F7 - Revision Notes
F7 - Revision Notes
F7 - Revision Notes
Financial Reporting
For exams in September 2019
Futura Fortune Academia - +91 9633259363
Chapter Summary
Non-Current Assets Borrowing Costs (IAS 23)
Subsequent Recognition
Profit or Loss Balance Sheet
Asset does not meet the recognition criteria Asset meets the recognition criteria
Depreciation of Assets Upgrades or Improvement
Repair and Maintenance
Examples: Depreciate airframe over 20 years, seating over 8 years, engines over 6 years
The loan rate was 9% and Stremans Co can invest surplus funds at 7%.
Ignoring compound interest, calculate the borrowing costs which may be capitalised for each of the assets and consequently the
cost of each asset as at 31 December 20X6.
Borrowing Costs (P/L) Alpha Bravo
Borrowing Costs
To 31 Dec 20X6: $500,000/$1,000,000 x 9% 45,000 90,000
Less Investment Income
To 30 Jun 20X6: $250,000/$500,000 x 7% x 6/12 (8,750) (17,500)
36,250 72,500
Cost of Assets
Expenditure Incurred 500,000 1,000,000
Borrowing Costs 536,250 1,072,500
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The 8.9% debenture was issued to fund the construction of a qualifying asset (a piece of mining equipment), construction of
which began on 1 July 20X6. On 1 Jan 20X6, Acruni Co began construction of a qualifying asset, a piece of machinery for a hydro-
electric plant, using existing borrowings. Expenditure drawn down for the construction was: $30m on 1 Jan 20X6, $20m on 1 Oct
Calculate the borrowing costs that can be capitalised for the hydro-electric plant machine.
Capitalisation rate = weighted average rate = (10% x (120/120+80)) + (9.5% x (80/120+80)) = 9.8%
Borrowing Cost = ($30m x 9.8%) + ($20m x 9.8% x 3/12) = $3.43m
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Amortis ation:
Intangible assets with a finite useful life should be amortised over their useful life.
The period and method used should be reviewed at least every financial year end and adjusted where necessary.
The depreciable amount of an intangible is the cost/revalued amount less residual value, although the residual value is
generally assumed to be zero.
Intangible assets with indefinite useful life should not be amortised however should be tested for impairment annually.
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• Goodwill can be purchased or acquired as part of business combination
• Future economic benefits arising from assets that are not capable of being identified and separately
• Recognise as an asset and measure at cost/excess of purchase cost over acquired interest
• Do not amortise
• Test for impairment annually
• Gain on bargain purchase (negative goodwill) should recognised via profit or loss
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Biogenics - Scenario
Biogenics is a publicly listed pharmaceutical company. During the year to 31 December 20X9 the following
transactions took place:
1) $6m was spent on developing a new obesity drug which received clinical approval on 1 July 20X9 and is
proving commercially successful. The directors expect the project to be in profit within 12 months of the
approval date. The patent was registered on 1 July 20X9. It cost $1.5m and remains in force three years.
2) A research project was set up on 1 October 20X9 which is expected to result in a new cancer drug.
$200,000 was spent on computer equipment and $400,000 on staff salaries. The equipment has an
expected life of four years.
3) On 1 September 20X9 Biogenics acquired an up-to-date list of GPs at a cost of $500,000 and has been
visiting them to explain the new obesity drug. The list is expected to generate sales throughout the life-
cycle of the drug.
Prepare extracts of the statement of financial position of Biogenics at 31 December 20X9 relating to the above
items and summarise the costs to be included in the statement of profit or loss for that year.
1. Computer Equipment $
Cost 200,000
Depreciation (200/4 x 3/12 or 200 x 3/48) (12,500)
Carrying amount 187,500
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Biogenics - Scenario
2. Intangible Asset
Patent Development Cost Customer List Total
($’000) ($’000) ($’000) ($’000)
Cost 1,500 6,000 500 8,000
6/36 (250) (1,000) - -
4/34 - - (59) (1,309)
1,250 5,000 441 6,691
Chapter Summary
Lower of Cost or Impairment of Assets After Impairment
Recoverable amount Review
(IAS 36)
Consider changes to
Recoverable amount (RA)
remaining useful life/residual
Higher of value
Cash Generating Unit
Depreciate over remaining
FV less cost Value in useful life
Where RA cannot be
of disposal Use
measured for individual
CF DF PV asset Impairment Indicators
X 1/(1+r) X Smallest identifiable group
of assets that generates cash External:
X 1/(1+r)2 X
inflows largely independent Significant fall in MV
etc X Significant external adverse changes (in
of cash inflows from other
groups of assets technological, market, economic or legal
Recognize for impairment environment)
Increase in market interest rates
Journal Entry for for a CGU assets in the
below order: Internal:
Recognition Obsolescence/ damage
1) Any damaged goods or
Significant internal adverse changes (e.g.
Cost Revalued assets discontinuance/restructuring)
2) Goodwill associated to Asset performance worse than expected
Dr P/L Dr P/L
CGU Except, annual tests for:
Cr Asset Dr OCI 3) Other assets on a pro-rata Goodwill
Cr Asset Basis Intangibles with an indefinite useful life
Development expenditure not yet ready for
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Definition – IAS 36
IAS 36 aims to ensure that the carrying amount of assets in the financial statements is not
more than their recoverable amount.
Carrying amount:
The value at which the asset is included in the financial statements
Cost/valuation less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses
Recoverable amount:
Fair value less cost to sell:
– The price that would be received to sell the asset in an orderly transaction between
market participants at the measurement date
– If there is an active market in the asset, the fair value should be based on the market
price, or on the price of the recent transactions in similar assets
– If there is no active market in the asset it might be possible to estimate fair value
using best estimates of what market participants might pay in an orderly transaction
– Less the direct incremental costs attributable to the disposal of the asset
Value in Use:
– The present value of future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset or
cash-generating unit
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Definition – IAS 36
Where an individual asset is impaired:
If the asset is held at historic cost, the impairment loss is recognised as an expense in profit or loss
If the asset is held at a revalued amount, the impairment loss is charged:
Firstly to other comprehensive income (to remove any previous revaluation surplus relating to the
Any remainder is recognised as an expense in profit or loss
Impairment Indicators : An entity should consider whether there are indications that an asset might
have been impaired at the end of each reporting period.
Internal Sources External Sources
Evidence of obsolescence or physical damage Decline in value of asset significantly more than
would have been expected due to the passage of
time or normal use
Adverse changes to the asset's use Adverse effect on the entity in the technological,
market, economic or legal environment in which the
entity operates
Internal evidence that the asset's performance will be Increased market interest rates or other market
worse than expected rates of return affecting discount rates and therefore
reducing value in use
The carrying amount of the entity's net assets
exceeds market capitalisation
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Chapter 6 – Revenue
IFRS 15 Reve nue from contracts with customers
Recognition and measurement
Common types of transaction
Presentation and disclosure
Performance obligations satisfied over time
IAS 20 Governme nt grants
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Chapter Summary
Revenue is the income arising in the course of an entity's ordinary
Performance obligation is a promise in a contract with a customer to
transfer to the customer either:
a) A good or service (or a bundle of goods or services) that is distinct; or
b) A series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same and that have the
same pattern of transfer to the customer.
Stand-alone selling price is the price at which an entity would sell a
promised good or service separately to a customer.
Transaction price is the amount of consideration to which an entity expects
to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services
to a cus tomer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties.
Contract as s et is an entity's right to cons ideration in exchange for goods
or services that the entity has transferred to a customer by satisfying a portion
of performance obligation.
Contract liability is an entity's obligation to transfer goods or services to a
customer for which the entity has received consideration (or the amount is
due) from the customer.
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Trade receivables $
Invoices issued to date X
Less cash received (X)
Trade Receivables X
Question: Example 1
Particulars $
Total contract price 100,000
Costs incurred to date 48,000
Estimated costs to completion 32,000
Invoices issued 58,000
Cash received 50,000
Stage of completion (proportion of contract costs incurred) 60%
(a) Prepare relevant extracts from the statement of profit or loss and statement
of financial position.
(b) Show how the statement of financial position would differ if invoices issued
were $64,000 (of which $50,000 was received).
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Answer: Example 1
Is the Contract Profitable? $
Total revenue 100,000
Total expected costs (48,000 + 32,000) (80,000)
Overall expected profit 20,000
Stage of Completion 60%
Revenue (60% x 100,000) 60,000
Expenses (60% x 80,000) (48,000)
Profit for the period 12,000
Current Assets:
Contract Assets:
Contract costs incurred to the date 48,000
Recognised Profits 12,000
Less: Invoices issued to date (58,000)
Contract Asset 2,000
Trade Receivables:
Invoices issued to date 58,000
Less: Cash Received (50,000)
Trade Receivables 8,000
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Repayment of grants
Where a government grant becomes repayable it is accounted for as a change in
accounting estimate under IAS 8.
Repayment of grants relating to income are applied first against any unamortised deferred
credit and then in profit or loss.
Repayments of grants relating to assets are recorded by:
Reducing the deferred income balance; or
Increasing the carrying amount of the asset; or
The cumulative additional depreciation that would have been recognised to date had the grant not been
received is recognised in profit or loss immediately.
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Chapter Summary
Exemption from
preparing consolidated
Concept Introduction to Groups FS
• P is wholly owned subsidiary
• Shareholders need to know about • Debt/equity not publically traded
the performance of the whole group • Ultimate or any intermediate P
not just the parent Group Financial publishes IFRS
Parents separate • Subsidiary consolidated Definition of
financial statement • Show results/financial position of Subsidiary
group as a single business entity
• Subsidiary held at:
• Issued to shareholders of P
• An entity controlled by another
o Cost or entity
Fair value • Prepared in addition to S’s own
financial statements • Control: when an investor has
all of the following:
Consistent accounting o Power over the investee
policies and year ends o Exposure, or rights to variable
NCI and Mid Year returns from its involvement with
acquisitions investee; and
• Uniform accounting policies in
Consolidated FS Non-Controlling Interest o The ability to use its power
• P & S same reporting date, over the investee to affect the
• Shows non-group shareholders
amount of the investor’s return
otherwise: interest in S’s net assets
o Difference not more than three Mid-year acquisitions
• Examples:
months o >50% voting rights
• Calculate retained earnings at o Right to direct activities for
o Adjustments made for significant date of acquisition
items b/d X benefit of investors
• Use this figure for: o Appoint/remove key management
o Reporting period and gap same PFY x X/12 X o Goodwill calculation
length from period to period o Management contract
o Pre-acq reserves (PAR) in ret’d
Dividends paid (X) earnings calculation
At Acq’n X
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Question – Control?
Which one (or more) of the following would be accounted
for as a subs idiary of A?
1. A holds no shares in B; however through an agreement with B's
shareholders, A chooses 6 of the 10 Board members.
2. A owns 45% of C's shares. No other individual shareholder owns more than
3. A owns 55% of D's shares. Under an contract in place, A must make all
decisions in agreement with E, who owns 45% of the shares.
4. A controls F, a partnership, under an agreement. Yes
P Co
P Co controls S Co because it has > 50%
of voting power although it does not own
all of S Co
Chapter Summary
The Consolidated
Other Reserves
Type of Investment Statement of Financial
Position • Eg – Revaluation
• Treat the same way as retained
• Subsidiary (Control)
• Associate (Significant Influence) earnings
Approach to
Goodwill and Fair Value Intra Group Trading
Positive: Gain on Bargain Eliminate in Consolidated SOFP: • Details in coming slides
Purchase • Cash in Transit
Dr Cash
(i) Capitalised (i) Reassess FV used
Cr Receivables
• Annual
AdjustImpairment loss
goodwill at (ii) Credit
acquisition for FVReminder to P/L
of net assets • Goods in Transit
and then account for subsequent amortisation/sale Dr Inventories
• Purpose: accurate goodwill figure Cr Payables
• NCI at acquisition measured at: • Intragroup balances (cancelled)
• FV or Dr Payables
• NCI % x FVNA Cr Receivables
Revenue to profit for year • 100% of P Co +100% of S Co (Excluding adjustments for intra – group transactions)
Intra –group sales • Eliminate intra group activity from both sales revenue and cost of sales
Unrealised profit on intra – • Goods sold by P Co - Increase cost of sales by unrealised profit
group sales • Goods sold by S Co
Increase cost of sales by full amount of unrealised profit
Decrease non – controlling interest by their share of unrealised profit
Depreciation • S Co’s Non CA subjected to FV uplift -- any additional depreciation must be charges to P&L
• NCI to be adjusted for their share
Transfer of non current assets • Increase expense by any profit on transfer
• Reduce by any additional depreciation from increased carrying value of the asset
Chapter Summary
Definitions Financial Instruments Classification
Equity Convertible
Types of Financial Asset Debt Instruments
Instruments Debt
Investment in debt: • Financial assets and liabilities • Ordinary Share capital Separate debt/ equity
• Business model approach: debt held to collect • Redeemable preference shares • Irredeemable components:
principal and interest cash flows o Financial liability Preference shares
PV principal (X x 1/(1+r)n) X
– Amortised cost o Held at amortised cost • Issue costs deducted
Investment in debt: o Effective interest from share premium PV interest flows: X
• Business model approach: debt held to collect charged/credited to P/L
(Nominal interest x 1/(1 + r) 1)
principal and interest cash flows and to sell FA
– FV thru OCI, investment income to P/L Amortised Cost (Nominal interest x 1/(1 + r) 2)
Investment in equity:
(Nominal interest x 1/(1 + r) 3)
• Investments in equity instruments of another entity Initial value b/d (incl trans costs) X
not held for trading under irrevocable election Debt Component X
Interest at effective % X
– FV thru OCI, dividend income to P/L
Equity Component X
All other financial assets (including all Coupon at nominal % X
derivatives): Cash Received X
Amortised cost c/d X
– FV thru P/L
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IAS 32 - Definitions
Financial Instrument a contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and a financial
liability or equity instrument of another
Financial Ass et
An equity instrument of another entity (for example shares, share options or share warrants)
A contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity (for example a trade
A derivative standing at a gain
Financial Liability contractual obligation to deliver cash/other financial asset; contractual obligation to
exchange financial instruments under potentially favorable conditions
Equity Instrument contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all
its liabilities
IAS 32 Presentation
Financial Instrument should be classified as either Liability (debt) or Equity
Compound Instruments might be split to both debt and equity
Substance over legal form applies
Interest dividends, loss or gains relating to a financial instrument claimed as a liability are reported in I/S,
while distributions to holders of equity instruments are debited directly to equity
Offset of a financial asset and liability is only owned where there is a legal enforceable right and the entity
intends to settle net or simultaneously
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IFRS 9 deals with recognition and measurement of financial asset and liabilities. It classifies
assets on the basis of entity’s busines s model and the cash flow model
Busines s Model:
The business objective for a debt instrument is to collect cash flows of the instruments and hold
it till maturity or sell it prior to maturity
It is not at an individual financial instrument level
It is based on how key management personnel actually manages the business, rather than
management’s intentions for specific financial assets
May have more than one model for its financial asset and the classification need not
determined at the reporting entity level. It would be appropriate for entities to carry out the
assessment at portfolio level, rather than at entity level.
Entity Business model can be to hold financial assets till maturity even if sale of financial
assets occur
Contractual Cash Flow Model
Only instruments with contractual cash flow of principal and instrument on principal qualify
for amortised cost of measurement
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IAS 9 – Measurement
Initial Measurement Financial Instrument:
Amortised Cost • This is determined on the basis that the entity's business model for managing financial assets is
that they are held to collect interest and principal cash flows
Fair Value to P/L • This is used where the financial assets are held for trading, comprise derivatives and all other
financial assets.
Fair Value to OCI • This is used where the financial asset is an investment in the equity instruments of another
(only for Financial entity and such investments are not held for trading.
Asset) • This treatment is optional and an irrevocable election must be made on purchase of the
investment to be able to carry them at fair value through other comprehensive income.
At inception the bond is classed as a financial asset and is initially recognised at the amount paid plus the
associated transaction costs.
This is $440,000 + $5,867 = $445,867.
The entry to record the financial asset is:
Dr Financial Asset $445,867
Cr Cash $445,867
IFRS 9 requires financial assets held to collect the cash flows to be held at amortised cos t based on their
effective rate of interest (internal rate of return).
This is shown in the table on the next slide.
Actual Interest is $500,000 x 5% = $25,000
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Equity component of convertible bond (300,000 – (W1) 270,180) 29,820
Working 1:
Fair value of equivalent non-convertible debt
Particulars $
Present value of principal payable at end of four years 220,500
(3,000 × $100 = $300,000 × 0.735)
Present value of interest payable annually in arrears for four years:
Year 1 (300,000 × 5%) = 15,000 × 0.926 13,890
Year 2 (300,000 × 5%) = 15,000 × 0.857 12,855
Year 3 (300,000 × 5%) = 15,000 × 0.794 11,910
Year 4 (300,000 × 5%) = 15,000 × 0.735 11,025 49,680
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Working 2:
Year Balance b/d ($) EI 8 % (P/L) AI 5% Balance c/d
1 270,180 21,614 (15,000) 276,794
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Factoring of Receivables
Debts are not an ass et of the seller Debts are an ass et of the seller
Transfer is for a single non-returnable fixed Finance cost varies with speed of collection of debts,
sum. eg:
By adjustment to consideration for original
transfer; or
Subsequent transfers priced to recover costs
of earlier transfers.
There is no recourse to the seller for losses. There is full recourse to the seller for losses.
Factor is paid all amounts received from the Seller is required to repay amounts received from the
factored debts (and no more). Seller has no factor on or before a set date, regardless of timing or
rights to further sums from the factor. amounts of collections from debtors.
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Chapter 12 – Leasing
IFRS 16 – Leases
Account for right of use assets and lease liabilities in the records of the
Explain the exemption from the recognition criteria for leases in the
records of the lessee.
Account for sale and leaseback agreements.
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Chapter Summary
Definition Leasing Issue
IFRS 16 introduces a single lessee accounting model and requires a lessee to
recognise assets and liabilities for all leases with a term of more than twelve
months, unless the underlying asset is of low value.
The lessee recognises a right-of-use asset, representing its right to use the
underlying asset, and a lease liability representing its obligation to make lease
A lease is a contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset, the
underlying asset, for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
A right-of-use ass et is an asset that represents a lessee’s right to use an underlying
asset for the lease term.
An underlying ass et is an asset that is the subject of a lease, for which the right to use
that asset has been provided by a lessor to a lessee.
Lease payments are made by a lessee to a lessor relating to the right to use an
underlying asset during the lease term.
Lease term is the non-cancellable period for which the lessee has contracted to lease
the asset together with any further terms for which the lessee has the option to continue
to lease the asset.
Lease incentives are payments made by the lessor to the lessee or the reimbursement
or assumption by the lessor of costs of the lessee.
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Identifying a leas e
A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the
use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
The right to control the use of an identified asset depends on the lessee having:
The right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the identified
asset; and
The right to direct the use of the identified asset
A lessee does not control the use of an identified asset if the lessor can substitute
the underlying asset for another asset and would benefit economically from doing
Short-term and low value leas es
A lessee may elect to account for lease payments as an expense in profit or loss
over the lease term for the following two types of leases:
Short-term leases. Leases with a term of twelve months or less. This election is made by
class of underlying asset. A lease that contains a purchase option cannot be a short-term
Low-value leases. Leases where the underlying asset is of low value (such as office
furniture or laptops).This election can be made on a lease-by-lease basis.
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Measurement of Asset:
The asset is depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of its useful life or the
end of the lease term.
NB: If the ownership of the asset is expected to be transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease, the
useful life period must be used.
Alternatively, the asset can be accounted for in accordance with the revaluation model in IAS 16 or the
fair value model in IAS 40 (compulsory if the asset meets the definition of investment property).
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Non-Current Liabilitie s
Lease Liability (Working) (9,100-8,101) 999
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Working - Ass et $
Right of use of asset
PV of Lease Liability 6,075
Advance Lease Payment 2,000
Value of Right of use of asset 8,075
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Non-Current Liabilities
Lease Liability (Working) (6,804 – 2,000) 4,804
Current Liabilities
Lease Liability (Working) 2,000
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Chapter Summary
Provisions & Events Events after Reporting
Contingent Liabilities
after Reporting Period Period
Possible obligation, or
Adjusting events
Present obligation where:
Provisions Evidence of conditions at year end
Outflow of resources not probable, or
FS are amended
Cannot make reliable estimate.
'A liability of uncertain timing or amount‘ Non-adjusting events
Disclose (unless outflow of resources is remote)
Recognise liability: Conditions that arose after year end
Brief description of nature
Present obligation (as a result of a past event) Nature and financial effect disclosed
Estimate of financial effect Where
(1) Legal obligation, or FS are not adjusted
Indication of uncertainties practicable
(2) Constructive obligation But if has going concern implications adjust
Possibility of reimbursement
Probable outflow of resources embodying economic Dividends:
benefits Not accrued if declared after year end
Contingent Assets Reliable estimate
Large population – expected values
Single obligation – most likely outcome
Possible Asset; Inflow
Discount if material
Only recognise as asset when virtually certain
Disclose via note if probable
Application of recognition and Decommissioning &
Restructuring measurement rules Environmental Costs
Detailed formal
formal plan; and
plan; and Make a provision where there is a legal or
Detailed Future Operating
Valid expectation raised by starting
starting to
to constructive obligation to clean up
Valid expectation raised by Onerous Contract Losses Provision is discounted to present value:
implement it it
Include only direct expenditures:
only direct expenditures: Provision x 1/ (1 + r)n
Include Do not provide
(a) Necessarily
Necessarily entailed
entailed by
by the
the restructuring;
restructuring; Provide for unavoidable DR Asset (depreciate over UL)
(b) Not associated with the ongoing activities of
of cost: CR Provision
(b) Not associated with the ongoing activities
the entity: Lower of: Provision is compounded up over time:
the entity:
Retraining/relocating staff
Retraining/relocating staff Net Cost of fulfilling
Marketing Penalties from failure to
Investment in new
new systems/
distribution fulfill
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A provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount.
A provision should be recognised in the financial statements when all three
recognition criteria are satisfied:
An entity has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event.
It is probable that an outflow of economic resources will be required to settle the
A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.
An obligation can be legal or constructive:
A legal obligation is one that derives from a contract or legislation.
A cons tructive obligation is one that derives from the actions of an entity where:
An established pattern of past practice, published policies or a specific statement has indicated to other parties that
the entity will accept certain responsibilities
The entity has created a valid expectation on the part of those other parties that it will discharge those
Journal Entry
Dr Provision Liability
Cr Expense
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The amount recognised as a provision should be the best estimate of the cost required
to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period.
Where the provision involves a large population of items, such as a warranty provision,
the provision should be calculated using expected values.
Where a single obligation is being measured, such as the outcome of a court case, the
individual most likely outcome should be provided.
The amount of the provision should be discounted where the time value of money is
Specific situations
Future operating losses:
Provisions should not be recognised for future operating losses.
They do not meet the definition of a liability or the recognition criteria.
Onerous contracts:
An onerous contract is a contract where the unavoidable costs of completing the contract exceed the
benefits expected to be received under it.
Where an onerous contract exists, the entity should provide for the net loss which is the lower of the
costs of fulfilling the contract and the penalties from failing to fulfill the contract.
Decommissioning and other environmental costs:
Provisions for these costs should only be recognised from the date on which the obligating event
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A restructuring is a planned programme which materially changes the scope of
business undertaken by an entity or the manner in which that business is conducted.
A provision for restructuring costs is recognised only when the entity has a
constructive obligation to restructure.
This will only be where an entity:
Has a detailed formal plan for the restructuring, and
Has raised a valid expectation in those affected that it will carry out the restructuring
A restructuring provision should only include direct expenditure arising from the
restructuring and which are:
Necessarily entailed by the restructuring
Not associated with the ongoing activities of the entity
A restructuring provision does not include:
Retraining/relocating continuing staff
Investment in new systems and distribution networks
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Present obligation No
as a result of an Possible
obligating event? obligation?
Yes Yes
No Yes
Probable outflow? Remote?
Yes No
No (rare)
Reliable estimate?
Do nothing
Disclose contingent
Provide liability
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Chapter Summary
Inventories and Biological Assets
Inventories (IAS 2)
Biological assets (IAS 41)
FIFO Biological ass et: A living animal or
Weighted average
Valuation plant
Agricultural produce: The harvested
Lower of: product of the entity's biological assets
Cost Net Realizable Value
Cost of purchase SP Less: Recognise when:
Costs of production Costs to Complete Controlled as a result of past events
Other costs in bringing Costs necessary to Probable future economic
inventories to their make sale benefits, and
present location and Fair value or cost can be measured
condition eg non- reliably
production overheads Measurement
re product for a
specific customer Biological ass ets:
Fair value less costs to sell
Plant based biological assets are accounted for under IAS16
Property, plant and equipment using either cost or revaluation
Agricultural produce:
At the point of harvest – Fair value less costs to sell (becomes
IAS 2 cost)
Thereafter – As inventories (LCNRV)
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Biological Assets
Biological ass ets are living animals or plants
Harvest is the detachment of produce from a biological asset or the cessation of a biological asset's life process (as
in slaughter).
Agricultural produce is the harvested product of an entity's biological assets (such as apples or carcasses).
IAS 41 distinguishes between two broad categories of agricultural production system:
Consumable: animals and plants themselves are harvested (such as beef cattle and wheat).
Bearer: animals and plants bear produce for harvest (such as dairy cows and apple trees).
An amendment to IAS 41 in May 2014 transferred the treatment of bearer plants (such as apple trees) to IAS 16, so they are
now accounted for in the same way as items of plant and equipment.
Animals and plants are recognised as assets when:
The entity controls the asset as a result of past events
It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity
The fair value of the asset or its cost to the entity can be measured reliably
IAS 41 requires all biological assets to be measured at the year end at fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs.
Fair value can usually be taken to be market value.
Any gain or loss arising from changes to fair value is recognised in profit or loss.
Bearer plants are measured at cost or revalued amount less accumulated depreciation.
Agricultural produce is recognised prior to harvest at fair value less estimated point of sale costs.
Following harvest agricultural produce is classified as inventory and accounted for in accordance with IAS 2.
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Chapter 15 - Taxation
Current tax
Deferred tax
Taxable temporary differences
Deductible temporary differences
Measurement and recognition of deferred tax
Taxation in company accounts
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Chapter Summary
Taxation (IAS 12)
Current Tax
Current tax is the amount of income taxes payable or recoverable in respect
of taxable profit or loss for the period.
Taxable profit (or los s ) is the profit (or loss) for a period, determined in
accordance with the rules established by the taxation authorities, upon which
income taxes are payable (recoverable).
The tax charge for the period is shown as an expens e in profit or los s .
Any unpaid amounts of tax are recognised as a liability in the statement of
financial position.
The accounting entry to record the tax expense is:
DEBIT Tax expense
CREDIT Tax liability
Underpayment of tax (Debit balance b/f) for previous year should be added
to the tax expense in current year
Overpayment of tax (Debit balance b/f) for previous year should be
deducted from the tax expense for the current year
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Deferred Tax
Deferred tax is not a tax which is paid, rather it is an accounting
adjus tment.
It deals with situations where the accounting treatment of a transaction
is different from the tax treatment.
Some differences are permanent (e.g. penalty expenses), while others are
temporary differences because of the timing of when a transaction is
recognised for accounting purposes and when it is considered for tax.
Temporary differences
CA of an Tax base of an
Differences between
asset/liability asset/liability
Taxable Deductible
temporary There are two types
differences differences
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Deferred Tax
The temporary difference is calculated by comparing the carrying
amount of an asset or liability in the statement of financial position to its
tax base.
The tax bas e of an as s et is its value for tax purposes at the reporting
Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences of difference between
Carrying amount of as s et and tax bas e.
Deferred tax liabilities are amounts of income taxes payable in future
periods in respect of taxable temporary differences.
Deferred tax as s ets are the amounts of income taxes recoverable in
future periods in respect of:
– Deductible temporary differences
– The carry forward of unused tax losses
– The carry forward of unused tax credits
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Deferred Tax
Taxable temporary differences describe the situation where because of a
temporary difference in the accounting and tax treatment of an item the
entity will end up paying more tax in the future.
Taxable temporary differences give rise to deferred tax liabilities.
One of the most common types of taxable temporary differences are
accelerated depreciation for tax purpos es .
This is because tax depreciation tends to be available at a higher rate in the
earlier years of the asset's life than the accounting depreciation charged on
the same assets
Ass ets Liabilities
CA > TB: CA > TB:
Taxable Temporary Difference (TTD) Deductible Temporary Difference (DTD)
Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) Deferred Tax Asset (DTA)
CA < TB: CA < TB:
Deductible Temporary Difference (DTD) Taxable Temporary Difference (TTD)
Deferred Tax Asset (DTA) or Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) or
Reversal of Deferred Tax Liability (DTL) Reversal of Deferred Tax Asset (DTA)
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Deferred Tax
ABC Co. buys a coach on 1 January 20X1 for $60,000.
The coach has a useful life of four years and will be
scrapped at the end of its life. The company pays tax at
25% and tax depreciation is available at 30% of cost.
ABC Co. has a profit before tax of $100,000 in each of
the years 20X1 and 20X2
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Deferred Tax
Current Tax
20X1 20X2
$ $
Profit before tax 100,000 100,000
Add back depreciation (W1) 15,000 15,000
Less tax depreciation (W2) (18,000) (18,000)
Taxable profit 97,000 97,000
Tax at 25% 24,250 24,250
(W1) Accounting depreciation: $60,000 ÷ 4 years = $15,000 per annum
(W2) Tax depreciation: $60,000 x 30% = $18,000 per annum
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Deferred Tax
Deferred Tax
Carrying Tax Tax
Particulars Difference
amount Base 25%
$ $ $ $
Cost at 1 Jan 20X1 60,000 60,000
Accounting depreciation/Tax depreciation (30% x $60,000) (15,000) (18,000)
At 31 December 20X1 45,000 42,000 3,000 750*
Accounting depreciation/Tax depreciation (30% x $60,000) (15,000) (18,000)
At 31 December 20X2 30,000 24,000 6,000 1,500^
Deferred Tax
Extracts from statement of financial pos ition 20X1 20X2
$ $
Deferred tax provision 750 1,500
Chapter Summary
Earnings Per Share
Basic Earnings Per (IAS 33)
share Diluted EPS
EPS as a performance
Earnings after tax measure Relevance
Weighted avg. no of shares Better indication than profit as
How EPS would change if all 'potential
Earnings = considers changes in capital
ordinary shares‘ converted
Consolidated PFY after Key stock market indicator
'Warning' measure
Tax Important for P/E ratio
Preference Shares
Limitations Share/Option
Convertible Debt
Diluted is theoretical Basic Earnings X Adjust WA for Free Shares
Changes in Equity Official definitions includes Interest Saved X
one-off income/expense No. of shares under option X
Capital Diluted Earnings X
No. of shares issuable at
average price
Basic WA X Free Shares X
Issue at full MP Bonus Issue Rights Issue
Max Shares on Conversion X
Include Shares Include Shares Include Shares Diluted Shares X
Earnings per share or EPS is a ratio which measures the amount of profits
earned by a company for each ordinary share in issue.
The objective of IAS 33 was to provide a consistent method for the
calculation of EPS in order to improve the comparison of the performance
of different entities in the same period and of the same entity over time.
IAS 33 only applies to companies whose ordinary shares are publicly
traded (including companies in the process of obtaining a listing).
EPS need only be presented on the basis on consolidated results in a set of
consolidated financial statements which include the parent's separate
financial statements.
Where companies choose to present EPS information even though they
are not required to they must do so in accordance with IAS 33.
Profit or Loss for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period
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Iss ue at full market price
Where an entity has issued shares at the current market price it will have received a true price for its shares.
It will therefore be expected to generate a return on these shares in the form of increased profits.
However if the share issue occurred part way through the year the entity will only be expected to generate extra earnings
for the time during which it had use of the additional funds.
As such the number of shares in issue must be time apportioned.
A company has earnings of $100,000 and a year end of 31 December. On 1 October 20X2 the company issued 300,000 shares at full
market price. The share capital before the share issue was 600,000 shares.
Bonus Iss ue
Bonus shares are issued at no consideration and therefore the company cannot be expected to generate
the same return after a bonus issue.
In order to make the EPS comparable year on year where there has been a bonus issue, it is necessary to
restate the prior year EPS figure.
This is done using the reciprocal of the bonus fraction.
Rights iss ue of shares
When an entity wants to raise additional finance it may choose to do so through a rights issue.
Here existing shareholders are offered the opportunity to buy more shares in the entity.
The price they will have to pay for the shares (the rights price) will be lower than the current market price
in order to encourage existing shareholders to subscribe to the rights issue.
Consequently a rights issue includes both an issue of shares at full price and a bonus issue.
Consistent with the bonus issue it is necessary to calculate the bonus fraction.
This is calculated as:
Fair value per share immediately before the exercise of rights
Theoretical ex rights price (TERP)
It is applied to all periods (months) prior to the rights issue and the prior year EPS is restated using the
reciprocal of the bonus fraction in order for the EPS to be comparable year on year.
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Diluted EPS
The basic EPS is calculated by comparing the profits with the weighted average number of shares currently in issue.
However it is possible that an entity might have a commitment to issue shares in the future, for example on the
exercise of share options or the conversion of convertible debt.
These commitments are known by IAS 33 as 'potential ordinary shares' and they may result in a change to the basic
The diluted EPS shows how the basic EPS would change if the 'potential ordinary shares' such as convertible debt
became ordinary shares.
The diluted EPS therefore warns current shareholders of what may happen to the EPS in the future.
The most efficient way to calculate the diluted EPS is to:
Take the earnings figure used in the basic EPS calculation and determine how it would change if the 'potential
ordinary shares' became shares
Take the weighted average number of shares used in the basic EPS calculation and increase it for the number
of 'potential ordinary shares'
Share options or warrants
Where an entity has issued share options or warrants, individuals will have the right to buy shares at a certain point
in the future.
The price they will be required to pay will almost certainly be below the current market price.
This amounts to a situation where some of the shares can be deemed to have been issued at full price and the
remainder will effectively have been issued for no consideration.
It is only the shares deemed to have been iss ued for no cons ideration which are dilutive.
These are added on to the basic weighted average number of shares.
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Diluted EPS
Convertible Debt
Adjustments to basic earnings and number of shares where an entity has convertible debt:
Basic Earnings X
Add back loan interest saved net of tax X
Diluted Earnings X
Number of shares:
II. Liquidity
Current Assets
Current Ratio
Current Liabilities
Current Assets - Inventories
Quick Ratio
Current Liabilities
Inventory Turnover/days COS Inventories
X 365
Inventories COS
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III. Gearing
Interest Bearing Debt
Interest Bearing Debt
Debt/ (Debt + Equity)
Interest Bearing Debt + Equity
Interest Cover PBIT
Interest Payable