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What is Polyhouse?

Poly farming is essentially an outsized greenhouse that uses glass & plastic poly film walls.
In Addition, aluminium siding and sheeting, or netting instead of glass and plastic film. With
more surface area for solar panels and more insulation. Between you and what nature might
throw at you. It’s clear why growing in a poly house can save you money on electricity bills.
It also makes growing vegetables throughout the winter possible. Polyhouses are easy to
build yourself. But many growers choose to have them professionally constructed.
This option often includes a low-cost lease option with upgrades later on. When choosing a
design for your new home. Keep in mind they come in two main varieties. Those with solid
walls and those with mesh coverings.
A polyhouse is an ecological house, heat-insulated against heat loss. Making it more suitable
for year-round living.
The roof has skylights that allow natural light into the house. Thus avoiding reliance on
electricity for lighting during the winter months.
The walls are thick enough to retain warmth at night. And minimize radiant heat loss during
winter months. By means of double glazing of polycarbonate or Lexan panels. To
understand polyhouse meaning read more.
In India, polyhouses are mostly made from glass reinforced plastic due to its advantages

1. High tensile strength

2. Flexibility
3. Lightweight
4. Easy availability at a cheaper price in the market.

 When compared with steel, GRP is also comparatively cost-effective. Aluminium is

another good option for constructing a Polyhouse. But the comparatively high cost of
raw materials. Makes it costlier when compared with GRP.
 Polyhouses are portable, high-tech greenhouses. That help farmers extend their
growing season in colder climates. They offer protection from adverse weather
conditions, pollution and diseases. Which allows farmers to grow more crops at once.
 Not only does Polyhousing protect plants. From extreme temperatures. But it also
provides optimal growing conditions for healthy growth. The sun shines through
translucent plastic panels all day long. Without scorching plants or seeds.

Polyhouse technology–
 Poly agriculture, or vertical farm, is an enclosed greenhouse. That allows for year-
round farming. Inside, crops are grown in vertically stacked tiers.
 The poly house design keeps sunlight and fresh air in close proximity with plants at
all times, resulting in increased yields and improved quality. There are several factors
to consider when building your own polyhouse. Chief among them is determining
which crops you will be growing inside it.
 Some common examples include leafy greens (like lettuce), tomatoes, peppers and
cucumbers. Get polyhouse farming information at Shriji Green.

Polyhouse VS Greenhouse
 The main difference between a Greenhouse and Polyhouse structures. Is that poly
houses are less expensive than greenhouses. But they’re not as durable.
 However, even with fewer material costs, you can still save money by using plastic
instead of glass for your structure. And it’s far easier to repair or replace if something
goes wrong (such as broken plastic panels).
 Learn more about Polyhouse and Greenhouse.

Greenhouse VS Polyhouse
Which one should you choose? One major difference between Polyhouse and
greenhouse is their quality and build.

 When it comes to durability, polyethylene plastic is more durable than glass or PVC.
 Polyethylene plastic doesn’t crack or break as easily as glass. And it also lasts longer
than traditional greenhouse frames.
 It stands up better against strong winds and weather conditions such as hail,
hurricanes, tornadoes, and tropical storms.
 A greenhouse is traditionally made of glass panels.
 On farms, Greenhouses are commonly used for growing flowers, vegetables and
 Greenhouses are also called vegetable or flower houses.

By means of electric heating in cloudy periods or at night. For instance, many farmers use
both kinds of heating in combination. In order to keep plants growing continuously
throughout spring, summer and autumn.
Others decide not to have heating systems in their greenhouses. Since winter temperatures are
not that low anyway. Which choice you make depends on your personal preferences and your
Due to its large surface area, a greenhouse requires more water than any other kind of house.
So place close to a water source such as a river or well.

Information About Polyhouse

Polyculture, or multiple-use farming, is an age-old practice designed for self-sufficiency. The
basic idea behind poly agriculture is that if you grow different types of plants in close
proximity. Therefore, they will tend to protect each other. For example. Some plants provide
natural insecticides. That keep pests away from neighbouring crops. While others are more
vulnerable. But produce better when grown near plants that are toxic to pests.

 A poly-tunnel or Polly house farming is an agricultural covering. Or structure that

extends for at least part of its length above ground level.
 It is traditionally constructed from galvanized sheet steel. Supported by timber,
concrete, brick, stone or plastic walls. And accessed by large sliding doors at either
 Poly-tunnels are particularly popular with market gardeners and allotment growers.
As they provide shelter for their crops over winter. And extend growing seasons into
autumn and spring.
 When well designed, sheltered spaces. Like these can aid early-season plant growth
 They allow earlier sowing times due to increased temperatures. Inside (particularly
when light reflects off white surfaces) and help control pests that prefer cool

Advantages Of Polyhouse Farming

 More Quality, Fewer Costs: The advantages of poly farming in India are many. In
fact, if you do nothing else with your life. At least build your house from poly-glass!
 Not only will it outlast any other type of housing by far. But it is literally impossible
for insects or rodents to chew through them.
 This saves farmers money and hassle. As pests become infrequent problems.
 You can grow healthier polyhouse farming crops that taste better and yield more.
 You’ll pay less in terms of both food and labour costs. Because crops stay healthier
throughout their growth cycle. And harvest yields increase as well due to lack of
disease outbreaks!
 Certainly, it’s no surprise that small polyhouse plants stay cleaner and last longer
before spoilage.
 Most importantly, they simply aren’t subject to unwanted pests like those grown in
open fields.

Polyhouse Construction Materials Available

Shriji Green is a distributor of eco-friendly, moreover, innovative and cost-effective
agricultural products. The company carries a large selection of materials. For instance, that
can be used in the construction of Polyhouses or other types of agriculture buildings.

Apply for Poly House

The selection includes two different types of plastic sheeting:

1. Architectural grade
2. Agricultural grade.

Both grades provide substantial resistance against cracking, weathering, melting and
degradation caused by sunlight.
These materials are very durable and UV resistant, ideal for weathering exposure in outdoor
environments without altering their chemical structure over time. Most importantly we carry
12mm (0.47) thickness polycarbonate sheeting. Which is recommended if you want to reduce
energy costs. Therefore, while maximizing protection from harsh elements like hail and
We also carry 10mm (0.39) thickness polycarbonate sheeting. While not as impact resistant
as thicker sheets. It’s still good at reducing frost damage due to its high light transmission
Our inventory also includes HMWPE fibreglass mesh on rolls ranging from 25m to 50m
(82ft. – 164ft.). It protects polycarbonate panels by securing them between ground anchors
with stainless steel straps. This material has excellent strength properties. Which make it
capable of supporting heavy loads safely during storms or hurricanes.
List Of Poly Farming Material Available At Sh
riji Green Rajasthan
Before start growing plants, plants need a healthy. And sufficient growth medium. Shriji
Green Rajasthan provides the following material for poly houses:
1. Compost:
Compost is also called organic fertilizer which is used as a growth medium in greenhouse
farming. There are different types of compost available at Shriji Green Rajasthan. Like cow
dung compost, horse dung compost, chicken manure compost, mushroom compost etc. At
first, you should make your own compost and after one month it will be ready for use.
2. Coir/ coco peat soil:
Coir – made from natural coconut husk. Therefore, the best thing about coir beds is that they
do not compact over time. Thereby increasing the water holding capacity of the soil. Because
they do not allow any fine particles to sift through them.
3. Vermiculite/ perlite:
The main ingredients present in vermiculite or perlite are silicon dioxide. Along with other
impurities like potassium oxide, sodium oxide, etc.
4. Clay/ kaolin clay:
Kaolin clay- extracted from kaolinite deposits located in various parts of India. Mainly
Jharkhand, Odisha, Haryana etc. This clay undergoes an extensive procedure known as
calcination to remove unwanted minerals. Like iron oxides and aluminium, hydroxide leads
to a reduction in porosity (spaces between particles).
5. Lightweight Aggregate/ Calcium carbonate sand:
Lightweight aggregate is found beneath the topsoil layer throughout several parts of India. It
makes up around 27% of the soil’s mass. But absorbs moisture very quickly making it ideal
for sprinkler irrigation systems. That leave no standing puddles behind.
6. Spunbonded Organic Cotton/ Cotton buds:
Spunbonded cotton buds are produced using 100% pure cotton fibre. During production,
cotton fabric goes through special spinnerets. To form threads thinner than strands of human
7. Bentonite / Natural rock powders:
Bentonite is produced using naturally occurring volcanic ash-like minerals. That has been
processed into powder form.

Poly House Material

Polyhouse Farming Subsidies

You may qualify for farm subsidies from your local or state government. As well as other
national programs that support small and organic farms. To find out if you qualify, contact
your local farm service agency at extension service offices or visit their website.
The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA) has information on
federal and state programs. Contact Shriji Green Irrigation service agency for
50% Polyhouse Subsidy all over India.
Some states require contractors working in urban areas. To participate in higher levels of
composting before receiving payments. Check with your local contractor about their
Most contracts require an environmental inspection. Before they will make payments. Make
sure you understand what is required and plan ahead.
Not only this, we help you with your polyhouse project, and help you with all your
requirements with polyhouse construction. Shriji Green gives you a complete project
report on polyhouse farming . And makes your work easy. For any requirements
regarding poly house in India give us a call now.

Poly House Subsidy

What is Polyhouse farming?

A polyhouse or intensive greenhouse is a multi-levelled farming structure designed for

commercial-scale vegetable production. While polyhouses can produce any crop, they are
mostly used for growing vegetables and other fruits and herbs. These greenhouses allow
farmers to grow crops throughout the year without having to worry about adverse weather
conditions such as cold winter nights or periods of drought. A typical polyhouse will be made
up of rows of shelves that hold trays upon which plants are grown.
How to Start Polyhouse?

The polyhouse is also called an apron house, referring to its shape resembling that of an
upside-down apron. It can be used in conjunction with hoop houses for year-round
production, even in cold climates. For many gardeners, setting up and maintaining their own
polyhous is less expensive than purchasing plants at retail outlets or by mail order; they can
use quality potting soil or seed-starting mix; they know exactly what types of plants are
growing in their crops.
How to make a small polyhouse?
You can use something as simple as cardboard and duct tape or more permanent if you have
time and money. The best materials will be wood, but there are other options that can work
just as well. How you build your polyhouse is completely up to you, so play around with it
until you find something that works for your particular situation.
How to Control the temperature in polyhouse?

Temperature control is very important for polyhouses. If the temperature is not controlled,
plants may die due to heat or cold stress. There are three main factors of heat stress in plants:
wet bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature and wind speed. Plants must be protected from
any one of these or they will begin to lose water through transpiration (evaporation) and wilt.
How to apply for poly house?

To get started with your farm, apply for an agricultural land use zone. This zone includes
infrastructure such as water and electricity and can lead to discounted rates for services such
as internet and mail delivery. With help from an agriculture expert, you’ll also need to apply
for permission from your town council and zoning board of appeals. These bodies will
evaluate your property and examine its suitability for agriculture, so it’s important that you
have done thorough research on what crops you want to grow before applying.
How many companies investing in Rajasthan under NHM poly house?

As many as 200 companies have shown interest in setting up poly-houses for horticulture.
The duration of setting up poly-houses ranges from 12 months to 18 months, depending on
how much government assistance is provided for land acquisition and getting statutory
How many days it will take for poly house construction?
A typical poly-house can be built in 15 days. The first 5 days are used for designing and
making a cutting pattern, other 10 days for construction. In different areas, farmers start by
cutting flooring and rooftop first, or roof first and then flooring, or wall framing and roofing
at the same time. It all depends on local conditions such as road conditions, soil quality etc.,
etc., so it may vary from place to place. But general construction time is estimated at about
How much amount is needed to open a poly house?

For those who want to run a large farm or even an industrial one, it would require a lot of
investments. However, those who only want to try their hands in farming and start with small
fields can begin farming by investing as little as Rs. 25,000. On average though, a minimum
investment of Rs. 1 lakh is needed if you wish to keep up with market standards for running
multiple crops every year on your farm.
How much land require for poly house farming?

The size of your poly house will depend on how much agricultural land you want to farm.
The bigger your house, the more area you can farm, and vice versa. If you don’t have enough
money for large poly houses (e.g., 150x30 feet), building many smaller ones (e.g., 10x15
feet) may be an option for you.
How much profit from poly house 1 acre

If you have an acre of land, you can earn more than Rs 40 lakh per year by cultivating
vegetables on it. This calculation is based on a cost of Rs 80,000 per acre for the installation
of polyhouse and plastic films. You will need an investment of around Rs 20 lakh on 1
hectare to set up complete infrastructure, including 10 ponds for irrigation and parking
facility for buyers.
How much yield increase in poly house?

Drip irrigation is used in most poly house farms. A drip system means that water will be
evenly distributed by droplets of water, drizzling down plants with precision. This technique
uses less water than conventional systems, which are prone to overwatering, meaning more
profits for you.
How to apply for Poly House Subsidy in Rajasthan?

If you are planning on setting up a poly house in Rajasthan, then it is important that you
understand how you can get subsidized by the government. The Rajasthan Government has
decided to encourage poly houses in order to promote mushroom cultivation in its State.
Thus, they have recently introduced legislation wherein if you are growing mushrooms inside
poly houses, then you are eligible for subsidy under various schemes which are specially
meant for promoting mushroom cultivation in Rajasthan. Contact Shriji Green for all the
details regarding Poly House Subsidy in Rajasthan.
How to build a Poli House?

The first step to building a poli house is to start by making sure that you have acquired all of
your poli house supplies. You will need a house shell with at least one door and three
windows, as well as some sort of foundation for your shell. This can be as simple as placing
concrete blocks under each corner of your shell, although it is also possible to purchase more
elaborate bases from many home improvement stores.
How to construct a low cost Poly House?
A poly house is basically just like any other greenhouse, except they are generally smaller in
size and designed specifically for growing plants that are meant for consumption. However,
many people try to use them as normal greenhouses, which can be inefficient and actually
reduce their efficiency. To properly use a poly house for food production purposes is actually
fairly simple.
How to fix polythene sheet in Poly House?

Fixing polythene sheets in a Poly House is very important as they can be easily broken by
wind and storms, so it is advised to fix them properly. Drive at least 8-10 iron rods in cement
concrete slabs placed on walls along with half an inch protruding out of upper parts towards
the roof. Hammer tap head nails on each rod. These will prevent wind pressure from breaking
your sheet(s). You may also drive nails all-around upper walls for extra strength.

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