Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers - A Portable Device Used To Put Out Fires of
Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers - A Portable Device Used To Put Out Fires of
Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers - A Portable Device Used To Put Out Fires of
Types of Portable Fire Extinguisher 3. Carbon dioxide - are fire extinguishers that extinguish the
1. Water and foam - water and foam fire extinguishers fire by taking away the oxygen element of the fire triangle and also
extinguish the fire by taking away the heat by removing the heat with a very cold discharge. These
element of the fire triangle. Foam agents also extinguishers are only effective from 3 to 8 ft. Under certain
separate the oxygen element from the other conditions, the coldness of the gas also helps put out the fire.
elements. Water extinguishers are for class A
fires only, they should not be used on class 4. AFFF/Foam - is used on class A and B fires and also foam
B or C fires. removes fuel by removing a layer over a burning liquid and
preventing flammable vapors from escaping.
Methods Water Extinguishes Fires
● Cooling - by reducing the heat below the ignition 5. Halons - used on class B and C fires. These liquefied gases
temperature are most effective at interrupting the chain reaction but they also
● Blanketing - prevent the oxygen from combining with the have slight smothering and cooling effects.
fuel. - Halon extinguishers have limited range usually from 4 to 6 ft.
● Smothering - by expelling oxygen The initial application should be made at the base. The older
● Removing or starving the fire by removing the fuel agents such as carbon tetrachloride (halon 104) and
● Interruption of a chemical reaction chlorobromomethane (Halon 1011) are less effective and
more toxic than the newer agents now in use.
- Halon 1211 (bromoclorodifluoromethane) is a gas at normal Types of Extinguisher Testing
temperature; it is discharged both partly as a liquid spray 1. hydrostatic test an internal pressure check for an
and partly as a gas. extinguisher or shell to detect possible failure under
- Halon 1301 is treated as a liquefied gas and the least toxic pressure
of the halons; this low toxicity allows for safe discharge from 2. service test the operational testing of an extinguisher
total flood systems in occupied spaces such as computer conducted yearly to a determine its functions to operate
rooms. properly
Dry powder combustible metal extinguishers The following are extinguishers recommended for testing every 5
- Used in class D fires dry powder extinguishers are intended years:
for use on class D fires they are basically the stored 1. Cartridge operated water extinguishers
pressure and cartridge type. 2. stored pressure water extinguishers
3. dry chemical with soldered bass or stainless steel shells
6. Metal/Sand Extinguishers (Dry Powder) these types of 4. Carbon dioxide
extinguishers are primarily used for flammable metals.
types of extinguishers to be tested every 12 years
7. Halotron 1 Extinguishers - these extinguishers are intended for 1. halon 1211
use on class b and c fires halotron one is an ozone friendly 2. halon 1301
replacement for halon 1211. 3. cartridge operated dry powder
4. stored pressure dry chemical with aluminum braised brass
8. FE-36 (hydrofluorocarbon-236fa or known as hfc-236fa) - It is a or mold steel shells
DuPont-manufactured halon 1211 replacement. This agent is less 5. cartridge operated dry chemical with mild steel shells
toxic than both halon 1 to 11 and halotron 1. It has a zero ozone
depleting effect or potential. FE-36 is not scheduled for phase out ● Fire suppression means slowing down the rate of burning
whereas halotron 1 production is slated to cease in 2015. ● Control means keeping the fire from spreading or holding
the fire to one area
9. Water Mist Extinguishers - ideal used for class a fire where a ● Extinguishment it is putting the fire completely out
potential class c hazard exists. ● Starving the fire or fuel - isolate the fuel supply
● Removing the heat source - cooling
● Reducing the oxygen content - inert suffocation
● Chemical interruption or inhibition
➢ indirect method
● Rekindling or ignition a return of flaming combustion after 3. Ventilation - a method used for clearing the building of
apparent but incomplete extinguishment smoke and gases localize the fire and reduce smoke and forcible
● Backdraft an explosion resulting from the sudden entry damage.
introduction of air. into a confined space containing ➢ Vertical Ventilation - the method used to establish
oxygen-deficient superheated products of incomplete an opening on the highest point of the affected area
combustion. or building
➢ Cross or Horizontal Ventilation - a method used to
Principles of structural fire fighting clear the building one floor at a time an opening
1. Initial procedures should begin at the leeward side of the building
a. sounding the alarm Crew member who discovers or windows are the easiest and generally most
receives the fire alarms must sound the fire alarm promptly available for the common types of buildings but the
b. The crew man who sounds the alarm must be sure to give indiscriminate opening of windows and doors can
the exact location of fire information regarding the type of defeat the purpose of ventilation
fire; the exact location may indicate the need for a fast and ➢ Mechanical or Forced Ventilation - a process or
immediate response. method using a device such as smoke ejector to
remove faster excessive heat and then smoke and
2. Fire fighting procedures or strategy: confined building
a. Size up - The evaluation and observation ofthe fire scene
on the following 4. Extinguishment - an action performed by firefighters in
➢ Class of fire what combustible materials are burning putting off the fire by means of extinguishing agent such as water
➢ the approximate extinguishing agent to be used chemicals or foam
➢ the appropriate method of attack
➢ How to prevent the extension of fire 5. Rescue - any action taken by the firefighters to remove
➢ the required manpower and firefighting assignment occupants from a burning building to a safety place
b. Attack - the method of action to gain immediate control to 6. Overhaul - a complete and detailed check of the structures
prevent or minimize the extension of fire to exposure and materials involved in the fire to make sure that every spark and
➢ Direct method most effective method uses straight amber has been extinguished and there is no possibility of
or solid stream delivers water directly to sit off the reignition
fire short controlled bursts of water
7. Salvage - a method used in preventing excessive damage B. Aircraft prefire planning
caused by fire smoke and water C. natural cover prefire planning
➢ Sawdust D. pre disaster planning
➢ salvage covers
Personal Protective Equipment - a gear worn by firefighters
Factors to be considered in extinguishment during emergency fire control operations this ensemble includes
● Time of day - it can have a direct bearing on the life in the protection for the eyes head hands feet and body
fire hazards involved it also has a direct bearing and the
speed of the response of fire fighting and rescue vehicles. Types of Protective Clothing
Night time - at times of darkness special lighting equipment may 1. protective clothing for structural fire fighting
be needed it may also require auxiliary fire fighting personnel 2. protective clothing for wildland fire fighting
3. protective clothing for hazardous materials incident
● Weather
Temperature - it can be considered especially that heat is part of Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) - is a device that
the fire triangle wildfires are most likely to break out in hot seasons provide the user with an additional supply of air or breathing
once the fire has started having a hot air the fire is most likely to protection
Humidity - high humidity means smoky fire and difficulty operating Parts of Breathing Apparatus
in the building without a thorough ventilation ● Face piece - an assembly that fits onto the face of the
Wind precipitation - the direction of the wind determines where the person using the breathing apparatus forming a tight seal to
greatest exposure dangers are located the faster the wind is the face and transmitting air or oxygen to the user
blowing the faster the fire spreads ● Regulator - a device that is used to control the pressure of
air coming from the cylinder
Pre-fire plan
-it is the process of advanced and organized planning of possible Hydraulic Rescue Tools - are used by emergency rescue personnel
fire fighting operation in a particular building or groups of building to assist vehicle extrication of crash victims as well as other rescues
for small spaces
Types of prefire planning
A. Building pre fire plans - an organized procedures and ● Cutter - the cutter is a hydraulic tool which is designed to cut
important information responding a fire situation and through metal it is often called a crop cutter owing to the
facilities or buildings during a fire suppression or operations shape and configuration of its blades
● Spreader - is a hydraulic tool designed with two arms which or mounted on a movable socket that permits them to unfold
have a narrow tip. The tip of the tool can be inserted into a inward when not in use.
narrow gap between two vehicle panels (such as between 2. Extension ladder - this consists of a bed section and two or
two doors or between a door and offender) when the tool is more fly sections; the flies section slides through guides on
operated the arms are opened drawing apart the metal in the upper end of the bed section. It contains locks which
the panels spreaders are used to pop vehicles door from hook over the ranks of the bed section. A designated
their hinges position dependent upon the desired length of the ladder.
● Spreader cutters - whilst a cutter or spreader tool is 3. Attic ladder - it provides means of reaching through an
designed for a particular application a combination tool is opening into attics lofts and other areas that are somewhat
also available which combines the cutting and spreading difficult to reach without a special ladder. It can be folded or
functions of separate tools into a single tool collapsed for small room or closet works. They are usually
short because they are required to reach only a short
Types of Ladder distance.
● Ground ladder - ground ladders vary in sizes from 3.1 to 17 4. Wall ladder - this type of ladder best used and rescuers a
m 10 to 55 ft long. It is being carried out on a pumper or fire ladder in place is already falling short of the in-dangered
truck most and engine company apparatus carry a roof person.
ladder and an extension ladder. (For rescue, to stretch lines
in a fire building, provide ventilation by giving access to Types of ladders according to its beam
ports scuttles, windows, roofs, or other places that are hard ● Solid beam ground ladder made of heavy hardwood and
to reach) or lightweight metal alloy
- area ladders this type of ladder that is mounted on a ● Trussed beam ground ladder - a lightweight metal alloy
turnable capable of extending to 30.5 m or 100 ft may have easier to handle and carry
three or four metal flies sections of ladder that can be raised
or lowered by hydraulically controlled cables Ladder Terminology
1. Bed Ladder - the lowest section of an extension ladder.
Forms of Ground Ladder 2. Fly Ladder - the top section of an extension ladder
1. Straight ladder - type of ladder that contains only one 3. Butt - the bottom end of a ladder
section. It ranges in length from 12 to 16 ft. The most 4. Heel - the part of the ladder that touches the ground
common size is the 14 foot straight ladder. The roof or hook 5. Halyard - a rope or cable used to raise the fly ladder
ladder is a straight ladder adapted for special purpose hooks 6. Pawl or Dog - the mechanism located at the end of the fly ladder
that locks to the bed ladders.
7. Rung - the cross member of a ladder that is used for climbing ❑ F.R Dodge was appointed as Department Chief and first Chief of
8. Top or Tip - it is the top part of a ladder fire services.
9. Hooks - part of a ladder that is used to hook over a ❑ Capt. Otis Vander Ford is the last American Fire Chief.
roof peak, sills, or walls where the heel does not rest ❑ The organization was under the direct supervision of the DILG
on a foundation (found only on roof-type ladders). Undersecretary for peace and order.
10. Stops - made of metal or wood blocks used to ❑ the inaugural operation of the Bureau of Fire Protection was on
prevent the fly of an extension ladder from extending August 2, 1991, headed by F/ Brigadier General Ernesto Madriaga.
out further from the ladder. ❑ F/ Major Primo D. Cordeta was the first Chief, Fire Marshal from
11. Guides - light metal strips of an extension ladder 1978-1989 under the PC/IN Deputy Chief Jacinto Lorenzo - On
that guides the fly ladder while it is being raised or October 19, 1935, Deputy Chief Jacinto Lorenzo became the first
lowered. Filipino Fire Chief of the Manila Fire Department.
For Industrial Commercial or Business Operation a. Three sets of FALAR 1 shall be submitted.
The City/Municipal Fire Marshall having jurisdiction shall cause the b. Three sets of FALAR 2 shall be submitted.
inspection of premises of any industrial, commercial or business c. Three sets of FALAR 3
operation and issue the necessary FSIC upon the determination
that fire safety measure for storage, handling, or use explosive or FALAR 1
combustible, toxic and other hazardous materials, as well as, for - Documentation on Fire and Life-Safety Features of the
hazardous operation or processes, have been complied. Facility (Consisting of a written report prepared by the
architect and his Fire Protection consultant. This is a
Periodic Inspection by Fire Safety Inspectors: compilation of the plans/specification and design analysis
The City/Municipal Fire Marshall having jurisdiction shall cause the normally submitted by the Architect and engineers.)
conduct of periodic fire safety inspection of any building, structure,
facility or premises for the purpose of determining compliance with FALAR 2
the provision of the Fire code and its IRR. Such inspection Order Documentation submitted by the Contractor/s and the Construction
and After inspection Report shall conform to the herein prescribed manager certifying that the constructions was in accordance with
the FALAR 1 and authorized changes. Documents will be a City/Municipal Fire Marshall having jurisdiction not letter than ten
compilation report of all approved submittals, test and acceptance (10) days after receipt of the document from any insurance
forms of all fire protection and life safety features and shall form company.
part of all fire protection and life safety features.
FALAR 3 Fire exit drills shall be conducted in coordination with the office of
Documentation on the required periodic maintenance and upkeep the City/Municipal Fire Marshal. This is conducted in the following
of the fire and life-safety features of the facility. (It consists of a manner;
written prepared by the building owner, his fire safety officer or his a. Fire exit drills conforming to the provision of this Division shall be
authorized representative. This is a compilation of the maintenance regularly conducted in schools and in other occupancies specified
and testing records kept by the engineering and maintenance by the provision of Divisions 8 through 17 of this chapter, or by
departments. ) appropriate action of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having
jurisdiction over the area.
FSIC AS A PRE-REQUISITE FOR ISSUANCE OF b. Fire exit drills, where required, shall be held with sufficient
PERMIT/LICENSE frequency to familiarize all occupants with the drill procedure and to
Upon compliance of the fire safety requirements under the fire code have the conduct of drill a matter of established routine.
IRR , a Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) shall be issued by c. Drills shall be held at unexpected times and under varying
the BFP as a pre- requisite for the issuance of business or Mayor s condition to simulate the unusual conditions obtaining in case if fire
Permit, Permit to operate, Occupancy Permit, PHILHEALTH d. planning and conduct of drills shall be responsibility of the
Accreditation for Hospitals, DOH License to Operate and other management or owners of business establishments.
permits or license being issued by other government agencies. e. In the conduct of drills, emphasis shall be placed upon orderly
evacuation under proper discipline rather than upon speed. As
FIRE SAFETY CLEARANCE such no running or horseplay shall be permitted.
Fire safety Clearance shall be required for the storage, handling, f. Drills shall include suitable procedure to make sure that all
installation and transportation of hazardous materials, operations persons in the building, or all persons subject to the drills, actually
and processes as may be prescribed in other provision of this IRR. participate.
g. Fire alarms facilities, where available shall be used in the
FIRE INSURANCE DATA REQUIRED conduct of fire exit drills.
All persons having a fire insurance coverage on their properties and
business shall submit a certified true copy of all coverage currently
in effects including subsequent and additional policies to the