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1. – 8. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 7. Many teenagers suffer from acne, which is
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. triggered by hormonal changes at puberty, ---- it
usually clears up as they reach their 20s.

1. The best way to use olive oil to retain its A) thereby

extraordinary nutritional ---- on health is to add it B) but
after cooking. C) if
D) because
A) distributions B) demands
C) restrictions D) benefits E) once
E) indications
8. Adopting a positive attitude to a terrible
experience can ---- enhance accuracy in
2. Many experts agree that preventing or treating emotional memories ---- diminish their negative
obesity in childhood will ---- the rate of heart overtones.
diseases in adulthood.
A) so / that
A) explain B) accomplish
B) rather / than
C) reduce D) deliver
C) just / as
E) specify
D) both / and
E) as / as
3. The Cuban economy has suffered ---- from the
collapse in 1990 of the Soviet bloc, upon whose
trade Cuba was dependent; from the continuing
effects of the U.S. trade boycott; and from 9. – 13. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
internal structural economic problems. yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) likely B) virtually Although the original Clean Air Act of 1977 (9)---- about
C) severely D) impressively significant improvements in air quality, the urban air
E) deliberately pollution problems of ozone (known as smog), carbon
monoxide, and particulate matter persist. Currently, over
100 million Americans live in cities (10)---- are out of
4. The ancient Greeks generally ---- that Homer was attainment with the public health standards for ozone.
a historical individual and the author of the Iliad The most (11)---- and persistent urban pollution problem
and the Odyssey, but modern scholars ---- more is ozone. The causes (12)---- this and the lesser problem
sceptical. of carbon monoxide and particulate matter pollution in
our urban areas are largely (13)---- the diversity and
A) would believe / had been number of urban air pollution sources.
B) believed / are
C) have believed / were 9. A) brought
B) has brought
D) had believed / would be
C) brings
E) believes / have been
D) is bringing
E) had brought
5. Maturation is thought ---- language development
10. A) who
directly and ---- it indirectly by fostering cognitive
development. B) in which
C) whose
A) to drive / to influence D) which
B) driven / to be influencing E) where
C) to be driven / influencing
D) to have driven / influenced 11. A) useful
E) driving / having influenced B) persuasive
C) appropriate
D) satisfying
6. Insects that live in colonies, such as ants, bees, E) widespread
wasps, and termites, have long fascinated
everyone, ---- naturalists ---- artists. 12. A) on B) from C) of D) for E) over

A) among / with
13. A) as well as
B) about / between
B) due to
C) in / of
C) regardless of
D) between / above D) in spite of
E) from / to E) according to

14. – 19. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 17. Though its manufacture, sale, and servicing
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. have become key elements of industrial
economies, ----.

14. Although many of the countries in Central Asia A) the automobile changed the world during the
have great agricultural and mineral wealth, ----. 20 century, particularly in the United States
and other industrialized nations
A) Nigeria is one of the main producers and
B) the automobile has brought noise and air
exporters oil in the world
pollution, and car accidents rank among the
leading causes of death and injury throughout
B) Africa is the only continent through which the
the world
Equator and both tropics (Capricorn and
Cancer) run C) automobiles are valued by size, style, number
of doors, and intended use, and they take
C) governments have established big national different names in accordance with their
parks and wildlife reserves purpose

D) it is a hugely fertile region, with abundant D) the automobile is indispensable for mobility and
grasslands and vast tropical rainforests job opportunities, offering a solution to the
problem of unemployment in the early 20
E) political instability and civil wars have kept century
people in this region in great poverty
E) various systems supply the engine with fuel,
cool it during operation, lubricate its moving
parts, and remove the exhaust gases it creates

15. Overconsumption of vitamin A is potentially

most dangerous in pregnant women, ----.
18. In order to have a well-balanced diet and to
A) but pregnant women are not advised to eat liver avoid nutritional problems, ----.
because of its large vitamin A content
A) one should eat a range of healthy foods in the
B) so it helps build resistance to minor infections correct proportions
and is needed for healthy skin
B) people may not be able to buy a variety of foods
C) as large doses can cause birth defects and all year round
many other health problems
C) we should consider the possibility of living
D) while it is usually obtained from milk, cheese longer
and vegetable sources
D) common food allergens include peanuts, eggs
and fish
E) and this makes no difference to the efficacy of
the vitamin A
E) whole-wheat bread might help fill you up

16. Mozart, who was one of the leading 19. ----, so it is not surprising to see that they are
representatives of the “Classical” style in popular and increasing in circulation in larger
music, was only thirty-five ----. markets.

A) because the Church continued to provide A) Advertisers may sometimes be unwilling to

support for music commit a substantial portion of their total ad
budget to Sunday papers
B) as opera flourished in the eighteenth century
B) In a few regions, Sunday papers exceeding
C) when he died of rheumatic fever three hundred pages are not uncommon

D) even though Bach was certainly the greatest C) Sunday papers provide something for everyone
composer of Baroque music by offering massive diets of news, sports, travel,
and other service features
E) just as Rousseau composed music and wrote
an opera D) When compared to modern ones, old Sunday
papers were providing more family reading

E) Sunday papers are expensive to produce and

require a separate editor and additional staff

Aşağıdaki sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca 22. Whales and dolphins produce complex
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en underwater sounds to communicate with each
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. other, but scientists have yet to unravel their

A) Balinalar ve yunuslar birbirleriyle iletişim kurmak

20. About a third of the sounds we pronounce for için karmaşık sualtı sesleri üretirler, ancak bilim
speech do not use the lips or the front of the insanları bu seslerin anlamını henüz
mouth and therefore they cannot be çözemediler.
distinguished by lip readers.
B) Balinaların ve yunusların birbirleriyle iletişim
A) Konuşmak için çıkardığımız seslerin yaklaşık kurmak amacıyla geliştirdikleri karmaşık sualtı
üçte biri, dudaklarımızı veya ağzımızın ön seslerinin anlamları bilim insanları tarafından
kısmını kullanmadığımızda dudak okuyucular hâlâ çözülemedi.
tarafından ayırt edilemez.
C) Bilim insanları hâlâ balinaların ve yunusların
B) Konuşmak için çıkardığımız seslerin yaklaşık
birbirleriyle iletişim kurmak amacıyla ürettikleri
üçte biri, dudakları veya ağzın ön kısmını
karmaşık sualtı seslerinin anlamlarını çözmeye
kullanmaz ve bu yüzden de dudak okuyucular
tarafından ayırt edilemez.

C) Konuşmak için çıkardığımız seslerin üçte D) Balinalar ve yunuslar tarafından birbirleriyle

birinden fazlası dudakları ve ağzın ön kısmını iletişim kurmak amacıyla geliştirilen karmaşık
kullanmaz ve sırf bu nedenden dolayı dudak sualtı seslerinin anlamları bilim insanları
okuyucular tarafından kolayca ayırt edilemez. tarafından hâlâ çözülmeye çalışılıyor.

D) Dudak okuyucular, konuşmak için çıkardığımız E) Bilim insanlarının hâlâ anlamını çözmek için
seslerin üçte birine yakınını ayırt edemezler uğraştıkları konuların başında, balinaların ve
çünkü bu sesler dudakları veya ağzın ön yunusların birbirleriyle iletişim kurmak amacıyla
kısmını kullanmaz. ürettikleri karmaşık sualtı sesleri gelmektedir.

E) Dudak okuyucular, konuşmak için çıkardığımız

seslerin üçte birinden fazlası dudakları veya
ağzın ön kısmını kullanmadığı takdirde bu
sesleri ayırt etmede oldukça zorlanırlar.

21. Most people believe that processed and 23. Demokrasiler ve otoriter rejimler, kimlik
pasteurized cheeses are not only safe but they çatışmalarını diğer birçok konuda olduğu gibi
are also a rich source of both protein and farklı yollarla ele alma eğilimindedirler.
A) Democracies and authoritarian regimes deal
A) Birçok insanın inandığı gibi, işlenmiş ve with identity conflicts in the same ways, as they
pastörize edilmiş peynirler güvenilir olmalarının have always done.
yanında aynı zamanda protein ve kalsiyum
bakımından da zengin birer kaynaktır. B) Democracies and authoritarian regimes tend to
deal with identity conflicts, as with most other
B) Birçok insan, işlenmiş ve pastörize edilmiş matters, in different ways.
peynirlerin güvenilir olmadığına ancak protein
ve kalsiyum açısından zengin birer kaynak C) Identity conflicts and many different matters are
olduğuna inanmaktadır. controlled by democracies and authoritarian
regimes in similar ways.

C) Pek çok insan, işlenip daha sonra pastörize D) As with other important issues, identity conflicts
edilen peynirlerin güvenilir olmalarının yanı sıra are treated in different ways by democracies
kalsiyum ve protein bakımından da zengin and authoritarian regimes.
kaynaklar olduklarına inanmaktadır.
E) Contrary to expectations, there is a tendency by
D) Pek çok insan, işlenmiş ve pastörize edilmiş democracies and authoritarian regimes towards
peynirlerin sadece güvenilir değil, aynı zamanda treating identity conflicts in different ways.
zengin birer protein ve kalsiyum kaynağı
olduğuna inanmaktadır.

E) İnsanların çoğu, işlenme ve pastörize edilme

süreçlerinden geçirilen peynirlerin zengin birer
protein ve kalsiyum kaynağı olduklarına

24. İnsan vücudu, her biri, yaşamı sürdürmek için 26. – 28. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam
gerekli olan bir işlevi yerine getiren ayrı ayrı bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
organ ve dokulardan oluşmuş son derece
karmaşık bir sistemdir.
26. One important mechanism that shapes a child's
A) The human body is a highly complex system behavior is imitation. All people, particularly
made up of separate organs and tissues, each children, have a strong tendency to imitate
performing a function essential to maintaining others. ---- A child observes other people being
life. angry or controlling their anger and copies
them. Thus, the child's own aggressive
B) Since the human body consists of many behavior is shaped and determined by what he
different organs and tissues, each of which has or she observes others doing.
a function essential for the maintenance of life, it
is to be compared to an extremely complex A) When children are rewarded, they are more
system. likely to repeat that behavior.

C) The human body, which is an extremely B) One of the most common sources of anger is an
complex system, is made up of innumerable attack or intrusion by another person.
organs and tissues which have separate
functions essential for the maintenance of life. C) Imitating others does not mean that the child will
behave aggressively.
D) The presence of many different organs and
tissues, each of which performs a function D) Children imitate some people more than others.
necessary for maintaining life, makes the
human body a very complicated system. E) This imitation extends to virtually every kind of
behavior, including aggression.
E) The human body is so complicated a system
that each of the organs and tissues it consists of
performs a function vital for maintaining life.

25. Kablo ve uydu endüstrisi, filmlerin yüksek 27. In an age of science, you might expect all of the
kapasiteli sunuculara yerleştirileceği ve medicines and clinical procedures prescribed
müşterilerin istedikleri zaman bu filmleri sipariş by doctors to be based on sound scientific
edebilecekleri dijital bir gelecek öngörmektedir. evidence. ---- Now, reason is taking over, thanks
to easy access doctors have to data from
A) According to the predictions made by the cable clinical trials and records of the experiences of
and satellite industry, films will be placed on other doctors around the world. The drive to
high capacity servers, and customers will be assess the effectiveness of different treatments
able to order those films when they want. scientifically is known as evidence-based
B) It is predicted that thanks to the cable and
satellite industry in the digital future, customers A) And yet up until recently, many doctors would
will be able to order films when they want if still make their decision based on personal
those films are placed on high capacity servers. preference.

B) Clinical trials are carried out on much larger

C) The cable and satellite industry envisions a scales, assessing the effects of new candidate
digital future in which films will be placed on drugs and treatments.
high capacity servers and customers will be
able to order those films when they want.
C) However, many aspects of alternative medicine
are rooted in ancient systems of healing, such
D) In the digital future that the cable and satellite as those of China, India and Tibet.
industry will create, customers will be able to
order films when those films are placed on high D) Clinical experience of doctors can also be
capacity servers. supported by the results of various clinical trials.

E) In 1747, Scottish naval surgeon James Lind

E) High capacity servers with films placed on them conducted the first clinical trial.
are predicted by the cable and satellite industry
to create a digital future where customers will be
able to order films when they want.

28. Hunting is difficult and sometimes dangerous,

29. – 31. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
but predators have evolved many ways of
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
improving their chances of success. They have
acute senses of detecting their prey. Speed, fast
reactions, and sheer strength help them catch
their meal. ---- They can avoid being detected by 29. (I) Throughout the Middle Ages, Christian Europe
predators, run away, confuse their enemies or launched many allied expeditions against the
even fight back. So predators and prey are often Muslim rule in Spain to bring it to an end.
evenly matched in this battle for survival. (II) Historically the ancient palace of the Muslim
rulers at Granada in Spain is called “Alhambra”.
A) Many animals survive by hunting and eating (III) Originally, it was designed, built, and developed
other animals. into an architectural masterpiece in the 13th and
14th centuries. (IV) Unfortunately, the stylistic
B) Most predators including tigers hunt alone. uniformity of the palace was spoiled when in the
16th century Charles V turned part of it into a
C) But the animals they hunt are not helpless modern residence. (V) However, the most beautiful
victims. parts of the interior, including the Court of Alberca
and the Court of Lions, have survived and preserve
D) Stalking and chasing prey is hard work, and it their original charm.
can use a lot of energy.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
E) There are many predators that use their speed
to take their prey.

30. (I) During each heartbeat, both sides of your heart

relax to draw in blood and then contract to squeeze
blood either to the lungs or the rest of the body.
(II) Today, heart transplants are quite routine and
can give people with serious heart disease a new
lease on life. (III) This operation was first pioneered
in 1967 by South African surgeon Christian
Barnard. (IV) He took the heart from a young
woman who had just died in a car crash and used it
to replace the heart of a man in his 50s who was
dying from heart disease. (V) Unfortunately, the
man lived for just 18 days, but Dr. Barnard showed
that a heart transplant was possible.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

31. (I) One of the major strategies to manage global

warming is prevention. (II) Prevention of global
warming involves developing ways to prevent the
buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
(III) It is the ultimate and best solution because it is
permanent. (IV) However, it requires new
technologies that have not yet been developed.
(V) Most of all, environmental problems are
connected to overpopulation.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

32. – 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 33. It is stressed in the passage that, for the al
Qaeda leaders, ----.

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, A) any part of the world could be a target for their
Americans understandably rallied around the flag. attacks
Having just suffered the deadliest attack ever on the US
soil, a great majority of the people believed another B) the war in Afghanistan is causing much damage
attack was imminent. But Americans also had enormous to their operatives
faith the “Global War on Terror” would help keep them
safe. Just one month after 9/11, for instance, 94 per C) their future attacks must focus on the American
cent of Americans fully approved of how the fight homeland
against terrorism was being handled. The United States
then quickly went to war in Afghanistan, closing down a D) more threats from them will turn the American
terrorist camp and capturing or killing a number of high- people against their government
level al Qaeda operatives in the process. However,
since 2001, terrorists have found their targets on almost E) their attacks on a number of cities, including
every continent, with bombings in Bali, London, Madrid, Istanbul, were not effective at all
Istanbul, and elsewhere. Now Americans appear less
convinced that their country is winning the war on terror.
In the face of persisting threats, including a growing
number of terrorist attacks around the world, numerous
reports show that Americans are losing faith in their
government’s ability to wage the war successfully and to
protect them from the terrorists’ next major attack.

32. As pointed out in the passage, since terrorist 34. As can be clearly understood from the passage,
attacks and threats have not ceased in the in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, almost all
world, ----. the Americans ----.

A) the American government is convinced that A) thought that America’s invasion of Afghanistan
some major cities in the country can be the would be futile
targets of terrorist attacks
B) were disappointed with their government’s
B) the United States has stepped up its operations policies
in Afghanistan in order to capture the al Qaeda
operatives C) believed that their country was still the safest
place in the world
C) Americans are very concerned about the
security and success of their forces in D) supported the way the war on terror was being
Afghanistan carried out

D) the American people hardly believe that the E) believed that the government would soon bring
government will be able to win the war on terror the war on terror to an end

E) it is admitted by all the governments that the so-

called “Global War on Terror” will last

35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 36. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) age is the most critical factor in all stages of

Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic, degenerative condition Alzheimer’s disease
of the brain cells. Some risk factors can be avoided, but
others, such as increasing age and genetic properties, B) Alzheimer’s disease can be frustrating and
are inevitable. It is now the third most common cause of painful for both the patient and his or her family
death in the developed world, with more women than members
men affected. The first symptom is often an impaired
memory for recent events, which can be difficult to C) Alzheimer’s disease is less common among
distinguish from the normal age-related decline in individuals who are mentally active
memory. As the disease progresses, forgetfulness may
hinder routine activities such as cooking and household D) people in developed countries are more likely to
chores. Those affected may be aware of their memory go through the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s
difficulties, so they can deal with the problem by, for disease
example, writing notes or letting someone else manage
decisions for them. In the late stages of the disease, the E) sufferers can have a genetic inheritance that
changes in memory and behaviour are marked. Sufferers makes them less susceptible to Alzheimer’s
cannot compensate for their memory lapses and become disease
confused. They may develop paranoid behaviour like
jealousy or accusations of theft, and may experience
visual hallucinations. People in advanced stages cease
to recognize even their family members and close
friends. They may also refuse to eat, develop
unsteadiness and increasingly lose weight.

35. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----. 37. As it is pointed out in the passage, during the
early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, ----.
A) females are more susceptible to developing
Alzheimer’s disease compared to males A) psychological symptoms such as jealousy might
B) weight loss is among the first indicators of
Alzheimer’s disease B) behavioural differences between men and
women become very apparent
C) Alzheimer’s disease is not deadly to people
living in crowded families C) people will not be able to remember events that
happened a long time ago
D) Alzheimer’s disease is more common in
countries that are currently developing D) the symptoms of the disease may be similar to
normal age-related symptoms
E) Alzheimer’s disease cannot be distinguished
from the symptoms of normal aging even in its E) people are affected physically more than
later stages mentally

38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 39. As clearly stressed in the passage, the
biodiversity in the world ----.

The loss of global biodiversity is occurring at an alarming A) has been completely immune from any kind of
rate. Since the 1970s, the area of tropical forests human-induced damage
destroyed worldwide exceeds the land mass of the
European Union. Animal and plant species are B) can only be sustained through the preservation
disappearing. Overfishing has depleted stocks around of forests as well as wetlands
the world. Poor farming practices have depleted soils
while allowing the invasion of harmful species. C) can be preserved intact only if poor farming
Destruction of wetlands has left low-lying areas practices can be prevented globally
extremely vulnerable to storms and natural disasters.
Especially in Europe, ecosystems have suffered more D) is declining so fast that its effects can be
human-induced damage than those on any other observed in various ways
continent. Only about 3 per cent of Europe’s forests can
be classified as undisturbed by humans, and the E) can best be observed in tropical forests, which
continent has lost more than half of its wetlands. The also contain large areas of wetlands
spread of urbanization and the over-exploitation of
resources are having an enormous impact on

38. In the passage, attention is drawn to the fact 40. It is claimed in the passage that the depletion of
that a very small percentage of the forests in global fish stocks ----.
Europe ----. A) has mainly resulted from the loss of wetlands on
all the continents
A) seem to have been over-exploited and,
therefore, ecologically damaged B) has an adverse impact on the world’s
B) have been reserved for animal and plant
species C) has caused much damage to Europe’s
ecosystems in particular
C) have been used for urbanization and exploited
D) is far more alarming in the tropical regions than
D) can be considered to be ecologically suitable for in any other part of the world
E) cannot be prevented unless overfishing is
E) have remained untouched by human forbidden worldwide

1 D 21 D
2 C 22 A
3 C 23 B
4 B 24 A
5 A 25 C
6 E 26 E
7 B 27 A
8 D 28 C
9 A 29 A
10 D 30 A
11 E 31 E
12 C 32 D
13 B 33 A
14 E 34 D
15 C 35 A
16 C 36 B
17 B 37 D
18 A 38 E
19 C 39 D
20 B 40 B

1. – 8. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 7. Human beings will always be smart enough to
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. manipulate their environment ---- adapting to it.

A) because of
1. About 60 million people had to leave Europe
before World War II, which caused an ---- B) in terms of
migration to the US. C) in spite of
D) rather than
A) indifferent B) explanatory E) such as
C) intuitive D) ambiguous
E) immense
8. ---- the child is highly susceptible to infections, it
is critical to prevent the child from being exposed
2. Although solar cell technology for ---- the sun’s to them.
power into electricity has improved steadily in A) Since
recent years, high costs and inefficiencies have
B) Although
kept it from being a serious replacement for fossil
fuels. C) Whether
D) Just as
A) achieving B) converting E) Unless
C) constructing D) commuting
E) depleting
9. - 13. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
3. Before they are allowed to be used, all medicines,
including vaccines, are ---- tested to assess how
safe and effective they are. Education is both a consumption and an investment good.
The (9)---- of knowledge by reading a book can give
A) incidentally B) hazardously pleasure and benefits to an individual equivalent to
consuming an ice-cream or seeing a film at the cinema.
C) thoroughly D) fatally
But education can also help advance in a chosen career
E) offensively (10)---- success is achieved in specific examinations. If a
financial gain is thereby achieved, then the time spent in
the educational process (11)---- seen as an investment.
4. Evidence that humans ---- to cultivate crops By investing in yourself you hope that your enhanced
approximately 10,000 years ago ---- the presence skills add to your potential earning power in the labour
of agricultural tools at archaeological sites. market; your qualifications should help you to compete
that much better against those (12)---- qualified for a
A) have begun / will include particular job. As far as an employer is concerned, your
B) might have begun / would have included educational qualification is a means (13)---- filtering where
C) had begun / had included there is keen competition for a post.
D) were beginning / has included
E) began / includes
9. A) contribution
B) exclusion
C) obscurity
5. Until recently, researchers ---- to reveal the
D) acquisition
mysterious disease ---- the genomes of
E) continuation
schizophrenia patients for flaws not present in the
genes of healthy people.
10. A) even so
A) tried / have searched B) since
B) to try / searched C) if
C) being tried / would search D) as if
E) unless
D) having tried / could search
E) trying / searched
11. A) might have been
B) would be
C) was
6. The preference ---- increasingly bitter chocolate D) had been
has its origins ---- the dramatic fall in cocoa prices E) can be
in the years around 1985.
A) at / to 12. A) as much B) less
B) for / in C) least D) the same
C) with / about E) fewer
D) towards / over
E) by / from 13. A) of B) by
C) over D) with
E) through

17. If too many sharks are fished or killed by

14. – 19. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde pollution, ----.
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) sharks play a critical role in marine environments
because they are at the top of food chain
14. Unless international cooperation is ensured to
B) all species further down the food chain are
ban the non-essential uses of some chemicals,
affected, with some populations swelling and
others declining
A) the depletion of the ozone layer will continue to
C) they generally eat fish and other small animals,
pose a serious threat to human health
but the largest sharks also hunt sea turtles and
mammals, such as seals
B) many countries will be able to use both chemical
and nuclear weapons internationally
D) most sharks have a lateral line system, which
detects movement in water
C) these risks would not be worrying the nations
E) they are also sensitive to sound waves travelling
through water
D) the cooperation will not be eligible in the
international organization next year

E) some organizations could deal with the problem

properly, despite the limitations
18. Even though nearly all people are equipped with
the biological hardware to produce a wide range
of notes, ‐‐‐‐.

A) many neurobiologists have investigated musical

15. ----, few realize how changes to their sleep ability
pattern can have a significant effect as well.
B) most people are quite good at timing and note
A) Because doctors prescribe medicine to regulate memory
sleeping patterns of the elderly
C) the relationship between song and language
B) While most people appreciate how their health is needs to be studied
tied to their diet and exercise
D) musical talent, especially singing, varies
C) When a bad night’s sleep ruins the whole day of between human beings
a person
E) some people with musical aptitude carry a tune
D) Once sleepless people seek a solution by taking easily
drugs to overcome insomnia

E) Though many insomniacs have been seriously

advised to cut out drinks containing caffeine
19. It might not be practical to use a different
password for every single website that you log
into ----.

16. Although young children readily learn the names A) so online shopping involves more than just a
of numbers, ----. seller and a buyer

A) it is a long time before they can use them B) although it is more suggestible for someone to
effectively rely on a computer engineer
C) since nicknames on the Internet are not enough
B) much research has been carried out on the to protect you from harm
process of learning
D) while the term ‘surfing’ has become more
C) their parents try to encourage them to solve widespread as more people use computers
complex problems
E) but it is definitely worth having more than one for
D) it doesn’t matter if they enjoy maths or not security reasons

E) they can easily learn how to multiply two-digit


Aşağıdaki sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca 22. Whether somewhere is hot or cold is mainly to
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en do with how close it is to the equator, but other
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. factors, such as ocean currents and altitude, are
also important.

A) Bir yerin sıcak veya soğuk olması özellikle o

20. There are no blood tests or brain scans for yerin ekvatora ne kadar yakın olduğuyla ilgilidir
mental illnesses, so diagnoses can be subjective fakat okyanus dalgaları ve deniz seviyesinden
and unreliable. yükseklik gibi başka unsurlar da önemlidir.
A) Ruh hastalıklarının teşhislerini öznel ve B) Bir yerin ekvatora yakınlığı özellikle o yerin sıcak
güvenilmez kılan şey, bu hastalıklar için kan testi ve soğuk olması konusunda etkilidir fakat
veya beyin taraması bulunmamasıdır. okyanus dalgaları ve deniz seviyesinden
yükseklik de önemli unsurlardandır.
B) Ruh hastalıklarına yönelik kan testi veya beyin
taraması kullanılmadığı için teşhisler öznel ve C) Bir yerin sıcak veya soğuk olması o yerin
güvenilmez kalabilir. ekvatora olan yakınlığıyla doğrudan ilişkilidir
fakat okyanus dalgaları ve deniz seviyesinden
C) Kan testi veya beyin taraması bulunmayan ruh yükseklik de bu konuda önemli unsurlar
hastalıklarının teşhisleri, öznel ve güvenilmez arasındadır.
D) Bir yerin sıcak ve soğuk olması o yerin ekvatora
D) Ruh hastalıkları için kan testi veya beyin olan yakınlığına bağlıdır fakat okyanus dalgaları
taraması bulunmamaktadır, bu yüzden teşhisler ve deniz seviyesinden yükseklik de diğer önemli
öznel ve güvenilmez olabilmektedir. unsurlar olarak görülür.
E) Kan testi veya beyin taraması bulunsaydı, ruh E) Bir yerin sıcak veya soğuk olması o yerin
hastalıklarının teşhisleri öznel ve güvenilmez ekvatora yakın veya uzak olmasının yanı sıra
olmayabilirdi. okyanus dalgaları ve deniz seviyesinden
yükseklik gibi başka unsurlarla da ilişkilidir.

21. It is a common belief that children are more 23. Beyin vücut ağırlığının sadece %2’sini oluşturur,
successful foreign language learners than ama dinlenirken bile vücut enerjisinin aşağı
adults, but the findings on the issue are actually yukarı %20’sini tüketir; bu demektir ki beyin gün
surprisingly suspicious. boyunca dikkatli kalmak için çok fazla besine
ihtiyaç duyar.
A) Çocukların yabancı dil öğreniminde
yetişkinlerden daha başarılı oldukları yaygın bir A) The brain, which makes up only 2% of the body
inanıştır ancak bu konudaki bulgular aslında weight, consumes almost 20% of the body’s
şaşırtıcı derecede şüphelidir. energy even at rest; that means plenty of
nutrition is necessary for the brain to stay alert
B) Çocuklar, yabancı dil öğreniminde yetişkinlerden during the day.
daha başarılı olsalar bile bu konudaki bulguların
aslında son derece şüpheli olduğu inanışı B) 2% of the body weight comes from the brain,
yaygındır. though it consumes roughly 20% of the body’s
energy even at rest; meaning that the brain is in
C) Yaygın bir inanışa göre çocuklar, yabancı dil need of a large amount of nutrition to stay alert
öğreniminde aslında yetişkinlerden daha during the day.
başarılıdır ve bu konuda son derece şaşırtıcı
bulgulara rastlanılabilir. C) The brain makes up only 2% of the body weight,
yet it consumes roughly 20% of the body’s
D) Çocuklar, yabancı dil öğreniminde yetişkinlerden energy even at rest; that means the brain needs
daha başarılı olmalarına rağmen bu konudaki a lot of nutrition to stay alert throughout the day.
bulguların şüpheli olduğuna dair gerçekte yaygın
bir inanış vardır. D) The brain needs plenty of nutrition to stay alert
during the day because it consumes nearly 20%
E) Her ne kadar çocuklar yabancı dil öğrenmede of the body’s energy even at rest although it
yetişkinlere göre daha başarılı olsalar da bu makes up only 2% of the body weight.
konudaki bulgular esasında şaşırtıcı hâlde
şüphelidir. E) The brain makes up only 2% of the body weight
while it consumes roughly 20% of the body’s
energy even at rest, which means a lot of
nutrition is required for the brain to stay alert
during the day.

24. Mevcut küresel kriz nedeniyle uluslararası 26. – 28. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam
ticaretin çökmesi, kalkınma iktisatçılarını, bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
ticareti, bir büyüme motoru olarak görme
konusunda kuşkulandırmıştır. 26. Psychology is a branch of science dealing with
the workings of the mind, its defects and how it
A) The fact that trade is an engine of growth has influences human behaviour. Psychotherapy
been dismissed by development economists, attempts to use our understanding of
since the current global crisis has caused the psychology to benefit people with mental health
collapse of international trade. issues or full-blown mental illness. ---- The
procedure is verbal; no use is made of
B) The current global crisis has undermined medication.
international trade, and this has led development
economists to scepticism about trade as a A) A psychotherapist will talk with the patient to try
means of growth. to get to the root of their thought processes and
their emotional state.
C) In view of the current global crisis and its
adverse impact on international trade, many B) A psychotherapist can prescribe psychotherapy
development economists have come to for patients as well as other treatments such as
disregard trade as an engine of growth. medications.
D) Due to the current global crisis and the decline of C) Psychotherapists tend to differ in their approach
international trade, development economists to this kind of therapy.
doubt whether trade can be regarded as an
effective means of growth. D) There is no well-established theory to explain
why we humans are so prone to analyzing the
E) The collapse of international trade due to the mind.
current global crisis has made development
economists sceptical about regarding trade as E) Practitioners in this field chart how the
an engine of growth. psychological outlook of human beings varies
with age.

25. Akademik bir disiplin olarak matematik temel 27. Some types of food, including certain fruit and
beşeri bilimlerden biridir, ancak matematiğin vegetables, need little processing. In many
geçerliliği pek çok akademik alanı cases, they are simply cleaned, inspected and
kapsamaktadır, bu yüzden matematiğin araçları graded before they are packed into cartons and
neredeyse tüm bilim dallarına hizmet etmektedir. sent to stores and customers. ---- Some
machines detect and reject irregular or spoiled
A) Mathematics, as an academic field, is one of the foodstuffs. Others mix, cook, shape and bake
primary humanities, but because its tools are foods before they are canned, frozen or
used in almost all sciences, it can be said that packaged, again by highly automated machines.
mathematics is valid for many academic fields.
A) The most significant aim of food processing is to
B) Although mathematics is among the primary prolong the time during which the foodstuffs can
humanities, its validity covers many academic be consumed without any health risks.
fields, which makes it an academic discipline B) Glass and plastic bottles are a food preserving
that serves nearly all sciences with its tools. method to package many juices, sauces, and
other liquid foodstuffs.
C) There are many academic fields whose validity
encompasses many other academic fields, but C) Psychologists have found that using attractive
mathematics, one of the primary humanities, is food packaging is a good strategy that most
unique in that its tools serve almost all sciences. producers use to persuade customers to buy
their products.
D) Mathematics, as an academic discipline, is one
of the primary humanities but its validity D) Many foodstuffs, however, are prepared and
encompasses many academic fields, so the packaged in food processing plants or factories,
tools of mathematics serve almost all sciences. through the use of extensive automation.

E) Serving almost all sciences with its tools, E) Processed foodstuffs are found to be less
mathematics is one of the primary humanities, appetizing as they are flavoured with lots of food
and it is an academic discipline whose validity additives, which are often harmful to our health.
covers many academic fields.

28. Many instructors believe that learning depends 29. – 31. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
on the teacher. The teacher-centred model of
education places all of the responsibility for
deciding what is taught and how it is taught on 29. (I) Pregnancy is an important time for both mother
the instructor. This model views teachers as and baby, which is why mothers should get special
active participants in the educational process care to live right so that their children can be born
and learners as passive recipients of knowledge. healthy enough. (II) That is relatively easy when it
---- The ultimate aim is to produce educated comes to things women can control like eating well.
learners, and teaching is a means to this end. (III) Clearly, pregnant women who abuse alcohol put
With this view, teachers should place less their babies at risk of a wide range of birth defects.
emphasis on what they know and more on what (IV) But what about pollution in the air they breathe?
learners bring to the educational encounter. (V) In the first study of its kind, researchers report
that expectant mothers’ exposure to pollutants can
A) Current educational theory, however, argues for lead to a dramatic increase in the risk of anxiety
a learner-centred rather than a teacher-centred problems in their children at age 6.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) There is a natural tendency among instructors to
teach others in the way they were taught before.

C) Educators must develop a complete

understanding of what goes on in the mind of the
learner to improve the quality of education.

D) The discipline of most colleges and universities 30. (I) Life first stirred on this planet about three and a
is generally framed for the ease of the masters, half billion years ago. (II) At first, and for immense
not for the benefit of the students. periods from then on, it was comprised only of the
simplest single-celled organisms. (III) Powered by
E) If learning environments become better adapted sunlight, these early life forms took carbon dioxide
to the needs of learners, they will emerge with a gas and water from their environment and used
greater degree of useful connected knowledge. these materials to make carbohydrates as a means
to produce energy. (IV) Carbohydrates are essential
elements for carbon-based organisms to produce
necessary energy to continue their existence.
(V) As a by-product they released oxygen and
therefore changed the atmosphere over billions of

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

31. (I) Kazakhstan, the ninth-largest state in the world,

sits on a vast stretch of land between Communist
China, Orthodox Russia, Islamic Central Asia and
the religiously mixed Caucasus. (II) This fact and
certain turning points in its history have transformed
Kazakhstan into a multicultural environment.
(III) This environment is rich in natural beauties too.
(IV) There, representatives of more than 100 ethnic
groups and many religions co-exist peacefully.
(V) This is a legacy of the 1930s, when, during
Stalinist repression, Kazakhstan became a second
homeland for thousands of ethnic Germans, Poles,
Koreans, Greeks and Kurds.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

32. – 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 33. We can understand from the passage that the
treatment of autism ----.

Anyone who has spent even a little time with an autistic A) should not be attempted before the patient is
boy or girl soon becomes familiar with the behaviours that three years old
set these children apart. But how do parents and doctors
know if a baby has autism? Early diagnosis has proved B) should, ideally, begin very early in life
difficult, but if it were possible, it would lead to much more
effective treatment because the younger a child is, the C) will go on for several years and must not be
more malleable is the brain. So, the inability to detect hurried
autism until a child is two or three years old is a terrific
disadvantage, as it eliminates a valuable window of D) is only successful when the patient cooperates
treatment opportunity, when the brain is undergoing
tremendous development. Researchers, however, are E) has advanced rapidly in recent years
closing in on techniques that could detect autism in
babies as young as six months and perhaps even at birth.
The results of these new tests are expanding the
understanding of autism and raising hopes for much
earlier, specialized care that could improve a toddler’s
chances for a more normal life as a child, teenager and

32. We can infer from the passage that an autistic 34. According to the passage, research is currently
child ----. being carried out to ----.

A) has obvious genetic markers A) find ways of detecting autism in very young
B) hates being different from other children
B) develop new ways of treating autism in young
C) has very little chance of ever having an ordinary children
C) establish why autism occurs
D) usually has a disruptive effect on other children
D) help autistic children to help each other to
E) has distinct behavioural traits very different from combat the problems
those of other children
E) establish the extent to which autism is a
hereditary disorder

35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 36. It is understood from the passage that ----.

A) gravity does not play any role in the proper

functioning of the human body
Humans have evolved to work best in the atmosphere
and gravity that exist on the Earth’s surface. To survive B) the unpleasant effects of weightlessness pass
in space, astronauts have to take an Earth-like after a few hours of exposure
environment with them such as fresh oxygen, which is
circulated around the craft for them to breathe. The C) the human body experiences a negative reaction
main difference in space is the weightlessness causing as a result of weightlessness
astronauts to float around. As soon as astronauts go
into space, their bodies start adapting to this D) almost all astronauts adapt quite well to the
weightlessness. Muscles, bones, heart and blood all conditions in space
undergo changes. At least half of all astronauts suffer
an unpleasant reaction to weightlessness. On the E) astronauts can improve their sense of balance in
Earth, gravity exerts a force on our bodies, which gives the weightless gravity of space thanks to their
us weight and keeps us rooted to the ground. It also suits
pulls body fluid downwards. In space, astronauts lose
their sense of balance. They can feel sick, and go off
their food. It can take two weeks for the digestive
system to fully adjust. Therefore, NASA plans no
spacewalks during the first three days of a mission,
because an astronaut who vomits inside a spacesuit
risks suffocation.

35. According to the passage, ----. 37. According to the passage, a possible danger
during a mission is that astronauts may ----.
A) strict training methods allow the human body to
adapt to space A) suffer from weight gain due to lack of exercise

B) the human body has evolved considerably to B) lose their balance, fall down and get hurt
adapt to the conditions of space
C) throw up and choke inside their own spacesuits
C) the conditions of the Earth’s surface challenge
the physical limits of the human body D) feel tired because of physical stress and make
D) special conditions need to be created to allow
humans to survive in space E) lose their mental faculties as a result of
adjustment problems
E) lack of gravity has no significant biological
effects on the human body

39. It is pointed out in the passage that the changes

38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. that took place in Tudor England ----.

A) were fundamentally inspired by the social and

The 16th century in England is generally known as economic developments already being
the Tudor period, which historically lasted from 1485 witnessed in Europe
to 1603. Among the famous Tudor sovereigns were
Henry VII, Henry VIII, and Elizabeth I. In fact, the B) had far-reaching effects on social and economic
early years of the Tudor period were marked by life
significant changes in trade and in the arts of war.
Henry VII made commercial treaties with European C) were mainly confined to social life and improved
countries. Economically, England, which had always the efficiency of the feudal social order
been a sheep-raising country, was by now
manufacturing and exporting significant amounts of D) initially resulted from a revision of the traditional
cloth. As lands were enclosed to permit grazing on a arts of war that had depended on the use of
larger scale, people were driven off the land to the cannons and firearms
cities, and London grew into a metropolitan market
with sophisticated commercial institutions. These E) greatly reduced all the political and legal powers
changes had an impact on the traditional feudal that English sovereigns had traditionally enjoyed
social order, which also began to decline; also, due to and used
the introduction of cannons and firearms, the feudal
system of warfare became obsolete. Yet, it would be
a mistake to imagine these changes as sudden and
dramatic. In fact, it was a slow and long process
whereby England was transformed into a modern

40. On the basis of the passage, one can state that,

38. According to the passage, it was during the during the Tudor period, England ----.
Tudor period that ----.
A) earned large amounts of revenue from its
A) England’s overseas trade was adversely affected
by ongoing wars in Europe
B) took little interest in the affairs of continental
B) feudalism in England was further strengthened
C) England’s exports to European countries were C) experienced a long process of social and
significantly in decline economic transformation
D) sheep-raising was introduced into England,
D) emerged as a major sheep-raising country in
which had large areas of grazing
E) London was transformed into a major trade
E) remained totally indifferent to the economic and
political changes in Europe


1 E 21 A
2 B 22 A
3 C 23 C
4 E 24 E
5 E 25 D
6 B 26 A
7 D 27 D
8 A 28 A
9 D 29 C
10 C 30 D
11 E 31 C
12 B 32 E
13 A 33 B
14 A 34 A
15 B 35 D
16 A 36 C
17 B 37 C
18 D 38 E
19 E 39 B
20 D 40 C

1. – 8. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 7. ---- Byzantium had fallen, the Ottomans
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. completed their conquest of the Balkans with

1. One socio-psychological explanation of violence A) Unless

suggests that frustrating situations make people B) Whether
angry and increase their ---- to act aggressively. C) If
D) Once
A) addiction B) tendency
C) rejection D) exposure E) In case
E) dedication
8. Seoul is busy reinventing itself and practically
rebuilding the city with an eye to improving ----
2. William Du Bois, the first African-American to the aesthetic value ---- the commercial value of
graduate from Harvard University with a the city.
doctorate, showed ---- academic promise from a A) so / that
very early age.
B) such / as
A) comprehensive B) additional C) less / than
C) temporary D) intentional D) neither / nor
E) exceptional E) not only / but also

3. The fruit of the cacao tree and the seeds or beans 9. – 13. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
it contains ---- a lengthy and complex series of yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
transformations in order to yield chocolate.
A) overcome B) dismiss Early machines, such as axes and ramps, relied on
C) highlight D) undergo human muscle power to make them work. Then people
started using animals to work many simple machines.
E) exchange
Animals, (9)---- oxen and horses, could carry, pull and lift
much heavier loads than people could. (10)----, people
realized they could capture the energy of the wind or
4. Humans ---- 43 percent of the Earth’s surface flowing water by using windmills and water-wheels.
from its natural state radically, far greater than These became the first machines (11)---- power that in
the smaller changes that ---- trigger the last great turn was used to make other machines work. This energy
planetary shift during the ice ages. was used to do such things as grinding grain to make
A) would alter / have helped flour or pumping water (12)---- underground. Today, wind
and water energy are still (13)---- to generate electricity,
B) had altered / helped
which we use to light and power our homes, schools,
C) have altered / helped offices and factories.
D) alter / will help
E) will alter / had helped 9. A) despite
B) in contrast with
C) such as
5. Cancerous cells ---- dormant in a person’s lungs D) instead of
for decades, ---- to diversify and spread. E) owing to

A) should lie / to wait 10. A) Eventually

B) must lie / having waited B) Otherwise
C) can lie / waiting C) For example
D) could lie / wait D) To sum up
E) may lie / to have waited E) On the contrary

11. A) to have been created

6. Scientific evidence shows that the amount of
B) having been created
activity ---- our brain when we dream is identical
---- the amount when we are awake. C) to be created
D) to create
A) in / to E) being created
B) on / for
C) at / with 12. A) upon B) from C) against D) by E) off
D) across / of
E) for / over 13. A) conducted
B) separated
C) eliminated
D) expanded
E) utilised

14. – 19. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 17. Genetics contributes heavily to the rate at which
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. someone acquires necessary skills and
knowledge, ----.

14. ---- provided that they have a European Health A) while some scientists emphasize the genetic
Insurance Card. components that underlie a large number of
cognitive abilities
A) British and Irish citizens are entitled to medical
treatments in all European Union countries B) but genetics helps us explain the different skills
of equally well-trained individuals
B) People who would like to try high risk activities
in Europe may need an insurance card C) because finding the sources of creativity has
occupied the minds of philosophers for
C) The United States and the European Union centuries
have mutual health arrangements with each
other D) so those with more innate talent can improve
faster and launch their careers earlier
D) Full travel insurance policy is essential for
everybody while travelling across Europe E) and there are some researchers who
dissaprove of the fact that genetics shapes the
E) Some European countries may need extra potential for genius
cover for medical treatments

18. Leonardo da Vinci’s greatness has been

recognized through the centuries, ----.
15. You should check whether something is
disturbing them in the morning ----. A) but how his work has been seen and
understood has differed over time
A) although you have employed some strategies to
cope with your children's laziness B) for the Codex Atlanticus is the largest group of
his manuscripts
B) once your children feel comfortable enough in
their rooms C) so critical perspectives on Leonardo have been
partially shaped by incorrect attributions
C) but your children will probably have difficulty in
solving problems with their friends D) and he spent the last three years of his life in
France, where he died
D) if your children always wake up early and
cannot go back to sleep E) even though he was the master of many
drawing techniques of his time
E) so it is not necessary for your children to sleep
more than 8 hours

19. If the world is to succeed in avoiding dangerous

climate change, ----.

16. People once thought that the heart was the A) people in poor countries will first feel the effects
centre of thought and emotion ----. of harsh climate change

A) in spite of the fact that the heart works non-stop B) cutting back greenhouse gas emissions must be
unlike other muscles in the body an urgent global priority

B) and thus it beats 70 times a minute, 100,000 C) a rise in the sea level will endanger man-made
times a day, and 40 million times a year as well as natural areas

C) even though it has certain structures that make D) the world has known about human-induced
sure the blood flows one way only global warming for a long time

D) since the heart pumps blood through its own E) airplanes are the fastest growing source of
muscular wall as well as pumping blood to the carbon dioxide worldwide

E) but it is simply a muscular pump that beats

tirelessly to keep blood flowing

22. The ancient Egyptians were very good at

Aşağıdaki sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca mathematics and at building geometric tombs,
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en but they were not famous for philosophy.
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Eski Mısırlılar matematikte ve geometrik anıt
mezarlar inşa etmede çok başarılıydılar ancak
20. The Industrial Revolution made iron available in felsefe ile ünlü değillerdi.
large quantities, and thus it became convenient
to be used as a building material. B) Eski Mısırlılar matematikte ve geometrik anıt
mezarlar inşa etmede çok başarılı olmalarına
A) Sanayi Devrimi'nin, demiri büyük miktarlarda rağmen felsefe ile ünlü değillerdi.
mevcut kılmasıyla birlikte demiri inşaat
malzemesi olarak kullanmak elverişli hâle geldi. C) Matematikte ve geometrik anıt mezar yapımında
çok başarılı olan eski Mısırlılar felsefe ile ünlü
B) Demirin inşaat malzemesi olarak kullanılmasını değillerdi.
elverişli kılan şey; Sanayi Devrimi'nin, demiri
büyük miktarlarda mevcut hâle getirmesidir. D) Eski Mısırlılar felsefe ile ünlü olmamalarına
karşın matematikte ve geometrik anıt mezarlar
C) Sanayi Devrimi, demiri büyük miktarlarda inşa etmede çok başarılıydılar.
mevcut kıldı ve böylelikle demir, inşaat
malzemesi olarak kullanılmaya elverişli hâle E) Matematikte ve geometrik anıt mezarlar inşa
geldi. etmede çok başarılı olsalar dahi eski Mısırlılar
felsefe ile ünlü değillerdi.
D) Sanayi Devrimi, demiri büyük miktarlarda
mevcut hâle getirmeseydi onu inşaat malzemesi
olarak kullanmak bu kadar elverişli olmazdı.

E) Demiri büyük miktarlarda mevcut hâle getiren ve

onun inşaat malzemesi olarak kullanılmasını
elverişli kılan şey, Sanayi Devrimi'dir.

23. MÖ ikinci yüzyılın ilk yarısında gücünün

zirvesinde olan Pergamum, Batı Anadolu’nun
büyük bir kısmını içine alan bir krallığın
21. Yellowstone, an extraordinary place with
canyons, lakes and hot springs, is the first A) Having reached the height of its power by the
national park not only of the United States of first half of the second century BC, Pergamum
America but also of the world. was regarded as the capital of a kingdom
comprising most of western Anatolia.
A) Hem Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde hem de
dünyadaki ilk millî park olan Yellowstone’da sıra B) At the height of its power in the first half of the
dışı kanyonlar, göller ve sıcak su kaynakları second century BC, Pergamum was the capital
bulunmaktadır. of a kingdom that comprised most of western
B) Sadece Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin değil
dünyanın da ilk millî parkı olan Yellowstone; C) At the height of its power, Pergamum was the
kanyonlar, göller ve sıcak su kaynaklarıyla sıra capital of a kingdom that included most parts of
dışı bir yerdir. western Anatolia in the first half of the second
century BC.
C) Kanyonlar, göller ve sıcak su kaynaklarıyla sıra
dışı bir yer olan Yellowstone, sadece Amerika D) In the first half of the second century BC,
Birleşik Devletleri’nin değil aynı zamanda Pergamum was at the peak of its power and
dünyanın da ilk millî parkıdır. was the capital of a kingdom that constituted
most of western Anatolia.
D) Yellowstone’u sıra dışı bir yer hâline getiren
şey; kanyonları, gölleri ve sıcak su kaynaklarıyla E) Pergamum was the capital of a kingdom which
hem Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde hem de was at its peak and comprised most of western
dünyadaki ilk millî park olmasıdır. Anatolia in the first half of the second century
E) Sadece Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin değil
dünyanın da ilk millî parkı olan Yellowstone sıra
dışı bir yerdir ve burada kanyonlar, göller ve
sıcak su kaynakları mevcuttur.

24. Wolfgang Mozart sadece 35 yıl yaşamasına 26. – 28. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam
rağmen müzik kariyerine henüz beş bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
yaşındayken başlayıp 600'den fazla eser
26. When the Titanic sank in 1912, three times as
A) When he was just five years old, Wolfgang many women were saved than men. ---- When
Mozart started his musical career, and he could Swedish scientists analyzed a database of 18
compose more than 600 works though he lived maritime disasters between 1852 and 2011, they
only 35 years. found that the survival rate of women was half
that of men, and that children were least likely
B) Even though Wolfgang Mozart lived only 35 to survive in these incidents. People may tend
years, he composed more than 600 works to think that women and children are generally
during his musical career, which started when helped first, but factors such as men's superior
he was just five years old. strength to women and their swimming ability
come into play.
C) Wolfgang Mozart lived only 35 years, but he
started his musical career when he was just five A) However, new research has found that this is
years old, composing more than 600 works the exception rather than the rule.
through his life.
B) Furthermore, two surveying ships with the help
D) Although Wolfgang Mozart lived only 35 years, of the US Navy made the discovery of the
he composed more than 600 works, starting his wreck.
musical career when he was just five years old.
C) The Titanic became the killer of hundreds of
E) Wolfgang Mozart, who started his musical victims that were expecting to have a luxurious
career when he was just five years old, vacation.
composed more than 600 works although he
lived only 35 years. D) Children, however, had a higher percentage of
getting rescued than that of both men and

E) Most men, on the other hand, did not manage to

rescue any of the female voyagers.

25. Göz ve kamera arasındaki benzerliklere rağmen 27. Mammals owe much of their success to
görme, herhangi bir kameranınkinden çok daha parenting. They are generally the most caring
karmaşık işlemler içerir. parents in the natural world. The female feeds
her young with milk from her own body and
A) Even though the eye and a camera are really looks after them until they can take care of
similar, vision will require much more complex themselves. During this time, the offspring
processes than those of any camera. learns essential survival techniques, such as
social behaviour and methods of obtaining
B) Although the eye and a camera resemble each food. ---- Others, like deer, stand and run within
other, vision requires much more complex minutes of being born.
processes than a camera.
A) Almost all mammal species control their body
C) Vision involves processes that are far more temperature by sweating when it is hot.
complex than any camera; however, the eye is
very similar to a camera. B) Some animals go into hibernation in cold
climates, and therefore they do not eat during
D) Although there are some certain similarities this period and live on the fat stored in their
between the eye and a camera, vision requires bodies.
far more complex processes than those of any
camera. C) If any of the five senses is weak in animals, it is
compensated by the rest which are developed
E) Despite the similarities between the eye and a by natural activities.
camera, vision involves processes that are far
more complex than those of any camera. D) Some mammals, such as mice, are born blind
and helpless and require an intensive period of
parental care.

E) Another survival skill that they learn during this

time is that they sharpen their senses to locate

28. Nigeria is potentially the richest nation in Africa,

29. – 31. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
with huge reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, tin,
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
and iron ore. ---- However, corruption and bad
government have meant that the money earned
from these natural resources has not been used
properly, and most Nigerians remain very poor. 29. (I) A few microbial species have found ways to
sabotage the immune system and skew the balance
A) This country has also been affected by drought, of power in their favor. (II) For example,
crop failure and over-farming. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a mouth-dwelling
bacterium, has long been the prime suspect behind
B) Efforts were made to develop other products so gum disease. (III) Even in small numbers, they can
that Nigeria’s economy was not so dependent stop white blood cells from producing certain
on oil. chemicals that kill bacteria. (IV) Without these
chemicals to restrict their growth, all the bacterial
C) It also has abundant fertile land, capable of populations in the mouth grow explosively, causing
growing cotton, coffee, sugar and many other tissue damage known as 'gingivitis'. (V) The
crops. standard care for gingivitis is a professional tooth
cleaning and more flossing.
D) The oil industries of Cameroon and the mineral
mines of Congo employ thousands of people as A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
those of Nigeria do.

E) In addition, Central Africa is a hugely fertile

region, with abundant grasslands and lots of

30. (I) Many people claim they can remember being in

the womb or their first two years of life, but it is
doubtful that these are genuine memories. (II) At
five months old, the human fetus weighs under
500g but has fully developed lips, eyes, fingers, and
toes. (III) Claims may be based on children feeling
as if they were at the age of 1 or 2. (IV) Most adults
can remember events only as far back as the age of
3 or 4. (V) Young children often remember further
back, but these early memories generally fade
away as they grow older.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

31. (I) For years, Carol Spring Beach was one of the
best kept secrets in Jamaica. (II) It was among the
whitest and most glorious stretches of coast in the
island’s north. (III) But then, one morning in 2008,
developers building a hotel nearby arrived to
discover something bizarre. (IV) Large amounts of
beach sand were more or less worthless in most
parts of the world as in Jamaica. (V) Thieves had
come during the night and stolen 500 truck-loads of
beautiful sand.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

32. – 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 33. It is understood from the passage that
plagiarism ----.

Plagiarism is taking someone else’s writing or ideas and A) has dramatically decreased over the years
passing them off as one’s own. The word, derived from
the Latin plagiarius, or kidnapper, was first used in the B) dates back long before the 17th century
early 17th century, but undoubtedly, instances of
plagiarism long predate that. Accusations, proven or not, C) is combining one’s own idea with someone
of plagiarism have frequently featured in academic else’s
writing, journalism and music. In the 1970s, for example,
the former Beatle George Harrison was sued for copying D) was a subject of great controversy in the past
the melody of the Chiffons’ He’s So Fine for his own
song My Sweet Lord. Plagiarism in music may often be E) is less important when it occurs in literature
unintentional. This is less likely in scientific writing,
literature and journalism, that is, it may be deliberate. In
2009, the British poet Andrew Motion was accused of
‘shameless burglary’ by a military historian, Ben
Shephard, after using passages from a book by
Shephard. However, in the age of cyber technology,
plagiarism has become both easier to commit and easier
to detect, as many students and teachers have realized.

34. It is understood from the passage that ----.

A) those who complain most bitterly about

plagiarism are teachers
32. According to the passage, plagiarism manifests
itself ----. B) accusations of plagiarism in academic writing
are tolerable to some extent
A) scarcely in the press
C) technology contributes to both the spreading
B) mainly in literary products and spotting of plagiarism

C) in many areas of human work D) many musicians copy their colleagues’ works on
D) primarily in historical documents
E) technological devices are essential for
E) more easily in students' works journalists if they need to plagiarize

35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

36. It is pointed out in the passage that a person
carrying a mobile wallet does not need to ----.
When you walk into a store and submit your shopping
list, a map directs you to the chocolate ice cream you A) use a map to find the items he or she demands
crave. When you get to the front of the line, you just
bump your phone on the reader and also get a discount B) make a shopping list
via an e-coupon you have downloaded. You can scan
pictures of the spaghetti and salad you want for dinner C) abandon his or her earlier shopping habits
from the supermarket as you wait for the train and pick
up the bag on your way home. 2013 was the year the D) carry cash in his or her pocket
increasing popularity of the mobile wallet – a smart
phone that also acts as a credit card, cheque book and a E) communicate with others to get product
useful tool that helps shoppers collect product information
information – radically altered shopping habits. It has
been the biggest thing in retail since the credit card got
us talking about a cashless economy. The driving force is
communication: cash cannot communicate, but phones
can. Your alarm clock, radio, camera and even your
laptop have already been displaced by your phone.
“Everything eventually migrates to the cell phone. Since
it moves, people tend to do a lot more of it,” says Scott
Ellison, an analyst in the mobile industry. It has now
become apparent that our wallet has also moved into the
cell phone.

37. The main reason why people use the mobile

35. According to the passage, the mobile wallet ----. wallet is ----.

A) has profoundly changed the way people shop A) the difficulty in using credit cards

B) the limited time people have for shopping

B) has reduced the need for shopping

C) is obligatory because it informs users about C) that they do not want to wait in long queues at
what to buy stores

D) is more effective when used only for online D) that they plan to transfer to a cashless economy
E) its ability to be used for several purposes
E) is less practical than the traditional credit card

38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 39. It is stated in the passage that searches for
mythical animals ----.

The news that a ‘Yeti finger’ found in Nepal is from a A) should be done after certain tests are carried
person, not a new species of giant Himalayan ape, will out
not surprise many. The notion that it came from a Yeti
was laid to rest by a DNA test at Edinburgh Zoo. Yet B) are done by very experienced explorers
again, evidence thought to demonstrate the existence of
the famous mystery animal has failed the test. Every C) need to be carried out by specialists
year, naturalists go to remote areas in search of mythical
animals. Do they ever meet success? The answer is yes. D) depend on funding from zoos
The most famous example is the Okapi, a relative of the
giraffe. So, could new species of large animals still await E) can sometimes yield satisfactory results
discovery? New species are found all the time. A long-
horned relative of the cattle, the Saola, was discovered in
Asia, in 1992, while more than 10 new primate species
have been named since 2005. But some mystery
animals appear unlikely. They are reported from well-
studied areas like North America and have been the
subject of unsuccessful discovery attempts. The time has
come to stop combing North America for Bigfoot, or
looking for Yetis in the Himalayas. There is no reason to
take their existence seriously.

40. It can be understood from the passage that

searches for the Yeti or Bigfoot ----.

A) are unnecessary because reports of these

38. According to the passage, the ‘Yeti finger’ ----. animals come from areas that have already
been investigated thoroughly
A) has very unusual DNA and needs further
investigation B) could be successful, and serious investigations
of reported sightings should continue
B) came from a human and not a Yeti as some
previously believed C) have fortunately led to the discovery of the
Okapi and the Saola
C) could belong to a species of Himalayan ape not
yet discovered D) should be done by scientists who have
specialized in primate and large ape behaviour
D) is a part of the body of a larger animal
discovered in Nepal E) should be carried out in areas other than the
well-studied areas of the Himalayas
E) has convinced investigators to continue to
search for Yetis

1 B 21 C
2 E 22 A
3 D 23 B
4 C 24 D
5 C 25 E
6 A 26 A
7 D 27 D
8 E 28 C
9 C 29 E
10 A 30 B
11 D 31 D
12 B 32 C
13 E 33 B
14 A 34 C
15 D 35 A
16 E 36 D
17 D 37 E
18 A 38 B
19 B 39 E
20 C 40 A

1. – 8. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 7. ---- many animals have keener abilities to detect
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. odours than we do, the human sense of smell
permits us to detect more than 10,000 separate
1. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,
there was a common view that elegant speech A) Once
was a mark of social prestige in that it was ---- of B) Since
having come from a good family. C) Unless
A) possessive B) perceptive D) Although
C) indicative D) inclusive E) When
E) extensive
8. Many of the “first generation” of postwar writers,
---- first work was published in 1946–47, focused
on the subject of wartime experiences.
2. Although women make up nearly half of the
labour force in South Africa, most of them work in A) when
lower-wage sectors, ---- domestic service. B) whose
A) dramatically B) vitally C) whom
C) loosely D) particularly D) which
E) undoubtedly E) where

3. Parents should teach their children that 9. – 13. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
being patient with someone does not yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
necessarily mean they have to ---- their
inappropriate behaviour. Like yawning and coughing, scratching can be infectious.
You see someone else scratching and soon you feel
A) get up to B) do away with
itchy yourself. Itch transmission has been investigated
C) look down on D) come out of (9)---- showing people pictures of fleas and ants. This
E) put up with can make them scratch (10)---- watching someone else
scratching produces the strongest response. A possible
clue as to why this happens may be (11)---- when a drop
of histamine, a substance given out in the body in
4. The Beatles is a British pop group, ---- in response to an allergy, is dropped on someone’s skin.
Liverpool in 1960, ---- at that time of John Lennon, This makes them itchy, but they scratch all over, not just
Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Pete Best. where the drop was placed. This suggests a mechanism
A) forming / having consisted that makes us hypersensitive to skin sensations and
lowers the threshold for wanting to scratch, which (12)----
B) formed / consisting
the cause of infectious scratching. Why do we have it?
C) having been formed / consisted Other primates also behave this way (13)---- several
D) to be formed / to consist reasons. One theory is that it evolved in social species to
E) having formed / to be consisting help them notice and deal with parasitic infections.

9. A) on B) in C) by D) at E) for
5. Drugs that tone down or erase memory ----
anxiety in skiers and other athletes who ----
frightening falls or crashes while practising their 10. A) so that B) but
sport. C) even if D) unless
E) until
A) might prevent / have had
B) should have prevented / had
C) used to prevent / will have 11. A) suspected B) neglected
D) must prevent / have C) violated D) revealed
E) might have prevented / are having E) hindered

6. By creating a bird flu virus that could spread ---- 12. A) may be B) should have been
mammals, biologists have sparked an urgent C) used to be D) could have been
debate ---- how best to protect the public from
biothreats. E) has to be

A) into / from
13. A) in spite of B) by means of
B) at / about
C) among / over C) as opposed to D) apart from
D) upon / for E) due to
E) by / against

14. – 19. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 17. Pre-school programmes are an illustration of a
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. carefully developed curriculum ----.

A) that aims to recognize symptoms of old-age

14. Although the greenhouse gas emissions fatigue and to plan a balanced programme of
generated by pollution were relatively small at activity
first, ----.
B) which is based on the interests and needs of
A) they grew dramatically as more countries young children
C) since they could have offered helpful advice to
B) it was in no country’s interest to reduce them parents
until recently
D) if children experience a growing urge to take
C) carbon dioxide emissions by the US have part in adult discussions
decreased since the 1950s
E) until children display substantial intellectual
D) in 2007, the EU decided to take further essential curiosity
steps towards reducing them

E) the effects of the emissions on climate change

have been ignored by a number of countries

18. ----, but the remains they recovered early on

held little information about the birds they came

15. When a local, native language is not embraced A) The very first penguin fossil to be identified was
by younger generations, ----. a single bone found in New Zealand

A) our understanding is still quite imperfect as to B) Scientists have known about fossil penguins for
why a language death occurs more than 150 years

B) the linguistic diversity is found in places with C) The fossil record of penguins began to improve
small and sparsely distributed populations in the late 1970s

C) it is shocking to learn that almost 40 percent of D) Geographic distribution of penguin reflects a

languages are now endangered single point of origin near South America

D) its demise draws nearer with the passing of E) Penguins are weird birds in that they cannot fly
each native speaker are instead proficient swimmers

E) linguistic extinction is happening much faster

under the pressure of globalization

19. Although the term ‘stress’ and ‘anxiety’ are

used interchangeably in everyday life, ----.

16. If the brain were simpler, ----. A) stress is experienced by most people as a
pattern of physiological responses to real or
A) we have lots of data observed from identical imagined stimuli
B) stress and anxiety have attracted research
B) the scientists can produce simulations of it
interest in psychology
C) we wouldn’t be smart enough to understand
how it works C) anxiety disorder may be defined as an
emotional discomfort characterized by worry
D) our brains surely had a way of interfering with and tension
our minds
D) ‘stressors’ are the environmental demands that
E) some of us could cure genetically-determined people face under pressure
E) psychologists believe that stress is a much
broader term than anxiety

Aşağıdaki sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca 22. The newspaper sector has been negatively
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en affected by the transition to digital applications,
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. and its future survival relies upon creating
feasible Internet models.

20. The first known system of writing was not a re- A) Gazetecilik sektörü dijital uygulamalara yapılan
expression of spoken language, but had a geçişten olumsuz bir şekilde etkilenmiştir ve
pictorial basis, creating two-dimensional gelecekte ayakta kalması kullanışlı İnternet
analogues of three-dimensional things in the modelleri oluşturulmasına bağlıdır.
B) Dijital uygulamalara yapılan geçiş gazetecilik
A) Temelinde resmin bulunduğu, bilinen ilk yazı sektörünü olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir ve
sistemi, sözlü dilde söylenenleri yeniden ifade gelecekte bu sektörün ayakta kalabilmesi için
etmek yerine, etrafımızdaki üç boyutlu nesneleri kullanışlı İnternet modelleri oluşturulmalıdır.
iki boyutla ifade eden bir sistemdi.
C) Gazetecilik sektörünün dijital uygulamalara
B) Temel olarak resimden türeyen bildiğimiz ilk geçiş sürecinden kötü bir şekilde
yazı sistemi, sözlü dilin bir yansıması değil, iki etkilenmesinden dolayı gelecekte ayakta
boyutlu çizimlerin dünyadaki üç boyutlu şeyleri kalması ancak kullanışlı İnternet modellerinin
temsil ettiği bir yazı sistemiydi. yaratılmasıyla mümkün olacaktır.

C) Bilinen ilk yazı sistemi, konuşma dilini ifade D) Dijital uygulamalara geçiş gazetecilik sektörünü
etmekten çok, yeryüzündeki üç boyutlu şeyleri olumsuz bir şekilde etkilediğinden, bu sektörün
iki boyutla temsil etmeye dayanan ve gelecekte ayakta kalabilmesi için kullanışlı
resimlerden ibaret bir yazı sistemiydi. İnternet modelleri oluşturulması kaçınılmazdır.

D) Bilinen ilk yazı sistemi, konuşulan dilin yeniden E) Gazetecilik sektörü dijital uygulamalara geçiş
ifade edilişi değildi; dünyadaki üç boyutlu yapamamaktan olumsuz yönde etkilenmiştir ve
şeylerin iki boyutlu benzerlerini yaratarak, gelecekte kullanışlı İnternet modelleri
özünde resme dayanıyordu. oluşturulmadığı sürece var olması mümkün
E) İlk yazı sisteminin, konuşma dilinin yerine geçen
bir sistem olmadığı, ancak yeryüzündeki üç
boyutlu nesneleri iki boyutta resimle yaratarak
ifade eden bir sistem olduğu bilinmektedir.

23. Bugün yaşadığımız iklim değişikliği hem hızı

hem de büyüklüğü bakımından dünyanın
geçmişte yaşadığı doğal iklim değişikliklerinden
21. There has been a considerable increase in the farklıdır.
number of cases of skin cancer due to the
damage to the ozone layer. A) The previous climate change of the Earth was
distinct from the climate change we are
A) Cilt kanseri vakalarının sayısı, ozon experiencing today in terms of its speed.
tabakasında meydana gelen delikten dolayı son
yıllarda giderek artmıştır. B) Today, we are witnessing a rapid and enormous
climate change totally different from the
B) Ozon tabakasının zarar görmesinden sonra cilt previous climate change of the Earth.
kanseri vakalarının sayısında önemli bir artış
gözlenmiştir. C) The climate change that we are experiencing
today is totally different in terms of its magnitude
C) Ozon tabakasının zarar görmesinden dolayı cilt from any other climate change the Earth has
kanseri vakalarının sayısında önemli bir artış experienced.
D) The climate change we are experiencing today
D) Cilt kanserine yakalanan kişilerin sayısı, ozon differs from the natural climate changes that the
tabakasında meydana gelen büyük zarardan Earth experienced previously in both its rate and
sonra artmıştır. magnitude.

E) Ozon tabakasının zarar görmesiyle birlikte, cilt E) The climate change which we are experiencing
kanserine yakalanan hastaların sayısındaki artış nowadays is very different from the natural
dikkat çekmektedir. climate changes that previously occurred on the

24. Şeker hastalığı olan yetişkinler şeker hastalığı 26. – 28. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam
olmayan yetişkinlere kıyasla günlük bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi
etkinliklerinde daha çok sınırlamayla karşı bulunuz.
karşıya kalmaktadırlar.
26. Singing involves very precise muscle
A) Adults with diabetes face more limitations in coordination of the diaphragm, larynx and
their daily activities compared to adults without mouth. Like all coordination skills, this
diabetes. precision depends largely on the strength of the
neural pathways in the brain that are used
B) Adults who have diabetes have to restrict their during that particular sequence of muscle
daily activities more than those without contractions. ----
A) As you practise singing, these pathways
C) Compared to those who do not have diabetes, become strengthened, which will reinforce your
some adults often have to limit their daily technique – good or bad.
B) In order to speak well in front of an audience,
D) It is a serious problem that adults with diabetes one needs to have considerable training in how
meet more limitations in their daily activities to relax.
than those without diabetes.
C) Some singers are naturally more intelligent
E) Adults without diabetes are not faced with any because they have more neural pathways.
limitations in their routine life, compared to
adults with diabetes. D) The auditory centre of the brain is solely
responsible for the listening function.

E) It is up to the singer to decide which technique

to use.

25. Bizim önerdiğimiz, hangi araştırma eylemlerinin

hangi politika seviyesinde uygulandığı 27. On 14 August 2003, the north-eastern US and
konusunda etraflı bilgi elde ederek başlamaktır. Canada were crippled by an enormous electrical
blackout that affected 50 million people.
A) We propose that we start by obtaining some Commuters struggled to get to work, ATMs
comprehensive information of which research failed, 36 car manufacturing plants were closed
proposals are being implemented at which and hundreds of flights were cancelled,
policy level. resulting in tens of millions of dollars in
economic losses. The cause was later found to
B) What we propose is to start by obtaining be a software bug in a control room. A few
comprehensive information of which research weeks later, the whole of Italy was cut off from
actions are being implemented at which policy Europe's electricity grid for 18 hours after
level. falling trees took out two power lines in
neighboring Switzerland. ---- But in fact they are
C) What we had proposed was to start by asking becoming increasingly common, and will only
for comprehensive information of which get more frequent and severe.
research actions are being implemented at
which policy level. A) Electrical devices fuel our existence because
they are crucial for our food, water and
D) We have proposed that they start by obtaining transport.
comprehensive information of which research
actions are being implemented at which policy B) Software bugs are easy to detect if the technical
level. expertise is available in the country.

E) What is proposed by us is to start by obtaining C) Unless we act now, more and more countries
which comprehensive research questions are will start to experience similar events.
obtained at which policy level.
D) Electricity systems are complex high-tech
assemblages in most of the countries affected.

E) People tend to think of such events as

occasional, inconvenient occurrences.

28. In ancient Egypt most people were poor, living

29. – 31. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
in crowded conditions in simple mud-brick
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
dwellings. During the period of prosperity,
however, skilled artisans, such as jewellers,
goldsmiths, and the like, could elevate
themselves and enjoy nicer surroundings. ---- 29. (I) Between 1800 and the middle of the twentieth
The vast majority of Egyptians, however, were century, the worldwide population roughly tripled,
peasants who, as unskilled labourers, provided rising from 1 to 3 billion. (II) Like past scientific
the brute force necessary for agriculture and investigations directed at humankind, genetics has
construction. Beneath them were slaves, raised fundamental questions about ethics and
typically captives from foreign wars rather than humanity. (III) Between 1960 and 2000, however,
native Egyptians. the population doubled again, to 6 billion or more.
(IV) Obviously, improvements in basic standards of
A) There can be little doubt that the massive health have contributed to this dramatic increase.
investment of labour and wealth required to (V) Yet such growth has strained the capacity of
build the great pyramids put grave strains on social services, public-health facilities, and urban
Egyptian society. infrastructures.

B) The pyramids were in fact raised by tens of A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

thousands of peasant workers, who most
probably participated willingly in the building

C) Potters, weavers, masons, bricklayers, brewers,

merchants, and schoolteachers also enjoyed a
higher standard of living.

D) Governmental control over the lives of individual 30. (I) Modern historians of science consider Newton’s
Egyptians was very strict, and the number of law of universal gravitation to be the greatest
administrative officials employed by the state contribution to physics ever made by a single
was quite high. person. (II) The praise for his discovery was just as
great in Newton’s own time. (III) In the eyes of his
E) Gender divisions may have been less clearly contemporaries he was a national hero. (IV) During
defined among the peasantry than they were the seventeenth century, the most innovative
among the elites. scientific work came out of the universities. (V) He
was also celebrated across Europe, particularly in

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

31. (I) Our bodies are often exposed to thousands of

bacteria and viruses, which could potentially cause
infection. (II) Our immune system protects us
against the vast majority of them. (III) As people
age, the immune system becomes less effective,
which contributes to the greater susceptibility of
people to some infections. (IV) It is easy to take our
immune system for granted, but if you catch cold
very often, you need to be more proactive about
taking care of yourself. (V) Adopting healthy eating
habits, for example, can boost your immune

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

32. – 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 33. According to the passage, in early times, rice

Originally grown in China, rice has a number of qualities A) owed a lot to the ancient Persians and Africans
that made it attractive to early farmers. It yielded more for its spread to different parts of the world
than other early-domesticated grains like wheat and
barley. The low moisture content of its seed allowed for B) was the main food of the noble people in
easy drying and long storage, and the seeds resisted Greece and Persia
bruising and were easily transported. Rice cultivation,
gradually spread from eastern Asia, very likely facilitated C) was sold as a commodity in Britain rather than
by the ancient Persians whose empire stretched from being used for medicinal purposes
Central Asia into Western Europe. For the Ancient
Greeks, it was an expensive import, not a dietary staple. D) was part of the diet of the farmers and workers
When first introduced in Britain, rice was valued as a in Persia
medicine. Rice reached the Americas by the 1650s,
most likely on trade ships, by African slaves, and it E) was not known by African slaves until they were
turned into major cash crop in the Carolinas within a brought to America
century. Soon rice was being grown widely in the
southern United States and South America. Today, rice
is a dietary staple for about half of the world’s population.
Developed into more than 8,000 varieties, including
genetically-engineered varieties, it is traded as a
commodity on local and world markets.

34. What could be the best title for the passage?

32. It is clearly stated in the passage that early
farmers preferred rice production as it ----.
A) Worldwide Rice Sales
A) was a more nutritional crop than wheat
B) Rice from the Past to the Present
B) cost less than other agricultural grains
C) Rice: Key to a Healthy Diet
C) was abundant in quantity and could be easily
D) Genetically Modified Danger: Rice
E) The Cultivation of Rice in Asia
D) had been the primary source of income for most
of them

E) could be grown almost in any type of soil


35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 36. The author of the passage states that ----.

A) Gandhi was in favour of following the developed

Arguably the most influential figure in the history of world to achieve national development
Indian politics, Gandhi became the symbol of Indian
nationalism and was given the status of the Father of the B) Indian people failed to appreciate the
Nation after India achieved independence in 1947. contributions of Gandhi to Indian political life
Gandhi’s most significant contribution to Indian politics
was perhaps his belief in the strength of ordinary people C) Gandhi was able to abolish the caste system in
primarily because the demands his politics made upon India by creating a national unity
the individual were not extraordinary. His insistence on
non-violence which characterized his campaigns of civil D) the bases of Gandhi’s political views were in line
disobedience allowed people to participate in national with existing systems
politics in many different ways, none of which necessarily
required a break with people’s daily lives. Gandhi was E) Gandhi managed to bring together all parts of
able to create a national mood, which cut across castes, the Indian society irrespective of their social
classes, religions and regional loyalties by rejecting the background
boundaries that these created as irrelevant to the moral
truth that he made central to his discourse. This at times
led him to limit the more radical aspects of nationalist
aspirations of some within his Congress Party. Another
distinguishing feature of Gandhi’s philosophy was his
opposition to Western modernization as a model for
India’s development.

35. It is clear from the passage that ----. 37. One can understand from the passage that ----.

A) Gandhi believed that ordinary people are strong A) Gandhi owes his political influence mainly to his
enough to make great political changes in the extraordinary aspirations
B) relying on the participation of ordinary people in
B) Gandhi had already received a national title politics can lead to productive results
even before India’s independence
C) Gandhi taught important lessons to other
C) the political views of Gandhi demanded a high political figures of his time
level of political involvement of ordinary people
D) whatever Gandhi proposed was accepted
D) Gandhi’s political views did not strengthen the without being questioned
Indian people’s belief in independence
E) Indian people were fascinated by the
E) the political discourse of Gandhi incorporated developments in the West
elements from Indian caste structure

38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 39. It is stated in the passage that children with
ADHD have a hard time ----.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is A) showing perfectly normal actions and
diagnosed in 2 to 5 percent of children between the ages behaviours in familiar situations
of 6 and 16; approximately 80 percent are boys. The
typical symptoms of distractibility, hyperactivity and B) resisting the desire to watch TV or play games
agitation occur at all ages, even in adults who have the most of the time
condition, but with considerable disparity. Children often
seem forgetful or impatient, tend to disturb others and C) interacting with strangers in new situations as
have a hard time observing limits. Poor impulse control they feel lonely
manifests itself in rash decision-making, irrational actions
and rapid mood swings. The child acts before thinking. D) controlling themselves, their actions and their
And yet, ADHD children often behave perfectly normally mood
in new situations, particularly in those of short duration
that involve direct contact with individuals or are E) making carefully-thought decisions in situations
pleasurable or exciting, like watching TV or playing requiring much physical effort
games. Precursor behaviors such as a difficult
temperament or sleep and appetite disorders have often
been found in children younger than 3 who were later
detected to have ADHD, but no definite diagnosis can be
made in those first three years. Physical restlessness
often diminishes in teenagers, but attention failure
continues and can often become associated with
aggressive or anti-social behavior and emotional
problems, as well as a tendency towards drug abuse.

38. According to the statistics on ADHD ----. 40. According to the passage, ADHD can be
diagnosed more accurately ----.
A) boys are more prone to ADHD compared to girls
A) if physical restlessness observed in children
B) 80 percent of boys are diagnosed in the very becomes unbearable
early years of childhood
B) when parents notice aggressive actions
C) typical symptoms in children are easier to be
diagnosed than in adults C) after the child reaches the age of 3

D) adults with ADHD reflect typical symptoms in D) once precursor behaviours have begun to
higher percentages threaten other children

E) appetite disorders are more common than sleep E) providing that the symptoms are still traceable in
disorders in people with ADHD adulthood

1 C 21 C
2 D 22 A
3 E 23 D
4 B 24 A
5 A 25 B
6 C 26 A
7 D 27 E
8 B 28 C
9 C 29 B
10 B 30 D
11 D 31 C
12 A 32 C
13 E 33 A
14 A 34 B
15 D 35 A
16 C 36 E
17 B 37 B
18 B 38 A
19 E 39 D
20 D 40 C

1. – 10. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 7. The key discovery that led to the big bang theory
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. was made in the early 1920s by Edwin Hubble, ----
discovered that galaxies were moving away from
1. According to a study, young people in the Middle each other.
East between 15 and 29 years of age ---- about A) where B) how
one-third of the region’s population.
C) which D) who
A) constitute B) wonder E) whether
C) estimate D) spread
8. Several studies have recently shown that, ----
E) maintain
popular stereotypes, most grandparents do not
wish to take on parental role toward their
2. As migraine develops, pain ---- worsens and
chemicals from the brain stems cause spams in A) contrary to B) owing to
the brain’s blood vessels.
C) by means of D) for the sake of
A) hopefully B) ideally E) in addition to
C) accidentally D) politely
E) gradually 9. ---- male and female roles have become less
sharply differentiated in some societies than they
were in the past, they are still a very important
3. To a psychologist, personality consists of source of inequality and difference.
persistent ---- of thought, emotion and behaviour. A) Unless B) Until
A) belongings B) patterns C) Whenever D) Because
C) services D) inventions E) Although
E) temperatures
11. – 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
4. The Earth ---- more solar energy in one hour than
the whole world ---- in a year. Albinism is characterised by the absence of the pigment
melanin in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, or feathers. It
A) has received / will be consuming
arises (11)---- a genetic defect and occurs in humans
B) is receiving / was consuming and other vertebrates. (12)---- they lack the pigments that
normally provide protective colouration against the sun’s
C) receives / could consume
ultraviolet rays, albino animals rarely survive in the wild.
D) received / would consume Humans (13)---- certain albino animals (e.g. rabbits) for
their appearance for a long time. In humans with
E) had received / consumed
generalised, or total, albinism, the (14)---- person has
milk-white skin and hair; the iris of the eye appears pink,
5. ---- as a temple in the 2nd century AD, the the pupil red. Vision abnormalities (15)---- astigmatism,
Pantheon in Rome ---- famed for its dome, one of nystagmus (rapid involuntary oscillation of the eye), and
the largest ones in the world. photophobia (extreme sensitivity to light) are common.

A) Having created / was 10. A) off B) from

B) Created / is C) with D) along
C) Creating / has been E) over
D) To be created / could be
11. A) Until B) Although
E) Being created / should have been C) Because D) Unless
E) Whether
6. Most greenhouse gases are present naturally ----
the environment; for example, carbon dioxide is 12. A) would breed B) will breed
input by respiration, volcanic eruptions, and the C) were breeding D) have bred
burning ---- plant material.
E) had bred
A) over / for
13. A) confused B) exhausted
B) during / at
C) recognised D) threatened
C) in / of E) affected
D) under / with
14. A) such as B) contrary to
E) from / across
C) for the sake of D) on behalf of
E) by means of

16. – 21. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 18. Even though parchment was more difficult to
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. produce and more expensive than papyrus, ----.

A) the king of Egypt stopped exporting papyrus to

15. Although countless children dream of becoming Pergamum, fearing that Pergamum's great
astronauts when they grow up, ----. library might overshadow that of Alexandria

A) only a handful of them actually realize this B) the finest parchments, especially those made
aspiration from the skins of very young animals, were
called 'vellum'
B) astronauts must be willing to take calculated risk
and keep their anxiety under control C) parchment was made from the skins of sheep
and goats while papyrus was made from the
C) school counsellors play a vital role in career stems of the papyrus plant
D) it was Europe's favoured writing material until
D) their families support them so that they can lead the 14th-century advances in paper making
a good life
E) among the most famous medieval manuscripts
E) astronauts experience considerable stress from written on parchment is the stunning Très
dangerous conditions in which they work Riches Heures of the Duc de Berry

16. Because symptoms of sleep apnea occur during

sleep, ----.

A) severe apnea can result in headaches,

excessive daytime sleepiness and slow mental

B) they must be described by someone who

observes the person sleeping 19. ----, they develop non-verbal communication
with others.
C) snoring is associated with episodes of gasping
and choking A) If some people have serious problems due to
psychological disorders
D) most people have been treated successfully and
can now sleep comfortably B) As deaf people are actually slightly more prone
to auditory hallucinations
E) people who snore are advised to sleep on their
side or face-down C) Unless people successfully internalize their

D) Before children acquire language as infants and

produce their first words

17. ----, insects flourish in every land habitat and E) As long as extremely shy personalities lack
play a key role in the global ecosystem. interaction even with their family members

A) Because they have developed amazing


B) Although they recycle dead plants and animals

C) While they are the most numerous of the

animals with tough external skeletons

D) Even if the eyes of adult insects are made up of

tiny lenses
E) If many touch-sensitive bristles on the insect’s
body help to detect air movement

Aşağıdaki sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca

en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en 22. New findings suggest that children absorb
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. some lessons better when they are wrapped in
entertainment and imagination.

20. New Zealand, separated from other land A) Eğlence ve hayal gücü çocukların bazı dersleri
masses, has unique plant and animal species, daha iyi anlamasını sağlayan yeni bulgular
which are vulnerable to the impacts of non- olarak görülüyor.
native species.
B) Yeni bulgular çocukların eğlence ve hayal gücü
A) Eşsiz bitki ve hayvan türlerinin bulunduğu Yeni sayesinde bazı dersleri daha iyi
Zelanda diğer kara parçalarından ayrıdır, özümsediklerine işaret ediyor.
dolayısıyla bu türler yabancı türlerin etkilerine
karşı savunmasızdır. C) Son bulgulara göre, eğlence ve hayal gücüyle
desteklendikleri zaman çocuklar bazı dersleri
B) Yeni Zelanda’nın diğer kara parçalarından ayrı daha iyi anlıyorlar.
olması, eşsiz bitki ve hayvan türlerini yabancı
türlerin etkilerine karşı savunmasız hâle D) Yeni bulgular çocukların bazı derslerde daha iyi
getirmiştir. olmalarını sağlayan şeyin eğlence ve hayal
gücü olduğunu gösteriyor.
C) Diğer kara parçalarından ayrı olan Yeni
Zelanda, yabancı türlerin etkilerine karşı E) Yeni bulgular, çocukların eğlence ve hayal
savunmasız hâlde bulunan eşsiz bitki ve hayvan gücüyle desteklendikleri zaman bazı dersleri
türlerine sahiptir. daha iyi özümsediklerine işaret ediyor.

D) Yeni Zelanda diğer kara parçalarından ayrılmış

olsa da yabancı türlerin etkilerine karşı
savunmasız hâlde bulunan eşsiz bitki ve hayvan
türlerine sahiptir.

E) Yeni Zelanda diğer kara parçalarından ayrı

olduğu için burada bulunan eşsiz bitki ve 23. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları günümüzde
hayvan türleri, yabancı türlerin etkilerine karşı kullanılan fosil yakıtların büyük bir kısmının
savunmasızdır. yerini alabilir ve çevrenin devam eden kirlilikten
ve küresel ısınmadan korunmasına katkı

A) The environment can be protected from ongoing

pollution and global warming by using
renewable energy sources instead of a wide
variety of fossil fuels used today.

21. Brucellosis, which is an infectious disease, is B) To help save the environment from continuing
named after British Army physician David pollution and global warming, renewable energy
Bruce, who isolated Brucella bacteria in 1887. sources will take the place of a great majority of
the fossil fuels used today.
A) Bulaşıcı bir hastalık olan bruselloz, ismini 1887
yılında Brusella bakterilerini ayrıştıran İngiliz C) Today, a great number of fossil fuels may be
ordu hekimi David Bruce’ten alır. substituted with renewable energy sources in
order to protect the environment from continuing
B) 1887 yılında Brusella bakterileri, İngiliz ordu pollution and global warming.
hekimi David Bruce tarafından ayrıştırılmış ve
bulaşıcı bir hastalık olan bruselloz, ismini bu D) Energy sources that can be renewed may
şekilde almıştır. contribute to the protection of the environment
from ongoing pollution and global warming by
C) İsmini 1887 yılında Brusella bakterilerini replacing a wide range of the fossil fuels used
ayrıştıran İngiliz ordu hekimi David Bruce’tan today.
alan bruselloz, bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır.
E) Renewable energy sources can replace a large
D) İngiliz ordu hekimi David Bruce, 1887 yılında portion of the fossil fuels used today and
Brusella bakterilerini ayrıştırmış ve bulaşıcı bir contribute to the protection of the environment
hastalık olan bruselloza, kendi ismini vermiştir. from ongoing pollution and global warming.

E) Bruselloz bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır ve ismini 1887

yılında Brusella bakterilerini ayrıştıran İngiliz
ordu hekimi David Bruce’tan alır.

24. Hayvanlar hayatta kalabilmek için avlanırken, 27. – 29. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam
insanlar, türleri tehdit altına sokarak ve doğanın bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
dengesini bozarak spor ve kazanç amaçlı
26. Western perceptions of the Middle East as a
A) Animals hunt to survive, but people hunt for viable tourist destination have been adversely
sport and make profit by putting species under affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US,
threat and upsetting the balance of nature. the subsequent war on terrorism, and the war in
Iraq. Indeed, the impact of the 9/11 attacks upon
B) Animals hunt to survive by putting species the tourist sector in the region has been
under threat, but people hunt for sport and to profound. ---- North Africa in general and
make profit by upsetting the balance of nature. Tunisia in particular have fared comparatively
well, but Morocco has suffered badly.
C) While animals hunt in order to survive, people
hunt for sport and profit, putting species under A) Morocco is already one of the biggest tourist
threat and upsetting the balance of nature. destinations in the Middle East and North Africa,
drawing 2.25 million visitors a year.
D) Unlike people who hunt for sport and profit,
putting species under threat and damaging the B) Especially, the effect on visitor numbers has
balance of nature, animals hunt to survive. been decisive although it has varied
considerably from country to country.
E) Animals hunt since they need to survive;
however, people hunt for sport and profit, C) Morocco has a better developed domestic
putting species under threat and harming the beach culture than probably anywhere else in
balance of nature. the Middle East or North Africa.

D) The target of 10 million visitors a year by 2010

may have been a little over-optimistic, although
Egypt has made huge investments.

E) Some of the driest parts of Morocco lie on the

coast, and so one feasible option is to pipe
water there from the Atlas Mountains.

25. İpek Yolu olarak bilinen büyük ticaret rotası Çin

ile Orta Doğu ve Avrupa arasında bin yıldan
daha uzun bir süredir çok değerli mallar

A) The Silk Road is the greatest trading route, 27. Malaria has killed more humans than anything
which carried valuable products between China else in history. Up to a million people still die of
and the Middle East and Europe for thousands this disease each year. Since the 17th century,
of years. doctors have tackled it with a series of
medications. ---- For that reason, the most
B) The Silk Road is known as the great trading effective treatment today is a cocktail of drugs.
route that carried precious products between
China and Europe and the Middle East for A) The first successful cellular drug against malaria
thousands of years. contains 12 genes from three different
C) The precious goods that were carried through
the Silk Road for more than a thousand years B) The World Health Organization estimated that
between China and the Middle East and Europe the financial burden of treating malaria has been
made it a great trading route. hundreds of billions of dollars.

D) Known as one of the greatest trading routes, the C) A strain of malaria resistant to a mixture of new
Silk Road carried valuable goods between drugs has been isolated in Cambodia and the
China and the Middle East and Europe for more Far East.
than a thousand years.
D) Attempts to cure people with malaria using a
E) The great trading route known as the Silk Road single type of medicine have not traditionally
carried precious goods between China and the been successful.
Middle East and Europe for more than a
thousand years. E) Studies of cheaper and more effective malaria
drugs seem promising.

28. Gadgets and machines are so much a part of

our lives that we do not think about how they 30. – 32. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
came to be. How we live – what we wear, eat
and drink, how we work, travel and enjoy
ourselves – has been shaped by discoveries
made throughout history. ---- The ancient 29. (I) There are differences between what men and
Egyptians, for example, wanted to join parts of women do with the Internet when they are online.
their coffins together. So, they invented metal (II) By 2005, however, men and women were
nails to do the job. making use of the Internet in almost equal numbers.
(III) Women tend to use it to search for health and
A) Since time began, people have invented things medical information, medical and religious
because they needed to do something more information. (IV) Men, on the other hand, rely on it
quickly or easily. more for weather reports, sports results and news.
(V) According to statistics from the US, women also
B) Many inventions, in fact, are improvements or use e-mail for different purposes than men.
modifications of what has gone before.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

C) Complex machines, such as motor vehicles are

the result of thousands of years of discoveries
of raw materials and practical inventions.

D) Inventions have gone through many stages of

development to become highly specialized
pieces of equipment.
30. (I) While some restaurants serve a variety of dishes
E) Some inventions, such as that of the wheel, can that are labelled as local, others present a menu
revolutionize the lives of us all, while others including universal ones like hamburger and salad.
affect only the small number of people who use (II) A meal at a fine restaurant will often seem to
them. taste better than food eaten off a paper plate with
plastic cutlery. (III) This is because our perception
of the quality of food and drink does not only involve
senses, but emotions and expectations play a role
too. (IV) Colours can also affect how people
perceive flavour. (V) In one famous French study,
participations were convinced that they were
drinking red wine when it was, in fact, white wine
dyed red.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

31. (I) The World Health Organisation estimates that

246 million people have poor vision. (II) Among
these, almost 90 percent live in low-income areas
without good access to health care or expensive
diagnostic machines. (III) To solve this problem, a
private laboratory has combined a tool often used
for eye tests into a single inexpensive and portable
device. (IV) Fitting people for glasses is also
important, but it is only half of the battle. (V) It
calculates whether someone is shortsighted by
measuring the size and shape of their eyes.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

32. – 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 33. It can be understood from the passage that
globally, ----.

Since its economic reform began in 1978, China has A) China has severely lagged behind North
gone from being a poor developing country to the America and Europe in producing scientific
second-largest economy in the world. It has also knowledge
emerged from isolation to become a political superpower.
Its meteoric rise has been one of the most important B) Asia-Pacific nations still rely heavily on the links
global changes of recent years. However, when it comes with the American institutions leading the
to science and technology, most people think of China as science world
being stuck in the past and only visualize a country with
massive steelworks and vast smoking factories. That C) China has dramatically developed its economy,
may have been true a few years ago, but it is no longer research and political power over the last
the case. Very quietly, China has become the world's decades
second largest producer of scientific knowledge,
surpassed only by the US, a status it has achieved at an D) more and more steelworks are manufactured in
awe-inspiring rate. If it continues on its current trajectory, China despite its being stuck in the past
China will overtake the US before 2020 and the world will
look very different as a result. The historical scientific E) papers originating from Chinese institutions
dominance of North America and Europe will have to largely have a US-based or British co-
adjust to a new world. In the West, people are largely authorship
familiar with research systems in which money, people,
and output stay roughly the same from year to year.
Research spending in Europe and North America has
outpaced economic growth since 1945, but not by a
dramatic amount. Not so with China.

32. According to the passage, the writer is of the

opinion that the coming decade will see China
overtake the US as the world's research
superpower -----.
34. It is explicitly stated in the passage that ----.
A) provided that China keeps on its current path of
steady rise A) in China, research coming out of its institutions
has been done behind closed doors, not with
B) if the US and Europe delay their spending on Western collaborations
research and development
B) huge steelworks and massive factories account
C) because China now holds the largest economy for the meteoric growth of China today
in the world
C) both the US and Europe provide China with a
D) even though the US gross expenditure on huge amount of scientific research funding
research and development surpasses that of
China D) China has long ruined the historical scientific
governance of North America and Europe
E) as the Chinese have recently produced more
qualified research E) a lot of people still view China as a nation
occupied with heavy industry, including

35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 36. According to the passage, in ancient times, ----.

A) astrologers were believed to have superhuman

Astrology has been the single most influential pseudo- powers given to them by the gods with whom
science in human history. The notion that our fate may they were in direct contact
be connected with the stars is present in almost all
human cultures and dates from mankind’s earliest B) every community respected astrologers, who
days. Indeed, the pyramids, chamber tombs and played a leading role in the solution of their
megaliths of ancient history were built to align with the political problems
heavens. Yet as science has replaced superstition in
man’s affairs, astrology’s influence has, so to speak, C) it was commonly believed that man’s life was
declined enormously. In ancient times, men believed directly influenced by the stars and planets
that the stars and planets played a direct role in human
affairs, and the first astrologers were priest-magicians D) monumental structures were designed in order
of unlimited power. After the Middle Ages, astrologers to control human destiny
no longer believed the stars controlled our destinies but
thought signs involving human affairs could be read in E) astrology was the single most important branch
the heavens. Today, the powers claimed for astrology of science, which was carefully studied by every
are much diminished, and the discipline is valued by member of a community
most of its users for the insights it is believed to offer
into personality types.

35. It is pointed out in the passage that, in our time,

astrology ----.

A) has once again drawn the attention of scientists

since it is connected with the stars and planets
37. As claimed in the passage, every culture in the
world today ----.
B) is very popular throughout the world because
people study it to manage their daily affairs
A) values the teachings of astrology as the most
scientific facts
C) is a major rival of science since it provides
valuable insights into human affairs
B) embodies the idea that a man’s destiny is
controlled by the stars
D) is generally used as a means whereby, for
some people, personality traits are revealed
C) attaches much importance to priest-magicians
as leaders of social life
E) has contributed enormously to our
understanding of other cultures and
D) makes use of astrology in order to settle various

E) has various types of historic buildings such as

pyramids and tombs

38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 39. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) we should pay more attention to our food

Many people in developed countries have fallen into bad consumption at work than we do at home
habits, eating junk food that lacks essential nutrients and
is full of preservatives. With more people going out to B) if light meals do not contain any sugar or fat,
work, there is a new trend towards relying on junk food. they do not make you sleepy
This is not intrinsically wrong, but it means that we must
become aware of what we are eating and compensate C) turning meals into social events can bring
for any dietary inadequacies. Several light meals a day several health benefits
with fruit and nut snacks maintain stable blood sugar
levels, and are easier to digest and less likely to make D) people today tend to eat food like fruits more,
you sleepy than a substantial lunch and dinner loaded facing the threats of the eating habits imposed
with sugar and fat. The whole performance of preparing by modern-day life
and consuming a meal should be a social event, shared
with family and friends. Perhaps if we sat down to enjoy E) junk food is not unhealthy as long as it is
at least one meal every day without rushing off consumed in moderate amounts
afterwards, not only would our digestive systems be
under less strain, but we might also communicate better
and feel less stressed.

38. It is pointed out in the passage that most people

in developed countries ----.

A) eat fruit and nut snacks between meals

B) are against eating junk food

40. Which of the following could be the best title for
C) struggle to have nutritious meals the passage?

D) lack of healthy eating habits A) Is Eating a Biological or Social Need?

E) spend most of their time eating B) Time to Reshape Our Eating Habits

C) Increasing Consumption of Junk Food

D) Why Do We Feel Sleepy After Meals?

E) How to Maintain Stable Blood Sugar Levels


1 A 21 A
2 E 22 E
3 B 23 E
4 C 24 C
5 B 25 E
6 C 26 B
7 D 27 D
8 A 28 A
9 E 29 B
10 B 30 A
11 C 31 D
12 D 32 A
13 E 33 C
14 A 34 E
15 A 35 D
16 B 36 C
17 A 37 B
18 D 38 D
19 D 39 C
20 C 40 B

1. – 9. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 8. People might buy an unhealthy burger to stave
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. off their immediate hunger ---- they know that this
is an unhealthy choice.
1. Critical thinking is the use of cognitive skills and
strategies that ---- the probability of a desirable A) thanks to
outcome. B) because
C) despite
A) destroy B) prevent
C) accept D) increase D) once
E) cause E) even if

9. In poor parts of the world such as Africa, the

2. Inventions such as the internet, the cellular
average life expectancy is much lower ---- high
phone or GPS have transformed the way we
rate of death during infancy and epidemics.
communicate and have ---- shortened distances
between people. A) in spite of
A) dramatically B) formerly B) such as
C) kindly D) possibly C) however
E) negatively D) because of
E) in case of
3. An arrhythmia may be felt as palpitations, in
which the individual becomes aware of an
abnormally ---- heartbeat. 10. – 14. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) easy B) useful
C) rapid D) willing
(10)---- the end of the 18th century, France was nearly
E) successful bankrupt after a series of costly wars. To make matters
worse, a bad harvest in 1788 left much of the population
4. Although studies suggest that negative racial short of food. (11)---- the country faced starvation, King
stereotypes ---- over the last 50 years, modern Louis XVI and the nobility lived in luxury, and rumors
racism still ---- in all parts of the world. spread that they were hoarding grain (12)---- the poor
desperately needed. The French people heard how the
A) diminished / will continue Americans overthrew the rule of the British king in 1776,
B) are diminishing / continued and as the poor grew more dissatisfied, they demanded
C) had diminished / would continue (13)----. In 1789, a sharp rise in the price of bread
D) were diminishing / may continue caused riots on the streets of Paris. When the king
demanded a rise in taxes that same year, the people
E) have diminished / continue
took action and the French Revolution (14)----.

5. In the 20th century, after the discovery of 10. A) For B) At

pasteurization, milk ---- a universally popular C) On D) Below
drink ---- industrially. E) Since

A) has become / to produced 11. A) Unless

B) became / produced B) Due to
C) is becoming / producing C) While
D) would become / having produced D) As soon as
E) should become / to be produced E) For example

6. Rising global temperatures threaten to disrupt 12. A) who B) how

vast areas ---- farmland and human living space C) where D) when
---- the world. E) that
A) of / across B) over / for
C) by / into D) on / from 13. A) change
B) rise
E) with / off C) public
D) location
7. Drug testing is currently carried out on animal E) partner
models or cell culture systems, ---- often are not
an accurate predictor of how a drug will interact 14. A) has begun
with a human. B) began
C) would begin
A) where B) what
D) begins
C) in which D) which E) must begin
E) who

15. – 20. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 18. In order to deceive other animals, ----.
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) insects have highly developed sensory organs
that enable them to see long distances
15. Compared to digital scanners offering suberb
quality, ----. B) the mouth is usually one of the most complex
parts of an insect’s body
A) scanners are also used in medicine, biometric
identification and security systems C) some insects develop colors and shapes that
keep them from attacking
B) the better known are computer scanners and
bar-code scanners D) mosquitos feed on mammals’ blood using one
of the most complex mouths in nature
C) it has been very useful in digitizing a great
amount of material at universities and libraries E) metamorphosis is the change in shape that
insects undergo as they grow
D) the scanners using conventional visible
light are more affordable and far more popular

E) search engines are tools used to find

information available on the World Wide Web

19. Because of green tea’s caffeine content, which

can be hazardous when taken excessively, ----.

A) green tea contains theanine, a substance with

anti-anxiety effects that somewhat counter the
effect of the caffeine.
16. ---- if they affect a large area of the body.
B) health experts recommend pregnant and
A) People may undergo a surgical operation after a nursing mothers limit their consumption
C) certain foods or drinks, such as caffeinated
B) Some childhood diseases such as smallpox and beverages, often worsen the discomfort deriving
measles were eradicated from indigestion
C) Burns that blister usually heal well but can be D) People who consume a cup of coffee a day are
fatal 12 percent more likely to have long life
D) Human brain is composed of cerebrum, E) it is widely preferred because there is a wealth
cerebellum and brainstem of information on the benefits of green tea
E) Cancers are most widespread diseases all over
the world

20. Although colonialism had many negative

consequences for nation-states, ----.

17. ----, completed suicide rates are almost six A) it caused these countries to become poorer
times higher for boys.
B) English imperialism was based primarily on
A) Although adolescent girls attempt suicide more exploiting the rich natural sources
often than adolescent boys
C) European empires were often based on a
B) Since arrest rates for violent crimes climb sophisticated form of racism
through the adolescent years until age 18
D) some scholars persistently argued that it had
C) Because the incidence of school violence has great costs for these states
been stable since the late 1980s
E) it made a greater number of people aware of
D) Before teenagers begin to constitute their own the diversity of world cultures

E) As the concept of development was once

associated with childhood and adolescence

Aşağıdaki sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca 23. Uyku sağlıklı kalmamız için gereklidir, fakat bu-
en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe cümleye anlamca en nun neden böyle olduğu ya da tam olarak nasıl
yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. işlediği henüz bütünüyle anlaşılmamıştır.

A) Sleep is necessary in order for us to stay

21. Invisible from the Earth, the dark side of the healthy, but why this is so or exactly how it
Moon was a mystery until 1959, when the works cannot yet be fully understood.
Russian probe Luna 3 managed to photograph
it. B) Sleeping for us to stay healthy is our
requirement, yet why this has happened like this
A) Ay’ın Dünya’dan görülemeyen karanlık yüzünün or just how it is managed hasn’t been able to be
fotoğrafı 1959 yılında Rus uzay aracı Probe 3 understood yet.
tarafından çekildi ve sonunda gizemi çözüldü.
C) It is still not possible to fully understand why this
B) Dünya’dan görülemese de, Ay’ın karanlık happened or the exact functioning of it, but for
yüzünün bir kısmı Rus uzay aracı Probe 3 us to stay healthy, sleep is necessary.
tarafından 1959 yılında fotoğraflandı.
D) That sleep must be performed by us for our
C) Ay’ın gizemli karanlık yüzü Rus uzay aracı health to continue is true, but the cause of this
Probe 3 tarafından 1959 yılında fotoğraflandı ve and the exact works of this are not fully
Dünya’dan görülebildi. understood yet.

D) Dünya’dan görülemeyen Ay’ın karanlık yüzü, E) We have found it necessary to sleep for keeping
Rus uzay aracı Probe 3’ün onu fotoğraflamayı our health, but the full understanding of the
başardığı 1959 yılına kadar gizemliydi. reason for its being this way or the exact
management of it couldn’t be reached yet.
E) Rus uzay aracı Probe 3 tarafından 1959 yılında
fotoğraflanan Ay’ın karanlık ve gizemli yüzü
artık Dünya’dan görülebilmektedir.

22. Avrupa Parlamentosu, her beş yılda bir seçilen

626 üyeden oluşur ve üyeliği için ülke nüfusu 24. Sweden, which occupies the eastern part of the
temel alınır. Scandinavian peninsula, is the fourth-largest
country in Europe.
A) The European Parliament, consisting of 626
members elected every five years, bases its A) İsveç, hem İskandinav Yarımadası’nın doğu
membership on country population. kesiminde yer alır hem de Avrupa’nın en büyük
dört ülkesinden biridir.
B) Made up of 626 members whose election is
based on country population, the European B) Avrupa’da dördüncü en büyük ülke olan İsveç,
Parliament convenes once every five years. İskandinav Yarımadası’nın doğu kesiminde yer
C) The European Parliament is comprised of 626
members elected every five years, and country C) Doğu kesimini İsveç’in kapladığı İskandinav
population is taken as the basis for its Yarımadası Avrupa’nın dördüncü en büyük
membership. bölgesidir.

D) Every five years, the 626 members who make D) Avrupa’nın dördüncü en büyük bölgesi olan
up the European Parliament are elected to İskandinav Yarımadası’nın doğusunda İsveç yer
represent the population of each country. almaktadır.

E) Country population forms the basis for E) İskandinav Yarımadası’nın doğu kısmını
membership in the European Parliament, whose kaplayan İsveç, Avrupa’da dördüncü en büyük
626 members are elected every five years. ülkedir.

25. Hava kirliliğini duyduğumuzda araba egzozlarını 27. Avrasya’da ve Afrika’nın Nil bölgesinde ilk
ve büyük fabrikaları düşünürüz, fakat hava şehirlerin ortaya çıkması, insan hayatında hâlâ
kirliliğinin en büyük kaynağı saç spreyi ve etkileri süren birçok değişikliğe sebep olmuştur.
şampuan gibi evde kullanılan ürünlerdir.
A) The rise of the earliest cities in Eurasia and the
A) When we hear air pollution, we think of the Nile area of Africa is known to have introduced
exhausts from cars and large factories, but lots of changes in human life, the effects of
household items including hair spray and which we still experience.
shampoo cause more air pollution.
B) The earliest cities emerged in Eurasia and the
B) While we think that car exhausts and large Nile area of Africa resulting in a number of
factories are responsible for air pollution, hair changes that still continue to affect human life.
spray, shampoo and other household items are
the biggest sources of air pollution. C) Several changes that took place due to the rise
of the earliest cities in Eurasia and the Nile area
C) When we hear air pollution, we think of car of Africa have continued to be experienced in
exhausts and large factories, but the biggest human life today.
source of air pollution is household items such
as hair spray and shampoo. D) The rise of the earliest cities in Eurasia and the
Nile area of Africa led to many changes that still
D) Though household items such as hair spray and have effects on human life.
shampoo are the biggest causes of air pollution,
we think of car exhausts and large factories E) Upon the emergence of the earliest cities in
when we hear the air pollution. Eurasia and the Nile area of Africa, a number of
changes were introduced into the lives of
E) Contrary to what we think when we hear air humans and their effects still continue today.
pollution, household items such as hair spray
and shampoo generate more air pollution than
the exhausts from cars and large factories.

26. Water makes up 60 per cent of our bodies and 28. Recently, it is estimated that about 20% of the
75 per cent of our brains, but there are still school age population in the United States
plenty of misconceptions and myths in the speaks a language other than English at home.
public about how it relates to our health.
A) Son zamanlarda evde İngilizceden başka bir dil
A) Vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve beynimizin yüzde konuşanların, Birleşik Devletler’deki okul çağı
75’ini oluşturan suyun sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili nüfusunun %20’sini oluşturduğu tahmin ediliyor.
olduğu hakkında halk arasında hâlâ birçok
yanlış kanı ve efsane vardır. B) Son zamanlardaki tahminlere göre Birleşik
Devletler’de okul çağındaki nüfusun yaklaşık
B) Su, vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve beynimizin %20’si evde İngilizceden başka bir dil
yüzde 75’ini oluşturur ancak halk arasında hâlâ konuşuyor.
suyun sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili olduğu hakkında
birçok yanlış kanı ve efsane vardır. C) Son zamanlarda Birleşik Devletler’de okul
çağındaki nüfusun yaklaşık %20’sinin evde
C) Her ne kadar su vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve İngilizceden başka bir dil konuştuğu tahmin
beynimizin yüzde 75’ini oluştursa da, ediliyor.
sağlığımızla ilişkisi açısından halk arasında hâlâ
birçok yanlış kanı ve efsane vardır. D) Birleşik Devletler’de son zamanlarda evde
İngilizceden başka bir dil konuşan nüfusun
D) Su, vücudumuzun yüzde 60’ını ve beynimizin yaklaşık %20’sinin okul çağında olduğu tahmin
yüzde 75’ini oluşturduğu için halk arasında ediliyor.
suyun sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili olduğu hakkında
hâlâ birçok yanlış kanı ve efsane vardır. E) Son zamanlarda evde İngilizceden başka bir dil
konuşan okul çağındaki nüfusun yaklaşık
E) Suyun halk arasında sağlığımızla nasıl ilişkili %20’sinin Birleşik Devletler’de olduğu tahmin
olduğu hakkında hâlâ birçok yanlış kanıya ve ediliyor.
efsaneye sebep olması, vücudumuzun yüzde
60’ını ve beynimizin yüzde 75’ini
oluşturmasından kaynaklanmaktadır.

29. – 31. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam 31. Plants and livestock need air, water, and
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi nourishment to stay alive. If a plant does not
bulunuz. have the kind of soil it needs, it may die.
Similarly, animals also need to have the right
climate and the right food to survive. Farmers
29. Every cell in the human body needs a continual try to raise the kinds of livestock and plants that
supply of fuel and oxygen in order to stay alive. will do well in their particular region. ---- For
The fuel comes from the food we eat, while example, many farmers in dry areas use
oxygen comes from the air. Inside each cell, irrigation, or artificial watering.
food molecules and oxygen are chemically
A) Farmers raise crops and livestock in every
combined to release the energy needed to
climate and in all kinds of different soil.
power the cell’s activities. ---- These include the
digestive system, the respiratory system, the B) Plants and animals also supply such natural
circulatory system, and the urinary system. materials as cotton, flax, wool, and hides.
C) Agriculture provides the food and many of the
A) Several body systems work together to supply raw materials that humans need to survive.
cells with fuel and oxygen and carry away
waste. D) Some regions receive a lot of sunlight or rainfall
while others have colder or drier weather.
B) These protective tissues are made of dead cells E) If they do not have perfect natural conditions,
hardened by a tough protein called keratin. they try to create the best conditions possible.

C) The parts of the body that break down food

make up the digestive system. 32. – 34. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
D) There are many different enzymes, each one
specialized to break down a particular type of 32. (I) Animals have a special feature that is not shared
food molecule. by other living things such as plants and fungi—
they are active. (II) Most animals look for food,
E) Many of the wastes in the blood are removed by communicate with each other, and have complex
two bean-shaped organs called kidneys. patterns of behaviour connected with finding mates
and producing young. (III) This involves sensing
their surroundings, and in some cases making
decisions based on past experience. (IV) But
ultimately, all this activity has just one aim: survival.
(V) An instinct is a form of behavior that doesn’t
need any conscious thought.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
30. ---- Both of these cultures constructed huge,
pyramid-shaped temples, which became a 33. (I) In developing countries, infectious diseases such
feature of the cities that were built in the region as HIV/AIDS and malaria are among the main
over the next 2,000 years. Different cultures killers. (II) In addition, babies and young children
rose and declined over the centuries, until most are at particular risk of dying from malnutrition or
of the city-states had become part of the Inca from diarrhea, which is often caused by germs in
Empire (in Peru) or the Aztec Empire (in unclean water. (III) In wealthy countries, where
Mexico). However, both of these empires were health care, sanitation, and diet are all better, the
eventually conquered by European invaders in main causes of death are diseases related to aging,
the early 16th century. such as heart disease and cancer. (IV) Thanks to
advances in medicine, hygiene and diet, average
A) Mayan cities in Guatemala and the Yucatan life expectancy is higher today. (V) Nevertheless,
peninsula of Mexico were at their most powerful lung diseases, many of which are linked to
between 300 and 900 AC. smoking, are a common cause of death in both
developing and wealthy countries.
B) The first cities in the Americas were built by the A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Chavín people and the Olmecs in around 1000
BC. 34. (I) The first cities emerged around 4000 BC in
Mesopotamia and Egypt. (II) Mesopotamia is a
C) South America has abundant fertile land, historical region of Western Asia situated within the
capable of growing cotton, coffee, sugar and Tigris–Euphrates river system. (III) The great rivers
many other crops. of these areas made the land fertile and
prosperous, providing enough food to support larger
D) Between 1438 and 1500, the Inca people communities of people living together. (IV The
conquered a large empire in what is now Peru. rulers of some of these early cities became wealthy
and powerful, taking control of surrounding lands to
E) Before the arrival of European explorers, the build the first kingdoms. (V) Some sent their armies
people of the Americas had built civilizations to conquer neighboring states, creating the first
and empires. empires.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

For centuries, the world’s physicists, writers and

philosophers have argued about whether time travel is In addition to temperature, other factors such as the
possible, with most coming to the conclusion that it is availability of water, prevalence of high winds, and the
never going to happen. But on a large plot of land just duration and intensity of sunlight also limit the
outside the small town of Comfort, Texas, a group of geographical areas in which various crops can be grown.
architects, engineers and scientists are building a However, as far as getting the best crop is concerned,
‘Timeship’ that they say it could transport tens of even when fruit trees have bloomed satisfactorily,
thousands of individuals to a far-distant future. Their temperature can be a determinant of whether a good
approach does not involve the use of flux capacitors, or crop will be harvested. Most deciduous fruits need
zooming at light-speed through black holes. Instead, the pollination, which is normally done by honeybees. If the
Timeship aims to store people at such low temperatures temperature is not right, the bees just quit flying, and that
that their bodies are preserved for a future civilisation to can mean a very poor crop indeed. Even if the bees fly
reanimate them, a concept known as cryonics. “Just as a and pollen is spread, the pollen must germinate and the
spaceship allows people to move through space, our pollen tube grow down to the ovule, a process that can
Timeship will allow people to travel to another time in the be severely restricted by unseasonably low
future,” explains Stephen Valentine, who is the director temperatures. And even when pollination has been
and principal architect of the Timeship project. successful, the growth of individual grape berries
(botanically, grapes are berries) can be restricted by both
35. According to the group of architects, engineers too high and too low temperatures.
and scientists in Texas, ----.
38. It is clear from the text that ----.
A) the city is not really suitable for the ‘Timeship’
because it is such a small place A) the success of the pollination process depends
solely on the quality of the plant
B) it will soon be possible to transport more than
10,000 people to a far-distant future B) inadequate sunlight can be disregarded when
C) it is possible that the bodies of people are trees have bloomed satisfactorily
preserved with almost no changes
C) crops may not fully develop unless
D) their ‘Timeship’ will have the capacity of at most temperatures are suitable
10,000 people
D) the development of deciduous fruits is induced
E) time travel is not likely to take place until a far- by pollination without bees
distant future
E) new drug tests must be conducted on certain
36. According to the passage, the Timeship ----.

A) is designed using the latest technology in order 39. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the
to reach light-speed efficiently while travelling text as a factor that affects crop growth?
through time
B) will be able to travel through space, but will A) Fluctuations in temperature
avoid black holes through the use of the most
modern technology available B) The taste of fruits
C) is constructed in much the same way as a C) Existence of sufficient water
spaceship, but rather than travelling through
space it will simply be used to freeze people D) Pollination agents like honeybees
D) will not really move, but rather will show
passengers a simulation of what the far-distant E) Successful pollen germination
future might look like
E) will house people who have been frozen until
some time in the future, thus having time-
travelled 40. The text is mainly about ----.

A) the significant role of temperature in growing

37. Which of the following could be the best title for good crops
the passage?
B) the role of temperature on the post-harvest
A) Why Is Time Travel Essential? process
B) A Different Way to Travel Through Time C) adaptation of pollination in other fields of study
C) Faster than a Spaceship
D) the difficulty in detecting honey bees
D) How to Create a Timeship
E) factors behind the crop variety in some regions
E) Travelling to Space

1 D 21 D
2 A 22 C
3 C 23 A
4 E 24 E
5 B 25 C
6 A 26 B
7 D 27 D
8 E 28 C
9 D 29 A
10 B 30 B
11 C 31 E
12 E 32 E
13 A 33 D
14 B 34 B
15 D 35 B
16 C 36 E
17 A 37 B
18 C 38 C
19 B 39 B
20 E 40 A

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