Báo Giá SGS
Báo Giá SGS
Báo Giá SGS
Ms. Uyen Bui Email: uyen.bui@sgs.com Phone: +84 28 3935 1920 – Ext: 133
Ms. Thuy Vu Email: thuy.vu@sgs.com Phone: +84 28 3935 1920 – Ext: 138
Unit Order
PO# Item# Product Description Remark
(ea/pc/set) Quantity
Total: 1000
Important Notice:
1. Booking leadtime: SGS will require at least 5 working days written booking prior to requested inspection date. 48 hours notice is needed for any re-schedule and sufficient
information change, otherwise late cancellation fee is charged accordingly.
2. Inspection level: SGS would like to remind customers that recommended inspection level for consumer goods should be at least level II for a single reference. Customer therefore
accepts that any decision to request an inspection at a lower level or combining references would affect the relevance of quality control.
3. Production status for inspection should meet the following requirements unless specified noted otherwise from Clients. Failure to comply with those requirements, the
intervention will be regarded as a "Missed or aborted Inspection" and a fee will be charged at your cost
• Initial Production Check (IPC): About 10% finished product in correct material/accessories/ labels/ packing, etc. should be ready for checking. Full size/ color sets, minimum 3 units
per size/ color/ style and min. 50 units should be ready for inspection.
• During Production Check (DUPRO): About 30%-50% finished product should be ready for inspection, with the balance under production.
• Final Random Inspection (FRI): 100% production finished, and at least 80% packed into cartons, with balance under packing stage should be ready for inspection.
• Loading Supervision (L/S): Supervision of loading of goods into container(s) can be done on the same day.
4. Inspection Certification: Please advise if you need an SGS inspection certificate to negotiate a Letter of Credit. If so, we need the L/C applicant's confirmation before an
inspection certificate can be issued. Also copies of the following documents will be required: Invoice, Packing list and Letter of credit. If L/C applicant does not confirm issuance, we
will issue a Non-Negotiable actual finding report. Please note that we do not have the authority to approve shipment.
5. The information below is to inform suppliers, exporters and transportation company representatives of our company policies. Should you have any questions or
comments about these policies or about our services, please contact our branch customer service representative Ms. Uyen Bui at the telephone no. 08.39351920 ext. 133:
• Inspectors are forbidden to accept tips, presents or entertainment of any kind.
• All transportation, meal costs and overtime expenses are provided by SGS.
• Inspectors are forbidden to take meals with exporters or factories except when pre-approved by a department manager. Please also inform your factory of all the above information.
* The services are subject to the SGS General Conditions of Services: https://www.sgs.com/en/terms-and-conditions
* Proposal will be prepared and sent to your company according to your requests. If any questions about the sampling plan and other details on the proposal, please feel
free to contact with us.