Use of Nano-Materials To Enhance The Properties of Asphalt Mixes
Use of Nano-Materials To Enhance The Properties of Asphalt Mixes
Use of Nano-Materials To Enhance The Properties of Asphalt Mixes
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Nanotechnology is being used in different aspects of life to solve different problems. Highway researchers
Available online 20 May 2022 and practitioner are also using nano-materials to modify asphalt binders. Studies associated with the use
of nano-materials in pavement construction are still very limited. In order to make this more applicable
Keywords: in the field, there is a need of more studies on this topic. The current study investigates the influence of
Nano-materials the nano-based chemical warm mix additive zycotherm on the characteristics of asphalt mixes. In the
Zycotherm study zycotherm was added into the mix in different proportions and the properties of the asphalt mixes
Moisture damage resistance
were examined. In order to assess the moisture damage resistance of the mix, parameters like retained
Asphalt mix
marshall stability (RMS) and tensile strength ratio (TSR) were calculated. Based on the results of these
tests, comparisons are made and conclusions are presented in this paper.
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Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures.
B. Singh, D. Prasad, A. Kumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 65 (2022) 1861–1866
Moghadas Nejad et al. [14] also found the similar results in their needed in this direction to study it with different materials, which
study. Behbahani et al.[15] found 4.5% of zycosoil (4.5%) enhances will give confidence to practitioners to use it in the field.
the moisture damage resistance of the asphalt mixtures. Likewise,
Ziari et al. [16] in their study concluded use of zycosoil improves 3. Objectives of the study
rutting performance of the asphalt mixes. Teppala et al. [17]. used
zycosoil as the modifier with crumb rubber modified bitumen and Based on the study of past literature, the goal of current work is
found it to be effective in improving the performance of the dense to examine the consequences of using nano-modifier i.e.,
bituminous macadam. Dam et al. [18] concluded that zycosoil zycotherm on asphalt mix characteristics and finding out the opti-
reduces the stripping of asphalt mix and improves the quality flex- mum dosage of modifier to be used.
ible pavement. In their studies, various researchers have varied the
dosage of nanomaterials. For instance, Dam et al. [18] applied 0.02,
4. Materials and methodology
0.03 and 0.04% of zycosoil with 5.1% of bitumen content. Sarkar
et al. [19] studied the performance of stone and brick aggregate
The base binder used for this work was viscosity graded VG-30
by soaking them into a solution of 1 kg zycosoil: 400 L water and
bitumen. Zycotherm as a nanomaterial, shown in Fig. 1., was used
then spraying the mix of 5% by weight of aggregate on oven dried
in this work. Zycotherm works on a silane-based technology. It
aggregates. Ibrahim et al. [20] applied zycotherm both on asphalt
forms water-repulsive hydrophobic zone on a molecular level
and asphalt mixes and observed that zycotherm provide resistance
which improves the performance as well as moisture damage
to asphalt concrete mix against rutting, moisture damage, fatigue
resistance of the bituminous mix. The dosage of zycotherm was
and temperature cracking. Saha et al [11] used the inferior quality
varied from 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% and asphalt mix were prepared.
aggregate with zycosoil solution and found out it to be effective in
Based on the results attained from different tests, optimum dosage
enhancing the characteristics of the asphalt mixture. Singh et al [1]
was found out. The basic characteristics of zycotherm are given in
studied the use of zycotherm with polymer modified binders
Table 1. The experimental program of the study was started by
(PMB) and found it to be decreasing the production temperature
conducting conventional tests were conducted on bitumen and
of the asphalt mixes. Therefore, from the above literature review
aggregates. Table 2 and 3 provide the conventional test results of
it can be concluded that chemical nanomaterials are effective in
bitumen and aggregates respectively. As per criteria set by
improving the properties of aggregates and mixes. More work
MORT&H [21], the aggregate properties were found satisfactory.
Fig. 2 provide a block diagram, showing the investigational plan
followed in this work.
Table 3
Aggregate Properties.
Table 2
Asphalt binders Properties.
Tests Standard Used Standard Values (IS: 73, 2013) [22] Obtained values
Penetration Value IS 1203 [23] 45 mm (min.) 53 mm
Softening Point IS 1205 [24] 47 °C (min.) 49 °C
Absolute Viscosity at 60 °C IS 1206 (Part 2) [25] 2400–3600 Poise 2760 Poise
Ductility IS 1208 [26] – 62 cm
B. Singh, D. Prasad, A. Kumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 65 (2022) 1861–1866
Table 4 The average Marshall Stability values obtained from these two
Optimum Binder Content with Varying Nano Modifier Content. groups were recorded and RMS values were calculated using the
Modifier content (%) Optimum bitumen content (%) following relationship (eq. (1)):
0 4.65
0.1 4.68
RetainedMarshall StabilityðRMSÞ
0.2 4.55 Marshall Stability of 24 hours conditioned specimen
0.3 4.62
Marshall Stability of 30minutesconditioned specimen
100 ð1Þ
Higher RMS values indicate higher moisture damage resistance
increasing with the addition of modifier. This increase in stability and vice-versa. Retained Marshall stability values of samples con-
values can be credited to the alkoxy groups of silane which are pre- taining different modifier content are represented in Fig. 5(a). Here,
sent in the nano molecules. These alkoxy groups form siloxane retained stability values increased with increasing dosage of mod-
bonds (Si-O-Si) by chemically reacting with hydroxyl (OH) groups ifier up to 0.2%. After that at 0.3% modifier content. RMS value
presents in the aggregates. Siloxane bonds are known to be one of decreased slightly but the value was better than base sample. So,
the most resilient bonds and this increases the overall stability of nano-modifier increased moisture damage resistance of the
the asphalt mix [1]. When the modifier is increased beyond 0.2%, asphalt mixtures.
a slight decrease in the stability value is observed that is the indi- Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) test is carried by applying load on
cation of the extra modifier present in the mix. a vertical diametrical plane of a cylindrical asphalt mix sample. The
Marshall Quotient (MQ) is a parameter which can be used as an load is applied using two curved strips having the same radius of
indicator of shear resistance and rutting resistance of the asphalt curvature as specimens. As a result of this loading configuration,
mix. Mathematically, the Marshall Quotient is computed by divid- constant tensile stress is created perpendicular to the applied
ing the asphalt mix’s stability value by its flow value. In present load’s direction, resulting in specimen failure by splitting across -
study MQ values of different asphalt mix samples prepared (at the vertical diametrical plane.
OBC) using different modifier dosages were compared. From the ITS is an assessment of the tensile properties of asphalt mixes
comparison it was observed that addition of nanomaterial which further correlates with the cracking of the pavement. A
improved the MQ of asphalt mix samples. Samples prepared using higher ITS value indicates higher low temperature cracking resis-
0.2% modifier showed highest MQ values which slightly decreased tance. Moreover, a higher value indicates that the mix will be able
at 0.3% modifier content. MQ values of asphalt mixes has been to withstand greater tensile strains before failure. To evaluate the
graphically presented in Fig. 4(b). moisture resistance of the asphalt mix, the tensile strength ratio
When it comes to the bituminous pavements, moisture damage (TSR) was calculated using modified Lottman test.
is one of the biggest reasons of pavement failure [30]. Moisture Mathematically, the TSR value of asphalt mix is obtained by
resistance of the asphalt mix is an indicator of its durability. Thus, dividing ITS values of conditioned samples by those of the uncon-
to assess the consequence of nano-modifier on the moisture dam- ditioned samples. The samples were conditioned by keeping them
age resistance of mixes, Retained Marshall Stability (RMS) values in water for 24 h at temperature of 60 °C and then curing them for
were calculated. For conducting the test, six asphalt mix samples 2 h at 25 °C before performing the test. ITS and TSR results of are
were prepared at OBC and separated into two groups of three sam- presented in Fig. 5(b).
ples in each. Samples from one of the groups were used for Mar- The results revealed that modifier improved both ITS and TSR
shall Stability test after immersing them in water at a values. Like Marshall and RMS values ITS and TSR value also
temperature of 60 °C for 30 min. The specimen from the other showed best outcome at 0.2% modifier content. This improved
group were tested by immersing them in water for 24 h at temper- behaviour can be the result of molecular level hydrophobic layer
ature of 60 °C. that nano-modifier (zycotherm) creates around the aggregates.
Fig. 4. (a) Marshall stability and flow value of asphalt mixes; (b) Marshall quotient values of asphalt mixes.
B. Singh, D. Prasad, A. Kumar et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 65 (2022) 1861–1866
Fig. 5. (a) RMS; (b) ITS and TSR values of the asphalt mixes.
Organofunctional silanes have both organic and inorganic phases. 3. Different percentages of modifier were used and from the
The inorganic component of the couple bonds with the hydroxy- results it can be said that 0.2% modifier content is the optimum
lated agent on the aggregate surface, while the organic part con- content for enhancing the strength and moisture damage resis-
denses during hydrolysis in the presence of water and is turned tance of asphalt mixture.
into siloxane, which is hydrophobic in nature. When the tempera-
ture rises during mixing and compaction, the hydrogen bond Current study can be further stretched by using different binder,
breaks, resulting in the formation of H2O and covalently bonded aggregate type and aggregate gradation to study the effect of nano-
metallosiloxane. This results in the formation of a cross-linked material on asphalt binder properties.
siloxane (Si-O-Si) coating on the surface of the aggregate. [14,31].
This improves overall coating and bonding of aggregate and
Declaration of Competing Interest
bitumen which further results in better performance of the mix.
Base sample was found to be having TSR value lower than 80%
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
which makes it unsuitable to be used in the areas which are prone
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to cracking. Modified mixes were found to possess TSR values
to influence the work reported in this paper.
greater than 80% with mix containing 0.2% modifier showing the
highest value. At 0.3% modifier content ITS and TSR values
decreased a little but overall modifier was found to be improving Acknowledgements
the performance of the mix. Greater TSR values also indicate
greater moisture resistance of the mix. All persons who have made substantial contributions to the
Results of all the tests conducted on asphalt mix i.e. Marshall work reported in the manuscript (e.g., technical help, writing and
stability, RMS, ITS and TSR, indicated that asphalt mix properties editing assistance, general support), but who do not meet the cri-
increased with the inclusion of nano-modifier. For all the tests, teria for authorship, are named in the Acknowledgements and have
0.2% of modifier gave highest values which also indicates better given us their written permission to be named. If we have not
performance. Parameters values declined with further rise in mod- included an Acknowledgements, then that indicates that we have
ifier content. So, centred on this trend it is concluded that 0.2% is not received substantial contributions from non-authors.
the optimum modifier content.
6. Conclusions
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