Management of C Shaped Canals: A Case Series: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences March 2021
Management of C Shaped Canals: A Case Series: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences March 2021
Management of C Shaped Canals: A Case Series: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences March 2021
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mrunalini Vaidya on 29 August 2023.
Introduction: The complexity of root canal system and its variations may affect the negotiation of the canals,
chemo-mechanical cleaning and shaping and three-dimensional obturation of the root canal system thus,
ultimately the endodontic treatment outcome. C-shaped canal configuration is commonly seen in mandibular
second molars. This article aims to discuss the different variation in C-shaped canal morphology, preoperative
radiographic diagnosis, clinical diagnosis upon access preparation as well as guidelines for endodontic treatment
of the same.
Case series: This case report highlights the management of four different cases of C- shaped canal configurations
using lateral condensation gutta-percha technique and management of retreatment of C- shaped canal.
Conclusion: Complex intricacies and diverse morphology of C shaped canals can be managed with advanced
irrigation technique in combination with lateral condensation obturation technique. Therefore, it is necessary to
be aware of the possible anatomic variations for their successful management.
Keywords: C- shaped canal, mandibular second molar, retreatment
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Date of Submission: 18-03-2021 Date of Acceptance: 01-04-2021
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I. Introduction
The C-shaped canal was first documented in endodontic literature by Cooke and Cox is so named for the
cross-sectional morphology of the root and root canal.1The pulp chamber of the C- shaped canal is a single ribbon
shaped orifice with a 180˚ arc (or more), which in mandibular molars starts at the mesiolingual line angle and
sweeps around the buccal to end at the distal aspect of the pulp chamber.2 Below the orifice level, the root structure
can harbour a wide range of anatomic variations. Failure to identify & detect C-shaped anatomy may potentially
lead to shaping only of the main canals & inadequate cleaning of connecting fin & webs. This may result in failure
of endodontic treatment due to following reasons (1) remaining pulpal tissues in the small branches (2) anatomical
complexity: isthmus between the two canals filled or an apical ramification that had not been treated; (3) missing
canal: untreated canal regardless of the presence of an isthmus; (4) underfilling (5) iatrogenic problem: perforation,
transportation, or file separation; and (6) calcified canal.3,4
Therefore, careful study of the root canal anatomy and morphology in preoperational radiograph followed
by location and negotiation of the canals and the meticulous mechanical and chemical debridement of the pulp
tissue and three dimensional obturation should be carried out to successfully treat a C-shaped canal.
II. Case I
A 40-year-old male patient reported with a chief
complaint of spontaneous pain in lower left back region of
jaw since 3 days. Radiographic examination revealed single
conical root with deep occlusal radiolucency extending to
the pulp with absence of peri-radicular changes radio-
graphically. A diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible
pulpitis with chronic apical periodontitis was done. The
tooth was anesthetized by using 1.8 ml 2% lignocaine
containing 1:200,000 epinephrine. Endodontic access
cavity was prepared under rubber dam isolation. The pulp
chamber was irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite to Figure 1-2 Working
Figure 2-1 Preoperative
debride the chamber fully and to identify the nature of the length radiograph
canal system. The pulpal floor showed one mesial orifice &
a broad C-shaped distal orifice resembling semi-colon type morphology thus categorizing the root canal system
as Fan’s category II shaped anatomy. Working length was determined using apex locator (ROOT ZX mini, J.
Morita Japan) and confirmed radiographically. Cleaning and shaping was carried out with ProTaper Gold rotary
III. Case II
Figure 2-1 Pre-operative Figure 2-2 Access cavity Figure 2-3 Working Figure 2-4 Master cone
radiograph preparation length radiograph radiograph
Figure 4-1 Pre-operative Figure 4-2 Access preparation Figure 4-3 Master Cone radiograph
A 35-year-old man presented with a chief
complaint of Spontaneous, intermittent pain on
lower right side in the oral cavity for the past 10
days. Radiographic examination revealed poor
endodontic treatment. Tooth was anesthetized by
using 1.8 mL (30 mg) 2% lignocaine containing
1:200,000 epinephrine. Endodontic access was
obtained under rubber dam isolation. Removal of
gutta-percha was initially performed by means of
ProTaper retreatment D1, D2 and D3 rotary files
Figure 4-4 Post obturation (Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and then
radiograph manually completed with Type-K files (Mani Inc.,
Japan), solvent made from orange oil (RC solve Figure 4-5 Post
Prime dental) and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as irrigating solution. Circumferential obturation access cavity
filling was done in each canal with K-type of file. Removal of smear layer was done
using 3ml of 17% of EDTA with 3ml of saline, followed by final irrigation was done as in case I with additional
3ml of 2%chlorhexdine solution per canal coupled with ultrasonic agitation. Apical seal in mesiobuccal & mesio-
lingual canal was obtained using gutta percha no.30 (6%) & no.35 (6%) distal canal. Obturation was completed
with lateral condensation method. Tooth was then restored with composite resin (Z350 XT 3M ESPE), followed
by coronal coverage.
VI. Discussion
This case series describes the treatment of four mandibular second molars with a C-shaped root canal
system. C-shaped canal configuration mostly found in mandibular second molars with frequencies ranging from
2.7% to 45.5% but few authors documented this in maxillary first, second and, third molar, mandibular first and,
third molar, mandibular first premolar and even in maxillary lateral incisor. 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 The C-shaped canal
configuration shows an ethnic predilection, it has frequently been reported in East Asian population groups like
Chinese (0.6%-41.27%) and Koreans (31.3%-44.5%) display a high prevalence of this variant.3 The pulp chamber
of the C-shaped canal is a single ribbon-shaped orifice with a 180° arc (or more). Various techniques like Pre-
operative radiographs,13,14 Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT),15 Panoramic dental radiography,16 Micro-
Computed Tomography (µCT)17 etc. along with clinical access cavity preparation can help in diagnosis of C-
shaped canal morphology.
During the attempts to locate all the canals, the overextension of the access cavities in width and depth
might result in the perforation in the pulpal floor or in the coronal third of the root. Or an attempt to negotiate the
isthmus-like small canals in the connecting fin area may result in unnecessarily too large orifices and/or strip
perforation in the corner of the main canal adjacent to the connecting fin area. Modifications in the access cavity
designs may be required for teeth with C-shape configuration to facilitate location and negotiation of the complete
canal system depending on type of C-configuration is present.21 When the orifice is continuous C-shape or arc
like Mesiobuccal-Distal (MB-D), the number of canals can vary from one to three; when the orifice is oval or flat,
the number of canals may be one or two; and when the orifice is round, there is usually only one canal below the
orifice.22 Hence, for continuous C-shape orifice, 3 initial files are inserted, one at either end and one in the middle.
When the orifice is oval, two files are inserted, that is, one file at each end of the orifice and when the orifice is
round, one initial file is inserted.
Obturation of C-shaped canals may require technique modifications.27 As it is said by sir Herbert Schilder,
“What you remove from the root canal is more important than what you place inside it.” Cold lateral condensation
was the method employed for obturation in each case. If cold condensation technique is adopted for obturation,
deeper penetration of condensation instrument in several sites is mandetory.28 The mesiolingual and distal canal
spaces can be prepared and obturated as standard canals. However, sealing the isthmus is difficult if lateral
condensation is the only method used. To ensure this, Barnett recommended placing a large diameter file in the
most distal portion of the canal, before seating the master cone in the mesial canal. The file is then withdrawn and
the master cone of the distal canal is seated, followed by placement of accessory cones in the middle portion of
the C-shaped canal.24 Warm vertical condensation is the method of choice for the three-dimensional obturation of
the C-shaped canals.
VII. Conclusion
The C-shaped canal configuration presents with variations in both the number and location of the canals,
it is extremely important to diagnose variation in anatomy and perform root canal instrumentation cautiously to
avoid perforation, with copious irrigation and modification in the obturating technique to enhance the prognosis
of the tooth and successfully treat the C-shaped canal.
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