Compliance Catalyst 2

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The data-driven

decision engine and risk

management platform

Your data, the best entity data powered by

Orbis, and now with smarter due diligence
screening powered by Grid.

Compliance Catalyst combines data, technology

and risk processes in a single platform.

Welcome to the
business of certainty
New Compliance Catalyst is a rebuild of our popular risk platform. It’s more Key features
scalable, faster and modular so you can build your own solution. Now it
includes curated risk data from Grid for smarter screening of PEPs, sanctions
and adverse media. The integrated platform Dashboards and analytics
It has a new and contemporary user interface, It runs entities and individuals through a series of What sets Compliance Catalyst apart is it that it’s an Dashboards give a clear overview of your entire portfolio
integrates more smoothly with the Orbis database, checks that you can audit and automate to help you integrated solution. It combines your data, the best entity and management views on research in progress, and
and has many other enhancements to make it the identify risk quickly. Get started straightaway with our data from Orbis, and flexible due diligence screening – resolved and unresolved alerts.
ideal contemporary risk management platform. out-of-the-box models, or create your own models automated and enhanced – all in one place.
tailored to your risk profiles and appetite. Compliance Build your own Compliance Catalyst
Your own data can include feeds via Web Services, or
What is Compliance Catalyst? Catalyst is powered by the Orbis entity database.
you can integrate automated eforms and questionnaires Create your own workflows — choose your own
Compliance Catalyst is an integrated platform that Alongside this you can combine your own data, and
to incorporate data from your clients and onboarding modules — develop your own automation.
combines data, technology and people power. It data from your customers, into your analyses. For more
entities themselves. And to complement Compliance
streamlines your know your customer (KYC), anti- complex entities you can push research directly to an Create your own workflow, triggers and dataset
Catalyst’s risk reporting you can choose to employ its
money laundering (AML) and anti-bribery and corruption integrated enhanced due diligence service. combinations and choose from a wide range of
integrated enhanced due diligence.
(ABAC) research, and makes your client onboarding modules. Your Compliance Catalyst can be as simple
and customer due diligence more efficient. or as sophisticated as you like, and suitable for your
An instant KYC company report and
internal user base – from pre-sales look ups to detailed
risk preview
and enhanced due diligence.
As soon as you’ve completed the entity resolution
Compliance Catalyst process: a simple overview step – linking your subject company to the correct Contemporary interface and
entity in Orbis – you’ll get an instant screening against machine learning
watchlists and adverse media, plus a succinct overview
Choose your Get a detailed risk report of compliance relevant data, all visible before you’ve New Compliance Catalyst gives you an improved user
Apply risk model Monitor and manage
company/individual with audit trail experience and uses more contemporary technology –
even started your risk assessment.
including machine learning to improve the relevance of
Get started out of the box – or do adverse news and false positives.

detailed customization Own data and forms

You can get started straightaway with our range of
Compliance Catalyst has a range of data integration
Powered by Powered by out-of-the-box models or create your own models that
and custom upload options, and you can create
are tailored to your risk profiles. The models are simple
your workflow around them. These include forms
to create and are part of the self-serve concept that
and questionnaires so you can add data from your
means you can manage your Compliance Catalyst
customers, and the onboarding entities themselves.
customization, workflow and uploads without relying
on us or other third parties.

Orbis is the leading entity database Grid is a risk database of adverse media,
Enhanced alerts – scored for relevance
with a focus on private companies. sanctions, watchlists and PEPs. Risk
and with fewer false positives
It has extensive information on information is curated into detailed profiles,
We’ve enhanced our alerts. They are:
corporate structures that highlight so you can see associated risk-relevant
data in structured detailed reports. • scored for relevance by an AI model to indicate
ultimate and beneficial owners
whether a human analyst would consider
and power and control. It also has
Grid’s combination of data and them material or not to help you easily filter
extensive events information, including categorization means you can filter out false positives
M&A, changes in ownership, corporate content by risk type, risk stage and risk • easier to dismiss in bulk
actions, company announcements age, based on relevance and your own • more precise – the combination of Orbis and Grid
and curated news. risk profiles. risk data delivers accurate name matching and
highly customizable risk profiling
Powered by and

The data-driven
decision engine and risk
management platform

Powered by Grid

• Alerts are scored for relevance

• Flexible rule and sensitivity setting
• Easy alert management
• Fewer false positives

PEPs, sanctions, other


Extensive adverse news

and curated risk profiles
Powering Compliance Catalyst The modules

Orbis offers the most extensive company information and corporate structures. Optimize Compliance Catalyst for your organization, audience and risk profiles.
It’s combined with risk-relevant data from Grid, to deliver new levels of certainty Here are some of our premium modules:
on your third parties.
Entity resolution Shareholder power
Unique identifiers Confirm your entity against the huge Orbis universe of The Power Score looks deeper than just volume of
These include the BvD ID numbers, local ID numbers, Adverse news and curated risk data entity data, including companies (private and listed), ownership. It helps you locate and identify powerful
plus other recognized systems including LEIs and GIINs. Grid is a comprehensive curation of adverse banks and financial institutions, sole proprietorships, shareholders who are easily overlooked because
media, PEPs, monitored watch lists, sanctions and insurance companies, non-bank financial institutions, they’re not legal and/or beneficial owners.
Extensive corporate ownership structures screening. Grid has detailed categories including marine vessels, and individuals. Orbis only has official
and beneficial ownership terrorism, human trafficking, organized crime, entity names (with their unique identifier numbers) and Ownership Explorer
cyber crime and environmental crime. These searching is simple and fast. So, once you’ve matched This dynamic data visualization tool gives you navigable
Our carefully sourced, treated and structured
categories align to the AML 6 Predicate Offences your subject entity to the correct record in Orbis, you bottom-up and top-down views of complex ownerships
ownership data helps you learn more about the
and FATF Designated Category of Offences. can be confident your ongoing analysis is based on the structures. It has filters and colour coding to make
ownership structures of individual companies, as well
appropriate legal entity and its associated data. And this corporate structures come alive for easy analysis.
as their corporate group. Where possible information
It contains over 3 billion media articles that are works for your self-serve batch uploads too. And once
is datestamped and the source indicated. You can
highly categorized by more than 50 risk codes you’ve matched your entity you can enrich your records Conflict/affiliation checker using
see changes over time and archived ownership. You
and 30 risk stages. It powers smarter screening from the data in Orbis.
can also define beneficial ownership to be consistent Pathfinder
in Compliance Catalyst and delivers more accurate
with your internal or local regulatory requirements. You can quickly see if companies or individuals are
and relevant results. Adverse media tool
Information also includes: linked. The results are in diagrammatical and tabular
See filtered, relevant news relating to your subject
formats and even complex screening takes just minutes.
• comprehensive lists of direct and indirect company, individuals and your portfolio. Recent
subsidiaries and controlling shareholders ESG reputational risk data
innovations mean the adverse media tool is powered
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk data and by machine learning resulting in more accurate
Key benefits
• corporate groups – all companies with the same
ultimate owner as the subject company metrics, to assess the reputational risk associated with identification of a genuine negative sentiment,
companies to help decide whether to work with them. • an intuitive and fast user experience that helps you spot
• direct and indirect ownership and ultimate owners reducing false positives and erroneous stories. risk so you can escalate high risk cases more quickly.
• clearly indicated beneficial owners – and the path Marine vessels • superior underlying data from Orbis and Grid combined
Enhanced due diligence with a high tech approach that includes machine
from your subject company to the beneficial owner
Track whether specific vessels appear on sanctions lists If your screening suggests you need to take a closer learning and natural language processing, for better
• beneficial ownership as filed at the local registry
and how they are linked to entities. look at higher risk entities or individuals, you can use data curation, a reduction in non-risk relevant data
noise, and ultimately fewer false positives.
Individuals affiliated to companies the workflow to send it straight to your own analysts
Original documents • a self-serve user experience – you can batch upload
or our enhanced due diligence (EDD) service.
Orbis offers an extensive database of relevant large numbers of companies, and work with the models
• Locally filed “scanned images” without external support.
people within or connected to companies, including: API web service
• The ability to order copies of official business • data that’s centralized and with audit trails, reporting,
directors, advisors, auditors, board members and
documents from around the world This automates the appearance of data from your workflow, tailored risk profiles and compliance policies
senior managers.
own systems into Compliance Catalyst via an API all embedded into the platform.
• PDFs of annual reports
We show their current and previous positions as well for smooth integration with your internal systems. • the option to choose from light-touch assessments or
• Links to documents filed at registries
as their connections to other individuals in Orbis. “full works” analysis – and anything in between.
Sanctioned-by-extension • a scalable solution and one that’s ideal for small and
Other company information, including: large portfolios, and suitable for a broad range of users,
Financial data and financial According to OFAC’s 50% rule, companies who may
• Indications that an entity has been awarded a including sales, analysts, non-experts and those new
strength metrics not be sanctioned in their own right can still be subject to compliance.
public tender
Orbis’s standardized financials and financial models, to sanctions due to their connection to sanctioned • alert scoring and other alert management options to
• Legal status, date of incorporation, an entity’s
show you financial viability and predictive indicators corporations or individuals. Our ownership data help you work more efficiently.
industry and country/political regime
of a company’s financial strength. and tools can help you identify the entities who are • flexibility to build the right solution for your portfolio
• AML documents for financial institutions “sanctioned by extension”. and your stakeholders.
Contact information
Argentina India Republic of Korea
tel: 54 (11) 4515 6428 tel: 91 80611 32029 tel: 82 2 6138 3753
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Australia Spain
tel: 34 91 310 38 04
tel: 61 2 9270 1499 tel: 39 02 43 98 22 77 [email protected]
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Austria tel: 39 06 840 4611
tel: 46 8 51 51 04 80
tel: 43 (1) 606 11 96 0 [email protected]
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Belgium tel: 81 357 753 900
tel: 41 22 567 0660
tel: 32 2 639 06 06 [email protected]
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tel: 41 43 547 16 00
Brazil tel: 52 555 284 2900 [email protected]
tel: 55 11 2348 5176 [email protected]
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Denmark Russian Federation [email protected]
tel: 45 35 1521 50 tel: 7 495 228 61 51
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France Singapore [email protected]
tel: 33 1 53 45 46 00 tel: 65 6511 4410
[email protected] [email protected] tel: 1 (646) 947 1000
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Germany Slovakia
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© 2020 Bureau van Dijk Editions Electroniques S.A., Moody’s Analytics, Inc., and/or their affiliates and licensors. All rights reserved.
Not all modules are included in standard subscription. LON-CMP-12.20

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