UK VAT Basics-1
UK VAT Basics-1
UK VAT Basics-1
Standard Rate (20%S): Most goods and services are standard rated i.e. 20%. You should charge this rate
unless the goods or services are classed as reduced or zero-rated.
Reduced rate (5%R): Charging of this rate depends on the nature of item and the circumstances of the sale
as well. For example:
• Children’s car seats
• Motorcycle helmets
• Electricity, gas, fuel for domestic and residential use
Zero Rate (0%Z): Zero-rated means that the goods are still VAT-taxable but the rate of VAT you must charge
your customers is 0%. You still have to record them in your VAT Accounts and report them on
your VAT Return. Examples include:
• Food and drink for human consumption is usually zero-rated but some items are always standard-
rated. These include catering, alcoholic drinks, confectionery, crisps and savoury snacks, hot food,
sports drinks, hot takeaways, ice cream, soft drinks and mineral water.
• Children’s clothes and footwear
• Books, Newspapers and Magazines
If our client is not registered for VAT, he/she will use “No VAT” Code for Sales.
* For imports, there may be separate Import Duty and VAT which will be collected by Custom Authority.
Transactions that are Exempt, Zero Rated and from a VAT-Unregistered supplier are within the scope of VAT
and should be reported in the VAT Return. You must not use NO VAT code for these transactions. If you apply
NO VAT, the transaction will be excluded from your VAT Return.
No VAT will be used for transactions which are OUTSIDE THE SCOPE of VAT. Examples are:
1. Account to Account Transfer
2. Wages & Salaries payment
3. PAYE, National Insurance, Pension transfer
4. Money put into and taken out of the business bank accounts by owners, i.e. Director’s Loan Account
5. Loans Disbursement & Repayment, Grants, Gifts, Insurance Claim
6. Director’s Remuneration, Drawings, Dividends
7. Government Fees, Licenses & Taxes payment
8. Local Authority Rates payment
Important points:
1. Output VAT collected on Sales will be paid to government (Liability increases)
2. Input VAT paid on Purchases will be reclaimed from government (Liability decreases)
3. To reclaim VAT on Purchases the Invoices must include valid VAT Registration Number
4. Business/Client Entertainment Expense – 0%Z VAT (Cannot be reclaimed)
5. Employee Entertainment Expense – 20%S VAT (Can be reclaimed up to certain limit if proved)
***You can check the validity of a VAT Registration Number through the following link of HMRC:
VAT Returns/Reports
Box 1 VAT collected on Sales
Box 2 VAT on acquisition from EU Countries
Box 3 Total collection (Box 1 + Box 2)
Box 4 VAT paid on Purchase
Box 5 Net VAT to be paid or reclaimed (Box 3 – Box 4)
Box 6 Net value of Sales
Box 7 Net value of Purchase
Box 8 Net value of EU Sales
Box 9 Net value of EU Purchase/Acquisition