Sand2000 2893C
Sand2000 2893C
Sand2000 2893C
Parametric Models For Estimating Wind Turbine Fatigue Loads For Design [4]
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3 authors:
Steven R. Winterstein
Probability-Based Engineering
All content following this page was uploaded by Lance Manuel on 17 February 2013.
International standards for wind turbine certification Design constraints for wind turbine structures fall into
depend on finding long-term fatigue load distributions either extreme load or fatigue categories. In the case of
that are conservative with respect to the state of extreme load design drivers, the load estimation
knowledge for a given system. Statistical models of problem is limited to finding a single maximum load
loads for fatigue application are described and level against which to assess the structural strength.
demonstrated using flap and edge blade-bending data For design against fatigue, however, loads must be
from a commercial turbine in complex terrain. defined over all input conditions and then summed over
Distributions of rainflow-counted range data for each the distribution of input conditions weighted by the
ten-minute segment are characterized by parameters relative frequency of occurrence. While this might
related to their first three statistical moments (mean, seem to be a more daunting task, it is in many ways
coefficient of variation, and skewness). Quadratic quite similar to the extreme load problem, as can be
Weibull distribution functions based on these three seen by comparing with Fitzwater and Winterstein1. In
moments are shown to match the measured load both cases, the loads must be determined as functions of
distributions if the non-damaging low-amplitude ranges wind speed (or other climatic conditions).
are first eliminated. The moments are mapped to the
wind conditions with a two-dimensional regression over Parametric models define the response, statistically,
ten-minute average wind speed and turbulence with respect to input conditions. Such models fit
intensity. With this mapping, the short-term analytical distribution functions to the measured or
distribution of ranges is known for any combination of simulated data. The parameters of these distribution
average wind speed and turbulence intensity. The long- functions can be useful in defining the response/loads
term distribution of ranges is determined by integrating as a function of the input conditions. The end result,
over the annual distribution of input conditions. First, then, is a full statistical definition of the loads over all
we study long-term loads derived by integration over input conditions.
wind speed distribution alone, using standard-specified
turbulence levels. Next, we perform this integration In the most prevalent alternative to parametric
over both wind speed and turbulence distribution for the modeling, an empirical distribution of loads (i.e., a
example site. Results are compared between standard- histogram describing frequency of occurrence of the
driven and site-driven load estimates. Finally, using modeled response quantity) is used to define the turbine
statistics based on the regression of the statistical response at the conditions of the measurement or
moments over the input conditions, the uncertainty (due simulation. When using simulations, a ten-minute time
to the limited data set) in the long-term load distribution series is generated at specified environmental
is represented by 95% confidence bounds on predicted conditions using an aeroelastic analysis code. The time
loads. series is rainflow-counted and the number of ranges in
specified intervals is summarized in histograms. The
histograms serve as empirical distributions that are
taken to be representative of the response of the turbine
at those particular conditions. The full lifetime
distribution is then obtained by summing the
This paper is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not distributions after weighting by the frequency of
subject to copyright protection in the United States. Sandia is a occurrence of the wind speed associated with each
multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed simulated data segment included in a histogram
Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract
interval. In the case of measured data, a similar
approach has been described by McCoy et al.2 but with limited duration of the sample, whether based on
an innovative weighting scheme to account for the simulation or field measurements. Only then can
irregular input conditions of field measurements. design margins be trimmed to the point of least cost
while still maintaining sufficient margins to keep
The empirical approach uses only the measured or reliability levels high.
simulated data without any fitting of distributions or
extrapolation to higher values that would be seen if The approach to load modeling is not uniform across
more data were obtained. One of the disadvantages of the wind community by any measure. This lack of
using a purely empirical approach is, therefore, that the commonality in approach was reflected in the working
loading distribution may not be representative. Perhaps group that produced IEC’s Mechanical Load
a subtler shortcoming is that the uncertainty in the loads Measurement Technical Specification6. No consensus
is almost impossible to characterize. could be obtained on how to use measured loads to
either create or substantiate a fatigue load spectrum at
With regard to uncertainties in loads and how they the conditions specified in the Safety Standard5. All
might be dealt with in design, one might expect that that is offered are several examples of differing
these uncertainties could be covered by the use of approaches in an annex of the specifications6.
standard specifications of characteristic loads (derived
from a specified high turbulence level) and safety Here, we present a methodology for using measured or
factors. However, current standard load definitions use simulated loads to produce a long-term fatigue-load
safety factors that do not depend on the relative spectrum at specified environmental conditions and at
uncertainty in the load estimates. Either the margins desired confidence levels. To illustrate, example
are larger than they need to be when load estimates are measurements of the two blade-root moments (flap and
reasonably well established (i.e., exhibit low edge) from a commercial turbine in complex terrain are
uncertainty), or they fail to cover the uncertainty when used. The ten-minute distributions of rainflow ranges
load estimates are based on limited data (i.e., large are modeled by a quadratic Weibull distribution
uncertainty cases). function based on three statistical moments of the
ranges (mean, coefficient of variation, and skewness).
Parametric load distribution models offer significant The moments are mapped to the wind conditions by a
advantages over empirical models; they provide a two-dimensional regression over ten-minute average
means to (1) extrapolate to higher, less frequent load wind speed and turbulence intensity. Thus, the “short-
levels, (2) map the response to the input conditions, and term” distribution of ranges may be predicted for any
(3) calculate load uncertainty. For example, Ronold et combination of average wind speed and turbulence
al.3 have published a complete analysis of the intensity. The “long-term” distribution of ranges is,
uncertainty in a wind turbine blade fatigue life then, easily obtained by integrating over the annual
calculation. They used a parametric definition of the distribution of input conditions. Results are compared
fatigue loads, matching the first three moments of the between standard-driven and site-driven load estimates.
wind turbine cyclic loading distribution to a quadratic Finally, using statistics based on the regression of the
(transformed by a squaring operation) Weibull statistical moments over the input conditions, the
distribution. uncertainty (due to the limited data set) in the long-term
load distribution is represented by 95% confidence
Veers and Winterstein4 described a parametric bounds on predicted loads.
approach, quite similar to that employed by Ronold et
al.3, that can be used with either simulations or IEC LOAD CASES
measurements, and have shown how it may be used in
an uncertainty evaluation. Although Reference 4 The loads specified by IEC 61400-1 Wind Turbine
describes how to use the statistical model to estimate Generator Safety Requirements for design must be
the complete load spectrum, it does not indicate how defined for a specified combination of mean wind speed
these models compare with the design standards5. It is and turbulence intensity known as the Normal
critical that the load distributions generated by any Turbulence Model5. The standard provides an equation
statistical methodology be adaptable for use in existing for the standard deviation of the ten-minute wind speed,
design standards. Moreover, it is arguably even more σ 1, that depends on the hub-height wind speed and two
important that the load model provide insight into how parameters, I15 and a.
the design standards might be improved in future
revisions. The standards should require an accurate σ 1 = I 15 (15m/s + aVhub ) /(a + 1) (1)
reflection of the load distribution with sufficient
conservatism to cover the uncertainties caused by the
Equation 1 is based on wind speed standard deviation conditions because of the limitations of the test site. In
data gathered from around the world and aggregated that case, the parametric approach provides a method to
into a common data set. The equation was created to be interpolate to a specified turbulence level using all of
“broadly representative of sites with reasonable the data collected (thus adding to the confidence of the
international marketing interest,”8 and does not interpolation), or to extrapolate beyond the limits of the
represent any single site. σ 1 is intended to represent a measurements. In either case, the parametric approach
characteristic value of wind-speed standard deviation. simplifies the generation of fatigue loads to Standard
Certification guidelines are provided for high (A) and specifications.
moderate (B) turbulence sites. I15 defines the
characteristic value of the turbulence intensity at an EXAMPLE DATA SET
average wind speed of 15 m/s, and a is a slope
parameter when σ 1 is plotted versus hub-height wind An example data set taken from the copious
speed. The values of these parameters for each measurements of the MOUNTURB program7 is used to
category are shown in Table 1. illustrate the parametric modeling process. The data are
comprised of 101 ten-minute samples of rainflow-
counted flap-wise and edge-wise bending-moment
CATEGORY ranges at the blade root. The test turbine is a WINCON
110XT, a 110kW stall-regulated machine operated by
I15 0.18 0.16
CRES (the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems,
a 2 3 Pikermi, Greece) at their Lavrio test site. The terrain is
Table 1: Parameters for IEC turbulence categories. characterized as complex.
The Category B moderate turbulence specification is The original time series of the loads and winds were not
intended to roughly envelope (i.e., be higher than) the available for further analysis; thus, only the rainflow-
mean plus one sigma level of turbulence for all the counted ranges were employed. The number of cycle
collected data above 15 m/s. Similarly, Category A counts was tallied in 50 bins ranging from zero to the
envelopes all collected values of turbulence intensity maximum range in each sample. A single ten-minute
(with the exception of one southern California site) for sample is categorized by the mean wind speed and the
mean wind speeds above 15 m/s and is above the raw turbulence intensity at hub height. The average
overall mean plus two sigma level in high winds8. wind speeds are limited to the range between 15 and 19
Clearly, the IEC Normal Turbulence Model is intended m/s and thus reflect response in high wind operation.
to be conservative for all but the most turbulent sites. Turbulence intensities cover a wide range of operating
conditions as can be seen in Figure 1. The measured
It is a relatively straightforward matter to create a loads are summarized by frequency of occurrence in
loading distribution that meets the standard criteria Figure 2a for flap moment ranges and in Figure 2c for
when using an aeroelastic simulation code. Input winds edge moment. Plots showing exceedance counts for
can be generated for any combination of wind speed specified flap and edge loads are shown in Figures 2b
and turbulence intensity. Representative loadings can, and 2d, respectively.
in theory, be generated by simulating repeatedly until
sufficient data are produced to drive the uncertainty to 0.24
an arbitrarily small level. Practically, however, it
would be beneficial to generate a loading distribution
Turbulence Intensity
with small, or at least known, uncertainty from a
smaller data set. This is where the parametric approach
provides significant value. By means of regression of 0.16
1000 1000
100 100
No. of occurrences
No. of occurrences
10 10
1 1
0.1 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Flap-wise bending moment range (kN-m) Edge-wise bending moment range (kN-m)
Figure 2a Histogram of flap-wise bending moment Figure 2c Histogram of edge-wise bending moment
ranges for 101 10-minute data sets. ranges for 101 10-minute data sets.
10000 10000
1000 1000
No. of exceedances of r
No. of exceedances of r
100 100
10 10
1 1
0.1 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Flap-wise bending moment range, r (kN-m) Edge-wise bending moment range, r (kN-m)
Figure 2b Cumulative counts of flap-wise bending Figure 2d Cumulative counts of flap-wise bending
moment ranges for 101 10-minute data sets. moment ranges for 101 10-minute data sets.
µ3 =
E (r − r ) 3 ], (4)
The FITS9 software for fitting probability distribution σr 3
Transformed CDF 10.0 10.0
Transformed CDF
1.0 1.0
0.1 0.1
1 10 100 1 10 100
Flap bending moment range (kN-m) Edge bending moment range (kN-m)
Transformed CDF
1.0 1.0
0.1 0.1
1 10 100 1 10 100
Flap bending moment range - 11.5 (kN-m) Edge bending moment range - 32 (kN-m)
(b) Weibull scale plot (truncation at 11.5 kN-m). (b) Weibull scale plot (truncation at 32.0 kN-m)
10000 1000
Data Set with V = 17 m/s, I = 0.18
Quadratic Weibull Fit (with shift = 11.5 kN-m)
Number of exceedances
Number of exceedances
Data set with V = 17 m/s, I = 0.18
Quadratic Weibull Fit (with shift = 32 kN-m)
0.1 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Flap bending moment range (kN-m) Edge bending moment ranges (kN-m)
(c) Exceedance plot format (truncation at 11.5 kN-m). (c) Exceedance plot format (truncation at 32.0 kN-m).
Figure 3 Quadratic Weibull model fits to data on flap- Figure 4 Quadratic Weibull model fits to data on edge-
bending moment ranges (V = 17.0 m/s, I = bending moment ranges (V = 17.0 m/s, I =
0.18). 0.18).
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) as (-ln(1- in Figure 3a and especially Figure 4a, the data have a
CDF)) so that a Weibull distribution will be a straight kinked appearance which the smooth probability
line on a log-log plot. (Recall that the CDF is the distribution, in spite of the quadratic distortion, can not
complement of the traditional exceedance diagram; match. Closer examination of the data reveals that the
exceedance = 1-CDF.) kink is due to a very large number of cycles at
relatively low amplitudes.
Figures 3a and 4a show attempts to fit the entire flap
and edge data with quadratic Weibull models. As seen
The proliferation of small amplitude cycles seen in reorient the reader back to the original summaries of the
Figure 2 produces a distribution difficult to duplicate data shown in Figure 2. They also serve to illustrate
with a simple analytical form, but these small cycles how the analytical distribution functions may be used to
produce relatively little damage. By truncating the extrapolate to less frequent, higher amplitude loads.
loads at a threshold, the kink in the data can be
eliminated without significantly reducing the damage. The low amplitude cycles (that make distribution fits
In the edge case, there are obviously a great number of difficult as described in the preceding) can only be
cycles of smaller amplitude than the dominant gravity discarded if they produce an insignificant amount of
load at about 32 kN-m. The flap loads have a less damage. The damage unaccounted for due to the
distinctive kink at around 10-13 kN-m (11.5 kN-m was truncation of rainflow range data at 11.5 kN-m for the
used as the filtering threshold). Figures 3b and 4b are flap loads is represented in Figure 5a, and due to a
similar to Figures 3a and 4a but include only a subset of truncation at 32 kN-m for the edge loads in Figure 5b.
the data and can be thought of as applying a “shift” to All 101 ten-minute data segments are represented in
all loads that effectively discards the smallest cycles. Figures 5a and 5b. Lost damage is plotted for three
Clearly, the fits of the quadratic Weibull are improved fatigue exponents, b, representing typical values of
dramatically. Thus, the short-term data are well wind turbine materials ranging from b=3 in welded
modeled by a quadratic Weibull distribution that steel up to b=9, more characteristic of fiberglass
preserves the first three central moments of the composites. In no case does the truncation remove
truncated rainflow ranges. more that 12% of the damage, and that only when b=3.
In almost all cases for the higher b values, the lost
Figures 3c and 4c show the same data as do Figures 3b damage is less than 3%. In both flap and edge bending
and 4b but with the axes in the more common cases, over 80% of the rainflow-counted ranges are
exceedance plot format. These plots are included to removed by truncating the data sets. Our findings that
discarding so much of the data does not lead to grossly
unconservative estimates of damage is not unexpected
since it has long been known that eliminating most of
Percent difference in damage
due to shift of edge data
R2 – Mean, µ1 0.51 0.76
a1 21.49 40.02 a1 (σ) 0.108 0.050
0.05 0.43
b2 0.031 -0.573
a2 (σ) 0.003 0.003
c2 0.080 0.063
a3 0.963 0.980 b2 (σ, t statistic) (0.076, 0.3) (0.080, 7.1)
c2 (σ, t statistic)
25 44
0.8 0.7
0.7 0.6
0.6 Measured 10-minute data sets 0.5 Measured 10-minute data sets
Regression prediction at measured V and I Regression
Regression at I-ref Regression at I-ref
0.5 0.4
15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19
Wind speed (m/s) Wind speed (m/s)
(b) Coefficient of variation (COV) (b) Coefficient of variation (COV)
1.6 1.6
Skewness of Edge BM Range
Skewness of Flap BM Range
1.2 1.2
0.8 0.8
0.4 0.4
Measured 10-minute data sets Measured 10-minute data sets
Regression prediction at measured V and I Regression
Regression at I-ref Regression at I-ref
0.0 0.0
15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19
Wind speed (m/s) Wind speed (m/s)
Figure 6 Regression results for flap-wise bending Figure 7 Regression results of edge-wise bending
moment range. moment range.
conditions. The variation seen in Figures 6 and 7 The Lavrio data set used in this example is limited to a
beyond that indicated by the solid symbols is sample- range of wind speeds from 15 to 19 m/s. The long-term
to-sample variation not indicative of a systematic analysis in the next section will, for example purposes
relationship with the independent variables, V and I. only, assume the regression trends found in high winds
Part of this remaining variation will be irreducible, a apply to all wind speeds. In an actual application, the
natural outcome of random processes, but some could data from a particular turbine will need to be examined
possibly be reduced with regression over better over the entire range of damaging wind speeds. It
turbulence descriptors than the simple turbulence might be amenable to regression fits that run all the way
intensity. from cut-in to cut-out. More likely, the wind speed
range will have to be partitioned into divisions over
which the response moments are well behaved enough designer. The turbulence intensity is a deterministic
to be fit with simple regression. For example, it is function of wind speed given by Eq. 1. A lifetime load
likely that the response will have different distribution must sum all the short-term distributions at
characteristics above and below rated wind speed. In each wind speed and associated turbulence intensity
that case, the analysis presented here would have to be weighting them by the annual wind speed distribution.
repeated for each wind-speed division before This can be written as
proceeding with the long-term analysis in the next
section. It may also be the case that the response in low F (r ) = ∫ F (r | V , I ) f (V )dV , (7)
winds has an insignificant contribution to the fatigue
damage and the analysis can safely deal with only high where F(r) is the long-term distribution of stress ranges,
wind response. The individual application will r, and F(r|V,I) is the short-term distribution of stress
determine the constraints. ranges conditional on the ten-minute average wind
speed, V, and the specified turbulence intensity, I. f(V)
is the wind speed probability density function (PDF).
The long-term distribution of fatigue loads is obtained The integration is carried out over all damaging wind
by integrating the short-term distributions (for loads speeds. The distribution functions of r can be either the
conditional on wind conditions) over the specified CDF or the exceedence (1-CDF). However, the
distribution of wind conditions. Current IEC standards integration must be over the probability density
specify a Rayleigh distribution of wind speed with the function for wind speed, f(V).
annual average depending on class. Class I sites have a
Any environmental conditions can be used with Eq. 7
10 m/s average and Class II sites have a 8.5 m/s
once the response moments have been defined with
average. Wind-speed classes defined as “Special” are
respect to the turbulence levels and wind speeds. This
also allowed with conditions that may be defined by the
has been accomplished by the regression of the
moments over V and I and by determining the short-
V = 17 m/s
term distributions, F(r|V,I), from the moments. As
Probability of exceedance of r
representation than Eq. 7 for the long-term distribution
might be to include turbulence intensity as a random
variable by integrating over both wind speed and
turbulence intensity as follows:
1E+0 0.24
I = 2.5/V (regression)
regression mean + 1 std dev
regression mean - 1 std dev
Probability of exceedance
Turbulence Intensity
1E-2 0.20 IEC-B
1E-4 0.16
IEC-A Turbulence Intensity
IEC-B Turbulence Intensity
1E-6 0.12
I assumed normal from data
Average I at each wind speed
1E-8 0.08
0 20 40 60 80 15 16 17 18 19
Flap bending moment range (kN-m) Wind speed (m/s)
(a) Flap-wise bending Figure 10 Lavrio site turbulence intensity as a function
1E+0 of wind speed, regression fits, and IEC
Category A and B definitions.
Probability of exceedance
Probability of exceedance
To review, the parametric load modeling proposed here
proceeds by (1) modeling loads by their statistical
moments µi (i=1,2,3) and (2) modeling each moment µi 1E-4
as a parametric function of V and I (Eq. 6). The
Deterministic Estimate
moment-based model in step (1) is in principle
independent of the turbine characteristics (although the
optimal choice among such models may be somewhat 95% Confidence Level
Probability of exceedance
trends had resulted from fewer samples, the resulting Energy Symp., at the AIAA Aerospace Sciences
95% confidence results would be correspondingly Mtg., Reno, Nevada, AIAA-2001-0046, January
higher than the mean results. Note also that, at least for 2001.
flap-wise loads, the conservatism induced by the IEC 2. McCoy, T. J., Malcolm, D. J., and Griffin, D. A.,
turbulence models exceeds that required to cover our “An Approach to the Development of Turbine
statistical loads uncertainty, based on the data at hand. Loads in Accordance with IEC 1400-1 and ISO
Of course, as noted earlier, this IEC conservatism may 2394,” A collection of the 1999 ASME Wind
be desirable to cover other sources of uncertainty. Energy Symp., at the AIAA Aerospace Sciences
Finally, we caution again that these long-term load Mtg., Reno, Nevada, AIAA-99-0020, January
results are intended for example purposes only; 1999, pp. 1-9.
accurate numerical values would require data across a 3. Ronold, K. O., Wedel-Heinen, J. and Christensen,
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turbine rotor blades,” Elsevier, Engineering.
SUMMARY Structures 21, 1999, pp. 1101-1114.
4. Veers, P. S. and Winterstein, S. R., “Application of
Fatigue load spectra are generated for arbitrary site Measured Loads to Wind Turbine Fatigue and
conditions (wind speed and turbulence intensity Reliability Analysis,” Journal of Solar Energy
distributions) by using parametric models to fit the Engineering, Trans. of the ASME, Vol. 120, No. 4,
short term load spectrum to the first three moments of November 1998.
the truncated rainflow range distributions and 5. IEC/TC88, 61400-1 Wind Turbine Generator
regressing the moments over wind speed and turbulence Systems – Part 1: Safety Requirements,
intensity. The spectra are generated to specified IEC International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),
conditions for wind speed Class and turbulence Geneva, Switzerland, 1998.
Category. The spectra are also generated for as- 6. IEC/TC88, Draft IEC 61400-13 TS, Ed. 1: Wind
measured scatter in the turbulence levels across all wind turbine generator systems – Part 13: Measurement
speeds. The comparison of the two approaches reveals of mechanical loads, 88/120/CDV, International
the level of conservatism that results from assumed Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Geneva,
high turbulence levels written into the current Switzerland, 1999.
standards. The selected confidence level can be 7. MOUNTURB, Load and Power Measurement
calculated using the statistics from regression analysis. Program on Wind Turbines Operating in Complex
Since the confidence interval depends on the Mountainous Regions, Volumes. I - III, Editor P.
uncertainty in the load characterization, it could provide Chaviaropoulos, Coord. A. N. Fragoulis, CRES,
a better margin of safety on the loads than can be RISO, ECN, NTUA-FS, published by CRES,
accomplished with an inflated turbulence level. The Pikermi, Greece, Nov. 1996.
parametric approach presented here illustrates how 8. Butterfield, S., Holley, B., Madsen, P. H. and
statistically based standards may be able to reflect the Stork, C., Report on 88/69/CD – Wind Turbine
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Golden, CO, Oct. 1997.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 9. Manuel, L., Kashef, T. and Winterstein, S. R.,
Moment-Based Probability Modelling and Extreme
The authors would like to extend a special debt of
Response Estimation The Fits Routine, Version 1.2,
gratitude to the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources
SAND99-2985, Sandia National Laboratories,
(CRES), Pikermi, Greece and especially to Fragiskos
Albuquerque, NM, Nov. 1999.
Mouzakis who found time in a busy schedule to supply
10. Lange, C. H., Probabilistic Fatigue Methodology
the portion of the MOUNTURB data set used in the
and Wind Turbine Reliability, SAND96-1246,
examples. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM,
efforts of LeRoy Fitzwater, of Stanford University, who
May 1996.
provided the uncertainty analysis described in the final
11. Nelson, D. V., and Fuchs, H. O., “Predictions of
section of this paper.
Cumulative Fatigue Damage using Condensed
REFERENCES Load Histories,” Fatigue under Complex Loading:
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