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تقویت تیر بتنی با FRP

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Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24

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Construction and Building Materials

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/conbuildmat

Effect of fiber parameters and concrete strength on shear behavior

of strengthened RC beams
Sherif H. Al-Tersawy ⇑
Civil Eng. Dept., Higher Technological Institute, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt

h i g h l i g h t s

 Fibers are used to enhance shear properties of reinforced concrete beams.

 Egyptian (ECP) and American (ACI) codes.
 Parameters: fiber orientation, fiber thickness, concrete strength, analytical model.
 Fiber parameters and concrete strength affects shear strength.
 Both analytical models have similar trend of shear strength values.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened in shear. Both
Received 9 January 2013 experimental investigation and analytical models were presented. Experimental investigation was car-
Received in revised form 24 February 2013 ried out on nine RC beams of three different sets, as-built beams (unstrengthened), beams strengthened
Accepted 2 March 2013
with vertical carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) wraps, and beams strengthened with inclined CFRP
Available online 2 April 2013
wraps. The main parameters investigated were concrete strength, CFRP thickness and wraps orientations
(90°, 45°). The results of the experimental work indicated that externally bonded CFRP wraps enhanced
the shear strength of beams significantly and that inclined CFRP configuration is more effective than ver-
Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs)
tical ones. Also, it was shown that concrete strength affects the contribution of CFRP regarding shear
RC beams resistance. Experimental results were compared to analytical models, ACI 440.2R-08 and ECP 208-05.
Shear strength The results showed that the design approaches of both codes are almost similar.
Fiber parameters Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Concrete strength

1. Research significant gained a lot of popularity as a result of its high tensile strength,
light weight, corrosion resistance and ease to apply. Among FRP
The aim of this paper is to make an experimental investigation to types, CFRP has the advantage of exhibiting relatively higher ten-
study the enhancement in shear resistance of simple RC beams using sile strength and excellent fatigue properties. FRP reinforcement
multilayer CFRP wraps. The code provisions described the two pos- is essential for strengthening members subjected to bending, shear
sible failure mechanisms of FRP wraps; FRP fracture or FRP debond- and can provide confinement to compression members. Shear fail-
ing. The need for experimental studies using multilayer FRP wraps ure is brittle and catastrophic in nature and this can be eliminated
with different FRP parameters and different concrete strengths; is by promoting flexure failure to increase the probability of ductile
a necessity. The experimental results were compared to codes limi- flexural failure rather than brittle shear failure. Shear problems ex-
tations to monitor the studied beam-code performance. ist from insufficient design, reduction in shear reinforcement (RFT)
due to corrosion or due to increase in live loads. It was evident that
externally bonded FRP reinforcement can increase shear capacity
2. Introduction in such situations [1–5].
It is evident that the ultimate resistance of FRP strengthened RC
Rehabilitation of either structural members or whole structures beams depends basically on the tensile strength of FRP material,
is applied when increasing live load is essential or in order to treat FRP shear reinforcement ratio, the configuration of FRP materials
a structural or environmental defects. Recently, FRP materials had and its relation to shear cracks inclinations, the compressive
strength of concrete, the yield strength of shear reinforcement,
⇑ Mobile: +20 1225626715. the yield strength of main bars and its tensile reinforcement ratio.
E-mail address: [email protected] The shear reinforcement of strengthened RC structures by exter-

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24

nally bonded FRP has been reported in a number of studies [6–8]. while the second mix was designed for 28 days characteristic strength of 35 MPa.
The type of coarse aggregate used was crushed dolemitic limestone (12.5 mm max-
Until now, there have been a number of analytical models that de-
imum nominal size). All beams were cast at the same time and from the same con-
scribe the shear behavior of strengthened RC beams [9–14]. Also, crete batch. Concrete was compacted using a table vibrator, followed by water
there exist a number of codes, specifications and guidelines that curing and covering with polythene sheets for 1 week. Concrete cubes and cylinders
describe shear behavior of RC beams [15–17]. In general, ultimate were cast alongside the beams and tested on the same day of beams testing, in or-
shear capacity of strengthened RC beams proposed by these mod- der to obtain values of the concrete compressive strength, and splitting tensile
strength. The average equivalent 28-day cube compressive strength of mix 1 was
els was based on a combination of three basic elements. The first is
21 MPa and its tensile strength was 1.9 MPa. The average equivalent 28-day cube
the contribution of concrete strength, the second is the contribu- compressive strength of mix 2 was 34.6 MPa and its tensile strength was 3.8 MPa.
tion of shear steel reinforcement and the third is the contribution
of FRP reinforcement materials.
3.1.2. Steel reinforcement
Although there is a tremendous effort considering the experi- The flexure reinforcement was high grade 40/60 steel (proof strength equals
mental works for testing RC beams strengthened with FRP sheets 400 MPa while the ultimate strength equals 600 MPa) while the steel used for stir-
[1–3], there are a fewer experimental works of RC beams strength- rups was mild steel of grade 24/36 steel (yield strength equals 240 MPa while the
ened with CFRP wraps. FRP wraps represents a more flexible and ultimate strength equals 360 MPa).
deformable solution that ease the erection of FRP material. Also,
it has the advantage of using all possible anchorage profiles and 3.1.3. FRP wraps material
hence increasing anchorage efficiency, which was stated, as a dom- A test was performed for the used CFRP wraps as per manufacturer material
inant factor for increasing shear resistance [4]. Therefore, the submittal to ensure its quality and performance. This type of CFRP wrap is equipped
with wet fibers that keep stable fabrication. The advantage of using FRP wraps is its
objective of the experimental work of this study is to: geometrical flexibility to achieve placement simplicity in any shape of flexure
beams. The tensile rupture stress of CFRP wraps was 3400 MPa and the modulus
 Investigate the influence of the variation of CFRP wraps orienta- of elasticity was 200 GPa with layer thickness of 0.13 mm. The minimum radius
tion (90°, 45°) and CFRP thickness on the shear performance and for application around the corner is 20 mm with the required fiber direction and
orientation. The application of the FRP wraps was accomplished according to ACI
modes of failure of RC beams.
440.2R-08 [17]. A well established bonding material, as recommended by the man-
 Investigate the influence of concrete strength on the shear per- ufacturer, is used to ensure bond quality between concrete and layers.
formance and modes of failure of RC beams.
 Increase the database of experimental work considering RC
3.2. As-built specimens
beams strengthened with CFRP wraps.
 Validate the design approach, previously proposed (ACI 440.2R- Two RC beams (Set 1) with the same configuration shown in Fig. 1 were tested
08) as well as the Egyptian code for fiber reinforced polymers till failure to determine shear capacity of unstrengthened beams. Although the two
(ECP 208) and compare their results with the experimental beams have a different concrete compressive strength (21 and 35 MPa), they have
the same configuration and loading conditions. Table 1 shows all test specimens
investigated in this experimental work.

3. Experimental program
3.3. Shear specimens
A total of 9 RC beams were investigated in this work. All tested beams have the
same geometry and same loading conditions. The total length of beams was Seven strengthened RC beams having the same geometry and loading condi-
1800 mm, and the dimensions of cross section of concrete were 100 mm width tions as well as unstrengthened RC beams were tested until failure. The strength-
and 200 mm depth. The span of the beam was 1600 mm from support to support. ened RC beams consist of two sets. Set 2 consists of four beams, (B3V1L-21),
All beams were tested using four point loading configuration such that the applied (B4V2L-21), (B5Incl.1L-21), and (B6Incl.2L-21). They were used in order to compare
point loads are positioned closer to support to motivate the shear mode failure of shear performance between two fiber orientations (90°, 45°). Set 3 consists of three
the beam specimens. All beams had a flexural steel reinforcement (RFT) that con- beams (B7Incl.1L-35), (B8Incl.2L-35), and (B9Incl.3L-35), they were used to achieve
sists of one raw of two bars 12 mm diameter bottom RFT and one raw of two bars two goals. The first goal is to study the effect of increasing CFRP thickness on the
10 mm diameter top RFT. The tension RFT ratio is considered to be 0.0125 and the shear performance of RC beams. The second goal is to study the effect of changing
concrete cover is taken to be 25 mm. The position of the applied load was chosen compressive strength on the shear performance of RC beams. This will be estab-
such that the shear span-to-depth ratio (a/d) was chosen to motivate shear failure. lished by comparing beams B3V1L-21 and B4V2L-21 with beams B7Incl.1L-
The chosen a/d ratio equals 2.0 [18]. In all nine beams, large spacing between the 35 MPa and B8Incl.2L-35 respectively. Figs. 2 and 3 shows the details of strength-
stirrups is used (8 mm diameter stirrups with 200 mm spacing) such that the beam ened RC beams. Fig. 4 shows the erection process of the wet lay-up CFRP wraps
specimens were deficient in shear. Beams geometry and loading mechanism are on the beams.
shown in Fig. 1.

3.4. Application of CFRP and Instrumentation

3.1. Materials
The surface of concrete was subjected to roughening using sand blasting fol-
3.1.1. Concrete constituents lowed by air cleaning to remove loose materials and dust. CFRP wraps were cut
Two types of concrete mixes were used in the experimental work in order to to sizes following the schemes shown in Fig. 2. Epoxy resin was weighed and mixed
study the effect of variation of concrete strength on the shear performance of RC according to manufacturer recommendations. Both parts of the epoxy resin and
beams. The first mix was designed for 28 days characteristic strength of 21 MPa hardener were mixed using mechanical instrument in a metal bottle for 2 min

P/2 P/2
450 900 450
2T10 2T10
RFT of

all 9 Beams

A 2T12 2T12
100 1,600 100 100

(all dimensions in - mm) section (A-A)

Fig. 1. Dimensions, loading configuration, and RFT of the tested RC beams.

S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24 17

Table 1
Beams details.

Sets Beam code fcu (MPa) Longitudinal reinforcement Stirrups CFRP details
As As Wrapping scheme FRP angle Wrap width (mm) Wrap thickness (mm)
Set 1 B1-Control-21 21 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm – – – –
B2-Control-35 35 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm – – – –
Set 2 B3Va1Lb-21c 21 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm Full wrap 90° 100 0.13
B4V2L-21 21 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm Full wrap 90° 100 0.26
B5Incl.1L-21 21 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm Full wrap 45° 100 0.13
B6Incl.2L-21 21 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm Full wrap 45° 100 0.26
Set 3 B7Incl.1L-35 35 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm Full wrap 45° 100 0.13
B8Incl.2L-35 35 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm Full wrap 45° 100 0.26
B9Incl.3L-35 35 2T12 2T10 8–200 mm Full wrap 45° 100 0.39
Vertical CFRP wraps, inclination angle over axis of beam equal 90° or inclined 45°.
One layer of CFRP wraps, two layers, or three layers.
Concrete compressive strength equal 21 or 35 MPa (N/mm2).

P/2 P/2
450 900 450 CFRP wrap
50 75 75 A 75 75 50
Strain Strain Strain gauge

gauge on gauge on on Stirrup
CFRP CFRP (just behind
S.G. of CFRP)
100 100 100 A 100 100 100 2T12
1,600 100
(all dimensions in - mm) section (A-A)
Fig. 2. Details of strengthened beams (B3V1L-21) and (B4V2L-21).

P/2 P/2
450 900 450 CFRP wrap
433 433
A 216 2T10
Strain Gauge on
Strain 8-200


Gauge on
Stirrup (just



behind S.G. 2T12


A of CFRP)
100 1,600 100 100

(all dimensions in - mm) section (A-A)

Fig. 3. Details of strengthened beams (B5Incl.1L-21), (B6Incl.2L-21), (B7Incl.1L-35), (B8Incl.2L-35), and (B9Incl.3L-35).

and were applied to the concrete surface immediately. The CFRP wraps were then 4. Experimental results and discussions
placed on the epoxy and a plastic laminating roller was used to squeeze the epoxy
through CFRP roving.
Load–deflection relations were constructed using a load cell and LVDT instru- Table 2 shows test results for all tested beams. The results in-
ments for all tested beams. Readings from strain gauges embedded in concrete at clude the first crack loads, peak loads, maximum strains measured
the bottom and upper longitudinal main steel, as well as longitudinal strain read- at stirrups located in the middle of shear spans, and maximum
ings from stirrups and CFRP wraps at shear sides of the beams, were recorded dur-
strains measured at CFRP wraps surface.
ing testing of beams. Fig. 5 shows the test configuration for measuring deflection
and strains using LVDT apparatus, strains in CFRP and stirrups using strain gauges,
and load using a load cell.
4.1. Failure modes

Fig. 7a shows the failure mode of beam B1-Control-21. The fail-

3.5. Experimental setup
ure mode of B2-Control-35 was exactly the same. Both beams
All beams were tested on loading frame in Housing and building national re- exhibited shear cracks at loads of 40 kN, and 43 kN respectively.
search center in Egypt (HBRC), Dokki, Giza. The beams were loaded in a load con- The shear cracks started at the middle of shear spans. The crack
trolled frame with a constant rate of loading of 9 kN/min. A concentrated load (P) started to widen as the loads on beams increased leading to failure
was applied to a steel beam aligned on the top of tested beams. The load was di-
vided into two concentrated loads (P/2) having a span of 900 mm. During test, loads
at loads of 63 kN, and 67 kN respectively. Fig. 7b shows the failure
were applied monotonically in a vertical download direction until failure occurred. mode of beam B3V1L-21. A diagonal shear crack was formed at
Fig. 6 shows the test setup for the asbuilt beam. load of 54 kN and propagated as load increased until reaching
18 S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24

Fig. 4. Erection process of the wet lay-up CFRP wraps on the beams.

Fig. 5. Measuring deflection, displacements, strains, and loads.

small diagonal shear crack was formed and started at a load of

55 kN with no signs of propagation due to the increased stiffness
contribution of the inclined CFRP double wraps. The failure of the
beam was reached at a load of 107.8 kN which was obviously clas-
sified as a flexural failure cracks in both compression top side and
tension bottom side. In beams, B5Incl.1L-21 and B7Incl.1L-35 a
diagonal shear crack was formed at load of 50 kN and 56 kN
respectively and propagated as the load increased until reaching
failure at load of 93.2 kN and 106 kN respectively. The failures of
the beams were a result of compression flexural failure mecha-
nism. The failure modes of B8Incl.2L-35 and beam B9Incl.3L-35
had a similar pattern. A small diagonal shear crack was formed
and started at a load of 57 kN and 64 kN respectively with no signs
of propagation due to the increased stiffness contribution of the in-
clined CFRP double wraps. The failures of the beams were reached
Fig. 6. Loading frame for all tested beams, B1-Control-21 is shown in the figure. at loads of 113 kN and 124 kN respectively. Both failures were flex-
ural failure in both compression top side and tension bottom side.
failure at load of 98.1 kN. Fig. 7c shows the failure mode of beam
The data measured during the experimental tests contributed in
B4V2L-21. The large diagonal shear crack was formed at load of
finalizing load–deflection and load–strains relations considering all
55 kN and propagated as load increased. Brittle failure occurred
beams entities.
at a load of 100 kN. The failure was a result of debonding of CFRP
wrap, which is located over the main diagonal shear crack. The
debonding process resulted in extracting a concrete layer attached 4.2. Load–deflection relations
to the wrap. In opposite to the previous beam with only one verti-
cal layer, no debonding occurred in the beams strengthened with Fig. 8 shows the load deflection curves for the group of tested
inclined layers of CFRP as a result of the increased stiffness of CFRP beams having different CFRP arrangements with the same concrete
wraps. Fig. 7d shows the failure mode of beam B6Incl.2L-21. A strength (21 MPa). Fig. 9 shows the load deflection curves for the
S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24 19

Table 2
Results of experimental tests.

Sets Beam code Experimental results

1st Crack load Peak load Gain in flexure load Deflection at peak load Gain in deflection Max. stirrup Max. CFRP
(kN) (kN) (%) (mm) (%) strain  100 strain  100
Set 1 B1-Control- 40.0 63.0 – 6.4 – 0.100 –
B2-Control- 43.0 67.0 – 6.1 – 0.097 –
Set 2 B3Va1Lb-21c 54.0 98.1 56 9.6 50 0.082 NRd
B4V2L-21 55.0 100.0 59 8.8 38 0.033 0.17
B5Incl.1L- 50.0 93.2 48 10.5 64 0.070 NR
B6Incl.2L- 55.0 107.8 71 13.9 117 0.024 0.25
Set 3 B7Incl.1L- 56.0 106.0 58 9.6 57 0.074 0.18
B8Incl.2L- 57.0 113.0 69 13.3 118 0.023 0.27
B9Incl.3L- 64.0 124.0 85 13.9 128 0.007 0.34
Vertical CFRP wraps, inclination angle over axis of beam equal 90°.
One layer of CFRP wraps.
Concrete compressive strength equal 21 MPa (N/mm2).
Not recorded.

Fig. 7. Failure modes of tested RC beams, (a) beam B1-Control-21, (b) beam B3V1L-21, (c) beam B4V2L-21, and (d) beam B6Incl.2L-21.

group of tested beams with inclined CFRP wraps with two different wraps. Also, it is obvious that inclined CFRP wraps contributed
concrete strengths (21 MPa and 35 MPa). Fig. 10 shows the load more in increasing beams capacities than vertical ones due to the
deflection curves for the group of tested beams with single, double, increase in diagonal shear cracks arresting mechanism resulting
and triple inclined CFRP wraps having concrete strength of 35 MPa. from being almost perpendicular to cracks than vertical
From Fig. 8, for beams having the same concrete strength, it can mechanism.
be concluded that CFRP shear strengthening with different From Fig. 9, the effect of increasing concrete strength from
arrangements resulted in increasing both beams capacity and 21 MPa to 35 MPa is clear. The increase in peak load values for
deflections at peak load values. The amounts of gain in peak load beams having concrete strength of 35 MPa over beams with
values were 56%, 59%, 48%, and 71% over the control beam without concrete strength of 21 MPa was 6%, 14%, and 5% for control beams,
CFRP wraps for B3V1L-21, B4V2L-21, B5Incl.1L-21, and B6Incl.2L- beams with one layer of inclined CFRP wraps, and beams with two
21 respectively. While, the amounts of gain in deflection values layers of inclined CFRP wraps respectively. However, the contribu-
at peak loads were 50%, 37%, 65%, and 117% over the control beam tion of concrete strength increase on the deflection of beams was
without CFRP wraps for B3V1L-21, B4V2L-21, B5Incl.1L-21, and almost nonexistent.
B6Incl.2L-21 respectively. It is evident that shear strengthening As was noticed from previous results, the contribution of in-
has delayed shear cracks and hence helped in increasing the total clined CFRP wraps is higher than that of vertical CFRP wraps.
beams capacities, and this was proportional to the number of CFRP Fig. 10 shows load deflection relations for beams with 35 MPa con-
20 S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24

140 140

120 120

100 100

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

80 80

60 60
40 B3V1L-21
40 B1-Control
B3V1L-21 B4V2L-21
B4V2L-21 20 B5Incl.1L-21
B5Incl.1L-21 B6Incl.2L-21
0 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stirrup Strain (mm/mm)
Deflection (mm)
Fig. 11. Load–stirrup strain curves for beams with different CFRP arrangements.
Fig. 8. Load–deflection curves for beams with different CFRP arrangements.


120 120

Load (kN) 100
Load (kN)

80 80

60 60
B2-Control-35 40 B2-Control-35
B5Inc.1L-21 B5Incl.1L-21
B7Incl.1L-35 B7Incl.1L-35
20 20
B6Incl.2L-21 B6Incl.2L-21
B8Incl.2L-35 B8Incl.2L-35
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012
Deflection (mm) Stirrup Strain (mm/mm)

Fig. 9. Load–deflection curves for beams with different concrete strengths. Fig. 12. Load–stirrup strain curves for beams with different concrete strengths.

119%, and 129% over the control beam without CFRP wraps for
140 B7Incl.1L-35, B8Incl.2L-35, and B9Incl.3L-35 respectively.

4.3. Load–stirrups strains relations
The load–stirrups strain relations for the investigated beams are
Load (kN)

80 shown in Figs. 11–13.

Fig. 11 shows the load–stirrup strain curves for beams having
60 concrete strength of (21 MPa) with different CFRP arrangements.
The amounts of reduction in stirrup strain values were 18%, 66%,
40 30%, and 76% over the control beam without CFRP wraps for
B3V1L-21, B4V2L-21, B5Incl.1L-21, and B6Incl.2L-21 respectively.
20 This reflects the contribution of CFRP wraps to shear resistance
B9Incl.3L-35 of the beams.
0 In Fig. 12, the load–stirrup strain relations for beams with two
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
different concrete strength is shown. The change in stirrup strain
Deflection (mm)
values is almost negligible, and similar relations are observed for
Fig. 10. Load–deflection curves for beams with single, double, and triple inclined beams having the same configuration.
CFRP wraps. Fig. 13 shows the relation between load–stirrup strains for
beams having the same concrete strength (35 MPa) and strength-
ened with different inclined CFRP wraps thicknesses. The amounts
crete strength and strengthened with different inclined CFRP of reduction in stirrup strain values were 24%, 76%, and 92% over
wraps thicknesses. The amounts of gain in peak load values were the control beam without CFRP wraps for B7Incl.1L-35, B8Incl.2L-
58%, 69%, and 85% over the control beam without CFRP wraps for 35, and B9Incl.3L-35 respectively. This confirms the contribution
B7Incl.1L-35, B8Incl.2L-35, and B9Incl.3L-35 respectively. While, of increasing inclined CFRP wraps thicknesses in decreasing stres-
the amounts of gain in deflection values at peak loads were 58%, ses in steel stirrups and hence decreasing its equivalent strains.
S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24 21

140 the other is strengthened with two layers of inclined CFRP wraps.
B6Incl.2L-21 have CFRP strain of 45% higher than B4V2L-21 beam
120 which shows the higher contribution of inclined CFRP wraps in
sustaining more stresses than the vertical configuration due to
100 the fact that inclined CFRP wraps are almost perpendicular to the
diagonal shear cracks initiated in shear zones.
Load (kN)

Fig. 15 shows the relation between loads and CFRP strains for
the three beams made of similar concrete strength (35 MPa). All
three beams are strengthened using inclined CFRP wraps with
one layer, two layers, and three layers respectively. The increase
40 B2-Control
in CFRP strain for B8Incl.2L-35, and B9Incl.3L-35 beams over
B7Incl.1L-35 beam are 48%, and 89% respectively. This reflects
the effect of increasing CFRP wrap layers on stress increase.
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012
Stirrup Strain (mm/mm) 5. Analytical models

Fig. 13. Load–stirrup strain curves for beams with single, double, and triple In order to predict the behavior of the same RC beams used in
inclined CFRP wraps. the experimental work in shear, two codes of practice are applied
in this study, namely, the American concrete Institute code (ACI
440.2R-08), and the Egyptian code of practice for the use of fiber
140 reinforced polymers in the construction field (ECP 208-05). Both
codes limitations and equations are presented in the following
120 section.

5.1. ECP 208-05 code provision
Load (kN)

In ECP [19], the FRP system can be installed continuously
60 along the span length of a beam or placed as discrete strips.
Consideration shall be given to leaving distances between FRP
40 laminates when using continuous FRP reinforcement that com-
pletely encases the member and may prevent the migration of
20 B4V2L-21 moisture. Fig. 16 shows the variables required for calculations
B6Incl.2L-21 of shear strength.
0 There are three types of FRP wrapping systems that can be used
0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004
to increase the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams and
Fiber Strain (mm/mm) columns. In the first system, the FRP composites are completely
Fig. 14. Load–fiber strain curves for beams with vertical and inclined two layers
wrapped around the section on all four sides. This wrapping sys-
CFRP wraps. tem is the most efficient one and is commonly used in strengthen-
ing columns and in some cases it can be used in strengthening
beams. Partial wrapping is usually used in beam applications,
140 where a monolithic slab makes it impractical to completely wrap
the beam. In the second method, the FRP composite is partially
120 wrapped around three sides of the member (U-shaped), whereas
FRP composites are bonded to the two sides of the member in
100 the third technique, which is the least efficient.
The value of the material strength reduction factor of the
Load (kN)

80 FRP, cf depends on the FRP wrapping shear strengthening sys-

tem. Unless otherwise mentioned, the value of cf is taken as

40 cf ¼ 1:5 Complete wrapping scheme ð1Þ

20 B8Incl.2L-35 cf ¼ 1:6 Partial wrapping scheme ð2Þ
0 The nominal shear strength of FRP-strengthened concrete mem-
0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004 ber shall be determined by adding the nominal shear strength of
Fiber Strain (mm/mm) the FRP to the nominal shear strengths of the concrete and the
reinforcing steel as given in the ECP 208 as follows:
Fig. 15. Load–fiber strain curves for beams with vertical and inclined two layers
CFRP wraps.
qu ¼ 0:5qcu þ qsu þ qfu ð3Þ

4.4. Load–CFRP strains relations where qu is the nominal shear strength, qsu is the nominal shear
strength of reinforcing steel, qcu is the nominal shear strength of
Fig. 14 shows the relation between loads and CFRP strains for concrete, and qfu is the nominal shear strength of FRP.
two beams made of a similar concrete strength (21 MPa). One of In all cases, the nominal shear strength of FRP strengthened
them is strengthened with two layers of vertical CFRP wraps, and members shall not be more than the following:
22 S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24

Fig. 16. Variables required for calculating shear strength of FRP composites.

fcu eef ¼ 0:75efu 6 0:004 ð9Þ
qu max ¼ 0:7 < 3:0 N=mm2 ð4Þ
cc where

The nominal shear strength of concrete is calculated from the efu ¼ C E efu
following equation: ¼ maximum strain in the FRP considering the suitable
sffiffiffiffiffi environmental factor
qcu ¼ 0:24 ð5Þ
5.1.2. Partial wrapping scheme
where fcu is the cube compressive strength of concrete and cc is the For two and three sided wraps, failure shall result from debond-
concrete strength factor of safety and is taken as 1.5. ing of the FRP composites from the concrete due to the increase of
The nominal shear strength of reinforcing steel is taken from bond stresses. Such a behavior shall occur at a strain level less than
the following equation: the maximum allowable strain given in Eq. (9). In such a case, the
  value of the effective strain in the FRP shall be reduced in order to
Ast fy
qsu ¼ ð6Þ guarantee the efficiency of the active bond length needed to pre-
b  s cs
serve the bond between the FRP and concrete when reaching the
where Ast is the area of steel stirrup, fy is the yield stress of steel stir- ultimate load resulting from debonding of the FRP from concrete.
rup, b the width of RC beam, s is the spacing between stirrups, and It is noted that rounding of the beam edges is essential.
cs is the steel strength factor of safety and is taken as 1.15. The active bond length, Le and the bond strength reduction fac-
The nominal shear strength of FRP shear reinforcement is taken tor kv shall be calculated using Eqs. (10) and (11). Their values de-
from the following equation: pend on the characteristic strength of concrete (fcu) and the
stiffness of the FRP laminate (ntfEf) with the value of the effective
ðdf =dÞ
qfu ¼ Af ðEf eef =cf Þðsin a þ cos aÞ ð7Þ strain calculated using Eq. (15), as follows:
ðsf  bw Þ
Le ¼ 23; 300=ðnt f Ef Þ0:58 ð10Þ
Af ¼ 2nt f wf ð8Þ
kv ¼ k1 k2 Le =ð11; 900efu Þ 6 0:75 ð11Þ
where Af is the area of FRP external reinforcement, Eq. (8), Ef is the
tensile modulus of elasticity, eef is the effective strain in FRP rein- where k1 is a factor that depends on the concrete strength and is
forcement (equation for complete wrapping and equation for partial calculated from the following relation:
wrapping), cf is the material strength reduction factor of FRP shear k1 ¼ ðfcu =33:75Þ2=3 ð12Þ
reinforcement, Eqs. (1) and (2), a is the angle of inclination of FRP
reinforcement to the longitudinal axis of the member, d is the effec- k2 is a factor that depends on the partial wrapping system used
tive depth of the concrete section, df is the depth of FRP shear rein- and shall be calculated from the following relations:
forcement, sf is the spacing of FRP shear reinforcement (distance k2 ¼ ðdf  Le Þ=df ðThree-sided wrapÞ ð13Þ
between the centerline of the strips), bw is the width of concrete
section, n is the number of plies of FRP reinforcement, tf is the nom- k2 ¼ ðdf  2Le Þ=df ðTwo-sided wrapÞ ð14Þ
inal thickness of one ply of the FRP reinforcement, and wf is the
In case of partial wrapping, the effective strain shall be calcu-
width of the FRP reinforcing plies.
lated using the following equation:
The spacing sf shall be less than d/4 or 200 mm whichever is
smaller, in addition to the width of the FRP composites measured eef ¼ kv efu 6 0:004 ð15Þ
in the direction of the member axis, as shown in Fig. 16.
The effective strain is the maximum strain that can be achieved
in the FRP system at the ultimate loads. Its value shall be governed 5.2. ACI 440.2R-08 code provision
by the failure modes of the FRP system and that of the strength-
ened reinforced concrete member according to the following. The ECP 208-05 is very similar to ACI 440.2R regarding general
considerations, general code philosophy, and design equations.
5.1.1. Complete wrapping scheme However, the most recognized difference is the factors of safety
For reinforced concrete members completely wrapped with FRP associated with these equations among both code provisions. In
composites, the value of the effective fiber strain shall be limited to the next section a brief description of ACI 440.2R-08 will be dem-
0.4%, as given by Eq. (9). Such a limitation shall be imposed to in- onstrated. The nominal shear strength of RC beams with externally
sure preserving the aggregate interlock (internal friction) neces- applied FRP reinforcement according to ACI 440 is as follows:
sary for the concrete contribution to the shear strength of the
member, as follows:
V n ¼ V c þ V s þ wf V f ð16Þ
S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24 23

where wf is the additional reduction factor given in ACI 440 and which was calculated using the ECP 208-05 code. It can be seen
equal 0.95 for completely wrapped members. from the table that the increase in compressive strength of con-
The shear strength contribution from concrete is: crete resulted in an increase in shear strength of RC beams and this
qffiffiffiffi was observed in both codes. The values of increase in shear
V c ¼ 2 fc0 bw d ð17Þ strength of B2-Control-35 over B1-Control-21 were 8%, and 6%
when designing with ACI 440.2R-08, and ECP 208-05 respectively.
where fc0 is the cylinder compressive strength of concrete.
The values of increase in shear strength of B7Incl.1L-35 over
The shear strength contribution of steel reinforcement is given B5Incl.1L-21 were 5%, and 4% when designing with ACI 440.2R-
08, and ECP 208-05 respectively. Also, the amounts of increase in
Av fy d shear strength of B8Incl.2L-35 over B6Incl.2L-21 were 3%, and 3%
Vs ¼ ð18Þ when designing with ACI 440.2R-08, and ECP 208-05 respectively.
This confirms well with the results from experimental work con-
Av = area of reinforcement cross sections to resist shear.
sidering both codes provisions.
The shear strength contribution of FRP external wraps is given
Considering RC beams made from concrete with strength equal
to 21 MPa, it can be seen that beams strengthened with inclined
Af v ffe ðsin b þ cos bÞdf CFRP wraps had a higher shear strength values than beams
Vf ¼ ð19Þ
sf strengthened with vertical wraps and this increase in shear
strength is proportional to the number of CFRP layers. The increase
where b is the angle of inclination of FRP reinforcement to the lon- in shear strength of the strengthened beams with vertical CFRP
gitudinal axis of the member. wraps over the control beam was 52% and 103% for beams
Af v ¼ 2nf t f wf ð20Þ B3V1L-21, and B4V2L-21 respectively when shear strength values
where calculated according to ACI 440.2R-08. While the increase
ffe ¼ efe Ef ð21Þ was 27% and 67% using ECP 208-05 code provision. Also, the in-
crease in shear strength of the strengthened beams with inclined
The value of efe is dependent on the type of wrapping scheme. CFRP wraps over the control beam is 73% and 146% for beams
For full wrapping scheme: B5Incl.1L-21, and B6Incl.2L-21 respectively when shear strength
efe ¼ 0:004 6 0:75efu ð22Þ values where calculated according to ACI 440.2R-08. While the in-
crease was 63% and 127% using ECP 208-05 code provision. This
The value of efe U-wraps or side bonded face wraps are calcu- shows the conservative strengthening expectations of the ECP
lated using the following equations: 208-05 compared to the ACI 440.2R-08 code.
efe ¼ kv efu 6 0:004 Considering RC beams made from concrete with strength equal
to 35 MPa, and strengthened using inclined CFRP wraps, the in-
ðThe same values as ECP except using fcu instead of fc0 Þ ð23Þ
crease in shear strength of the strengthened beams over the con-
trol beam were 67%, 135%, and 202% for B7Incl.1L-35, B8Incl.2L-
k1 ¼ ðfc0 =27Þ2=3 ð24Þ 35, and B9Incl.3L-35 respectively when shear strength values
The design shear strength, /Vn is obtained by multiplying the where calculated according to ACI 440.2R-08. While the increase
nominal shear strength by a strength reduction factor for shear, was 59%, 119%, and 178% using ECP code provision. This reflects
/. The / factor for steel and concrete contribution from ACI the high effect of inclined shear strengthening on shear resistance
440.2R-08 is 0.85, and the / factor for CFRP contribution is sug- in both code provisions.
gested to be 0.80 (0.85 multiply 0.95, the reduction factor for full It is obvious from the results that both code provisions had
wrap). Eq. (25) presents the design shear strength. higher shear strength expectations than the experimental results
which may be attributed to the tension RFT steel ratio which re-
/V n ¼ 0:85ðV c þ V s Þ þ 0:8V f ð25Þ sulted in a theoretical flexural strength value of 62.6 kN. However,
it is obvious that increasing concrete strength and modifying fiber
5.3. Comparison between experimental and analytical results parameters had resulted in gaining higher beams capacities in both
experimental and analytical values in an almost typical pattern.
Table 3 shows the results from analytical study for both code The ECP 208-05 code is more conservative than ACI 440.2R-08 code
provisions. The results include shear strength values using ACI although the same trend of shear strength values for all beams is
440.2R-08 and ECP codes. Also, the flexural strength for RC beams recognized. Although there are some variations in peak loads

Table 3
Analytical results using ACI and ECP code provisions.

Sets Beam code Theoretical – design code (kN)

Shear strength (kN) ACI > ECP by (%) Flexural strength ECP208-05 (kN)
ACI 440.R-08 ECP 208-05
Set 1 B1-Control-21 74.5 70.8 5 62.6
B2-Control-35 80.5 75.4 7 62.6
Set 2 B3V1L-21 112.9 102.5 10 62.6
B4V2L-21 151.3 134.2 13 62.6
B5Incl.1L-21 128.8 115.6 11 62.6
B6Incl.2L-21 183.1 160.4 14 62.6
Set 3 B7Incl.1L-35 134.8 120.2 12 62.6
B8Incl.2L-35 189.1 165.0 15 62.6
B9Incl.3L-35 243.4 209.8 16 62.6
24 S.H. Al-Tersawy / Construction and Building Materials 44 (2013) 15–24

values between experimental and analytical results, especially at Acknowledgments

higher shear strength configurations, they both have similar trends
considering concrete with different strengths or FRP with different The author would like to express his gratitude and appreciation
configurations. to the students of HTI and National Center for Research in Con-
struction and Housing, Egypt, of great help in the experimental
6. Conclusions program.

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