5 49.13
F2 49.13
LG002-0750R-IS D5 76.76
F2 76.76
LL002-1-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL002-1-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL002-1-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL002-1-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL002-1-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL002-1-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LL002-2-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL002-2-0004L-UN D5 0.241
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 0.241
LL002-2-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL002-2-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL002-2-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL002-2-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LL002-3-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL002-3-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL002-3-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL002-3-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL002-3-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL002-3-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LL002-4-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL002-4-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL002-4-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL002-4-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL002-4-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL002-4-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LL003-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL003-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL003-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL003-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL003-0038L-UN D5 21.19
F2 21.19
LL003-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL003-0067L-UN D5 67.63
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 67.63
LL003-0075L-UN D5 84.75
F2 84.75
LL003-0100L-UN D5 150.7
F2 150.7
LL003-0150L-UN D5 339
F2 339
LL003-0167L-UN D5 420.2
F2 420.2
LL003-0200L-UN D5 602.7
F2 602.7
LL004A-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL004A-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL004A-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL004A-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL004A-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL004A-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LL004B-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL004B-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL004B-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL004B-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL004B-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL004B-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LL004C-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL004C-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL004C-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL004C-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL004C-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL004C-0134L-UN D5 270.5
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 270.5
LL004D-0003L-UN D5 0.136
F2 0.136
LL004D-0004L-UN D5 0.241
F2 0.241
LL004D-0013L-UN D5 2.546
F2 2.546
LL004D-0025L-UN D5 9.416
F2 9.416
LL004D-0050L-UN D5 37.67
F2 37.67
LL004D-0134L-UN D5 270.5
F2 270.5
LG001A-0003L-UN D5 0.001
F2 0.001
LG001A-0004L-UN D5 0.002
F2 0.002
LG001A-0013L-UN D5 0.023
F2 0.023
LG001A-0025L-UN D5 0.085
F2 0.085
LG001A-0134L-UN D5 2.45
F2 2.45
LG001A-0400R-UN D5 21.83
F2 21.83
LG001B-0079L-UN D5 0.852
F2 0.852
LG001B-0250R-UN D5 8.529
F2 8.529
LG002-0003L-UN D5 0.001
F2 0.001
LG002-0004L-UN D5 0.002
F2 0.002
LG002-0013L-UN D5 0.023
F2 0.023
LG002-0025L-UN D5 0.085
F2 0.085
LG002-0050L-UN D5 0.341
F2 0.341
LG002-0084L-UN D5 0.963
F2 0.963
LG002-0100L-UN D5 1.365
F2 1.365
LG002-0134L-UN D5 2.45
F2 2.45
LG002-0150L-UN D5 3.071
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
F2 3.071
LG002-0200L-UN D5 5.459
F2 5.459
LG002-0250L-UN D5 8.529
F2 8.529
LG002-0300L-UN D5 12.28
F2 12.28
LG002-0400L-UN D5 21.83
F2 21.83
LG002-0750R-UN D5 76.76
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 38.68 177 119.4 66.24
LL002-1-0400R-IS D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL002-2-0003L-IS D5 0.866 2.009 1.017 n/a
F2 0.866 1.893 0.901 n/a
LL002-2-0004L-IS D5 1.155 3.042 2.018 n/a
F2 1.155 2.861 1.654 n/a
LL002-2-0013L-IS D5 3.752 15.53 11.18 4.885
F2 3.752 14.81 10.19 4.094
LL002-2-0025L-IS D5 7.216 35.54 25.33 14.79
F2 7.216 34.21 23.37 11.53
LL002-2-0050L-IS D5 14.43 76.49 54.01 34.75
F2 14.43 73.87 50.1 27.29
LL002-2-0134L-IS D5 38.68 183.4 127.8 82
F2 38.68 177 119.4 66.24
LL002-2-0400R-IS D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL002-3-0003L-IS D5 0.866 2.009 1.017 n/a
F2 0.866 1.893 0.901 n/a
LL002-3-0004L-IS D5 1.155 3.042 2.018 n/a
F2 1.155 2.861 1.654 n/a
LL002-3-0013L-IS D5 3.752 15.53 11.18 4.885
F2 3.752 14.81 10.19 4.094
LL002-3-0025L-IS D5 7.216 35.54 25.33 14.79
F2 7.216 34.21 23.37 11.53
LL002-3-0050L-IS D5 14.43 76.49 54.01 34.75
F2 14.43 73.87 50.1 27.29
LL002-3-0134L-IS D5 38.68 183.4 127.8 82
F2 38.68 177 119.4 66.24
LL002-3-0400R-IS D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL002-4-0003L-IS D5 0.866 2.009 1.017 n/a
F2 0.866 1.893 0.901 n/a
LL002-4-0004L-IS D5 1.155 3.042 2.018 n/a
F2 1.155 2.861 1.654 n/a
LL002-4-0013L-IS D5 3.752 15.53 11.18 4.885
F2 3.752 14.81 10.19 4.094
LL002-4-0025L-IS D5 7.216 35.54 25.33 14.79
F2 7.216 34.21 23.37 11.53
LL002-4-0050L-IS D5 14.43 76.49 54.01 34.75
F2 14.43 73.87 50.1 27.29
LL002-4-0134L-IS D5 38.68 183.4 127.8 82
F2 38.68 177 119.4 66.24
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
LL002-4-0400R-IS D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL003-0003L-IS D5 0.866 2.009 1.017 n/a
F2 0.866 1.893 0.901 n/a
LL003-0004L-IS D5 1.155 3.042 2.018 n/a
F2 1.155 2.861 1.654 n/a
LL003-0013L-IS D5 3.752 15.53 11.18 4.885
F2 3.752 14.81 10.19 4.094
LL003-0025L-IS D5 7.216 35.54 25.33 14.79
F2 7.216 34.21 23.37 11.53
LL003-0038L-IS D5 10.82 56.57 40.11 25.58
F2 10.82 54.59 37.12 19.82
LL003-0050L-IS D5 14.43 76.49 54.01 34.75
F2 14.43 73.87 50.1 27.29
LL003-0067L-IS D5 19.34 101.4 71.32 45.95
F2 19.34 97.96 66.31 36.48
LL003-0075L-IS D5 21.65 112.4 78.91 50.83
F2 21.65 108.5 73.42 40.49
LL003-0100L-IS D5 28.86 144.2 100.8 64.85
F2 28.86 139.2 94.03 52.04
LL003-0150L-IS D5 43.3 200.8 139.7 89.59
F2 43.3 193.9 130.7 72.56
LL003-0167L-IS D5 48.2 218.7 152 97.42
F2 48.2 211.3 142.3 79.08
LL003-0200L-IS D5 57.73 252.4 175.1 112.1
F2 57.73 244 164.1 91.36
LL003-0300L-IS D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL003-0450L-IS D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL003-0500L-IS D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL003-0600R-IS D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL004A-0003L-IS D5 0.866 2.009 1.017 n/a
F2 0.866 1.893 0.901 n/a
LL004A-0004L-IS D5 1.155 3.042 2.018 n/a
F2 1.155 2.861 1.654 n/a
LL004A-0013L-IS D5 3.752 15.53 11.18 4.885
F2 3.752 14.81 10.19 4.094
LL004A-0025L-IS D5 7.216 35.54 25.33 14.79
F2 7.216 34.21 23.37 11.53
LL004A-0050L-IS D5 14.43 76.49 54.01 34.75
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 14.43 73.87 50.1 27.29
LL004A-0134L-IS D5 38.68 183.4 127.8 82
F2 38.68 177 119.4 66.24
LL004A-0400R-IS D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL004B-0003L-IS D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL004B-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL004B-0013L-IS D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL004B-0025L-IS D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL004B-0050L-IS D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL004B-0134L-IS D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL004B-0400R-IS D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL004C-0003L-IS D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL004C-0004L-IS D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL004C-0013L-IS D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL004C-0025L-IS D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL004C-0050L-IS D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL004C-0134L-IS D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL004C-0400R-IS D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL002-1-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL002-1-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL002-1-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL002-1-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL002-1-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
LL002-1-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL002-1-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL002-2-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL002-2-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL002-2-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL002-2-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL002-2-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL002-2-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL002-2-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL002-3-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL002-3-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL002-3-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL002-3-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL002-3-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL002-3-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL002-3-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL002-4-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL002-4-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL002-4-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL002-4-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL002-4-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL002-4-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL002-4-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL003-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL003-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL003-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL003-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL003-0038L-UN D5 13.83 73.27 51.77 33.28
F2 13.83 70.76 48.01 26.1
LL003-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL003-0067L-UN D5 24.71 126.3 88.51 56.98
F2 24.71 121.9 82.44 45.55
LL003-0075L-UN D5 27.66 139.1 97.35 62.62
F2 27.66 134.3 90.74 50.2
LL003-0100L-UN D5 36.88 176.5 123 78.99
F2 36.88 170.3 114.9 63.74
LL003-0150L-UN D5 55.33 244 169.4 108.4
F2 55.33 235.9 158.7 88.31
LL003-0167L-UN D5 61.6 265.7 184.2 117.9
F2 61.6 256.9 172.7 96.23
LL003-0200L-UN D5 73.77 306.3 212.1 135.6
F2 73.77 296.4 199.2 111.2
LL003-0300L-UN D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL003-0450L-UN D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL003-0500L-UN D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL003-0600R-UN D5 107.3 411.6 285 181.4
F2 107.3 398.8 267.7 150.2
LL004A-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL004A-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL004A-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL004A-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
LL004A-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL004A-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL004A-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL004B-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL004B-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL004B-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL004B-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL004B-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL004B-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL004B-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL004C-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL004C-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL004C-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL004C-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL004C-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL004C-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL004C-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
LL004D-0003L-UN D5 1.107 2.862 1.823 n/a
F2 1.107 2.692 1.52 n/a
LL004D-0004L-UN D5 1.475 4.307 3.15 0.931
F2 1.475 4.052 2.65 0.931
LL004D-0013L-UN D5 4.795 21.38 15.27 7.707
F2 4.795 20.48 14.05 6.138
LL004D-0025L-UN D5 9.221 47.33 33.63 21.06
F2 9.221 45.64 31.08 16.21
LL004D-0050L-UN D5 18.44 97.06 68.29 44
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
F2 18.44 93.73 63.47 34.87
LL004D-0134L-UN D5 49.43 223.1 155 99.34
F2 49.43 215.6 145.1 80.69
LL004D-0400R-UN D5 53.64 238.1 165.3 105.9
F2 53.64 230.1 154.8 86.15
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Ship to Ship Transfer
STS - Release Flowrates
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
Refer to main report
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Pool Distance Distance Distance
Scenario Weather diameter downwind to 4 downwind to 12.5 downwind to 37.5
[m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m] kW/m2 [m]
D5 69.46 292.1 202.3 129.4
F2 69.46 282.6 189.9 105.9
D5 1.443 4.175 3.05 0.91
F2 1.443 3.927 2.542 0.91
D5 57.73 252.4 175.1 112.1
F2 57.73 244 164.1 91.36
D5 69.46 292.1 202.3 129.4
F2 69.46 282.6 189.9 105.9
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Ship Collisions
Ship Collision - Release Flowrates
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
Large (LNGC or FSRU) D5 3131
F2 3131
Small (LNGC or FSRU) D5 7.548
F2 7.548
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Odorant - Release Flowrates
Peak Flowrate
Scenario Weather [kg/s]
ML-001A-CAT-U D5 n/a
F2 n/a
ML-001A-050-U D5 22.91
F2 22.91
ML-001A-025-U D5 5.727
F2 5.727
ML-001A-013-U D5 1.548
F2 1.548
ML-001A-006-U D5 0.33
F2 0.33
ML-001B-CAT-U D5 n/a
F2 n/a
ML-001B-050-U D5 22.91
F2 22.91
ML-001B-025-U D5 5.727
F2 5.727
ML-001B-013-U D5 1.548
F2 1.548
ML-001B-006-U D5 0.33
F2 0.33
ML-002-15-I D5 2.062
F2 2.062
ML-002-005-I D5 0.229
F2 0.229
ML-002-15-I D5 2.062
F2 2.062
ML-002-005-I D5 0.229
F2 0.229
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Distance Distance
Distance downwind to downwind to
Flame downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather length [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
ML-001A-006-U D5 9.012 14.42 10.88 10.05
F2 11.38 15.99 12.61 n/a
ML-001B-050-U D5 45.56 81.77 61.66 48.05
F2 57.2 89.94 68.08 59.6
ML-001B-025-U D5 27.36 47.23 35.71 29
F2 34.39 52.07 39.6 36.22
ML-001B-013-U D5 16.6 27.66 20.94 17.97
F2 20.91 30.59 23.19 n/a
ML-001B-006-U D5 9.012 14.42 10.88 10.05
F2 11.38 15.99 12.61 n/a
ML-002-050-I D5 25.66 44.1 33.35 27.26
F2 32.26 48.63 36.97 34.04
ML-002-15-I D5 18.56 31.15 23.58 19.97
F2 23.34 34.41 26.11 24.89
ML-002-005-I D5 7.781 12.33 9.313 8.659
F2 9.826 13.69 10.97 n/a
ML-002-050-I D5 25.66 44.1 33.35 27.26
F2 32.26 48.63 36.97 34.04
ML-002-15-I D5 18.56 31.15 23.58 19.97
F2 23.34 34.41 26.11 24.89
ML-002-005-I D5 7.781 12.33 9.313 8.659
F2 9.826 13.69 10.97 n/a
Odorant – Fireball/BLEVE
Distance Distance
Fireball Distance downwind to downwind to
Diameter downwind to 4 12.7 kW/m2 37.5 kW/m2
Scenario Weather [m] kW/m2 [m] [m] [m]
ML-001A-CAT-U D5 65.62 132.9 73.32 35.55
F2 65.62 132.9 73.32 35.55
ML-001B-CAT-U D5 65.62 132.9 73.32 35.55
F2 65.62 132.9 73.32 35.55
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021
Report ref.: PRJ11100246513-R01 Revision 01 Shannon Technology Energy Park (STEP) Land Use Planning QRA
©Vysus Group 2021 03 August 2021